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[ laughter ] i dont know. I dont know. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. Greta goes on the record right know. Donald trump is not having one bit of it. His establishment critics may be hammering him, but he couldnt care less. Watching him on the trail today, its safe to say the donald will keep being the donald. Check this out. What is going on . You see it, you dont believe it. 400 million in cash being flown in an airplane to iran. I wonder where that money really goes, right . I wonder where it really goes. It went either in their pockets, which i actually think more so. Or towards terrorism. Probably a combination of both. How stupid are we . How stupid are we, to allow this to continue to go on . To see whats happening 400 million that just got ripped away from our country, all right . The real number, you look at it, 150 billion, we got nothing. We got nothing. They think they probably paid the 400 million for the hostages which is even worse. Since then, i dont know if you know, we have two more hostages right now. Why wouldnt they . We have two more hostages right now were fairly recently grabbed, and theyre in iran. What are we going to do with that one, right . They do 400 million, it gets flown at night into iran. I think its so sad and so disgusting. You also wonder about a government, who could approve a thing like that, where they take cash into a country and just hand it to them . Bushel and bushels of cash . She will put, because she was pushed so far left, super, super liberal judges in what could be four or five slots. You have one before you even scatter, but you have a situation or the next president could have as many as five, more likely it will be three or four, but its going to be perhaps a Record Number of justices of the supreme court. If for no other reason you have to go out and vote for trump. Were both supposed to been briefed, and im like, you could brief her. You cant brief her. Let as protest. He email scandal put our entire country at risk, made or sensitive secrets vulnerable to hacking by foreign adver sears. Theyre hacked all over the place. I guess. Whos got them . She lost 33,000 emails. What happened . What you happened . How is it possible . She said it was the wedding and yoga. Mr. Herman contain goes on the record. Nice to see you, sir. Thank you, greta. Some of the socalled party elders say they want an intervention, but what do you think . I realize they may point out that some of his narratives may be inflaming the party elders, but theyre not going to change him into member hes not. The people who are supporting donald trump like the fact that hes calling it like it is. The American People are not stupid. We are not buying this explanation that the 400 million was a kines dense with the release of four hostages. The American People are not that she just lost 33,000 emails, put the country at risk, and she wants to just ignore it along with the liberal media. Theyre not going to remake him. They may be able to get him to think about some of the things in terms of some of the narrative, but not all. So how do you explain this . He has huge crowds, bigger than i think she does by far, an enormous amount of votes in the primary, buried his opponents, but then when you see the polls, hes losing now by a significant number. How do you reconcile the poll numbers and the fact he has these huge crowds. Heres how i reconcile it. There are two president ial race. The one projected by the media, the liberal media is projecting donald trump as knock but negative and the liberal media is projecting Hillary Clinton a candidate, even though they dont use those words. Then you have the ground president ial race. 15,000 people show up in jacksonville, 15,000 people show up in Daytona Beach to hear donald trump. Why . They are not listening to the garbage that the liberal media is putting out there to create a negative perception of donald trump. The ground people on the ground arent listening to these tales to try and paint donald trump in a negative sense, despite the fact that maybe he didnt selectively use certain words. While were on the topic, hollywood legend Clint Eastwood saying his guy is donald trump. Thats who hes voting for. In an interview with esquire Clint Eastwood saying this about trump hes on to something, because secretly everybody is getting tired of political correctness, kissing up, thats the kissass gen ways were in right now. Clint eastwood is correct. This is why. One, as i mentioned we have two but secondly, if had been had been becomes president , she will have carried blanc with no checkandbalances, she will appoint liberal judges, all executive orders and all Regulatory Overreach will have no way to stop it. That is the biggest danger. I believe thats why Clint Eastwood along with a lot of other are other people are saying never hillary. Thats what hes saying. Four years ago he saw this of Clint Eastwood, front, right and center,o of the rnc convention. I have mr. Obama sitting here. I just was going to ask him a couple questions. What do you want me to tell romney . I cant tell him to do that. He cant do that to himself. What do you think, maybe its time for a businessman . How about that . And get the viewers in on this before i does the celebrities endorsement impact your vote . Tweet yes or no. Well show you the live twitter votes. Back to you, mr. Cain. On this whole political correctness, i get a lot of people, people just dont like it, but we have issues that matter, so where do you draw the line . You draw the line at trying to be respectful of people. I get that. Thats what people want, but they also, as has been demonstrated with the popularity of donald trump, they want people to tell it like it is, and in that little chair incident that Clint Eastwood did, he was using a humorous way to drive home a point. That point is president obama and his administration, along with hillary, what would be obama 3. 