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Report, fair, balanced and unafraid. Greta goes on the record right now. Tomorrow the israeli ambassador to the u. S. Right here on special report. This is a fox news alert. Multiple capitol hill sources confirming that the vote tomorrow to allow john boehner to sue president obama. Republicans accusing president obama of abusing his executive power with unilateral decision to delay the obamacare employer mandate. While the planned lawsuit is limited to the president s action on obama care. Republican is outraged about the threats using pen and phone to bypass congress to take action on his own. Only hours away from the vote. House republicans getting ready to take action. Karl rove joins us. Good evening, karl. Good evening. Karl, is this something you would advise the House Republicans to vote for . Yes this is not the end all be all. Constitutional way to try to get clarity on what many feel is improper use of executive power. President obama has unilaterally decided not to impose the socalled employer mandate contained in the Affordable Care act nor to have the tax that goes along with it i have read the Affordable Care act. There is no language the president has the latitude to employer mandate and when that tax begins to be collected. Yet the president has. Why . Because he doesnt want it to fall it would be enforced now and cause people to lose their coverage and create a great deal of consternation he wants that to happen after the election and not before the election. Thats not a good enough reason for the president to violate a law, take a part of the law that was passed by the house and passed by the senate and that he signed into law and say im not going to enforce that law. There is no such privilege to a president under the constitution. The lawsuit as we understand is narrowly written as to obama care. There has been a complaint from the republicans that this is not the president s only time where he has been rather expansive with executive orders, likewise other president s have done executive orders your boss as well and president s for decades have. Right. Well, look, this is an executive action that doesnt even take place he didnt even issue an executive order. He had the Treasury Department say they were using authority under the Internal Revenue service code that gave them authority to help with the transition to changes in rules. They are using that as the authority that they are using not to impose the employer mandate in the Affordable Care act there is a con stand tension between the executive branch and legislative branch. In this instance the legislative branch is arguing in the house lawsuit that powers as the legislative body in section 1 article 1 of the constitution. Socalled vestment section that those powers to be the legislative body are being valted by the president when he takes a law and blatantly ignores it and implementation of that Law Enforcement the Supreme Court has held this year that the president has overstepped its bounds did. So when they claimed that he got to decide when congress was out of session and he could make recess appointments on a 9odecision they slapped him back. My suspicion is that this is going to be a very seriously heard and very seriously considered case. So clear that the president has taken a unilateral action that is not contemplated in the law. Let me ask you about the impeachment that we have heard thats been discussed a a little bit by some in the past week turns out it looks like its a great fundraiser for the democratic party. You have to take your hat off to the cynic in chief who sits in the oval office of the white house. The president of the United States is cynically suggesting a constitutional crisis in order to fatten the Bank Accounts of democratic fundraising groups and in order to try and energize democratic turnout for the fall elections. The speaker of the house has said we will not we will not consider or take up this issue. There is no serious republican leader who stepped forward and said here is the bill of particulars that justifies his extreme action. Yet, the president of the United States sends out his press secretary last week to stir the waters and suggest this is real. How cynic kel, how pa theted thick, this man is playing with the American People by suggesting a constitutional crisis where none exists. Shame on him and the people in the administration who participate with him. Shame on conservatives and republicans who help him along. The president wants nothing more than congressman yoho of florida to step forward and say we must do it. He wants nothing more than republican and conservative leaders to step forward and say we agree. We ought to try and impeach him. Thats what the president s. Just like he wanted people to step forward on the birther issue because he knew it undermind the credibility of republicans and conservatives and served his, president obamas purposes. Karl, as always, thank you, sir. Thank you, greta. This is a fox news alert. It is escalating. Israel bombarding gaza with air strikes hitting hamas control including a power plant and siren wailing across israel as hamas launches response. And with more rocket attacks. Fox news correspondent conor powell live in gaza city with the latest. Conor . Well, greta, israeli officials have warned in recent days that they were going to escalate. This comes after failed truce negotiations over the weekend. We have seen both the pace and intensity of israeli air strikes and artillery increase in recent days. We are hearing many more planes flying overhead and we have seen them target some new spots