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Emily hello, this is outnumbered, im Emily Compagno here with Kayleigh Mcenany and joining us today fox news contributor, lisa boothe, host of Tomi Lahren Is Fearless and fox knews contributor tomi lahren joe concha. Backlash on the ruling against donald trump and his new york fraud case. The judges unprecedented ruling will bloom to 468 million, making damages greater than the Gross National product of some countries. Critics note the massive sum is without a single lost dollar from a victim. Tad excessive . Jonathan turley thinks so, writing in laying foundation for his sweeping decision, the judge observed this is not a mortal sin. At 355 million, one would think the judge had found trump to be the source of original sin and trump is on the same page. There were no victims, no defaults, no damages, no complaints, nothing. This is election interference by Crazed Lunatic attorney general. She is a lunatic working close we with a very bad judge. Emily tomi, what do you think of all that and what is going to happen with voters because of this . Tomi trump base will galvanize, his base gets stronger and more enthusiastic and passionate. I have long worried about independent voters, i worry some will get fatigue of the circus and drama. As much as he wants to talk about it and has every right, the American People need to see how their lives are suffering and need someone to give solution to that. It is one thing to say were screwed and another thing to say im screwed and that is what hes been saying. He has to touch on both, having to walk a fine line with that, i will also say that donald trump still out there with this campaigning and hes got more passion and thuz yachl, our current president takes a vacation every weekend, can mayorly muster strength to go to East Palestine a year later. The former president went a year ago. What do voters want in november . Emily friday night i shared an elevator with a woman in new york city and got a Noteific Protefst was coming around the corner. I said there was a levied against trump. She said that be a celebration. Trump sources and other businesses sources say there will be chill factor on businesses headquartered here. Kevin oleary sounding the alarm. What is to celebrate about a judgement that has negative impact on the economy of the city and state . Lisa these people clearly hate trump more than they love america. By the time they get him, what will be left of the country . Think of the damage threats of democracy people have done trying to get him . No one values an election. There was covid with mailin balloting, no one trusts the rule of law anymore, it doesnt exist. Media debased itself lying about donald trump. People dont trust the system, they have broken it to try to get donald trump. New york will end up bankrupting itself trying to bankrupt trump. Top 1 of taxpayers pay for 42 of tax receipts. They are losing millionaires. This will drive people away. Who is crazy enough to do business in the state of new york and clearly Governor Hochul has concerns about that. She tried to dispel concerns saying this is specific to trump. People are smarter than that and it will drive billionaires and rich people away and decent americans away. Emily New York Post call it teric. It is not worth the victory. Lisa says it will drive business,a way, no pun intended there are truckers for trump refusing to drive into the state. One of many truckers wrote, i believe in god and i stand with trump, trump stands for me. Truckers for trump is real. He said as a commercial truck driver, i will no longer drive into this state while this is happening. The comments, thank you for being a trupatriot, we have to push back against the ones trying to destroy our country. I cant help but underline that is how everyone is perceiving this abomination of the crime that had no victim. Joe you brought up this could bankrupt the city. The city has 4. 3 billion Budget Shortfall and businesses pay high taxes, they are out of here. They are going to tennessee. They are going to florida and texas and going to not come back and you know what goes with them . Tax revenue. This will bankrupt the state. You want to celebrate, you got donald trump, it is a shortterm victory. This is weaponization of the Justice System and could be the type of thing that destroys new york instead of saves it. Emily we keep saying unprecedented, walk us through how it is. Kayleigh yeah, Leticia James and alvin bragg, do the facts match the law . As prosecutor you have prosecutorial discretion. Has a case like this been prosecuted before . Make determination whether it is equitable and just. Simple fraud case, our brain room looked and they found, im not fending example of Arrest Conviction for Inflating Value of real estate without a victim. Associated press looked at 70 such cases and found penalty has been imposed dozen times. Trumps case stands apart. There is not an obvious victim. Civil fraud. Move to alvin bragg, coming in march, the hush money case. New york times, no friend of donald trump, New York Times and New York State prosecutors have never before filed an election law case, but you do with donald trump. With colorado, two such cases in history and they were confederates and that is before we get to maine. No wonder the American People look, different cases, different fact patterns, one commonality targeting one man. This is not how the Justice System is