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For tillersons replacement, the president is tapping his cia chief, mike pompeo whom the president says will do a fantastic job and is on his same wavelength. While it appears the president wants someone at state who is in lock step with his agenda, that is not stopping criticism of todays surprise announcement. The top democrat, Chuck Schumer says the instability of this administration is about every area that weakens america. John roberts joins us from the north lawn. John . Im kicking myself, harris. As i was filling in for chris wallace, mike pompeo was our guest and i asked him every question except, oh, by the way, are you going to be named secretary of state on tuesday . Lesson learned. Were learning more about the tick tok and how this happened. The president made the decision last week and that on friday, chief of staff john kelly put in a phone call to Rex Tillerson who was traveling in africa at the time to tell him that the president was going to be making a change. Tillersons sources say he asked kelly if the president would wait until he returned before making the announcement. You dont want to be representing the United States and tell everybody before you meet them that you lost your job. So tillerson arrived back in town and not long after that, the president went ahead with the announcement. The president has been looking to get mike pompeo to the state department for quite a while. Rumors flying in october that tillerson wouldnt be hanging around long into the new year and this morning on the way to the helicopter for his trip to the border in california today, the president with nothing but praise for pompeo. Listen here. I respect his intellect, i respect the process that weve all gone through together. We have a very Good Relationship for whatever reason, chemistry, whatever it is, why do people get along . Right from the beginning from day one, ive gotten along well with mike pompeo. Frankly, i get along well with rex, too. I wish rex a lot of good things. He will be very happy. I think rex will be much happier now. But i really appreciate his service. But with mike, weve had a very Good Chemistry from the beginning. Reaction from capitol hill. You pointed it out from nancy pelosi. Its no wonder that the president has trouble attracting high caliber people to his administration when he undercuts and humiliates those he supposedly respects. Whenever tillersons successor goes into meetings, his credibility will be diminished as someone here today and gone today. Im told that the president made the decision now as a result of the announcement last thursday about his potential meeting with kim jongun. The president wanted a new team in place for any meetings, potential negotiations and as well since over the next nine months the president plans on restructuring trade deals. He got involved in that, the u. S. Secretary of state and the commerce department. But remember, harris, last october, when we were saying that tillerson probably wouldnt be here long into 2018 and the president ridiculed those of us reporting that saying fake news. Not so fake. Dont kick yourself too hard. Rex tillerson was asked whether or not he would resign. He said it was up to him. Turns out thats not the case either. Many people thought tillerson would take himself out. Something changed between late october, beginning of november. He wanted to stay on. The president didnt want him to stay on. We want you, john roberts. Thank you. The guy back there makes the decisions. Harris you just heard john talking about what the white house said on the timing of this. I want to bring in a special guest that knows the inner workings of the state department. Robert charles served as assistant secretary under george w. Bushs secretary and colon powell as secretary of state and a veteran of the first bush and reagan administration. Great to see you. I want to talk with you about the timing. The white house says when the opportunity came up last week to talk with kim jongun, that was informing the change in all of this. What are your thoughts about it . I think the president seeing that theres dangerous waters ahead and he wants a pilot at the ship of state that will be seeing the world the way he sees it, in particular north korea is one of those issues. I would add behind that very closely russian, china and iran. The iran agreement has to be decided to one extent in may. Russia is putting heavy pressure on this president. China just decided they have a ruler that can last forever. Its time for a new leadership. Pompeo is a great choice for that role. Harris you talk about iran. We were starting to learn more about the pushback reportedly from Rex Tillerson in terms of scrapping that nuclear deal that put so much cash in irans hands. Yeah. The way i look at this, Rex Tillerson was a great guy for the first year. Hes a steady hands, a company man. He created a degree of certainty. At the same time, mike pompeo is out of the box and an offthecharts smart guy. He was harvard law review a smart guy. Hes also a former captain in the army. He was a congressman. He knows hes got touch at the end of his finger tips and hes a very crisp thinker. The president is looking for that now. Sometimes you dont want incrementalism. You want a bold thinker that will match your own bold aspirations. Harris i want your idea about this, too. The criticism for Rex Tillerson and his brand of leading the state department was he kind of made it small. In some areas, we didnt have enough people. You know, i think Rex Tillerson was trying to follow the guidance of his president. At the same time, maybe because they dont see the world the same way, the way he went about doing that isnt the way that someone that would look at the world exactly the same way as President Trump would. I think pompeo is an individual that looks at the world with a very creative mind. Its easy