But you get where you are going and get there fast. Thanks, charles. Thats it for special report, good night from washington. Greta goes on the record right now. Tonight on the record, all your news right here. Two young boys lost at sea and now word that may be foul play. Also a creepy note left by two sons after joining forces to murder their own parents. Plus, why is a group of nuns at war with singer katy perry. The nuns and the on the record legal panel is here. Also big news from the campaign trail will coach Bobby Knights endorsement from candidate bobby trump shape up the race in indiana . Yes, you saw that big moment at our on the record town hall last night. Right now you never thought it would get this awful. Lucifer in the flesh. Ouch. Well, thats how former speaker of the house described senator ted cruz lucifer in the flesh. This is getting brutal. How about ted cruz . [ laughter ] lucifer in the flesh. In washington i would john boehner had some interesting comments last night. He actually didnt abbreviate what he said. He was a bit more expressive. He allowed his inner trump to come out. John boehner in his remarks described donald trump as his texting and golfing buddy. So, if you want someone thats a texting and golfing buddy, if you are happy with john boehner as speaker of the house and you want a president like john boehner, trumps your man. Former 2012 president ial candidate mr. Herman cain
goes on the record. Good evening, sir. Hello, greta. Thank you. I think its stunning. Speaker payner saying he has never worked with a more miserable so. B. I hate ted cruz. Ted cruz fires back and says they are being the inner donald trump. Your thoughts . My thoughts are, first of all, this is all political noise. Thats all. The words might be new, but the sentiment is not new. Secondly, when you are speaking in front of a live crowd, and i have done that many, many, many times, you might say some things that you wouldnt say in front of a camera. Except with former Speaker Boehner every word that he says is going to be recorded. I think that this is just political noise. The sentiment is not new. All you have to do is look at the history of ted cruz and the United States senate. So, it is noise that has nothing to do with the real
substance that they ought to be focusing on. Well, i would actually like to know whats being said behind the cameras. I think its more staged what is said in front of the cameras that people are more reserved in front of the cameras. So i always sort of think when the camera goes off they would probably amp it up a little bit. Well, in this case i think Speaker Boehner said in front of the camera what he would have said behind the camera. But i think its just political noise. It doesnt really add or detract anything thats going on in this president ial, this republican president ial race. Not at all. What is going on. It will be a story. Then what is going on . Heres whats going on. First, ted cruz is making a desperate attempt to try and detract from donald trump and to keep donald trump from getting 1237 delegates. The first hail mary was on monday when he announced his alliance with governor john kasich. That appeared to have back fired because all you have
to do is look at the results on tuesday where not only did donald trump win all five states he won greater than what the polls predicted. Secondly, now he announces Carly Fiorina as his v. P. Candidate if, if, if, he gets the nomination that is another hail carlie, or mail mary. Lets wait until tuesday and see how that works out. Thats whats going on behind the scenes. There are still people, greta, that are trying to stop donald trump, including ted cruz. All right. Well, lets bring the voters in and see what they have to say viewers rather and voters, too. Now is your chance at home to vote on twitter. Will former Speaker Boehners comments about senator cruz help or hurt senator cruz . Now tweet the word help or the word hurt using greta. And, of course, we will show you your live twitter votes throughout the show. Mr. Herman cain, tell me this. If we have had two hail mary
passes by senator ted cruz, one on monday with the alliance governor kasich and one yesterday announcing that Carly Fiorina is his running mate. Is there another hail mary pass in him and what is it or what could it be . The only other hail mary would be for senator ted cruz to say i reconsidered. I would be Donald Trumps running mate if he asks me. That is the only other hail mary he has. But he has said he doesnt want to do that hes thats the only hail mary pass that he has to say. I would consider being his running mate if donald trump were to ask. Well, we will be watching for that one. Thank you very much for joining us. Thank you, greta. And on the record Griff Jenkins is in indiana shadowing the Cruz Campaign ahead of tuesdays all important indiana primary. Now, griff got the scoop and spoke to new lamented vice
president ial candidate Carly Fiorina. Griff . Greta, we are in south bend, indiana where senator cruz with his newly named Vice President ial running mate Carly Fiorina made their third and final stop of the day. As you mentioned i was able to speak with ms. Fiorina earlier. Take a look. First, of course im deeply honored by. This and, i bring a lot of heart to this fight. Because i think this is a really important fight now of great consequence. I think its a fight for the soul of our party and i think its a fight for the future of our country. So i woke up with a lot of heart for the fight. I woke up really early like at 4 30. Doing interviews and so its been nonstop since about 4 45 this morning. You certainly, the crowd had a lot of energy. Not that they havent been energetic, but we are coming down to the wire. You spoke to the crowd about the stakes being very high here. Tell me about the stakes. Well, i think the stakes are high for our nation. I truly do. I think the stakes are high