supposed to work. Emily Martha Maccallum pointed out the contrast, in a civil ruling over fraud with no victims. She pointed out the o. J. Simpson case, two lives were worth 30 million. East palestine, ohio, destroying a city and everything that comes with it, less than this . I think it is obvious. Coming up, democratic anxiety running higher and higher over President Bidens reelection bid. Stay with us. Veteran homeowners, car payments are getting out of control. Get a newday 100 va cash out loan at lower Mortgage Rates to pay off those high rate car loans. I brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. Ugh. Here, ill take that. Woo hoo ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. And a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. Nexium 24hr prevents Heartburn Acid before it begins. Get allday and allnight Heartburn Acid prevention with just one pill a day. Choose acid prevention. Choose nexium. Believe it or not baby. You could earn your. Masters. For under 11 thousand masters degree for under 11k in less than a year. Earn your competency based masters at university of phoenix. 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And its yours free just for calling, so call now for free information. Heres why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Kayleigh President Bidens party is starting to have doubts about his run for a second term. 48 of voters think he will be replaced as democratic nominee. One lawmaker is telling her con constituents not to vote for the president , a mutiny among progressives. Mark mered ith is at the white house. The congresswoman you are talking about is rashida tlaib, a vocal critic of President Bidens Foreign Policy as it wages war against hamas and member of the socalled squad. She made news when she told supporters in michigan, not to support the president in the president ial primary. We feel negligented and unseen by the government. If you want us to be louder, come Vote Uncommit said there are no major challengers to t. Biden easily won the primary in South Carolina earlier this month and tomorrow heads to california to raise money for his reelection bid. Axios says there is a chance to overcome or neutralize concern about the president s age and democrats admit age will be an issue after that. President biden will have to go out and litigate this election. His age will be an issue. He will be able to run on the domestic accomplishments he has had and economy Getting Better everyday. Whether or not the American People will stand with the Economic Forecast is yet to be seen, unemployment is low, 3. 7 , but inflation still out there and families are feeling that. Kayleigh no doubt. Thank you. Tomi, it strikes me that those around biden seem to know there is a problem, john fabro, an obama aide, he was out speculating if the party would be better. And discussion of his age circulating. I bring that up because this is curious to me, politico playbook, everyone seems to be worried except the biden campaign. Nearly any recommendation to change course is met with a pat on the head and thanks for the advice, kiddo. They have been doubted over and over again. That assessment is not shared across the broader democratic coalition. What is in the water . Obviously, a lot of ego goes along with President Joe Biden and has been for quite sometime, not just special to joe. Older people dont want to be told they cannot do the job anymore. You have to put the United States first. As far as people saying we have concerns about age, they have always been concerned, they were concerned in 2020. Now they do not have cover, what do they do . They are dropping bread crumbs, i dont think anybody, i am not convinced joe biden will be the nominee. They have to breadcrumb is per their actual plan and i dont think anybody believes that joe biden will be able to hold on if the forces that be tell him it is time to go. It is time to go. Kayleigh and pop culture forces, charlamagne the god had this to say about the president , he is not impressed. He should be the brains of the operation behind the scenes. He has no main character energy, none. I dont think it has to do with age, everything to do with him. Donald trump is four years, three years younger than President Biden, comes off a lot more useful with a lot more energy. I say this about them, donald trump seems more sincere about his lies than joe biden does about his truth. Kayleigh pretty brutal, lisa. Lisa how could anybody be enthusiastic about joe biden when he can barely string messages together. Joe biden won michigan by 154,000 in 2020 and michigan has the largest arab pop lagsz population. That matters in the state of michigan and she opposes him not over the age issue, but the issue with israel. This opposition from the arab population, Muslim Population in the United States could sway elections. Kayleigh, you have worked on campaigns, i have, campaigns are won on the margins and it will matter in michigan. Kayleigh if it becomes a progressive mutiny and it could. I want to juxtapose these two together. Talk of Kamala Harris, trying to revolutionize who she is. I am interested in reinvention. Alexei navalny dies and she speaks before joe biden speaks and this cnn piece that is out and no doubt planted by her team. Inside Kamala Harris quiet effort to breakthrough biden bu bubble, conversations with harris have been a surprising and Welcome Change after months of Feeling Slofed off by the biden campaign. She met with six governors last week, this is reinvented Kamala Harris. Joe a re, re, re, re, reinvented Kamala Harris, 9. 