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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Suster
Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Suster
Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20160802
You thought it would be. I think that would be an under statement. It is a very hard thing to do, to run for elected office. And i think most people realized that challenge but living it and especially when you are talking about the highest level of elected office and arguably the most powerful position in the world, there is tremendous scrutiny. There is tremendous viciousness. But there is a i see amazing love and support. Its these extremes that are remarkable. I think one of the most incredible things about this journey is the ability to travel to areas of this country and see my father fill these arenas with people who are so hopeful and excited and passionate about the message he has for them and about his ability to fulfill their hopes for this country. So, thats the beauty. Thats something that i cant even communicate in words how emotional and powerful that experience is for me. And then there is the other side, which is the viciousness of the attacks and thats a hard thing as a daughter of a candidate to experience. But my father is strong and he is tough. And its probably harder on me than it is on him. But its been an amazing journey. You know, i have talked to a lot of children over the years of politicians, always harder on the kids. Always harder than the candidate. The candidates, you know, its like water off the ducks back but the kids they take it hard. It is challenging. Can i handle i can handle differences of opinion. Its harder, i think labeling and accusations and when i hear things said that i know to be false. Thats more difficult for me. At the same time, you know, the comfort i take is obviously knowing the man and knowing my father and the fact that i know his strength through this process. And is he a great source of reassurance to me, you know, when i get upset by what i hear. Do you read the papers and read the internet and do all that kind of stuff . At this point its actually almost impossible to
Read Everything
thats written. I read the papers always in the sense of keeping up with the news. I try try to read the papers less in terms of their editorializing on my father, the campaign and sort of all the noise, i think i have experienced an extreme bias in terms of coverage and reporting. So i try to distance myself from that and really try to just stay on top of
Current Events
and make it a little less personal for myself and read a little less of what i read a little less from news sources about when my family and my father, specifically. Well, youre friends with
Chelsea Clinton
, in the same shoes and walks the same beat that you do. Do you ever talk to her about this or hands off in the short run while your parents both run . You know, i think we have great many are for each other and that hasnt changed. She is a great girl and she has been a great friend to me. Obviously, the intensity and the scrutiny of this moment in our lives is pretty extreme. So, you know, we have stayed close to one another. Maybe a little less publicly so. But, you know, she is a good friend. And we support each other. Were not the candidates. Were the children of the candidates. And we both respect our parents. You know, thats we never talked about politics before this campaign and probably a good topic for us to avoid talking about now. Is it fair to say you were friends before and will be friends after . Absolutely. Let me talk about the night you came out and spoke for your father at the convention. Were you nervous. I was. I was very, very nervous. My daughter told me i didnt look nervous which i consider a win unless she was just trying to make me feel better which is pretty likely. She is pretty savvy at 5. I was very nervous in the sense that it was, i felt a real responsibility to share with america the father who raised me to speak about him from a perspective that is so unique to me as what he was like as a parent. And what he was also likes a an employer and a professional mentor after working alongside him of the two
Trump Organization
. To be able to share both sides of him in that regard was very important to me. I want to do do a good job for him. It was a very emotional moment and experience, the whole convention was, because it was historic what he has done. So, you know, i really i wanted to do a good job for him and also knew a lot of people were watching on television. I was happy i made it across the stage without tripping. How about your brothers . Did they give you a hard time behind the scenes teasing you about it . Whats that like . Whats the family dynamic . They were very, very quiet until they were done with their own speeches. And thats when the hazing starts. So i think they were too superstitious to talk a big game in advance of them having to perform themselves. But, don spoke first on tuesday. Eric on wednesday. So once they were done, they just let loose on me. Doing what . Just joking around with me that they could actually relax, enjoy, sit back. You know, i had to wait another 24 hours until it was my turn. So, but, no. They were great and, it was actually fun when i later on watched portions of the speech on the news. They had a few moments where they panned out and they showed my family. Im sitting there and they were clapping for me and engaged and attentive and it was nice to actually see their support because from the stage i couldnt actually have seen them. Tell me about the business. Youve got the two brothers in the business. Yes. And, of course, your father, how do you describe the two brothers jobs and your jobs . Well, we all work very collaboratively. Its a
Family Business
. Its a very large
Family Business
but its still a
Family Business
. So, we really decided early on and this has been very core to how we operate that as a collective we could do so much more than any one of us could do individually. Its not like you have one project, eric has another project and don has another project. That has evolved over time where we take specific im of certain things we have strength in areas or projects that well just naturally gravitate towards. The
Old Post Office