across gaza, including hamas house owned by Senior Leader and also this power plant that was hit yesterday as well. What we have seen really across all of gaza is an intensive campaign by the Israeli Military. Now the military is also working on the there are a lot of cross border tunnels. The Israeli Military says they have destroyed about 60 of them. They think they will finish up the ones they have discovered in the next three days or so. The real big question though is what happens next . Hamas is announcing today that they will not back down until the blockade is lifted around gaza, that they will not stop fighting. Israeli officials have even said that this is the chance, this is the chance to push the fight to essentially go after hamas to finish them once and for all. But in order to do that, israel is going to have to expand its military operation here in gaza from the areas they already control. That raises the possibility of even more blood shed, a much longer protracted violence conflict here it really does cause problems for both sides, but most of all for the civilians here already more than 1100 civilians have been killed. Most of those, greta, women and children. The danger here, of course, is that were going to see extended violence here. We are already into week four which, for israeli, Hamas Conflict is very very long. Conor, thank you. And today president obama refusing a chance to defend his secretary of state as secretary john kerry ceasefire talks crumble. What do you think about israels attempt to discredit secretary kerry . You can answer that one. Did secretary kerry mess this up . And joining us Political Panel National Journal ron fournier, nina easton and the weekly standards john mccormick. Ron, the president didnt want to answer that question about secretary kerry. Secretary kerry getting hammered in the the washington post oped page today. That was a damned if you do, damned if you dont question. If the president did defend kerry, he would be undermining our ally israel and he didnt speak up so, therefore, sending kerry out to drive. Agree with ignatius dlawm they want to bring the president into it. Rushed him into it. Can you understand why they want to bring end to this violence. Way embolden the hamas and turkey and qatar. It hasnt made the situation any better it might have made it worse. Nina, it seems like an impossible situation. The president secretary of state have been trying to do this forever. What seems to be profoundly different here and criticism is that secretary kerry by the manner in which he has gone forward, he has now given much more status to hamas. Yeah, of course though what you dont want to do if you are a top american diplomat, top american officials is to suggest that there is a moral equivalency between israel, which is is a democracy and our ally in the middle east. And hamas, which is a terrorist group, which uses women and children as human shields for an armaments that they are building up and tunnel system they are building up, specifically to attack israel. So what you dont want to do is go down that path. Thats what john kerry did. Unfortunately, this past weekend, when he turned to hamas supporters, qatar and turkey, and asked for their input on a ceasefire agreement, and, thereby, pretty much turning his back or was perceived as turning his back on our allies like jordan, like saudi arabia and egypt, which is actually a hamas, you know, enemy and is trying to broker a deal that would disharm hamas. Thats where he got in trouble this weekend. He has been derided in the Israeli Press as everything from inept to betraying israel. So they are already in a very difficult situation when it comes to israel. Im not surprised the president didnt answer that question today. John, can he back out of this problem . This is an impossible situation dealing with this. But now, unfortunately, this hamas empowerment by giving him more recognition, is there a way to back out of this . I dont think can he undo the damage that he has done. I dont think the president has given any indication that he necessarily opposed what john kerry did. This administration has always put ending wars as something more important than winning wars. Thats what happened in iraq where they cared more about getting all the troops out rather than securing the gains that were made. Preventing a terrorist takeover of the country. Happening in afghanistan right now. And the administration also seems to care more about avoir diring war with iran than keeping iran nuclear weapon. Care more about ending wars even if it puts news a dangerous pose position. Israel came back and said hey, there is no way that peace can actually happen as long as hamas terrorist tunnels are still intact. Rocket kachs are well stocked. I dont see any indication that the president opposes this. Panel, thank you. Sorry its so short. So much to talk tonight. Sorry. Post columnist slamming president obama accusing him of abandoning israel. He goes further calling secretary of state john kerry as just noted inept. Columnist joins us. Good evening, sir. Good evening. Let me start first with your head lynn on your column that says obama, meaning president obama is abandoning israel. Why do you say that sir . I say that because we feel that we would have expected the president of the United States to stand by an ally and not create a situation in which hamas gets a feeling that the United States will somehow rather get them out of trouble. If he would have stood forward, instead of he went through the ritual of stating that he understands our need to defend ourselves but then came down very hard on our efforts to defend