0 are basically deceiving the American People and their own strategy is attack, attack, attack donald trump, and deny, deny, deny the truth. Thats what he was saying with that incident. Thats why hes supporting donald trump today. Everyone is pointing fingers a bit, but anyway, mr. Herman cain, thanks for joining us. Theres a new report about secretary Hillary Clinton as tax plan. If she wins the white house, will your taxes go up . According to a new report, former congressional budget officer director and president of the American Action forum goes on the record. Nice to see you, sir. Good to see you. Thank you. Under the Hillary Clinton tax plan, are taxes going up . Who are they going up . Theyre going up to the tune of 1. 3 trillion over the next ten years if she were elected. Right now shes promises they will only effect the very wealthy. There any way to know that for sure . Theres a deficit of 2. 2 trillion. He wont do that by cutting spending. To close that that means higher taxes for somebody and shes running out of rich peoples income. I suspect if we had a more have i with us or robust economy, this would be less of an issue. Certainly that would help, but were grinding along right now, and a promise to raise taxes and create a 2. 2 trillion deficit a promise to harm growth. I think you have to be concerned about the implications for the average person on main street of an economy thats not doing well now and sees in kind of policy to be put in place. Does donald trump have a plan out himself that you can do an analysis of . We would love to do an analysis. Hes been very short on details. We know he has a tax plan thats been estimated to lose between 10 and 12 trillion over ten years by different groups. He has promised to double the Infrastructure Spending of secretary clinton that would be about 800 billion. Hes promised not to touch Social Security or medicare. That will be attributed to what they would inherit from this president. That remains to be seen. I would love to see the details. Doug, thank you for joining us. Thank you. Many are asking tonight, was the Obama Administration 4 hubz million cash payout to iran legal . You keep the ransom program 400 million in cash, euros and swiss francs on an unmarked ed reason it was concealed is because its illegal. Im asking what and what the senior think. He was out of office by the time this happened. The standard clinton technique. The money is in cash. Why . Because you cant trace it. It will go straight to hezbollah. Justice department efficiency objected to sending a place loaded with cash to tehran. Their objections were overruled by the state department. The Justice Department raised objections. Of course the Justice Department objected. It was illegal. 30 years ago this was something that would have launched congressional hearings, we would have had convictions, indictments. The regime laundered 400 million. If a private company had done this, this is called money laundering, the ceo would be in jail right now. Illinois congressman peter russ et goes on the record, sir. Good evening, greta. Is this transaction, the 400 million cash transaction, which people knew about in january, but gaining more publicity now, illegal . If it is, what are you going to do about it . I think it is illegal. The administration is tries to whitewash it saying everybody knew about it. No, nobody knew about it, this is clearly contemporaneous, that is cash for hostages, what its an illustration is this desperate desire on the part of the Obama Administration to come up with a Foreign Policy legacy around the iran deal. Theres nothing, and i will repeat this there is nothing that the iranians can do that the Obama Administration would walk away from. Now theyre defending this. They have been xlois in transferring cash for hostages, period, prograaragraph, end of letter. I went back and did some research, that leadership reports about it last january, but i think the media fell down on this one, and its great happiness to see americans come home. I think whats new now is it does look like a ransom. Even the administration is saying that the iranians wanted something of substance or something, so obviously it was a ransom. Is there anything you can do about that . It violates american policy, but what can you do . Look, what you do is you talk about it. You bring attention to it. You make it clear what was happening is this exact thing that people warned about. Congressman mike pompeiio from kansas, and wrote letters about inquire. Whats happened since then is two more americans have been held hostage. Now is there another exchange . Of course there will by just based on this general approach of things. I question the public has to ask and has to be answered is is this the type of Foreign Policy we can be proud of . Is this the type of Foreign Policy that means america is strong and being ascended . No, its very de minimus Foreign Policy and pathetic and it feeds into a narrative of american weakness and ascendancy of our opponents, particularly isil and others around the world. Part of a terrible foreshadowing of this to come. There are two other issues. One is that it was in cash, and one not in american