in washington, d. C. Is a project im deeply passionate about and i have been spearheading. We each have areas of responsibility, of course. Its still very collaborative. I always know what eric is doing and don is doing and visa versa. We are very much a team even though obviously since the organization is to large we take on different functions and different roles depending on the project or the circumstance. But we are all very focused on building a business. We are now running it as my father has dedicating himself to something really bigger and more important, which is, you know, the future of this country. So, its amazing to be able to do that and to be able to take care of the business. My father put so much energy and effort and passion into building and to make sure to keep it healthy and vibrant and strong for the thousands of incredible employees that we have working for us here in america and across the globe. Do you think he wants to be president . I mean, does he really want it in the pit of his stomach . Absolutely. Absolutely. Why . Because i cant figure out why anybody wants the job quite frankly. Its very difficult job would be almost the understatement of a century. My father cant stand incompetence. And he has a very clear and strong vision for initially the future of his company and his business. For the family he wanted to create and now in a much more macrosense for this country. So it wouldnt have been his choice to have actually been the person doing this. He always refers to himself as really being the messenger of a movement of the people but he felt that the country was headed in the wrong direction and he wanted to step up and do the right thing. Now there is much more ahead with ivanka trump including any future plans she has to run for office. And out on the campaign trail, ivanka, her brothers, and
Chelsea Clinton
all feeling the spotlight. Are they
Effective Advocates
for their parents in the on the record
Political Panel
is here from the wall street journal shelby holiday and from the
Washington Post
philip bump. How effective are these children including
Chelsea Clinton
. I think they are terrific. The best speakers at the convention were probably
Donald Trumps
children in part because they know him, right . Donald trump has been living in trump power tore a long time. He is a businessman. He didnt have a lot of friends that came out and advocate for him but did he have his kids. Ivanka gave a great speech. Im not sure everything she outlined on that speech was on board with trumps policy measures. But she and her brothers did a good job of prevent ago face of donald trump that donald trump hasnt shown to the world, and, frankly, they are better at it than donald trump is. Shelby, we have also made the same offer to
Chelsea Clinton
to do an interview, same style, same type questions. I hope she will join us. Your thoughts about ivankas effectiveness for her father. I think that was incredible interview. Ivanka is savvy, wellspoken. She is very accomplished business woman. The problem is she is not running for president. Her dad is. No matter what she says, she cant overshadow all the controversies and twitter storms and headlines that her father whips up day to day. So, i thought she did an incredible job. It was interesting at the rnc, i was down on the floor talking to delegates. More of the women, female delegates were excited to see ivanka than they were to see donald trump. She creates a lot of buzz and i think she does draw a lot of people to her father the candidate. At the end of the day she is not running. Accord to a cnn poll. Two thirds say trumps kids should not be involved at policy level. They can help make the candidate likeable. People dont want themtosee them interferes in the daytoday policy decisions. Later on we do touch on some of those topics. I assume that would be true of any candidate. You dont want the wife. You dont want the children or the husband and to be part of the policy. You want the person you are voting for. Exactly. I think they are most effective as those messengers. One of the things i found refreshing is the fact that a lot of politicians kids and i dont know what would happen in the
Chelsea Clinton
interview she would be less inclined to be this way. She was not answering the question in sound bites. Yes thats because america wants to make
America Great
again. Very honest. She was just answering the question which thank god at this point. I cant help but think all of them have a right to be pretty guarded. Sure. Because we go after them pretty aggressively. These are tough. They love their parents immensely. They hear the worst things said about them. Not by the other candidate, by the media shelby and philip, dont go away. Donald trump crying foul. We are 97 days away from the general election and trump is saying. This. First of all, its rigged. And im afraid the election is going to be rigged, i have to be honest. Busy think my side was rigged if i didnt win by massive landslides, i mean, think of what we won in new york and indiana, california, 78 . Thats with other people in the race. Press secretary for hillary for
America Brian
fallon goes on the record. Nice to have you back, brian. Thanks for having me back. Brian, let me talk to you about the controversy about these some of the debase are scheduled against the nfl and i might add mistakenly against the green bay packers. Thats my bias. I take it that secretary clinton would likewise like to not be competing with the nfl. Is that a fair guess on my part . Well, lets take a step back and just remember that these dates are selected by a bipartisan president ial
Debate Commission
that selected these dates months ago before the nominees for either party were known and i think. I think it trying to mettle with the bipartisan process that goes into setting up these debates. I would refer that question to them. I think that they would tell you that they have a hard challenge in terms of trying to find dates that would work and be free of any conflict whatsoever. Basically you have the nfl playing in prime time on sunday, monday, thursday nights, you have baseball playoffs going on. You have some religious holidays scattered in there in september and october. We will leave it to the
Bipartisan Commission
to set the dates. We plan there to be there at the dates they set. We expect after some donald trump will be there too. Maybe its my bias and i realize its bipartisan that secretary clinton didnt set those dates maybe its my bias for the nfl and the packers. I would have picked tuesday and thursday. Anyway, im not on the commission. Let me ask about
Chelsea Clinton
