Blame. Look out. Right now, the videoed you will be talking about tonight and still tomorrow. Maybe all the way to the convention. Cameras rolling senator ted cruz gets into a heated dispute with a donald trump supporter regardless of who you are voting for. We can all agree all the candidates deserve a chance to be heard. This confrontation it went off the rails. Have any want to thank you just for being here and exercising your First Amendment right. Vote trump. You are entitled to that that view i will treat you with civility. If not everyone in this process does. I will tell you this election matters. It matters a lot. It does matter. It matters. Do the math. I appreciate your come out. I appreciate you coming out and standing up. I think this entire process, i think anyone who wants to be president owes it to the people of this state to come in front of you and ask for your support. And im running to be everyones president. Those who vote for me. We dont want you. You are entitled to your views, sir. I will respect . Do the math. You ask kasich to drop out. Its your turn. Take your own words. Time drop out. When donald doesnt get to 1237. Donald is definitely going to get to 1237. Is he going to get more than 1237. Let me ask you something, sir. What do you like about donald. Everything. Give me one. Everything. Pick anything. Donald trump. The wall. Okay. The wall. Thats the main thing. Immigration. Trump is building the wall. Wait a second do you know on the wall that donald told the New York Times Editorial Board is he not going to build a wall and deport anything. Once again lyin ted. You know, sir. Civilized people dont scream and yell at each other. Im not yelling at you. You know donalds words were caught on tape in the New York Times recorded the whole thing. Publicly recorded. Career politicians. [. All lies, lyin ted. Career politicians have killed america. You are the problem. You are the problem, politician. You are the problem. Can i ask you something . No. [shouting] out of all the candidates, name one who had a milliondollar judgment against him for hiring Illegal Immigrants . Selffunded. Okay. Rich people. Where is your Goldman Sachs jacket at. We know your wife works. There actually, i was supported by and am supported by 1. 3 million convictions, all over the country. Our average contribution is 60. On immigration, you know donald trump hadmilliondollar judgment against him for hiring illegal aliens. Do you know what he is doing in florida . He brings in hundreds of Foreign Workers instead of hiring americans. Sir, with all respect, donald trump is deceiving you. He is playing you for a church. And ask yourself two questions. That the Mainstream Media so desperately wants donald trump. [shouting] every chance you can. Why is it that john boehner supports donald trump . Do you agree with john boehner . No. Do you agree with nancy pelosi . The thing is. Do you. I believe in trump. He is the only one thats going to put us where we need to be. What are you going to do about our Second Amendment . Great question. The Second Amendment. All right. I have defended Second Amendment in front of the Supreme Court of the united states. Do you know that donald trump supported bill clintons national ban on some of the most popular firearms in america. And that is a fact. You can go read his book where he said i agree with bill clinton. In fact, he said i hate guns. Thats a quote from donald trump. I have spent 20 years fighting to defend the Second Amendment. I will tell you, this sir. If donald trump ever becomes president , he has said on the Supreme Court he is going to cut a deal with chuck shuman. He said that in two debates ago. Which means he is going to put a liberal on the Supreme Court. Is he going to take away your Second Amendment right there. Is a reason why gun owners of america has endorsed me in this campaign because i have defended the Second Amendment my whole life while donald trump is a new york liberal who will take away your Second Amendment rights. This man is lie talking and taking advantage of you. I would encourage you, sir, look, i appreciate your being out here speaking. If i were donald trump, i wouldnt have come over and talk to you. I wouldnt have shown you that respect. Did you know what i would have done . I would have told the folks over there go over and bunch those guys in the face. Thats what donald does to protesters. I think a candidate campaigning to work. You are lying like you always do. What word did i say was a lie . About donald people telling people to punch people. Let me ask you, sir. Go home and Google Donald punch in the face protesters. And at his rallies, look, this is on national television. You can watch the facts of him standing at the podium saying punch that guy in the face. In fact, he says he will i will pay your legal fees when you punch him in the face. And there is a problem. Listen, donald trump has accused