dollars. President obama says it wasnt american dollars, because we had no banking relationship. But why was this in cash . So they could hustle it, so that it would be unmarked. In cash so its untraceable. The notion that weve got to somehow give a payment to the iranians so that it is convenient for the iranians . Only illustrates how desperate the iranians the Obama Administration is for an iranian deal. Theres nothing that iran could do that they wouldnt support at this point. Its pathetic. That proves to me its a ransom, not just a coincidence. Congressman, thank you, sir. Always a pleasure. Thanks, greta. The fear of funding terror, the u. S. State department lists iran as a top state sponsor of terrorism. Last year secretary of state john kerry insisted any money sent to iran would not be used to fund terror. As you know theres concern that iran will take some of that money that theyre going to get from the frozen assets, that theyll use it on some of it to create mischief, more mischief in the area, give some of it to hezbollah, some of it to the shiite militias in yemen, so forth. What is the u. S. Prepared to do about that . How do you see that playing out . Were going to clamp down. Theyre not allowed to do that. Outside even of this agreement. This is a u. N. Resolution that specification applying to them not being allowed to transfer to hezbollah. And from the pentagon, the president said this. Can you assure that none of the money went to support terrorists. Its been interesting to watch this story surface. Some of you may recall we announced these payments in january. Youll recall there were all these Horror Stories about how iran was going to cheat and this wasnt goods to work and iran was going to get 150 billion to finance terrorism and all these kinds of scenarios. And none of them have come to pass. Former u. S. Ambassador to United Nations john bolton goes on the record. The president quite arrogant and confident. He simply doesnt know what hes talking about. The notion that we had any control over what iran is going to do with the unfrozen assets or the payment in exchange for the hostages is flatly wrong, but even worse, the question is irrelevant. All dollars are equally green. Money is fungible. Whatever they get from the unfrozen assets, they could spend it on roads and highways. What i dont like, among other things about how this went down is that president obama insists this was not a ransom. This was a coincidence. Listen to what pastor abdinni, one of the released hostage. They said we would be there 20 minutes, but it took hours and hours, and when i asked why they wouldnt let us go, everyone was ready, they had we are waiting for another plane, and until that plane doesnt come, we never let go. He said we were wait fog another plane. Thats the cash. If this is if this release of the hostages dib abedini, is why do they have to wait . The spokesman for the state Department Said who are you going to believe . Us or some iranian . And the answer is i believe some iranian, because they are describing what actually happened. Hes not iranian, hes an American Christian pastor. But he was told this by irani iranian captors. January 16th is the key day. That was established as what they call implementation day by the vienna agreement signed the previous july. Purely coincidence that the hostages are asked to be released on january 16th, and the plane carrying the cash heads off to tehran. Purely by coincidence . You have to suspend disbelief im certainly glad theyre home, but i dont like the fact that weve been had. Weve been had over and over in this deal. Ambassador, dont go away. President obama is saying isis is losing on the battlefield, he middle eastern in syria, but guess what . Another isis arrest here in the United States. Who is winning here . Also, is there trouble at the Trump Campaign . Can peace be made between trump and Top Republicans . Thats straight ahead. Gaviscon is a proven heartburn remedy that gives you fastacting, longlasting relief. It immediately neutralizes acid and only gaviscon helps keep acid down for hours. For fastacting, longlasting relief, try doctorrecommended gaviscon. Allstate offers at imagine genuine parts guarantee, that promises to fix your bike with original parts. Talk to an allstate agent about all the things they do to keep riders riding. President obama at the pentagon telling the American People that isis is losing ground, but every day we hear about isis here in america. Just today a North Carolina man arrested, the phish announcing that eric hendrix was actively recruiting was instructing peoo carry out attacks right here in the United States. He was even in contact with two againmen who carried out a shooti shooting a draw muhammad context. The president s fundamental problems is he will not acknowledge were fighting a hostile ideology, therefore he doesnt have a comprehensive strategy to deal with it. Hes playing what the Clinton Administration used to call whack amole. You have a problem with terrorism in the United States, you deal with it there. Isis in the meantime, while it may be losing territory in iraq is gaining territory across north africa, the middle east, conducting more operations, on the net isis is not losing. Something he said that i thought was determining isil, thats his name isis. He says isil cant defeat the United States. And i thought to myself what does he mean by that . We have attacks here in the United States, in belgium, what does he mean . Man for man on the battlefield . You tell the families of the dead people that isis cant defeat the United