. We would love to have her come and do the same interview that we are doing right now with ivanka trump. Listen to this sound bite that ivanka gives. It really is awful to be the child of a candidate, isnt it . We read these things and chelsea does, too. Its hard. You know, brian, i feel bad for the kids. And, you know, of all the candidates. Not just at the president ial level but all the way down the line. Do you agree with me that it is tough for these kids . They all look polished but its tough. I agree. And i think that one thing that all sides can hopefully agree on is that in general, candidates families should be off limits. I think that for all the disagreements we have with donald trump, you would be hardpressed to find anybody that would say anything about ivanka trump. I think she is clearly very eloquent. A successful business woman and probably the highlight of
Donald Trumps
convention was hearing from his daughter speak in such personal terms about her father. Just as for us i think one of the highlights was
Chelsea Clinton
s introduction of her mother on thursday night last week. So i think on both sides you are seeing the candidates children emerge as very key surrogates but ultimately i think that the voters make the decisions based on the candidates whose names are on the ballot. So the contrast here will be pretty clear between
Hillary Clinton
and donald trump. All right. Secretary clinton got a huge bump out of the i think she got 8 points bounce out of the democratic convention. But how is it that someone who has been in
Public Service
for so long in the public eye has such a tough number with trustworthiness and donald trump has one too. She has been in public eye in the office. Why does she have such a bad number in trustworthiness and how does she approve that between now and november . Well, greta. I think that some of the sustained focus on that particular question in these polls is mistaken. Because we have seen
Hillary Clinton
s performance in headtohead matchups with donald trump pretty consistently show that she is running quite well against him. You are right, we have seen uptick in headtohead matchups. We have seen other
Favorability Ratings
go up after this. In one poll that came out today she even overtook donald trump on which candidate you would trust to handle the economy. Thats the first time this particular poll showed her leading on that question. I think issue after issue when you break down these polls,
Hillary Clinton
standing over donald trump suggests we are on a good trajectory. Long way to go and this race is going to remain very tight especially in the battleground states. We emerge from this convention with a great deal of momentum whereas by contrast there is a gallup poll came out in the last couple days that suggest more people came away from the
Republican Convention
less likely to vote for donald trump. First time the gallup poll shows a convention being a negative for a candidate. Brian, thank you for joining us. I hope youll come back. Thanks, greta. Thank you. Thank you. Women and children gassed with chemical weapons. It happened in a deliberate toxic gas attack in syria. More than 30 people rushed to the hospital. Activists in the area claiming that overnight a hospital dropped the gas on civilians children in western syria. Its believed the gas used chlorine gas. The gas attack happening close to where yesterday someone shot down a
Russian Military
helicopter. No word who brought down that russian chopper. President obama saying today donald trump is, quote, unfit to be president. Congressman
Duncan Hunter
is standing by to respond to president obama. We also asked ivanka trump about the president s comments. Plus, ivanka tells us what she thinks of her fathers tweeting habits. Thats next. lionel its peyton. Its peyton on sunday mornings. peyton you know with directv nfl sunday ticket you can watch your
Favorite Team
no matter where you live. Like broncos or colts. cashier cool. peyton ah. 18. The old number. Ooh. I have got a coupon for that one. vo get nfl sunday ticket only on directv. And watch live games anywhere. More news and analysis in just a few minutes. First, more of ivanka trump on the record. Your father correctly portrayed . Well, i think people is he correctly portrayed in the sense that people know he is very authentic. My father says what he means and he means what he says. And thats very rare in politics but he is incorrectly portrayed often by the media my father is incredibly warm and compassionate and loyal and funny. And anyone who knows him knows that to be true. I think that often is not portrayed. You see the strength. You see the determination. You see the fact that he is tireless in terms of his energy. But i dont think you see that more compassionate side of him as certainly not in the way
Mainstream Media
portrays him. I know that side of him. I am his daughter. I have seen it my whole life. His employees know that side of him. But, i dont think thats portrayed to the
American People
. But i think thats one the
Read Everything<\/a> thats written. I read the papers always in the sense of keeping up with the news. I try try to read the papers less in terms of their editorializing on my father, the campaign and sort of all the noise, i think i have experienced an extreme bias in terms of coverage and reporting. So i try to distance myself from that and really try to just stay on top of
Current Events<\/a> and make it a little less personal for myself and read a little less of what i read a little less from news sources about when my family and my father, specifically. Well, youre friends with
Chelsea Clinton<\/a>, in the same shoes and walks the same beat that you do. Do you ever talk to her about this or hands off in the short run while your parents both run . You know, i think we have great many are for each other and that hasnt changed. She is a great girl and she has been a great friend to me. Obviously, the intensity and the scrutiny of this moment in our lives is pretty extreme. So, you know, we have stayed close to one another. Maybe a little less publicly so. But, you know, she is a good friend. And we support each other. Were not the candidates. Were the children of the candidates. And we both respect our parents. You know, thats we never talked about politics before this campaign and probably a good topic for us to avoid talking about now. Is it fair to say you were friends before and will be friends after . Absolutely. Let me talk about the night you came out and spoke for your father at the convention. Were you nervous. I was. I was very, very nervous. My daughter told me i didnt look nervous which i consider a win unless she was just trying to make me feel better which is pretty likely. She is pretty savvy at 5. I was very nervous in the sense that it was, i felt a real responsibility to share with america the father who raised me to speak about him from a perspective that is so unique to me as what he was like as a parent. And what he was also likes a an employer and a professional mentor after working alongside him of the two