0 as far as the version, iphone 15 of politicians. You cant put Toothpaste Back in the tube. Joe biden is too far long and Kamala Harris is not ready to take on the presidency right now. She has a record to run on, the guilty thingul caed the border. When she speaks there is an Authenticity Problem like with Hillary Clinton and mitt romney. They can plant stories, people have made up their mind about her already and they do not like the prospect that she is the next president of the United States. Kayleigh you went where i hoped you would go. She has to shore up her image, if he falters, she is standing in the wings, and he continues to have moments like this. Watch joe biden. President biden the idea well walk away from ukraine, the idea well let nato split is totally against the interest of the United States of america and against our word we have given all the way back to eisenhower. About time we make sure Congress Come home and pass the Legislation Funding and nato. Kayleigh he meant to say nato, this is why Kamala Harris is at munich and meeting with king ubdullah. Emily his word rings hollow considering we abandoned our in afghanistan. I want to make two points, though, about the democrats and republicans. Number one is that to the democrats, it is about strategy and you mention former obama Speech Writer and he was quoting and said challenge we dont know, is it riskier to have someone less known come and take bidens place . Contrast that, the largest percentage of people who voted for trump, they reported they voted for trump because he fights for people like me. There is commitment that Trump Supporters have to him and for democrats it is all about chess on a chess board as they play with peoples lives. There are more people, more biden voters who have concerns about his mental acuity than there are Trump Supporters who have concerns about a criminal conviction. End of the day, those willing or might flee biden is greater than those who would consider leaving trumps side. Kayleigh no doubt. This evening i will be guest hosting for sean hannity, join me. Senator josh hawley will be on and tomi lahren and joe concha. And of course, the big legal news as we await a ruling from the Supreme Court on the Immunity Case with donald trump. A lot on sean hannity tonight. Join me. New National Security concerns as chinese nationals flood the border by the hundreds. Look at that. I hear it all the time. People tell me theyd love to buy gold. But because its gold they think it must be complicated. It isnt. Not with Rosland Capital. With rosland. 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What is the latest in jacumba. We are in Border Patrol sector seeing 100 to 200 chinese crossing everyday. This video we shot in jacumba, dozens of Illegal Immigrants waiting off interstate eight, some from china, turkey and other middle east countries, many camped out here waiting Border Patrol to arrive. Listen. Where are you from . Turkey. Where are you from . Ecuador. Where are you guys from . China. China . China. What city in the u. S. Do you want to go to . Oh, los angeles. Los angeles, l. A. . Los angeles, okay. Over the weekend fox news cameras witnessed hundreds crossing into jacumba, almost all single adults. This is not normal, the number of chinese are exploding through the roof. Cbp says in the last four and a half months since october 1, 20,000 chinese encountered, that is up almost 4000 . It is not just chinese out here, there are men from the middle east. Griff jenkins ran into men from syria yesterday. Take a listen. Syria. English . So, so. Why are you coming to the u. S. , why come . We love america. And we need a nice life. Coming for jobs . Yeah, a nice job, because our country very and guys ive respondent time in texas and texas is trying to lock down their border. Different vibe in california, no razor wire, no shipping containers, california is a Sanctuary City and no resistance down here. Emily thank you. Bring it to the couch. No shoes, no shirt, no problem. Like a big global block party. The joke is on us and we are stuck with the tab is that a Fast Times At Ridgemont High Quote . I thought that was Kenny Chesney album. Joe how many reporters give updates with real facts and numbers not just around people coming from central america, but from syria and middle east and china. This is a fullblown catastrophe and the fact somewhere between we dont know the number, the gotaways number is something you cant calculate, look at Eight Million coming into the country ille illegally since joe biden took office, more than the total population of 38 states. God forbid if there is a Terror Attack and they came through the u. S. Southern border, that is impeachable and removable offense for this president and administration. We hope it doesnt happen, remember before 9 11, if we had connected the dots and saw these people were coming in taking flight lessons. The dots are in bill melugins report and the media doesnt give a damn. Emily tip of the sphere is fentanyl. We have reports from bill melugin in one smugglers vehicle, 720,000 Fentanyl Pills seized from the trunk. Kayleigh and americans die at the end of the Fentanyl Pills. 