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Report. Fair, balanced, and unafraid. Greta goes on the record right now. This is a fox news alert. President obama just saying we dont have a strategy yet. You heard right. The president speaking about isis in syria. The terror group beheading americans and publicly executing thousands in both iraq and syria. The president plan to combat isis, well, he doesnt have one. Karl rove is here to respond to that in a minute. First ed henry live with the very latest. Reporter greta, remarkable because the context is he was speaking specifically about isis in syria, not iraq. Earlier in the News Conference the white house scrambling to point out, yes, in the transcript earlier he said hes got a military strategy in iraq. He was specifically talking about syria and was being pressed about why havent you gone to congress, why arent you making your case to the American People, why are you not seeking a debate and a vote for authorization of the use of force in syria . So it was in that context we should note. Nonetheless, its still a devastating quote because this is a president who let through some of the things, last thursday his own defense secretary, chuck hagel, said that this threat from isis is worse than al qaeda pre9 11. So if you now the spin is, look, we have a strategy in iraq but not syria. Why dont you have a strategy in syria . Secondly last thursday you will remember general martin dempsey, he said you cant defeat isis unless you go into syria. So he was acknowledging the air strikes in iraq have had some impact, but you still have to go into syria if you will defeat isis. How can the president publicly admit to the American People and the world he does not have a strategy to deal with isis specifically in syria . Military strategy there, when his own defense secretary and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff have said how critical this is to put a together. Now, look, theres still time, right . But the bottom line is you have officials not just on the republican side but in the president s own cabinet saying this is a grave threat in the region but also potentially to the american homeland. For the president to say candidly at this News Conference not just once but a couple times, i dont have a strategy yet, thats devastating. Ed, thank you. Thank you. You heard it straight from president obama. We dont have a strategy yet. And karl rove joins us. Karl, we dont have a strategy yet. Your thoughts . Well, the president was talking about syria, lets give him the credit that hes due. The question was specifically syria, but thats astonishing because the president had three years ago said assad must go. He was warned about the role that isis was playing inside syria, and he has had all that time to develop a strategy about what to do about isis in syria and he still doesnt. He also has no real strategy on isis in iraq. Think about this, greta. December 30th of last year was when isil took fallujah. June 10th they took they burst into northern iraq. Two days later theyd taken mosul. By the 29th they were threatening baghdad and declared an islamic caliphate. On the 2nd of august they took the mosul dam. Six days later finally the president acts by having a small number of air strikes made on isil. And the president really has no real strategy even today. He says were going to continue to do as little as possible from the air. We want the Iraqi Government to form. We Want International Partners to come together with us and at some point were going to sit around the camp fire, hold hands, sing kumbaya and figure out what to do about this cancer which i remind you less than eight months ago he was referring to as the jv. Today i was appalled. I was appalled. Apart from the fact that cancer the whole idea i wouldnt use cancer, but the malignancy aspect of it, not exactly the description i would use but here is what i thought was stunning. Chuck todd asked him can you defeat isis without going after them in syria. A question everyone has been asking, and i read through the answer twice. President obama did not give an answer, and thats a very important issue. He needs to answer. Secondly, he says what he is going to do is continue to support a moderate opposition inside of syria. Well, moderate opposition is a bit of a problem since the moderate opposition is the group that got beaten by isil. Theyre not winning this battle, and some of them have even now joined with isil. Its not been an effective strategy to date. Well, it hasnt been an effective strategy because he is not supporting the moderate opposition. He turned down the recommendation of the secretary of state, secretary of defense, and the Intelligence Community three years ago to arm the free syrian army at a moment when assad was on the ropes and isis was a much smaller, much more much less it was. The president has yesterday to really effectively aid the Free Syrian Army. Look, whatever is he doing in iraq, he wants to talk about how little it is. He spent a lot of time talking about how limited it was. It was based on a completely phony reason, which is transparently phony to the rest of the world. He says we did the steps we are taking are in order to defend american personnel and in order to relieve the humanitarian crisis. Look, if you were worried about the mosul dam 225, 250 miles westnorthwest of baghdad being blown up and baghdad flooding, you would pull the american personnel out of there you would have days to get them out of there. And, the president is not being honest about it. And humanitarian . Look, whats worse . We have a bunch of people stuck on a mountain who have been driven from their homes. A problem that largely