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He is always working it. Isthanks for inviting us into your home. That is it for special report, fair bs balanced and unafraid. Greta goes on the record right now. This is a fox news alert. Fox news confirming an american was killed in syria while fighting for isis. Yes, for isis. Thats the same group that executed james foley. Catherine herridge joins us. Catherine . Thank you, greta. Within the last hour, senior Law Enforcement official confirmed to fox news the american citizen killed in syria was known to the u. S. Government and his affiliation also with isis. Fox news has told that the family of Douglass Mcarthur mccain of san diego, california, has also been notified. Evidence of his death, including a photo of his american passport, was first reported by the Free Syrian Army which is fighting against isis for control of eastern syria. On twitter in june, he told his isis contact that he would soon be meeting them in that country and as his radicalization deepened he changed his name it and adopted this moniker slave of allah interests returning from the region to the United States within 72 hours of their flight. That system does not flag everyone, greta. If you fly of course first to london and sit there two weeks you are not in the system at you will, right . Can you still be in the system depending on what elf of interest you are to the u. S. Government. Was this man of sufficient interest that he would have gotten caught . He was of Significant Interest to the u. S. Government and they had been tracking him, its now clear to me, for several months the interesting continuing thing to me tonight is when the National Security council put out a statement about his death, they said it was evidence that americans should not travel to syria. What they neglected to mention is that he was fighting for isis. And this is not a mistake. This is anf commission. Its a little observe to put on a travel advisory to americans not to travel to syria. Thats almost absurd to tell americans not to travel to syria. Well, to mention his death and not the fact that he was affiliated with the group that. Why didnt they . Why wouldnt they . I dont know. But i think that you do see a pattern often where the affiliation with known terrorist groups is dropped. And it takes me back to the original reporting we did on major nidal hasan and the fort hood massacre where that was classified as work place violence and a great effort to distance him from his al qaeda affiliation with a cleric in yemen. Catherine, thank you. Youre welcome. Colonel oliver north joins us. Good evening, sir. Good evening, how are you. Catherine reporting this disheartening news, douglass mccain an American Fighting for isis gives as you travel warning and doesnt want to say that he is working with isis or was working with isis. Douglass mcarthur mccain was his adopted name. When you are looking at now two in a week, the brit from who murdered james fell toy, and now an american, youve got to recognize, i think, that the state department and our department of Homeland Security and our immigration folks and the fbi would be concerned. There appear to be a lot of westerners, as catherine just reported, we really dont know how many there are. And the estimates vary widely from 300 plus to 3,000 plus. This whole travel alert business, remember the gay who had the underwear bomber, he must have been there are so many ways to get passed these no fly list. There is a lot more ever of them now than when richard reid was doingand the underwear bomber as well. The system has improved. But, as everybody acknowledges, it is not full proof. There are ways to evade it one would think that given their sophistication, the folks running isis recruiting know how to do it. In other words, if you fly to turkey, or if you fly to greece and then motor to turkey, and then go from turkey into syria to become part of isis or isil or whatever they are calling themselves this week you may not be in the system when you come back out. We have to be very concerned about whats happening with these radicalized jihadists coming back to the United States just like the europeans. Flying to montreal and walking across the border. Whatever. Let me go to this other question. You spoke at the American Legion and so did president obama down in north carolina. How was the American Legion. I think it the proper word would be politely. They are veterans. 2. 4 million represent ared by the 9 the 6th 96th meeting of the American Legion. They were plight to him. He did say some things they wanted to hear about veterans care. The rest of it was almost like it was prepared by several different people. And he just read from the tell prompter. My line was that i learned to speak because i work for a president who spoke from the heart. He speaks from a tell prompter. It was very it was disjointed. It was irrational in some parts. Quite frankly, we ought tokpzj concerned about that aspect of it because its not just detachment. Its almost delusional. And when he speaks the way he does about our coalition, what coalition . He said in times of crisis, no other nation can can rally such Broad Coalition to it stand up for International Norms and peace. I remember a year ago when he wanted to bomb syria, u. K. Said our best friends wouldnt go with us. Today, for example, it was announced by the pentagon that we are conducting Intelligence Surveillance and reconnaissance flights over syria. Yesterday, we were being told by the same pentagon that