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Udall and cory gardner. We will have it all covered for you from denver. Be sure to tune in. Greta goes on the record right now. This is a fox news alert. Get ready for ebola screenings right here in americas headquarters. You or someone you know could be tested for ebola the next time you fly. President obama announcing new plans to start errant ebola screenings. The president did not give us specifics about his plan. One thing we do know ebola is right here in the United States right now. Two patients in isolation. Can we prevent an outbreak . There has been scare after scare as international flitsd bring passengers from ebola hot zones into the u. S. Tonight we have Live Team Coverage on the ebola threat here at home. First, are americans losing confidence in president obama . We spoke with donald trump. Donald, nice to see you. His, greta. All right. The former director of the cia, former secretary of defense leon panetta has a new book coming out he a bless terring interview today in which he was quoted as saying that the president has kind of lost his way. I think he said a lot worse than that and from what i understand the book is worse than that he has no confidence. Which in all fairness is very disloyal a at the same time he is telling it the truth. If im on obama side, which i dont happen to be. There is great disloyalty in that statement. He was trying to to be honest and probably telling the truth. Why has the president lost his way or whats the problem with his presidency . There is no trust in our government. There is no trust in our decisionmaking aspects of government. You look at whats going won isis. How long thats been brewing. That didnt just happen. Enough to they are saying you need the boots on the ground. You need here we go again. We have been doing it for 15 years and now we are supposed to go back again. You look at what went on with obamacare and whats currently going on. Its a catastrophe. Wait until you see what happens in 16 when obamacare really kicks. In take a look at the web site. 5 billiondollar web site that still doesnt work. Look at all the mistakes made in government. There is just no confidence. The people dont have confidence inbama or in government. Is it the size of the government or is the president not doing his job its not the size, its the decision making. I go back to the interview with leon panetta. He says that he relies the president relies on the logic of a law professor rather than the passion of a leader. Well, its a rough statement. Is he very rough. I have seen excerpts from the look and what he had to say and i was surprised that he said it they seem to have gotten along very well. While he was there, he wasnt an original obama person but they certainly seemed to have gotten along well. Its catastrophic. I mean, what he is saying really is that we have a leader that doesnt know what he is doing. Essentially he says that and he said it loud and clear. Is it that you disagree with the president or the president makes different decisions or you think the president doesnt know what he is doing . Well, i disagree with so many Different Things that the president has done. You look at his relationship with israel which is in at that time teres. Obamacare. Not stopping the flights coming from west africa. To me thats an easy decision. There are so many things that i disagree with. Now, i do call it a disagreement or do i say he is wrong . I say he is he totally wrong. Is he incompetent . I dont know if he is incompetent. But certainly he is wrong. Key turn it around . Because the poll numbers show that the American People are losing confidence with him. He came in with wind behind his back. Everyone was polling for him. All of the democrats, of course. And all the democrats and many republicans they want to see him succeed. Not all of them many of them did. I would like to see him succeed as an american. Think its hard for him to turn it around. Is it impossible . Nothing is impossible. Maybe something miraculous happens. Do you see any sort of interest does he have interest in the job like he wants to turn it around . Is he phoning it in up against republicans or what . I have been watching him and he really looks tired he looks disjointed mntlely like he is not into it. We had a young man whose head was cut off and he gave a News Conference and he had a shirt on where he takes the jacket off and goes right out and plays golf. You wouldnt think that that is something thats not something a pr person say thats not a good time for you to be playing golf. That was just bad. It just looks to me like he is tired of the position. I may be wrong, i hope im wrong. He has got two more years as president to. Take all these vacations and all the fundraisers and, on our dime. I always thought when president clinton was president , even though he certainly had his it was a rocky road for him in many instances, i always thought he loved the job. He loved the job. Do you have the sense that president obama loves this job . No. I dont think he likes the job at all. I think he is looking forward to being freed. I think he is looking forward to getting out of it. It just seems that he doesnt. You are right. Bill clinton loved what he was doing and so do others you . Have to love it you are not going to do well unless you love it he loved it, others like it. I dont think he likes it and he certainly doesnt do it well. Donald, always nice to see you. Thank you. The full interview with donald trump on gretawire. Com. It will be posted there. And if you think isis isnt making big recruitments right here in the u. S. , then think again right now a teenager from illinois busted accused of trying to join istles the fbi nabbing the 19yearold on his way to turkey. Garrett tenney is live from chicago. Whats the latest on this arrest . Greta, this teenager who is an american citizen, told investigators that he wanted to leave the u. S. And never return. In the criminal complaint tawas filed today, the suspect mohammed ham zi khan. It says he planned to join isis by traveling across turkey to the syrian border. And then with the help of a turkish contact he had been introduced too online he would join the terrorist group. Austrian airlines notified the fbi of khans itinerary purchased just a week before his trip and had him staying in turkey less than three days before returning to the u. S. While the teen was being questioned at the airport the fbi executed a search warrant at his home. They found handwritten notes expressing support for isis and drawings of armed fighters surrounded by the phrase come to jihad in arabic. He also left a letter for his parents asking them not to contact the authorities about his trip and inviting them to join him in isis controlled territory where he said he felt obligated to migrate to after waving his miranda rights the 19yearold he told agents he expected his role within the terrorist group to be in a Public Service capacity doing humanitarian work or possibly in combat. Is he now facing up to 15 years in prison. And a 250,000 fine. He will be back in court again on thursday greta . Thank you. Former via director leen panetta is blasting the president. He is warning america could be at war with isis for 30 years. Trust think. How old will you be in 30 years . If they establish a base of operations in that part of the world. Only a point in time they will use it to attack this country . I think we are looking at kind of a 30 year war kind of history here itsing about it going to take a long time to go after these elements. Secretary panetta blaming president obamas policy making him the battle against emerging threats more difficult. General bob scales joins us. Evening, sir. Hi, greta. Having the former defense secretary come out with his blistering analysis or criticism of the president is how big is that . Its huge. I mean two of the best war leaders this country has ever had in the contemporary era are bob gates and leon panetta. One republican, one democrat. Each in their own way using their own desks to not only accuse the administration for slow rolling this campaign, but also making huge strategic mistakes by pulling out of iraq three and a half years ago. But, general, it isnt just making a mistake of pulling out. He actually writes in his book, he says part of it said by not pressing the Iraqi Government, this is a report about it in the the washington post. By not pressing the Iraqi Government to leave more u. S. Troops in the country. He created a vacuum in terms of the ability of the country to better protect et ceteraself. And its out of that vacuum that isis began to breed. Thats what leon panetta told u. S. A. Today. He clearly puts the lack of status of forces agreement right in president obamas lap. Not about the 11,000 thousand. What are. Shape the policy and to back stop the army. You pull those soldiers out as you say you create a vacuum and anyone who studied military history knows that when you create a strategic vacuum, guess what . Somebody fills it and in this case isis fills it, so its not about the numbers. Its about presence on the ground by american soldiers in iraq. If were going to be there another 30 years and if the reason were likely be there another 30 years is because we didnt leave forces there and if the reason we didnt leave forces there is because we didnt have a status of forces agreement, and if the reason we didnt have a status of forces agreement is because the president didnt do that even though his secretary of defense thought we should get one, that certainly sounds like its the president s fault. I dont think there is any question. The people i talked to at the pentagon, the people i talk to will tell me time and time again really the president doesnt want to do this. He doesnt want to prosecute a campaign. Heck, he hasnt even named the campaign yet, greta. So, i mean, what sort of lack of resolve does that demonstrate . Let me ask you about that because the Ebola Campaign where we sent our military there, they have actually i think its called Operation United sisters or something similar to that. Right. What do we make of the fact that that gets named. Whats the significance of the fact that the military operation and iraq and syria is not named. Holy smoke iraqi freedom. Just cause. Roll off the lips of iraqi soldiers. It defines the campaign and tells the American People that the American Military is going into action is part of a military force to defeat the enemy. If you dont give it a name, that means that in the eyes of the