everyone in this race of being a liar. Donald cannot tell the truth in one minute. You will find out tomorrow. Indiana dont want you. Well, sir, you are entitled to. Yes with we do. Yes we do. [cheers] sir, america is a better country. Without you. Thank you for those kind sentiments. I have treated you respectfully the entire time. And a question that everyone here should ask. Are you canadian . Are you canadian . Do you want your kids repeating the words of donald trump . Would you be proud in your kids came home no. Yelling and insulting, let me give you an example of donalds problems with the truth. Yesterday, he was on national television. He was asked about his support for mike tyson a convicted rapist. And his response is ted says tyson is a rapist. Thats why we call him lyin ted. Mike tyson was convicted by a jury of his piers and served three years for rape here in the state of indiana. Donald screams its a lie to say mike tie soon rapist. Facts matter. You want to carpet bomb women and children. Thats actually interesting. You say carpet bomb women and children. Carpet bomb. I added the women and children thats what you will be doing when you carpet bomb somewhere. Sir, let me respond to you. Its interesting that you added women and children because your candidate donald trump came out and said he would order our military to kill the wives and children of terrorists which is a war crime. When he was asked in the debate what about when soldiers dont want to commit a war crime and murder women and children. He said i will tell them to do and it they will oobey me. I will tell you anyone that served in the Armed Services a president who thinks he is going to order american soldiers to commit war crimes is a president who doesnt respect the fighting men and women of this country. Right. What i said is we are going to carpet bomb isis. Target the terrorists, take out infrastructure and take out command and control and take out oil refineries. Nobody would target women and children except for a bully like donald trump. Sir, i respect your right to speak, but im also going to say in america, we are a nation that is better than anger and insults and cursing and rage. And i believe the people of indiana have a common sense, good judgment. Vote trump everybody vote trump. [cheers] and a huge day tomorrow for senator ted cruz. Cruz wont say it but everyone else is it could be politically do or die for him with 57 g. O. P. Delegates. Indiana is the biggest jackpot until california. Right now senator cruz is getting ready to speak in indianapolis. On the record Griff Jenkins is did he indiana state fairgrounds where he talked to voters. Griff . Thats right, greta. Senator cruz is not going down with a fight. He will make his fifth and final appearance here at the indiana state fairgrounds. And as you mentioned, you know indiana has the second biggest delegate prize left behind california. The folks here know it the mood is elated. They are energized. They are filling. In they expect maybe 3,000 coming here. Glenn beck may appear and try and fire these voters up. Because, what we found when we spoke to voters earlier, surprisingly is, there are still a number of undecided voters out there. Many of them choosing between donald trump and ted cruz. Take a look. Primary and why. Ted cruz, he holds conservative values that our nation stands for. I have not decided yet. None of the above, is that an option . I wish we could go back and do this over again. Im voting for bernie. I think he cares the most. I will vote against hillary regardless. Thats basically it. Im voting for Hillary Clinton, the most qualified person thats probably ever run for the office. Im not particularly fond of any of the candidates on either side but if i had to choose, i would probably vote for hillary. Undecided. I think by election day i want to hear a few more things that they have to say, actually. Im tired of watching people just spin. Im voting donald trump. There is something about cruz that just doesnt were not clicking. Probably leaning toward hillary but not totally decided. I have not decided now. Im leaning toward ted cruz because i think he is the i think he is the only true conservative left in the race. Are you going to say its all come down to indiana. I never would have thought it would come down to indiana. Cruz trails in the polls here by 15 point and he has not won since april 5th in wisconsin. But as one supporter told me on the way in today he is just going to have to go in and find those 15 points. Greta . Griff, thank you. And now it is Donald Trumps turn. The g. O. P. Frontrunner is about to take the stage in south bend, indiana. Already the audience is huge. Thousands of people packing themselves in. Fox news chief Political Correspondent carl cammeron is live inside the Century Center. Carl . Hi, greta. I wouldnt say thousands. Perhaps maybe 1500. Not the kind of 10,000 person crowd that