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phase this weekend and intensifying both airstrikes and ground incursions into gaza. the israeli military now saying they struck hundreds of additional targets in gaza just in the past 24 hours. for the very latest, let's turn to fox news chief correspondent jonathan hunt in jerusalem. marianne it is 11 a.m. here in israel. and within the last hour, the israeli defense forces spokesman has told us that over the weekend they carried. out 450 airstrikes in gaza. those strikes targeting, we are told, hamas in infrastructure and hamas terrorist cells as they continue to press this war against hamas with the state and aim of destroying the organization. troops also, we are told, remain on the ground in gaza and they have been added to over the last 24 hours. but significantly, the idf spokesman said that those troops will be added to gradually, annually. now, that would seem to indicate that we are not going to see the shock and awe style mass invasion that many experts had predicted . instead, the they have what they call a detailed plan and it appears to be that they will add to those forces bit by bit, taking territory in northern gaza, bit by bit, targeting hamas cells one by one. and of course, continuing the search. for the 230 key hostages is believed to be held in gaza. their families want nothing more than to get their loved ones home. some of those families met with prime minister benjamin netanyahu today. he told them that the return of the hostages is one of the major priorities of the war. alongside and the destruction of hamas. but rescuing the hostages of course, will not be easy. at some point, the idf troops will need to be on the ground. they will need to be down in the tunnels that we have talked about so much that hamas has built extensive tunnels underneath gaza city in the north, underneath and around khan younis in the south. that is where those hostages are believed to be. that is where our idf troops will need to go if they are indeed to rescue those 230 hostages. prime minister netanyahu, who, meantime, described this today as nothing more than a war for the survival of israel. it is he it is, he said, a case of do or die and prime minister netanyahu said israel will will win this war. stay with fox news for our continuing coverage of israel's war against hamas. for now, i'm jonathan hunt live in jerusalem. back to you. marianne all right. thank you, jonathan. in the war against hamas into its second phase this weekend, intense fighting, the ground incursion. keep it here with fox news channel for the very latest. for now, back to our r what they call terrorist cells, hezbollah fighters firing antitank missiles in israel. israel using drones to destroy those. this happens as protests continue in lebanon and people in lebanon and reacted conditions for civilians in gaza and they want the fighting to stop. this is largely for the past three weeks, contains war on israel's northern border between hezbollah on one side and israeli fighters on the other side. about 47 hezbollah fighters killed, six israeli soldiers killed and across the north people are leaving their homes. forty communities here evacuated, people are afraid about what might be coming ahe ahead. >> thanks so much. we stay on back and check with you this hour. meanwhile, u.s. fighter jets unleashing airstrikes in syria. this was initially thursday after a series of attacks on u.s. troops which refused to answer. look at the map we are seeing, that's where we hit but if we put the blast mapped out, he would seek 19 separate attacks since october some of the tech. think about this, 19 attacks, 2500 in iraq, 900 syria, basis in and around the area, iranian backed militias which they freely admit to and we hit them back one time and hit a weapons depot. i'm glad to do it but in your mind, is that way a superpower asked? is not the way we defend ourselves? let's go to senator tom cotton : four writer approach to the approach to iran directly. let's go to the senator. i was happy to see that thursday but lucia iranian backed militia. it brought it from a what should be our response now? >> i guess it's better than nothing. iran develop strategies for are your see as proxies to attack america and allies, to deny responsibly. when they attacked us close to a couple dozen times and all we have done is doctor proxies warehouses, unoccupied warehouses at that, all we do is validate iran strategy. what we need to do is send a clear and forceful message whether it striking revolutionary guard for officials syria or iraq or striking directly iranian facilities and sites in iran to make it clear we will not tolerate attacks on americans throughout the region through iranian proxy, not allow them to hide behind their own caps off if that's what donald trump did in 202020 killed the chair mastermind. if we don't do something like that as we saw yesterday, the attacks will continue until americans are killed. >> instead statements from the white house said is not related to israel, we are not looking for confrontation with iran, not looking for confrontation with china. both are true but they are the