ended up resolving itself. Thats a humanitarian crisis that he is willing to aid. But is he not willing to aid the taking of a second largest city in iraq, mosul. And the decimation of its population, the killing of christians, the oppression and death of religious minorities, and a brutal the installation of a brutal totalitarian islamic regime in mosul. Thats not a humanitarian crisis from his progressive perspective. What do we do with the awkward position we hoped he would get rid of. We hoped assad would leave after gassing his people. There has been that diplomatic dance and he is still there. Assad is fighting isis in syria and we want to fight isis. I mean, its rather awkward. Are we now on the same team as assad . Someone who gases his people . How do we look at this . No. Thats a strawman. Just because isis is hated by assad doesnt mean we shouldnt hate them and shouldnt disseminate them for what they are doing and the threat that they represent to us and our allies. However. Let me ask you though. To the extent we go after isis and lets say we eliminate isis in syria, does that empower assad . No. It does if thats all you do. It does not if you are simultaneously bulking up the assistance to the the moderate opposition to whats left of the Free Syrian Army. If you are helping them, they can they are in a better position to move in to most of the areas that today isis controls. And they will be be a and they will be welcomed by people who have previously indicated their opposition to assad and are sick of the regime that is now on top of them in the form of the islamic caliphate. So, its a 12 punch. You have got to go after isis, yes. But you also have to aid the Free Syrian Army so the person who does not directly benefit from this is assad. We cannot remain on the sidelines for fear that if we kill an isis terrorist, that we are somehow aiding assad. We cannot do that because these people represent an existential threat to our interest in the middle east and they are training and arming people who could come here to the United States and commit horrific crimes on a scale that might diminish make 9 11 look like childs play. Karl, always nice to see you. Thank you, sir. You bet, thank you. Well, brace yourself for. This terrorists may be planning to strike right here in the United States. New english language al qaeda magazine is urging attacks on u. S. Targets. Naming specific targets. Las vegas ceesks, times square. Military colleges. The online publication put out by al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula features instructions on making car bombs and implies an attack is coming sunni. Terrorism expert walid fair reiss joins us. Good evening, sir. Good evening. How serious do we take this magazine . I would say very seriously. This is the kind of magazine that is tell us what our intentions are there is a context to this. Al qaeda is now trying to top what isis is doing on the ground. There is competition to al qaeda and isis. On the ground isis is winning in syria and iraq. But, still al qaeda has cells around the world including an iraqi state this is their flag. Why are they telling us what their targets are . Actually, they are not telling us. They are telling their people try to do that. They know we are going to read it deliberately put english. Chances are more americans are going to know about this than english than if they wrote it in arabic. Remember in 2005 and 2006 al qaeda memos that spoke about attacking bases and attacking many things and still we had fort hood and still we had boston. We can cannot militarize all our streets. They know that what they are trying to do is recruit showing pictures of the past attackers, past jihadists and trying to tell more jihadists we need to get action in the United States. We put up the picture in the put up the video where they put the past jihad i think you can see it too. What is more of the terrifying thing at the end the last one they have got all the dates when this terrorism happened and people involved but the last one has 20 question mark meaning that its coming. Can you see it right there on the screen the picture. 20 question mark. Basically what they are trying to say that you are on notice we are going to attack you. They are trying to tell theirselves you dont need to go to the middle east to try to work with isis. Work with us. We have a battlefield here. Not just here but also in canada and Great Britain and france and other western countries. What do we make about this competition between isis and al qaeda . Isis having been thrown out of al qaeda for being violent. Which is how do you get thrown out of al qaeda for being violent . What do we make of that battle . Isis has advantage in the jihadist world of controlling land. All these videos. And money. And a lot of money and oil. This is a real caliphate. This is a dream of bin laden and al qaeda actually happened on the ground. So for al qaeda people to top that, they are going to be the one who can strike at the west, bring down the United States, economy, and other structures. This is what they are trying to do. Why are not going to see a merger of these two terrorist groups . Were going to see instead of a competition who can outdo the other . Thats an excellent question . Actually you are predicting the future. They will try to top. They will try to move forward. Only when they show the jihadist that they can do, then the two councils of advisors will say now we are equal, now we can come together. How is it that they got kicked out isis got kicked out for violence what was it. Actually it was not for violence. Al qaeda same violence they have beheaded, they have attacked against cities, leadership. Zawahiri