trump has had before. Were here in south bend where today donald trump won the endorsement of former notre dame legendary coach lou holts and, of course, he has already got the famous indiana legend bobby knight in his corner. Trump will have a raucous show here tonight. He and his aids firmly believe they have indiana all but locked up. This was a state for the last month ted cruz has been saying that he would be able to win. It was a red state it is a red state where he believed he would be able to stop trump who has now won six states in a row. Five northeastern states last week. And, of course, his home state of new york the week prior to that and basically, six of the last seven polls have shown that trump is leading. There was one poll that suggested that cruz had the advantage. Whether or not that can be realized tomorrow really has most of the stop Trump Movement across the country on pins and needles. The general con consensus has been amongst the establishment that if Ted Cruz Campaign could not stop donald trump tomorrow, it would be almost impossible to prevent him from clinching the nomination prior to the convention and, thus, avert a contested convention which really is the only hope of both john kasich and ted cruz. Kasich, of course, is not competing in indiana. With his arrangement with cruz, he pulled out of here and cruz will not compete in new mexico and oregon coming up so that kasich can maximize his possibilities to stop trump in upcoming states. After tomorrows indiana votes, there will only be nine states left and about 450 available delegates. That would be more than enough for trump to clinch the nomination with about half of them assuming he can do that. And based upon his results in the last couple of weeks he has been hovering around 4207 plus 50 . And that would put him over the top. So tomorrow cruz has to do well. He knows it and the crowd here recognizes that trump has a possibility of putting a lock on it and keeping kasich and cruz away from that contested convention. Greta . Carl, thank you. And it was a star studded night at the annual white house correspondents dinner. Some of the big names actress rachel mcadams, actor will smith. More the main event president obama channeled his inner comedian in chief. If this material works well, im gonna use it at Goldman Sachs next year. [ laughter ] earn me some serious tu tubman. In my final year, my Approval Ratings keep going up. [ applause ] the last time i was this high, i was trying to decide on my major. I am hurt though, bernie, that you have been distancing yourself a little from me. [ laughter ] i mean, thats just not something that you do to your comrade. You have got a room full of reporters, celebrities, cameras, and he says no. Is this dinner too tacky for the donald . Im very proud of what youve done. It has been an honor and privilege to work side by side with you to strengthen our democracy. [ applause ] and with that i just have two more words to say. Obama out. [ laughter ] that was, of course, president obamas last white house correspondents dinner. And g. O. P. Frontrunner donald trump is calling out his partys leader chairman reince priebus. Hear trumps attack next. And also an ice cold lawsuit. Why is a woman suing coffee giant starbucks . Thats coming up. You wouldnt take medicine without checking the side effects. Hey honey. Huh. The good news is my hypertension is gone. So why would you invest without checking brokercheck . Check your broker with brokercheck. Bosses are trying to run it its a rigged party. Like in arizona the bosses. I win arizona in a landslide. I beat cruz so badly its almost ridiculous. Then the bosses have a delegate cooked delegate system where they go in and try to get delegates so they can play games. But, i tell you what the voters wouldnt stand for it when you win by millions of votes. Thats what i have been saying. The bosses pick whoever they want to pick. That was donald trump reigniting the g. O. P. Feud. The republican frontrunner once again going after his own party. Including g. O. P. Leader reince priebus. Rick cline and from the Weekly Standard daniel halper. Governor january brewer also of arizona. This is what she said to neal cavuto. She is not happy arizona doing. This lets listen. I felt very cheated. Everybody knows im a donald trump supporter. I paid my 50 to go to the committee. I was on the donald trump slate and when it came forward electronically, my name was not pop plated. So, if you pushed the button for the trump slate, i didnt get to vote. So i lost. First time in 35 years that i have lost an election. Well, rick, is the party bosses as donald trump said, are they sabotaging him . Is the system rigged against him . They are helping him because they are giving me a good talking point. I do not think there is systemic effort to disenfranchise trump supporters. Thats effective augment for donald trump to use for voters out