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Where is president obama . We have a crisis. Ebola. And now there is even more chaos and it isnt even as though this is a big surprise. The World Health Organization tipped the president off about ebola in march and then again in august. Yet, we still dont have consistent policies that all states, all cities and all hospitals are following. Ebola is real. Its dangerous. Its contagious. What happens if it hits your hometown . Who is going to make the decisions . Is it president obama . How about your governor . Your mayor . Well, start guessing because no one has any clue. We believe its appropriate to increase current screening procedures for people coming from affected countries. Common sense approach that the federal government wasnt taking. I think its common sense. Person could require a mandatory 21 day quarantine. People who are a symptomatic do not transmit. Im the governor of the state of new york. And my number one job is to protect the people of the state of new york. Nurse casey i had hickok says she is being treated like a criminal. The moment she was no longer symptomatic. Service deserving of praise and respect. And having her submit a tent for two or three days. We need to find a way when they come home that they are treated like conquering heroes and not the work they have done. I want to be safer than cdc says. There are other steps that you can protect American People based on the scientific evidence. I disagree with the cbc. Go with the science. So far at least nine states have issued stricter guidelines than the cdc. Should we have inconsistent policies . Should president obama step in . Governor sarah palin joins us. Good evening, governor. Thank you, greta. Governor, it seems, first of all, where do you fall on this to put people in gawrn teen or not who have no symptoms coming from the hot zones . I do think that there needs to be that quarantine but, see, this is par for the course that obamas incompetency, his administrations incompetency is really shining bright in this one. If only president obama would put america first. This time. We know that the most efficient and effective level of government is that which is closest to the people, obviously state government, leadership there is more connected and much more efficient and effective than far off bubble, washington, d. C. Trying to call the shots for these governors. There is a void of leadership here. And the governors need to step up and step in. All right. Well, governor christie and Governor Cuomo whether one agrees with them or not they did step up. Governor quinn of illinois as well has said it. If you were still governor of alaska, what would do you . You know, i would talk to the other governors. And i betcha we would come to the conclusion that you cant trust the Obama Administration to really do much of anything right so, yes, we would take it upon ourselves to exercise our tenth amendment right and that is states rights, taking over some of these issues, especially that is proven that the federal government isnt able to do. But, also, a big picture here, greta, that i dont hear a lot of people talking about right now is we know that liberals will capitalize on any crisis. In fact, this administration, some characters within it have advocated for and even advertised their desire to capitalize on crisis. They are not going to let it go to waste. Those are solenski tactics, rules for radicals, one of those rules is yes you capitalize on crisis. A fear mode that they dont mind the people of america being in so that the people of america would think that they have to rely on big brother government to answer the questions for them and solve the problem. I have heard every expert in the area of medicine on ebola saying that you are only contagious if you you are showing some symptoms. I have heard nobody suggest all a though i know people are panic strickenned somebody around that area treating ebola patients. What do we do basically quarantine everyone who comes off knowing that the experts say that they are not contagious if they dont exhibit any symptoms . If we really at the present time to make sure this virus is contained and cannot rely on the federal government getting their stuff together and getting politics out of this issue and allowing the medical community to tell us what it is that needs to be done in each state with each airplane landing that would have passengers in there, perhaps coming from west africa or another nation that is suffering from ebola, were going to have to demand of our leadership in washington and on the state level to get politics out of this and allow the medical community to tell us factually what needs to be done. I dont even know if this is politics. I think its more asleep at the wheel. In some ways i dont blame the governors for trying to just do something about it because, look, last march, the World Health Organization warned about ebola. They did it again in august. And, you know, it does require leadership to set some sort of standard. This is the problem. This is what we are going to do. This is what we have. Instead, we are playing catch up this whole time and throwing everybody into chaos and people into panic and we cant each make good decisions because everybody is so freaked out because we have no sort of leadership on this. Thats exactly