number two historical leader of al qaeda and al baghdadi and little war lords on the ground who on their own decided we have got to take the action on the ground in syria and iraq without the orders of the supreme leader. Such a power grab essentially . Even jihadist have a power grab among themselves. Actually we have seen this. Times square, the casinos, its unbelievable the list. Im afraid also for schools and transportation. Everything. Tell you everything. Walid, thank you, nice to see you, sir. Thank you. Horrifying new video shows isis marching hundreds of syrian soldiers to their execution. [foreign language] the video begins by showing the armed terrorists parading their captives through the deserted. Syrian soldiers are wearing only underwear and have their hands behind their heads. The footage fades to black before showing a pile of bodies lying face down in the sand. And iraqi accused of adultery stoned to death. Execution broadcast on big screens in the center of mosul. Next guest says life in iraq in largest city getting more frightening by the minute. Nice to see you, matt, tell me what is going on for the poor people who are in mosul with isis there . Well, in mosul, which is the first city that was taken over by the isis group back in june, and, remember, they came screaming down the tying rest river right tigris people. A lot of the people welcomed the isis group because they felt like they were relief from the Iraqi Military who had been subject gating sunnies in that area. Life has become more difficult especially economically for people in mosul. Horribly graphic stories about public executions is that going on in these cities where they want people to see these . Yes. This is going on in mosul. This is going on in rocca, nobody major city in syria that the isis group has had for several months, almost a year one of the things that this group that isis has to watch out for if they want to maintain their dominion over such huge tracks of land. We are talking about areas the size of jordan and other states in this region they have to watch for the fact that they are alienating a lot of the people who they are trying to recruit by imposing this very draconian form of sharia law. Back earlier this year in aleppo some of the residents rose up and pushed isis out of that city. So, there is a real risk for isis that they could be ousted and thats what the Obama Administration when they go about the business of trying to decide how they are going to deal with isis, they need to keep in mind that this group is actually doing a lot of the work for them by alienating people in these cities. How big is mosul and i guess i should say how big was it a year ago . How big is it about now and are the people of mosul fleeing even though they may have welcomed the insurgents at first . Are they now fleeing . There was a lot of fleeing that happened originally. Remember, mosul is the second largest city in iraq. Its about 1. 7 Million People. So its a huge center of commerce. There is a the lot of industry. There is a lot of Oil Extraction going none that area. Its a big, its a bustling metropolis. At the same time, right when isis took over in june, a lot of ethnic minorities left a lot of Shiite Muslims left. One of the largest christian communities in the middle east Asyrian Christians and some other christians and other groups also fled the city to neighboring kurdistan so that 1. 7 Million People has dropped in size by a couple hundred thousand people. Also influx of others from the villages. Its a changing city. But really when we are talking about the problems that these people are facing yes, there is a lot of graphic punishment, there is a lot of public beatings and people being arrested and all this sort of thing. But the real problem for people in mow is as you will is economic. They are having a lack of medicine, food shortages, they are not able to bring electricity, water is about to run out for this city. So, problems are very bad for the people of mosul and they are really about to get quite a lot worse. Why are they having these economic problems how has if effected commerce for those at arent part of this civil war or whatever you want to call it . Why are they getting why are they having such troubles . Iraq is one of the largest food importers in the world. This is a country where 9 5 of the economy, 9 5 of the inputs come all from oil. So this country doesnt really produce much in terms of food. In terms of other goods that might be consumed by ordinary people. Its really just oil. So mosul like a lot of other cities they rely on imports. There arent a lot of people who are interested in doing business with people like isis. So, and its very difficult to do that because to import goods into a place like mosul requires a lot of cooperation with a group that a lot of neighbors in the region consider to be very unsavory to put it mildly. Chuck hagel recently saying that isis is tremendously well funded beyond anything we have seen. So where does isis get all its money . Joining Us Columbia University professor. Good evening, sir. Thanks for having me. Where does isis get all its money and is there a way to quantify it. Difficult to quantify exact figure. All the numbers we see are soft. It gets money from a variety of sources, extortion and protection reacts, smuggling, control of natural resources, ransom, stolen goods, its very much like the mafia in terms of dvd income. Is dferred income. You talk about how diverse it is. Going back to u. S. Presence in iraq and fighting in iraq we made strong efforts to cut off the funding and even then the results were mixed. What i have heard about isis having taken over so many oil fields is that one