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Didnt talk about right here on the panel. You may want to log on and check it out if you havent been there before. Make it good night. Right now two big developing stories a race against the clock. Ebola survivor dr. Kent brantly rushing to the the rescue with his own blood trying to save another ebola patient. You are about to find out what dr. Brantly is doing, make no mistake about it, ebola is deadly. Just today terrible news out of a dallas hospital liberian man who came into the United States with ebola undetected. Well, he died. That news as our government desperately fights to keep ebola from entering the u. S. And from spreading across the United States. And today, the Homeland Security department ordering new screening measures at five u. S. Airports. All the the latest on ebola in just minutes. First, new fears isis could soon invade turkey the pentagon key syrian town could fall to isis and could fall soon. Stepped up u. S. Led Coalition Air strikes not keeping isis from advancing. Fox News Senior Affairs Correspondent Greg Palkot near the turkey, syria border. Greg . Greta, the battle for can a bane certainly seems to be in its crucial stages right now. We are. There was gigantic glass. Early reports u. S. Air strikes but later others claimed it was an isis suicide car bomb and a very big one. Kurdish defenders of the town. Citing all dangerous the levels of fighting is right now. While the Kurdish Militia had claimed they were pushing isis back, the sounds that we heard from the center of the city told another story, small arms, machine gun fire all day. Along with an eerie quiet on the eastern side of the town. Maybe a sign that isis has made more inroads there. Does confirmed air strikes around kobani that is outside of the city. Inside the city is where the fight is according to one kurdish fighter he is appreciative of those air strikes. He wished they had come earlier. Turkish tanks were there as they have been for the past couple of days right next to our position while some of them were pointing towards coban any, others were pointing away into turkey. A sign of how much this country does not want to get involved with the fight. A sign of the trouble here. Several cities clashing with the turkish government here. They wanted to do more with cobane, 19 people have died so far in the last 24 hours. Despite bombing near kobani, the Syrian Border town is still expected to fall to isis. So are air strikes enough . Senator Lindsey Graham joins us. Good evening, sir. Good evening. We are doing air strikes against isis. Kobani is about to fall. Whats your assessment of these air strikes . Well with, the question americans what does it matter to us . I think it matters a lot. It shows that the air strikes are not containing or degrading isis in any significant way. If that town falls, thousands will be slaughtered that breaks ones heart. Humanitarian disaster. The stronger they get over there, the more endangered we are there president president obamas strategy of halfmeasures is making it much more likely that america will be hit by another terror attack. If they take kobani, they will be able to recruit more and more jihadists from europe and other places. They can come back here and strike us at home. His strategy of air attacks is not working. His insist not to have boots on the ground is a death blow to our efforts to destroy isil and, quite frankly, puts our country very much at risk. All right. You should call it strategy, half measures. We will talk about it later about what president jimmy carter said. But jimmy carter has even been critical of the president saying that the president obama is slow to act is one of the reasons isis is to so big and so powerful. I dont know when you hit bottom in foreign policy, but when you are being criticized by jimmy carter, you are pretty damn close. I just cant believe that the president is not reacting more forcefully to it a threat to our homeland. Not only is this destroying syria and putting everything we fought for in iraq in jeopardy, isils safe haven in syria and iraq are going to eventually be used to attack us here at home. The sooner we engage these guys and engage them the safer we will be at home. This risky strategy of half measures is going to catch up with us and puts the homeland at risk. Without a ground component, greta, youre never going to destroy isil and the longer this takes and the longer it is drug out, the more at risk to our homeland. What about our ally, turkey, are they doing enough . Is their border, they have been slow to act and they are the ones buying the oil from the black market from isis. Right. Well, im very disappointed in turkey but heres the problem. Syria is a disaster. Complete disaster. Here is what turkey understands. If assad stays in power, then syria will continue to it be a failed state. There is no way the Syrian People will accept syria where assaad controls part of it turkey is reluctant to get involved with the isil problem until they see a clear commitment from us to give the syrians a fresh start by removing assad. Well, for starters though, senators, they can stop buying the cheap oil from isis which is financing they are in part nationals,. Sure. I dont know if the turkish government is buying it. But they have allowed go into syria. Turkey is a symptom of a greater problem. Following barack obama because they are not sure if he is committed to success and to winning. Syria, excuse me, turk from is a nato nation. They have tanks within just a couple miles of this town. It is stunning that they wont go in to help the people on the other side of the border. But i think the root cause of this be problem is that our allies are not sure about america and our enemies are no longer afraid of america. And that is a formula for disaster. Senator, i just want to say i probably am using