right. And this isnt the first time that we have encountered ebola. Look in the last 40 years, how many times this cropped up. Along with other viruses, too. Remember, samaritans purse, the doctor volunteering there. That was a long time ago relatively speaking, greta, where the issue was at the forefront of americas mind because you were covering it and others were covering this doctor who was going to be suffering from ebola. You would have even thought those weeks ago that the Obama Administration would have gotten their stuff together and been able to help advise, of course, american citizens what were going to do. Remember, too, this is an issue, though, of not we dont want any level of government to practice overreach because what, again, a liberal administration would want to do is promise the people that if you give up a little bit of your freedom, we will give you a little more security and in the meantime you will lose both. State level, federal level. We have to make sure that its scientifically based. Medically based. Solution to the problems we are facing with ebola. Not allow politics to creep in and the capitalization on a crisis because were going to lose our freedom and a security if we continue down this roads. Governor, thank you for joining us. Thank you. And governors and the white house are practically at war over ebola. Is the government that dysfunctional when it cant get on the same page with the. Joining us our guests. Byron, like nobody is on first. I think the president has a policy to not have a policy about this. Because i think he does think that the top priority for for the u. S. Government in fighting ebola is to fight it in west after infantry africa. The governors have a smaller horizon on this. They want to protect the people in their states. By the way the pentagon has a different horizon because we now know that the pentagon is subjecting u. S. Military people who have come from the hot zones in west africa, putting them in some sort of isolation before they return to the United States. But i think what youre seeing this kind of crazy quilt of each state doing its own thing is a result of the president s policy to not have a policy. Alexander, the whole idea of being the leader is to be the one in charge. This requires a comprehensive solution. We have to fight it in africa and fight it here but we all have to be on the same page. You can fault the president for not having a plan to keep the governors on the same page. At the same time, if you look at the jockeying that we are have seen from governors over the past few weeks, he they are clearly, you know, they have politics at play at well in a way that. In what way . For instance, Governor Cuomo who on friday stood bye bye side governor christie and expressed support for strict quarantine rolled that back and basically said that Healthcare Workers can selfquarantine after faced criticism not just from democrats and republicans but his opponent in a tough reelection fight. It was clear there was some consideration about the potential backlash might face there i think thats informing a lot of governors across the nation. Look, i understand why people are frustrated with the Obama Administration. Im frustrated with them. I understand by people are concerned and worried and even afraid as ebola. So as me and members of my family. You are an attorney. Step back and think about what we are cooking can and listen what the governor is saying there. We are seizing peoples rights paced on a threat that right now has killed one person. You heard d the governor saying you have to be careful of the government because it likes to take away your freedoms from you in promising your security. Thats what we are doing here, we are taking away. Ron, i asked about the question. If you dont have the symptoms you are supposedly not contagious. The lack of policy thats put people into a full scale panic which is why that nurse who came in with no hours of sleep on that plane. Which is my point. When we lose faith with our institutions we do draconian dangerous things. When we take a nurse who is not symptomatic and tested negative twice and we take away your civil liberties. We are on a slippery slope. Thats a lack of leadership at the top. Thats the problem. But, when we have people like sarah palin saying we need to quarantine people even when theyre testing negative, we he all have to be responsible. Think about where this would lead. Be very easy for the government to come up with another crisis or threat more pernicious than one person dying and seizing our guns a and liberty. Its a slippery slope. Its a situation where Healthcare Worker comes from hot zone where she has had contacts with patients. She has a fever, and you have to do something. Now, if you come back and you have absolutely no signs or symptoms of anything, maybe you are told to selfmonitor. She tested negative. After that. No, she tested negative twice. She is taken there first with a fever and thats something that healthcare officials have to be concerned about. If you if you dont trust government its scary what we are doing here. Im not defending the Obama Administration you know me better than that we are taking away rights. We need leadership from the top to tell us what we are doing so we are not all fighting with each other. I agree. The answer for us isnt to say quarantine