administration, it doesnt deserve even enough credit to have a title. Thats, to me, astounding. So it actually does make a difference . I didnt serve in the military as everybody well knows. Not having a name is of some significance to the military . Oh, yeah. Look, ask a young soldier where you serve. They dont say iraq or afghanistan. They served in oif or oef or i served in just cause or i served in desert storm. This is all part of the American Military ethios to have unnamed nameless Campaign Going on for two and a half months says a lot about the resolve or for that matter the interest of this administration in beating isis. I just dont see the enthusiasm, greta. General, thank you. Thanks, greta. As we have noted former defense secretary leon panetta really scaring Many Americans because is he warning them that his former boss, president obama has, quote lost his way. Karl rove joins us. Good evening, karl. Good evening, greta. Karl, i guess if leon panetta were a republican, you know, that might give us people would be saying that he wrote this because he is republican. This is a loyal democrat who served the president and now. This. More important than that he is a patriot. Age of 70. Central intelligence and then secretary of defense during a time of war and Vice President bidens dismissive comments. I saw the comments by the states woman. He deserves greater respect than that he has told the truth here, a painful truth but i hope president obama is listening. He has time to change. It was a powerful critique from secretary panetta. You know, there has been a lot of focus, of course, the terrorism aspect and also iraq because its former secretary of defense, former director of the cia. What he also writes, he says obama, meaning the president , has a frustrating let sense to engage his opponents and rally support for his cause, which, to me, when i read that is sort of an explanation why he has no relationship with capitol hill. If it sort of carries over, if he doesnt want to engage if he doesnt want to engage political opponents. Yeah, look, there are two sets of critiques in panettas book. The excerpts that you get from the excerpts. One is on issues. Is he critical of not getting status of forces agreement. And, therein thereby, creating a vacuum in iraq. He talks about the president s opposition to arming the rebels in syria in 2012 when we had a chance to effect the outcome. He talks about the red line, about how president obama said if assad uses chemical weapons thats a red line, and the failure to act when he he did use them undercut american credibility. And he also talks about bergdahl. Exchange of taliban prisoners for bergdahl was a bad deal. The second range of critiques are over the president s mode of operation. You touched on one of them. You said he avoids battles, that he is discouraged by conflict and retreats from making decisions, that he complains, that he misses opportunities, and there is also a very heavy critique in here of the president s decisionmaking as being too heavily influenced by the political people inside the white house. And i suspect this is the one thing that probably concerns panetta most of all, having been a white house chief of staff he knows that you should to the greatest extent possible push the Political Considerations to the fridge of things. Most importantly when it comes to questions of national security. Here we have a strong impression that they are right at the center of things, particularly in the runup to have the 2012 president ial election. As we send men and women off to syria and iraq in whatever capacity, panetta also writes about the budget cuts, the sequestration, the impact on it. And he says panetta says he found himself lonely figure actively opposing the cuts. Lobbying congress on his own and making speeches about how they would Hurt National Security thereby suggesting the president wasnt in their there kicking and screaming about the budget cuss to the military and that panetta was left to do it alone. And when panetta when the white house finds out that he is in contact with members of congress, the political people in the white house chastised him for it look, you get a very strong sense that president obama from secretary panettas perspective finds it difficult to make decisions and that the only way he makes decisions is ultimately when someone who is very close to him and has a political outlook and a personal relationship, a Valerie Jarrett or a David Plouffe or a David Axelrod when they come into the oval and say mr. President we know you dont want to make this decision but here is a decision you ought to make and you ought to make it this way because it has political ramifications. Look, this is wrong. There is one other thing in here thats deeply concerning to me. He says the white house coordinated on the question of the sofa, coordinated efforts to get a status of forces agreement but never led. Let me just tell you, dealing with maliki was a difficult thing, and president george w. Bush dealt with him all of the time. And during the discussions about the status of forces agreement, president obama goes almost a year without talking to maliki. Now, think about this. Maliki is used it dealing with bush. Doesnt always like to deal with him, but bush forces him and prods