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I love the mormons. I love i do love virginia. I love you. I love you. I love you. Thanks for watching special report. Im shannon bremen. Good night from washington. On the record is next. This is a fox news alert. Terror raids underway in brussels resulting in arrests. Fox news Shepard Smith is standing by with this brand new information. We go live to shepard in brussels in just moments. Also, france, just stopping a terror plot. France arresting a man in advanced planning stages. That plot now luckily foiled. Also breaking a new manhunt for a second suspect who may have slipped away in the brussels bombing. Police believe the metro bomber may not have acted alone and hisaaccomplice could be on the run. That metro bombs is where 20 innocent people were murdered. President obama takes heat for dancing the tango in argentina in the aftermath of this attack. The terror brothers who carried out this barbaric attack, they were on u. S. Watch lists. Also today, victims of the carnage are now describing that horrific attack. I found myself on the ground and there was ash everywhere. It was all gray. I was covered in some brown stuff. It stank of burnt pig. So i got up and i got out as fast as possible. Then people told me i was burned. So i figured that out. I was past a mirror i half saw myself burned i didnt want to look it was burning. It was burning. I didnt feel that so much. It was the brng that felt worse. Fox news Shepard Smith has brand new information on those ongoing raids. Shep . Greta, coming in now and over the last 10 minutes there have been two separate raids happening here. One in the neighborhood in brussels near where the spot where they found the bombs in a home and two other locations as well. The federal prosecutor has announced in just the last couple of minutes that there have been six arrests that that are connected with the investigation of the bombings that happened here three days ago. We knew these raids were underway there were pictures on social media throughout the night. We saw groups of Police Officers in what looked like heavily armed, maybe military gear, unclear. But clearly they had surrounded a house. We now know threeii people were arrested in front of the federal prosecutors office. And three others in two separate locations. Prosecutors will say at this moment only that they are connected to the investigation. Some live pictures coming now from one of those locations. Prosecutors will say only that they are arrested in connection with, in connection with a bombings that took place here in brussels. Beyond that they say further information will wait until tomorrow. There was no question that the raids had been ongoing throughout the day. They have lowered the terror alert level this afternoon. And then all of these raids happened. We didnt understand how the two mixed. But progress tonight on all fronts. Shep, is anyone saying anything from the authorities about the fact that turkey, at least, sent one of theseek people home and warned belgium about one of these terrorists . Well, they have mentioned that on the side. Nothing in a news conference, greta. The discussion guar been going on quite vibrantly over the past few hours. The turkish admission that they did this and then questions about why they couldnt tie them to terrorism. Why there was no way to bring them into custody. The brussels Authorities Say they knew of their criminal record. They knew that one, for instance, had been sentence to do nine years in prison in connection with the jacking of a Currency Exchange place while a cop was shot during that. The sentence of nine years, town to two thirds because in belgium for time served and Good Behavior you dont serve but two thirds of your sentence. He was out. Those two brothers, both with criminal records but no terrorism connections were the ones who carried out the bombing here. How that got lost in the ether still remains to be seen, greta. The thing that still worries me, shep, if the turkey warned belgium about this guy and belgium did nothing and this happened, has turk request warned being ignored tonight . I mean, i know that the terror raids are going on and thats great. I hope they catch everybody. But is belgium basically up to this task . We have asked those questions. And turkey says we make warnings about people who are on the Syrian Border all we dont really have the capacity to follow up on what it is that the people that are warning do with that information. They are like we want to give them all that we have and help in any way that we can beyond that there is not much we can do. Of course, we learned through this process that there are a number of people that they wanted to watch but couldnt. You asked if they are overwhelmed. I think tauthorities are clear t that. That this caught them to some degree offguard and they ever overwhelmed. Have the names of those killed been announced . Are americans making up some of those dead . We have no information about any americans killed. We know the number of americans who were involved in one way or anotherjn has gone up. There were three mormon missionaries about whom we spoke. A member of the military and four of his family members, two other people from new york city who were here on vacation. Two other bankers from the United States who were working here but are United States citizens and now today from the state department we learned that there are others who are involved in one way or another but because of privacy issues, the state department couldnt give us details. Somewhere around a dozen americans, whether any of them are dead we dont know. Four at