there. There may be a scattered problem. I dont know the details what governor brewer is talking about. There will be a process to appeal that all the way at the Republican National convention in july. More broadly, donald trump knows that there are rules. His supporters are Getting Better after the exploiting those rules and using those rules as they did last week in pennsylvania. When he doesnt win, is he going to use it to make a broader point against the party that fits so well with his campaign message. You know, daniel, i havent looked at the ins and outs of these rules. I probably should have done it last summer. When i hear things like donald trump wins the state and many delegates like wait a second, how can that be fair . Those are the rules. Right. It does seem crazy. Another hand, there arent clear indication or clear accusation that the rules themselves arent being followed, right . Even if donald Donald Trumps accusations is that the rules themselves seem to favor party insiders. Who shows up at statewide conventions. People very vested in local republican parties. It seems to make sense that they would favor themselves but at the same time donald trump is trying to blow up the system he says and part of it, you know, as rick, i think, said very well. This seems to be helping donald trump. Whether or not its really being rigged, whether or not its really the rules arent being followed it seems to help donald trump because he is able to take this and say this is where i need to blow up the system. Is indiana tomorrow do or die for ted cruz or not . Its do or die for anyone who wants to stop donald trump more broadly. This is the best effort they will have to try to deny him the delings on the first ballot. If donald trump is able to take that state despite more than 3 million in negative ads. Ted cruz naming running mate in carlie fiorina. He has played every card he did k. Possibly have in his hand. If donald trump is able to walk away with the lion share of delegates it, helps his math and helps momentum and you will start to see more and more calls for the party to coalesce around donald trump. Who is more likely to campaign for donald trump if he gets the nomination, cruz or kasich . Kasich. Cruz, it really appears, has developed. He really dislikes donald trump. It really appears from that long segment that we saw earlier with the trump supporter. Kasich, meanwhile, seems a lot more forgiving and a lot more more of a trump fan. Well sees a time marches on. Thank you both. Thanks, greta. Do not miss donald trump tonight on hannity. Donald trump talks to sean about one thing trump has in common with, ready for this . Senator Bernie Sanders. Thats a good tease, isnt it . I think a lot of the young people that are with Bernie Sanders are going to come over to my side because they want jobs. They see whats happening. And Bernie Sanders and i agree on one thing, trade that we dont know what were doing on trade. The difference is i will make great deals out of it he accident know what to do. Is he a socialist. He doesnt know what to do. I will make great deals out of it the people with Bernie Sanders, the young people i really belief they will come over and vote for me. I think a lot of the people that are with hillary are going to come out to vote for me. Do not miss the entire interview with donald trump. Watch hannity tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. And former new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg just got booed by a bunch of college graduates. Thats next. Plus Vice President ial candidate Carly Fiorina taking a spill. The viral video and what happened next coming up. Your Business Hours are the same as your insurance companys. Now claim calls are eating into work. And you dont know if youll get an insurance check or a severance check. 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This is a fox news alert. A deadly flood already claiming six lives in texas. And now get ready. The Weather Threat is on the move. Fox meteorologist tracking it all. Its all moving toward the east, greta. Can you see on the doppler radar. A slow moving cold front is dumping inches of rain along the east and some Severe Weather as well. Can you see frequent lightning associated with this. We have an area of low pressure and a trailing cold front a warm front to the north. Heat and humidity today, temperatures running into the 80s. More like summertime weather. And this is the area of concern. A severe thunderstorm watch, highlighted in yellow as far north as washington, as a matter of fact, in Southern Maryland just a few minutes ago. We reports of a tornado touching down and while try to confirm that in the meantime we are looking at the storms moving toward the philadelphia area. But the main threat is damaging winds and also frequent lightning along with large hail. That storm near d. C. And Southern Maryland had a history of pingpong size