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Orange is no longer the new black. Orange is no longer the new black. Orange is no longer the new black in his jail. [ laughter ] creativity, thats it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. Here is greta. President obama where are you . Crisis after crisis exploding around the world and right here in the u. S. From israel it ukraine to our own southern border and now Many Americans standized by president obamas focus on fundraising and hollywood hobnobbing making it look like that is his top priority. I i feel like the president only comes to l. A. For money. I dont get that he likes the job. You know, i think he almost hates the job. I believe that the president is more so concerned about going to these fundraising events where he is applauded, it is all about him. One of tonights fundraisers was held at scandal producer sean da rices house. Please, getting my hopes up. Its a matter of him wanting to be around people that worship him. Hello, l. A. Its where richest leftist meet to discuss the toxic origins of the country that created their opportunity for wealth. And in just minutes, karl rove goes on the record but right now only right here, on the record, House Budget Committee chair paul ryan unveils his new plan. Mr. Chairman, nice to see you. Good to be back with you you. You have a plan to start a debate about poverty. What is it . First of all, i think hard working taxpayers deserve a a government that responds to them that works for them. And they are not getting it. What were taking a look at is, we spent 800 billion a year on 92 different programs for the federal government to fight poverty yet we have the highest poverty rate in a generation. People are slipping through the cracks. So what we want to do is change this conversation can. Lets talk about reform that actually works. And instead of measuring success by how many new programs are created in washington or how much money we spent on programs, why dont we measure it by results, by outcomes . How many people are we actually getting out of poverty . And what we have learned is from researching all of this throughout the last couple of years is that the federal government gets in the way in so many places. We want to empower local communities. The people who are the boots on the ground who are actually fighting poverty streamline government and focus on customizing aid to getting people actually out of poverty and focus on results. We reformed welfare in 1996 and it was very successful. Work requirements, time limits, local control. Experimentation in our states. That was one program. There are 92 other programs that have not been reformed like that. What were trying to do is take those lessons we learned successfully from welfare renorm in 196 and apply it to the other parts of the governments war on poverty because were in the 50th anniversary in the war on poverty and we are not winning it what we are saying is take 11 different bureaucracies and government perhaps and consolidate it that saves you a lot and send it back to our communities. The accountability is we measure. We measure and publish results and you have transparency. You see where the dollars are going and where the results are. Thats what i wonder, who is doing that . We propose an independent 30 party does that. Bureaucracy. It could be a private sector firm. Its whatever the state decides to do. So you dont have the government measuring itself. You dont have the provider, be it a Catholic Charity or Lutheran Services or state agency or for profit group like America Works which has been very successful. Dont have them measure themselves, an independent third party does the measuring so that we as taxpayers see how our dollars are being spent and result of these programs. We go where the results take us. I would be all in favor of the federal government doing all of this if it reflected success. Totally. I mean, im just looking for success. Thats not working. And seems it to me, im now sort of fixated on we cant manage these things on such big levels. Look at our home state. You live in appleton. You are from appleton. I live in janesville we have milwaukee and madison in between. Those communities have different problems. Let alone the rest of the country. And we should have washington dictate how these local communities solve these problems . Well, they dont each community is unique for whatever reason. And so i guess i go back to the whole idea is that the other side of the aisle does object to these block grants and they are going to say to you that your proposal is just a new code word for block grants. Im used to getting partisan labels or getting partisan slings and arrows thrown in my direction that doesnt bother me that comes with the territory of breaking up status quo with offering new ideas. Thats fine. Get lets get to a conversation of whats your idea. Everybody has a different situation in poverty. Its not just some monolithic problem where everybody is the same. People have different needs and different problems. So our solutions ought to customize that we ought to have aid that is customized to a unique persons problem so they dont have to go to all these various different welfare agencies and get these programs that actually disincentivize them to go to work. Pay to stay on welfare not