the reason why we are dropping bombs in iraq and not in syria is because we were in iraq at the invitation of the iraqi government. And to this point, one of the reasons why mr. Obama withdrew everybody in december of 2011 was because we did not have a status of forces agreement. Do we have one now . And no one asks him these things at these briefings. Im going to ask a question about the vets. He said as soon as it was disclosed the vet problem. I got before the American People and i said we would not tolerate it thats what he ran on in 2008. Did the vets politely accept that one . Yeah. They were plight. He is the commander and chief. They were polite. Quite frankly, i was concerned at the end of the whole presentation because it appears to be so detached from the reality of whats going on in the world today. Colonel north, nice to see you, sir. Good to be back. Thank you. Surveillance flights over syria. Is that the first steps towards air strikes against isis in syria. Rear admiral john kirby joins us. Good evening, sir. Hi. Thanks for having me, greta. Nice to have you. Before i get to the question about isis and the surveillance, im curious as to what the pentagon knows about douglass mccain and how many other americans might be fighting with or for identifies. Isis. We dont know much about this gentleman and cant really confirm that he is, in fact, an American Foreign fighter. I will tell you this it does bring home to us and a stark reminder of the real threat of foreign fighters inside of an organization like isil. When we speak of the threat isil poses this is one of the factors, fighters going over there and getting radicalized and potentially working their way back to their home lands. Not the only government concerned about this but on our minds. Is there an imimmediate derek posed to the United States . If so, how do you define immediate danger to the United States . A great question. Two components here. One the very real threat of foreign fighters coming back and launching attacks inside their home lands, wherever they may be. They also pose an immediate threat to middle interests in the middle east. Thats not a significant threat. There is a wide swath of area in iraq that they havepvw influence over. They also have free reign into the border in syria. They have regional aspirations if not global aspirations and they are very capable. They are well red and well resourced we take the threat seriously. Is there any way without strategic strikes in syria and second the question have there been any conversation with president assads government about strikes . First of all, there has been no decision to conduct strikes inside syria against isil targets. The commander and chief hasnt made that decision. I think general dempsey said it very well last week when he said there is no way to address the threat of isil without addressing it from a regional perspective. That doesnt just mean military. In fact, we believe the only way in the long term that isil is defeated is when their ideology is rejected. That both in iraq and syria. In iraq we have a unity government thats beginning to form, thats promising. In syria we have an assad regime that has done nothing except pursue deprivations on their own people. We have no intention of coordinating with assad regime with which we dont recognize. The seriousness about the fact that isis and assad are fighting and were trying to help iraq eliminate isis so that sort of puts us almost as pals with the assad to the extent that we have b3to6be samerfp÷ goal. I think thats656t a little oversimplification. To do it kdau partnership with iraqi and Kurdish Forces and not that we wouldnt take unilatdxz action if needed to protectn our facilities, but were going to take that action because its in our inter and its against isil. Support of anybody other than our iraqi and kurdish partners. All right. What county amq ican people do to make this allv2r . n easier for the military . Is there anything we can do . Because obviously these are very toughcb .  calls and very tough decisions. Little easier . American people have been great supporters ofat military. Were very grateful for thatb2an support. Its been very clear. That while americansl1fa÷ have all kinds of opinion3 . M n about where the military is conducting and they donta jp always agree on the ordeq always agree on the ordeq la steady, they have supported ]watk continue to support thexq those of us that ared8 in uniform and when we take this uniform off and we go out intoqug ÷ society, they are there to help us. Homes, we for the support that we getcijy from the American People and vj gratitude American People towards our holding another american hostage in syria. 26yearold female aid worker. Kidnapped last year while working for humanitarian groups. Reports that isis has made 6. 