for our party. And so what i know about ted cruz is that we are not going to fix what ails us unless we stick to the principles and the values and the policies that we know work. And those are conservative constitutional principles and policies and values. Of course, the Hoosier State play as really Important Role now. I mean, who would have guessed that the Hoosier State would be important or california would be important . But they are. Because, as much as donald trump wants us this to be over. Its not over. And the a yard line isnt a touchdown. Until someone gets to 1237 they dont have the nomination. I spoke to a woman sitting in the front row before each of all these events, all the candidates ten a pulse of the voters why such and such . A woman told me today why did you come here today . She says because Carly Fiorina is now on the ticket. Do you feel you bring the extra ump. Senator cruz are trailed by Single Digits do you think you may be the game changer on tuesday. What i hope to be and what i think i have been on the trail thus far is a part another to him who can amplify his message and make sure that people here understand whats at stake. So i hope i bring much to the party. But, ted cruz needs to be our nominee and ted cruz needs to be the president of the United States. For the people of indiana. Every single one of them. Let me ask you about news today. Your running mate attacked by former speaker john boehner. What do you make of that . Choice words for him. Yeah, and boehner also said he and donald trump are texting and golfing buddies. You see, he said the truth. Donald trump is the system. So is fiorina factor having an impact . Heres what voters told us. Take a look at this. Why ted cruz . Why are you supporting him . Im supporting ted cruz. Im a student. I study business. And he supports Small Businesses. He is honorable. Is he a man of his word. I think ted cruz, my big thing is he a proven, godly man. What do you think of carlie and will that change things . That is who im glad he picked. I wanted carlie. I think she is a better person in the candidacy than hillary. Yeah. So i definitely yeah. I like her. I think its a great pick. Im hoping with his pick of carlie he is going to draw some more people in, and hopefully tuesday will show that that was a good idea. Do you think cruz and carlie can and will win here on tuesday . Definitely. I believe so. I definitely think they will win, yeah. Are cruz and carlie will be barn storming the state starting tomorrow morning by taping a hannity town hall and just going and trying to close those polls as best they can. Greta . Griff, thank you. No one wants to miss hannity tomorrow night with that town hall with the two of them. If you missed last nights on the record town hall with crump donald trump you missed a huge endorsement. Legendary University Coach bobby knight last night threw his support behind donald trump. Bobby, in his field, was a tremendous leader and what he he has done is phenomenal. I would like to put myself in a category even close to bobby. You talk about the word leadership. Thats leadership. Thank you. [ applause ] let me say another thing about mr. Trump. And i think were a little bit alike in that regard. If were involved in something where we want to win, and particularly something thats necessary, if there is something out there where we need to win, were going to try and beat your ass every time we can. [cheers and applause] well, not every endorsement in this election has had an impact. But will this one from such a beloved indiana hero move
the needle for donald trump in the on the record Political Panel is here from the boston globe anna linskey and from the hill ab. Stoddard. Wow rather have a bobby knight endorsement or add Carly Fiorina to your ticket. Thats a good one. I thought you were going to ask about pence or bobby knight. I think bobby knight in indiana is a tremendous get for donald trump. And i think, you know, even from the stop trump people that i have talked to about that have acknowledged that. You know, whats to interesting about the two of them and when they were talking to you at the town hall is that trump and bobby knight are kind of similar. When you think about it, i almost think that if donald trump was a basketball coach, he would bebobby knight and vice versa. They do. So same things. They have the same tendencies. They are both beloved for that kind of very harsh. Sort of straight talk. When i introduced coach
knight, it was it felt like a rock concert and mick jagger had just walked out to Start Playing some music. But it was amazing with bobby knight. Yeah, i was listening to it la last night. As do you every night. Right. Or dvr. At the sloot moment at absolute moment when you brought it out and he and trump called, the call he received from bobby knight. What was interesting is you could really tell that bobby knight was really flattered that trump called him back and obviously donald trump was really flattered. So, its not like they are similar but both very excited about this. This was a mutual enthusiasm very palpable. I agree that this is a big deal in indiana. Not only because is he popular, is he controversial like donald trump, but is he popular. I dont think it really sways. If someone decided that donald trump is so divisive but is he winning and, i dont know, i dont know