everybody. Answer from the top. Panel, i did take the last word on it thank you. Isnt just doctors and nurses and travelers at risk its also the military. Growing number of troops being deployed to the ebola infected area. Congresswoman blackburn joins us. What is the plan for our military . Well, we are hearing that they are goods going to face a 21 day quarantine. Were very concerned about that i was at Fort Campbell last week and met with the command team. Got some great information. Came away with at love questions and have a letter in to the dod secretary. Secretary hagel right now trying to get some answers there but we are hearing a 21 day quarantine is going to be an order for all of our military. How do you figure that . Throw one nurse in a tent. 1500 over there 1500 little plastic tents to put them or i mean exactly, has anyone thought about this . It sounds great thats the problem with this administration no one thinks it through. How are we doing this . Has anyone planned it. No. Thats part of the problem. We dont know the scope of the mission. We do not know exactly how long they are going to be there. We do not know what the process is going to be. When these men and women come home from that deployment, they need to be able to be home be with those troochings. If we are going to fight we would quarantine in west africa and any of those individuals who were citizens of those countries in the hot zone that want to exit, they would go through a quarantine. Put 1500 of our military in one room in west africa where they spread it to each other . Do we get 1500 plastic tents . I just dont know how to do. This right. Thats exactly right. What you need to look at is the opportunity for Something Like a Forward Operating base. Our men and women needs to know how this is going to be dealt with they need to know what level of risk theyre going to face. If they are out working on a construction site. That may be one level of risk. If they are going to be be training medical personnel that are liberians that would be another level of risk. Were concerned about who is vetting those individuals. Were concerned about the. Let me tell you something scary. Dr. Brantly will be joining us soon. I have spoken to him a number of times. He believes that he did not get ebola taking care of ebola patients. He thought that he got it taken care of other patients that werent in the ebola section. This, i mean, and our members of the military will necessarily come in contact with people. Im hoping they dont get ebola. But, you know, it is its infectious virus you are right. Thats why we are seeking some of these answers. Health security. Personal security of some of our troops is going to be imperative. There are answers about this mission that we want to know the families want to know. We are in very close touch with those families. You need that comprehensive strategy that you just mentioned. And you do not have it. You cant treat the military one way and treat individuals that are Health Workers coming out of the region another way. And, liberian sierra lee own guinea citizens another way. Totally agree. Leadership at the top to tell us what we are doing and how we are going to do it. Congresswoman, thank you. Thank you. This is a fox news alert. Just moments ago, test results came back for a 5yearold child who had ebola symptoms. Fox news Senior Correspondent Rick Leventhal is outside new yorks belleview hospital, rick . Greta, its good news for the family of that ayearold boy who was brought lehr to bellview hospital last night with ebolalike symptoms. The test results came back negative but that boy will remain in isolation here at belleview and be retested in the days ahead to make sure he is in the clear. Also tetsed for more common respiratory viruses. Returning from new guinea in west africa. One of the hot zones. They dispatched ambulances with e. M. S. Workers in hazmat suits. His family also placed in quarantine will likely remain home for the next three weeks just in case. So, dr. Craig spencer remains new yorks first and only ebola patient still being treated at bellevue in isolation in serious but stable condition, possibly helped by a transfusion from nancy writebol, one of the nurses who contracted ebola and survived. Doctors believe the mazda that treatments are helping these victims recover. Then there is nurse casey who was released today and on her way to maine after being held in isolation in newark over the weekend. She was detained friday after returning from treating ebola patients and said she had no symptoms and said she was held in captive in prison like conditions. She will be quarantined at home now and the debate how best to handle these possible ebola patients continues coast to coast, greta. Rick, thank you. Great news to for that childs. To gawrp teen wanted or not to gawrn teen. Leaders cant get on the same page. No one seems to be in charge. All of it starts when dr. Returns from west africa. Spent a few days out in public before getting a fever and testing positive for ebola. Tonight on the record retraces his steps in those hours just before he checked into the hospital. Testing is a term that a patient here in new york city had tested positive for ebola. A doctor treating ebola patients in west africa can a bringing the deadly virus to americas largest city. This is new york city. Its one ever the