ourselves and to move into any kind of military activity and now he has been putting enormous pressure on us and calling for unilateral ceasefire. We have accepted a series of unilateral ceasefires. But this unilateral ceasefire, if it suggests that its going to be based on no change in the present system is, to my mind a betrayal, i think one has to understand we are not two entities facing one another. The state of israel is a democratic country and we are facing a group of people who are dominating a small area but they are effectively the worst terrorist one can imagine. They are sending thousands of rockets on our civilians, they are sending people in to kill women and children. Lead me ask you about your comments also about secretary kerry. In your article you say the uninvited presence of kerry. Meaning our secretary, who many israelis now regard as unguided missile and has been making off the cuff sarcastic avoid palestinian casualties only encourage hamas to main taint missile attack. Almost like you are saying he is on the other side and is he deliberately, the way i read this is that you think he is deliberately trying to hurt israel. Well, if he is deliberately doing it or not deliberately doing it, i dont know. Is he certainly hurting us because i agree that there is a tremendous human tragedy involved in the casualties. One has to understand that we are defending our own people and it has to be put in the context. A context in which unilateral in which its unique. You have never had a situation where a winwin situation for our enemies is kill as many israelis as possible. If that doesnt work, kill as many of our own and we will use it for propaganda. That into context. It has to be put into context. They are being used as human shields, these people. The command post, the rocket launchers, they are all in the center of civilian activity and why what are we supposed to do . I just wonder what the United States would do if cuba started reigning a couple thousand missiles upon them and sending terrorists into the United States, how they would respond. And if there is way of responding in which we could respond with less imawcialts, let us know, because i believe that this israeli army has behaved in a manner unprecedented in the history of warfare. No one has taken as many steps as we have taken to try to minimize warfare. We have the fire power if we wanted to, to take the whole country out and we are doing our best to minimize it unfortunately, there are tragedies, and they should be pointed towards hamas, who are responsible. Not towards us. Mr. Lieber, thank you very much for joining us, sir. My pleasure. Lets all go offtherecord for a minute. How weak, at least they could step up and vote. Im talking about our friends in europe and that midnight vote at the u. N. By its human rights counsel. It was a vote on a heavily unone sided resolution condemning israel in actions against hamas. It said zero about hamas doing anything wrong whatsoever like using civilians as human shields. Only one nation voted against it, we did. The United States and good for us. The United States stepped up and voted against condemning israel. We dont forget our friends what is disturbing is the weak and cowardly members not voting instead abstaining sticking their hands in the sand. Nine European Countries did that. France, ireland, great britain, germany. These countries didnt have the vote to vote and courage to vote no to condemning israel. They hide. Says a lot about our country, dont you think . Thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Developing now, more than 100 Border Patrol agents are headed to our southern border. A live report from the crisis zone next. Also the deadly ebola virus is spreading to american aid workers in lie beer i dont already stricken. Can we stop this deadly virus from reaching the u. S. . The latest is coming up. New controversy from the nfl suspension of ray rice of the ravens, one tv host how facing his own suspension and another tv host making show stopping comments. You will hear it all coming up. Defiance never grows old. Citracal maximum. Easily absorbed calcium plus d. Beauty is bone deep. Nothings missed with tenatwist dont miss a beat. Nothings missed with tenatwist oooh discover the Fearless Protection of tena. So absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. Nothings missed with tenatwist could help your business didavoid hours of delaynd test caused by slow internet from the phone company . Thats enough time to record a memo. Idea for sales giveaway. Return a call. Sign a contract. Pick a tie. Take a break with mr. Duck. Practice up for the business trip. Fly to florida. Win an award. Close a deal. Hire an intern. And still have time to spare. Go to comcastbusiness. Com checkyourspeed if we cant offer faster speeds or save you money well give you 150. Comcast business. Built for business. This is a fox news alert. Right now 150 more Border Patrol agents are heading to the south texas border. They are being sent there to deal with the rush of child immigrants. This will double the number of Border Agents already on the ground. For the very latest we go to k fox reporter josh zuber live at the border. Josh . Yes yes, u. S. Border patrol officials tell us 150 more Border Patrol agents will be sent there to the south texas border. Thats in the Rio Grande Valley there as i mentioned on your show before. Thats about 12 hours away here from el paso. Some of the Border Patrol agents will in fact be coming from our sector here. Their tour of duty will be about 30 to 45 days here. While that wont be costing taxpayers overtime, it will be costing them per diem. We