of the problems that we have is that it will sell its oil at anywhere from 25 to 50 a barrel when the market, if we had to sell it on the market would be be over 100 so that Everyone Wants to join in on the black market and try to buy this cheap oil even if you buy it at 60 a barrel you can sell it at 80 and still make money. Thats exactly right. They are willing to sell it at knockdown price because, of course, they didnt pay the infrastructure colmes to set up the oil field in a sense except for paying salaries and upkeep its all profit to them. Keeping the money, i assume that theyre not putting it through the banking system, this is a cash economy . Its a cash economy or they will use things like the parallel Islamic Banking system they dont typically put it directly into banks. Explain that thats handtomanned money, pass money around. Exactly on trusted couriers, basically. Meaning that i would give you, you know, 50,000 and you run it to turkey and then you would hand it to somebody else, to hand it to somebody else, to hand it to somebody else . Exactly or i would call my brother or cousin in turkey and tell him to give the money directly to somebody. Is this the Richest Terrorist Group that we know . Boko haram i dont hear about them having a lot of money. Even al qaeda doesnt seem to be flush. If there is any group that has more money it would probably be an organization like hezbollah that like the Islamic State now has its own territory. So its definitely one of, if not the most welloff. You know, what always i mean, we look at all the money it has and i wonder what other groups are going to want to change alliances so they can actually get purchased . Not only see purchase but as one of your previous guests mentioned there is a demonstration effect. If you are looking which group to join, the Islamic State has territory, it has real estate. It has a lot of resources or you could join al qaeda which has to date not done nearly as well. Is there any indication they want to stop at this caliphate or go beyond . They have a chunk of property in syria and iraq to the extent that its defined do they want to keep going . Absolutely. I think their ambition would be to restore the old caliphate which is essentially most of the middle east if they can can do it. Professor, thank you very much for joining us, sir. Thanks very much for having me. And a radical british imam threatening sharia law is coming to a place near you. He was talking to fox news sean hannity. You will see that explosive exchange next. Plus, joan rivers suddenly stops breathing. Rushed to a new york hospital. More on her condition this minute straight ahead. Unlimited cash back. Let that phrase sit with you for a second. Unlimited. 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You are threatening to come to get me, is that what you are saying. I mean sharia law will be in the whole world. Thats what you want. You want a worldwide islamic caliphate. Of course we do. Of course we do. You want to rule the law. Promise dollars by the mess sejer. Inif i inif i infidels will be. I dont need that im a christian. New york times best columnest, charles, nice to see you. Im fine, how are you . Im very well. Sharia law is coming to place near you. Just bravado or do you think he believes it or a real threat . I do think sort of the essence of whats happening when we confront either al qaeda or isil is that they do have a messianic impulse. I would apply that it that to the regime in iran aminoritily more civilized and contains itself in public and pretends to be pragmatic. These are people who believe in the ends of days. What they are doing, the cruelty, the threats, the conquests are going to hasten the end of days. Thats what makes them dangerous. Thats president leaves out religious element of this. He talks about extremists. What does that mean . All kinds of extremism. This is a specific type of extremism. Its an element. Its a wing of perhaps small but none the less determined one of religion. When you are propelled by religion, the belief in the almighty, that gives you a power and a determination that is unusual. Its not the run of the mill enemy. I dont know if we have a caliphate yet. I think we have some something pretty close if we dont in jerry and iraq. If we dont, how do we prevent isis from getting one and if they do get one then what what does that mean . I dont think they can or will hang on to it for two reasons much the cruelty is almost unfathomable. There is a story i believe in the wall street journal about what they have done in the mosul to the point where sunnies in mosul who welcomed isis because of the way the shiite army of maliki had treated the sunnies, they were happy to see the shiites scattered. But within weeks of the amputations, the assassinations. Public amputations. Public executions. And they make children watch this, i think there is exactly as happened in ambar. One of the reasons you had the anbar awakening. One of the reasons we won the war in iraq and ended the civil war was because the sunnies in appear bar turned against al qaeda in iraq and that i think, is likely to happen again if we keep on the pressure. The different dimension here, i think, is the money. They are filthy rich and just pouring in. Does that change the dynamic . It does. They are now the first terrorists ever who dont rely on money from the outside. 