him, now he is dealing with nobody in the white house of great significance and the president doesnt even bother to talk to him. Karl, thank you. Thanks, greta. There is no dispute, tears terrorists are using social media how can we use social media to get them. Just recently a taliban spokesperson gave away a secret location by using twitter. Joining us the executive director of the news web site. Good evening, sir. Good evening. How do we use social media to get isis, get these islamic extremists . What do we do . Defense intelligence agencies all intelligence agencies love social media, right . This is open Source Information thats out there for them to see. They think twitter and facebook are are wonderful things, as long as the terrorists keep using them. So, but this i mean, there are a couple ways, one is twitter that you mistakenly note your location, right . Right, right. You know, it doesnt take a genius to learn how to turn it off it was on. We found out from a taliban spokesman. He had his city for everyone to see. They are using it for recruitment and also to threaten our military families recently or the relatives, what can we do to block their efforts to use it . I mean, what can we do to sort of stimy them . There are two things going on there is a lot of pressure on youtube and facebook to not show these things, especially things like the beheading of journalists, right in the beheadings are rejected try not to encourage that from being put out. At the same time, like i said, intelligence agencies and also the industry right now are coming up with all sorts of complex algorithms to use this terrorism, map the networks of whom is talking to whom and where they are located down to the cell phone tower. So its valuable information that, you know, our intelligence agencies and military, they dont want to completely gone. We cant underestimate the impact of the social media. If you think about it is that in january, not to hit the president over the head with this again, but that he referred to isis as jay we and there jv. Nothing done between january and august. Beheadings of two americans. Suddenly that put on the internet. That social media did shape Foreign Policy because we are over there with air strikes. Right. Well, there is a sentence in sense in the pentagon that it took those beheadings to really change the president s mind, to change the countrys policy and bring this country into the war that it has been resisting going into. Not just the president. The congress resisted going into war last year. Republicans in congress as well. The difference really was those two videos. Big enough to be on cable tv by the way. Not just social media. Air campaign, military movements, not so sure of that. Kevin, thank you. Hope you come back. My pleasure. Well, he has done it again, Vice President joe biden sticking his foot in his mouth and this time he is being forced to say he is sorry. Find out what the Vice President said this time and he who he is apologizing to. Thats next. Developing now new ebola plan at airports. Will it work . And what about you the next time you go to fly or a friend of yours or relative or coworker . Plus the latest on two ebola patients in ice here in america. 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The turks are migrate friends and i i have a great relationship with the president who i spend time with much. The saudis, elm rights, what were they doing . They were so determined to take down assad and essentially have a proxy, sunni, shia war. What did they do . They poured hundreds of millions of dollars, thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against assad. Except that the people who were being who were being supplied were news are a he will. Biden apologizing. Rich lowry, jason riley and anchor of Fox Business Network opening bell maria bartiromo. Maria first to you, the first question is is he wrong i suppose, we should ask that even if he is right in saying this he probably should have said it now on apology toir. You are hearing bush pack from the other side. President of turkey already said if he doesnt clarify this he is history in my book. You love biden because he says whatever he wants and its genuine but at the same time, i think coming up with phrasing and commentary that sort of rallies people around is more politicking than governing. And unfortunately, this commentary right here, threatens alienating the friends that the president actually needs for the clition to beat isis. Is that a thoroughfare for terrorists number one. Second thing is was the saudis were, they supplying money to the insurgents against assad . So i mean is he in some ways partially right . Yes, and yes. So now he is apologizing. I guess he is apologizing so asthma rhea says. Its true. Clumsy. Clumsy that he shouldnt have said it or he said it wrong . We are trying to get nations help us go after isis. When you want that you dont go out and publicly embarrass those nations. Thats why this was poorly timed. What he said was true. Yes, the turks have facilitated the rise of isis by letting terrorists cross the border and other gulf nations like cat tar have been funding isis and other groups like hamas. Is he right. I give him credit is he reading the president ial daily brief. He has mastered it