are talking about staying in hotels down there in the south texas border as well as getting meals paid for. Where are these Border Agents coming from . They being pulled off other areas . He they are being pulled off of areas like el paso as i mentioned as well as throughout all of their sectors here and again they are not going to be getting any overtime which is the good news, they are going to be getting per diem here. They are going to be doing things just like helping, in fact, the south texas border here their Agency Operations here because they are being so overwhelmed by the amount of Central American immigrants here talking about doing the regular Border Patrols. Not just people and manpower costing taxpayers money. Its equipment as well such as boats being sent from the del rio valley area. Why only have 10 seconds left but reallocation of resources from one area to the other with added expense like the per diem and maybe some equipment movement, right . Absolutely correct and about 30 to 45 days. I asked officials if they planned on having more tours of duty here adding additional people to this operation they said its not sure they are not clear yet all right, josh. Thank you. Oklahoma governor mary fallon is fed up. She just wrote a letter directly to president obama demanding that he end the secrecy surrounding the detention of imMigrant Children in states like her own. And governor fallon joins us. Good evening, governor. Hi, greta. Governor whats with the secrecy . What isnt the president telling you. We just want straightforward answer for the governors of our state. We want to know what the president s end game is and whats he planning on doing . Get us the facts and information on secrecy that some of our states were facing. We were told originally that we would have Migrant Children and youth who would stay in oklahoma about 120 days until october 10th. But we hear through back channels that it could be extended longer than that we have asked where are the children from were told its a privacy issue we cant know. We have been asked where are the children going once they leaf oklahoma, we know there has been about 212 teenagers have been released into oklahoma. We dont know where. We dont know if they have been released to legal people or illegal people. We are asking the president to be forth right. Give us the information. We have a right to know as citizens of the state of oklahoma. We know its going to cost us some money in our state even though they say its not going to cost us some money. I just sent is the president a letter saying tell us what the end game is. Tell us whats going on. I should add that today governor pence of indiana sent a similar letter to the white house asking for information. I mean, why arent you getting the information . I mean, the questions you are asking dont seem to be so its not national security. I mean, why arent they just giving you these answers . I think they just dont want us to know, frankly i think the president s policies on the Border Security has failed. It appears to me that he is for open border. It appears to me that he is for amnesty and, of course, we know that once these children or youth are released into our state, or into any other state, more than likely they are probably not going to show up for a hearing with immigrant attorneys themselves. And so, you know, we know they are going to be in oklahoma. We just want some answers to some questions because it is going to have impact on our schools. It could have impact upon our Healthcare Facilities if they show up in our emergency rooms. And we just feel like we have a right to know those questions. All right. From what i understand you have there are more than 1200 of these children have been held at fort sill in oklahoma. Whats the plan for them . Well, thats part of what we dont know also. You know, one of the things i did do. And it was right after it first the Children First placed at fort sill i wept down there about six weeks ago and took my Health Department director and toured the facilities because we certainly want to make sure that the children are being well taken care of and make sure they are receiving appropriate care and services. We felt very comfortable with that. But the questions that we have is, you know, where are these children from, where are they going . How much is it going to cost the state of oklahoma . And, just give us those answers. You know, i have been told that there have been some children who have come through oklahoma from india. Reports through back channels that Migrant Children are coming from cuba, costa rica. Not only coming from those three countries that we originally heard about. But we just dont know who is coming across our border. We know there are some adults that have been coming across our border. So, i also started online petition to to send to the president basically saying enforce our laws, no amnesty lets get our borders secured, basically. Governor, thank you. I hope you get your answers soon from the white house. Thank you, governor. Thank you, i appreciate it. Efforts to fire Senate Majority leader harry reid a fire reid campaign is a full fledge protest. You will hear from people who want Senate Majority leader harry reid fired. Thats next. Thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. And thank you for your bravery. Thank you colonel. Thank you daddy. Military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa Auto Insurance can be one of them. If youre a current or former military member or their family, get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. This is a fox news alert. Giant water main break in los angeles. Splitting l. A. Water still gushing can you see big hole in the street and flooding one ucla Athletic Field and moving close to classrooms on campus. Wow, look at that here in washington, the fire reid Campaign Going straight to the capital states. The rnc holding a rally protesting what they call senator reids failed leadership. Im here to support republicans and to fire harry reid. Im here to encourage everybody to vehicle republican this november and fire harry reid. The message is under harry reid obstructionists pass bills that have bipartisan support in the house. He has approximately how many bills . 