95 of their funds are generated internally from extortion, gangsterism, socalled taxation and capture of resources. They actually sell oil in Northern Syria with the conniveance of assad which shows you how they are playing a double game. Selffinanced like never before so that makes them a major threat. The utility alone is not going to defeat them. They need pressure from the outside that means the u. S. , the kurds, the iraqis, the Free Syrian Army, whats left of it and others. We will see if obama can actually muster them. Charles, nice to see you, sir. Pleasure to be here. Its happening right now. Russia invading ukraine. Ukraines president says a thousand Russian Troops have crossed the border. Ambassador john bolton is here next. The ladies . These guys . Or these guys . When you get guaranteed low prices on everything you buy the most, everybody gets excited staples. Make more happen for less. Cozy or cool . Exactly the way you want it. Until boom, its bedtime your mattress is a battleground of thwarted desire. Enter the sleep number bed. Right now, all beds are on sale. Hes the softy. His sleep number setting is 35. Youre the rock, at 60. And snoring . Sleep numbers even got an adjustment for that. You can only find sleep number at a sleep number store. Right now save 50 on the labor Day Limited Edition bed, plus 24month special financing. Hurry ends monday know better sleep with sleep number. Food is rolling into ukraine. You rainyian reported 100,000 Russian Troops invading you rainy. Blaming russia for the violence. Former u. N. Ambassador john bolton joins us. Good evening, sir. Good to be here. President obama blaming russiaened a he said he spoke to Angela Merkel today, the chancellor, and he says they both agree russia is responsible for the violence in eastern ukraine. I thought we all knew that already. News flash. You know, this is emblematic of president s lack of grasp of reality in this situation. Its not just that russia is responsible. Russia has conquered territory of a former sovereign country using military force. That is not supposed to happen on the continent. Russian oil. I am looking at Angela Merkel and saying she is just agreeing that today . Well, my understanding is that russia and germany are deep into negotiations to quote unquote solve the ukraine problem that it would include things like essentially agreeing that russia has crimea forever. Decentralizing control over eastern provinces provinces frov and a variety of other concessions that never joining nato. Im sure ukraine is happy to find out that germany and russia are dividing up the country. This is called partition of their country by the great continents of europe. We have been there before, too. The president has simply stepped out of the business of america providing security in eastern and central europe. I think the consequences are entirely foreseeable that russia will apply this lesson elsewhere and other powers like china will affly elsewhere in the world. I hate to ask the next question because that seems to sound like i concede that they got crimea. But how far is he going . What else is he going to nab . Well, i think the other countries of the former soviet union are all potentially at risk because its consistent with what putin has said repeatedly for 10 years. So there is no chance to grab crimea back . Thats a done deal you think . I think in the european view crimea is gone. The problem with that is that when we lost crimea or when ukraine lost crimea, we would never let that happen we did let it happen. If the eastern provinces go every other former republic of the soviet union including the bam particular republic has to worry about whats coming next. We say lots of things. President obama said the red line. We say assad is going to be gone soon. If you look back, if you roll the tape back, you know, a lot of really silly things are said. There is a lot of talk with no consequences. Well, i think thats the key. Can you say a lot of silly things and get away with it if people think that you are prepared to take action when necessary. Its not that anybody is looking for conflict. The whole point of a position of strength is to deter your adversaries from taking steps that are harmful to your interest and those of your friends. And the president s rhetoric without action is gutting our deterrent and persuasion capability. Is he going to do anything on ukraine meeting with nato next week. I dont think so. I think they are looking for some way to have a face saving solution or at least slow down the level of violence so that negotiations can proceed. So its tough luck crimea . I think its gone. Because, obviously the ukrainians cant take it back from the russians on their own. I think there is a lot more we can do. I see no evidence the president is prepared to do it. It would violate six years of performance for him to act whether its in ukraine or act effectively in the middle east. One quick question. What is putins next target . Which country . I think what he would like to do is move on in back in to eastern and central europe. I dont think his ambitions stop with the former soviet union. I think the warsaw pac still looks pretty good to him. He wants a zone of influence that reflects russias status as the greatest european power. Ambassador, thank you, sir. Joining us our Political Panel rick klein the hill alexanderaftery and chief Political Correspondent byron york how did you like the press conference todays. Its one of the worst performances ever. It just had to be. One thing that was particularly bad about it. When he comes out and says we dont have a strategy. This came after a week of Top Administration foicialtion, including the secretary of defense saying how serious the isis threat was. So you had the administration, the president did say maybe the president got a little ahead of themselves. They were clearly saying this and saying on capitol hill. People like mock rogers on the House Intelligence Committee saying the same thing. After you have all of this buildup