go to work. Fix that customize it and always focus on getting people from where they are to where they want to go and that is to get a good career. Not just a job but a career. I would argue our poverty fighting programs dont do that. In many ways they trap people in poverty. Have you gone over this with Speaker Boehner . I have not. Whats the appetite, do you think . Actually, this morning we talked about it very briefly. He knew i was putting this out and he wished me luck. Whats the appetite for having this done . Beginning of a discussion. Its also referred to as a pilot program. But, whats the likelihood . I think we will pass it by tuesday. Yeah, right. No, the whole purpose of this and i have learned this from legislating and reforming government for a long time, you have got to start with ideas. You have got to begin the discussion so that you can get to consensus to actually effect change. And so thats what we are doing here is we are starting the conversation. We are adding some innovative ideas to the debate on how best to fight poverty more effectively so that we can have this conversation and get consensus and actually effect change. That takes time. It takes time to do these things. Thats why we want to get started now. Your party has been branded as being antipoor. I think thats people who basically want to stick with the status quo and have a partisan game who say things like that. Tough politics in this country. Sure it is. If we accept the status quo as unreformable, give up then. I mean, if you want to serve people in congress, and you think that you cant solve a problem thats a problem in our communities, you shouldnt be in congress. So the way i look at this is, i look at the condition of the poor and i see opportunity. I see potential. I see people who could be fantastic contributors who need assistance from getting to where they are to where they want to be and we, in the federal government, are not doing our job to making sure that that occurs, what i think the federal government in many places does is it displaces local solutions. It crowds out what we call civil society, local groups making a difference. We want to empower that we want the public and private sector working together to help pull people out of poverty and i would argue that washington frustrates that. It should facilitate that. This is where every journalist asks you the question whether or not you are going to run for president. I ask the question i always ask. Packers how are they going to do this year. Do well. Great pick. You projected that pick. I think we are going to have a very good team. We filled the holes we h as long as we are healthy, i think we are going all the way. Nice to sigh sir. Thank you. And, of course, you can see much more of our interview with congressman paul ryan and discussion on what to do about poverty in this country on gretawire. Com. Its all there. And its day number three of president obamas west croes trip. Last night it was hollywood. The president rubbing shoulders with the stars of scandal. Is it the time to hobnob with the fictional drama when the world is in it a real political crises. Karl rove joins us. Good evening, sir. Good evening. How are you, greta . Very well. Well, he is taking a lot of heat. Even aryana huffington and senator dianne feinstein, a lot of people stepping up who might be sympathetic to the president ordinarily. People are objecting to this. He can he do work on air force one . Well, look. The air force one allows you to communicate with people. But there is nothing like actually sitting down in a room and eyeballing people and working the problem and moving forward to. Say oh it doesnt matter where i am. I have my key personnel with me and as long as im flying around on the airplane everything is hunkydory. Look today they had a a lunch at the white house. Communications director arranged to have former press secretaries come together. This is their mind set. This is only a comawngses problem. If they could only get the frame right, the picture right, everything would be hunky doory. Huhuh. This is a problem of they have the wrong policies in place and they are missing opportunities left and right to effect outcomes those two things, wrong policies why do we have a problem on the border . He sent a message to kids on Central America send your kids here and they can stay. Why do we have a problem putin is bake. Why do we have a problem in the economy because the president is not focused on the problem. And to think that this is somehow just a communications difficulty is to basically mislead themselves and miss the opportunities they have to it really effect the president s standing with the American People. Is the audience only the American People as we sort of watch this or do you think that president putin has his eyes on sort of the fact that the president is out fundraising. Sure. Any moment to him or what . Yeah. Look, he is looking at them saying the president really is, first of all, is he weak, is he feckless. Remember the ukrainians said we need small arms to reassert the control of the government in kiev over these provinces in the east that russia is trying to destabilize. The president of the United States says no we cant send you those small arms. We will send you meals ready to eat but you have got to pick them up in poland because we dont