6milliondollar ransom demand. Asking the media not to name her for concerns due to her safety. And, of course, we all agree, isis is evil. They behead innocent. It doesnt get more evil than that. And no civilized or moral person could think otherwise. Right . Well, hang on to your seat, this is going to horrify you. In western europe an alarming amount of support for isis. Especially in france. According to a Research Poll done for a russian news agency, 16 of people surveyed in france said they support isis. Foreign Relations Committee member senator John Barrasso joins us. Good evening, sir. Thanks for having me. Where do you support 16 of the population support isis. Very disturbing and distressing. I have seen the poll results. Some of these people tend to be younger and those who are immigrants from muslim countries who are living in france. Its a huge concern and it shows me that the threat to the United States is even greater, especially when see it was a british citizen who beheaded james fell toy, that savage act and that was called a message to america when they sent the video. Uk, looking at the numbers, germany is 2 . Uk 7 . Gaza 13 . It shows that this group, isis, which we know is blood thirsty they are well armed and dangerous people with deadly weapons. They are coming from america. They have folks from other countries supporting them. Nato allies, people you wouldnt think would be friendly, shows the threat to the United States is even greater. Not to be flip, the idea, i mean, al qaeda threw isis out this spring because they were too violent. Do you know how bad you have to be to have al qaeda to think you are too bad and too awful . They control a huge area. Almost. Lots of money. Lots of oil. They have weapons as well. They have a manpower. All of those things that control an area larger than the state of indiana and want to continue to grow. I think its incumbent now on the president of the United States as commander and chief to show leadership, to come forward and express to the American People, articulate the threat that we as americans face and what he is going to do in a comprehensive way to deal with this direct threat that we face. Okay. So what you foreign Relations Committee. I know that senator mccain said this should be debated on capitol hill. He is a democrat. So, has the Senate Foreign Relations Committee had any sort of contact with the president or even began discussing this at all . I mean, is he just speaking with his military leadership . The president is speaking with his military leadership. Halls not come to congress at awesome i dont think he ought to let congress off the hook. Congress ought to be able to and have to stand up because with voters at home. But the president needs to make the case. What is he going to do . What is his solution to face the threat, the strategy has to equal the threat. But to get there, it does involve some sort of dialogue. Maybe doesnt have to be public. I would hope that the president would consult with other leaders in his own party and across the aisle as well. Because there is a very i mean, this is a very important time. Isis is not your usual enemy. Isis is not like a nation where we know where they are. This is a very mobile, very rich, and very evil and eye lent ]snv violent group. Secretary kerry said they have to be eliminated. Secretary of defense hagel enemy like no other. Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, iraq alone isnt enough if you want to eliminate isis and its time now for the president to lay out a plan. What would you do. Couple things, additional aid and information and arms to the kurds. What the president has done with these flights, and there have been about 100 bombings over the last two weeks has helped buy time. So the iraqis can form a government. But i have been calling to arm the rebels in syria for years now. Free syrian army. The president ought to be doing all of those things, so there is a role[eb n for diplomacy and allowing iraq to stand up as a new government. We need to put together a coalition of other countries and the president needs to lay out the threat to the United States and his plan to deal with it because i think as secretary of state and secretary of defense are right. This is a threat like no other it is a threat to the homeland. We can either fight them there or fight them here and i would rather have them fought over there. Senator, nice to see you, sir. Thanks for having me. Lets all go offtherecord for a minute. Today lt. Colonel oliver north and a president obama honored our vets. They both spoke at the American Legion national convention. So now its going to be our turn. Im going to let new on a little secret. On monday, at 7 00 p. M. , right here on the record, we are going to honor our vets. But we are also going to honor their spouses. I dont need to tell you, also really tough on spouses and can be extremely tough on marriages. So were going to take you on a spectacular trip to alaska with operation heal our patriots. Itsc[zs reverend Franklin Graham and samaritans pursej t program. Its a program to help these incredible. Heroes and their spouses b 4x i walk outside, didnt see anybody at thee n 5 gate. Didnt seepdz]0tijey and so i sta1÷ed to proceed steps an iraia 3h from behind a vehicle with 4r ak and he just shot me. It shattered my hip and hit get any circulation to my leg anymore. They hadlddnx gjnh]b÷ to cutq a. We he will hear more from chuck, 7 00 p. M. Because you dont want to miss it thats my offtherecord comment tonight. You wont believe what we just learned about lois lerner and her emails. The irs targeting scandal is heating up. Thats next. Also, five months, san Sergeant Andrew tahmooressi still sitting in a mexican prison. Where is mexicos president sitting . He is sitting at a fancy in the governors mansion. K. Today, protesters were there, too. Hras thats coming up. Y ce1 as in, no limits on your hardearned cash back. As in no more dealing with those rotating categories. The quicksilver card from capital one. Unlimited 1. 