in all fairness to get captured by the state department. It has its own way of looking at the world. The last thing in the world they want to do is go into a meeting with kim having not done what is supposed to be their job up front. The president said youre not going to get it done at the lower level. Get it done at the upper level and follow up with me and make real the promises that are made. This president has gotten more out of north korea than any president in 30 years. Reagan had them sign the npt, which they violated. But he had them sign it. This president has gotten unilaterally stopping missile launches and stopping the nuclear program. Frankly, if they violate that, there wont be any talks. God bless him. He start add process that nobody started in 30 years. This isnt the first time that weve seen somebody disposed of politically speaking in terms of being fired, i would say. In the 1980s, we saw it happen. Yeah. 1982, in july of 1982, Ronald Reagan summarily fired al haig. He brought in the very same minute george schultz. George schultz served the duration of that administration. Did a fantastic job. Saw the world i think very much the way Ronald Reagan did having worked for him in california. So you wants someone you can trust. Thats what the president is looking for. Harris i want to ask you about that, the congruence of thought and not just on the issues you said, russian, china, i ran. Theres other things coming up. They are. So when your yoked to the same principles, it makes the job easier. Its the same principles and might be the same instincts. I used to play hockey. When a center and a wing read each others minds, you get more goals. Thats what were talking about here. Harris can i ask you too as we look back, i dont remember it and you can correct me, being a big deal when a former president did this in the 1980s and fired his secretary of state. Why doesnt trump get so much push back in the media over this . Am i wrong about that . You are wrong in a way. Or youre right that we are witnessing a unique targeting of this president. What this president is doing is hes trying to lead boldly. When you lead boldly, you face resistance. Thats the nature of bold leadership. Winston churchill did it, Ronald Reagan did it. President trump is doing it. Harris robert charles, you did what my husband did. He tells me im wrong but im right. Had to. Thanks. So good to see you. Thanks for being here. Thank you. Harris now were learning more about the woman President Trump has nominated to take over the nations top spy agency. Gina haskell would have been the first female director of the cia. Will in fact if confirmed. National security con correspondent Jennifer Griffin is looking into this. And im told that gina haspel received the unbridaled support from multiple obama appointees when she was named Deputy Director last year. Theres very few authorized images of gina haspel. But when she came to the pentagon, she greeted the saudi crown prince. She sat two seat downs from secretary mattis. If confirmed, she will be the first woman to head the cia. She joined the cia in 1985, shes 61 years old. Over saw covert actions. She ran black site prison in thailand where top alquaida leaders were water boarded. She wrote a cable ordering the destruction of water boarding tapes in 2005. She did so as the chief of staff to former national clandestined service chief jose rodriguez. She oversaw the black side called cats eye where there was water boarding in 2002 along with the u. S. S. Cole bomber. Shes likely to face harsh interrogation from the Senate Intelligence committee from democrats like Dianne Feinstein that took haspel and others to task for destroying the water boarding tapes as they investigated torture allegations. Rights groups have responded with dismay. Saying gina haspel was a central figure and one of the most illegal and shameful chapters in modern history. She was up to her eyeballs in torture. She water boarded one man 83 times and locked in a coffinlike box. Michael hayden no fan was President Trump has defended haspel and others saying those black sites have to be seen in context. The Justice Department and president bush authorized the actions test. Cia thought they were facing another major attack in the way of 911, harris. Harris and were seeing on capitol hill, to bring politics in, theres a number of republicans that are coming to haspels side in terms of looking ahead to the confirmation process and supporting her. The context of the time is what you have given us and thats very important to keep all of this. Everybody was taking orders. Jennifer griffin, thanks very much. More reaction now to foxs top story and the challenges that mike pompeo could face in his confirmation hearing. Well talk about that end of the confirmation, too. Ill talk with a texas lawmaker that used to work for the spy agency next. And how Intel Committee republicans closing the door on their russia investigation. Clearing President Trump of any wrong doing. No collusion evidence they say. Democrats on the Committee Say not so fast amount live update on all of this. Stay close. We need to get our fbi and our intelligence agencies working on real problems and get them away from what theyre doing now, which is looks like spinning in circles. We spent 14 months looking for collusion and didnt find any. Your heart doesnt only belong to you. Bye grandpa. 