want to be seen entering your airspace. Putin looked at that and laughed and said this is weak. Now he looks at the president and says that man likes hanging out with all those people in hollywood more than he does facing the problems at home and abroad. He sees that as further evidence that he ought to keep going down the path that he is going which is to destabilize ukraine at the expense of the United States and the west. Let me give you the flip side. Suppose you were all hold up at the white house and we hardly saw him and he had advisors coming in and out and didnt see him and the whole schedule looked like he was disruptive. Why is he worried . Is he a hermit . No, no, no, no. There is no flip side. No. You dont need to go all a the way to ground. I said missed opportunity. On the border, what if he had gone to the border when he was in texas and come out of that and said, you know, i have seen it firsthand, i want to send a strong message to parents in the Central America, do not send your children here. If they are lucky enough to make it here, we are going to apprehend it immediately and return them to you expeditiously it would have had a huge impact in Central America and move forward the president to do what he says he wants to do which is to take further steps to secure the border and resolve the crisis. In the ukraine, what if the president had gone out and made a speech, not throw away set of remarks not in the medal of some other event is he doing. Made a speech which he declared with moral clarity that it is unacceptable behavior to support the rebels in downing a commercial airliner. As a result, serious consequences leveled on russia. Instead he goes out and says if they do something worse than downing a commercial airliner, there are going to be bad things that are going to happen. What worse do you need to do than kill 298 innocent civilians with a russianprovided Missile System that may have been launched from russian personnel and Russian Airspace. If not launched from Russian Airspace with the agreement and support of and the conveyance of the russian government. The president has an opportunity by staying in washington or actually being some place doing something other than fundraising in order to take advantage of these opportunities to advance proper policies and to change the situation. Karl, thank you. Nice to see you. You bet, greta. Thank you. And, six fundraisers in three days. It gets worse. What is president obamas big secret . Why did he lock out the media from last nights fundraiser . Im going to talk to you offtherecord. Thats coming up. This is a fox news alert. The Obama Administration now confirming russia is firing artillery from russia at military targets inside ukraine. The pentagon saying this is clearly a military escalation. And this Youtube Video showing what appears to be the russian fire into ukraine. Fox cannot independently confirm the authenticity of this video. And, Time Magazine cover story today, correspondent Simon Shuster reporting on the downing of flight 17 and the ukraine crisis writing each new crisis makes russian president putin stronger and calling president obama a leader without leverage and Simon Shuster joins us live from kiev. Simon, nice to talk to you again, tell me this news about russia firing into ukraine. What is is that being reported in ukraine . Whats the reaction on the ground . Definitely being reported and it has been reported reportn ukraine for some weeks now. The Ukrainian Government claims has long claimed this is going on, that rockets from russia are being fired that ukrainian planes are being shot down. Only today have we seen the u. S. Government citing its intelligence to confirm. This so this is an escalation but its sort of its been going on for a while. All right. Your Time Magazine cover bright red, it says cold war 2. You have the cover story. Why do you write cold war 2 . I i have we have entered a period where relations between the russia and the west are going to continually be strained. It will be did be difficult to continue business as usual and sit across negotiating tables from putin on issues as broad as iran or Economic Development or Nuclear Disarmament and soen o its going to be a policy of containment that people have been talking about in the west for a long time but now they are really moving forward to try to enact it. I dont want to minimize this and using a sports term inwithing and losing. Let me ask you anyway. Who looks stronger. Who looks winning. Who looks weak as we have this sort of cold war eve with russia . I think the greatest divisions are within europe. The u. S. Has come out quite strongly. Europe has not caught up with sanctions with russia that the United States has imposed even after the crash of the malaysian airliner. And they are going to consider it again this coming week but they are just too many allies, too many russian europe, you know, italy, france, austria, greece, that are saying, you know, hold on, we dont have enough evidence yet lets hold off until the investigation is over. Thats creating the kind of divisions that really play into putins hand. Does that suggest that putin is getting stronger visavis the United States or visavis president obama . I think he is getting stronger domestically with every successive crisis. We seen time after time every time we