capitals of the world. Dr. Craig spencer selfmonitoring, taking his temperature every few hours but despite the risk, the doctor ren temperatured out into the city just hours before checking in at Bellevue Hospital in midtown, manhattan. But are people at risk . On the record senior producer justin wells lives just blocks away from dr. Spencer. He hit the ground to trace the doctors steps. Dr. Spencer lived on this floor. Residents here are very concerned. Maybe its a good idea when you come home you are in garb in quarantine for the incubation period. Lives across the hall from dr. Spencer. Is he not happy with the governments response. Living near a person with ebola does not put someone at risk. Its not sealed off and still not sealed off. Mayor de blasio went to Great Lengths to say it was sealed off. It was not sealed off. Now a hazmat team sanitizing dr. Spencers apartment. They have already put down some chemicals in order to clean out any bacteria or anything in the area. Then two people are going to enter the apartment in hazmat suits and they are going to wipe down everything some neighbors are ready to move out. More than likely when when my lease is up. May be your last. The risk goes beyond dr. Spencers apartment. The day before his diagnosis the doctor take as three mile drive down. He walks through harlem a densely populated neighborhood. 5 30 p. M. He leaves harlem and leads to brooklyn on the new york city subway. Dr. Spencer rode this train on the eve of showing symptoms of the deadly ebola virus. Millions of people take the new york city subway every day. 15 minutes from his home. Is he all the way in midtown. His final destination . A Bowling Alley all the way across the city. He we are at the gutter in williamsburg, brooklyn where dr. Spencer showed up at about 6 00 p. M. On wednesday on the eve of being checked into the hospital. 8 30 p. M. , hours before testing positive for the ebola virus. Dr. Spencer heads back to harlem. Dr. Spencer came out on the eve before he was checked into the hospital of this Bowling Alley. He held an uber on his phone and then made his way back to upper manhattan. And straight ahead, dr. Kent bradley the First American to get infected with ebola survive. What is it like to have ebola. Dr. Brantly will tell you coming up. Also a man deported from america twice now accused of executing two sheriffs deputies. Shooting both in the head. How did this man get back into the United States twice . Laura ingraham in here. Senator rand paul is here to go on the record. Youre like nothing can replace brad then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. I have the worst cold with this runni better take something. Dayquill cold and flu doesnt treat your runny nose. Seriously . Alkaseltzer plus cold and cough fights your worst cold symptoms plus your runny nose. Oh, what a relief it is. receptionist Gunderman Group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . 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We agreed to touch base later in the day to see 50s getting better. Doctor showed so, fever got worse. It did. Lunchtime that day my temperature was 101. 4. Over the next couple of days climbed to 104. 5 and really persisted for 12 or 13 days without coming down to normal temperature. I take it you or you suspected you had ebola . I did. I didnt think i had ebola. But i was not naive enough to think it was impossible for me to have ebola. Then your condition continued to deteriorate . It did. I stayed in liberia for nine or ten days after i got sick. And by that 8th or 9th day i was near death. What i mean, you have horrible diarrhea, right . You lose all your fluids, i mean, you hear these horrible stories about people essentially bleeding out. I had almost every classic symptom of ebola except existential bleeding. I had the high fever, headaches, muscle aches, extreme fatigue just being really weak and tired. But i also had blood in my diarrhea. I vomited blood. I had a rash thats classic of ebola. My eyes were bloodshot and red. All the things that you think of when you think of ebola except maybe i didnt have a nose bleed or anything like that. Now, a doctor who gave you the z map has been on our show as well. Did you even know that you were getting it . It was experimental drug . Did they say to you we have something that we could try. We discussed it a few days before they gave it to me. When they found out that it might be available we discussed it i was able at that time still with a clear mind to say if thats available, yes, i would be willing to receive it understanding that we didnt know if it would kill me or make me better. But then the day that they actually gave it to me, i was so sick and dr. Lance said, kent, i want to give you the antibodies and i said okay. And the doctor gave it to you. She was the one who was actually in my room taking care of me at that time. We all watched when you landed. And the fact that you could walk, that was a big deal. Do you remember walking off the plane . I do. I had a high buffer. A lot of people asked me about this. Why did you walk out of that ambulance . What message were you trying to send . Greta, i had no idea that people were watching me. Here you are walking. You are walking not at a fast clip, the fact that you were vertical was a big deal. The person who deserves the credit for that happening