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Marine. Semper fi. Thats it for special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. Greta goes on the record right now. Donald trump lied. Straight ahead. But, first, big political news. Donald trump getting hammered over comments he made about a father whose hero muslim son captain in the u. S. Army died saving other troops in iraq. And, tonight, trump is not the only one getting hammered. So is secretary Hillary Clinton for comments she made right here on fox news channel. She claimed fbi director james comey said she was truthful in answers about her private email server. But we have the video. So you can decide. Truthful or not . But, first, the highly anticipated show down donald trump vs. Secretary Hillary Clinton on the debate staining, hold on, donald trump is calling foul. Two of the debates directly competing with nfl football. Americas most popular sport. And trump is trying to keep the debate ratings from being intercepted. I will tell you what i dont like. Its against two nfl games. I got a letter from the nfl saying this is ridiculous why are the debates against. Because the nfl doesnt want to go against the debates because the debates are going to be pretty massive from what i understand. I dont think we should be against the nfl. I dont know how the dates were picked. I dont know why those particular dates. You dont like the dates out there Hillary Clinton wants to be against the nfl. Maybe she wants to do like she did with Bernie Sanders when they were on saturday nights when nobody is home. They are against the nfl. I saw the dates. Two of the three are against the nfl. Im not thrilled about that. I like three debates. I think thats fine. Somebody said one debate. I would rather have three. I think they will be tremendous interesting. Former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich goes on the record. Nice to see you, mr. Speaker. One of the debates i should add is on the night of a packer game. Anyway, besides that whats your thought on the debate schedule and the fact that theyre on the same night as two nfl games. Is donald trump right . It unfair . I dont know if its rigged but its stupid. The highly most shows in america are nfl football. Why would you take a president ial debate and put it up against nfl football . Would be like putting it opposite the academy awards. Thinking they are important and then they decide like they are god. Have to do it on our dates. Why . You can say its rigged since it would be equally as painful to secretary clinton as it is to donald trump . Absolutely not. Why do you say that. If you go back and Democratic National committee rigged the debates to minimize Bernie Sanders getting any attention. They picked like why dont we do it saturday night at 11 00 at night preferably during a snow storm. Go back and look at the dates they were using. Thats because secretary clinton is a well known against unknown senator sanders and also governor martin omalley. This is two very well known people. Are they equally penalized. Given everything we have seen of trump of debates where is he totally outside the norm somehow wins all the experts go that is really dumb and wins by 60 , 70 . If i were Hillary Clinton i would like the fewest debates possible. I would like them to be as little walshed as possible. Is he going to come straight at her on the fact that she is a liar as the the Washington Post pointed out once again yesterday. Well, okay. While you are on the topic of lying. He said he got a letter from the nfl about the debates. The nfl says it didnt send a letter. Thats bizarre. Why trump would think he got the letter whether some staff told them they got the letter, i dont know. I cant explain it. And you are not going to defend it. I cant defend something i cant explain. All right. On the debate stage you think donald trump would debate better than Hillary Clinton . What im saying is he is unknowable. Look, everybody who pushed his buttons, 16 people pushed his bought tons, they all got run over. I find trump im a reasonably good debater. I find trump fairly formidable because you have no idea what is he going to go doo next. Gets good ratings. Like reality tv people tune in to watch the car wreck. Viewers its your chance to vote at home on twitter. Do you think the president ial debates schedule should be changed . Tweet yes or no using greta. Show you live twitter votes throughout the show. Mr. Speaker, the conventions this year were very early. In 2012 early september. Whose advantage or disadvantage . Historically the advantage is to the out party, the challenger. Since its an open presidency, i think probably they are about even. Although because trump has never run before, i think the early stuff helps him he has a lot to learn, learning pretty fast. As he proved again the last few days he has a lot to learn. The more time he has to get ready for the general election the better off he is. Do the conventions matter . Now secretary clinton got a 7 point bounce he got a 6 point bounce. So they mattered about 1 point. I think they matter a lot to your own base. I think your base looks