the term turkey loosely. I dont necessarily mean the government. Im talking about people, doing a lot to stop it. Sure, they could do more. They could do more. Senator, thank you, sir. Thank you. And the fbi now says the masked terrorist is in an isis propaganda video he is believed to be an american and probably from the midwest. And fbi still pleading for your help to identify him. Fox news chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge joins us with the latest. Catherine are, the midwest . Thats right, greta. Based on our reporting we understand the fbi did a recognition analysis on the video. As well as biometric. Asking for public assistance. What they will say is that they dont feel that their leads have run flew dead end, its clear two weeks ago the fbi director told us this is one of the highest priorities and they still dont have that 1 purex confirmation that they really want, greta. Its obvious very problematic, what are we doing . What does the fbi want . The fbi, based on this web site, they want tips, specifically they are asking for people to upload photos or documents and the former fbi agent said to me that when the bureau puts up a tip line, it its a sign that whatever leads they were pursuing they have kind of run into some road blocks and they want information from the public. Its much easier in this sort of lawyer culture that exist is now to get photos and documents from the public rather than try to negotiate some kind of access to a mosque or a community center, greta. Catherine, thank you. Youre welcome. And its not just president obamas former secretary of state Hillary Clinton where president obamas first secretary of defense robert gates or his more recent secretary of defense leon panetta blasting the president s foreign policy. Now another democrat, former president jimmy carter slamming president obama. President carter saying the Obama Administration took too long to take action against isis let the Islamic State build up capability of money and weapons while it was still in syria. Former u. N. Ambassador john bolton joins us. Ambassador, nice to see you. I cant think of a more blistering attack from a former president from a current president. Its very stunning. Not only is the analysis consistent with the critiques we have heard of the fecklessness of obamas strategy but the fact that one former president and a democrat to boot would say it about an incumbent president is really stunning. Carters criticism of obama on isis is really stronger than anything either of the president bushes have said. They, i think are adhering to the tradition that president s really dont comment on it so when you have carter out there, that strongly, i think what it has to say obamas acolytes and the press and the alter boys who carry water for him in congress, the emperor has no clothes here to mix my medicine metaphors. This thing has been a complete sham and as time goes on a complete failure. We can cite jimmy carter. Its like i dont read this just as simply criticism like bad ideas or that was strategically wrong. He scarily lays the blame of the explosive growth of isis on the current president. I mean he says if he hadnt done, this none of this would have happened. Yeah. I think the attack on the president s competence is, perhaps, most note worthy. And its a, again, coming from a former president , you can say at least jimmy carter had had some experience with with the military given his background that obama clearly does not. So i think this is a very very Stunning Development and its one, you know, if the president would stop going to fundraisers, maybe he would wake up and see that there is a problem here. I dont understand how the white house can continue to roll along doing political events when we see its entire policy in the region coming to a halted. And to believe jimmy carter just for a minute although its hard to do so and dom on panetta watching him on oreilly last night watching his facial expreparations as he tried to give what he believed honest answers to the questions and not do too much political damage to obama tells you everything you need to know about just how bad it is inside the administration for legitimate spokes people for national security. You know, i was going to ask you why president carter do that now . Was he just being a little vin particularrive or unhappy . Or sometimes he can be a little bit rough around the edges. But the problem is its not just jimmy carter. Its heather pick has criticized the president. Leon panetta, gates, i mean, thats the problem. Its all these democrats and you are supposed to rely on your cabinet. I your cabinet are your closest con if confidantes. I think it really is incumbent on people who know whats been happening in an administration when they become private citizens again. Not it reveal classified information certainly but i think there is almost a duty to it tell the American People really whats going on. There is no code of silence in politics that requires people not to speak out. And i think gates and panetta and Hillary Clinton for that matter should be commended for writing their memoirs. One quick question. Thing thats notable is the absence of anyone speaking up in favor of president obamas policy. That has been deafening. The silence is devining. Im sure we will hear from the president soon and im sure he will give the best defense that anybody can possibly give of a failure. I mean, he could use some allies in the government to support him. I dont think he has any. I really dont. Namaa very well be. Ambassador, thank you, sir. Thank you. This is a fox news alert. The first ebola patient diagnosed in the u. S. Died today in a dallas hospital. Duncan carried that virus home with him on flight from liberia. The cdc is in contact with dozens of people he came into contact here in the United States. Fox News National correspondent john