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Your home. Thats it for special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. Greta goes on the record right now. We have a special report online with a guest israeli ambassador to the u. S. Joins us in seconds. This is a fox news alert, just moments ago the house voting giving Speaker John Boehner the green light to sue president obama. Republicans accusing president obama of abusing his executive power with a quliewn lateral decision to delay the obamacare employer mandate. Fox news chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel live on capitol hill. Mike, whats the latest . Greta, good evening. The vote was 225 to 201 along party lines so it had all republican support to authorize this lawsuit a lot of times before big votes you have passionate speeches on the house floor from lawmakers trying to drive something across the finish library. In this case you had house Speaker John Boehner speaking very calmly talking about the oath that members of Congress Take to, you know, when they are sworn into office. And asking them to stand as one institution to basically fight executive overreach, to stand up and defend the constitution and so it was enough to get republican support. He did not win over the democrats, but they were not needed in this case. Bottom line, republicans all day say that they were defending the constitution; that they feel like the president has gone too far in the spread of executive power. And so they say it may be a republican president in a couple of years and democrats may have wished they joined the lawsuit because perhaps the shoe will be on the foot in a couple of years. At this point the lawsuit goes forward. Republicans made it happen and he we will see where it goes in the courts, greta. Mike, any members of congress sticking their heads in the sand and not voting at all or any republicans or democrats crossing over . We had five republicans vote against and there is some suggestion that perhaps they wanted to go further. They dont want to just do a lawsuit but perhaps take a deeper step. We will see. We have to reach out to those lawmakers to see if that was the case. Perhaps others were not equipsed that a lawsuit was necessary. Several others sat out the vote. Its not clear why. Perhaps they were sick. Perhaps they just didnt want to engage. But bottom line he did get 225 republican votes. He needed 218. So there were definitely enough votes to make it happen. Mike, thank you. Sure. And republicans insisting the lawsuit is an attempt to protect the division of powers. House rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions joins us. Good evening, mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman. How are you, greta . Im very well. Now that they have the vote, 225 to 201, the resolution is passed, when is the lawsuit going to be filed, do you know . Well, the lawsuit now has authorizing speaker of the house to take under his own advisement and it work with lawyers on not only the ideas and where it will be filed but the timing of that i believe the speaker will move rather judiciously. We already understand the of the United States is not faithfully executing the laws of United States. And, in particular, related to the resolution that is the Affordable Care act. I believe the speaker can move expeditiously on this matter. I have got some thing about hefty legal bills. I still have an idea of how much this stuff should cost and rather simple matter there are no witnesses or deposition. There is no jury, there is no nothing. Do you have a feeling on how much is being spent because i assume that the taxpayers will be paying this. In fact, they will, greta. What happens is there will be no new money that will be authorized and was not asked for. It will come directly out of the money that the speaker currently has. And, it will we presume, be less than 2 million. There is. 2 million . I could find something to do it for you for if 30,000 or less. Its not that complicated. 2 million is a lot. 50,000 would be a lot. I said it would be no more than that but heres the point. It is only for 60 days. This is only until the end of september. The speaker will have wide latitude to be able to move this measure now that he has the vote, and i believe the money, it will be inconsequential compared to the action that is needed. We need to find out does the president of the United States have the ability to waive the healthcare laws as he has done. Thats important for americans and understand despite the fact good stewards of the american taxpayer dollars i hope when he digs into this gets a good deal on this because that, obviously is an important issue as well. All right, now, so, when you said the president the speaker is going to act judiciously, does that mean he is going to do it during the recess or will this probably be filed some time in september . Any sort of guess on that . Well, my guess is that he would be prepared to do it as early as tomorrow. All right. And so is there actually a complaint filed, do you know, i mean, prepared . He was never even authorized to do that until this evening. So now that that has been done, i would assume the speak would move forward with this. All right. If he can file it by tomorrow, there is even more of a reason to say. It doesnt take a lot of hours to put this together. We will be watching, mr. Chairman, an important issue. We will see what the court say when it comes to the issue of standing. Thank you, sir. You bet, greta. Kucinich, u. S. A. Today Kirsten Powers and National Reviews jim garety . The tool is right. Not