450 chinese encounters in 2021 and more than 20,000 since the fall. China is invading via tiktok, buying land holdings, scary prospect. Axioses President Biden is doing State Of The Union as a reset. Interesting, i thought he lacked power to stop what was happening, fascinating to see how it plays out, it is needed, three years too late. Emily how do you reset all the damage done in three years with one speech. Lisa you cant, you have to get rid of joe biden. Three points, walls work. Texas decided to put up razor wire, now seeing shift to california. These people are not seeking asylum, they are seeking jobs, they just told you. Last point i fear we will see a Terrorist Attack in the United States, saw the fbi director warn about this. People from syria, china, throughout the world not coming because they love america, they are coming to do harm. Tomi i would say how out of touch our leaders are, they are crying about ukraine funding and we have thousands from around the world coming in per day. Not only are we at risk of a Terror Attack, think about who we are funding, people coming from china, not swimming over here. Somebody is paying for them to come over and paying criminal organizations. We are funding the organization doing harm globally, we are crying about the border of another country. We need to see this and understand ramifications of this. Joe biden wants to put a bow on this, now is a great time to do something about it when future voters already here. Emily up next, new president ial rankings that prays reagan and trump below biden. Theres Nothing Better than a subway series footlong. Except when you add on an all new footlong sidekick. Were talking a 2 footlong churro. 3 Footlong Pretzel and a five Dollar Footlong cookie. Every Epic Footlong deserves the perfect sidekick. Order one with your favorite subway series sub today. I love your dress. Oh thanks i splurged a little because Liberty Mutual customized my Car Insurance and i saved hundreds. Thats great. 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Abe lincoln ranked first, fair, and obama 17th and biden came in 14th, beating Ronald Reagan who came in 17th and donald trump last. They are avery tower elites. Lisa history can be written. This list is bogus, Everybody Knows obama is not that high, he was a terrible president. Just my thought bubble. You dont know what is going on in here, its a lot. The president is not supposed to have this much power. The constitution granted limited authority. I hope we go back to a government where the president has less power and go back to time where the people hold the power and not the people in charge. We the people. Kayleigh i saw this disconnects, we had scholars from right and left and i was there in 2016 and 2015 and it was different from the feeling you got on the ground. Talk reality and bring in gallup, joe concha. During President Bidens third full year in office, january 2023 to january 19th, 38 of americans approved, only jimmy carter fared worse. Joe jimmy carter was last oneterm democratic president , right . Lisa god willing, get him out. Joe i was walking in here gingerly, i broke two ribs after seeing these rankings. Ronald reagan, who brought us peace and prosperity and only his administration brought down the soviet union, ranked lower than President Biden. The world seems like it is on fire because it is and all the crime, you rank him above reagan . This hurts literally. Kayleigh it does. Axios echoed that joe biden brought in historians and talked about dreams of being a great question, questioned them on his plan and said, i know fdr, dot, dot, dot. Emily underscore how important bidens legacy is to him. He is that Self Grandizing and has a my optic view and only cares what is written in paper. It is obviously going to be white washed. There is reality mainstream media, this administration, Obamas Administration tail lights want you to feel and reality every american feels and they feel it at the Grocery Store and gas pump and everyday with impending doom. They can poll whatever cronies they want, five of them at the lunch table, listen to real americans. Tomi based on what do we have bidens greatness . He got up, walked somewhere, went on vacation . The ego that drives this man is same ego, he finished his Press Conference and left and game back in and made another gaffe, same ego that propels this president. It is powers that be, the dnc, maybe obama says it is time to hang it up and he will hang it up, legacy be damned. Kayleigh can you achieve greatness from a lawn chair in delaware . Well find out. More outnumbered in a moment. Pain hits fast. So get relief fast. Only Tylenol Rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release Medicine Fast for fast pain relief. 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So call now for free information, and youll also get this free beneficiary planner. And its yours free just for calling, so call now for free information. Heres why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Louisiana governor jeff landry declares State Of Emergency over shortage of Police Officers in his state. Leo terrell will react to both stories. Truckers announcing they will refuse to drive to new york city after the Civil Fraud Trial ruling against former President Donald Trump. What does this mean for the new york economy . Dynamic duo are here, join john roberts and me top of the hour. Emily democrats seem desperate to make up lost ground with black voters. Recent gallup poll finds the lead shrunk 20 over past three years. Vice president Kamala Harris came up with one idea. What we