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Theyre dispute ago key finding from the Intel Community that russian president putin favored then candidate donald trump during the election. President trump touted the news earlier today. Were very happy with the decision by the house Intelligence Committee saying there was no collusion with respect to russia and it was a very powerful decision. Harris as you can imagine, because weve seen duelling memos, democrats on the committee dont like the move. Ranking member adam schiff says this issue is far from over. The republicans on the committee viewed their job as protecting the president , not investigating what took place. Were going to continue to do the investigation. It will be much more difficult. Weve never had the power to call in witnesses. Doug mckelway live in washington with the latest. Doug . We still have not seen this majority report. It has to be scrubbed of classified material. Thats a process that could take weeks. We do know the conclusion, that neither candidate trump nor his campaign colluded with russia. Hes been under attack for a very long time saying that he colluded with russians. Hes been adamant that he didnt collude with the russians. We looked at it. We looked at it thoroughly. We interviewed everybody involved in the campaign and didnt find any collusions. Yes, the russians tried to interfere with our election process. They had cyber attacks, active measures going on. We could find no evidence of collusion between either campaign and the russians. That is not the view of house Intelligence Committee democrats. They were caught by surprise by the republicans released last night of this draft report findings. In a statement, adam shave said the report was an attempt to protect the president and not the country. Schiff did not directly dispute the republican finding of no russian collusion. Democrats are taking hard in what theyre interpreting as one gop defection in the Intelligence Committee, tom rooney of florida said that he believes there was a russian attempt to collude with the Trump Campaign, but also with the clinton campaign. I think that there was efforts to try to hurt hillary and help trump, but i think there was the opposite, too. I think their goal was to create mayhem so any candidate that they wanted they did believe hillary was going to win to have the person bloodied and weakened to use that in the future against us. Connecticut democratic senator Richard Blumenthal said it will be up to the Senate Intelligence committee to find the truth. These conclusions by the Intelligence Committee are completely lacking in credibility, actual support and trust. Now the committees of the United States senate have to do the job that the house Intelligence Committee has betrayed. We cant expect a minority record, just what forms it takes, a full blown report or a formal statement. We dont know. But there will be a profound division where Neither Party can find the slightest hint of agreement. The Inspector General report that is underway, harris, is something that cannot lead to an indictment by itself, but the information included in it can be used in any kind of criminal prosecution. Harris one more thing. You talk about the hallmark of this. Its the leaks out of the Committee Hearings as well. Doug mckelway, thanks very much. I want to talk with a member about that now. Texas republican will hurd, great to have him along. Thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me on. Absolutely. I want to start with what adam schiff said. He said the gob view the job of protecting the president and not getting to the truth. Im paraphrasing there. What are your thoughts of that . I ridiculous. Adam schiff hasnt even seen the draft report yet. This is frustrating about where we are, the inability to work on common things. We do agree on a lot of stuff. We agree that the russians tried to influence our elections and erode trust. If there was some evidence of collusion, theres so many leaks throughout this process. The press, the American People have seen a lot of this information and i dont think there was anything revealed that suggests that type of activity. Congressman hurd, it seems like the leaks were political. I wonder how in your environment on the hill do you bring about accountability or the that . That makes everybody look bad. Hit hurts everybody. I spent almost a year as an undercover officer in the cia. The good thing is, the men and the women and the cia and the fbi are hardworking professionals that dont follow any of the drama thats going on here in washington d. C. And go out and do their job and keep us safe. So im glad we know that continues to happen. But one of our roles of congress is to provide oversight. Oversight of the executive branch and oversight of one another as well. The amount of leaks, it was hard to get things done. The fact that we had to talk about a report that was weeks away from potentially being declassified so people can talk about it is not the way that this process should work. But the bottom line is, we spent over a year working on this issue and we need to transition now into working on developing a strategy to counter russian disinformation. We knew it would happen in 2018 and we have to make sure were inoculating ourselves to that in the future. Harris i want a fine point on it. The president tweeted about it. You found no collusion between the Trump Campaign and the kremlin. We can talk about russian meddling and how you thwart that. But when you look at this. Was the premise wrong from the beginning where there was some push for the kremlin for this president . He said all along, no. So have you proven him right on this . Well, what we had looked at and proven is that it wasnt credible intelligence that suggest the kremlin had an opinion one way or the other. I dont know what Vladimir Putins opinion was. I can make a case that Hillary Clinton would have won. That Hillary Clintons Foreign Policy would look a lot like barack obama Foreign Policy. Under barack obama Foreign Policy, the russians manipulated the grid of the ukraine and took over crimea. But in a narrow sense, the intelligence that was used to make that assessment was substandard and didnt go through went through a very atypical process. Harris all right. You said the russian meddling is being looked at and we can talk about that more when i bring you back. I went to get to this. Youre former cia. Now we have mike