We wanted to say thank you for all the work you have done and all the work you will continue to do on the days o ahead. I was on the phone with more than 5,000 volunteers all across america. Every state and territory across this land. We already have the largest Grassroots Campaign in american history, and we are going to secure 2 million volunteers before election day. It really is about electing this president for four more years but its also about an agenda. An agenda that made america prosperous. More ever before for this great Global Pandemic struck our nation, more americans were working than ever before. We were setting records in this economy left and right. And in the midst of this pandemic has all speak about wednesday night, the leadership of this president of the compassion of the American People shone forth. And we will continue to work every day until we put this coronavirus in the past, and when we reelect President Donald Trump, remember, its going to be four more years. That means more jobs, four more years means more judges, four more years means more support for our troops and our cops. And its going to take at least four more years to drain that swamp. In so men and women of the Republican National convention, its on. [cheers and applause] now is the time. This is the moment. For each of us to do everything that we can and our power to reelect this president and this team for four more years. But lets also do our part to reelect and elect republicans up and down the ballot. Looks reelect the republican majority in the United States senate, and lets make sure that leader Kevin Mccarthys speaker. Kevin mccarthy and a new republican majority in the United States house of representatives. [cheers and applause] so weve all got work to do, and i know youre up to the task. I saw the way this party, this movement led our nation back in 2016, and i just know each and every one of you are going to do your part this year to reelect this president and elect and reelect republicans of strong, sound, conservative principles every day. As you know i heard the other day that democracy is on the ballot. It been think we all know the economy is on the ballot. Online order is on the ballot. Our most cherished ideals of freedom and free markets are on the ballot. Thats why we need four more years of President Donald Trump in the white house. So im going to slip away because i have a feeling somebody else will be here before too long. And as i said, ill have more to say about the action that you took today come wednesday night at fort mchenry. And i mean to tell you, its the greatest honor of my life to be your Vice President , and im going to work my heart out to be your Vice President for four more years. And im absolutely convinced that if all of us do all that we need to do between now and november 3rd, if we organize, if we mobilize, if we hit the phones, if we get the doorsteps, if we do our part in every state in every territory of this country, we are going to elect and reelect Republican Leaders all across this land. We are going to reelect President Donald Trump for four more years, and with your continued support and with gods help, we are going to make America Great again. Again. Thank you all very much. Its an honor to be with you today. And god bless the Republican Party and god the United States of america. [cheers and applause] harris the Vice President of the United States giving a speech at the Charlotte Convention center right now and as he said, his friend, the president , donald trump is getting ready to head there, and we have a split screen for you now so you dont miss any of the action of the Republican NationalCommittee Convention and air force one which is on the ground now in charlotte, North Carolina. We have yet to see the president emerge and when he does, we are told he will leave the airport for the Convention Center, socially distance they are. You see the crowd inside the Convention Center and that what we are anticipating is for the roll call to continue. They skip the president s home state of florida which is traditional, and what we would like to watch now is if they bring florida back to be what puts him over the top. He is shy of the 1276 votes he needed. Lets watch the roll call. Nevada, 25 delegates with the following delegates. 25, President Trump. Madam secretary, i am from the great state of nevada. Home to congressman and home to the las vegas knights, home to the las vegas raters. Nevada is a battle born state. Admitted to the union by our first republican president Abraham Lincoln just one week before the election in 1864. The energy of las vegas across the great basin to the majestic sierra crowned by the jewel of lake tahoe, nevada is truly a land blessed by god and we are privileged to call it home. All 47 members of our delegation work hard and sacrificed to become elected to come to North Carolina to reelect our president. But due to the restrictions, they cannot be with us. Although they are not in this room, they are here in spirit. And they fully support our great president , so on behalf of our national committee, the state of nevada proudly casts all 25 votes for your reelection of donald j. Trump as president of the United States. Pursuant to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, nevada casts 25 votes, President Trump. New hampshire, 22 delegates with the following delegates. 22, President Trump. Madam chairman, i am Corey Lewandowski and the chairman of the New Hampshire delegation. On behalf of the people of New Hampshire, the granite state, the first in the nation primary state, a state that picks president s, the state that deliver the president s first victory in 2016, the state where our motto comes from general john stark who said live free or die. New hampshire is the state of such luminaries as senator Daniel Webster and brave americans like christa mcauliffe. We are home to the First American an and space and whose game winning home run of the 1975 world series is remembered as one of the greatest moments in sports history. New hampshire is known for our maple syrup, comedian adam sandler, poet robert frost, New York Times bestselling author Corey Lewandowski. [laughter] New Hampshire, the state that called the 14th president Franklin Pierce home in the state of hardworking god loving americans who stand for the flag and kneel only for god. Madam chairman, i here by cast all 22 delegates to my friend and the president of the United States, Donald John Tru trump. Harris so that was New Hampshire and as you saw just moments ago previously, the president now has the votes to become the g. O. P. Nominatio nomr the second term for president of the United States. He needed 1,276 votes. We have that on the right side of the screen for you and you see now, he has more than he needs and we are at new jersey. 