hail. This is our convective outlook. The vast risk for Severe Weather is in this yellow area. Winds in excess of 60 miles per hour. You see the threat from washington through roanoke, charlotte, also raleigh, durham, the area that we are talking about includes 14 mlt people impacted by the severe Weather Threat that will go into the overnight hours. And thats not all. As this trailing front continues to move eastward in the next 48 hours, were talking about 1 to 3 inches of rain. And in a coastal storm, developed as we head toward the weekend. Its going to be days before we are out of this weather. It looks like the weekend by the time we are dry along the east coast. Greta . Well send it back to you. Cathy, thank you. Get yesterday to speed read the news. Historic new York City Church burned to the ground on orthodox easter sunday. This incredible video showing flames shooting out of the 161yearold cathedral. Just hours before the fire broke out more than 700 people were gathered inside the serbian orthodox cathedral of saint was it arson . Investigators are still trying to determine a cause. History made today in cuba. A u. S. Cruz ship arriving in havana for the First Time Since the 1970s. Cubans gathered to watch as the ship pulled into the port. And happy birthday to princess charlotte. The daughter of prince says kate middleton. Receiving gifts from 64 countries. Books clothing and of course toys. The duke and duchess of cambridge are incredibly grateful and thats tonights speed read. And who gets the massive Prince Estate . The family feud is on. Thats next. A campaign tumble. Vice president ial candidate Vice President ial candidate carly f the call just came in. Shes about to arrive. And with her, a flood of potential patients. A deluge of digital records. Xrays, mris. All on account. Of penelope. 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Tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions and medications including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. Look me. In the eyes. And see whats possible. Botox® cosmetic. Its time to take a closer look. Well, nothing like big money and no will to light a family feud. And the relatives of prince, late music icon in court today to begin duling over princes estate. He doesnt have a will. Giant property and music. Ted williams and katie phang. Katie, well, brace yourself, right . Its going to be a wild ride. So, apparently they drilled inside this huge vaulted safe inside princes home and it involves his music catalog but frankly i think everybody was ready to find, da, da, da this will he should have had. How does somebody have 300milliondollar estate and not have a will. In every state there is something called the will which is called the probate statute but really if you have that kind of money, you have got to have a will. Is he a walking ad for Estate Planning attorneys. I think ordinarily depends on whether you need a will or not. The state will take care of it in terms they will give it to your spouse or kids or whatever. But whether you have enormously complicated estate like he does, i suspect that he thought he was would live forever. He has a re complicated estate. Now the court has appointed an administrator who will then do what . Well, they have appointed a special administrator and that person will overlook the estate. They will pay the bills and take care of the estate. They will gather all the assets. Absolutely. That is until a personal representative comes aboard. But you are talking about a mess. When you die intestate without a will, you have got a lot of serious problems. If you have a lot of assets. He does. I know everyone should run out and get a lot of wills and stuff but if you have got a complicated matter that you want to go to someone other than your kids or your spouse or something, you might. And plus the fact, katie, he has made a lot of money in his death because now everybody ran out and bought his music. Well, the intellectual Property Rights to his estate are really going to be at issue. You have one full blooded sister and then about half about five half siblings shah have stepped forward as recently as monday yet another half sibling has stepped forward. I may step forward and say im staining stake ago claim to part of princes estate. More than half is going to go for taxes. Greta and ted, taxes and death. Death and taxes, right . Thats when you need a will. All right, panel. How about starbucks . Is starbucks icing you out . Coffee giant slapped with a lawsuit lawsuit claims uses too much ice. Woman says misleading customers and using less coffee than advertised. Does the case have merit . Well, on the record investigates and we sent out our fearless investigators. Ted and katy to starbucks for a very unscientific experiment. Greta is my name. Ice cube dont look that large. It looks like they did it above the third line on the top. I am now pouring the ice