least are unaccounted for at best, greta. Shep, thank you. I know you are exhausted. You havent had much sleep there is a lot going on. If something does happen of course we will go back to you. 3gtiu u now, there is breaking news out of france. Their interior minister says a frenchman in the advanced stages of a terror plot has been stopped. Is he now under arrest. Fox news chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge is here. Catherine . Thank you, greta. This has really been breaking within the last 60 to 90 minutes. We had confirmation from frances interior minister that they have arrested what was described as a high risk, high value suspect that has known connections to a terrorist organization. What we dont know at this point is whether it does have a connection to belgium. Can i tell from you my experience two things are going on here. The threshold to pick people up is much lower. For the thench authorities to mo, this is a guy they have been watching for a while. They are more likely to pick people up now than they would have, lets say, a month ago. Every time you have a major arrest like did you last friday with abdeslam, you take the stick and poke it in the hornets nest and you cause people to move and you cause people to talk. That is the kind of event that causes people to act and accelerate plots which is what happened on tuesday. Abdeslam is he n talking . Is owe in the position to know things. I dont want to give the viewers bad information. The reports are he is talking. Anything he is saying would have to be corroborated by a second or third level source because what he says cannot necessarily be taken at face value. All right there is a video thats come out. Its nine minutes in length. I have watched it in its totality. It has the feeling of being prepackaged. Preproduced and sitting on the shelf waiting for an attack to unfold. There is new video of it on the brussels attacks. It bookends the video so the beginning and the end. And in the middle they showcase belgian foreign fighters. There is no interviews with any of the known suspects. Its kind of like a propaganda pile on. They want to amplify what happened tuesday and then they warn that more are coming ahead. Quickly, there is a reference to donald trump in the tape there. Is a reference to donald trump thats in the first half of the video its about a five or six second reference pulled from American News report. Part of montage with overseas reports and then reports from this country. Catherine, thank you. Youre welcome. Well, what do you think about this . Very bad objects . Your president videotaped dancing the tango in argentina just days after hundreds are injured and dozens slaughtered in the brussels terror attack m rw÷ and the outrage from critics coming very quickly. Where is president obama baseball camp while brussels burns and now is he on the dance floor doing the tango in argentina. Im not so sure he should be doing that where everybody is worried about where isis is where are they going to kill next and are they going to come over here. Mr. President come home cut your trip short and come back to the white house. I would have cut the trip short. Leader of the free world appears to be73nh uninterested. The advanced person who let him do the tango that person ought to be looking for work on somebodys campaign very, very far away. That wasjz a tremendous mistake. Pennsylvania congressman scott perry goes on the record. Good evening, sir. And the president , if he were here would say we dont want to send a message to the terrorists that they can disrupt us. And that we should go about our lives. What do you think about the president staying in argentina, staying overseas, rather, on his trip, going to the baseball game in havana and getting caught on tape doing this tango last night at the dinner . Good evening, greta. I would say this instance, if it were the only instance, conduct state business, you never know when something is going to happen around the big globe. To stop everything every single time i think is unrealistic. Unfortunately there has been a pattern when these attacks happen, when somebody has been killed on tape or Something Like that and americans in peril or our allies in peril the president often mb Something Else whether its releasing a 30 second statement and going and playing golf or what have you. The bigger issue here for Many Americans and many people in the free world is that the leader of the free world while he says that this is, you know, this is a priority, defeating isis and this radicalism and terrorism is a priority, it seems that too often saying its the priority, why do you think that he did this . I mean, he had to know the cameras were running. Yeah. I have got to tell you agenda than most of us as americans and certainly former president s do regarding the International Situation that the United States finds itself. In my opinion, i think the opinion of many, he has spent the last seven5n dismantling, 60 to 100 years of work and relationships around the globe. And thats not by happenstance. I just think he finds it relatively unimportant, quite honestly. Do you think that maybe he is just, you know, he is a continent away and just doesnt have a thought of how its playing back here in the United States and how a lot of people are reeling from the fact of what went on in belgium because we are watching the video of people injured in belgium3k explosions . I dont know. I think he probably gets how people feel in the United States. Certainly, he is aware during San Bernardino, traveled there after the fact and has heard the criticisms but here again, he called isis the jay vee