roberts joining us from Training Facility in alabama. I dont know . Good evening to you, greta. To duncan officials in dallas, texas, said it was a real strategy that he succumbed to the illness and passed away early this morning. They were also quick to remind people this is an isolated case. So far no sign of illness among his closest contacts and they are closely monitoring twice a day everybody that they believe he was in contact with. They also said today that to lessen the chance of contamination from the barrel process his body will burr yell burl process his body will be cremated. There will be enhanced screening procedures put in place at five u. S. Airports. They will start this saturday at jfk and spread on from from newark, chicago ohare, Dulles Airport outside of washington, d. C. And atlanta. People who come in and this is everybody who comes in from the three west african nations hardest hit will be more temperature monitoring as well. They have a lot of questions put to them. Some of them tough about where they were, what they were doing and who they might have come in contact with. The cdc does believe that the best way to stop people from coming in with ebola is to curb it at its source. They launched a new Training Program in alabama to train up hundreds of healthcare workers to send into the hot zone, 36 this week in the three day session. What this is all about, really is, to teach these people, though train them how not to become victims themselves. We talked to a lot of these workers here. A lot of the volunteers. Many of them charitable organizations like samaritans purse very convicted about this saying they cant not go to the hot zone to help out. Even though their families might be reluctant, one told me i didnt ask for permission. I just asked for them to support me. Greta . John, thank you. There is news tonight about dr. Kent brantly the first ebola stricken patient brought to the United States and surviving. Dr. Brantly is now paying it forward. He is donating his bad to the photo journalist now fighting for his life in a nebraska hospital. So could the transfusion of dr. Brantlys blood help save the cameramans life . Professor sapphire from the Research Institute joins us. Nice to see you. Thanks for having me. What are the odds of the antibodies in dr. Brantlys blood will help the man in nebraska fight this deadly disease off . Well, it is certainly worth a shot because dr. Brantly is a survivor, his blood, serum does have antiebola antibodies in it. In the absence of anything else, its not a bad strategy to try. When you say its worth a shot i know you havent treated him and looked at it are we talking about 70 , 10 or 90 . What are the odds . We dont know the odds because no one has done a controlled experiment on this. The one or two times people have tried it, there was no control. There were no people that got equivalent medical care that. The man has ebola virus certainly worth a shot and brandly certainly has antibodies against it. Lets go back to the nuts and bolts. How is ebola spread. If i come in contact with a patient or someone in that airport, what do i have to look for. I can tell you the science behind. This so, there are two kinds of viruses in the world. Some kinds of viruses have a hard protein shell like the common cold. Other kind of viruses have a flexible moist membrane, they have to stay wet. Ebola and h. I. V. Have a membrane and have to stay wet. They transmit through fluids to. Contract ebola virus you need to be in contact with the blood, the vomit or othe feces of an infected person. Ebola cannot escape its fundamental biology. It has to remain moist. And so its not going to be wafting on the breezes of the country. Your average american, if they have not been to west africa and they have not been in contact with the blood, vomit or diarrhea with an ebola patient, they would remember if they had, they are not going to contract ebola. How minute is it just a tiny little bit you have to touch . How do you get rid of it . Yeah, good questions. So, the reason for the debate on this is how i mean how else can it transmit . If you put infected monkeys in one cage and uninfected monkeys in another cage somewhere else, they dont get infected it doesnt go through the air. If you house them in the same cage they do get infected because there is that contact. There are devices called nebulizers that could make a find mist that could get a monkey infected there are certain ways in which prolonged contact with very small fluid droplets can effect somebody. Thats an Artificial Laboratory situation. We have never seen this in the world. What this says is that if you are going to involve a device like if you are going to intubate ebola patient you need complete respiratory protection and the hospitals know this. Now, what is an infectious dose . Only a very few copies of the virus could be auto lethal dose. So you do generally want to try to avoid it at all costs. But its hard to say exactly what those numbers are. Professor, once again as always, thank you for joining us. Thank you for having me. How would you answer this question he . What is a greater threat to peace . Isis or america . Do you have your answer . Well, wait until you hear how some Harvard Students answered that question. Thats next. Plus, the interview you will only see here. We are talking with the broken hearted mother of glen doherty, a a navy seal and cia contractor killed in the benghazi attacks. Why has she been backed into a corner forcing her to sue the u. S. Government . Barbara doherty goes on the record coming up. Told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. And that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. And many achieved remission. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. So ally bank really has no hidden fethats right. Accounts . Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. Greater threat to world peace . Isis or america new campus reform. What is a bigger threat to world peace . America or isis . To world peace . Oh, america. I many ways i have to think its america because america is making decisions that are much more likely to effect the world. What is a greater threat to world peace . America or isis . I american imperialism and our protection of oil interest in the middle east. The western civilization we tore blame for a the love the problems we are facing now. I dont think anyone would argue that we didnt create the problem of isis ourselves. Surprising or not as we discuss this with our Political Panel, can you join us on twitter gretawire using the peace talks and joining our Political Panel Fox Business Network opening bell maria bart trom bartiromo. Maria first to you. We saw four responses, they could have done 10,000 questions. Nonetheless, your thought on that . Just extraordinary. I guess its very difficult to understand how fantastic this country is if you have not left and gone to other places that are, you know, just having such, you know, horrible things that are happening. I think that there is liberalism and this idea that power and strength is a bad thing. Maybe america is just too strong. I think that is sort of what is going on under the surface at some universities. Rich, when i was in college, i thought i knew everything it wasnt until i got a little older that i found how little i knew. Are they just dopey College Students trying to give the right answer . Some of it is that. Its just childishness and hopefully they will grow up sometime soon. Some of it as maria referred to they are absorbing the point of view of the best minds, socalled of american academia. They have this kind of predatory view of American Power where we are responsible for all the ills in the world. If i were a harvard parent and watch that video, i would immediately want to demand a refund. Parents are paying tens of thousands of dollars a year for their kids heads to be filled with this nonsense. Of course, like i noted with maria i dont know if it was four out of four or four out of 10,000 interviewed and just got those responses. Well, in the of full disclosure i am a Harvard College grad you really shouldnt take what i say too seriously. This is moral equivalency in the extreme it is absurd to compare america the greater good with the worse the world has ever seen with those ransacking their way across the middle east. There is a broader point here about the left on campus and liberalism that these kids are being taught. We had an op. Ed by donald he wrote for us a couple weeks ago. Look, democracy depends on patriotism. We have to have citizens who who believe that their country is a force for good in the world and want to defend it. We can laugh at this but there is also a very serious danger here, i think, to our country that these ideas, at a place like harvard even are taken seriously. I was a coadjunct professor at nyu a a couple years ago. This was during the financial crisis when everyone was pointing their fingers at the banks, that the banks were evil. It was coming toward the end of the course, and these students were graduating. So many of them were afraid to say i got a job at jp morgan i dont want to say it because i should go to a a merrill lynch. The banks did make huge mistakes. I think that is very very prevalent at universities. Why anything make a greater capitalist out of you but big Student Loans when you leave school. We nationalize student loan market as rich said the parents are paying no they arent, the taxpayers are paying for this education because we are the ones giving them the loan. Im not saying we are americans fault. The idea that patriotism is a bad thing is very dangerous. So engrained in the culture in academia. If you really want to teach history well, parents have to do it and outside groups have to do it. There has been this great flourishing in American History have all these popular historians writing terrific books that really tell the true story of the adventure of American History and greatness of the founding fathers. You need your kids to read those books because they are not going to get assigned them at harvard. Its interesting to watch what is taught at many colleges. Fertile ground for different thought. Where people think i had a great time in college. Like i said, i some pretty dopey ideas in college. But parents should actually do what you said and look at what is being taught and what theyre coming home with and say is this really what im paying for . Because encourage reading full stuff. Panel, thank you. The mother of a a navy seal killed in benghazi says she is still not sure what really happened in libya. She believes her sons death could have been prevented. Now she is suing the u. S. Government. Barbara doherty goes on the record next. 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When he died. How did did you hear that . My daughter called me. And who had she heard from . I dont remember. You didnt even know he was there . No. Or what he was doing . No. Did the state Department Call you then or just your daughter . She called to tell me and then i looked out the window and i saw all these people walking towards my house, some of them were my friends. They must have known. I dont know how they knew what had happened but they started to come into the house and next thing i know people came through the front door from washington my friends and that was the beginning of that long process. Children supposed to outlive you. Its the wrong order. Wrong order. So, what happened . Did they give you any information . I mean, tell me about that day. That day was just filled with crying and tears. If they told me anything, i dont remember it. And it was like that for two or three days. So, looking back, youre in a fog and you are just told