5 cash back on everything you purchase, every day. Dont settle for anything less. Ill keep asking. Whats in your wallet . Ill keep asking. With the top speedou compare of comcast the top speed of business dsl from the internet. Phone company well, theres really no comparison. Why pay more for less . Call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. And find out more about our twoyear price guarantee. Comcast business. Built for business. Wiped clean, doj lawyers admitting that the blackberry at the irs lois lerner was not wiped clean until after congressional investigating was already underway. Thats not all. House oversight committee member jim jordan joins us. Good evening, sir. Good to be with you, greta. Two big issues tonight. First of all is what the commissioner knew about the emails because i understand now is it your understanding that her emailings are now recoverable . Yep. Inspector general reported there may be as many as nine tapes that are recoverable. Remember what John Koskinen said under oath in front of our committee he said he can confirm that the emails were lost and they couldnt be subsequently learned that yes they may be able to be retrieved and we may get those. We get that information. Thank a goodsness for Judicial Watch and what theyre doing as well to help us push on this issue and get information that the irs has been slow to turn over to our congressional committee. First, there is is the whole idea of thwart congress in trying to do its oversight job thats one aspect when they dont respond correctly and fairly and thoroughly. Thats very disturbing. To get a private group to go to court to do the Congress Work because they wont cooperate. June 23rd, 2013, House Oversight from democratic member of congress he said commissioner to the irs koskinen do you share the belief that every effort was made to provide this committee and others with those emails that you were able to recover . I do. Every effort was made . Thats it . Yeah. Well, and we now know thats not true. We also knew that when he discovered that they had lost some of them, he waited two months to tell us, i mean, every time John Koskinen comes in front of the committee, he says something and then we subsequently learn that he wasnt being straight with us. He wasnt being clear with us, he wasnt being straightforward. Thats why we continue to dig to try to get to the truth on this, you know, this fundamental issue where peoples First Amendment rights were targeted, greta. There has been a request that he send this to the fbi for an investigation. That the doj, that attorney general eric holder appoint a special prosecutor. President obama said that there isnt a smidgen of corruption, although it now were in august of 2014, still trying to get information. But, on june 23rd, 2014, when koskinen, the head of the irs was asked about calling the fbi, he got all huffy said i reject the suggestion that my integrity on my calling the fbi. He wont do the job. No, its your vmj duty. You have a duty to disclose. This is that question we had with him where we said your chief council knew in february. You knew in april of this year, and you didnt Tell Congress until june 13th. Why did you wait so long . If a private citizen is under investigation they lose important information. They cant wait two minutes to disclose that to the fbi or the Justice Department like he did. Its not about his integrity. It was his duty. He was the hand picked guy of the president to come in and clean up this organization, clean up this mess, this is the kind of response we get. Now we learned today as you started with, we learned that ms. Lerners blackberry was wiped clean after we had started to inquire about this whole thing. All right. Is this i mean, are we now at the point where this is a coverup . It gets a little bit funny when all this information, when you cant do your oversight and takes a federal judge or is this they are enhe want . Overwhelmed or covering up where is this on the spectrum . Its certainly suspicious. Let g. P. S. To the 2012 latest information we learned, greta. January of 2012, thats normal course of duty. What i know is i always look at the time line. Prior to that we had numerous letters that the committee had sent to the irs inquiring about potential targeting. We had brought lois lerner in. Our personal staff in our office and Committee Staff sat down and asked her, we confronted her, is targeting going on . We heard from groups in ohio and around the country is, targeting going on she lied to us said no, this is a normal course how we determine who gets c 4 status. A few months later they wipe her blackberry clean. All i know it looks suspicious when you follow the time line. Frankly this entire ordeal all kinds of suspicious and ridiculous things take place when you look at the time line. Mr. Koskinen not disclosing for two months when he shoulde÷÷t on and on it goes. At some point we have to have a special prosecutor. Even 26 democrats say we need that mr. Holder appoint a special prosecutor. But there actually is an effort to undermine congress to do its oversight. I dont know what happens when you do your oversight, what information you get, whether it helps the irs, helps her, whatnot. You still have to do your job. You are obviously not able to do your job when they are thwarting you and when a private organization like Judicial Watch is the one that has to do congress job because the irs wont help. I agree, greta. We have had x9iw subpoenas out o the irs for over ear year. Some documents we didnt get until Judicial Watch does a freedom of information requests. Thats ridiculous, thats the kind of treatment we have been getting from them. We have to keep pushing. At some point i hope the pressure is enough that eric holder will say, look, with barbara boxerman and everything else thats going on we have to have a special prosecutor. Congressman, nice to see you, thank you for joining us. Thanks, greta. And get out your wallets. Another American Company taking its business out of the country. And that means you will be paying more for your next burger or doughnut . Ths e latest next. To the staples associates. With guaranteed low prices on comp books. Youll flip out now go tell your friends. 