and what he said is a pretty good tutorial of what has happened in syria to this point. It doesnt mean you have to say it outloud. To me its a little showing off sort of. I know so much about this, look how i have mastered this situation. And he creates an International Incident for no reason. Let me play devils advocate with you maria. As we let some of these countries to use the expression get away with murder. Opposing some of the goals that we have to it that we continue to have. We sort of look the other way because we dont want to make them upset . I agree with that look what we are doing, we are apologizing now. Thats worse, right . Who is buying all the black oil on the black market . Turkey. Exactly. So we know this to be true. And yet, you know, he says it. And it was clumsy and it probably is not the right time to say it when we are trying to build this coalition. There are all sorts of over ways to get this message across and levers of influence we can use. Like what . Well, you can talk to them in private. Thats really worked they are buying black buying oil on the black market. What has been achieved by it. What biden has shown here why democrats want to run for president in 2016 he trails Hillary Clinton by 50 points. This is why. All right, panel, stay with us. Straight ahead, ebola fears spreading across the u. S. What are the chances of an outbreak . And are we in a panic or being cautious about the danger . Up next the latest about the ebola patient fighting for life in dallas. Life in dallas. American cameraman back in stay with us. You need a permit. To be this awesome. And you. Rent from national. Because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle. And go. 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Frankly, it is a waiting game tonight in dallas. And on two levels, really. Number one, god forbid we are waiting to see if anyone else here starts to show symptoms. And we can tell that it is in fact spread. Number two, we are waiting to see on what happens with mr. Did you know dan did you know duncan. He started getting experimental drug. A drug further represently indicating inside the human body. Only time will tell to see if it works. He remains critical but stable at this hour. Now, this is really important. The disease has up to it a 21 day incubation period and we are smack dab in the middle of that because duncan got to texas on september 20 so far nobody showing any signs of sickness. We have more time before a full victory can be declared here. The four members of Thomas Duncan family were moved out of that dallas apartment complex where they had been living all that time with the sick patient as hazmat teams scrubbed the unit from top to bottom with bleach and removed every single item so that it could be incinerated off site. For now that family is still under quarantine but now at a private home in a gated area in an undisclosed location around here. Casey, thank you. And now on the record is investigating mistakes, well, they were made when an ebola patient from liberia arrived in texas. Griff jenkins reports from dallas. Were working really hard to make sure no other texans are exposed to this virus. We have all heard the ebola virus is just a plane ride away and now its right here in america a lot of peoplely to the dallas are scared right now. September 19th, Thomas Duncan boards a flight from monrovia. Taking a flight to washington, d. C. And then taking united flight 822 to final destination, dallas, texas. This is where Thomas Duncan arrived in the united states. Dallasfort worth, the longest journey in lie beeria, Authorities Say he was asked had he come in contact with ebola. Those Authorities Say he lied, which is how he got here. From the airport, duncan heads to an apartment complex in the city where days later he experiences symptoms of the ebola virus. Four days after duncan arrives here in dallas, on september 24th, he first complains to family members is he not feeling well. The first signs of ebola are starting to show. Still at home, the virus is now contagious, potentially exposing family members and anyone else with direct contact to the virus. September 26th, he goes to the hospital with a family member, tells them he has been in liberia yet they diagnose him with a low grade viral condition and send him home with antibiotics. Puts more people in risk and possibly leaving contaminated material throughout the dallas apartment where duncan remained for two more days. September 28th, duncan returns to the hospital again, this time in an ambulance. This the patient is put in isolation in the intensive care unit, left in Critical Condition. October 1st, Dallas Health officials visit the apartment but with no protection. The cdc is assessing 48 people to include hospital workers and emts to see if they came in close contact with duncan and if theyre starting to exhibit symptoms consistent with ebola. Close family members have been quarantined. And today arriving in nebraska, an American News photographer strict within ebola while working in liberia. Meanwhile cities across america dealing with ebola scares, Fox News Senior National Correspondent live in atlanta. Good evening, greta. Things going apparently fairly well so far for as well as they can when you are infected with ebola