provocative forms. general keene had a similar idea on how to send a message and said once support this activity, find out support of the ir chart gc and suffocate. in a plan to stop convenience by slamming into the headquarters and possibly take out oil refineries. without be something they would understand? >> it will take something like that i'm afraid, to make iran pull it's warranted what ronald reagan did in libya in 1986 after terrorists blew up a nightclub in berlin, is exactly what ronald reagan did in 1988 when he warned iran not to the persian gulf, they did. we think half of iran's navy. the president is so scared of his own shadow when it comes to escalation as we have seen, it inviting more escalation. what's called for here is escalation dominance. i think sean connery character for untouchable jimmy malone understood how to survive the middle east better than joe biden does when he told kevin costner's character, they sent one of ours, we sent one of theirs. that's what it takes to survive the middle east. >> that's how you avoid a war by showing strength, willing to fight it. which i present from a 13000 in kuwait. qatar eight to 10000. jordan, over 3000. saudi arabia, 2700 for iraq 25 2500. we are vulnerable and owe it to men and women who sign up to fight to do everything we can to keep them safe. they know it will be tough in a war zone, we have to be extra tough and the washington post is reporting the biden administration is urging israel to rethink its plans on a major ground offensive so whenever they say publicly, they say we think about going all in on gaza. we opened the show by talking about a new phase to the bar for the prime minister of israel making that call, who would you tell is going on behind the scenes? >> unfortunately i think you got that right, president biden has been maximalist on rhetoric but the administration continues behind the scenes, notes of caution, strength, proportionality and publicly they sound the notes and lecture and patronize the government of israel about minimizing civilian casualties. israeli defense forces never quit target civilians intentionally but when hamas operates command centers and armed depots and other military targets from hospitals and wills and neighborhoods, israel can strike those targets. the american people wouldn't have stood for someone else calling for strength of caution in september of 2001, they served and allowed us to provide aid to afghans on the taliban there we didn't sound those notes tokyo in the spring of 1945, we shouldn't expect the government of israel to take any such actions after the worst massacre of jews since the holocaust. we should back them to the help publicly and privately. >> center, tell them you would like to express that and would back them if they did so. thank you so much. meanwhile, prime minister netanyahu and defense minister outline a multi- phased plan process is not week confirmed cain's are in gaza and hamas is confirming that, too. we will break down on what these men and women will be looking at former army intelligence officer from tello of tel aviv. i think that the title to the only do we find out 300 miles come up with got confirmation from one of the freed hostages breakdown to a network of tunnels, surrounded by cement and iron, 45 heavily. to go down there. >> i would be hunting hamas and every single location possible and that includes the tunnels they felt, elaborate detailed locations where they can hide when it comes to the tunnels we should look at plans because it is difficult to get down the i'm sitting here on the ground israel editors tents and until you're here you don't understand why it is necessary for israel to expunge, once and for all. israelis are living in a constant date of care daily. civilians have to cope with cancer that is hamas. there are a number of rocket attacks here yesterday and you see what is quickly erupting into violence. you have incoming fire and only minutes to take cover. israeli shouldn't have to live with this constant fear, no one should have to live with it in the world should not let them do that and hamas is a terrorist group that needs to be put down once and for all, holding u.s. hostages. americans have to understand is not just a threat to israel, is a threat to our own way of life and iran is using them as a proxy to get to us. this is an evil that can't exist in this world today and we need to let them know what we have to do to crush hamas once and for all. >> they have a special unit, they specialize underground warfare, purple hair. locate tentacles of the tunnel, the troops dropped smoke grenades and watch the purple smoke to come out of any house in the area and the house is connected to a tunnel network. only one way to find out what is below while you are above and sadly for the people in the hospital, they built their headquarters underneath hospitals including gaza biggest hospital. that is a problem, a challenge. >> it is very difficult, challenging for intelligence perspective, both by the u.s. government needs to provide information to the israelis from the air, from the ground and give them information on what it will take