sure its the right tool in the toolbox. Feels like a gamble. People ask whether the house has the standing for lawsuit. If they win look like geniuses they managed to point out that the stopped obamacare and president isnt obeying the constitution. Doesnt like to take up cases where its an argument between two branches of government. They have to show they were injured by obamas actions. Pretty hard thing to do. Kirsten . I think there are serious people Jonathan Turley who they think that obama is exceeding his powers then you have to ask who can challenge him, right . And perhaps it is only the house. The response to that democrats are saying no, this is a political stunt. Well, it can be both it can be a political stunt which i think it is. The timing is not coincidental. It happens to be election year. It also could be that they substantively feel that president obama has overstepped his bounds and think that he needs to be held accountable. I think its a serious issue i dont know whether the courts grant standing or not. Courts have changed their minds and relooked at things and different views of things. Decisions can change all the time. When he said 2 million, i almost fell over. When i say this is a 20,000 case. Im not exaggerating. This isnt complicated. Couldnt we even get a crappy lawyer to file . Im scandalized that this would cost this much. This takes some Good Research in a library, on the issue of standing and one pleading filed for 150 bucks. Lawyers that work on the cheap, greta. Speaking of money, one thing we know is both parties are raising lot of money off of this. I know we all had fundraising requests piling into our inbox with various creative subjects on both sides. President obama is impeachment thing is making a fortune. Much stronger argument right now, feels almost like they are preparing the battle space are to the fight over potential executive order de facto, amnesty. Keep hearing rumblings coming out of the white house coming at the end of summer. That be with the legal super bowl. Wait a second, now he is completely deciding is he ignore large chunks of the law and rewrite it to his whims. The Public Opinion on the republican side than this one. Trying to do this to set up the narrative. Look, obama ignores the constitution. We have been making this argument for a long time. Now he has gone too far. Maybe it will work out. I think its an important issue. The executive power issue . Where the line is. Its a very important issue and also a very important issue when george bush was president. Agreed. A lot of violations of executive power and republicans were not particularly concerned about that. But thats the way politics always are. Always different in Foreign Policy but always different when its the things that they care about. I think to be consistent you have to care about both, right . Agreed. And so were consistent, greta. I agree. I mean, republicans and democrats should want to know what the extent of a president s power is. Exactly. The question is what kind of power, you know, the president thinks he has power on immigration. They would argue that they have the power under the 1996 Immigration Law that gives the president very broad powers. But, maybe the court has to come in and weigh in on this. Who knows if they will. Anyway, panel, if you will stay with us. And developing now. Dangerous threat and immigrant detention facility at our border. Highly contagious disease. K fox reporter bill milligan live at the border with the very latest, bill . Hey, greta, yeah, we are talking about a confirmed case of the chicken post office box thats putting a halt to all deportations and all arrivals at a brand new detention facility in new mexico about a four hour drive away from el paso. This pace literally opened up a month ago. A few weeks back we got a chance to look at video, the facility. It holds up to about 700 immigrants. Its a mix of adults and children. Now, ice confirmed to me earlier this morning that at least one person in that shelter has a case of the chicken post office box. Now, they chicken pox. I did talk to the Public Health director here for the city of el paso. Is he not buying it he thinks there is a very high chance of it spreading throughout the rest of the shelter. He gave me a few reasons why. Number one, he says you can actually spread chicken pox two days before you even start showing any type of symptoms. What that means is when these ice agents give medical screenings to these immigrants as they come into the shelters they may not have any clue whatsoever that they could be infected with the chicken pox, number two, he said in a closed environment like a shelter, chicken pox is one of the most contagious viruses out there. He said that airborne, it can be through skin skin contact. He pointed out something interesting. Most of us get chickenpox when we are kids. Its fairly mild. If you get it as an adult it can be very especially for a second time. Thats when it can turn into shingles and real nasty rash on your torso, very painful and severe. Thats one of the reasons why ice is halting all deportations, all arrivals at this facility. Greta . Bill, in terms of any other Health Issues besides chicken pox with these children . At that facility in particular, all we are hearing is chicken pox. We know at different facilities across the southwest there have been reports of scabies, lice. That facility hearing one case of chicken pox. All right, good. Lets just keep it at one and hope there is no more and everything is under control. Thank you, bill. Time is running out for the house and senate to vote on