States . You know, theyre killing every day. Well, that is the point he is making there is that isis is not an existential threat like an exchange of nuclear salvos in the cold war would have been, but to the dead innocent civilians that isis has caused, that is an existential threat. Its the job of the president to not simply be defeated in a world war, but keep its citizens safe every day. I look at isis a lot like a malignant cancer, if you get chemotherapy right in the beginning when its sitting in syria youre going to win it, but one its metastasized, its like a cancer, really hard to kill. Its getting harder and harder. Thats why the slow roll is having such profound consequences worldwide. Even if we could defeat themselves, isis has gained enough time to redeploy its headquarters somewhere else, and it has thousands of operatives, recruiting more every day, so that threat is out there, and were simply not paying adequate attention. I think another problem, in Turkey Erdogan has issued a warrant for the islamic cleric who lives here in pennsylvania. He thinks that was part of the coup, and whether or not the United States surrenders this islamic cleric to turkey, the problem is if we dont, do we get denied rights to that base were using for our air strikes in syria . Erdogan is taking turkey in a direction that reverses 100 years of turkish history, the efforts post ottoman empire. Hes trying to make it into an islamist estate, i dont have notice brief for the guy here, accused of fomenting the coup, but this is part of ed wands politic erdogans political purge. I would be skeptical of granting that question. If he threatens is in incirlik or undercuts hi nato obligations, it was one reason we want add secular turkey to be part of nato. I think this puts us in an awkward position. Very hard. And the trump train is now derailing a bit this week. How can trump get his campaign headed in the right direction . Karl rove is standing by to go on the record. If you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, and youre talking to your doctor about your medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me go further. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Here is what he said today. None of these things are every blank chex. That goes with any situation in any kind of rate. Right now i just he won the delegates fair and square. We just came out of that convention, and yeah hes had a pretty strange run since the convention. You would think we ought to be focusing on Hillary Clinton, on all of her deficiencies. But in an odd twist, donald trump seems to be warming up to speaker ryan. Paul ryan is a good guy, actually no, hes a good guy. So mike calls me and he said yesterday, and he said, would you mind if i endorsed . If you like him, yes, go ahead and do it 100 , and he endorsed him. Quarters on the record Political Panel here. They can keep switching beds, too. Its hard to overstate how big a moment it would be if paul ryan did rescind his endorsement. It will be a big moment. I dont know that its going to happen. Paul ryan is still sort of a party soldier, but it indicates where we are that were even talking about the possibility. This was somewhat of a power play by trump. Hes forcing the issue, basically sending a message saying your primary opponent, this guy says a lot nicer things about me than you do, maybe you should do that. He didnt proactively make this declaration. He was asked about it in an interview, so over the course of his answer, he made clear that he kind of wanted to send a signal to paul ryan. Paul ryan will occasionally jump in and Say Something about what donald trump has done, and kind of be the conscience of the establishment. Also saying hes supporting donald trump. I think trump knows that hes not going to unendorse trump, unless its unwinnable. I dont think trump cares. You know, hes so bold, and hes so certain, and wisconsin didnt like him anyway, they went for cruz. I dont think the only problem i think for trump is if it started a domino effect, if paul ryan then everybody else could, too. I think thats the only danger to him. And the scatter shot also going after john mccain and kelly ayotte, i think it gets under his skin when he feels like hes been insulted. And all at least of those he felt insulted. Jong he has it in him to show restraint, which is what people in the party want him to do, but i dont think he can do that. I dont think the voters care about what the politicians think about each other. Look at the numbers that trump is drawing to the huge numbers. They vote. I mean, so what difference does it make, except for the fact that the polls seem to indicate he has a problem, but the rallies suggest he doesnt. He won in the primaries, and what worked in the primaries will also work in the general election. I dont think thats a very sound strategy. I think thats what hi believes. I think that after he made this comment, certain members of his campaign stepped forward and didnt endorse paul ryan. Paul manafort basically said he does support paul ryan and will work with them. Maybe it wasnt something planned, but i think this is a good example of trump not believes he has to play by the same rules. I think it behooves to take a more global look at the whole race, but thats just me. Thank you both. Donald trump getting a bounce off Republican National convention, but since then his lead has been slipping away. Former senior divorce to george w. Bush karl rove goes on the record. Nice to see you, karl. Nice to see you, greta. Two her part question, can donald trump get back on