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I dont pay enough tax and we should pay in more in taxes is helping an American Company make a maneuver largely in part so they can avoid taxes. I do want to get a few things straight, greta. Theyal pay taxes on profits made in america. That has been one of myths out there. I also want to get another thing straight. In my mind burger king is the victim on the war on success. With if we are talking about a company thats had a couple of near death misses first quarter of this year. Closed 22 stores in america. Their growth is coming from outside of this country. Big problem that a lot of companies have in this country that are around the world is when they make money in a different place and pay local taxes when they want to bring that money home to create jobs and opportunity. The government wants to charge them another, most are saying no. In this deal, does this mean there is any tax advantage to burger king if you say that they are still going to pay taxes on whats made here in the United States is there any tax advantage to moving Corporate Headquarters to montreal instead of appleton, wisconsin . Absolutely. The Corporate Tax rate in america is is the highest in the world at 35 and canada there is a 15 tax and then provincial taxes. So essentially 26 vs. 35 . Right then and there they are going to save money on their overall Corporate Taxes. Now, so far they are on pace to open 600 restaurants around the world when they make money on those restaurants they can bring it only and use it to build different things. They cant do that right now without taking a hit that destroys them. Its annoyed a lot of people that warren buffet is the one. Oh, yeah. A huge part of this. I think people might look at him and think that well, that he has pulled a fast one. A lot of hypocrisy. He lent his name to this whole campaign to raise taxes on Small Businesses by the way. A billionaire can handle higher taxes. A guy making 300,000 with three trucks cant. All right, charles. Thank you. Thanks, greta. Critics to both sides of the aisle finds president obama disconnected. The president taking heat for playing golf right after speaking with the execution of an american journalist and now president obama looking down right tired and worn out while speaking to the American Legion today. Big difference from his energy in 2008. So, fixing whats broken at the v. A. , insuring the resources you deserve, delivering the healthcare that youve earned, eliminating the backlog, standing up for your rights and dignity, helping you realize the American Dream that you so honorably defended, these are our commitments to you. We dont let up, and i promise you, we will win florida and we will win this general election and you and i together will change this country. And change the world. Thank you. God bless you. And god bless the United States of america. And joining us our political panel, the National Review jim garety the hills a. B. Stoddard and chief Political Correspondent byron york. I realize that the second sound bite was a campaign which is more ambitious. Does he still have the fire in his belly . Boy, what a change between those two speeches. The American People are progressively worried that he was not. He kind of turned a corner of sorts that moment that he made the statement about the killing of james foley and then headed straight to the golf course on march thats win vineyard. I think that really broke something with even some of his supporters who felt he f this, the president is out of out of touch, none of that would slit my throat. One potent weapon he had was to inspire and really get people revved up. Now and now do we see avery different president obama . Its not his job to be the perker and chief. And it is. How about the inspirer and chief . And he might not be able to inspire on every topic. Is he six years into a job that is really, you know, burns you out and turns your hair bright white. I would say that the question of him talking about james foleys really disturbing. It was really a moment when even his greatest supporter said something must be wrong here. Tells the American Public im able to compartmentalize and not able to keep up appearances here anymore. I think it was months ago that we saw him begin to sort of dislodge himself with a kind of a distance from the constant crises, the burdens of the job, and begin to it, as we read, from various reports, you know, really out of energy into late night dinner parties, hanging out with celebrities, talking about everything but his job because is he fantasizing about the post presidency. You cant blame the burnout rate but we have too many. The gravity of our problems is too deep for this. Jim . I would say you have to cut the guy a little bit of slack. That was exhausting vacation all those rounds of golf. I suppose part of this is year six of his president presidency. He probably has the mid terms coming in his eyes. He recognizes there is not enough allot he can can do to change peoples opinion of him in arkansas. Last lap