at your convention very different audiences. Fox dominated the Republican Convention. Cnn dominated the Democratic Convention. And, i think for your base it really matters. I dont think it matters for independents and people who are not going to make their mind up until october because they rigorously avoid politics if they can. Look at the vote 83 wants the dates changed. You know, i think the American People want to watch the debate and football live. Those arent really dvr events. They want to watch it live. Why . They cant dvr it. Mr. Speaker, dont go away. You will be right back. Donald trump is about to take the stage is he in pennsylvania. We will take you there live the second trump begins to speak. Fox news Senior Correspondent john is already there at the rally. John . Greta, good evening to you. We h trump is harrisburg and motorcade is making the 50 or 20 minute drive here to mechanicsburg is going to be here to address the crowd. Sort of enthusiasm and numbers of crowds that we typically see in the month of october. Second Battle Ground stop that trump was making today. He was in columbus, ohio, earlier today. Polls in ohio on the average got Hillary Clinton leading there. The last two have it neck and neck. He has a little more work to do here in pennsylvania. Hillary clinton is about 4 points ahead in the real clear politics average and dont forget pennsylvania has not voted for a republican since they voted for george bush not the last george bush but bush 41 back in 1988. Trump has got a lot of work to do. He hopes to put pennsylvania in play because its one of the big states is he going to have to win if he hopes to take the oval office. One of the ways he is appealing to people here and you get that sense from talking to folks here, working class folks that feel they havent been able to get ahead the way they wanted it all the people we talked to today say they are putting their money on donald trump to bring back jobs, cut taxes, reduce regulation. Really kind of create a fertile environment for businesses to thrive. One of the things thats kind of curious. Seriously absence from appearances so far today and anything the campaign has been saying any word about khan, the gold star family members who appeared at the Democratic National Convention Last week and were highly critical of donald trump seem to get himself into a bit of trouble, a lot of trouble, actually, when he appeared to be critical of them. Is he leaving that behind. Basically the campaign tells me, greta, they dont want to make this donald trump versus the khans. They want to make this america vs. Isis. And which candidate, donald trump or Hillary Clinton is best positioned to keep this country save from terrorism. Thats another argument you will hear him make tonight here in mechanicsburg. We will take to you mr. Trumps rally a litigation later when he takes the stage. Secretary Hillary Clinton now digging herself out of a hole. Yesterday on Fox News Sunday clinton was asked about private email scandal and whether she was honest. Here is what she said. Director comey said that my answers were truthful and what i said is consistent with what i have told the American People. But, that is not what we learned from the fbis investigation in to clintons private email server. I did not email any classified material to anyone on my email. There is no classified material. 110 emails in a 2 email chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. I thought it would be easier to carry just one device for my work and for my personal emails instead of two. She also used numerous mobile devices to send and to read email on that personal domain. I responded right away and provided all my emails that could possibly be workrelated. The fbi also discovered several thousand workrelated emails that were among the group of 30,000 emails returned by secretary clinton 2014 . It had numerous safeguards. It was on property guarded by the secret service and there were no security breaches. We assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to secretary clintons personal email account. Former 2016 g. O. P. President ial candidate and donald trump endorser dr. Ben carson goes on the record. Good evening, sir. Hi, greta. Dr. Carson, you have got to montage that we just played about secretary clinton and whether she was truthful in talking about the emails. And then you have got this situation where donald trump is having, i dont know how to describe it, this fight or battle with the father of a young muslim man who in uniform died in iraq. What do you have to say about both of those tonight . Well, first of all, you would have to be fairly lacking in intellectual ability, not to recognize that Hillary Clinton is being untruthful there. Its very obvious from the questions that trey gowdy and questions that others were acting that mr. Comey does not agree that she is being honest. And if she cannot kiss continuing gish what is true from what is false, how in the world do you put somebody like that in the office of the presidency . In the real world if you have somebody who doesnt know how to handle confidential information you send them back