what to it do. And you do it. And you talk to people but there is no depth to it because you are in such sorrow when you are in such shock. I imagine, you know, and of course i have never walked in your shoes so you cant really know exactly how you feel, but i would imagine that you would want to know what happened. You would want answers. Is that true . Did you want to know what happened or, you know, at that point, i didnt remember dwelling on that. I was just trying to survive as a mother who had lost her son, someone she loved. The fbi director called you some time after your son died. Correct. About how long after your son died did the fbi director mueller call. Well over a month. And said what . He said he apologized for not calling sooner because he couldnt find my contact number. And i said do you mean my phone number . He said contact number. We couldnt find the contact number. I said you are the fbi . He said yes. So then i sort of was laughing to myself i said you are going to stick to this little story, arent you . He said yes. So i said well, what is it that you want . And he just said well, we want you to know that were there for you. Are you in the phone book . I think i am in the phone book. Everyone else found me. The day that after you left washington, after the ceremony, did there ever come a time that you were briefed on what happened to your son . I dont think so. At that point afterwards there was so much confusion what went on. I dont think anyone was really sure at that point what had happened. And even to this day im reading different stories about what happened. So im not even sure. Do you have any problem with the fact that even to this day you are reading different stories about what happened . Some of the stories like glen went up to help and one of the fighters on the roof said he was the only one that came up to help. Thats a good story. But his love for his fellow man is what cost him his life. So, you have the sadness there but you also know he did the write thing in his eyes. He always went to help somebody. Do you have any, you know, i guess criticism is is a harsh word, especially for the mother of a child who lost his life but about how the government handled it that night . Well, the more we are finding out, the more criticism you feel, yes. I felt in the beginning that there was such chaos that it couldnt be helped, but now as more details have come out, yes, it could have been prevented. It wasnt. Our conversation with Barbara Doherty continues. Up next, how the cia and the state Department Gave her no choice but to sue them both. Plus, a new movement in Sergeant Andrew tahmooressis case. The latest battle to get him freed from a mexican prison coming up. My names louis, and i quit smoking with chantix. I had tried to do it in the past. I hadnt been successful. 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Did he he have any options . Could he go to another Insurance Company . Absolutely not, no, no. Glenn was required to contact this particular insurance broker. So he buys this policy that in the event that he did die it was absolutely worthless . Thats right. Nobody got any money . Right. The policy paid a 3,000 funeral benefit but no benefits as a traditional insurance policy would have been paid. And the premiums that he paid were actually more than what the benefit he received for that funeral benefit. Now more of our interview with Barbara Doherty. You filed the lawsuit . Correct. What i understand, correct me if i am wrong, as a contractor he was required to get insurance policy on his life. The insurance policy amount will only get paid out if he has a child. Or an heir. Or an heir. That means that all his loved ones, typical insurance policy if you dont have a child you can name your mother, your father, your brother, your sister is that this policy was sold to him and it could only go to a child, an heir . Correct. So even if he put in his will that he wants his sister to have it, that wont he cant do that, he couldnt do that . And, of course, he didnt know that was within the contract. You have seen the policy itself, but the Insurance Company wont pay and you have asked help for the cia. You have seen part of the contract your son had with the cia but much of it is blacked out. Correct. But you havent seen the whole thing, and the cia wont help you with the Insurance Company . Correct. What do you think about your government on that . I dont think much of them. They make it really hard, dont they . Yes, they just are not forthcoming. Makes it even tougher, doesnt it . Yes, yes. Because i dont feel that our family or any other family should have to suffer this indignity and thats what it is. They denied he bought insurance. Now they are saying the insurance wont be paid and so the pain you feel from losing your child is then brought forth again because now its disrespectful to treat a family, any family that way. I suppose this insurance contract with yoir son and i assume that many other single people are signing them as well is that it is going to continue to go on unless these policies are sold to these contracts for which they have no use. Its going to continue to go on unless someone steps up. Correct. I feel that way. Have you has anyone from the government no one has contacted you about this at all . No. No. They kept pushing that video story that it was a video that prompted the protest outside the consulate. Correct. That was very prominent in the beginning. And now that has changed quite a bit. Changed because of the fog of war or changed because it was dishonest . I dont know. Im not an insider in washington. So, do you harbor any sort of sense of real disappointment if with the government . I realize your son, you know, that he served in the seals and he understood what his job was and everything. Do you have any r the government handle this write . No, i think im more