track . And sect is, will he do that . The answer to the first is yes, he can. And the answer to the second is, we dont know. Lets look at the last couple weeks, literally starting after the day after his convention, and what you see is a series of selfinflicted wounds. Hes not focused on the big issues. Hes focused on everything from the morning after his own convention attacking ted cruz to picking a fight with very popular republicans in new hampshire, and arizona, and wisconsin. So, look, i wrote this in my column this morning. It strikes me there are three things at play here. First of all, theres nobody in that campaign who has a plan for what donald trump is supposed to say and when hes going to say it, starting with the candidate himself. Thats why we ended up on the same today lousy gdp numbers for the second quarter, donald trump is talking about how a gold star family, you know, has viciously attacked him. On the morning on the afternoon after Hillary Clinton has an interview with chris walace in which she lies about her email server, makes misstatements about benghazi, gets in trouble on guns, and giving him an open on the economy that you could drive a mac truck through. What does he spend the evening about . About how the debates are scheduled the same nights as Football Games and why the fire marshals in Colorado Springs and columbus treated him unfairly by limiting the number of people he could stuff in his rooms. I see the rallies and theyre big, and i see the poll numbers, and hes lips in the polls, but i wonder how many people receive a phone call from a stranger and say were going to vote for the guy who uses bad language . Im not sure how accurate these polls are . I guess during the primary they give us some indication, but when they go behind the closed numbers, are they going to vote for trump . Well, what you are suggesting, and im not saying its not worth considering this, but youre assuming first of all, the polls are not reliable, and second of all, a better test, the size of the crowds he gets at his rallies, but i would remind you in the closing days, Walter Mondale was drawing large and enthusiastic rallies, as he went on to narrowly win one state. When George Mcgovern was in the final stages, the crowds weren believably large and enthusiastic. In 1996, bob dole was actually drawing good crowds as he came down the closing stretch, but none of that mattered at the end of the day. Theres a difference between who shows up at a rally and who turns out to vote. Right today i wouldnt be betting that all of those polls i wouldnt bet the fox news poll is wrong that says hes ten points down. You. May they show up because they want to see the celebrity, but may not want him as a president . Yeah. In 1896, 75,000 people showed up in the Boston Common to see William Jennings bryan, and he got 25 of the vote in massachusetts that year. And only karl rove would know that fact. Or anyone who read the triumph of mckinley would know that. A serial killer on the loose, and police fear he or she may strike again. Plus next, jenkins has the next part of our extremely Popular Series. One is saying both clinton and trump are wrong on one major topic. Whats the topic . Find out, coming up. Isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing Otezla Apremilast . Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. 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They were all believed to be fair of the la casa nostra it comes as a result of a multiyear investigation. A mobster turned informant. Happy birthday, mr. President. President obama turning 55 years old today. First Lady Michelle obama posting this picture, the camera 5 a years young and that smile still gets me ifr day no word whether the fitness enthusiast will let him eat cake today. And rubber ducky taking over the chicago river. 60,000 rubber ducks racing to the finish like, the ducky derby benefits the Special Olympics illinois. People get a ducky for 5 with a chance to win prizes. Last year the event made 400,000, and thats tonights speedread. In phoenix please say they have linked a new shooting to a killer who they believe has shot now seven people. Andrew has more. Reporter good evening, greta. Officers tell us this is still a top priority and will remain a top priority until the suspected serial shooter is off the street. The latest shooting theyve been able to tie to this string of shootings happened back at july 11th at night in an area of phoenix on the east side of town. Thats important to message, most have been consolidated in the west side. Of the nine shootings, seven have happened on the west side, now two, including this one, have happened on the ooze side of town, a 21yearold man and 4yearold boy were driving in a residential neighborhood when they were fired upon in the evening hours. They were not hurt thankfully, but the same cannot be cede for some of the other victims in this case. So far seven people have been killed by this suspected series killer. Others have been injured. Luckily in this case, no injuries. Police are not detailed how theyre able to tie the cases together, but they have put out the sketch of a possible suspects. They say hes a lanky man in his 20s, but thats about all they have released. After this latest case was reese veal, we have a better description of a vehicle that could belong to this suspected serial killer. Police say he has access to a love the vehicles, but the best description is a black 1990s or early 2000 5 series bmw. Police are on the lookout tonight, and now the reward for in case has been upped to 50,000. Andrew, thank you. Our extremely Popular Series the deciders is back. Who are the workers voting for . Well, thats next. For lower back pain sufferers, the search for relief often leads here. Introducing drugfree aleve direct therapy. A high intensity tens device that uses technology once only in doctors offices. For deep penetrating relief at the source. New aleve direct therapy. Searchingcan you help . Used car . Start with the millions for sale at the new carfax. Com show me cars with no accidents. Thats awesome. Plus you get a free carfax® report. Start your search at carfax. Com i want my blood sugar i to stay in control. Ck. 