Trump Organization<\/a>. To be able to share both sides of him in that regard was very important to me. I want to do do a good job for him. It was a very emotional moment and experience, the whole convention was, because it was historic what he has done. So, you know, i really i wanted to do a good job for him and also knew a lot of people were watching on television. I was happy i made it across the stage without tripping. How about your brothers . Did they give you a hard time behind the scenes teasing you about it . Whats that like . Whats the family dynamic . They were very, very quiet until they were done with their own speeches. And thats when the hazing starts. So i think they were too superstitious to talk a big game in advance of them having to perform themselves. But, don spoke first on tuesday. Eric on wednesday. So once they were done, they just let loose on me. Doing what . Just joking around with me that they could actually relax, enjoy, sit back. You know, i had to wait another 24 hours until it was my turn. So, but, no. They were great and, it was actually fun when i later on watched portions of the speech on the news. They had a few moments where they panned out and they showed my family. Im sitting there and they were clapping for me and engaged and attentive and it was nice to actually see their support because from the stage i couldnt actually have seen them. Tell me about the business. Youve got the two brothers in the business. Yes. And, of course, your father, how do you describe the two brothers jobs and your jobs . Well, we all work very collaboratively. Its a
Family Business<\/a>. Its a very large
Family Business<\/a> but its still a
Family Business<\/a>. So, we really decided early on and this has been very core to how we operate that as a collective we could do so much more than any one of us could do individually. Its not like you have one project, eric has another project and don has another project. That has evolved over time where we take specific im of certain things we have strength in areas or projects that well just naturally gravitate towards. The
Old Post Office<\/a> in washington, d. C. Is a project im deeply passionate about and i have been spearheading. We each have areas of responsibility, of course. Its still very collaborative. I always know what eric is doing and don is doing and visa versa. We are very much a team even though obviously since the organization is to large we take on different functions and different roles depending on the project or the circumstance. But we are all very focused on building a business. We are now running it as my father has dedicating himself to something really bigger and more important, which is, you know, the future of this country. So, its amazing to be able to do that and to be able to take care of the business. My father put so much energy and effort and passion into building and to make sure to keep it healthy and vibrant and strong for the thousands of incredible employees that we have working for us here in america and across the globe. Do you think he wants to be president . I mean, does he really want it in the pit of his stomach . Absolutely. Absolutely. Why . Because i cant figure out why anybody wants the job quite frankly. Its very difficult job would be almost the understatement of a century. My father cant stand incompetence. And he has a very clear and strong vision for initially the future of his company and his business. For the family he wanted to create and now in a much more macrosense for this country. So it wouldnt have been his choice to have actually been the person doing this. He always refers to himself as really being the messenger of a movement of the people but he felt that the country was headed in the wrong direction and he wanted to step up and do the right thing. Now there is much more ahead with ivanka trump including any future plans she has to run for office. And out on the campaign trail, ivanka, her brothers, and
Chelsea Clinton<\/a> all feeling the spotlight. Are they
Effective Advocates<\/a> for their parents in the on the record
Political Panel<\/a> is here from the wall street journal shelby holiday and from the
Washington Post<\/a> philip bump. How effective are these children including
Chelsea Clinton<\/a>. I think they are terrific. The best speakers at the convention were probably
Donald Trumps<\/a> children in part because they know him, right . Donald trump has been living in trump power tore a long time. He is a businessman. He didnt have a lot of friends that came out and advocate for him but did he have his kids. Ivanka gave a great speech. Im not sure everything she outlined on that speech was on board with trumps policy measures. But she and her brothers did a good job of prevent ago face of donald trump that donald trump hasnt shown to the world, and, frankly, they are better at it than donald trump is. Shelby, we have also made the same offer to
Chelsea Clinton<\/a> to do an interview, same style, same type questions. I hope she will join us. Your thoughts about ivankas effectiveness for her father. I think that was incredible interview. Ivanka is savvy, wellspoken. She is very accomplished business woman. The problem is she is not running for president. Her dad is. No matter what she says, she cant overshadow all the controversies and twitter storms and headlines that her father whips up day to day. So, i thought she did an incredible job. It was interesting at the rnc, i was down on the floor talking to delegates. More of the women, female delegates were excited to see ivanka than they were to see donald trump. She creates a lot of buzz and i think she does draw a lot of people to her father the candidate. At the end of the day she is not running. Accord to a cnn poll. Two thirds say trumps kids should not be involved at policy level. They can help make the candidate likeable. People dont want themtosee them interferes in the daytoday policy decisions. Later on we do touch on some of those topics. I assume that would be true of any candidate. You dont want the wife. You dont want the children or the husband and to be part of the policy. You want the person you are voting for. Exactly. I think they are most effective as those messengers. One of the things i found refreshing is the fact that a lot of politicians kids and i dont know what would happen in the
Chelsea Clinton<\/a> interview she would be less inclined to be this way. She was not answering the question in sound bites. Yes thats because america wants to make