300 bills that he has yet to pass on the senate floor. And 43 are jobs bills. Thats pretty upy setting if you ask me. Yeah. It doesnt take a rocket scientists to figure out why all these bills havent been passed. The reason is there is one guy in the u. S. Senate named harry reid who is not letting them come up for a vote. We want them up for a vote. One of the rally leaders representative Marcia Blackburn joins us nice to see you. Good to see you. You are in the house and you are rallying to have the Senate Majority leader fired. Absolutely. Why . He needs to go because he will not do his job. There are 356 bills as of tonight that we have passed if the house. 98 of those are with bipartisan votes i dont understand. This so why not put the house bills on the floor and beat the republicans. Just have them get beaten down, at least have a vote. He wont even he puts a pocket veto on these. Wont even let them be considered. You are exactly right. He wont bring them up. 356. We keep saying why . What is he afraid of . You know, why wont he clean off his desk . Why wont he do what other people do when theyre getting ready to leave town or be away from their office for a while . Clear it off o. Put these things on the floor, call the vote. A 5 of them are bills that are authored by democrats. And he will not call the vote. Why . I guess he is trying to protect the president. These are things that he does not want to have passed. Greta. We have got energy bills. Here is one. Keystone pipeline, three page bill. Three page bill. What i dont understand is that he put the Republican House bill on the floor and obviously that one is controversial. But a lot that arent quite that controversial and he can can win and thats the end of it instead he doesnt get to incident that to. Exactly right. As if he is trying to protect his members that he is fearful that they dont have the ability to make a decision. That he doesnt want the American People to have their point of view what i dont understand is there was last week they appointed some man to a board who investigates International Plane crashes. Thats a result of flight 17 going down in ukraine. That had been pending, maybe not so long but since may. Well, when they finally brought it up last week, that the plane came down, it was unanimous. I mean, nobody even objected to it. There are are things that he could put on the floor that everybody agrees on. Right. Well, 98 of our bills in the house have bipartisan support. And very few. Yeah. But you call it bipartisan support if you find one democrat. Two thirds have been unanimous or two thirds vote. So, look at it like that. We have many bills, suspension gone over on a voice vote. 178 of them. So. I that he has great passion about. And then i will see him i will watch video on the floor and im sure im getting selected video where he is complaining about the koch brothers. I have heard that over and over. Give it a rest. Argue about some the issues. I dont mind if he beats back the republicans. You are right. And if he wants to deal with the energy issues, the high prices, well, we have got 16 bills over there waiting on that. Looking at taxes, we have seven bills that would rouse the tax burden on hard working taxpayers. We have got 31 bills that deal with government waste, waste, fraud, and abuse, which is one of my big issues, you know, the list goes on and on. Red tape four more bills. Like the number two senator dick durbin out of illinois he would want the job and people nil know might get frustrated. Tell senator harry reid to step aside if he doesnt want to do the job. The American People are incredibly frustrated. Do you know one of the number one things that we hear when we are out doing town halls is people will talk about the border situation, retirement issues, job security, national security, and they will say tell me what you are going to do about this. And, of course, we in the house have been taking these issues up. And moving them over to the senate. And they are just languishing on harry reids desk. The thing is about to break because its got so many bills ton. I dont get it. It on the floor and beating back the republicans. I dont see the pocket people consider it anyway. Congressman, nice to see you. Good to see you. See much more from the fire reid protest including interview with ryan priebus on greta wire. Com. Dangerous World Health Crisis ebola. Hundreds of dying a miserable death, bleeding from their eyes, so ugly. News ebola striking two aids workers in africa. Can ebola be stopped from reaching the u. S. . A case of ebola is only a plane ride away from coming to this country. Its one of the deadliest diseazs on this planet. The centers for Disease Control is closely monitoring whats become the largest Ebola Outbreak in history. The lancasterest ever. There is no cure for it the symptoms can be frustratingly vague, fever and headaches, vomiting, weakness and stomach pain. At the end kidney failure and then hemorrhage and death. Two americans are fighting for their lives. The spread of a