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Steagall casey before you joined the fox news channel, you were a reporter for fox four news. You know the area you live close to the area of what can you tell us . I can tell you that there are a lot of frightened people out here and there are a lot of angry people out here right now because once again in america, another city, Making Headlines For A Mass Shooting and no doubt that people that weve talked to are lucky to be alive , and they know that and that there are people that are not able to say that tonight. But theyre also frustrated because it seems to keep happening and nothing seems to change and theyre not slowing down. There are also a little frustrated over the inconvenience because this whole area is shut down very much. Still an active crime scene, so all of the people who were here shopping at the time they cannot get their cars, so a lot of people are just kind of hanging out, but the crowds are disappear. Eating now folks are being told they may not even be able to get their cars until tomorrow. This place is huge. I was thinking 50 or 60 stores, but just before we came online, i was looking and there are about 100 and 20 Retail Outlets at this store, so it is a very large footprint. This would have been very, very busy on a saturday afternoon, right around 3 30 when the call came in, and oh, boy. Oh boy, were hearing these chilling Eyewitness Reports of the suspect wearing sort of all black. The typical sort of the shooter garb. If you will, that a lot of these other suspects and gunmen have been wearing and it will seem to be on some kind of a mission. Now what that mission was lawrence i grew up outside of this area. Because lot of people dont live in texas, and they dont understand that this is a huge outdoor mall, the amount of doors that are there, and it was initially reported that it may have been multiple shooters. But Law Enforcement have since said there was only one shooter, but when theyre in you see that sort of and beige wall back there. Thats the back side of some shops. It sort of makes a u. More than 120 stores are in here. So again a lot of people you park your car in a general parking lot, then you walk to whatever store you want. There are restaurants there so people would have been grabbing lunch. You leave your car and you can be here for several hours and you can go to multiple different places. So when they first got the call that there was. As always there are conflicting reports. And there have been some eyewitness accounts that there were some 60 shots. They heard 50 or 60. Thats where word of a second shooter came out. But that was something the police did tamp down at the Press Conference. They concluded there was only one shooter. There wasnt a second one involved. Whether its unclear whether or not that is after a number that 50 or 60 shots did get popped off at this place or if that number was fabricated but not intentionally. Its like the notion of you try to ask someone who has been through a traumatic situation and its swhook the mind suppresses. You have got some folks here. They are here with their phones. Some of them have Shopping Bags because they were in the middle of their shopping excursions. When they got here, you can imagine the fear. They were trying to clear this space and get the bystanders out of here. The stores themselves went into their own emergency protocol procedures. Pulling gates down. A lot of customers escaped through the back door after they were given the allclear by police. It was pandemonium getting the shoppers out and clear from the scene. But it does appear from police that the suspect did act alone. There was not a second shooter, but what caused him to come to this spot today and do what he did remains unclear at this hour. We are still looking at an active crime scene. All those cars will be frozen in time right now. Everything will be left in place as the cops and Law Enforcement go through this crime scene. I want to bring your attention to some of this Witness Sound we have of the people that were there, casey. My daughter just texted me to my mom and phone and said daddy, i love you. The situation, the shooting my manager closed the door and next thing you know all you hear are 50 or 60 gunshots. They shut the door because they didnt know where the shooter was. Lawrence casey, thats the difficult part. I remember as a young child my parents dropping me off. Just imagine the horror these parents were going through, and some tragically, we learned from our sources that children were harmed in this situation. This is just where we are at this day and age. Some of the people we talk to out here say they are angry. They are not accepting that it seems every other day you turn on the news and there is a shooting that has taken place in some city across this country. I dont know frankly how it got to this pointwhere did we go fry about something to bringing a gun to the game and doing something that changes lives forever. We saw that with the shooting at the Medical Center this past week. The suspect there upset with a doctor. What on earth is going on. Why cant we talk anymore . Why does it have to automatically escalate to picking up a gun and doing the unthinkable . I dont know. Its happening an awful lot, it seems, lawrence. I dont know what the solution is. If its just