America Great<\/a> again. Very honest. She was just answering the question which thank god at this point. I cant help but think all of them have a right to be pretty guarded. Sure. Because we go after them pretty aggressively. These are tough. They love their parents immensely. They hear the worst things said about them. Not by the other candidate, by the media shelby and philip, dont go away. Donald trump crying foul. We are 97 days away from the general election and trump is saying. This. First of all, its rigged. And im afraid the election is going to be rigged, i have to be honest. Busy think my side was rigged if i didnt win by massive landslides, i mean, think of what we won in new york and indiana, california, 78 . Thats with other people in the race. Press secretary for hillary for
America Brian<\/a> fallon goes on the record. Nice to have you back, brian. Thanks for having me back. Brian, let me talk to you about the controversy about these some of the debase are scheduled against the nfl and i might add mistakenly against the green bay packers. Thats my bias. I take it that secretary clinton would likewise like to not be competing with the nfl. Is that a fair guess on my part . Well, lets take a step back and just remember that these dates are selected by a bipartisan president ial
Debate Commission<\/a> that selected these dates months ago before the nominees for either party were known and i think. I think it trying to mettle with the bipartisan process that goes into setting up these debates. I would refer that question to them. I think that they would tell you that they have a hard challenge in terms of trying to find dates that would work and be free of any conflict whatsoever. Basically you have the nfl playing in prime time on sunday, monday, thursday nights, you have baseball playoffs going on. You have some religious holidays scattered in there in september and october. We will leave it to the
Bipartisan Commission<\/a> to set the dates. We plan there to be there at the dates they set. We expect after some donald trump will be there too. Maybe its my bias and i realize its bipartisan that secretary clinton didnt set those dates maybe its my bias for the nfl and the packers. I would have picked tuesday and thursday. Anyway, im not on the commission. Let me ask about
Chelsea Clinton<\/a>. We would love to have her come and do the same interview that we are doing right now with ivanka trump. Listen to this sound bite that ivanka gives. It really is awful to be the child of a candidate, isnt it . We read these things and chelsea does, too. Its hard. You know, brian, i feel bad for the kids. And, you know, of all the candidates. Not just at the president ial level but all the way down the line. Do you agree with me that it is tough for these kids . They all look polished but its tough. I agree. And i think that one thing that all sides can hopefully agree on is that in general, candidates families should be off limits. I think that for all the disagreements we have with donald trump, you would be hardpressed to find anybody that would say anything about ivanka trump. I think she is clearly very eloquent. A successful business woman and probably the highlight of
Donald Trumps<\/a> convention was hearing from his daughter speak in such personal terms about her father. Just as for us i think one of the highlights was
Chelsea Clinton<\/a>s introduction of her mother on thursday night last week. So i think on both sides you are seeing the candidates children emerge as very key surrogates but ultimately i think that the voters make the decisions based on the candidates whose names are on the ballot. So the contrast here will be pretty clear between
Hillary Clinton<\/a> and donald trump. All right. Secretary clinton got a huge bump out of the i think she got 8 points bounce out of the democratic convention. But how is it that someone who has been in
Public Service<\/a> for so long in the public eye has such a tough number with trustworthiness and donald trump has one too. She has been in public eye in the office. Why does she have such a bad number in trustworthiness and how does she approve that between now and november . Well, greta. I think that some of the sustained focus on that particular question in these polls is mistaken. Because we have seen
Hillary Clinton<\/a>s performance in headtohead matchups with donald trump pretty consistently show that she is running quite well against him. You are right, we have seen uptick in headtohead matchups. We have seen other
Favorability Ratings<\/a> go up after this. In one poll that came out today she even overtook donald trump on which candidate you would trust to handle the economy. Thats the first time this particular poll showed her leading on that question. I think issue after issue when you break down these polls,
Hillary Clinton<\/a> standing over donald trump suggests we are on a good trajectory. Long way to go and this race is going to remain very tight especially in the battleground states. We emerge from this convention with a great deal of momentum whereas by contrast there is a gallup poll came out in the last couple days that suggest more people came away from the
Republican Convention<\/a> less likely to vote for donald trump. First time the gallup poll shows a convention being a negative for a candidate. Brian, thank you for joining us. I hope youll come back. Thanks, greta. Thank you. Thank you. Women and children gassed with chemical weapons. It happened in a deliberate toxic gas attack in syria. More than 30 people rushed to the hospital. Activists in the area claiming that overnight a hospital dropped the gas on civilians children in western syria. Its believed the gas used chlorine gas. The gas attack happening close to where yesterday someone shot down a
Russian Military<\/a> helicopter. No word who brought down that russian chopper. President obama saying today donald trump is, quote, unfit to be president. Congressman
Duncan Hunter<\/a> is standing by to respond to president obama. We also asked ivanka trump about the president s comments. Plus, ivanka tells us what she thinks of her fathers tweeting habits. Thats next. lionel its peyton. Its peyton on sunday mornings. peyton you know with directv nfl sunday ticket you can watch your
Favorite Team<\/a> no matter where you live. Like broncos or colts. cashier cool. peyton ah. 18. The old number. Ooh. I have got a coupon for that one. vo get nfl sunday ticket only on directv. And watch live games anywhere. More news and analysis in just a few minutes. First, more of ivanka trump on the record. Your father correctly portrayed . Well, i think people is he correctly portrayed in the sense that people know he is very authentic. My father says what he means and he means what he says. And thats very rare in politics but he is incorrectly portrayed often by the media my father is incredibly warm and compassionate and loyal and funny. And anyone who knows him knows that to be true. I think that often is not portrayed. You see the strength. You see the determination. You see the fact that he is tireless in terms of his energy. But i dont think you see that more compassionate side of him as certainly not in the way