have a crisis from crimea to Eastern Ukraine that putin is the man that all the western leaders are looking to for some kind of help for him to back off for him to coop in some way. Ratchet up or keep asking him demanding he enjoys being in the worlds attention that wait a minute he keeps getting that role in geo politics. Simon, thank you. Thank you. Palestinians say israeli tank shells hit the compound but israel says it could have been hamas rockets. Fox news correspondent conor powell live in gaza city. Conor, any developments at least in the last few minutes . Well, greta, we are just getting word now that secretary of state john kerry has proposed a ceasefire it would take a week or so beginning tomorrow if both sides if hamas and israel agree to the ceasefire, it would provide a sort of breathing space for negotiations to begin it would allow gaza to keep conduct operations to destroy the tunnels inside gaza. It seems unlikely that hamas would accept this ceasefire it may just happen. Especially after the attack this afternoon a shelter where thousands of palestinians had fled. The fighting gone there for safety. This was attacked during fighting. There are mixed reports about what may have been happened. Hamas and Israeli Soldiers engaging. It seemed that the fighting was creeping closer to the u. N. Shelter. The u. N. Tried to evacuate and get all the civilians out of there. Before they were able, to it was hit by israeli artillery. Israeli officials have said hamas was hiding in the area. They blamed it on hamas sort of ability and their continual fighting among civilians but from what we understand, there were no civilians in this u. N. Shelter. But that israeli artillery may be mistakenly hit this place. 15 people were killed. More than 70 were wounded. Most of them women and children, greta. Conor, thank you. Seriously, russian president Vladimir Putin thinks he can solve the hamas israeli conflict . Ambassador john bolton has a message for president putin and for president obama. You have to hear this. Plus, someone just hit the panic button at the white house. You wont believe hot white house called. We will give you one word hint. Clinton. Thats straight ahead. Good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. Im doubly impressed phillips digestive health. A daily probiotic. Really. So our business can be on at ts network for 175 dollars a month . Yup. All five of you for 175. Our clients need a lot of attention. Theres unlimited talk and text. Were working deals all day. You get 10 gigabytes of data to share. What about expansion potential . Add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. Low dues. Great terms. Lets close. Introducing at t mobile share value plans. With our bestever pricing for business. Pentagon announcing firing military from russia into ukraine. This is a clear military escalation. Sounds like that should be enough to keep russian president vantd busy, right . Well, apparently not. Now, putin is reportedly offering saddam, he is offering to play the role of peace hemaker in the middle east. Russia media ois ooffering to mediate a truce between israel and hamas. Former ambassador john bolton joins us. Thats an unusual twist. Its enough to make john kerrys day, im sure. Its a reflection that Vice President feels that his position internationally is very strong, that in the middle east, traditionally in an area of critical importance for the United States, that barack obama is weak, and he is seeking to take advantage of it he has done this before. He has kept the assaad regime in power. I forgot he had done that with syria. He has done it there. He has opened up military sales to the government of egypt for the First Time Since the early 1970s, when anwar sadat threw out soviet military advisors. Now he is getting himself right in the middle of a critical issue for the United States. Its really, i use the word hutzpah except i think its taken. So while i sort of made sort of a sarcastic opening to the segment, now that i think about the syria thing, is it at all remotely possible that anyone would take him up on this offer and that he could have any impact . I thought you were dead serious. And i think people will. I think the palestinian also take him up. You know, just in the past two days, the palestinians are written to u. N. Secretary general ban kimoon asking for palestine, in effect, to be made a u. N. Protecter. So i think they will reach out to anybody they think can complicate what israel is trying to do. I think this is a a bold stroke by putin that will resonate around the middle east. Okay. Lets say the palestinians say okay, we dont want egypt to help. We dont want the u. S. To help broker any kind of ceasefire. We want putin. Now what . I think they will say we want everybody to help. The more cooks there are, the easier in their view it will be to bring pressure on the United States and israel. But, i think it really putin is looking beyond the specifics of the israel Palestinian Conflict right now. He is looking to extend russian influence across the arab world. And its a play where they see the role of the United States declining. Even the arab monarchies on the peninsula friendly to the United States will look at this as some way to hedge their bets. All right, Time Magazine cover. Simon shuster who wrote the cover story. Big red cover