america stopping and take one big collective breath, perhaps that will help. But these are peoples children. Its their mothers, sisters, daughters. I always try to put myself in other peoples shoes, its how i was raised. Put yourself until someone elses shoes. You can only imagine the mental scars that surviving an event like this will even cause. I think about that all the time. Especially down in Uvalde Covering the school shooting. What those poor little children saw and will never be able to unsee. And all too often thats happening across the country. Average americans, be it in the courthouse or at a movie theater, at a school, a place of worship. It seems like nowhere is off limits. Its awfully frightening. Ive known you a long time. I grew up watching you on fox sports. Now being a colleague with you at the fox news channel, i can hear the pain in your voice as you discuss this. I will let you step away so you can work your sources to bring us more information. I want to bring in the get Attorney General of texas, ken paxton. I know you have been briefed on this situation. What do you know . I dont think there is any information new that we didnt hear from the police chief or fire chief. That mall is 10 or 15 minutes from my house. Thats where we shop. My family and kids. Its been there for probably 15 years. Nobody would think Something Like this would happen at the mall. I never felt unsafe there. Allen is a low crime city and a great place to live. Lawrence before you became Attorney General you were the State Senator for that area. Explain what type of community we are dealing with. You dont typically hear from those who dont know about allen, texas, of shootings or any type of crimes. Its a nice community, a wealthy community. I loved football there, had state championships. I never shot i would be reporting on allen, texas for a shooting like this. I live in kinney which is contiguous to allen. I represented allen and the cities around there for 12 years in the house and senate. When i moved up there allen was a town of 20,000. It ex ploats over a it exploded over a 20year period. Its highly educated, think love their community, they love their football. Having represented them for 12 years. My wife is a State Senator. She represents them now. Its a great place and you dont expect a lot of crime in allen, texas. Its a very familyoriented place. What can you tell us about you have got an officer that arrived on the scene for unrelated call. They hear the gunshots and respond immediately to the scene and neutralize the suspect there. I have tremendous respect for these men and would even who are willing to do the opposite of what their brain is telling them. What we would do is run and seek safety. But they run into the fire, run into danger. They know when they are doing that, they are taking out somebody tow potentially with fire power. I have a lot of respect that the person potentially saved many lives. We know more lives could have been lost. We potentially lost self lives today. But had this for not reacted, he ran to it, and very likely saved multiple lives, at least saved people from injury. You know, Attorney General, this is tough, some of our sources you just related talked about it. We know unfortunately today we have tragically lost some texans today. Some young. We are not ready to report on the number just yet. But what can you tell us about the families waiting for that phone call right now . There are a lot of kids that visit this mall. Parents drop them off at home at these malls by themselves. Its normally a safe environment. How long is it going to take to let these folks know this tragic news. I think most of them having been through this so many times in texas, Whether Uvalde or santa fe. Its a tough time for Family Members. They are terrified one of their Family Members are involved. They are just praying none of their Family Members or friends are involved. Lawrence thank you for joining the program and update with us any information you get. I want to bring you someone who has been through this before. She has given these notifications before. Former fbi agent nicole parker. Tell us what it takes to process a scene like this. What is Law Enforcement doing right now that the suspect is neutralized. I want to you have a my condolences. Im also a texan. My sister is in the dallas area, 10 minutes from where this occurred. My niece was working in a shop when this occurred. Someone rushed into her shop 10 minutes away, and said you have to be careful, there was a shooting at the allen outlet mall. I worked the Parkland School shooting and i worked in miami and the Fort Lauderdale shooting that occurred in south florida. Right now they are walking down that mall. None of the cars will be leaving. They have a perimeter around that area and that is considered a crime scene. Local, state, federal, they are coming on to the crime scene right now and making sure it is secure. Those who receive medical care have been removed from the scene. Those that witnesses the incident are being interviewed. Many, many witnesses probably heard things but didnt see things. This is a very large mall. Family members are very scared right thousand. People dont know if their loved one was impacted by this. This is a saturday. The shooter did not do this on a random weekday when people are out shopping. We heard