Mainstream Media<\/a> portrays him. I know that side of him. I am his daughter. I have seen it my whole life. His employees know that side of him. But, i dont think thats portrayed to the
American People<\/a>. But i think thats one the
Amazing Things<\/a> about this election cycle is that my father has the ability to bypass that narrative and go directly to the people with his message and is he doing that whether its the arena or the use of social media as a way to communicate directly and unedited way. You mention social media obviously your father is very octave personally on social media your thoughts about his twitter. I mean, its gotten him in to hot water. Twitter does get him in to hot water once in a while not what he writes but retweets. I think he said is he going to do that less frequently to retweet things that other people write. Who got him on has he always been on twitter . He has been on twitter for several years now. I think to see the growth of his facebook channels and his other social
Media Channels<\/a> has been amazing. But, you know, its also been a very valuable tool for his campaign because it allows him to bring his message unfiltered unedited directly to the people that he is speaking to. So, its given him a voice that is isnt controlled just by the media it allows him to communicate directly. Thats been enormously valuable. Very effective in terms of marketing and getting his word out. Sometimes he has made some blunders. Do you give him hell when he says things that you might think might go a little too far . You know, he is on the road all the time. He is not shy about talking to the media there is he is not afraid ask him a question give you an answer campaign and organizations and try to avoid putting themselves into positions where they are asked difficult questions. He doesnt do that he wants to be honest with the
American People<\/a>. He wants them to know who he is. He wants to communicate freely. And he does that and he does that on enormously effective on him. What about the problems . I think that people recognize that i think the authenticity of that balances out the times that karenly it goes awry. A lot of politicians campaigns they dont write their tweets, their, you know, managed by a team of auto people who are testing and polling every word. Thats not him. Thats not the leader he wants to be. More with ivanka trump straight ahead. Also, president obama saying donald trump is unfit to be president. You will hear what donald trump has to say about that. Plus what his daughter ivanka has to say about it. Thats next. If ynows the time to get your ducks in a row. To learn about medicare, and the options you have. You see, medicare doesnt cover everything only about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. So if 65 is around the corner, think about an aarp
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Critical Issues<\/a> in europe, in the middle east. In asia. Means that he is woefully unprepared to do this job. And just as you might have expected, trump swung right back with a statement reading in part obama, clinton have singlehandedly destabilized the middle east. Handed iraq and libya and syria to isis and allowed our personnel to be slaughtered at benghazi. They have betrayed our security and our workers and
Hillary Clinton<\/a> has proven herself unfit to serve in any government office. Duncan hunter joins us. What do you think about this debate . Compared to president obama, i think that trump is very, very fit to be president and compared to
Hillary Clinton<\/a>, too. I mean, just because is he not an academic, just because is he not a lawyer. Just because he is not a politician doesnt mean is he not fit to be president. He got the votes of the
American People<\/a> and is he got going to be a great president. Power speak from the white house impressive place to be speaking from. I dont think the president should be doing that take his role as commander and chief and take it out of politics. Thats impossible. This president makes all of his decisions based on politics. He makes august of his decisions based on how it will politically help him and so does
Hillary Clinton<\/a>. So you know, i find fault in the president for doing this but im not surprised. When the president speaks he speaks he doesnt use the language that donald trump does. Lets put it that way. And one of the things that the democrats have said is that donald trump is, i think, hot tempered, i guess thats my word but you get the point. Thats what they say about him. Should donald trump tone it down a little bit or is this what the
American People<\/a> want to hear . They want to hear someone who is using that language that tough that coarse that strong or however you want to talk about it. Donald trump talk like the majority of
American People<\/a> talk. Talks like i talk and my marines talk. Thats how he talks. We don all talk like harvard lawyer politicians like barack obama. We talk the way that donald trump does. But i also would say, this greta. He is learning as he goes. I think he is learning how to keep some comments in check. He hasnt learned it wholly yet. He has got to realize some of the things he says are going to be in fact all the things that he says are going to be taken out of context by the
Mainstream Media<\/a> there is nothing that he can do about that. Why not just be who you are. I think thats what the conclusion that he has come to. Is he going to be who he is he is not going to change because no matter what he tries to do the
Mainstream Media<\/a> is not going to buy it and they are going to take what he says out of context. So i say keep on being donald trump. I dont think its necessarily just the