pompeo about to become potentially the secretary of state. Your reaction. I think mike pompeo is a great professional. He will be able to encourage the rank and file of our diplomatic core to get excited about their job. His learning curve is not going to be as steep. He already has relationships with some of these foreign leaders that hes going to be working on. Thats great. And elevating gina to the director is a good move as well. Her background, experience, shes smart, tough. She has the support of the rank and file and shes an ultimate professional and someone that will be great to helm that ship. Having continuity of leadership is important for the men and women in the cia in order to do the hard work that theyre tasked to do. Harris i saw a short while ago there was a list of gop members that said that they support her and coming out, the timing of that. You see this moving along quickly . Its hard to guess what our friends in the senate will do. I do dont quote me on this. But i think Dianne Feinstein said she was supportive of gina. That is a big deal. I heard that in the halls here in congress. So if that is indeed the case, that would portend that a confirmation process could be done in a swift way. But im sure theres going to be a lot of questions and gina is prepared. She knows her stuff. Im looking forward to working with her as the first female director of the cia. Harris all right. Your words, learning curve with mike pompeo not as steep. William hurd, we wanted to get you on the program for a while. Thank you very much. Appreciate your time. Its a pleasure. Lets do it again soon. All right. Hi stakes showdown for a house seat i almost said a hot seat i guess it is, too. In pennsylvania. Many analysts say this election. And President Trump said he made the decision to Rex Tillerson on his own and denied reports of any chaos on his team. Could there be more changes coming . Our Political Panel he weighin. Stay close. As far as Rex Tillerson is concerned, i very much appreciate his commitment, his service and i wish him well. 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The churn and turnover an constant reshuffling undo credibility and crust in american Foreign Policy as well as leadership of this nation. Harris joining us now, darrell issa. He sits on the House Foreign Affairs committee. So he would have something to say about a new secretary of state. Did you hear what blumenthals decisions are a total mystery. Of course they are. Theyre his decisions to make. And a democratic senator would have never supported either of these candidates but hes missing the most important point. Secretary of state tillerson has done a great job. But theres a pivot point going on. Mike pompeo as director of the cia and former westpoint, number 1 graduate, obviously a former congressman i served with and served on the Intelligence Committee is perfectly suited as we go into deal with negotiate with north korea and make sure that we have a confirmable deal. Something we dont have with iran. So sometimes the right skill set is needed. So now he will directly have a seat at the table as the president tries to take a 70yearold problem and fix it. Harris wow. I like the way you put that, a confirmable deal, something we dont have with iran. We have all the side deals. I dont think people on the hill have seen in whats in those things. Yeah, we dont have that with iran. We have to have a very verifiable deal that we know will be adhered too. Congressman, you talked about a pivot. What is the pivot this particular president is making with regard to Foreign Policy . Hes making an economic decision that we saw last week and the week before with secretary ross and with saying enough of steel dumping from china. You dust off the old bucks. What you discover is cato and other libertarian groups and local corporations were angry at Ronald Reagan at a similar time as he put sanctions on electronic goods, steel and other areas because he saw dumping in an era not that long ago to some of us. So when you dust it off, what you realize is, Foreign Policy and reagan had some very successful Foreign Policy, Economic Policy and reagan had successful Economic Policy, includes periodically pushing back on those that would undermine critical strategic areas of our economy in which we are competitive if given a free and fair market chance. So that becomes whats going on. You need a team that supports the president s vision of commission fairness, verifiable deals with countries that have been bad actors and if they want to come back into the mainstream and the president s support for the world that can afford to pay their fair share like nato paying their fair share. Thats where director mike pompeo, hes really prepared. As the number 1 graduate of westpoint, one of the things he saw in his early days is the fact that we protected europe at our expense. When you see each of those areas, hes the right man at the right time. The president appropriately thanked secretary tillerson for getting us where we are. Where we have to go, hes picked and excellent individual just as secretary wilbur ross is the right guy to understand how we make sure we keep our basic industries that are being attacked by dumping. Harris its interesting ho you bring together and the pivot youre explaining, you bring together the foreign with the economic with this president and how it works out. I know the president is headed to talk about prototypes for the wall. But obviously this will dominate the conversation. I want to let everybody know that in about 25 minutes or so, were expecting to hear directly from Rex Tillerson. He will make an oncamera statement in the press Briefing Room. Before i let you go, talk to me a little bit about the wall and what youll be doing with the president when he lands. The president is going to see these prototypes and hes going to see them. Theyre a backdrop to an existing wall that was