will were 60 rounds fired. Thats a lot of rounds. I know from being from the area and having Family Members there, they were shocked. Its a nice area. The allen Football Team is constantly ranked nationally. This is not to be expected in that area. But i can tell you having worked multiple scenes, nowhere is safe, unfortunately. Lawrence if you can stand by. My colleague has some breaks news. This is an update nobody wants to hear. Earlier during that brief briefing we heard from the Allen Fire Department that their specific agency transported 9 victims. But that spokesperson saying others may have transported other victims by other agencies. But right now we are learning that a spokesperson from medical City Healthcare, a spokesperson for medical City Healthcare said 8 victims ranging from 5 to 61 years old are being treated at their facilities. 8 victims ranging from 5 to 61 years old being treated at their facilities. We dont know the condition of those victims. But as we have been talking about the wfaa affiliate in dallas is reporting there are children who died in this tragedy. And we are learning we have this big age range being treated for their injuries during this shooting, someone as young as 5 years old. We are getting a lot of reaction to what unfolded earlier this afternoon at 3 30 local time. It seems a lot of people are confused. Confused at why this keeps happening. We heard corresponds University Casey Siegel receiving that reaction on scene. And i think all of us are wondering how do we move forward as a country from these tragedies that keep occurring. Its been interesting to see how things transpired over the evening. Earlier reports came out of allen, texas at 3 30 local time the shooting first started. As the time went on, like i mentioned earlier on air, we saw the posture shift from Law Enforcement. We now know an officer who was there at the mall for a different reason heard the gunshots, ran towards them and quote neutralized the shooter. We know there was loss of life in this incident. But like you were saying we have to be grateful for the officer who ran towards danger, ran towards those sounds. Its been less than two months since the Covenant Shooting in nashville. We have to hope for a solution soon. Lawrence this is deeply personal for me. This is my state. I go to that mall. I was just talking to one of my brothers. He was at that mall just yesterday. Im praying for the victims and their families right now because no one wants to receive the call and the notification that some of these families are bracing themselves for. Yes. Like i mentioned earlier, some families are receiving the worst news of their life right now. Absolutely horrific. We also know for the people who survived this tragedy, they will be left with lots of trauma. Upwards of 20 people were hiding in bathroom stalls, hiding in changing room stalls. Those terrifying moments will stick with them forever. Lawrence thank you very much. I want to bring in former fbi agent nicole parker. What type of monster shoots at a 5yearold . I can tell you this is pure evil. In our country right now we are fighting a battle between good and evil. I have st i have stared eviln the face many times. The good people in this nation need to rise up. I appreciate this Law Enforcement officer. Our Law Enforcement was villainized starting in the summer of 2020. Im so grateful this officer ran toward gunfire and saved countless lives. Thats a heroic effort to go towards the threat by yourself and neutralize the threat. This is our time to give our highest honor and respect to those who protect innocent victims every single day. Its unfortunate, those who will receive the worst news of their life. Its horrifying to tell someone that their loved one is not coming home. Its a very real thing. This is not something that you watch on tv and people think, its not going to happen in my area. I live in allen, texas, its very safe. We need to live with faith, hope and prayer. But i can tell you right now, if you are ever in an incident like this and you are in there with the shooter, run, hide, fight. If you dont rub anything else. Run, hide, fight. It could save your life. It happens in the most unexpected places. Unfortunately, i cannot stress enough, run, hide and fight. Nicole, parker, thank you so much. If you are just now joining the fox news channel. Some sad news in the lone star state. A shooter opened fire at an allen mall, the allen Premium Outlet. The suspect has been neutralized by an officer who was there on and you unrelated call. We know there are fatalities but we dont have that exact number. Eight victims were rushed to area hospitals. Agents from five all the way to the 60s. The governor for the great State Of Texas greg abbott just released a statement saying our hearts are with the people of allen texas in light of this unspeakable tragedy. I have been in contact with the mayor and other Civic Leaders and offered full support to insure all needed resources are swiftly deployed, including dps officers, texas lane evers. And resource officers. The governor did just that. He got dps on the scene, the fbi, the Fugitive Task force. Atf. I want to go to the allen police chief brian harley on the shooting. It goes without saying that our deepest sympathies are with the families of the victims. This is a tragedy. People will be looking