right then is that paramedic into was walking with me. He said do you think you can walk into the hospital . I said how far is it . He said well, its just right here. Its not very far but there are some steps. I said how many steps . More or less than the plane he . Said well, its more than the plane but think are not as steep, not as big, he said if you cant do it, thats fine. We will wheel you around another entrance. If you can walk we are right next to the door i said okay. Lets do it. So why does dr. Brantly think Thomas Duncan who died of ebola did not sur is revive at a dallas hospital . Much more of my interview with dr. Brantly go to gretawire. Com. Get that answer and more. Up next, two Police Officers executed both shot in the face. Their alleged killer illegal immigrant and it gets worse. He was deported twice but he got back in and killed twice. Thats next. Also, father takes his son to a bronchos game thursday night and at halftime the father vanishes. On the record investigates his bizarre disappearance coming up. T. That would be my daughter hi dad. Shes a dietitian. And back when i wasnt eating right, she got me drinking boost. Its got a great taste, and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. Helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a delicious taste. 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We dont know. When again, the authorities dont have any information. He operated under multiple identities. He has at least two different identities. And the police at this point believe they know who he is from the fingerprint data base. They are referring to one particular name although he has used aliases in the past. This is what happens all too often in our country and gets little attention. Convicted criminals either get deported come back to commit other crimes. Or they are released from federal custody for special circumstances as we saw last year and thousands of criminal alien, some violent criminal aliens, including kidnappers, men accuse of sexual asought and people even people charged with homicide come back in our society to commit future crimes. Very few people in the media will touch this. How you cannot touch it . Two Police Officers are executed. Dead. Separately within wasnt even the same incident. Ones father was a Police Officer deputy 26 years to the day was executed himself. Apparently their families dont count because we have lives turned upside down and lost in this country almost every day sadly at the hands of illegal aliens. It doesnt mean before everyone says are you saying every illegal immigrant commits a crime . No, im not. I am saying when you have a porous border and sketchy Immigration Enforcement and arent serious about it across the board you are going to have who are risk circumstances. Republicans where are they on this i havent heard any except jeff sessions. What do you think about this South Carolina Democratic State senacalled governor nikki haley something. Wait until you hear it is he running against hailey for governor and this is what he called her. We are going to he is court wore out the door. We are going to escort her out the door. [ laughter ] think about it yall. Called a woman governor a wore whore out the door. He did try to walk it back as a a gaffe. We are going to escort whore out the door. Were going to escort her out the door. Imagine if you or i said Something Like this on national you made a slip, you would be i would be be horrified oh my gosh i did not mean to say Something Like that. Ha ha ha isnt it funny. The little smirking and laughing. Nikki haley gone through vicious attacks in the past. And this is kind of a ha ha, isnt it funny. Just reminds me what they did with the palin deal, palin tape. And a ridiculing Bristol Palin or michelle malkin. Where are the women on this . Republican women . Democratic women, everybody, calling a woman governor. Imagine if rick perry said Something Like that or scott brown in new hampshire. They would not let him get away with ha ha ha ha. Why didnt you shut down those people who were laughing . Why didnt you Say Something about how they shouldnt laugh. Boy didnt you pick up the phone and call governor so and so . I want to every woman who has used the mantra war on woman to stand up and defend governor nikki haley . It doesnt matter if she a republican. Conservative women, you are smart, they arent really women to left wing idealogues they are second class trash because they collaborate with the enemy. The enemy happens to be conservatives or the tea party. Did he apologize to her . I didnt see it if he did. I missed the apology. He anyways,. Conservative women arent real women to the left they dont count. Great being here. Great radio show. Thank you, lauer. Thank you, love you. Father and son went to last thursdays game. Then the father suddenly disappears at halftime. Show one has seen him since. Fox denver reporter Mark Meredith joins us. Mark, absolutely no word . What happened with this father. Greta, thats a great question. Thats what everybody has been trying to figure out since thursday nights game. As you mentioned, this father was at the game with three other people, including his 20yearold son and then he just vanishes during halftime. Today Denver Police told me that they have witness spotted the man during the third quarter. Also from a small town in colorado. He