team and time again. [broken audio] we have calls greta not only in the United States and around the world. The president , if you ask if you ask any american is to defeat this scourge to make sure it doesnt come to our shores and embed itsselves in our communities and around the world, i think we would be hard press to do find one single american that can do it. There is a reason for that because the president hasnt articulated it because there isnt one. I should note because viewers, im sure, we have a little audio problem with you, sir, and its not on your end. Its our audio issue with your mike. Alle right. What should the president be doing about belgium, if anything . Well, certainly, look, saying that about that you cant bring people to justice that blow themselves up. Its not really appropriate, right in the condemnation, its meaningful but only if you do something. So certainly supporting our allies and Law Enforcement and in military action when necessary is key. But in the homeland, and around around the world belie when he says its a priority, bringing in unvetted syrian refugees, unvetted syrian refugees, most people see that as incongruent with saying thatv extremism as your top priority. Not even naming islamic extremism. There are many free, peaceloving americans in america and around the world but there are also those who want to kill americans and westerners and they keep doing it not addressing it is the problem. Congressman, thank you, sir. Sorry about that audio problem. Thank you, sir. Thank you, greta. The on the record panel is here from the daily beast Betsy Woodruff and matt visor. We are going to see a lot of that tango video. Yeah. Many people who have emailed me are horrified by it. I think the image in contrast both with the baseball game the other day and tango last night sort of juxtaposes what is going on. It is not a good contrast. I think there are two things going on with5p the white house and their thinking the way they have approached things like paris, he was criticized similar for immediate response. He didnt wait a second, paris, he didnt show up. Every other major nation showed up. He didnt show up. Right. He was criticized for it. When people are marching in solidarity, he wasnt there and he was supposed to represent us. He is our president. And whereas San Bernardino when it was on u. S. Soil, he traveled there. He was much more engaged. He gave an oval office address. So i think the contrast is when things happen overseas and its not directly on u. S. Soil his response is different. We are probably going to find out americans were killed in belgium. So i dont know, you know, i dont know how they are going to do that hair splitting if it turns out that in that dead list there are some americans. It recalls Herbert Hoover eating seven course meals at the white house when the Great Depression was unfolding. Keep spirits up and act like everything is normal and try not to stoke fear and anxiety often that totally backfires. He wasnt trying to keep the nations spirits up but his own spirits up while he is there dancing. He wasnt spending sending a message back to the United States. I cant speak to what was going on in the president s head. The most charityiblable is that the president was trying to indicate some sense of normalcy. Thats a charitable explanation. In terms of a reaction that could have been wellintended but probably had the opposite of the desired effect. I watching that he doesnt care about his job. Because his job really is to represent us. American people we want to send a message to the belgians that we stand with them. He does hold the job. Its like him dancing, you know, and at leastjf we could have video of him in a meeting with the president of argentina. It gets back to a comment that he made also about not watching enough news feelings. Do you have to watch the news . I mean, what kind of education do you have to i mean, there are all these people murdered by a terrorists. I mean, do you have to watch the news to know its really bad and bothers people. No. You shouldnt have to. For him he is in argentina. He is doing his thing. He is in this bubble. He gets a Daily Briefing every day oneu that plane. There is a cia is down there briefing him. Or they better be. You think if he isnt watching cable tv one of his aids or advisors would keep an eye on it hey this is kind of a big deal. People are stressed. A couple dozen innocent folks just got killed in a western nation. His next stop is a result in the andes. Stick around. Are drawing on every other topic in the campaign trail. You have radical islamic terrorists all over the place. Its not going to be the end. We will have it over here, too. My focus is on stopping islamism. Its not about patrolling neighborhoods. Its not about shutting our borders down. What America Needs is strong, smart, steady leadership to wage and win this struggle. We have no paperwork. We have no idea who they are, where they are, where they come from. We need a president who knows his first job is to be commander and chief and keep america safe. Alabama senator and Donald Trumps National Security chair senator jeff session goes on the record. Good evening, sir. Good evening. Senator, with all the terrorism thats just happened in belgium, the president has not come home and he has not used the termczj radical islam, which general flynn last night on our show said was very important to identify the enemy and use a term like that. Tell me your thoughts on him, number one, not cutting his trip short and coming home and, two, not using that term . Well, it is a worldwide crisis. Its not as big as 9 11, of course, but its very, very big to our friends and our neighbors, really in belgium. So, i think it is a legitimate concern that the president is not seemingly taking this seriously enough. This whole idea, refusal to address the reality of the threat we face does contact our ability to defend america and to help . 