for training demote them or fire them. You dont promote them to ceo. When we get into the political world common sense disappears. As far as the other situation is concerned, you know, this is a grieving family. I would just give them a pass. You dont have to react to anything that they say. You know, they are likely to say. But he did. I mean, you would give them a pass but donald trump didnt give them a pass. Well, i hope as time goes on he will not respond to every bit of baiting that they do. The clinton people are obviously using this to their advantage to try to paint him in a bad light and also to deflect attention away from the real issue. The real issue is, you know, whats going on with Hillary Clintons emails. The obvious distortions that she is presenting. Anything that you can do to get pooh talking about Something Else is advantageous for them. We cant keep falling for that trick. Democrats advantage if everyone is talking about donald trump and khan family. To the republican advantage if everyone is talking about Hillary Clinton and the emails and saying she is a liar. Im having a hard time saying where should would he be on all this discussion . I mean or are we just bogged down and, you know, the worst part about politics and not looking ahead to what can mick america better. Well, the important thing that i have to emphasize is that this election is critical. Its not about trump and its not about Hillary Clinton. Its about the fact that we as a nation are about to make a gigantic decision about whether we are going to be a of for and by the people are and of, for and by the public. Are we going to be society that made us into a great nation or try to become like everybody else. Thats the real issue. Dr. Carson, thank you very much. Thank you, greta. Not just secretary clinton doing the digging but donald trump digging himself out of a had. Trump has come under fire about the comments about the khan family. Last week the khans spoke about their son a u. S. Soldier who died a hoe in iraq. Following the speech which criticized donald trump, donald trump went after the two parents. Many people have knocked trumps response and that includes neither john income case number. The Statement Reads inart i cannot emphasize how much i grow with trumps statement. I hope they do not represent the views of our you can Party Officers or candidate. Senator says its time for donald trump to set the example for our country and the future of our republican party. While our party has besowed response him the nomination it is not for defame the best among us. Trump was not quiet on twitter. He said this story is not about mr. Khan who is all over the place doing interviews but rather radical islamic terrorism and the u. S. Get smart. And then this trump we did the. Mr. Crawn who does not know me, viciously attacks me tnc. All over the campaign doing the same. Nice. Chawght examiner Susan Ferrechio and real lehr politics ab stoddard. What do you have to say about this . I think if you just separate from any the sort of young it and you a you asking us as political analysts. Are is the worst thing can do. They are untouchable. Impeachability. Freedom is not free sun went and paid the all the ultimate price. He did not helped start with money from i didnt say dad because he is employed to the sacrifices that they have made with their son. I know his campaign wants to take his phone away. I know they are not able to. But the tweeting after the statements that he has made with mike pence trying to clean it up, makes it all the more ridiculous and makes us continue to talk about it. You know, susan, the whole thing is it is true, i think, both parties. I dont know where it is between recognizing the pin and the contribution of americans that in this case and using them as props. Beth parties to it pat smiths son killed the a pen georgias and now we see this family what point are we just unjust at them at the way this gets brought into this food fight. I think what the republicans did in philadelphia was a brilliant political tactic. They know better than anybody except maybe Newt Gingrich how easily trump gets pated. You hear how they play playbook. Do you really want to elect somebody who gets upset by things posted on twitter. They know exactly what to do to try to discredit him because shoe is having a hard time running on her own record. The way to quinn in Battle Ground states is by taking him down as a leader. How better to do that than parade ultimate ache fight and have them take on donald trump. Speech about their son. This was a speech taking down donald trump. They knew he would react. On the other hand, if the parents really want to speak out. On the other hand, you know, maybe they are not to be used as props but maybe path smith wants everybody to know. I dont think they were dragged into it. Poor pat smith broke on the floor at the rnc. What did we talk about the next day . Called in to bill oreilly and wont went to limb ininstead of stat president. I want to yell stop. Just stop it. Dirtiest rotten stuff come out of both parties only going to get worse. Keep getting caught up in side shows. Jobs for the American People. We have National Security. We have got all these things and here we are. Anyway, susan, a. B. , thank you. And, well, now its Rush Limbaugh who is all fired up. His target in the media he says some in the media are not expect all our gold star families. Hear from nearly two months away trump is saying our events are rigged. Is he right . We will hear from rnc chair Reince Priebus straight ahead. Before taking his team to state for the first time. Gilman go get it, marcus. Go get it. 