to target these guys not only underground but above as well and as much as we can to help israelis and deter iran and deter other organizations from entering. people have this concern about this escalation between us and i rent that could lead to war but we are already at work, iranians are already at work and happen for quite some time. i'm not sure our leadership understands that but we have to protect ourselves and take the handcuffs off intelligence and special operations personnel to do a lot more on the ground. our citizens and soldiers are at risk so there is potential for the u.s. can strategically come up with different plans to help israelis root out hamas and reassure our commitment to israel and help them support and restore deterrence from terrorist groups. >> is there a sense in israel as much pain as it would cause, the best thing in their best interest would be take has a lot on at the same time as hamas? if you leave one, your postponing another confrontation that could start off the way this one did in unthinkable cartage? >> i think they are concerned about has the luck coming in from the north and monitoring.closely but i do think somebody needs to deter hezbollah and it should be the u.s. why aren't iran's oil fields on fire? why are we not striking them, protecting continue this deterrence and stop has blocked from coming in, why are we not striking officers, the same iranian officers killing u.s. soldiers in iraq and afghanistan for years? i've had my own friends killed providing these organizations like hezbollah rocket number one goal is armed and kill westerners and kill israelis so israel goes into gaza, our leadership needs to send a message to iran, strong enough says we are not messing around it can't just be words. iran is already at work using various proxy groups to get to us and look what happened to our soldiers recently drone attacks. it's not a local terrorist group, is orchestrated by iran in the proxy so we have to continue to support israel and do something to deter it has blocked from entering, it is a big problem if they join in and in the end, protect our citizens and holders overseas. >> they will regret it if they get involved, the firepower that will come out monday have no idea. thank you so much, you are helping us out again in tel aviv and israel, thank you. israeli protesters dividing college campuses across the nation. megastores have had enough with the rhetoric. emily austin is next. keep it right here, this is on it's easy to get lost in investment research. introducing j.p. morgan personal advisors. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management. - bye, bye cough. - later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing? 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>> if you condemn them, why wouldn't you condemn -- >> 9/11 24/7. >> that is completely absurd. >> he did debate playing out on piers morgan uncensored show on fox nation. emily often taking on palestinian activist among the walking down because he refused to condemn the terrorist attack hamas unleashed on october 7 critically asked to return to the show the following week and didn't go any better. that type of debate playing out across the country, around the globe mind blowing pro- palestinian pro- hamas rallies, where does this come from? where does this thinking emanate and where do we go from here? joining us to help us out about the woman who saw in that debate, emily austin. great to seal, they told jewish residents of brooklyn, don't go to brooklyn. there is a pro- palestinian protesters shutting down brooklyn on a saturday. make sense of this, can you? >> that's literally cropping rhetoric from germany. to tell civilians to stay home because of private protesters wanting to mop the streets of brooklyn should be illegal. the fact that the nypd is not working overtime to make jewish people feel safe and would rather just tell everyone to stay home, it sounds like a joke, can't even be serious. >> some -- you are 22 years old, most of these protesters are your age, these college campus campuses, so-called elite universities organized sometimes with oppressors there, grand central terminal on friday night shut down, thousands sit in for the palestinians, for hamas. you think you know there's a reason and you think it's because the news is coming from tik tok and social media, not from us or major networks. >> most of these college students accidentally as they don't have cable television. they don't have cnn, after they would want but anyway they don't get the information you stupid. new york times an instagram comment mostly back to turkey and saudi arabia or worse, tik tok so this is where gen z acquires their knowledge, and the rhetoric we see spread online very much as we seek now translates into in person and the social media war between israel and palestine think that vile comments from the palestinian side spreading nothing but misinformation and wise and that's where gen z gets the information from so it is not shocking to seek these chance online from the river to the sea are chanted on college campuses. go see it on tik tok and mimic the same behavior in