competing immigration bills. But right now republican lawmakers placing the plame blame for the crisis scarily on president obama. This is a humanitarian crisis. Its the direct consequence of president obamas law lawlessness. The president is preparing to assume for himself the absolute power to set Immigration Law in america. If in fact he gives work permits to a million or 6 Million People you will see an additional surge of people coming. Theyre coming because they believe theyre getting amnesty. He is the president of the United States. He could solve this problem today. Were not going to solve this crisis until we stop president obamas amnesty. Getting to america by any method you can and you will never have to leave. And senator ted cruz joins us. Nice to he sigh, senator. Good to see you, greta. Obviously you blame president obama. I will get to that in a second. First, does Republican Party bear any of the responsibility to blame for the situation we have right now at the border. Well, sure. Look, both parties bear some of the responsibility because we failed to secure the border. We should have secured the border. We should have done our basic job a long time ago. That being said, whats happening at the border right now is a direct and proximate cause of it is president obamas amnesty. This was all triggered in 2012 when president obama unilaterally granted amnesty. When you say amnesty, thats sort of the code word that the republicans use. You are talking about the executive order which does, what . Right. Well, if you look at the data, if you look at the evidence, and you and i are both lawyers we are a big believer of looking at the facts and seeing where they lay. The facts here in 2011, there were roughly 6,000 unatestimony companied children apprehended trying to cross into this country. Then in june of 2012, the president signed an order that granted amnesty to some 800,000 people who entered illegally as kid. Even though you broke our laws and not entitled to be here. We are going to allow you to stay and give you a permit to work. It was deliberately it was directly targeted to people who entered as kids. New, the predictable consequences, the predicted consequence of that is that it created an enormous incentive for more kids to come in. If you are granting amnesty to come as kids, other kids will come. And its gone now from 6 now, children in 2011, to its expected to be 90,000 this year and 145,000 next year. They are coming because they believe they will get amnesty, president obamas amnesty and if we want to solve the problem, the only way to do it is to eliminate the promise of that. All right. So we have the situation we have. How do you sort of reverse engineer . Lets say the president is watching this and senator ted cruise got a great idea. Now we still have all those kids at the border. We still have that problem. What do we do . Well, your first question about how do you eliminate the promise to amnesty the most simple and director way i have introduced legislation in the senate. Its very short just two pages. It says the president does not have the authority to grant amnesty to any new immigrants who come into this country. You know, one of the things thats really disturbing just a few months ago if the president cant do this, that lois ghost a long long way to eliminating the promise of amnesty which is why these kids are coming. Let me go to the related Topic Authority of the president. He clerked in the United States Supreme Court for the chief Justice Renquist and just passing tonight the house has passed the resolution giving the green light to sue the president. The big question is whether they have the quote, standing. Whether they have the ability, the power to go to court and sue. Put on your legal hat. Well, its a difficult question. Look, what has prompted the house to do this and this is unprecedented. The house as an institution has never sued the president before. Whats prompted it is we have never had a president like president obama. Thats not the question. I realize the problem. I realize the republicans objection. Is this a way to figure out the parameters of a president ial power. Does the court have the authority to make that decision . I think there is a serious and credible argument that the house has standing. A court might agree, it might not. Its a credible argument. The reason they were farced to file and one of the things that i have done as the Ranking Member on the constitution subcommittee, Senate Judiciary committee is release a series of five reports detailing the lawlessness of this president. When the president refuses to enforce the law, the challenge is there have been very few people who have standing to challenge it. The house as answer substitution is trying to act to fix that its making a plea to the courts to uphold the law and uphold the president s Constitutional Authority and responsibility to take care that the laws be faithfully executed. Too bad. Trying to figure out the breath of any president s power. We ought to be able to figure out its got to be defined some place somehow. If its not in the court this kay any other con vehicle to figure out the limits of this president or another one. Sure. For any president the way you figure out the iments of the text of the law, what this president asserts is unprecedented. 