dangerous illness like ebola is no longer someone elses problem. And the wall street journal jason be bellini joins us. Jason, is there a risk that this deadly virus is going to come here . Hi, greta. Is there a risk . , well, there is a risk because now, we have seen at least one person travel out of this infected area in west africa. Who to nigeria. One of the real difficulties here is that you can be without symptoms for many weeks, caring this carrying virus. Travel abroad and be symptomatic and present a danger. The top doctor we just learned died of this disease. This comes after liberias top doctor died of this disease as well. All right. And there is incubation period of 2 to 21 days. But you are not contagious, as i understand, during that period. Its not until the person begins showing symptoms. So, at least that is a little helpful in identifying the problem or at least trying to contain it. Right, it really requires direct contact. One of the reasons why it is spreading so quickly in this part of the world. There is a tradition of family members taking care of those with the disease directly. With that said, the cdc is saying keep an eye out, asking doctors to keep an eye out for americans who travel that part of the world. I will tell you i know some people. I know how strict they are and the fact that two of them have it. I know how careful they are shows how contagious this is if the two of them have it because they have the strictest of regiments, thank you. Thank you. Deep sadness gripping friends and family and coworkers of two americans just diagnosed with ebola. Both measures have been helping to treat other stricken patients in liberia. One is is a doctor for samaritans purse. The other a missionary. Joining us from library beer i cant. The country director for samaritans purse in monrovia, good evening, sir, can you tell me how your two members of is a mayor tans purse, how are they doing . Good evening, greta. Yeah. Dr. The other missionary is they are doing okay. Considering the circumstances that they are facing. The likelihood of death with this very dangerous virus, we always heard 90 . We are hearing now 60 with this strain. Is there any improvement in the two who have the symptoms . At this point, the we snare tans purse are providing every possible care that we can for them and we keep hoping and praying for improvement at this point we see little improvement and then they go down a little bit. So we just, at this point, they are holding on and we keep praying that they have a full recovery. Do you see this ebola spreading . I know that the liberia government is trying to contain it. Closed many of the borders. Do you have a sense that there is enough tension on this that it might be contained or still so many things that need to be done trying to contain this epidemic . This epidemic is unprecedented. Its now the largest Ebola Outbreak in the history. And i think the government of liberia is doing all they possibly can do. The truth remains that if there is not a very Large International response to this, there be many more liberians that will suffer. Any sort of wish list tonight in terms it of what could be done to contain it . Because you are there on the ground. What do we need first . At this point, there is just incredible need for awareness and understanding of the disease. How it is spread. We there is desperate need for doctors and nurses. Clinicians that have experience in hemorrhageic fever. There is is a need for supplies in order to protect your staff and follow protest the coals to clinically respond just takes a lot of supplies. There is just a number much resources that is needed International Response is really what i believe is required at this point. Ken, thank you, and, of course, snare tans purse. Org is the web site where you can learn more about it and be kept up to date on the two Samaritan Purse people who have ebola. Ken, thank you. And will russian president Vladimir Putin stop at nothing . The u. S. Now officially accuse russia of violating a landmark arms control treaty. Ambassador john bolton is here next. Uyi until your Insurance Company jacks up your rates. You freak out. 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I think we have believed for quite some time that they have been violating the treaty, but, you know, it goes against the grain both at the state department and certainly in the Obama Administration ever to accuse the russians of violating any arms control agreement. Because that breaks through this theology that these agreements by and large work. The violations of the imf treaty have been known on the hill for quite some time. I think the administration finally decided they had to fess up to one violation and, by the way, there is another that they dont mention in the report that they issued today because, otherwise, it would leak and be even more embarrassing to them. But there is no indication that president obama understands the gravity of this violation or for what it means for the larger issue of u. S. russia relations or russias broader efforts to advance its interests around the world. All right. So you talk about what does it mean for the broader picture . I mean if theyre violating this . Well, the president was asked today is there a new cold war between the United States and russia . And he said no, this relates to a specific issue we have with them over ukraine. When he proposed additional sanctions. Now, these sanctions and the entire Obama Administration policy on ukraine have not deterred the russians one iota from using military force to try and change borders in europe. They have already annexed the crimea. You