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Mr. And mrs. Khan are not the targets here. Contrast this with what happened at the Republican Convention. Are you aware of some of the comments made after pat smith, the republican version of the khans spoke . She was fact checked. The the Washington Post fact checked her. Others in the media fact checked her. Cindy sheehan been factchecked . Have the khans been factchecked and then beyond Chris Matthews called her comments against hillary a gross accusation and said i dont care what that woman felt. I dont care what pat smith felt after the death of her son. She is falsely accusing hillary. She is not falsely accusing hillary. Hillary told her they are going to get the guy who did the video. Rush limbaugh and media choosing to cover some stories and not others. No question about it all gold star families deserve our respect and enormous gratitude is the media giving democratic gold star families more attention than republican gold star families since the convention khan family done six National Interviews and story featured on several additional broadcast pat smith appeared at the Republican Convention mother of sean smith appeared in benghazi has only done two. Both families have important stories to tell. Both families have suffered enormous loss and as the media play favorites in deciding what stories to cover. Former speaker Newt Gingrich is back. Mr. Speaker . Your thoughts. Anybody watching this campaign knows that at least 80 of the elite media is in the tank for hillary. Lack at the story now. Deliberate lying. Even the the Washington Post had to say she is deliberately loying. She is lying about a 0 some thousand emails. She is lying about National Security. That somehow why shouldnt she apologize . Donald trump owes anybody an apology, how come hillary doesnt owe the whole country apology . Do they both owe apology. Trump would be better off to apologize and get it behind him. Is he a stubborn guy. Part of his point is that mr. Khan went to a Political Convention and said some very nasty things. I mean, he did not make sort of a soft presentation. He accused trump of things. Trump is stubborn. Trump didnt delete 33,000 emails. Trump didnt send out secret information. Trump didnt lie about the fbi. Hillary did all that stuff. And if you look at Peter Schweizers piece in the wall street journal this morning. There is evidence they were dealing with the russians. Evidence that secretary she approved things that helped the Russian Military number of things news media could be excited by if they want to do take this race serious solid unbelievable. The only thing the elite media wants to do is go after donald trump. Im a little one beat off in the sense to say what i really find sort of distasteful its like my grieving parent is more grieving than your grieving parent. I dont like parties playing grieving parent. To me both the parents are in some way being used and i hate it you can argue they are being used and at some point they want to do be used. No. I get that. And i think when you look at mrs. Smith and you realize she is telling you that Hillary Clinton looked her in the eye, just this close and lied to her about her sons death. Thats pretty cold. And i guess, you know, i do recognize that both parents really i mean, there i get there is a how many part of them they want to go to the mountaintop and scream what happened to their child . I do get that but for some reason, this has gotten so sorted. This is going to be a terrible campaign in terms of any standard of decency. Both sides are going to be slugging it out. Both sides have lots of stuff they think they can use. And i think we all need to put on our seat belts and realize this is going to be a very rough and tumble campaign. My heart bleeds for both parents because there is nothing like it in losing a child especially like this. Its brutal. Brutal. Mr. Speaker, nice to sigh, sir. Good to see. You 2016 president ial debates are scheduled on the same nights americas most popular sport. That would be nfl football. Especially a packer came game. Thats really popular. Guess who doesnt like that. Donald trump. Is he the only one . Rnc chair Reince Priebus is here next. Donald trump is about to take the stage in the key swing state of pennsylvania. Hot topic on the campaign trail today, the doe baits. Trump is call them rigged because two of the doe baits are scheduled to go against nfl games and trump wants that changed and he is not the only one. Just a short time ago rnc chair Reince Priebus went on the record. Mr. Chairman, nice to see you, sir. Hey, greta. So, tell me your thoughts on the debate