28 times with obamacare. He has just unilateral live said im changing the law. There is no executive discretion. I mean, there is some executive discretion. There is executive discretion but there is not discretion to change the text of the law. So, for example, the text of obamacare says the employer mandate kicks in january 1st, 2014. There is no ambiguity. January 1st, 2014 is spelled out. He said no it doesnt. Im granting exemption for members of congress. Just lack week a huge decision on obamacare that concluded for 36 states across this country, that president Obamas Administration illegally extended obamacare to those 36 states, illegally extended the individual mandate and the employer mandate. The problem is a couple hours later a Fourth Circuit said just the opposite. So, in other words, never dull. We will find out what the courts say. Indeed. Thank you, sir. Thank you, greta. Developing now hamas rockets shattering even shortterm cease fires in israel striking a school. Ambassador john bolton is here next. Also some lois lerner emails found in what is a sizzler. Learner calling republicans. I dont think i should say that word on tv. Maybe i will. Think about it. Its coming up. 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Across all of the gaza strip today while we were out doing the live shot getting ready for a live hit with Shepard Smith earlier in the day. We saw some of that fighting. We were taking pretty heavy small arms, artillery coming in. Forcing to get down on the ground. Part of the reason why we are inside right now doing this live shot because its just simply too dangerous to be outside. Now, this is the type of fighting that we are seeing really all the way up and down the whole gaza strip right now. We are still seeing hamas rockets more than 140 of them have been fired from gaza into israel, just today alone. Part of the more than 2700 we have seen fired in the last four weeks. But, israeli artillery and israeli air strikes are really the big story today in two different locations. Israeli artillery hitting civilian targets. At least 30 people were killed between the two of of those. 130 killed today alone. Israel has been condemned by certain parts of the world. But the u. S. Sticking with it to an extent. The white house condemning the incident but not blaming israel directly saying that they want to full investigation. But the white house is very angry about what is happening here. Particularly the israeli tactic. We are also seeing growing humanitarian crisis here. There is a shortage of water there is a shortage of bread. We have seen long lines. The u. N. Now saying that there is more than 200,000 people here in gaza now seeking assistance from the united nations. And, greta, the u. N. Saying that they are simply overwhelmed with sort of breath of the entire humanitarian crisis here right now. Conor, thank you. And the israeli media constantly slamming secretary of state john kerry. One israeli newspaper columnist calling secretary kerry an amateur. Another saying he should be fired. So with all that backlash, can secretary kerry possibly get anything done in the mid east now. Former u. N. Ambassador john bolton joins us. Ambassador, nice to see you. Its not under ordinary circumstances an easy job. Now secretary kerry goes in with israel being furious at him. Im not here to defend john kerrys job or his record as secretary of state. People should not operate under the allusion that somehow he is acting independently. I think is he really faithful carrying out exactly what the president wants. And that is despite all the rhetoric about israels right to selfdefense, if we impose a ceasefire on israel. If the pressure of the United States and western europe forces israel to agree to a ceasefire, we will be stopping israel from taking steps against hamas missile capability that materially aids iran in its Nuclear Weapons program. This battle that israel is engaged in now obviously for their own selfdefense. But its also in americas interest. I dont see Prime Minister netanyahu in any way sort of bowing to the wishes of president obama. I mean, he seems quite determined in all his statements. I dont think i cant imagine that he is feeling i cant imagine pressure from the United States having any impact on him. He will make up his own mind. Is he very determined he has nearly 90 of the population of israel, according to opinion polls supporting this operation. I dont think the the owe Obama White House quite understands that i also dont think you should under estimate the ability of the president of the United States when is he determined to do it to make israel bend the need. How do you do that . All kind of steps he can take cutting off intelligence access. Holding up military resupply. Allowing the europeans to it too there delegittization efforts against israel. We have seen john kerry do it already. Talking about why a third is not unimaginable. Why the boycott vest temperature and sanctions is. I think that pressure veal. I think netanyahu feels it. Where would we go from here . I mean, it keeps getting worse. Humanitarian crisis. Water and bread. 140 today were killed. 3,000 i dont know how many rockets in the last couple weeks. Tell me about what conversation you and i are going to be having five nights from now. Well, my guess is netanyahu will try and continue. I think its important to cut through the cynicism of hamasousing these civilians to shield its military capabilities. And thats what the strategy is here. Hamas cannot possibly win in a military confrontation with israel. But they can create the impression that israelis are systematically targeting civilians. I think the u. N. And u. N. Works administration. The deals with Palestinian Refugees is complicit in that. I think we have got to it expose that cynicism for people to understand these tragic civilian casualties among the palestinians of gaza are caused by hamas. Thats where the Public Opinion is that shifts against israel and goes all the way over to the white house. The white house then exerts the pressure you are talking about. I think in the United States, support for israel is growing. I think the opposite is true in europe. I think thats where the Obama Administration can allow the europeans to do its dirty work for them, frankly. Ambassador, nice to he sue sir. Thank you. And republican senator kelly ayotte is disturbed by what president obama just said. What did he say . Senator ayotte is here to tell you next. Someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. Android plan from tracfon . 