have done to pardon Tens Of Thousands of people for simple Marijuana Possession under federal law. Frankly nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed, right . These are things we have done that i think resonate with young people, with black voters, young black men. And there is more to do. Emily if that coming from the Vice President did not sound insulting, new york Congressman Jamal Bowman has a plan of his own, hiphop power and Justice Task Force to the rescue. According to bowman, it is time for hiphop to have a greater impact on policy. This is about addressing injustice in our society. It is time to organize formally and bring into the halls of congress the power and the transformative nature of hiphop culture. Make sure the Hiphop Community has a seat at the table to work on federal policy. Emily i have no words, i know you do. Lisa it does matter when you see celebrity endorse people, whatever genre it is. It matters. You saw taylor swift got 35,000 people to register to vote, there is power in that. Donald trump said to black people what the hell do you have to lose . Mpel found out a lot under joe biden. I hope donald trump can convince voters to turn to them, u. S. A. Today poll had him souring on joe biden but not convinced, he needs to give them a reason to vote for him. Emily it is true and unrelated having celebrities and voices are surrogates, sure, what i find insulting is being shoved in a box and told this music must have effect on historic lows of black and hispanic voters and length this administration goes to curry them by ways that are deeply offensive. Offensive and if were looking to hiphop music to be the remedy, not sure that is place to start modern day hip hop. Part of what jamal bowman was talking about was inequity from healthcare. I do listen to hip hop. The lyrics, i would say by large talk a lot about drugs and violence and sexualizing women, not sure that is place to go for inspiration. Nice thought, maybe clean it up when it comes to lyrics or go back to more wholesome times. Emily if you want more voters to vote for you, change your policy, nothing to do with your message. If you want people to benefit from healthcare, change the policy and everything you are doing and then more voters will vote for you. Dont assume black men will vote for you because you will stop prosecuting for marijuana prosecution. Kayleigh id like a place at the table for country music. Smart to tap into music and tiktok, u. S. A. Today article cites one in five voting third party, that is enough to doom a joe biden candidacy. Joe doom and gloom, congress is popular like gas station sushi. This is what they are talking about. Emily and fire alarms is what they are pulling. More outnumbered in just a moment. Joe well done. Veteran homeowners, with inflation on the march, heres a great way to get your Monthly Payments under control. Call newday while credit card rates can be 22 or more Mortgage Rates at newday are a fraction of those rates. With one easy lower Monthly Payment the newday 100 va cash out loan lets you pay off your highrate debt. And you can save 500 a month. Nobody takes care of veterans like newday usa. Icy hot. Ice works fast. Heat makes it last. Feel the power of contrast therapy. So you can rise from pain. Icy hot. From pep in their step to shine in their coats, when people switch their dogs food to the farmers dog, the effects can seem like magic. But theres no magic involved. dog bark its just smarter, healthier pet food. Its amazing what real food can do. Lakesha Childhood Cancer is its a long road. Its hard. But st. Jude has gotten us through it. St. Jude is hope that you have a chance at life. And it goes such a long way for every child diagnosed with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. Its awesome. [music playing] last but not least, former President Donald Trump unveiled his new line of 400 Signature Sneakers over the weekend, and they sold out almost immediately. Here is what he had to say. You are all sneaker heads, you are sneaker heads, right . Does everybody in the room consider themselves a sneaker head . I think so. They love it and they love what we have done. Thats the real deal. Thats the real deal. I love them, they are dope. Very smart. The website says its not political, nothing to do with a political campaign. That being said, what a contrast, trump is out there being creative and nimble, and biden is in the lawn chair, what a contrast. He could have some orthopedic sneakers any day now, but nobody prdzs like donald trump does. There is nobody who can move merch like donald trump. Ive never seen joe biden merchandise, nikki haley has tried and failed. You see Joe Biden Dark biden, yeah, whatever it is, and does not sell, its lame. Right . I think these are cool, i like the american flag, i feel they might be a little hard to walk in but i dont know if you walk in these kinds of shoes, they are probably more just to have as like a keepsake thing. Although 399 is kind of pricey. I love they look back to the future, the high top pumps. Another 1980s reference, good job. I didnt know there was a sneakercon, all i know is trump went into philadelphia and got cheers, its a blue blue blue blue city. You know i love everything with gold. Thanks to everyone, you are gold to us. Dont forget to dvr when you cant watch and here is america reports. He was targeted. When Letitia James and alvin

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