which says cold war 2. I dont think its a cold war. But i think its a return to the 19th century. We were never at the end of history and the idea that the end of the cold war meant there would be a peace dividend that we could have and essentially declining American Power withdrawn, inward looking america was always wrong. Wrong whether you take it from the right side of the political spectrum or the left side. So its not a a cold war in the ideological sense but it is the return of great power competition. Ambassador, thank you, sir. Thank you. And president obama and members of the house and senate all say it is a crisis. Will they do anything about this crisis before they all go on vacation . Well, thats coming up. If you dont think feed the then you dont know aarp. Our drive to end hunger has donated 29 million meals, and counting. Find more real possibilities at aarp. Org possibilities. Search of immigrant children overwhelming the Border Patrol. Concern about conditions of some Border Patrol states. Nice to have you back, molly. Apparently complaints about abuse. Not physical or sexual but about conditions. What are they . There have been complaints for a while now by advocates for these immigrants that the children, in particular, are held in these areas that are really cold. They have nicknamed the freezers saying they have been held there. Its a form of abuse, how cold the Holding Areas were. There were complaints about food and lack of medical treatment. The Border Patrol folks who i talked to during a recent tour said that they are keeping the facilities at room temperature. I went down last week to a facility in the Rio Grande Valley here which is sort of the epicenter of the ongoing crisis, and it was room temperature. They said they have kept it that way recently of course they knew we as reporters were coming. Its unclear how things were before we came last week. Children were kept in cells somewhat crowded. Holding area designed for adults, not for children. They said they added some medical screening but that was something they had done more recently. I guess its a complete nightmare. Its the fact that its sort of overwhelmed. Im not suggesting that we have bad conditions at all for these children. I dont want them in lousy conditions. But, you know, there is sort of an overwhelm on Border Patrol, overwhelm on facilities and no policy to sort of straighten this out. Yeah, the Border Patrol folks ohio talked to said they are trying to cope, that they have added things like Recreational Activities for children at one facility in brownsville also in the Rio Grande Valley. Like i said they added medical screenings. There were some, you know, baby carriers stacked in a corner who is was clear that they had been copying with mothers with young children. I saw some Mothers Holding young chirp. The conditions that i observed where there was crowding theres were kids who had these foil my larr blankets to keep them warm. I didnt hear any complaints while i was there. We also were not allowed to talk to the people being held there so i couldnt question them more closely. Molly, thank you. Thank you. And president obama and members of congress all calling the flood of immigrant children a humanitarian crisis its important, its serious. Why are they all going on vacation . Representative. What an intro. Put a spike in my heart. I got a list, just 30 house members. Republican democrats say its a crisis. 14 senators. Use the term crisis and you are all going away next woke. The problem is you just cant throw the money at this problem and say its going to go away. You can stay in town. Thats fine. Next week i think that the house will come together we will pass a bill to stop this flow of kids coming through the border. We will change the law so that there are no differences between noncontiguous and contiguous country. We will make sure that we can do everything humanly possible to tell these kids and these coyotes, hey, you are not going to be able to get these benefits that you think you are getting. And we are going to start returning them back to their country. Well, thats part of the job though. You go ahead and pass your bill. If the senate doesnt pass a matching one and if the senate doesnt sign it, you all are out of town and there is no bill at all. Well, greta, the reality is, that harry reid has now on his desk over 340 bills that we have already passed in the house. He refuses to take them on. So, i understand that people would love to blame us, but reality is we keep doing our job, we keep passing these bills, harry reid is often our first here is a suggestion, i love protests. Why dont all you members in the house, democrats, republicans, stay in washington next week and insist that it be resolved . President obama could stay in town because its his job, too, and he has been on the watch. He has known about this and the senate can too. Make a statement to the American People that you give a damn. We are going to do it. Greta we are going to do it tomorrow at 9 00 a. M. A special g. O. P. Conference. The Border Patrol folks will be making their report, their recommendation. We have a bill on the floor of the house. But you will leave before its signed. Well, harry reid, needs to come halfway, meet us halfway. We havent been able to do it for two years now. I got that but stay here until