7 dollar a month email the school. Call the doctor. Text the groomer. Find gear for soccer. Send invites to a party. Post karate pics. Help sean with history. Battle of hastings 1066. All that with my android from tracfone for as low as 7 a month. Unbeatable nationwide coverage, no contract. For a limited time, save 50 on the huawei glory. 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First of all, they have been asking for lethal assistance from us since i was there in march and they were asking for it then. Its been months and months. And here is the absurdity. Since the russianbacked separatists actually took down flight 17 and murdered over 290 innocent people, the russians and putin have put more armaments in. They have put more antiaircrafts into eastern ukraine. They put more tanks, more heavy arms. So actually since the plane went down and we wont provide the Ukrainian Military, who is fighting hearted for their own sovereignty, some basic lethal assistance, i mean, its really mind boggling. What do you think president obamas thinking is on this . I really dont understand his thinking because whats happening is that the Ukrainian Military, they are putting it on the line. They are actually making some progress down there. Maybe it thats it. Maybe he thinks they can do it without help . I actually think its not true that they cant do it thats why the russians are putting more and more heavy arms in for the russian backed separatists because the ukrainian people are fighting to defend their own territory. In some ways you have to wonder what is this administration doing to support the Ukrainian Military . They are not asking for our troops. They are asking give us some help to they gave up their Nuclear Weapons under the budapest memorandum and we signed that agreement for basically to respect their sovereignty and for security assurances and now here they are in a fight where russia is backing these thugs and providing them all these arms and were not even willing to give them some basic lethal assistance. What do you mean by basic lethal assistance . I mean, think about it, the aircraft that have gone down, antiaircraft, whats happening, that antiaircraft sophisticated system, so technology that can help them combat that. Intelligence, its my understanding were not providing realtime intelligence to them as to where this antiaircraft is so that they can prevent other planes, their own planes from going down. And also antitanks. Russian tanks have come over the border but, basic arms, they have asked for some basic things. You know, in terms of just basic small arms to help buttress their military to defend themselves. What do we do this b. Things like germany. Germany is not going to help because germany loves the natural gas and the oil from russia. You have got the u. K. That loves their economic dealings with russia. I mean, nobody seems to want to help. He will with, first of all, im glad that they actually stepped up to put some more sanctions in place that europe did. But obviously they need to go further. But its a matter of american leadership, too. He they are going to follow our lead and the president on this issue of not he providing some more assistance to the Ukrainian Military. I just dont understand it its almost like he wants them to fight with one hand behind their back while the russians are just pouring in arms to these thugs and we are giving the Ukrainian Military uniforms and goggles. Think about the comparison there. Putin, too light on putin . You know, this president has been too light on putin from the beginning, starting with the reset policy and obviously the new economic sanctions put in place, im glad that those were done, but now to ignore requests that the Ukrainian Government have had for a long time for some basic assistance seems, to me i think its because they dont want to incite putin. He doesnt care what we think. He is he giving these thugs more arms. Senator ayotte nice to he so you. New hampshire busy wanting to run for about the. We love having them in new hampshire. Nice to see you, greta. Living the unthinkable and seeing the unthinkable. Boko haram terrorists slaughtering family. Same terrorists. Now the brave young girl is here in the United States telling her story to you. She goes on the record tonight. Former irs official not only has legal troubles. Well, she has a potty mouth and directed it at republicans. The latest coming up. And that makes the things youre trying to move. Lighter. It takes energy to move weight. The less weight. The less energy. Here, the energy you save is used for speed. Here, for efficiency. Apply the laws of physics to things that move, and they move better, faster, safer. Its kind of like traveling at the speed of light. Only a lot more fun. This is the Human Element at work. Dow. Our cheese is going thin in a big way. With our ultra thin slices, the same natural sargento cheese you love, just thinner and just 45 