person. >> i want you to hear, there is blowback, firms are saying if your name is on the protest, if you are seen protesting for a rally for hamas, he don't have a job and you will not be hired. the case of these universities, you will lose funding. here is how is no longer going to get to columbia, a self-made billionaire. >> these kids and colleges have chicks for brains. no idea with one reliable ally in the middle east, israel. we only have one democracy, israel and the middle east. we have one economy tolerant of different people, yays and lesbians and etc. the real shame is given to columbia 50 million over many years and i will suspend by giving give to other organizations. >> it's happening at universal of pennsylvania and gayle, i see you smiling. it shows pushback and a price to pay for this. does that matter, do you think? >> absolutely. if they defund safe havens for anti-semitism or jew hatred, eventually they will feel the pressure to stop because clearly what we are doing, which is nothing isn't working. they don't feel safe on campus campuses, the fact that there was a university who told students you can hide in the attic if you feel unsafe, are you joking? every donor to the schools to close their wallets immediately and got funding not reading college campuses. >> emily austin, thank you. we move ahead next, fox news alert, matthew perry, sad news, found dead. apparent johnny, breaking development as we get them will be shared. vladimir putin still compares of terror, he wants this. how we should handle rogue nations led by the bad guy. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. 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(announcer) whether you need to lose 10, 20, 50, or over a hundred pounds, lose it the right way with golo. go to that's we are back with a fox news alert, after matthew perry dead at the age of 54, law enforcement sources tell tmz because, he was found dead in a jacuzzi and in l.a. area home where it appears as drowned. they say as of now, no drugs were found at the scene, no foul play appears to be involved. joining us now to talk about this, we are just getting a little bit of information, caitlin, stunned by this news, we note about his bouts with addiction, we saw was on a path of redemption especially after the release of his book and this, can you add anything to the story? >> more details are trickling in with breaking news stories, we get new details as they come in. home where he was found dead is reportedly his own home and an assistant initially called 911 recording cardiac arrest. from what we understand, it was first reported by tmz by several let's confirmed it in that time and from what we understand, he'd spent the morning active playing pickle ball a few hours and came home and when the assistant returned, found him in dire condition, auto if he was dead at that time or suffering heart attack but was found in the jacuzzi. what's unclear is whether he was in the jacuzzi when he died or had drowned in the jacuzzi so there's quite a few questions and daily has spoken to him on time front of matthew perry and someone in recovery with him set he spoke to matthew perry a few weeks ago and he sounded upbeat and sober and great so this came as a big shock to even people in his inner circle. i think there are fears among people who knew him and work against them who could potentially relapse but according to this source, the last time he spoke to him, he seemed pretty great. >> he seems like a guy even though he had his troubles, he didn't have a lot of enemies, people like him. i never had a chance to meet or interview him but he's is huggable on camera and people were pulling for him, you didn't hear the stories about him being a bad guy. >> you really didn't, you heard the opposite, people reported time and again what a wonderful person he is. the friend we spoke to repeated those sentiments is had was the first person to walk someone into the group to volunteer to help them out and have open arms and the calf on the show was always fiercely protective of him and we know that throughout almost his entire time on friends he suffered from opioid addiction and alcoholism and at one time he doesn't even remember three seasons of the show, a black hole in his memory and in spite of that, his cast mates, he was so beloved, they loved him so much, anyone who's worked with him has only had wonderful things to say about him and it seems like throughout his entire life he really suffered with a lot of demons and health problems that resulted from his addiction. >> thank you so much, we will stall follow this story throughout the show. meanwhile, this -- ♪ israel pushes ahead with the invasion of the gaza strip at this hour, you are seeing the screen with me now, growing concerns tonight about what our adversaries may be doing to exploit a shaky global order. thursday, russia set off alarm bells in the west after they welcomed iran and leaders to moscow. u.s. officials claim these are strong indication a new axis of terror is on the horizon. think about china and russia median aging last week. stratus to on wind and analyze, "wall street journal" columnist