you dont have to run. He know what is his presidency is going to be like. Right now republicans is a good shot of taking the senate and next two years of presidency is going to be more of the same. Triangulate when he lost . No. That would mean he was wrong for the first part of his presidency. He is not willing to do that stuff. Much rather sit in the golf course and pout than deal with the world as it is. He has had a history of becoming bored with whatever he was doing. When he was a Community Organizer he was immediately frustrated at his inability to change the world. So he goes to law school. Goes back to chicago, then runs for the state senate and becomes immediately frustrated. He voted present some times. Look, you have a the love responsibility, do your own job. You know, and to. Im sorry. Repeated at every level. He runs for house. Doesnt make it runs for senate and then immediately becomes frustrated and runs for president. I get frustrated with my job, too at least i dont phone it in. I come and put on my best game. Maybe the viewers dont think so. Anyway, panel, stay with us. You just heard about the challenges of doing big business here in the u. S. When we talk to charles payne. What about Small Businesses . Our on the record investigation capitalism next. Andrew tahmooressi rotting in a prison while dining in governors mansion. Protesters making their fin voices heard. Sa thats coming up. Enjoying a crosscountry baseball stadium trip they planned online at aarp travel. Its where your journey begins with inspiration, planning, booking, and hot travel tips from real pros. If you dont think seize the trip when you think aarp, then you dont know aarp. Find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at aarp. Org possibilities. Regulations and red tape Small Business owners say that is what is killing their companies. On the record is investigating. We spoke with the owner of a small aviation business. Griff jenkins reports from kansas. To me, there is no more enjoyment than screen, go through the airplane and wire it up and you are sitting in the seat and flip the switches and things just wake up. And that is just awesome. Meet woody cotner, aircraft enthusiast, Small Business owner, and Vice President of global aviation technologies. So what do you make . We have electrical subassembly and wire hanner nez manufacturer. Provide Engineering Services for the aviation industry. Work on everything from cessna 182s to gulf streams to boeing 67, even on helicopters. Anything that flies we can handle it. What woody might not be able to handle are the the numerous and burdensome regulatory agencies he has to deal with. The faa, the aco, the fsdo, the mido, all agencies that what he needs to pass through before he can even sell his products. Its very time consuming. Most of the time the designs were done, the engineers do their thing, the time is spent going back and forth with the aco, pushing them or prodding them along to he review the data and just get responses back in a timely manner. Even worse, woody says its not a level Playing Field. What size company are you. Were only 13 people. The packet of regulations are the same for anybody in aviation. The issues are we just dont have the deep pockets like the bombardeas or cessnas, they have the clout they can go over there and get preferential treatment to get their packages approved to meet their Assembly Lines or production lines for deliveries. You know, we are just a small, small fly in the ointment. We make a lot of noise but we just dont have the same level Playing Field as the oems do. Ha will noise be enough. People are having difficult time being timely manner. If we cant make the product we are not in business. Hear what other Small Businesses have say to say about regulations choking their companies. If a company gets choked, who do you think pays . Thats coming up in the next few days. And now to United Airlines flight to divert halfway to its destination, two passengers battling over, wait for it, leg room. They promised more leg room. Their slogan is fly the friendly skies. But two passengers flying on United Airlines breaking out in a fight in flight. Just like a scene from airplane, well, sort of. It begins with a passenger in row 12 clips a special device to the seat in front of him preventing another passenger from declining, the device is called the knee defender, for it 22 it clicks to tray tables. This device makes staying in your seat really uncomfortable. Locks the person in front of you in the upright position. When flight attendants ask the passenger to remove his clip he refuses. The woman in front of him wasnt having it suddenly, flipping around and throwing a glass of water all over him, a ruckus that forces the flight to divert to chicago. Come through to chicago. It looks like i picked a wrong week to quit smoking. Hours late to their final destination. Thats built around you, friendly. Yep, all of that because of leg room. The two feuding passengers were not allowed to continue to denver. Thats a surprise, right . At least they werent arrested. Straight ahead, Sergeant Andrew tahmooressi stuck in a mexican prison while mexicos president guess wind and dined by mexicos governor. It wasnt just the president who showed up at the mansion. The giant protest next. Eachwont have a claim. Wners thats why allstate claim free rewards gives you money back for every year you dont have one. And why if youre part of the other 5 , allstate offers claim rateguard. 