when he he arrived in nebraska today he walked off the plane under his own power his father. Disinfecting a car. His parents had begged him not to go to it assignment saying it was crazy thing to do. Saying they could not stop him. He thought it was his duty to cover that story. Officials at Nebraska Medical Center are good at keeping us informed as to what the progress is with their patients. So we should hear about him fairly regularly i would think in the days and weeks to come. In spain today, a reminder of the risk that healthcare workers face when they care for patient. A nurse provided treatment has come down herself with the illness. First case of transmission outside of africa. The cdc 134. A case in delaware, one case in miami beach and newark airport. At the white house, the president said the false alarms are actually good news because after the ball that was dropped in dallas where the hospital sent a real ebola patient home word has gone out to treat any suspicious cases with extreme caution. President obama also said that the government is planning new protocols for screening travelers both in africa before they depart and here in the United States when they arrive. We are not hearing any of the details of those plans, hopefully more to come in the days ahead. Greta, we also should mention that the centers for Disease Control currently has a three Day Training Program going on for 60 healthcare workers soon headed to africa. We were indecide varietied to along. We will bring that you story on wednesday, greta. I think five people have ebola in the United States. Brought to the United States. Five are living, right . I mean obviously two are in the hospital and one in dallas and nebraska. Other thing three discharged with medical care im not trying to undermine the seriousness or danger of it we are a0. Right . So far we are, those are for people brought back in metta vac. Those are for people who received the appropriate care immediately after becoming ill. Sixth patient at the time nih still being hun tore ited. Latest information i got on him is that he still has not tested positive for ebola and coming close to the end of that 20 day window. Signs are looking good. So far duncan is the only one who has gotten severely ill. None of the other patients progressed past serious. Duncan, of course, as you heard from casey in Critical Condition really fighting for his life tonight, greta. John, thank you. And the u. S. Is getting red ready to ramp up ebola screenings as john noted. Are we doing enough to prevent the outbreak . Plus Actor Ben Affleck taking on bill maher. Not about bens new movie. What got him fired up . You will see for yourself coming up. [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner, revolutionary by every standard. And that became our passion. To always build something better, airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. That redefine comfort and connect the world like never before. 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You can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. Right now save 400 on our most popular bed, plus 36month special financing. Hurry ends columbus day. Know better sleep with sleep number the president doing enough . Well, you know, i think the president was early on this. We sent troops to west africa before we had coon firmed case in the United States. I dont know what else is the u. S. Can do at this point. Now we are talking about screening at the airports. The whole idea that we would stop planes from coming to the u. S. , its bedatable because the fact is then you really are stopping activity across the world i dont know that necessarily that is the right thing to do. Jason, i was talking to someone deeply involved in relief work all over the world he told me what they really need there is to the u. S. Military to be in charge of logistics of getting supplies in. One of the nightmares is that Everyone Wants to help and Everything Else but that the u. N. And whoever is trying to do it making it a little bit of a nightmare. They need the military to handle logistics. Thats the problem beach got a late start here partly because we were relying on figures from organizations like the World Health Organization o. And they were under estimating the threat by relying we were late. What the administration is dealing with here is a competence issue. This is an administration that couldnt get a healthcare web site working. This is the the administration that left the front door of the white house unlocked. Those perceptions are also a problem for this administration, they have got to get over this competence hurdle. When the president comes out and says oh we can handle it, dont be too scared. Thats on the back of the minds of a lot of americans. Rich, our Foreign Policy changed with isis when we had the beheading of two americans. Suddenly we did Something Different in syria and iraq. The same thing with ebola. Thats been going on for quite some time in west africa. This has been a growing problem it wasnt until is a mayor tans purse had two americans they brought back here and they survived. It takes almost an american casualty. Yeah, with isis the videos so powerful and you are right here with ebola. It really brought it home when we had ebola. When it came