add to the it the violation of the imf treaty and i would add near certain violations of the Chemical Weapons Convention and other treaties. The actions that russia has taken in syria. Opens the question whether the syrians adhered fully to their agreement on chemical weapons. Iran nuclear weapons. The list goes on and on. It forms a pattern of russian behavior under putin thats very threatening to american interests. All right. We only have a short time left. The sanctions they have now been stiffened by the europeans and by us. Does that mean anything in recent time . Basically. No these are marginal increases in the sanction. They have been talked about for weeks. The russians have already tried to mitigate them. I dont think there is any evidence they are gonna slow putin down. In some respects these minimal sanctions are worse than no sanctions at all it reinforces putins view can he do what he wants in ukraine. Ambassador, thank you, sir. Thank you. And nfl star ray rice from the ravens suspended and tv host. He is suspended. And now Whoopi Goldberg is jumping into the mix. You have to hear this now. Giant water main break in los angeles raging out of control and now flooding ucla. Keep it here on fox news. Did you know a tensecond test could help your business avoid hours of delay caused by slow internet from the phone company . Thats enough time to record a memo. Idea for sales giveaway. Return a call. Sign a contract. Pick a tie. 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Not that there is real provocation but the elements of provocation. You have got to make sure that you address it because what we have got to do is do what we can to try to prevent the situation from happening in any way. And i dont think thats broached enough. Well, those comments sparking range across the web, smiths espn coworker tweeting im thinking about wearing a mini skirt this weekend i would hate to think what i would be asking for by doing. So even Whoopi Goldberg giving her view on the view. Do not live with this idea that the men have the chivalry thing still with them. Dont assume that that is still in place. Dont be surprised if you hit a man and he hits you back. You dont you hit somebody, they hit you pack. Dont be surprised. If you make a choice as a woman 4foot 3 and decide to hit a guy who is 6foot tall and you are the last thing that he wants to deal with you that day. And he hits you back, you cannot be surprised. Lets not hit anyone yesterday smith delivering this apology before his show. Good morning. On friday, speaking right here on first take on the subject of Domestic Violence i made what can only amount to the most egregious of my career, im truly, truly sorry. Particularly the victims of Domestic Abuse and female family members and loved ones i have disappointed and who know i know better. You all deserved a better profession and quite frankly a better man last friday sitting on this very set in this very chair. My heart filled apologies to each and every single one of you. So, what do you think about smith, rice, and the whole mess . Tweet your thoughts to hash tag ray rice. Coming up the massive search for a missing oregon mother. Police say they have new leads. A live report is next. Do not forget to watch hannity tonight at 10 00 p. M. Eastern. Michael oren joins sean. Thats tonight at 10 00 p. M. On hannity. An shipping and manufacturing. 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Nexium®,is now available, without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Because the best moments in life arent experienced from the sidelines. Now theres Nothing Holding you back. This is nexium level protection™. The 1 prescribed acidblocking brand. Now without a prescription for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection. Nexium level protection™. This is a fox news alert. Police tracking down new clues in a search for a missing oregon mother. The mother of two went down to run errands and vanished. Ktpv portland reporter ben joins us. Any luck looking for this woman . No luck whatsoever, greta. It still has been a very Large Community effort looking for this woman. In fact, another gathering will take place right behind me here. This is the hillside fellowship, a church that the family does not even belong to but that is opening its doors tonight so the community has a place to come together and to cope. Meantime, another search, a Community Organized search will take place in about an hour from now tonight this after searches already took place this morning state parks nearby. People on facebook have been coordinating their efforts making lists of where they have searched and what their results have been so far. So we do understand that police have some new leads. They arent saying exactly what they are. They did release a more specific time line of her whereabouts on thursday night. 5 45 she leaves her home in dundee. She drives will three miles to a Community Credit union in newburgh where i am right now. 6 10 she to the some gas and 6 25 they say her phone was either shut off or stopped working all together. We know that police have been arrested in surveillance photos. They do have a couple of her at a gas station filling up her green lexus suv. We they were reaching out to additional businesses hoping they would find more photos of her that could lead to a path of which way she was traveling. We also know they are looking at Court Records to cell phone records will leave them additional clues. Ben, thank you. An thanks for being with us. See you tomorrow might right here at 7 p. M. Eastern. Go to gretawire. Com and

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