1 the whole world see the nature of the threat we face which is very real. I guess it arises out of Political Correctness where you just dont want to say anything bad about anybody or raise any questions. But that kind of intimidation of free speech is dangerous it makes it harder to fix. He did say in havana on the 22nd of march we stand in solidarity and condemn these attacks. He doesnt use the term radical islam. It should be used. It just is there has always been a strain of this many times its very quiet and not arising. We are now seeing a longterm trend of rising radicalism and islam. It needs to be confronted first by our islamic friends they need to condemn it vigorously and the United States has to be on alert constantly. We have no obligation to risk than we ought to. As a result of some massive refugee program. So i think the United States needs to help the world see with clarity the threat that we face and move away from denial. All right. List of his Foreign Policy advisors and you head the list. Have you been meeting with donald trump, number one, they are talking to him and, number two, does he take your advice . Do you get the sense he is listening to you . Well, i haveoc given advice, and he has taken that advice. And i have met with him and talked with him. And we are going to have within, you know, fairly short period of time another important meeting with the entire group with mr. Trump, that the dates and time are being firmed up right now. So, its an important thing. I think donald trump instinctively grasps, international reels and power. And many of his insights, i think, are striking a chord with the american people, that when we have a direct enemy like isis, they need dont need to be immeshed drag ourselves in long prolonged wars in a part of the world thats not close to our home where our interests arent directly threatened. Senator, thank you very much for joining us, sir. Thank you. And donald trump and secretary Hillary Clinton have at least one thing in common. But i know one thing, neither is going to be happy about it. Thats next. Also, big news out of turkey, turkey says . n it warned belgium about one of the brussels attackers last year. Did belgium ignore the warning . Plus were going to take you back live to brussels coming up. [engines revving] you cant have a hero, if you dont have a villain. The world needs villains [tires screeching] and villains need cars. Dont let dust and allergies get and lifes beautiful moments. With flonase allergy relief, they wont. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. Breaking right now. Raids are yudgedway in brussels right now. Thats a fox news camera live outside the action. Our mike tobin is getting new information right now a live report is just moments away. And donald trump and secretary Hillary Clinton share something in common and its not good. The majority of voters do not trust them. A new Fox News National poll finding 65 of registered voters say trump is not honest and trustworthy and secretary clinton one point behind 64 saying she is not honest and trustworthy. The other candidates fairing better for senator sanders 67 say is he honest and trustworthy. 61 for kasich. And for cruz 47 say is he honest. The on the record Political Panel is back from the daily beasts about beast bey woodruff and bostonq globe matt visor. The one that are not honest and trustworthy. Clinton 65 and donald trump 64 . Those are the top frontrunners. Makes me scratch my head. Voters dont expect politicians to be honest and trustworthy anymore. There is so much disillusionment with washington. Obviously there are carveouts for kasich and overall so much lack of trust not informs how people vote. I talk to ton of voters on the trail and im sure you have too. I dont hear people say im against hillary because she is not trothe or Bernie Sanders because is he trust one way or the other. We want things to be different. Hillary clinton seems to be strong leader and competent. I dont hear it seems like she has a nice personality. Not even nice personality its whether you trust them theyre the frontrunners, both of them. See the eroding of americans and value of politicians. The numbers just keep going down and down. Its interesting, too how Hillary Clinton and donald trump have arrived at this in two different ways. Hillary clinton is sort of legalistic in a lot of her explanations. Donald trump will sort of say one thing and something diametrically opposed to what he just said the next day and it doesnt hurt him or i guess it does in the numbers that people find him untrustworthy but doesnt change their opinions about whether or not they are supporting him. Like you, talking to people at his rallies people who support him, they dont care, you know. Thats like the evangelicals who didnt like their language yet voted for him. I think thats a really good point that Hillary Clinton and donald trump show two opposite ways of sort of being dishonest. Hillary clinton splitting hairs over her emails and whether things are classified and when they got classified and donald trump one day saying that he thinks the government should pay for healthcare and the next 8 says is he going to replace it and make it terrific. Just the rhetoric and positions are so different. What do you think about sanders who has the]d honest and trustworthy at 67 and kasich at 51 and cruz at 47 . What do