for answers. Its just a tragedy. You can see the emotions from the police chief. A friends of mine, the congressman who represents that area, congressman pat fallon. This just happened outside of your district, pat. Tell me how you are feeling right now before i go into the investigation and what you know. Whats on your heart today, brother. You know, lawrence, you know this area and its a beautiful premium shopping center. Thats where i shop. Im heartbroken like every other texan that it was stolen by evil. Your guest just before me said, you think about those families and the tragic news they are going to have. Anyone who harms a child i have Zero Tolerance for. I want to praise the Allen Police Department for being the heroes you and i and other americans know they are for rushing into danger and saving dozen, scores of lives. This could have bench worse aboutfor our heroes in blue. Lawrence what can you tell us about the investigation . We know what the police did initially on the scene. I have been to a few of these things. You just want to get away from this. This is now an active crime scene that is being processed by some of the best to do it. There is loved ones that dont know if their loved one survived or didnt survive. So what can you tell us about the investigation thats in the early stages right now . These are unconfirmed reports. It does appear the shooter was of course killed. Then there were four victims. Hes not a victim. Hes evil, hes gone. Four victims and a few others that were transported to the hospital. And there may have been a few that were lost at the hospital and others struggling for their lives right now. We want to pray for their healing. This happened, by the way, outside of one of these stores, apparently the shooter got out of his car and started shooting folks who were outside. As you mentioned the officer was there at the mall for an unrelated reason and immediately engaged and took count perpetrator. Took down the perpetrator. Lawrence i am sure they know by now who the suspect is that they neutralized. Every time Something Like this happens we always fear someone else was working with them. I know cops have said on ought record they dont believe it was a second shooter. From the briefings you received, are we for sure we got the right guy and there is no one else working with him. Im sure Law Enforcement is already at this home completing their investigation. I have been talking about state Law Enforcement officials and local Law Enforcement officials. Everyone is pretty much in agreement that it was a lone maniac shooter. The motive may come out. But its a lone short and the area is secure. Lawrence thats important that the area is secure. Stands by for a little bit. This is a fluid situation. We are monitoring this breaking news. I want to get in a break. Multiple people dead, 8 people hospitalized. Stay with us for all of the details on this shooting. Dont go anywhere. [bones cracking] tense music one aleve works all day so i can keep working my magic. Just one aleve. 12 hours of uninterrupted arthritis pain relief. Aleve. Who do you take it for . Lawrence you are looking at a live picture of allen, texas at the outlet mall where a suspect opened fire earlier today, injuring multiple people, killing multiple people from ages 560. Its a hard day in the State Of Texas. Lang paxton is Angela Paxton is the State Senatorial for that area and wife of the Attorney General ken paxton. What can you tell us about this tragedy . Have you already been briefed on the matter . I have been briefed with a few details. They are still coming in. In the early stages of Something Like this, a lot of times there is a lot of information changing. So basically i have been reaching out to folks in key positions to make an impact and to help. To let them know, im here and the State Of Texas is here to be a resource for them and a source of support. Have all the families been notified of the fatalities just yet . I have not been briefed on that. I know that it has been reported as i am sure you know, that there are children involved. And of course this is as if its not bad enough, thats even worse. One of my phone calls was to our superintendent in allen, because what that means is monday when the kids go Back To School, they are going to be dealing with this with their classmates. There will be classmates that dont come Back To School monday, and families that are good friends. I was a School Counselor and teacher for 20 years and that was one of the first things i thought of. Can you talk a little bit about this area. A lot of folks arent familiar with allen, texas. You represent this area and have lived in the area for a long time. Its not a place where a lot of crime happens at all. Im sure for the people who live there. My brother was just at this mall yesterday. I shop at this mall. If you want a get a good deal in the State Of Texas and have a good time with your friends and relax, this is the place to go. Talk about this area. You are exactly right. I was out Running Errands earlier today and i almost went by there myself. I go there several times a month. Its on the way to my District Office for the texas senate. Part of the reason my office is near there is because allen, texas is the Demographic Center of the county. People love the schools there. Its a great place to raise a family. We