schedule that has been set out. Is it fine . Unwise, or unfair . Well, i dont think we should be having debates, greta, on sunday nights. Were not going to have a replay of the Democratic National Committee Debate debacle. So i think the debates should be either on a tuesday or wednesday night. I think the Debate Commission should communicate to the leadership at both National Parties and the campaigns and make sure that these debates happen at a reasonable time. Would you agree that its not at least unfair because it equally happens to both candidates to the democratic candidate and republican candidate . Actually it might be unwise. Actually thats where i land unwise not forcing people to choose what they want to want to watch live the debate or Football Game . Its probably unwise and i also think its probably unfair to pick dates that would minimize the amount of people watching the debates. So, i just think that they need to communicate. I just dont think that they have been talking to the campaigns or the National Parties and they have taken this commission and there was a study, the anninburg studien othese president ial debates. Anyone can look it up. There is a lot of suggestions made for getting these debates up to speed with what people are expecting and what people want. And i think that the commission should look at that. And then communicate with the campaigns and make sure that these are done at the right time. Look, we have got to change candidate in donald trump. He is sort of a movement candidate. Hillary clinton is sort of acting like the incumbent and, you know, they have basically been running the country for eight years and things arent going well. In our case. We want more people watching. And in her case, im sure she wants fewer people watching just like she did in the democrat debates. In terms of it movement candidate. You have received any phone calls from any republicans saying that they support or back up donald trump in his remark about the gold star family from the Democratic Convention . I received i mean im not really phone calls. I have gotten emails and texts. Look, you know, our gold star families are to be cherished and honored and loved and respected and. What about what trump said because it has turned i mean a lot of republicans have actually come out and made statements against donald trump. I mean, this is different from, you know, what its been like before. I mean, what are you going to do about that . Well, i mean, i think gold star families should be off limits. I think that the gold star families, like i said before, whatever sacrifices i think that i have made or you or anyone watching this have made, they are crumbs on the floor compared to these gold star families. So i think the point is that we cherish and honor these families that are grieving and everything else. So, thats my position on it and i have made that clear to republicans throughout the country that have reached out to me. Is this a fatal political problem now for donald trump . No. I dont think its fatal but i think its something that he is talking about and he is dealing with but, you know, well have to wait and see. But i certainly think that donald trump is a much better choice than Hillary Clinton. I think obviously you saw in the convention and she has forgotten about who has been in charge. She has forgotten about isis and forgotten about what kind of a dangerous world we live. In donald trump is the better choice. This no question about it. Mr. Chairman, thank you very much for joining us. Thank you, greta. And 16 People Killed in a fiery Hot Air Balloon crash and tonight news about the pilots past. We take to you texas next. lionel its peyton. 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Developing right now, the pilot of a Hot Air Balloon that crashed in flames in texas killing all 16 people on board had a checkered past. Casey stegall live in lockhart, texas. Casey, what are you learning about him . Greta, according to court records, the pilot of this doomed Hot Air Balloon spent time in and out of jail relating to four different dwi conventions and also a separate drug conviction. Friends have identified the pilot as 49 yeerlgted skip nichols. Online Court Records show that pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated in 1990 and then twice in 2002 and again in 2010. He spent more than a year and a half behind bars for a separate drug conviction in 2000. Now, nichols former girlfriend tells the Associated Press that he had been sober for at least four years and maintains he never piloted a brown after he had been drinking. All of those cases were in missouri where he used to live and also operate a Hot Air Balloon business so clearly the feds looking very, very closely at his background and at his safety record. However, we can tell that you his commercial pilots license was active and the annual inspection certificate for the balloon was current. Today the records wreckage was removed by truck where it crashed south of austin. It will be further analyzed in a controlled environment. Interestingly the ntsb said at a press conference not long ago that there was virtually