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And find out more about our twoyear price guarantee. Comcast business. Built for business. Its been almost five months, mexico has been holding in their prison one of our marines, Sergeant Andrew tahmooressi, today american protesters taking their outrage straight to the attention of the california mansion. Thats where Governor Brown is holding a fancy lunch in honor of mexicos president. [chanting] free our marine. President of mexico, now at the opening of this lunch that he was freeing our marine and that he would be home by the end of the day, and maybe americans would want to talk to him about immigration reform. Free our marine, free our marine, free our marine. He has done nothing wrong. He is not a criminal. And we are back with our political panel. The National Reviews jim gatory, the hills a. B. Stoddard and byron york. A. B. , what do you think of this . I think its good that the marines are speaking up for Sergeant Tahmooressi. I hope that the pentagon has all along. It is not Governor Brown duty, as is he very interested in trade with mexico and thats what he is talking about at the lunch today to defend Sergeant Tahmooressi and cease his relations with the president of mexico. I think its up to our federal government to make sure that this process begins for Sergeant Tahmooressi and that either has not been a priority or something is very wrong that the u. S. Government is not letting on to. The American People russ yoog their First Amendment right to protest. Last statement we talked about the president seeming disconnected and listless. Imagine if he had gone down the American Legion i have american faces, fair justice and this process, expedited which can resolve this issue once and for all. Imagine what the reaction in the room would have been. He would have gotten a standing ovation,. The moment the president does that you would be doing cart wheel. The viewers on the record would be jumping up and down the president has finally got engaged on this and acting like he gave a damn about this marine down there. Instead our government is did they even respond to that petition put on the whitehouse. Gov . May 31st they hit 100,000 and still nothing. State Department Says they are in regular contact with mexican officials about this, that the secretary of state brought it up once several months ago. But what is really unclear is how much the u. S. Government is actually doing to free him. And it became particularly important, i think, after the United States. Turned heaven and earth and handed over five guantanamo prisoners for a u. S. Soldier so ho may or may not have deserted bowe bergdahl. I think we would all feel a little better if we felt there was actually an attempt to try to get him back. And were just not sure. There is also a sense of like i have never said they should let him go. I said that they should accelerate the process. Lets speed up the process. There is no shame in the mexico cabs saying. No there is shame in not asking. There is shame in not pressing. How much time would it take for the president , how much time does it take nor any Government Official to reach out to the Mexican Government and say, hey, this is a priority for us. We would really like this resolved. Or make a speech and drop a line. We all believe the president would say make this happen. Especially as you were talking about, make this trial happen. Not free him immediately but just make this trial happen. And but i mean what if he just said something in a speech like, you know, we have got a lot of soldiers around the world. We have got people locked up. We have Sergeant Tahmooressi in mexico. Send a message that he knows about it. Or to tell the American People that he has asked for this process to begin. And he has asked the Mexican Government for that no matter what they do that he had he has asked for it he has never said that thanks a lot. An american student disappears in israel. The latest on thean investigation next. Our bestever pricing on mobile plans for business. Run the numbers on that. Well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be. Oneseventyfive a month. Good calculating kyle. Good job kyle. You just made partner. Our bestever pricing on mobile share value plans for business. Now with a 100 bill credit for every business line you add. Smoking with chantix. For 33 years i chose to keep smoking. Because it was easier to smoke than it was to quit. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Its a nonnicotine pill. Chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. It actually caught me by surprise. 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What sparked the fist fight a fight over the budget. Sound familiar . A sandwich sparking work place war. Office worker calling out a coworker for stealing his lunch. The worker posting the sign on the fridge saying to the person who keeps stealing my sandwiches, turkey and swiss with mayo on rye. This is ridiculous, we are fullgrown adults not children. Please take responsibility for your actions and stop stealing other peoples property. Dear turkey and swiss on rye. I have your precious sandwich. Its safe for now. Put 10 oddsen the plate in the fridge or youll never see it undigested again. The thief was caught but he had already eaten the loot. Thats tonights speed receipt. See you here. Go to gretawire. Com and answer this. Do you think John Koskinen is uninformed about those emails or deceitful . Vote in our gretawire poll. Up next, bill oreilly, good

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