you think of their numbers. They are considered trustworthy. Maybe start lying. Nice guys finish last, right . The good candidates die young. Bernie sanders 67 . Kasich 61 . Yeah. And i think that theyre not although bernie is tapping into a lot of the anger in the democratic party. A lot of the pop fervour. He is not doing it in the same way Hillary Clinton is. Its not working quite as well. Berne is doing a lot better than anybody expected six months ago. Helping him maybe not getting him across the finish line. Maybe part of the reason he has won some states. Stunning the ones least trustworthy are the ones that are the frontrunners. We are going to move on. Thank you both. Stay with us though. Brand new terror arrests just made in belgium. Raids are underway right now. Thats next. Dont let dust and allergies get between you and lifes beautiful moments. With flonase allergy relief, they wont. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. For a limited time, great deal on this passat. Wow, it looks really good. Volkswagen believes safety is very important. So all eleven models come standard with an intelligent crash response system. Hmm. Seven stabilityenhancing systems. Hmmm. And equipment for two child seats. Hmmm. For those who take safety seriously. Like we do. The Volkswagen Safety in numbers event. Is happening now get a 1,250 volkswagen reward card and 0 apr on new 2016 passat models. This is a fox news alert. Terror raids underway right now in brussels. Six people arrested in those raids relate to do tuesdays deadly isisxu,q attack. Fox news correspondent mike to be intestine live in brussels. Mike . And, greta, what were learning now5 is this is one of three locations that were raided this evening. There was one in central brussels. There was one in a neighborhood called jet and the scabek neighborhood. What we have seen in the last hour or so, we have seen investigators leaving this apartment building. You can look inside, pretty standard apartment building, an old stone building. What we have seen the investigators doing carrying bags of evidence. One of them was dressed in a white, for lack of a better term,i hazmat suit as he came outside. It looked like they had some investigative tools they were storing in cars. Some evidence that they were taking out and storing in the cars before it looks like most of the investigators left in the closing down the scene. Six arrested in connection with the terror attacks here. That much we have from thelh6f authorities. The location here is very significant. This is a scabeek neighborhood. Where just a matter of blocks from what was called the bomb factory where the brothers and nasary were 33 pounds of explosive called tapt. Very common in the homemade bombs. The problems settlement is very relevant to the metro station. Very close to the metro station that was attacked. This is one of the neighborhoods that you have heard people talked about that have become packed with the immigrants. Speaking arabic, conducting theirot neighborhoods the local police have had a very difficult time penetrating. Neighborhood in which Saleh Abdeslam existed undetected for a matter of months after the paris attacks until he was caught last friday. Greta . Mike, what kind4c of reception do you get walking through that neighborhood . As a member of the media there an american . People look at you they are very interested in you as you come through the neighborhoods. They dont engage much. I did try to ask people what they had seen at this location. They were not interested in talking at all. Closed the door just about as fast as they could. Short answer to your question. More one of curiosity. Not a lot of friendliness. Not a warm welcome from the locals. Mike, thank you. And here in the United States, out on the campaign trail, senator ted cruz speaking directly to the terrorists. Let me say to every jihadist on the face of the earth. Your day of reckoning is coming. In january 2017, we are coming after you. We are not coming after you to negotiate. Were not coming after to you arrest you and read you yourqz rights if have you declared jihadi on america. If you are trying to kill americans, we will find you and we will kill you. Catherine, the also senator cruzs National Security advisor is here and goes on the record. Just to be clear im not his only National Security advisor. Im part of his team. Okay. Well, noted. Thank you what should the United States do to stop these terrorists . Do you have any thought different from what we are doing right now . Oh, absolutely. I mean doing the right things at all. We need to take their threats much more seriously. They are telling us we are a target. We need to respond, you know, take them at their word. One of the things thats very concerning, just in the last six months, the administration has cut training, Counter Terrorism training to federal, state, and local Law Enforcement. I mean, what kind of signal does that send to our Law Enforcement . Were leaving them unprepared. How do we stop people from wanting to be foreign fighters going over to these trainingoa camps and how do would stop the them from coming back and wanting to commit terror . Well, the god news is that most of the people who are supporters of isis are not making streets about it. 30 of those who have been interdicted by Law Enforcement in the last two years have broadcast it on social media. So they are leaving us plenty of crumbs if were interested in following them. And to be fair, the fbi has actually done a terrific job so far of stopping a number of people who have wanted to travel. As i said, we have had about 98 people, supporters of isis interdicted by