no visible damage to the balloon itself. The gondola or basket sustained the brunt of the damage. It was found three quarters of a mile from the balloon. We also just learned using a cherry picker they went up and inspected the nearby power lines where they discovered 30 feet of those lines had abrasions on them. But it is still not clear tonight if that is what caused this crash or if Something Else went wrong causing the balloon to drift into the power lines. We should also point out that there was patchy fog recorded in the area that morning. But the pilot and throw members of his ground crew did not think that it was bad enough to cancel the launch. Bottom line, there could be a number of factors, quite frankly, in play here which caused 16 people to lose their lives early saturday morning. Casey, thank you get ready to speed read the news. Now it is libya. The u. S. Now taking the fight to isis in libya. A new round of air strikes pounding the libyan city. 1,000 isis fighters are believed to be in that city. More that two thirds of the citys 80,000 residents have fled the city. This is the first u. S. Military intervention coordinated with the Libyan Government since february. And deadly wildfire threatening more damage in big sur, california. The fire that killed bulldozer operator has grown to 40,000 acres. 70 structures, many of them homes destroyed. 2,000 homes being threatened as 5,000 firefighters are battling them. The fire is currently only about 18 contained. And take a look at this happy. This hawaiian volcano ready for close up. Pilot shooting incredible video of erupting volcano. The volcano since 1983 has been continuously erupting. One of the most active volcanos in the entire world. Thats tonights speed read. Donald trump is tapping into frustrated voters. Why flocking to him. The deciders plus colonel allen west up next. Dont forget to watch hannity tonight 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Trump joins sean tonight at 10 00 p. M. On hannity. For those who cant imagine life without two wheels, allstate offers a genuine parts guarantee, that promises to fix your bike with original parts. Talk to an allstate agent about all the things they do to keep riders riding. Voters around the country are turning to donald trump. On the records give jenkins traveled to youngstown, ohio, for our series the deciders. Thats where he found a Third Generation Family Business that has seen Blue Collar Workers join the trump train. Im a Third Generation business owner, im a person where the rubber meets the road. Meet paul lyden. Third generation. He and his family have been fueling steel mills, coal moneys and other businesses across the midwest. Anybody who needs energy, we supply that energy for them. But energy isnt what bringing people to youngstown right now. Its votes. In youngstown a full of them. Thats why this past weekend president ial candidate Hillary Clinton stopped by to visit the area. They say one thing and once they get into the office and they reach their tenure, you know, they dont really care about the actual hard working american. Im tired of this hearsay political correctness. I want to be told whats black is Black And White is white. His message is not alone. All over battleground states like ohio and pennsylvania. Whether you are a farmer or truck driver or sales men. People are putting in longer hours and getting less out of it because the government is taking more and more and more. For paul, that frustration leads to one thing, he will be coming out for trump this november. Am i going to support him . Yes, im going to support him because i want to see a substantial change in our government. Congressman Lieutenant Colonel allen west goes on the record. Nice to see you, sir. Good to be with you, greta. Secretary clinton got about a 7 point bounce out of the convention. Donald trump got a 6 point bounce out of the Republican Convention. Essentially the same. What your thoughts on what are the American Voters looking for this election . Well, i think they are looking for a clear delineation and the policies that will bring back economic growth. Someone that is going to do what is necessary and right to make sure that we live under the rule of law and protect our National Sovereignty and also, as far as restoring our National Security. So i think it is most important that donald trump create that separation and delineation from the fact that he is the true change agent, if you want to put it that way. Beside Hillary Clinton that really is going to be carrying on the obama policies. You know, we have a g. D. P. That is anemic since 1949. Well, the cnnorc poll that just came out. Before the Democratic Convention, donald trump was leading by three points. After the Democratic Convention, secretary Hillary Clinton is leading by 9 points. Thats a big difference. Yeah its a big difference. But then it depends on where that poll was taken. Of course, you are coming out of four days where the Democratic Convention was front and center on the stage across National Media and world media i think the most important thing is whats going to happen when they go head to head, face to