disappointed in their lack of handling what glenn would want to happen. Glenn always said mom, you know, if anything happens to me, you and greg and kate are going to be well taken care of. So, his wish is not being met and i think they disappoint me tremendously that way. The the issues of war is is a little beyond me so im always surprised when im finding out something new. We decided politically to try to stay out of the battles in washington and were trying to keep to that. Thank you for sitting down with us. And i hope that some attention on this insurance policy will change things. I appreciate your trying to help us too. Thank you. Youre welcome. And you can see much more of our interview with Barbara Doherty. It will be on gretawire. Com in the coming days. Tonight at 10 00 p. M. On hannity sean talks to members of the benghazi annex security team. Thats tonight 10 00 p. M. On hannity. Dont miss that straight ahead, big news in the case of our jailed marine Sergeant Andrew tahmooressi. What is going on in mexico right now . Well have the latest next. [ narrator ] mama sherman and the legion of super fans. Wow [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbells chunky soup. Its new chunky beerncheese with beef and bacon soup. I love it. And mama loves you. Its a fresh approach on education superintendent of public instruction Tom Torlaksons blueprint for great schools. Torlaksons blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a wellrounded education. And torlaksons plan calls for more parental involvement. Spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. Tell Tom Torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools. New signs the case of Sergeant Andrew tahmooressi after months and months could be coming to a clothes. The marine has been in a mexican prison since march 31st. William la jeunesse joins us with the latest. William, it could be coming to the close that doesnt mean is he coming home that depends on the verdict. Gives opportunity to deny or defend or confirm what his Attorney Says or does in court. In this case tahmooressis attorney today went down to andrews prison and gave him a document to sign acknowledging that, indeed, the defense is done and that there is nothing more he wants to add. Once that happens, we expect the prosecution to rest its case. That brings the evidentiary phase of the trial to a close. No more arguments, witnesses, crossexamination, that sets up arguments in mexico its done by filing a document. Each side has 10 days to do that which im told will occur much faster. In fact, fernando ben nit toe has his closing argue done and could submit it by friday. Once that is done, the judge will have a final hearing within three weeks. Andrew will append that and given a chance to speak. After closing the judge has up to three weeks to give us his verdict. The bottom line is, greta, we are looking at maybe a month and a half. But it realistically, i believe, and im told that this will happen much quicker but not imminently, probably a matter of weeks. The family did release a Statement Last night saying that they continued to implore mexican authorities to proceed expeditiously given that andrew has gone six months and more with no treatment for his combat ptsd so thats what were looking at right now. Greta . I have been around the block at these trials. What seems so obvious and all of the sudden you can be totally stunned by the verdict. It may be coming to it an end. I will wait and see. Anyway, william, thank you. You bet. And tomorrow sergeant tahmooressis lawyer fernando bonita will join us. Thats tomorrow 7 p. M. Dont miss it it offtherecord Jack Nicholson got it right and so did Vice President biden. Hot water next. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. receptionist Gunderman Group is growing. Getting in a groove. Growth is gratifying. Goal is to grow. Gotta get greater growth. I just talked to ups. They got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. Like smart pick ups. Theyll only show up when you print a label and its automatic. We save time and money. Time . Money . Time and money. Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome awesome all awesome i love logistics. So ally bank really has no hidden fethats right. Accounts . Its just that im worried about you know hidden things. Ok, whys that . No hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. Okay. Lets all go offtherecord. I want to talk to you about Vice President bidens latest apology tour. It started after he said our middle east allies are partly to blame for isis gaining strength. I was thinking about something ambassador bolton said on last nights show that is true but reflects poorly on the state of politics. Here is what the ambassador said. I think the Vice President is guilty of the ultimate washington gaffe which is telling the truth in part and thats why he has had to apologize. So let me get this straight and i make the assumption that prior to Vice President biden going public he and president obama both brought this up privately with our allies to no avail. So now we are at the point where the Vice President speaks the truth publicly about our allies, saudi arabia, turkeyened at united arab elm hits and he is forced on apology tour. Did Vice President biden lie . Get his facts wrong . Nope. He just ruffled the wrong feathers. I guess Jack Nicholson was right. You cant handle the truth. Morphed into a gaffe. Thats messed up. Thanks for being with us tonight. Be with us here at 7 00 p. M. If you cant watch us live, use your dvr. Fox news go on the fox news app. Foxnews. Com collect it out go. To gretawire. Com and answer. This do you think speaking the truth in washington is the ultimate gaffe or not . Vote in our gretawire poll . Up next, the oreilly factor. Good night from washington no, actually, new york

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