Mainstream Media<\/a> its also sort of the mainstream republican party. You have today senator kelly ayotte. Speaker paul ryan, senator john mccain. A lot of republicans that are making statements that seem, you know, they are having a hard time coming to terms with a donald trump nominee. Well, especially after the whole khan incident. If you read the khan transcript, trump didnt go after them for their military service or their sons military service in any way whatsoever. He simply said lets not be so quick to allow terrorist countries to export their muslim terrorists to the american shores. Thats what the whole kerfluffle was about. I dont know why is he taking so much gruff from my fellow republican politicians. Maybe a few of those guys were just looking to get out of this. And this is one of their excuses that they can use. But i see nothing wrong with what he said about the khans and, you know, youre going to have people that dont like him. And they simply are not going to like him for whatever reason. And they will use whatever excuse that they can to not endorse him. And i dont see a problem either with him holding his endorsement from mccain or ryan. In fact, he kind of tongue in cheek said about ryan, what ryan said about him. Im not there yet. And i would also be surprised if either mccain or paul ryan had asked for his endorse wantedment. Its not like is he going to forcefully fiist it on them. Earlier in the show we showed you donald trump said the 2016 election is already rigged. Viewers we want to know what you think on twitter. Do you think the election is rigged against either candidate . Tweet yes or no using greta. We will show you your live twitter votes throughout the show. And get ready to speed read the news. The elderly french priest busherred by isis laid to rest. Thousands gathering for the funeral. The 84
Catholic Priest<\/a> was saying mass when tears stormed the church, ordered him to his knees and slit his throat. The killer viciously recorded it. Actor killed by his jeep are no suing. The lawsuit against fiat cries similar claiming wrongful death. The 27yearold actor was crurekd to death as his jeep rolled pack wards and pinned him against the wall. 2013
Jeep Grand Cherokee<\/a> was under a recall. Still much more of ivanka trump. Yes, ivanka made a decision right here on the record. What is it . Well, find out. Plus, we talk recent news of ivanka surrounding her father. Our discussion with ivanka trump continues next. Im billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. I decided to take chantix to shut everybody else up about me quitting smoking. I was going to give it a try, but i didnt really think it was going to really happen. After one week of chantix, i knew i could quit. Along with support,
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Public Office<\/a> . And what does ivanka think about many of the news stories constantly swirling around her fathers run for office . Here is more with ivanka trump. Some issues. The khan issue. Im sure you know about it whats your thought on the khan issue . Well, you know, i think my father shared his thoughts captain khan was an american hero. There is no argument on that fact. And everyone respects his sacrifice for this country enormously. Sexual harassment . He was just asked about it. So
Sexual Harassment<\/a> . I think
Sexual Harassment<\/a> is inexcusable in think setting. I think harassment in general regardless sexual or otherwise is totally inexcusable. And if it transpires, it needs to be reported and it needs to be dealt with on a company level. We have a very strong hr team at the
Trump Organization<\/a> who is equipped to deal with these issues if they arise and you hope they never arise. You hope you have a culture in which they dont arise. But, when they do, it needs to be dealt with swiftly. What do you make of the outsider, insider discussion in politics right now that the popular to your father, people largely think and also senator
Bernie Sanders<\/a> that theyre outsiders. Insiders are having a tougher time. What do you think . So i think the
American People<\/a> want change. They are dissatisfied with the direction that this country is headed. And thats clear in terms of the poll. And i think they see that an outsider can bring that fresh perspective and new solutions to the table to bring the country in the direction it needs to go. So, you know, i look at my fathers experience in creating jobs and building infrastructure. And every time he builds a 92 story building. Every time he has in the course of his career, built a massive skyscraper, thats unbelievable experience for repairing the delap indicated infrastructure of this country when you think about our roads and you think about our bridges. When you think about, you know, the obligations and responsibilities he has had as an employer of so many, thats incredible training for thinking about what needs to be done to spur the economy and create jobs for others. So, you know, i think his outside perspective is very well tailored for the challenges that this country faces. Hows to your father or even secretary clinton who have both very wealthy people, how do they convince someone, for instance, in midwestern town that they that in any way your father, i would ask this of chelsea but your father could remotely understand the issues that confront them . Well, i think the people of america see that he does. And they look into his eyes. They meet him at these rallies and they know that their experiences are understood by him and that he is going to fight for them. And i think thats a very
Important Message<\/a>. He is he is the champion of so many people who havent previously had a voice. And he takes that responsibility very seriously. I have seen it my whole life. I talked about it at the convention. I used to grow up
Walking Around<\/a> construction jobs by my fathers side. And he wouldnt just walk through construction jobs. He would walk through construction jobs and stop and talk to the builders. He would talk to the people doing the work. And he would get their feedback and their perspective. And his ability to communicate and relate and the
Mutual Respect<\/a> that i saw was really formative for me in understanding him as a person and how he received feedback. And how he formulates opinions. So he is i think thats also maybe a miss perception. He is unbelievable listener. If he has a question on something, he will pepper people who he believes are smart and informed about with questions just about that topic. And he takes everything in. He processes it and ultimately he arrives at his own conclusion. But, its very interesting to see how he begins to formulate opinions and its because he is so interested in the experiences and the feedback of those he appreciates and respects. Stepping outside. Focus on you. In a million years would you ever want to run for office now that you see what its like. Oh, gosh. I dont think so. Its tough. I think i appreciate very much the platform and the ability to impact and create change at the highest level. There is certain issues im so deeply passionate about as a woman in the workforce, you know. But no politics for you. No. But running for office is not something i want to be doing. No. No my father always taught me to never say never, but the last time i said no but never say never the headline was ivanka wants to run for office. Im just going to give you a no, but, you know, its been inspiring to see what he has been able to do. Thank you for talking to us. And its going to be an interesting next 90 days or however many days it is. It will be. Thank you, ivanka. Thanks, greta. And president obama attacking donald trump from the white house east room. Can you get i asked ivanka about that. Thats next. And dont forget to watch hannity tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Newt gingrich and