he does his job way we are going to make this problem go away is when the g. O. P. Takes over the senate. I dont see that we are going to be able to take over between now and then. Thats fine. We will change the law so that we can change this dynamic. If you think its going to take over the senate. The problem you say its humanitarian crisis now. If its really a humanitarian crisis, all the people then you better do something about it we are going to do it. We cannot control the universe and control harry reid, we have tried to do so. Stay here and make a point. It hasnt made a difference all this time. Do you know why you have a five week vacation because it used to be that you didnt have airconditioning and people died. In 1950 got airconditioning. The florida statute is for the people who invented free on thats our floridian. We understand the value of that. Greta, we cant make harry reid do it. He keeps wanting to throw the money at the problem and that wont solve it. I dont buy it stay here and sit in your office, all of you in the house until you get it done. He still went do it. You think is he reasonable man. Is he not. He will not do it. He wants to keep saying we are a do Nothing Congress so on purpose he will not pass any common sense legislation that we propose. Not in a million years would i turn my back on a humanitarian crisis if i thought it was if i thought it was my responsibility. Not in a million years. We can stop this crisis in one week harry reid take up the bill. I very much appreciate you coming on and arguing with me about this. Boom boom boom. We have been arguing in the green room as well you are a good sport. Greta, thank you,. I will be on in august come back in town. I will. Thank you, greta. President of honduras go on the record as citizens pouring into our country. Young girls even given Birth Control pills to make the journey. Only right here next. Oooh discover the Fearless Protection of tena. So absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. Nothings missed with tenatwist thats keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. At humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler. If frustration and paperwork decrease. If grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. The gap begins to close. So lets simplify things. Lets close the gap between people and care. Lets close the gap between people and care. Weits not justt wed be fabuilding jobs here,. Its helping our community. Siemens location here has just received a major order of wind turbines. It puts a huge smile on my face. Cause im like, this is what we do. the fact that iowa is leading the way in wind energy, im so proud, like, its just amazing. Tomorrow, the president s of guatemala, el salvador was and honduras will meet with president obama at the white house. Today he spoke with us about the crisis at the border. Mr. President , welcome to the United States. Thank you. Its regrettable that its such a serious topic about your children. [speaking spanish] yes, its a shame humanitarian crisis for Central America and for honduras. Nobody wants children to go through this it. Why are are your children leaving your country and coming to mine . [speaking spanish] first, we have a problem of security. Put another way, the lack of security caused by narcotrafficking between south america and north america. And we are in the way. Homeland security has a map to identify where these children are coming from. Most of these children are coming from a drug route. Basically 30 of our 2989 obviously this leads to a lack of opportunities but since september until now, its gotten out of hand. Gangs the issue . [speaking spanish] narcotraffickers have somehow creating us with the the mattas. S they are the armed wing of the narcotraffickers. This has come together in geo and generate in honduras and has a lot of islands with it. Why dont they stop in mexico he . They continue their journey to the United States. [speaking spanish] well, among other things, there is a lack of clarity in the migratory policy of the United States. Language is ambiguous, thats why the coyotes and human smugglers take advantage of this situation. Imagine for yourself, a mother and father here for over 10 years and not seeing their children and to find that in Central America, the problems with the lack of opportunity plus violence, this is a difficult situation for chir thinner. They want to be with their children. He wants to be with the children. Its a very natural topic. Unification but also the coyotes have made parents here think that according to new legislation and immigration reform, that it would make this reunification possible or can just simply enter the United States with children. There is such little kids though. A lot of them are under the age of 12 traveling alone. I mean, its almost unthinkable. [speaking spanish] yes, of course. Unthinkable. But its happening. Unfortunately, many of these children disappear along the way. They are enslaved. Young girls who commented to my wife when she came to visit the u. S. Mexico border, the coyotes give them Birth Control pills because they know that more than 70 will be sexually abused. Its misfortunate. You are going to meet with president obama tomorrow. What are you going to ask of him . [speaking spanish] we, president s of guatemala, el salvador and