on how dangerous they are, the president comes out and says we dont have a strategy. Alexander how did you like todays . Its it particularly problematic because it supports this perception that already exists the president without a plan. Not just in syria but more broadly he seems like he has no overarcing theory behind its sort of his Foreign Policy steps and movements. That doesnt instill confidence in the American People and also, you know, his really projected this weakness internationally that, you know, you dont want to be seeing at a time like this. Actually you bring this up, Stephan Hayes a frequent guest on fox tweeted, rick, the president of the United States not that u. S. Has no strategy on issa and wont engage with russia. Was the purpose of the press conference to reaffirm u. S. Weakness . The purpose was to get in the news cycle before the long labor day weekend. He knows big crisis is out there. He talked about the economy at the top as another headline. What makes this so damaging is this admission, acknowledgment that there is no strategy. The white house wanted those words back right away. The problem is that their explanation doesnt really make it that much better. They are saying there is not a strategy particular to it isis and syria. We know that they are there already. We know thats the issue right now. It makes it very very difficult to explain and kind of muddled messaging that doesnt go over well either domestically or internationally. Not just all of us but Major Garrett from cbs is tweeting the same thing. He said two key quotes from potus presser we dont have a strategy yet. Not taking military action to solve the you ukrainian sty any military force will be used. When he talked about iraq, remember, he reaffirmed the fact that were just there to protect american consulate, to protect personal forces. And we had taken some humanitarian actions with the uzidi when they were trapped on the mountain but not doing anything else. The karen at the multiy though with her biting humor from the washington post. Given the blow back we dont have a strategy, white house probably now feeling grateful to the attention to the tan suited. There are a billion tweets about a tan suit. Which was a surprise but not as big a surprise as this idea that we dont have a strategy in syria and also that he ruled out military action, you know, in the ukraine. I mean, on a day when you want to see the president sort of leaning forward on that issue where the crisis might be escalating. He really leaned back. He wouldnt answer chuck todds question in order to fight isis do you have to go into syria and he has got this long answer, two pages long i have gone over the transcript twice he doesnt answer that question. He dodges. I think it raises the stakes for the meetings next week meeting with nato. At this point he is going to have to build something internationally to try to act. Obviously, look, a lot of this is going to be judged in a much longer view as to how this plays out over the next weeks and months. Todays performance is something the white house would clearly like to have back. Why only have 10 seconds he once again looks like he doesnt have a fire his belly. Imagine you are one of the actors in. This you are isis and vladimir putin. You are looking at this. How would you like to have to face nato next week and being the president of the United States and we will see, anyway. Panel, thank you. And joan rivers rushed by ambulance to the hospital and her hospital family rushing to her side. A very talentedyearold is putting with the the pros. You have to see this next. My name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. Its progressive pain. First that feeling of numbness. Then hot pins. Almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. 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Its specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. Now you can hydrocarbon it out. Check out this wild story and tell us what you think. A bill board is stopping traffic in pennsylvania. The sign says i love sex signed god. Well, the controversial message postedc by a Nondenominational Church the pastor says they hope to grab attention and attract new members. Some shocked people say the billboard goes way too far. Way too far. Tell us what you think right now. Tweet me at gretawire using sex sign. And he may be only 3 years old but dont call i him a mini golfer. You are about to meet a little boy who is giving adults some big competition on the golf course. Try one hand . Any tip for one hand . Whats the tip . Grip it and rip it. Thats how this 3yearold is already driving golf balls 100 yards or more. A swing thats making some adult golfers jealous. They look at him and see how small he is and they say awesome. He can hit. A little guy can hit a golf ball. But tommy is no ordinary 3yearold. And then they look and they see that he is doing it one hand. And they then they are. Look at him and say thats he is just incredible. And after they watch him. After they learn, is he just a little boy. Just killing it. They walk away and say he is an inexpiration. News that their son would be born with only one arm devastating tommys parents but not stopping tommy from mastering the links. Who is your favorite golfer that plays on tv . Bubba. Bubba . He is a bubba fan. Young golfer who calls his shorter arm nemo is so talented he often challenges adult golfers but with a rule they can only use one hand. Not bad. Not so good either. A lot harder than itlikes. Whale the real secret behind tommys swick . He does his best work in front of his girlfriend. And tommys father adds the 3yearold does like to hit the ball in the but that because is he too