did not have his car down here. He also did not have his cell phone at the game. Is he a 53yearold guy. He wasnt supposed to be very tech savvy so they didnt have any way to get ahold of him. The family that with as with ash with him didnt get suspicious until the end of the game. Thinking he was out getting a beer or somewhere else on the concourse. Sports authority field. They are starting to get desperate. Reached out to media in denver. Working with investigators. Right now they just dont have a lot to go off of. Mark, thank you. It certainly is a bizarre story. Thank you, mark. And up next, senator rand paul right here and on the record. Senator rand paul is making a big midterm push. Who is he fighting for. Senator paul will tell you. Plus he has something to say about secretary of state Hillary Clinton going to his home state of kentucky this saturday. Thats next. And we are going to take you to the scene where college coed Hannah Grahams remains were found. We are looking for clues left by her killer. The on the record team just got access to the area. Thats straight ahead. But it doesnt hold me back. I go through periods where its hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. Non24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 of people who are totally blind. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. Everyone has questions about money. You know, i think about money kind of a lot. Moneys freedom. Moneys always on my mind. Credit cards. Mortgage. Debt. Its complicated. Its not easy. Im not a good budgeter. Unfortunately, im a spender. I would love to learn more about finances. So theres questions about the world that all of us have, especially about money and finance. The goal of khan academy and Better Money Habits and the partnership were doing with bank of america is to give people the tools they need to empower themselves. I haits tough, but severive managed. Ease. But managing my symptoms was all i was doing. So when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Getting dirty on the campaign trail. Trying to win every last vote. Election day with one week away. Isis gaining ground. Terrorists committing mass murder. Ebola inside the u. S. Americans alarmed about national security. Whats president obama doing . Making plans to bring terrorists to our country. Ignoring the constitution, congress and the American People. November 4th obamas policies are on the ballot. Vote to keep u. S. Terrorists off u. S. Soil. Vote republican. Senator rand paul joins us. Before we get to the question, president obamas Foreign Policy on the ballot. You have an ad coming out for senator pat roberts of kansas. Not kentucky but kansas. You are going there tomorrow. Why . Well, the thing is i think most American People would be horrified to know that their tax dollars are sent to countries that late us. So i had an amendment that would have cut off aid to the Muslim Brotherhood and not that many people supported it. Surprisingly up here. Pat roberts was one who was a Strong Enough conservative say, you know what . We shouldnt send any tax dollars to countries who hate us and burn our flagging. Are you going there tomorrow to campaign for him. I will be there tomorrow putting on had ad. Six figure any kansas. We produced this ad and it will be on display starting tomorrow in kansas. Its a tight race right now. At least one of the sunday nbc marist policy down by one which is the margin of error with mr. Ormond, it is close. People are fooled into thinking he is independent. I see him as someone who isnt being forth right. Is he going to vote for harry reid . If he votes for harry reid that means you will never get any taxes lowered and repealed and frankly the economy will still continue to stagnate as far as im concerned. Whether president obamas policies are on the ballot. I think absolutely. Even he said it the other day. I think this will be a referendum. I think the reason why this election is going to go so poorly for the democrats is its going to be a referendum on the president s policies and frankly, everything he has touched this year has turned to stone. We still have less jobs in ken can ken than we had six years ago. So, were not too happy in kentucky. Make a difference in kentucky as well. What happens if the republican does take the senate. Take the house, assuming you keep the house, and the senate what happens then . One thing you will see and i see senator mcconnell at his word we will pass legislation. We will put legislation on the desk of the president and we will see frankly what he will do. Some of it frankly will be part way towards what a lot of people in the country want. Will there be some Immigration Reform . Yeah. Will there be tax reform . Yes. Will there be Regulatory Reform . Yeah. Maybe bringing some jobs home from overseas by lowering taxes and letting American Companies bring jobs home . I think all of that will be put on the president s desk and we will find out is the president going to be a lowered or is the president going to be obstructionist. Back to home state on saturday kentucky. Hillary clinton is going there to campaign very close race between senator minority leader mcconnell and alice lund grin grimes. She is well liked in kentucky, right . A little too toottle too little too late. There has never been a majority of kentuckians who are that fond of