author of the art of covenant, u.s. israel and fate of the jewish people, while the russell create your reaction to austin iran coming to moscow everyone to seek this relationship flourish? what is the message we are supposed to get? >> the message is vladimir putin is siding with hamas, iran, people following this for a long time kat scene in many relationships in closer and closer. i have to say putin met recently with north korea's leader as well, north korea is shipping arms to russia. the connections between these countries are getting tighter and tighter and it's evident they are directing everything they've got against us and our allies. >> if president biden's response to hamas patron iran fails to restore respect for america, power and wisdom and will, conclusions and take steps we and allies will like, what would those steps be? >> we seen some already, we seen american troops fired on across the middle east. iran stepping up engagement. one of these days we might see a red with a nuclear test. they've gotten closer and clos closer. we are seeing all kinds of redlined cross. i think we are seeing open flouting of sanctions against iran, even the ones the biden administration continues to try to enforce so we are looking at these people gradually stepping up pressure, stepping up the pressure. of course the worst nightmare scenario would be china decided to attack taiwan. >> this would be the time, wouldn't it? not saying they are ready but they want to see if america will be distracted. >> you can imagine, when president biden office, they had this idea and they would say so, they would part russia will keep russia quiet. then we were going to get iran back in the jc poa, nuclear deal with iran so iran would be quiet and happy and they could focus on china but what we see is they failed to deter russia from attacking ukraine from a they've failed to get iran back into the nuclear deal instead of doing that, iran has become steadily more aggressive, becky hamas. now we see the middle east is in flames so the u.s. is finding itself seeing one fire after another breakout. i think some of our enemies hope we will be so overwhelmed by this that they can keep escalating pressure. >> we have the card, we have the military, we have the economy. we have a better product but right now access seems to have us spinning. we have to show strength. thank you so much. still to come from a shocking new details about the biden family corruption business. the house has been virtually shut down. miranda devine has not stopped investigating. she will share her revelations in a matter of moments. you're watching one nation. ♪ my a1c was up here; now, it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? 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what to get the $200,000, why was it going to jail? miranda devine joins us. >> good evening, the 200,000 dollars check is the tip of the iceberg and again you have apologists the biden's saying it was alone because team biden wrote loan on the memo part. why on earth they would think anyone take any of the biden's at their word and the white house is carrying on saying basically james, should release more to show it was alone, it's up to the white house to release information to prove it was a loan. it is part of the same fishing story and when you mentioned 40 different confidential sources who brought information to the d.o.j. about the biden family over an extended period of time and it gets very, that is part of the same time we've seen we start looking into the laptop three years ago, obstruction of the new york post and we now know by the fbi and cia to shut down the story which they did do successfully for the 2020 election, we have stopped brady, former u.s. attorney for pittsburgh passed by then attorney general bill barr to look at these allegations coming in about ukraine from the earliest part of 2020. they have credible allegations including long-term trusted confidential source of the fbi's claimed joe biden and hunter biden received $5 million bribe a piece from energy company paying hunter a million dollars a year. scott brady's office said it was credible and worth investigating and handed it over to u.s. attorney david weiss in delaware undergoing five-year investigation enter hunter biden's business dealings and it was buried. it seems all of these allegations criminal information went to delaware and was buried, never to be seen by the irs investigators who told us because they became was a glorious. >> david weiss will be go behind closed doors as soon as next week. scott brady, pittsburgh and he will be asked to come out and you read the testimony so he has spoken about the frustration. thank you so much. you are all over it. now : can get back into it. appreciate it. coming up november 7, going to go on stage in partnership with fox nation and talk about how america new jersey coming up on the night, a fun night. think pittsburgh, brian one will be streamed live on fox nation and promotions there with fox nation to get something better, maybe even a teacher. up next on this show, democrats continue to brag about growing economy, it's going great. like nomex works. the problem is, america doesn't think so. the money is not there. larry kudlow is an expert on all those things, he'll break it down for us. do not forget to tesla dvr, one nation every saturday, make it a series to remember each and every week, follow one nation on social media and follow me at kill made on trump an instagram. larry kudlow he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? 