built, began being biltmore than 20 years ago that has made san diego the safest large city on the mexican border. We have a series of walls and fences from which appropriately theyre drawing some of these prototypes and the president will see that. He will see what works on the Tijuanasan Diego border. He will look at these and symbolically hes going to say lets do for america what we did for san diego under congressman duncan hunters leadership some years ago. I want to mention, then hes going to move to miramar where well see challenges that our marines are facing with the aging aircraft and the f18s that have exceeded by 50 what was supposed to be the retirement dates. Hes doing important things related to national defense. Not just defense by obviously with our marines and the men and women that gout of 0 go out of harms way. And miramar, top gun, and the planes they have not been replaced since the movie. Thanks, congressman issa. Now we have a live look at the lectern where we expect to see Rex Tillerson as he exits the state department. Our first oncamera statement from him that he will deliver and well carry that live here on fox news channel. Remember, our sources are telling us and the white house has confirmed that he knew friday that this was coming. So we will get to hear a little bit probably of the timing of it all and Rex Tillersons exiting words. Keep it here on fox. Only invisalign® clear aligners are made with smarttrack® material to precisely move your teeth to your best smile. See how invisalign® treatment can shape your smile up to 50 faster today at invisalign. Com but he hasoke up wwork to do. In. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. He gets the best deal on the Perfect Hotel by using. 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This is the press Briefing Room inside the state department that youre looking at on the left side of the screen. Were watching that. What will he say about his departure . What will he say about what is coming next . Cia director mike pompeo is the president s choice to move on with the secretary of states position. Well bring it to you live as it happens. All eyes now on pennsylvania and the special election happening there today. Voters in pittsburgh are casting their ballots for the u. S. House seat. Polling shows a tight race with connor lamb and rick saccone. Many political observers are looking at this as a bellwether a sign for the midterms to come. Lets bring in the former republican gore, tom corber. Great to see you. Talk about the tightening of this race. My social media might inform us, people are wondering who is the republican . Should they be confused . Well, a lot of confusion going on out here, harris. Thanks for having me on. Some of the confusion is people dont know that you have to be living in the 18th Congressional District to vote. From what im hearing, we have people going to the polling places in the 17th district and other places and not getting a chance to vote. So we start with confusion. Its an interesting race. I think its going to be an unset win for representative saccone. People say why . And this is a 50plus democratic district. Yes, President Trump won the district but that was in a different time. President trump enjoyed the support of labor. Our congressman that was here before, congressman murphy enjoyed the support of labor. I dont thing that representative saccone does. Mr. Lamb comes from a family that is wellknown Democrat Family here in Allegheny County in pittsburgh. Hits grand father was a wellknown state senator. Won of his members is in the cityelected government. Hes an attractive candidate. Mr. Saccone is attractive. But you have a district that is very broad geographically, very diverse. You go from the suburbs of pittsburgh to the coal patches of green and Fayette County to the Agricultural Farms of washington county, a very diverse area. Harris sure. When you talk about coal and agriculture, those are areas where the president really resonated with voters there. He was just there over the weekend to support rick saccone. You say theres two areas to watch. Which ones and why are they important . Well, theres two townships that we watched all the time when i ran for office to see what the turnout is. One township is located in Westmoreland County to the east of pittsburgh. Thats hempfield township. One township south of pittsburgh in washington county. Petsers township. Those are bellwether townships for the turnout. Mr. Saccone needs good turnout and good results from that area in order to be successful. He can be successful. Its going to be a tough race. Its interesting. As a former governor to hear you manage expectations. That is what governors do sometimes. This really comes to turnout. So youve given us those areas to watch. Why is this a bellwether for other elections across the country . You mean these communities . The two communities . Just penn 18 and in general, the special election. Well, its kind of interesting. I dont know that i may disagree with pundits about a bellwether. Both of these individuals do not reside in what would be the future districts if the decision is upheld. They would be in two different districts and running against different people. So its unique. Its not as if this is for two years. As you go back to last year, there were four races in congress. I think the republicans won all four of those. This i think democrats are putting a great deal of hope into it, rightfully so. This is a democrat registered district. Its interesting to hear you say that. The president , by the way, says hes 50 for these special elections. Most recently. So well see how this goes. He was just there. He talked steel and coal and a whole bunch. For governor of pennsylvania corbett, thank you. We appreciate your time. Thanks for having me on. Harris the big breaking news. Rex tillerson outgoing of the secretary of state. Fired in a tweet by the