live in the next town north for 25 years. On a Beautiful Day like today, i can only imagine the swarms of people who were probably out there meeting their friends, walking around. Its an outdoor mall. People go there to window shop and shop and find a great deal. But they also just go to be outside and hang out with their friend and get some ice cream or coffee and walk around. Lawrence is there any word on the Press Conference . Is it still happening . Are we still on schedule . There are a lot of families waiting for answers on this. As well as the people who survived this shooting. But they are not able to get their cars because we are talking about an active crime scene. A lot of people are wondering when they are going to get some more information. All i can tell you is we are doing our best to be kind of a repeating tower for whatever information comes our way that we know is reliable. I think the best place to watch is going to be on social media with our Police Department in allen dps is involved in providing support. The Texas Rangers i was told have offered their support. And the collins County Sheriff i spoke with earlier. I think Law Enforcement is the first place to look. Thats what im doing. Im encouraging people to day away are the area so Law Enforcement can do their job and get those facts as soon as possible. But waiting is very difficult. I know people are eager to get some facts and information. And we are going to do our best to let the First Responders do their work. And get that information to us. Then as the Community Comes around with our communities of faith, our churches will be meeting tomorrow. They will be praying. And with our schools and families and neighborhoods to come around. Everyone will be impacted by this. I know you are a praying woman and your faith is deeply rooted. What words of encouragement what you give folks in your district right now. And in america right now. There are a lot of people hurting right now. I was just praying about this before you called. I think one is that god doesnt put us in a place where we have to carry our burdens alone. Im thankful for the tight knit community. I would say be there for each other. Dont be afraid to bring things up. And dont be afraid to sit quietly with someone. You dont have to know what to say. Prayer isnt something that just makes us feel better and feels encouraged. Its something that changes things. There are people fighting for their lives, there are medical personnel working on people who were hurt and injured in this. I would encourage people to pray for them right now because it doesnt just make people feel better and encouraged. It changes things. I appreciate that, and i hope everyone will be at Church Tomorrow morning. Be together with your community. Lawrence senator, thank you so much for joining the program tonight. We appreciate you. Thank you, lawrence, thanks for covering this, and thanks for reminding people to be with one another and to pray. All we have is won another in these times. Thanks so much, senators. In these times, what do cops do . How do they respond to a mall thats outdoors. If you look at the live look, you see how massive this mall is. What do they do . I wanted to bring in alex coker, an active shoot egg instructor. What can you tell us about the Law Enforcement response to a massive mall like this when you dont know how many shooters there are. I appreciate what you are doing. You are doing an yousome job. My heart goes out to the victims. We are trying to train the civilians how to react. When seconds count, we are minutes away and we need the civilians to know what to do. We cant be he where at once. We train the public on what to do like you had a speaker earlier. They talk about avoid, not defend. Avoid at all costs. If you cannot barricade, then you are going to atake it in all ways and do everything you can to get there. Lawrence this is happening all across the country. You may not be familiar with allen. Its a safe place. Low crime. How do people prepare themselves for that mentally. I dont think people in allen texas thought when they went to the mall that there would be a shooting, let alone on the streets. It just doesnt happen in allen, texas. It happens anywhere, reply place, whether its a plane, a walmart. You have to imprint that in your head to run away. It pays to be physically fit because it may save your life. Think hornets nest. What does a hornet want to do . It wants to live in harmony. But when it gets stirred up. Its Everybody Attack that one person and putting them down. Hornets arent that big. But everybody comes together. Lawrence we are on a hard break, brother. Well be back with more of thisn well be back with more of thisn breakingve news. , dont go anywhere. Investment pr . Fisher Investments nope. Fisher avoids them. other Money Manager well, you must earn commissions on trades. Fisher Investments never at fisher. other Money Manager ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. Fisher Investments no. 