out of the coffee into a measuring cup. And, as you see, when we measure, this and we turn it around, it comes to about 14 to 16 ounces. Okay. Panel, now first, besides the fact that katie is a liar and says she is greta. Ted, i will start with you first. What did you conclude. Dont tell trump that she is a liar by the way. She will be called indicatey the liar. Justin wells, your producer had us doing. This he should have been out there. I can tell you we must be in the silly season. In one instance youre ordering an iced coffee. And what do you expecting in there . Ice in the coffee. But when you measure it and you see the amount, you can tell starbucks is making some additional money. Can i just tell you something . Whenever i buy go to starbucks, i by hot coffee. I have the other problem. I say please dont fill it to the top dont put milk on it they fill it to the top. I have to pour some out. I dont want to pour so much out it feels wasteful. I walk away and coming out of the top filled it to the top and burning my hand. Hire a lawyer. I actually have the other problem. Katie, you went up there and falsely said you were greta. But tell me your thoughts. And they didnt even spell your name right but that always happens when you go to starbucks. Allegations in this lawsuit is a class action lawsuit. They are seeking a million dollars. But its on behalf of the entire class. Not on behalf of the one named plaintiff who is a woman in illinois. They are alleging fraud. You are alleging fraud against starbucks. 19. 2 billion in revenue last year. They are going for the jugular by wanting starbucks to pony up money to replace over 10 years worth of allegedly defrauding people who are buying iced drinks. For the record and on the record i ordered a ice latte today and i asked for no ice and they put ice in my iced latte. The problem is you probably said small, medium or large and they dont call them that anymore. Thats a whole another lawsuit. What happened to small, medium, and large . We ought to put that on a milk carton. Ted and katie thank you both. Coming up, i want to be fired just like this woman. I will explain off the record. Test test. Lets all go offtherecord. Senator Bernie Sanders just got his pinup girl poster child for corporate glut. Marissa meyer, ceo of yahoo. Rumors are she is about to get the boot. Dont worry, she wont have to stand in line at kinkos printed ago batch of resumes. Severance package a 5 million. Yes, 55 million for failing. And getting the boot. I bet you would have been willing to get fired for a whole lot less than that. I know i would have. Which brings me to the real culprits the board of directors at yahoo. What were they thinking. Teachers and firemen watching savings in yahoo drop. The bored of directors is la vic sh visually spending it for failure. Not getting fired for success. Go figure. Okay, bernie, i will give you this one. Heres the truth. There are millions and millions of rich people bernie wont talk about. The ones who made their money the hard way earning it for success and work constantly giving back, doing good works and charity. Bernie, when are you going to Start Talking aboutt p. S. , and i add tongue in cheek, no equal pay for women at yahoo. Get this. In 2014 yahoo fired a male executive Enrique Castro 53. 8 million. He was not. She has been there four years. Golden parachute pay gap. Thats my offtherecord comment tonight. And time for your campaign flash. Donald Trump Holding a packed rally at the Century Center in south bend, indiana. Senator ted cruz 150 miles south in indianapolis. Senator cruz is about to take the stage at the indiana state fairgrounds. And a not so graceful Campaign Moment for carlie fiorina. Foreign that falling off the stage in indiana after introducing senator cruz and his family. The Vice President ial candidate, who is fine. Quickly pickedself up. And thats tonights campaign flash. Live twitter Voting Results on your screen right now. Do you think the p. C. Police have gone too far with safe spaces . Here it is 21 say no. 79 say yes. Dont forget to vote on twitter every night. If you dont have twitter, sign up. Its free. Make sure to follow me on greta on facebook. Facebook. Com greta. Also go to gretawire. And sean hannity has trump tonight women come to red eye. Hello, everyone. Im tom shillue. Lets check in with tvs andy levy to see what exciting stories we will be discussion. Andy . Thanks, tom. Coming up on the big show, Hillary Clinton defends native americans by saying she knows how to deal with men who go off the reservation. It didnt help her face turned red with embarrassment. And why is radiohead disappearing from the internet . Please let tom shillue say anything about rocks greatest band. I will end him and a brooklyn pizzeria developed a pizza bach made out of pizza . They join us live to answer your questions. Tom . Exciting

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