calories a slice. Sargento ultra thin slices in three new varieties. Celebrate your love of crab with gthis years largest variety . cause its crabfest at red lobster dig into a succulent selection of crab entrees. Like new crab lovers trio with sweet snow crab legs, split king crab, and jumbo lump crab over savory shrimp. Crab three ways all on one plate. Or try new jumbo lump crab over woodgrilled salmon. Experience crabfest at red lobster today. Only for a limited time. Come in and sea food differently a young girls heart is broken as mother and father are murdered in nigerian home. Debra peter only 12 surviving that 2011 attack. This is her first interview since telling congress of the boko haram. Terror group kidnapped and holds hundreds of Nigerian School girls. They shot my dad in his chest three times. Folk coharam is a dangerous, evil radical extremist islamic group, more than 200 girls and young women kidnapped by islamic extremists. Last several years. Shoot my brother thats when my dad died. I was in shock. And joining us debra peter and her lawyer immanuel oglebay. Nice to see both of you. Thank you both for joining us. Debra, its particular itly nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. You have moved to the United States last september, right . Yeah. Having had a horrendous experience. What happened to your family . On december 22nd, 2011, my dad was killed by boko haram the night before so, that night me and my brother, we were at home. And then we started hearing the gun shooting. So my brother called my dad and tell him not to come back home because my dad is at work. So he told my brother that he is going to come back home because he has been home like a lot of times when there is problems happening but nothing happened. So my dad just go ahead and come back home. So three people went, my dad came and then he told them that he he told under the circumstances that he wants to take a shower. So like after Running Water for him and stuff, he went to the bathroom. So like 30 minutes later, three people knock on our door and then asked my brother wheres your dad . Then my brother said my dad is in the bathroom taking a shower. So they wented for a few minutes. He didnt come out. They go ahead and went to the bathroom and pulled my dad out of the bathroom and then tell him to deny his faith. My dad said he is not going to deny his faith because anyone who denies god in presence of people is he is going to deny them in father in heaven. My dad didnt deny his faith. They said they would give him a second chance. He refuse the offer. Then they shot my dad three times in his chest. So my dad was like i think he is about to die, then my brother now say what did my dad do to you . Why did you kill him . So the three men, the boko haram, they told my brother to be quiet. Then when my brother was trying to be quiet but he just couldnt hold it. So the first leader told the two the other two that they should kill my brother. But the guy that is like right behind the leader, he told him they should not kill him because is he a little kid and then the third guy told them that no, they should kill him because if he grows up he is going to become pastor like my dad. Thats how they shoot my brother and killed him, too. So the next the soldiers came my brother and dad to the hospital. You your brother was how old. 14. And how old were you then. 12. Boko haram for not renouncing christianity. Is this getting worse in nigeria . One of the worst stories i have ever heard. Absolutely getting worse. They dont kill women. They kill all the males in the house. We seen what happened three months ago. Now they come back and they abduct the girls and take them away as slave brides. If debra had been back in nigeria when this happened in that village where she is from, she could have been taken and she just found out that one of her cousins is amongst the 200 missing girls right now. This is an evil that continues to evolve. Boko haram is so evil. You can can see more of our interview with debra and immanuel. Go to gretawire. Com. Its all there. Lois lerners emails keep gettings worse. She has a potty mouth. Now the former irs official calling the republicans names. The new lerner emails next. Many of my patients still clean their dentures with toothpaste. But they have to use special care in keeping the denture clean. Dentures are very different to real teeth. Theyre about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. Polident is designed to clean dentures daily. Its unique microclean formula kills 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. Thats why i recommend using polident. [ male announcer ] polident. Cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. [ male announcer ] polident. Female announcer youreduring sleep trains triple choice sale. 