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And he is fired up. Its critical that we have good policies so we can grow our company and grow our nation. Reporter drew gave me an exclusive look at his manufacturing plant in baltimore, maryland, where everything, and he means everything, is made in america. This machine is made in america. And what youre watching is steel thats made in a newport plant in indiana. Its an american robot made in connecticut, and its american steel. This component used to be made in china, but because of the investment in our technology, because of our wonderful talent here at marlin, weve been able to make this part here in america. And were really proud of that. Reporter on the factory floor, what i saw was true, gritty, and unrelenting American Manufacturing hard at work. And almost everything that we were making was ready to be shipped overseas. What are we watching here . What is this thing doing . This machine right here was made in chicago. And what it does is it bends wire. Its bending 400 feet per minute. Right now its teamed up with another robot that was made in japan. They Work Together and they bend all the wire. And were going to ship this. This box is going to be going to mexico. This machine also makes parts for ireland, singapore, taiwan, and my favorite, we ship to china with this machine. Reporter in 2015 alone, the United States exported more than 1. 5 trillion of goods, thanks to Companies Like marlin steel. But theres a flip side to the story. And thats the massive 745 billion trade deficit. Meaning the u. S. Economy buys way more stuff from other countries than it sells them. And thats why both Hillary Clinton and donald trump are ripping potential free trade agreements, something that greenblatt is not happy about. Bottom line is trump and clinton are misinformed. Right now, theyre preaching a populist message thats inaccurate. If you want to grow jobs, if you want to grow our country, if you want to get us out of this recession, we need more clients, we need new markets. We have to sell into japan. Reporter thats why this election year, this desired is completely undecided. Right now america only has 4 of the worlds population. We need to export like crazy. Thats how were going to grow and thats how were going to hire unemployed steel workers. Reporter i did run into one worker who has made up his mind. I think ive decided im going to vote for donald trump. Reporter okay. Why trump . I dont like hillary. I didnt like her husband. I think shes liar. I never liked her. Reporter in baltimore, maryland, where theyre still making things here in america, for on the record, im griff jenkins. Coming up, should you be worrying about all this workout . Ill explain, off the record. Sa. Natural cheese, dried fruit and nuts. Three wholesome ingredients that are never, ever a crowd. Sargento balanced breaks. Find them in the sargento cheese section. Burning, pinsandneedles of beforediabetic nerve pain, these feet played shortstop in high school, learned the horn from my dad and played gigs from new york to miami. But i couldnt bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. So i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. Nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain, from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. Lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. Tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. Or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. Common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. Dont drink alcohol while taking lyrica. Dont drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. Those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. Now i have less diabetic nerve pain. And these feet would like to keep the beat going. Ask your doctor about lyrica. Lets all go off the record. You have heard me say this before, this years president ial race is wild. Thats an actually a polite way to describe it. Donald trump trash talked secretary clinton, said shes a crooked liar. Secretary clinton fires back with saying hes temperamentally unfit, maybe unhinged. Do you wonder, what are the nations children thinking . I understand your skepticism. But this political insanity, this cesspool will end. November 8th, the losing candidate will no doubt call the winner and in a bizarre transformation of personality, the loser will gracefully concede. When minutes before, they were at each others throats. Six straight months of nothing but rotten insults. Even with a concession call, the nation will still have bruises. But the nation will get through it, we always do. Come january 1 man or one woman will take the oath and be loaned, only loaned, power. I agree, we are drowning in a political scesspool. But i have great if it in all of us. Thats my off the record comment tonight. Does a celebritys endorsement of a candidate impact your vote

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