that this pushes him over the line. But this absolutely makes endorsing ted cruz for someone like governor pence much harder. I think it keeps other endorsements away from that would be opposed to trump off the sideline. All right. If ted cruz were to win 100 percent of the delegates remaining before the convention, he still isnt going to reach 1237. Neither is governor john kasich. So does either one have more likelihood of winning . When we are talking. Contested . You know, i think when we start thinking about contested convention, it gets you know, cruz has shown that he understands the rules and can he play by the rules. So if its cruz vs. Trump in contested convention, i mean, cruz really does have that edge and you are looking for any edge in that situation. See, i think kasich has an equal chance at contested as cruz. Thats what so
interesting. Kasich is known by the party insiders. He is going to be in cleveland. He is second term governor of the second most important battleground state in the electoral college. But if you read, he hasnt shown up at these conventions ground operation to sway the delegates. Senator cruz shows up there and hated by congressman peter king. He doesnt have any senators except senator mike lee endorsing him and is he lucifer in the flesh. Even though he is ahead of kasich and contested. I think annie is right. In the end are they suede by kasich who on basic has it all but hasnt gone anywhere or the tactics of the Cruz Campaign . They have been working in california for a year. Really shrewd. I dont know. Kasich hasnt won a state aside from his home state. Its just hard to imagine. Everything is hard to imagine at this point. Everything hard to imagine. Anyway, a. B. , annie, thank you both. And developing right now in california, three people connected to one of the san
bernardino terrorists who slaughtered 14 innocent people now under arrest by the fbi. And one of those under arrest is the dead terrorist syed farooks brother. Fox news correspondent will carr is in los angeles. Will . Good evening, greta. These three were arrested today by authorities for allegedly trying to cover up an illegal marriage. And the three are syed farooks brother, his wife and her sister. The two women are russian and all three appeared in Southern Court here in california this afternoon. This all came to light after syed farook and his wife stormed the Regional Center in San Bernardino last december. We later learned that Enrique Marquez provided the guns used in that terror attack. Marquez was charged for that and is now awaiting trial. On top of that, he was also charged with marriage fraud. Thats where todays arrests come in to play. In february authorities raided faruqs brothers home. Is he a decorated navy
veteran. His wife tatianna is russian and so is her sister. He would pay to pretend to be married to the sister so she could become a u. S. Citizen. Now, all are suspects in this sham marriage. And the really interesting part here is that marquez and the russian woman didnt even try to get married. They pretended they did. They staged wedding pictures the day before the terror attack. They bought auto dollars ring to back up the story. They never lived together. It was an effort to settle down. Sister faces 25 years behind bars and deportation. Faruq and his wife 25 years. A Statement Released today todays arrest open a new phase in the process of bringing together to justice all individuals who allegedly committed crimes that were uncovered during our exawives investigation. Important to point out here, greta. While this did come to light from San Bernardino, none of the arrest or the charges are terror related. Greta . Will, thank you. And they came into our country illegally. Then they committed crimes. Some as serious as murder. So why is the Obama Administration now opening the prison gate and putting them back on american streets . On the record investigates next. Also two brothers arrested for the murder of their own parents, wait until you hear about the note they are accused of writing. Its really awful. It was left next to the victims. Thats coming up. With the leader in frequent heartburn. Thats nexium level protection. Is it keeps the food out. For me before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. Super poligrip is part of my life now. If you have moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depressio or suicidal thoughts,
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than 200 murders. You have somebody who commits homicide, yes. We want them deported. Thats the law. Then put it in the statute, sir. There is a whole list of categories there that are harm to public safety, including those that commit homicide that you went ahead and released anyway. That law is crystal clear. You are making these discretionary choices in releasing these people out in the public and they are committing more croims. And i dont understand why you dont deport them. To sit there and say that the proud women and men of Law Enforcement in ice are choosing to release criminals is absolutely unforgivable. Im very proud of representing those men and women. Many of them are former police officers, Sheriffs Department members. And t