face on these debates and they are going to talk about the issues. I think there is the opportunity for donald trump to talk about a person that has held political titles but really has not produced anything. Where, well, you have served in the military and i suppose you know the discussion for the last 24 to 36 hours has been the khan family and donald trump. Yeah. What are your thoughts . Once again, i think those are one of those unforced errors. When you have the khan family standing up there. What i think mr. Khan should have talked abouts what the National Security environment and the enemy that killed his son. What donald trump should talked ohio he will be a commander and chief that had make sure that no american soldier, sailors, air corps, marine regardless of white, black, brown or hispanic. Give them the tools they need and engagement they need to defeat this enemy. We are carrying on bombing operations in libya. Another place where hillary clinton, when she was secretary of state, along with barack obama, they destabilized that and its a sanctuary for isis. Tonight were the news is that we are now taking the fight of isis air strikes in libya. Umhuh. What do you think . Well, its interesting that they are now bombing the is i of. Exactly the same place where president obama was supporting the islamic militias now without a doubt they have turned against the government there backed by the United Nations as well. You have a sanctuary for isis. So, when you look at the middle east, the president said his Foreign Policy was to pivot away from there. And he created a vacuum. Thats what trump should be talking about as well as when we see whats going on with the expansion of china and we are not standing up there South China Sea and we havent even touched the incursion of russia and baltic state. Thats where donald trump can have a clear difference. Thank you for joining us, sir. My pleasure, thank you, greta. Why would i quote Charles Dickens tonight . What does he have to do with you . I will tell you, off the record though. Bp drilling teams train in Virtual Reality simulators in here, so were better prepared for any situation out there. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea heres pepto bismol ah. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Not yet, im. Folding the laundry can you . 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Now, if you are watching politics you might think we are only at the worst of times. Politicians of both parties saying the sloth worst things about each other. Some they could themselves. Some provoked by us in the media or maybe even provoked by you on twitter. Yes, that sure does represent the worst of times. But is it just the worst of times now . No. We got more of the worst of times on saturday night in maryland with historic flash flooding sweeping through he will cot city destroying homes and businesses in its path. That was the worse of times, too. You have to check this out. This is a group of citizens who probably never met each other forming a human chain to rescue a woman who they probably did not know she was trapped in her car by the floodwaters. Yes. That was the best of times. Great courage and heart. We still can find that. Thats the best of times. And thats my offtherecord comment tonight. And campaign flash, secretary Hillary Clinton finishing up an organizing event in omaha, nebraska, billionaire businessman warren buffet joined clinton on stage. Donald trumps v. P. Pick governor mike pence is getting ready to rally. Is he in reno nevada. And donald trump, well, he is about to take the stage in mechanicsburg, pennsylvania. Is he rallying in cumberland valley, high school. And secretary clintons vp pick senator tim kaine heading back to richmond, virginia thats where he was mayor from 1998 to 2001. Is he holding a homecoming rally at a local high school. Thats your campaign flash. What about your live Voting Results on your screen right now. Do you think the president ial debate schedule should be changed . Right now its conflicting with the nfl. There they are. And 14 of you are fine with it 86 of you yes you want it to change. I might point out one of those nights is up against the green pay packers. I know you are all fans. Dont want to miss the green bay packer fans and want to watch the debate. Thats a problem. Here are the live pictures from pennsylvania. Do you think donald trump will talk about this issue tonight about the nfl . We dont know for sure but, the look at that room. They are all just filled everybody is there to watch him. There is a lot going on in politics tonight. Its an exciting time. What i always say is we say horrible, mean, nasty things about each other. Come november, somebody is going to win. There will be hard feelings but the loser will call the winner and be gracious and congratulate it. And then in january a peaceful transition of power. Some nations dont do it peacefully. Doesnt seem peaceful right now with everybody at each others throat. 7 p. M. Eastern tomorrow Donald Ivanka trump is going to go on the record. Donald trump is on tonight

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