Law Enforcement in the last two years. Thats people who want to travel, as well as people who are plotting domestically. Go ahead. I was going to say. I mean, some of this seems so out of ourc÷ control. If you accept this as fact. And i realize its an Ongoing Investigation that turkey warned belgium about at least one of these killers ahead of time. Its probably going to turn out at least one american, i dont know. Im making an assumption. We dont have the names of those killed. Americans in belgium at this airport and this train station were killed. How do we actually, i mean, are there any steps we should be taking . Thats turkey to belgium and some poor american just going to the train station or the airport. There are absolutely steps that we can be taking. Again, because isis is so active on social media, we actually have the faces, a lot of their foreign fighters. We contract them if they try to come back to this country. And, frankly, because it is a difficult problem, this is one of the reasons i really support senator cruzs policy of getting into our communities its what we absolutely have to be doing. This is a local problem. Its got to be dealt with by local Law Enforcement. They have to be trained. They have to be prepared. They are the front line, really, in this fight doe domestically. Of course, we should always point out, you know, a lot of times citizens can be very helpful if they see something suspicious to report it the citizens out there are also potentially very helpful. Catherine, thank you for joining us. And, well, here it is. The family feud. Donald trump just took a new swipe at senator ted cruzs wife. Thats coming up. Plus, spring, you Better Believe it. It could be headed your way. Thats straight ahead. 6o introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. 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The on the record you know, matt, thats sort of a point to this. They did trash him and say that he has not guy good and now they like him and they say vote for him. Its really effective. Its funny. You know, points out the hypocrisy. Funny or funny out of humor . You have that clip with Carly Fiorina talking about how he will; say anything to be elected and she is doing it. Saying anything to be part of it. It really illustrates the irony of the establishment right now having to embrace ted cruz, who they have all hated for so long and he is the last person for them to really kind of deal with to block trump. Didnt senator Lindsey Graham at one point say picking between trump and ted cruz is like picking between cancer and heart attack. He just came out in support of ted cruz. The worst possible endorsement you could get. On the daily show last night he supports cruz because is he not completely crazy and because he was his 15th choice. Yank of another time we have seen people say i support this because even though is he terrible the other guy is slightly more terrible. Who wants your supporters saying that . Thats not good. Here we have a clip of christie and carson criticizing trump. Lets play that. Donald is a great guy and a good person, but i just dont think he is suited to be president of the United States. Why . I dont think his temperament is suited for that and i dont believe his experience is. I realize where thigh success has come from and i dont in any way deny my faith in god. Thats a very big part of who i am. Hue mill title and the humility and fear of the lord. I dont get that impression with him. You know, betsy, well, everyone says thats politics. I dont accept that for one second. I just do for some reason i have a real hard time for this if politicians trash talk another politician and say the person is bad for the country and then turn around and say the person is good for the country, you know, i dont think thats, quote, just politics. I think thats pretty twisted. I think also, assuming it is just politics, its bad politics because, of course, have you trump making videos lake this mocking ted cruzs supporters. Remember, its not just ben carson saying going from ted cruz bad christian. Also donald trump say saying ben carson pedophile i cant. He says never mind i take it back. People are not stupid. Honest and trustworthy numbers are so bad because they see this stuff. If you will both stand by. Get ready to speed read the news. Seven iranians linked hackers charged in cyber attack. The fbi saying the attackers knocked financial servers offline like bank of america, nasdaq and the new york stock exchange. Those hackers also took control of a new york dam. If they had remotely released the water of city of new york would have floodeda. New debris that washed up on the cota beach is most certainly the plane. And its spring, that doesnt stop the snow. Midwest is digging out from Severe Weather that brought snow and hail hundreds of miles in colorado. Dont worry, you are not forgotten. The snow may be headed east and thats tonights speed read. Okay. And who took the first swipe in the k war of the political wives . Was it donald trump or was it senator tedliu thats next. E trade is all about seizing opportunity. And id like to. Cut. So im gonna take this opportunity to direct. Thank you, well call you. Evening, film noir, smoke, atmosphere. Bob. Youre a young farmhand and e trade is your cow. Milk it. E trade is all about seizing opportunity. Cant afford to let heartburn get in the way . Try nexium 24hr, now the 1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection with the new leader in frequent heartburn. Thats nexium level protection. Woman man yes. A newspaper . Woman its quaint. Man did you read about this latest cyber attack . Woman yeah, i