the clintons. At love water has passed under that bridge since then. I dont think they will have any influence on the race. She cant decide who she voted for for president. This she wont admit she voted for president obama, i dont think she has much of a chance in kentucky. Close race right now. In all the polls. Nice to he see you, sir. Thank you. Uva coed hanna graham disappeared in late december leaving her parents in sleuth despair. Friday gruesome news. Her remains found and identified. Tonight on the record gives access to the crime seen where her remains were found. We are looking for clues. Thats next. What do you think about the nurse who arrived friday from west africa and angry at her treatment at Newark Airport . Probably not what you expect . Find out offtherecord of course straight ahead. [ male announcer ] take zzzquil and sleep like. A baby . Like a bear . How about like youre on vacation. In this place [ dolphin chittering ] sleep like you havent seen your bed in days. No, in weeks sleep like the kids went to nanas house. For the whole weekend [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] sleep like you just took zzzquil. The non habit forming sleep aid from the makers of nyquil that helps you sleep easily, sleep soundly, and wake refreshed. Because sleep is a beautiful thing. Osteo biflex® with joint shield™ nurtures and helps defend your joints so you can keep doing what you love. Whatd you guys do today . The usual the usual [ male announcer ] osteo biflex, ready for action. Missing uva coed Hannah Graham remains found in a wooded area. Former d. C. Homicide detective Griff Jenkins and ted williams investigating. Here we are on the side of the road where are Hannah Grahams remains were found. The body was found in the woods behind this cabin which is part of the larger property. This property is for sale. Its owned by a grandma. And we are now getting a first look. Walk me through what investigators may have been interested in. What they were looking for and what they were trying to process here. If you are dragging a body, you are going to leave certain indentations, with your shoe. If you are carrying a body, there is going to be hairs and fibers that are going to be left on your clothing hannah was not petite. Jesse is a big guy but hannah is not at petite. Hannah was approximately 6 feet tall right around that. She was rather tall. And if you had to carry her back here, thats certainly carrying a pretty large person back here, especially a person who is limp and perhaps unconscious. So, that is the reason that you would look for the various inten accommodation. If you were carrying, you would see a pulling of the debris, almost a path . Absolutely. Did it would have been gone from the small cabin to where the body was found . Griff, if you are pulling the body, you are dragging the body. You are going to leave path but, at the same time, you are going to leave physical evidence because as you are doing this, you are shoes, are emerged into the soil. And then you look under the shoes, every item, every item of clothing, every shoe that the authorities know that Jesse Matthew may have had in his possession, they are checking those shoes because what they want, griff, is they want to be able to find this kind of sole, this kind of material on the clothing of Jesse Matthew under his automobile. Forensically scrubbing those things to try to find a nexus between this area and Jesse Matthew. Ted, do we have any sense for whether she was covered up . Hid in anything. Creek bed. Its not a creek bed but could she have been under these leaves over here kind of covered up . Or was she just out in the open . Its my understanding that the Deputy Sheriff and his team that found her found her out in the open. They observed skeletal remains and observed items of clothing in this area. And a nurse thrown into mandatory quarantine in new jersey is out but angry about how she was treated. Should she be . I will take this issue offtherecord next. 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No doubt had flown all night. Then greeted by dysfunctional and panic stricken government. Instead of being thanked. She was treated like a criminal. Yeah she got mad. Do you blame her . I blame president obama and lesser degree governor chris christie. Had nurse hickox been tweeted with the respect she was due instead of a person with the plague i suspect she may not have gotten mad. She may have understood the panic. Why the pan nick . President gets a good share of tt blame. He didnt do thinks job. He sat on his hands and ignored the World Health Organization in march and again in august. If he was doing his jobs, he would have put strong rules and policies in effect to meet the predictable crisis. Instead we have chaos. That is what nurse hickox walked into when she got off that plane and thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Thank you for being with us. See you again tomorrow night right here at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. If you cant watch live, you know what to do. Dvr. Fox news go on the fox news app. Watch this any time where fox news go. Com. Check it out. Right now though, go to gretawire. Com and answer. This should people return be gawrn to an end or not . Tell me what you think of my offthereported and the

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