home more controls at the airports makes sense. Once relying fine grain checks and controls operating perfectly and people and symptoms arent perfect. This man lied. He lied right. How do you protect against that . I dont know. The other thing is too how do we protect our workers . Thats another big concern. At least putting the alarm out on this hospital workers are wise to this. And the security has been ramped up at hospitals they are taking new precautions at this point. In terms of in terms of that. You are right. Those are the people who are on the front lines. Of course, the big question to me is you dont want to set off a National Panic but you also dont want people to be too cautious when they should be on alert. Anyway, panel, thank you. Thanks, greta. Straight ahead gone girl may be number one at the box office but ben affleck is grabbing more attention for his appearance on the small screen. You will see it here next. You know, i really didnt either but chantix helped me do it. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. It gave me the power to overcome the urge to smoke. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. If you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. Tell your doctor about any history of Mental Health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. Dont take chantix if youve had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. 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You are saying if i criticize. You say islam phobia is not a real thing if you are critical of something. Its not a real thing when we do it. Im not denying that certain people are dig bigoted against muslims as people and thats the problem. Billing of you. Are you so hostile about this concept. Its racist. Its so not. Like your shifty just. You guys are saying if you want to be liberal believe in liberal principles like. We are endowed by forefathers all men are created equal. We have to be able to criticize bad ideas. Islam is the mother load of bad ideas. Jeesh. How about the more than a billion people who arent fanatical who dont finish women who want to go to school. Wait a second. All muslims. Wait, wait, wait. Wait. Painting the whole religion. No, no. Lets get down to who has the right answer here a billion people you say, all these billion people dont hold any dont hold these pernicious beliefs . They dont. Thats just not true, ben. Thats just not true. Isis couldnt fill a double a ball park in virginia you are making a career. No, no were not. Its a phenomenon of global jihadists. I think thats the opposite. There is those things, there is isis. The question is the degree to which you are willing to say because i have witnessed this behavior which we object to on the part of these people im willing to flatly condemn those of you who have i never met. This is not people, its ideas. And people who believe in those ideas. Based on reality, ben. Were not making it up. Lets all go off the record for a minute. All right, it may not be politically correct but i will say it Many Americans link all muslims to terrorism. Thats not fair. Not all muslims are killers of terrorists trying to behead you. I have a message to Muslim Leaders. If they hate the stereotype they need to stop it courage to step up and condemn loudly clearly and repetitively islamic extremism. No ifs ands or buts. Cant fight it alone. We need Muslim Leaders. I do appreciate though that a week ago an International Coalition of 120 prominent muslim scholars wrote an open letter to the leader of isis condemning the terrorist group. Thats not enough. I know from living in the shadow of the u. S. Capitol and the white house, letters end up in black holes. We need so much more. We need Muslim Leaders to speak up hire is high offer. I will give any muslim leader of national or International Stature a platform on the record to condemn islamic extremismism make a call to arms of every muslim leader of every mosque to do the same. Condemn islamic extremism. Thats my offtherecord comment tonight. And coming up, olympic swimmer Michael Phelps banned from swimming. What did he do . Thats next. Dont forget to watch hannity tonight 10 p. M. Eastern. He has piers morgan on. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Ready said set to speed read. More trouble for olympic swimming mega champ Michael Phelps. Today suspending phelps for six months following his latest arrest in baltimore. That means cant compete. He will have to withdraw from next years world championship. Police combing countryside. Hanna graham. Team of 100 officers shopping around charlottesville. Grahams parents making emotional plea for the kidnapper. To please help them. Help them find their daughter. And parents in fugitive are on edge. Thats after a state medicallier determined the enter row severe respiratory illness. And caught on camera. A romantic balloon ride turning into rescue operation. California man proposing to girl nend on hot air bruin but the balloon drifted off course and started dipping into the ocean. Returned to the residue and balloon ashore. Most importantly, the girlfriend said, she said yes. Thank you for being with us see you again. We had having something new. Fox news go fox news app. Fox news go. 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