read it on my watch. Man funny. Woman they took out the whole network. Man they had to hand out pens and paper. Woman yeah. Man could it happen to us . Woman no. Were okay. Man we are . Woman yeah, we brought in some new guys. Man what do they know that we dont . Woman that you cant run a country with pens and paper. Its not just security. Its defense. Bae systems. I am a First Responder tor and iemergencies 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. My children and my family are on my mind when im working all the time. My neighbors are here, my friends and family live here, so its important for me to respond as quickly as possible and get the power back on. Its an amazing feeling turning those lights back on. Be informed about outages in your area. Sign up for outage alerts at pge. Com outagealerts. Together, were building a better california. Well, another round today in the Political Campaign war over wives and today hitting a new level, the gutter. Donald trump and senator ted cruz started trading blows inmrantitrump super pac posting a racey modeling photo of melania udt trump. Trump took to twitter threatening to spill the beans on wife hidy. Senator cruz defense. Last night trump started another round retweeting this photo with a caption no need to spill the beans images are worth a thousand words. Today senator cruz had enough and came out swinging against trump. I dont get angry often. You mess with my wife and mess my kids that will do it all the time. Donald you are g a sniveling coward leave my the hellzl p c alone. I didnt start the over melania, he did. He knew the pac was putting out hence lying ted. This is put out by super pac that is antitrump. It was in the ted cruz but go ahead. Its not affiliated with ted cruz. This is a tiny super pac. They have as of the start of this month 14,800 in campaign account. Not like they have been a big player. Trump though saw this ad which was targeted in utah and blew it up 7 million twitter followers and insinuated it was ted cruz doing it. Can i tell you i think this super pac is absolutely rotten. Its put out by make american awesome liz, she did it deliberately to stir up trouble. Had nothing to do with the political debate. The wives shouldnt have been drawn into this and been nothing but nasty. And now she is getting all this attention forj it and started this war. Its not likely to hurt trump the way she was hoping it was. He she was trying to be dirty. She wasnt trying to have a good political debate and raise interesting issues. Wasnt trying to do anything but be meanspirited. If you are going to do dirty politics they better work. The dirty politics are not paying up. Operatives and candidates alike have to be really careful when they stoop to a lower level. We saw this happen to rubio when he criticized the size of trumps hands the idea that rubio was becoming less mature and statesman like. You know how that worked out for him. I would ashimmed if i were this woman who did. This spent my day gratuitously putting fire. Trump did blow it up. Dew. What do you expect . Is that a surprise to you . Of course he did. She started this. She started for bad motives to be nasa nasty. And to get a rise out of trump. Which she did. They are running on facebook in utah. Trump was never polling well in utah. In the bag for cruz. Cruz didnt need extra help there betsy and matt thank you both. Thanks. Coming up, we can only hope that president obama is not making these decisions himself. At least can he fire advisors who give him bum advice. My offtherecord next. Ief, they wont. Most allergy pills only control one inflammatory substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. 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With claritin you get powerful, nondrowsy relief 24 hours a day, day after day. And with fewer symptoms to distract you. You can focus on the extraordinary things you do every single day. Live claritin clear. Every day. This is a fox news alert. Terror raids underway in brussels. Six people arrested in brussels. Deadly attacks. Witnesses in the area hearing explosions as raids carried out. Tonight learning a second metro bombing suspect is believed to have escaped the chaos and may be on the run. No lets all go offtherecord. Dont get me wrong. I like to have a good time and i like to have our president have a good time. President obama is tone deaf. Dont blame it on the staff he should have known better. President obama doing a tango at a state dinner in argentina. Let me repeat im not opposed to him having fun its the timing and lousy judgment of it while belgium is yofing and the world is worried about terror is hesv doing the tango knowing his picture will be taken. Knowing this video will go viral. The optics are horrible. And during my offtherecord last night i urged the president to cut his trip short and come home because cutting his trip short would have sent a strong message to our allies that we bleed with them and stand with them. Last night i played this incredible moment of symbolism that meant so much to americans when Queen Elizabeth just days9 11 played l anthem at buckingham palace. So the president is not coming home early to send that message but did he have to send this one tone deaf . And regrettably its not his first time. His grin on the golf course immediately after speaking about the beheading of our american journalist james foley is cedar in all our memories, at the very least who is advising the president . And thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Thank you for being with us. We will see you again tomorrow night right here at

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