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(vo) visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. this she■s a hero moment. even today, only a quarter of stem graduates are women. they'd go, oh, you don't look like an engineer. there is this preconception. some things are for boys. but diversity drives innovation. my goal is to really flip the script. pick something that you love and go for it. how do we live in space? how do we live on the moon? i want to help figure that out. you can create the blueprint. if you can see her, you can be her. we are following a fox news alert, tragedy matthew perry is cadet at the age of 54th. this is what we now, law enforcement sources kat tmz the actor was found dead in the jacuzzi at his home in los angeles. it appears he has drawn, no drugs were found at the scene, no bowel play appears to be involved. his famous for his role in still seen everywhere at the time it seems, it ran for ten seasons. matthew perry dead at the age of 54. stay with us for the breaking development, it is indeed a tragedy. meanwhile, back to this. joe biden and democrats brag about like nomex works great after all gdp grew at almost 5% last quarter, 4.8 to be specific. low unemployment still high six however, it doesn't feel that way. couple showing to those of americans report rising household expenses while only one of them have seen an increase in the income. it doesn't make you feel great, it doesn't give much really grow. joining us now to help us out, the most of kudlow on foxbusiness, larry kudlow. how do you disseminate it? people are feeling good about like nomex, how do you explain this? >> i think report you mentioned fingers at. incomes are falling after inflation and that is the problem for the entire period of by nomex, inflation killing ordinary families. immediate income has dropped over $7000 in the last 30, 32 mounted the latest report, gdp measures final sales but inside the report, disposable income, some call disposable income after taxes, after inflation actually fell by nearly 2% and inflation rate rose by 3.8%, almost 4% so prices are rising faster than income and killing working folks and middle-class families. here's another step you label be a numbers guy saturday night, food and energy all of these economic geniuses, the federal reserve, they like to take food and energy out of the inflation but that's what people by the gasoline and groceries, right? gasoline and groceries. so food and energy in the third quarter increased 6.6% at an annual rate. that's a very about inflation hike, that means prices are rising a lot faster than income so you have a problem. by nomex is losing affordability. people cannot afford to make ends meet because basic necessities like gasoline and food are too expensive so this is the problem and it will continue, inflation is sticky and on top of the, interest rates have been going up 18 months now, hugh got a mortgage rate over 8% so very hard to afford and purchase a new home hard to rent right now because of these interest rates and last one, small businesses, mom and pop but bigger than mom and pop, small business, can't get a loan, too expensive. the loan like 12% or 15% because of the interest rate hikes so that's why people are feeling it. >> great! i'm sorry, you are a genius and i'm not. one guy who took voted for joe biden, the number one podcast in the country like the better when you guys were in charge. listen to joe rogan. >> all the rap songs, everybody loves trump, like this willing dealing bill in a company everybody enjoys. >> i felt like it was a decent job. >> when you look at his relations, it help the economy. >> if felt like a better spot than not, for sure. >> without a doubt. a lot of [bleep] haven't, covid, the world scares the [bleep] out of me right now. >> a lot of people are feeling not. it's not a campaign, a thirty second ad, it's not a personality, the country seemed a better place with all the controversy when trump was in charge and you have the strings. final thoughts? >> three years, my former boss is the dominant figure in the republican party, he will get the nomination and he is the odds on favorite to become the next president. what rogan said and the other fellow, the other guy, the hardhat working-class kind of guy, trump kept gasoline prices low. trump cut taxes for the middle class. trump and regulations for small business. here is the thing with this terrible israeli -- >> real quick. >> trump stood up trump bankrupted iran and killed iran's top military guy. that's five -- that's why people want trump. >> thanks so much. ♪ we will see you monday 4:00, "fox & friends" this weekend. jack keane sunday, six ♪ ♪ [national anthem]

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