president and replaced in a tweet by the president. What will he say when he steps up to the lectern shortly. Stay close. Guys, i know its so hard to trust but youve got to be strong. Remember janet . She got cash back shopping with ebates and hasnt been skeptical since. Whered the money come from . Stores pay ebates. Psh psh then ebates pays you. Psh psh psh psh psh psh psh psh psh and theyll send you a check. Psh oohh sign up for free. Shop your favorite stores. Get cash back. Ebates. Something to believe in. Join today for a 10 bonus. Dana hi, everyone. Im dana perino. Rex tillerson will speak at the top of the hour at the state department after being fired by President Trump in a tweet this morning. The president is still in the air enroute to california to tour some border wall prototypes. Well have reaction from our own bret baier, karl rove and senator tom cotton among others. You dont want to miss what tillerson has to say coming up moments from now on the daily briefing. Harris well get to that as soon as it happened. Right now, we have david avella. You joined us on outnumbered. Handicap this for me, david. Youve been let go. You knew on friday, reports say, and the white house has confirmed. Took a few days. The president came out with a tweet. What do you say . Thanks for allowing me to serve the country. I appreciate the service for the president and honor our country and move on. Harris was this a surprise . I dont think it was a surprise to tillerson. Weve been talking about this for month. But it happened monday morning after Tuesday Morning after he got back from a long trip. Thats just not the way you do things. You give people an opportunity to know that its coming, give the staff an opportunity. You dont kick people out like this. Harris one of his aides was fired because they put out a statement that was counter to what the the white house was saying. Theres much Coverage Today suggesting that theres chaos in the white house and more will come. Every time ive been in the white house, the team is very organized. They are disciplined in promoting the president s agenda. Thats not to say everybody is on the same page. There is disagreement. But where people get themselves in trouble is when theyre out there promotele promoting a policy different from the president. When you get pushed out, when youre not supporting the president s agenda, which is what happened here. Harris do you agree theres a certain way to do this . In my book, you move on. They had a conversation with him on friday. Im confused. Do you agree . We dont know all the dynamics. We dont know what happened. Harris what do we need to go . Is the second state going to push the president s policies. With mike pompeo youll get that. Harris michael . Ive been very critical of the president for policy reasons. This goes towards government institutions, how the president should act, how administrations should respond. Its just unprofessional. I dont think our allies can be comfortable harris quick last word. Theres no good way to get fired. Time to move on. Harris that was quick. What were watching today is that Rex Tillerson has been replaced for the president in terms of how he wants to see things go forward. The panel today joining me, well keep it short because we want to get to that as soon as it happens. Those remarks any moment from the normer secretary of state Rex Tillerson. Stay close. The best simple dishes ever . Great tasting, hearthealthy california walnuts. So simple, so good. Get the recipes at walnuts. Org. Its ok that everyone ignores its fine. Drive. Because i get a safe driving bonus check every six months im accident free. And i dont share it with mom right, mom . Righttt. Safe driving bonus checks. Only from allstate. Switching to allstate is worth it. Harris hes the outgoing secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. Were told from the white house that he was informed on friday that he would be losing his job. Then today we learned about it. The world together as the president told us who would be his replacement for his preference. Rex tillerson is expected to speak live on camera at that lectern inside the state department in moments. Im harris. Heres dana. Dana fox news alert. Rex tillerson about to make a statement after President Trump announced he was being replaced. The president announced cia director mike pompeo to take his place. Hello. Im dana perino and this is the daily briefing. Rich edson, a busy day at the state department. Yes, very busy. And here that started quite early. The secretary of state for the first time, were going to hear from Rex Tillerson about this. The secretary of state supposedly found out about this on friday. Thats according to the white house. There was push back on that. This is from undersecretary Steve Goldstein that told us the secretary had every intention of remaining because of the progress on National Security issues. The secretary did not speak to the president and is unaware of the reason. Hes grateful for the opportunity to serve and Still Believes strongly that Public Service is a noble calling and not to be regretted. The verse that the state department and some officials here have put out is that the secretary of state spoke while he was traveling in africa with john kelly friday night. It was still unclear what was going to happen today. And then this morning, the secretary found out and firmly found out that the president was going to fire him after the president had sent out that tweet. We havent heard directly from the secretary of state and were going to do that any minute now. Im sure that is one of the top questions that he will take if he takes questions. The president mentioned this morning on the south lawn of the white house there were policy differences between him and his secretary of state. The president mentioned the iran nuclear deal. That was one

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