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A kohler walkin bath provides a secure, spalike Bathing Experience in the comfort of your own home. A kohler walkin bath has one of the lowest stepins of any walkin bath for easy entry and exit. It features textured surfaces, convenient handrails for more stability, and a wide door for easier mobility. Kohler® walkin baths include two hydrotherapies Whirlpool Jets and our patented bubblemassage™ to help soothe sore muscles in your feet, legs, and back. A kohlercertified installer will install everything quickly and conveniently in as little as a day. They made us feel completely comfortable in our home. And, yes, its affordable. I wish we would have looked into it sooner. Think i might look into one myself. Stay in the home and life youve built for years to come. Call. To receive a free kohler® toilet with the purchase of your walkin bath. And take advantage of our special financing, no payments until 2024. Lawrence a fox muse alert. If you are just tuning in, you are looking at live photo allen, texas, a suburb of dallas, texas. There was a Shooting Eller at the Premium Outlet mall. 8 people transported to the hospital in critical condition. A tragic day in the State Of Texas. I want to go whack to coker right now. We were talking about how to handle these active shooters and what to do. And no one plans for this. I want to talk about what we are dealing with in this country. Its a reality. He Law Enforcement official i talk with says ever since the pandemic, there is such anger in this country. Everyone has been trapped up. Guns, medical first aid. We cant ban the guns. If you ban the guns all it does is take the guns away from the law abiding citizens trying to defend themselves. Medical aid. Everybody can be a hero. 60 of Combat Deaths are due to bleeding. If there is a bullet hole in the chest, take a piece of plastic and slap it on the front. America has a heart problem. We have to stop bullying people with issues. We need to love everybody. Put your arms around people that have issues and bring those people up. The people that are feeling isolated, that do feel bullied, stop labeling yourself as poor we is me. People want to hear about how you overcame obstacles, with you we need more winners in the world and more p patriotism . This country. I strongly believe, you were in explorers as a kid. Thats an awesome program. I believe programs like that raise those kids up. In 1015 years you can change the thaition with a better more patriotic nation, and better love and strength overall. So true, brother, thank you for joining the program. Love you. Lawrence love you, too. We have new details on the shooting at the mall. An fbi source confirmed to fox news correspondent david spunt that there are multiple a talts. David spunt said the source wouldnt give a deanyone tough e a definitive number. The agency that transported 9 victims to trauma facilities. We dont know how those victims are doing. One of those facilities told our Fox Affiliate Kdfw that they received eight of those victims. The youngest 5 years old. The police provided an update telling the press that it was an officer who was there for an unrelated reason at that outdoor Shopping Mall. They said the officer heard sounds of gunfire, ran toward them and killed the shooter. Sad to learn that one of the victims who was transported as young as 5 years old. Lawrence its tragic when you think about a monster going after everyone, firing, a child, a 5yearold. Thats what we are dealing with in this country. We were in tennessee covering the shooting there. We were. Like i mentioned earlier, that was less than two months ago at that private christian school. Children passed away in that incident too. Just tragic circumstances to be contending with. We have our correspondent Casey Stegall there in allen, texas. 30 miles north of dallas. This is a quiet area, suburban. People like to come to this mall to spend time with family and make some memories. The individuals impacted by this had no idea what would happen today. The reports that we are continuing to hear from this area are horrific. Some of the witnesses saying they heard multiple rounds. They spent at least 30 minutes from the gunfire. And we saw the Law Enforcement response meticulously clearing that outdoor Shopping Mall working to make sure everyone there this afternoon made it out safely. A lot more to learn. Well stay on top of this and keep following this story. But terrible, lawrence. Lawrence thank you for joining the program, if there is any more breaking news, please bring it back to us. You are looking at allen, texas, a suburb of dallas, texas, the allen Premium Outlet. Quiet community. Earlier today a gunman decided he was going to target innocent people. Multiple reports of fatalities. Many injured and wound. 8 people transported to the hospital. We are following the details as they come in. I want to read this statement from the government great State Of Texas. This ways had to say. Our hearts are with the people of and, texas. During this unspeakable tragedy, i have been in contact with the mayor and the dps director and other local lead toars and offered full support to insure all needed resources are swift live deployed, including dps officers, Texas Rangers and investigative resources. Multi agency response. U. S. Marshals. The fbi, local police. We are following all the details here. Pray for texas. More breaking news, dont go anywhere. Age is just a number, and mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv meet the portable blender we can barely keep in stock. Blendjet 2 gives you icecrushing, big blender power onthego. 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