1,306 and we will go through. I mentioned previously that they had traditionally skipped the home state of florida. You saw this with the dnc last week with joe biden, skipped his home state. They come back to the end usually and that is big fanfare to hear from your home state. So we anticipate they will do that at some point but for now, new jersey. Im harris faulkner. Youre watching out numbered. We will go in and out and keep everything on the screen. The president as you saw with the motorcade has now pulled away from Charlotte DouglasInternational Airport and headed to the Convention Center him when he gets there of course we will cover whatever happens with the president. Today, we have melissa francis, katie pavlich, former White House Press secretary sarah sanders. Also joining us today, bret baier and Martha Maccallum who will cohost special coverage of the Republican National convention beginning tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Although it feels like as mike pence said moments ago, its on. And he had a lot to say about four more years, jobs, judges, so one. Your first thoughts . Its interesting to see the phrase make America Great again again, thats what the Vice President said. Obviously, he was renominated by acclamation by the delegates there in charlotte saying that he doesnt want the country to elect Vice President biden to raise taxes and to have abortion on demand. I think you will see a mix of this this week, contrasting what they say the democrats are fighting for, and are portraying biden and Kamala Harris as being taken over by the left. And then kind of looking at what has happened as far as substance under this current administration, list what they call the accomplishments and say what is yet to do. Obviously, covid19 and the economy. Harris im looking at the things that Vice President pence called out. Will take four more years he says at least to drain the swamp, four more years of supporting our troops and our cops. He said on the ballot, the economy, law and order, freedom and free markets. So thats what the job is of this convention, for an incumbent president to have other people make it for you that the country is on the right track. Weve seen a lot of wrong track numbers and i always wonder how much of that might have to do with all the difficult things weve been going through lately and whether or not there an assessment of the president. We wont know that until november 3rd for making the argument that the president is on the right track and need to give four more years to accomplish his goal. Reminds me of the bill clinton speech at the convention for president obama when he was running for a second term saying nobody could have fix this economy in four years, not even me, and the crowd went crazy and it was one of those moments when the argument was very successfully made for another term so that will be the business of the next four days. Harris the person today who knows the president better than anyone here with us and sarah sanders, and as you watch this, it is not typical to see the incumbent president who is just now been nominated to run again by his party on each day of the convention, but you know President Trump so well, are you surprised by this . Is this what you anticipated . And what do you think he wants to tell this audience today . Not at all surprised. First, nothing about this convention is conventional, but also nothing about donald trump is conventional which is why he won in 2016. Lets not forget, he is still the change agent, the disruptor and the person who is coming to washington and really shaken things up. Thats what he campaigned on, thats what hes done, and i think he has made very clear, and i think we heard the Vice President echoed those feelings, he is not finished, still a lot of shaking up left to do in washington. I think we are going to see a message of optimism, excitement, talk about the success story. Hes done a remarkable job his first four years, and he wants to build on that for the next four. We are going to hear a lot of stories from people who have been impacted for the better by this president and by his policies throughout the week and i think today, youre going to hear and see some of the excitement of the president to kick off the week and i think its great he will be there every night because he is the one people really want to see. Harris i come to you to talk about the economy because one of the things the president has said his putting out just a list of things he would concentrate on my President Trump fighting for you, create 10 million new jobs, create 1 million new Small Businesses, cut taxes to boost takehome pay and keep jobs in america and a longer list, expand those opportunity zones which have helped people of color across america, that is their goal. What would you say about our current economy right now and the kind of work the president has ahead of him. I think the very strongest argument that the president could make going along with what martha said about why he should be entrusted with four more years is to say for example i talk to Small Business owners and large Business Owners every single day and what unites them is their frustration with the bureaucracy they are facing right now in the face of covid. They are struggling to reopen because the rules keep changing and arent clear. Seems like whoever is making them up and has never run a business or made payroll in their life so if the president stood there and made the argument you know me, i am for less regulation, i think government is the problem, not the solution, you see me do it before to grease the wheels and to get government out of your way so that you can follow the American Dream and make your business grow and provide for your family and hire people around you, now more than ever, you need me to help get this horrible bureaucracy out of your way so that we can move on from covid and get back up on our feet. I think if he said Something Like that, its something weve heard from voters in the states last week when we did man on the street on fox business talking to them about what they were looking for us and its that unites people and frustration everywhere and its easy to believe the president would be helpful in that way because hes already done it before. Harris im going to come back to you for just a second because i want to talk schools. I was think along with what melissa is describing their and also adjacent to the covid19 concerns is this idea that parents want their kids back in school but it seems like we keep taking steps back. The spread is undeniable, and there isnt that planned that it looks like if you get kids in school and things start to spread, you may even have teachers in the classroom after being exposed. What needs to be said do you think this week about that particular issue . Im a parent. I have three kids that are elementary aged students, and they just started back to school last week. I know that there are a lot of concerns from parents, from teachers, from administrators, and i think everybody shares in that. At the end of the day, it is very important for kids to go back to school but to do so safely. The president needs to communicate and talk about that being a big priority for the return, not just the part about how it is needed for the economy but lets talk about the wellbeing of the student, making sure we are giving all the resources to individual districts and schools need for ppe gear and putting protocols in place that help protect both students and teachers. I think every parent in the country whether it is covid time frame or anything else wants to know when they drop their kids off at school, they are going to be safe and i think the president will do exactly that, going to talk about how we have to keep kids safe in school as well as the impact that it has on our economy and our everyday life when parents arent able to manage both. And there is a huge mental, emotional, and i think physical toll that is taken on the student as well and we really have to take all things into account. Harris youre right. Your mind is bifurcated. Here are concentrating on what youre doing as that mom and your beautiful family, youve got young children, but also thinking its communicating the way i would if i were going to teach them or are they safe in class all of those issues. My kids success rate will definitely be better. Harris sorry, i missed what you said. I think my kids success rate in life will be better going to school then if left up to us to keep homeschooling. We are learning, but we struggled a little bit, so we are glad to have a little help and backup in that front. Harris amen. We are all in the same boat. We are going to take a really quick break and when we come back, i will get to brett on those issues but lets break away for just a moment. The president has won the votes he needs for nomination, obviously well above that but they are completing the states and territories as you see for nomination and as that continues, we will cover it here live on outnumbered. Stay close. 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