young to understand thats actually a bad thing. Lets go offtherecord for a minute. Did you hear the new nfl rule . It now impose as six week suspension for first time Domestic Violence offenders. That means you can put on an nfl uniform, beat someone. You only miss six games of work. But you roll your eyes at that and how obscenely soft that is. Think how happy ray rice is tonight. He got in under the wire. He was caught six months ago dragging fiance out of an elevator after knocking her unconscious. What did they do about rices disgusting two weeks . Ing what if did that . You would lose your job. The system feels rigged tonight. Doesnt it . Thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Joan rivers suddenly stops breathing and is in rushed to the hospital. Never before has this kind of passion, this kind of innovation, engineering, design and performance. Been available. For this kind of price. The 2014 cla from mercedesbenz. See your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. Joan rivers rushed to a no, hospital where she remains right now. The 81yearold comedian stopped breathing during a medical procedure at manhattan clinton. Tmz broke the news. Mike walters joins us with the latest. What is the latest on this comedian. She is still in critical condition. I can tell you that its a minutebyminute situation. Unfortunately her daughter melissa is still on her way at this moment to new york. She was in los angeles when she got the call around 9 39 this morning when her mother went into cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest. So i belief the major decisions on releasing it to the public and the media and exactly the condition of joan at this point will wait until melissa arrives at the hospital. I will tell you when we got the call we were told that she was just having a procedure done on her vocal chords on her throat and it was a minor procedure in a clinic nearby mount mount sinai hospital in new york. At some point during the surgery she stopped breathing. They were then trying to transport her to the local hospital in mount sinai and her heart stopped on the way to the hospital. At this point she is alive in critical condition. And, like i said, its a minutebyminute situation at this point. She is 81 years old. But, boy, we sure see a lot of her and she has a lot of passion in her belly. I remember just recently when she had this i dont know how to describe it but i guess maybe passion is good word or rant on what was going on in israel. She is i mean, she is a tough woman. Greta, i have to say for 81 years old we have her on tmz all the time. She calls in to tmz lye. She puts one over on our camera guys on the streets all the time. It is hilarious and i agree that for someone of that age, she seems to be one of the healthiest people i have ever talked to. So, im hopeful and i think a lot of people are that she will pull through this. But i agree with you every time we talk to joan rivers, she is hilarious obviously a legend, every time we speak to her it seems like she is much healthier than everyone else around her so we are hopeful this will work out and she will cover. What was the medical procedure on her vocal chords . You said it was something relatively minor. What was that all about. A lot of singers in the entertainment business get polyps. Im told she and to go on tour and had something in the vocal chords that needed to be fixed before she went out and did standup comedy and did a tour where she did multiple dates a week. So it was some sort of minor vocal chord polyp type procedure so it wasnt a reilly invasive anything in your throat is a big deal where they have to put you under major anesthesia. Just a preparation preparation tore the tour and obviously things went horribly wrong. Her poor daughter rushing to be at her side. Any other relatives besides the daughter . Yes. Her grandson melissas son is actually on the airplane heading towards new york now. I lost my grandmother at that age. Its got to be very very hard for him just seeing and hearing whats going on. Like i said hopefully she can pull through but i am aware that the grandson isless on the plane headed to new york. All right, mike, if anyone wants to follow this story closely tmz. Com. They always have it first and you will have the updates first as well, mike, thank you very much. All right, greta. See you. Coming up big nascar news. Thats next. Dont forget to watch hannity tonight at 10 p. M. Eastern. Congressman paul ryan will be tonights guest tonight on 10 00 p. M. Hannity. Do you wannaa baby . Like. Like a bear . How about like youre on vacation. In this place dolphin sleep like you havent seen your bed in days. No, in weeks sleep like the kids went to nanas house. For the whole weekend sleep like you just took zzzquil. The nonhabit forming sleep aid from the makers of nyquil that helps you sleep easily, sleep soundly, and wake refreshed. Because sleep is a beautiful thing. Woil is next. Speed read your way through the news. Israeli student student found in the jerusalem forest. So far no word on the cause of his death. And nascar driver tony stuart who struck and killed another driver during a race is returning to the track this weekend. Stuart will return to sprint cup competition sunday night at the atlanta motor speedway. Stuart has not raced since his car hit ford. Brad and angelina are are officially man and wife. Pitt jolly tieing the knot in france last week. All six children were part of the private ceremony. Thats tonights speed read. See you tonight at 7 p. M. Eastern. Right now the burning question on your mind, is Donald Trumps hair real or not . The answer and must see

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