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Lois lerner has turned over some new emails to congress and they are not pretty. There is evidence now that lois lerner had a bias against conservatives. And unnamed associate writes lerner well you should hear the wacko wing of the g. O. P. And lerner replies great maybe we are through if there are that many [bleep] she was an active participant in targeting conservatives and she objects to their political beliefs. What this points to is lois lerners predisposition. Her world view. She did break laws. She did break regulations. And our panel is back. Jackie, i dont know if it doesnt necessarily show criminal conduct at all. Shows she has a potty mouth at one point. Certainly shows bias. She has given republicans a lot of ammunition. Why she doesnt say conservatives are talking about conservative radio in this conversation, they are looking for intent. We will see if the Justice Department decides that that is enough. You know, i think, kirsten, looking at these and piecing them together it looks like she wrote them while on vacation. She wrote them on vacation to england and it looks like on a taxpayer blackberry. Every time i go roaming overseas i know how expensive it gets. This is a taxpayer blackberry. Yeah, exactly. Unless they have some great deal that we dont know about. They are probably getting charged the same amount of money for that she refers and i have never defended lois lerner ever. She refers to the he they are referring to the wacko wing of the Republican Party. And they are talking about talk show, you know, radio callers. Would that be Tea Party People that she targeted . I know a lot of republicans, i would not name them, though they are well known people and i have heard them refer to these people in the exact same manner. Many of them are elected members of congress, in fact. Im not sure that this necessarily shows anything against republicans per se or necessarily even the tea party. I think its more about there are some rabid people out theren the left and the right. The problem she may have though, besides the fact that she is doing this on vacation, is that it does show that she is not if she wants to say that she is or the of independent, fair, doesnt have any problems with people. Its a tough sell. Lois lerner cannot complain about being held in contempt when she clearly full of contempt. As irs commissioner she makes a prime time nbc host. Slow lerner. Member of congress fed up with the tea party. You know this is how they there are plenty. Her job is to adjudicate. Emails as well, which not exactly something that, you know yeah. Not who has used the a word. Should somebody who has authority over who gets investigated by the irs look at one said of the country sand say they are all that way. We dont know that she only looks at one side of the country that way. There are republicans who think this. But they are not running the irs right now. Neither is she now. Have this opinion and not necessarily be going after people. How about this one . This one, kirsten, here you go, kirsten. Defamed very badly, i dont think this is the smoking gun. Here, defend this one. So we dont need to worry about alien terrorists. Its our own crazies that will take us down. Being sar cass sarcastic. I have heard plenty of republicans talk about the far right this way. I know you have too. I know you are playing dumb right now. Im every bit as dumb as i seem at this moment. I dont use taxpayer email to do those things. Im not paid by the taxpayers. I dont have authority over people to do that. I think that this in itself, exactly right. She also took a swipe at left wing people as well. Making fun of europeans complaining about the United States. She cant audit your. If i am representing her, i would think if okay now im trying to make her look like fair. She doesnt have an ax to grind. Executing her job. Someone comes in and like dumping a truck load of manure in my lap because now i have got these emails where our taxpayer dollars looming charges u. K. On vacation and calling one particular side of the political spectrum that she has the authority to investigate all these horrible things. Thats a tough sell. If you in fact think thats a tea party. If thats the wacko wing of the Republican Party then you are right. Then this would be a smoking gun. Tough decision to be in jury to the congress when she meant wacko she didnt mean tea party. The people that she is targeting. Its just a tell tough sell. We are not in disagreement this is bad for her and looks really bad. I think that i dont thinki think there are plenty of people who say this kind of stuff who would not then go in and investigate people. I think its fair to say when lois lerner is back in the news its not good for lois lerner at this point. I just like the term potty mouth though. So much other evidence, frankly that you dont necessarily need this to nail lois lerner. There is enough evidence that she was, you know, not behaving in a fair manner. I agree that this is not these emails are not evidence of a crime. They are evidence of bias, which is very unhelpful to her. Anyway. Im taking the last word. Pam. Thank you. Coming up, what has women all over the world, including the two women sitting here with me outraged and probably laughing . They are laughing at the same time. Im going to tell you offtherecord, of course next. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Deadly ebola virus spreading in east after from can a. Isolated for exposure to the virus and the peace corps now evacuating other volunteers from liberia. Guinea. Aid workers for ebola. Sources telling fox news adam housley that high level talks are underway to bring the two americans back to the United States. Few facilities in the u. S. Equipped to treat ebola patients. Lets all go offtherecord for answer in. What are these women laughing about . [ laughter ] thats a great question. [ laughter ] what is so funny . I dont know for sure. But chances are they could just be laughing at the deputy Prime Minister of turkey. They may have heard what he thinks. He says a woman should not laugh outloudly in public and quote preserve her decency at all times. Men who laugh in public are decent and women who laugh in public are, well, not decent. Thats what the deputy Prime Minister of turkey thinks. That is funny. [ laughter ]

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