Laura Ingraham<\/a> join sean tonight at 10 00 p. M. On hannity. Shut your mouth and say goodnight, mouthbreathers. Breathe right. Every day is a chance to dop, something great. And for the ones they love, theyd do anything. Sears optical has glasses made for doing. Right now, buy one pair and get another free. Quality eyewear for doers. Sears optical right in the middle of ivanka trump president obama lashed at at her father. Here is what he said. I think the republican nominee is unfit to serve as president. I said so last week. And he keeps on proving it. My senior producer passed me a note and i told ivanka what the president had just said at the white house during my interview with her. And here is what she said. President obama was just at a press conference and he said that your father was woefully unprepared to be president and he is unfit to serve. So do you have a message back to president obama on that one . Well, i clearly disagree. I think he would be an excellent president. My father has built an enormous business. What does this country need . It needs jobs. He understands that he understands how to created them because he has created them. He understands how to maintain them because he has maintained them. He understands how to put this country to work. So i think that makes him very qualified. The on the record
Political Panel<\/a> is back from the wall street journal shelby holiday and from the
Washington Post<\/a> philip bump. Shelby, you know, we talk so much about jobs and what the candidates say. Always sort of sitting with me is the fact that many of these urban areas that the candidates both sides of the aisle they just never go in and talk to the people and see what they need. And, you know, the republicans may not go there at all and democrats do a one day drive by every four years. Right. Can either one of these candidates really understand or reach out and prove these areas . Well, you have a great point and we saw them, you know, when there is primary in new york. Maybe they will visit the bronx. Maybe they will go into urban neighborhoods. They usually dont. And i thought it was interesting after these conventions voters saw voters said
Hillary Clinton<\/a> understood their issues better than before the convention. So she she didnt have to go to these areas but shy conveyed a sense that she understands or deeply cares about them. Whether or not she can connect is a totally different question. If i were you know, if i had if i were sitting in some of these neighborhoods, i would think great, you really great it. Problem with each candidate. What you have done . I mean, thats the problem. These areas are not
Getting Better<\/a>. Personal crisis for them. Its terrible having to live like this. Its problem for entitlements. Nothing gets better. Its a good reminder of the limits of the power of the presidency. I mean, the president both of these candidates are campaigning on a whole bunch of different promises. Most of which will get hung up in the congress. Not come to fruition. And over the past 50 years. We have been arguing about this since before
Robert Kennedy<\/a> went out on his war on poverty. The the war on poverty. Right. The problem is it is very hard to take action as president which gets through congress, becomes law that then has a meaningful change. Because so many things get tweeted. It is a long standing problem. One of the things we need to remember that the president himself. So much money in politics to even run for office you have to have millions and millions of dollars. You are not going to get somebody from the projects running for president. Its just not possible. Instead we have these millionaire, billionaire candidates that people think are so disconnected. Im not suggesting that im suggesting the fact that things arent
Getting Better<\/a> in those areas. And whatever were doing isnt working. You know, and whatever candidate someone needs a good plan, needs a new plan. Because whatever we are doing simply isnt working because we are not winning the war on poverty and im taking the last word on that. Thank you both. Thank you. And coming up,
Rush Limbaugh<\/a> better be listening. I have an
Important Message<\/a> for him. Thats next. At bp, we empower anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right, so everyone comes home safely. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Beif you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing
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Rush Limbaugh<\/a>. Another incredible record. One that will actually never be broken, i dont think. And thats my offtherecord comment tonight. And live twitter
Voting Results<\/a> on your screen right now. Do you think the election is rigged against either candidate . 82 say yes. 81 say yes. 19 say. No dont forget to vote on twitter every night. Thats all for now. See you tomorrow night right here at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. Up next the
Oreilly Factor<\/a>. Good night from new york city. The
Oreilly Factor<\/a> is on. Tonight the notion that he would attack a gold star family means that he is woefully unprepared. President obama lacing donald trump today over the muslim father gold star controversy. Tonight, to be fair, well give mr. Trump a chance to reply. [chanting] black lives matter. [chanting] what is the real agenda behind the black lives
Matter Movement<\/a> . Black lives matter. They published a manifesto. Charles krauthammer and i will discuss it also ahead, a factor investigation syria and iraqi refugee entering the u. S. A. How did they get","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/1\/items\/FOXNEWSW_20160802_230000_On_the_Record_With_Greta_Van_Susteren\/FOXNEWSW_20160802_230000_On_the_Record_With_Greta_Van_Susteren.thumbs\/FOXNEWSW_20160802_230000_On_the_Record_With_Greta_Van_Susteren_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240625T12:35:10+00:00"}