myself will ask president obama and the congress to accept that this is a problem that should be shared. The humanitarian crisis of these children is a responsibility for Central America and also the United States then, develop a plan, comprised of economic recovery in Central America, reduction in violence. Educational opportunities, clarification much the migration policy language it should be a joint effort, Central America, u. S. , and mexico. [speaking spanish] this plan as proposed by the three plans, Central America, would help reduce violence, create Economic Opportunity and prosperity in Central America. This would be an investment, a benefit to the United States. [speaking spanish] and dont miss our entire interview with the honduras president only on gretawire. Com. And with missiles flying across russia, what does former secretary of state Hillary Clinton have to say about her 2009 reset of u. S. russia relations . Thats next. Chaos war. Plane blown out of the could i by prorussian rebels Time Magazine cover reading cold war 2. Reset. The reset worked. It was an effort to try to obtain russian cooperation on some key objectives while medvedev was president and, of course, putin still, you know, pulled the strings, but he gave medvedev a certain amount of independence to negotiate. And joining us our Political Panel the the Washington Post jackie kucinich, the Washington Examiner Susan Ferrechio and the Weekly Standard john mccormick. John, secretary of state Hillary Clinton says reset worked. Well, she said it already. She said it was a brilliant stroke back in june and it sound like it might have been a gaffe. Buy she disubled doubled down again today. She is the one back there holding that fake reset button with the Russian Foreign minister pressing it for a photo on. She cant run away from this issue but she has to spin it as something positive. I dont think you can can critics would rightly argue. Policy of appeasement. Cowboy diplomacy we are going to be more reasonable, give them what they want. Back away from bushs Missile Defense program in eastern europe. How is that working out . Every place you turn, ukraine, syria, iran, russia has been emboldened. They havent come around to our way of thinking and not just working out very well for them. Susan . Well, she had some successes it was interesting how she described them as sort of transactional successes just sort of a small microcosm of really the wider Foreign Policy picture. There was the start treaty that was a success. Iran sanctions. Securing supply lines for our weapons to get into afghanistan. All those are important, but the big picture, obviously doesnt look very good. The question is whether this is going to matter in 2016. I think she will end up looking strong on Foreign Policy. Its all going to depend who she will end up running against. Unlikely any opponent will have more Foreign Policy experience than she will. Whats the situation going to be with russia in 2016 . How much is that going to matter . Right now it does look silly for her to he promoting the success when we have russia firing rockets into the ukraine right now. Week after shooting a jetliner out of the sky. Jackie, i think its always rough when you are defending and she is defending on this. She has been defending this entire book tour about a multitude of things. She hasnt been on once this entire time. But, you know, the reset went out the window the minute putin took back over and so, you know,. 2012, right . Correct. And, you know, so, it is not been like that for, you know, a couple years now. She defends herself. Well, when putin came into office again, i sent two memos to the president about this. Which she did. I sent a couple memos. I do think susan is right that when it comes down to it in 2016, people dont vote on Foreign Policy they just dont unless something bad happens that scares them, traditionally thats not something that gets the vote. Panel and she does well on Foreign Policy in the debates. She always does. Panel, thank you very much. Sorry to cut you short. Lets go offtherecord for a minute. Whats with president obama and his west coast fundraising trip . He was locking out the media again. I dont know about you i wasnt born yesterday. Transparency doesnt mean locked out media does it mean spoon fed transcripts from the the white house who knows what edits. Pictures taken by the white house photographer and their choices passed out to the media dont say its just fox complaining about the lack of transparency. Its not just fox. Former New York Times editor jill abe bra some before and after she left the job complained about the white house to not have transparency. To only have the white house itself documenting what he does is not the way the country deserves to have the president covered. Today politico slamming the president about his secrecy with the headline barack obama locks out the press again. Politico even reports while president obama attended a Senate Majority pac fundraiser the press were left on a gravel road in the seattle suburbs. When president obama met with House Majority pac donors at the san francisco hotel the media was not told what room nor what floor the president would be on. Then today, president obama attended dnc event at a private residence in l. A. Yep, closed to the press. This is rotten. President obama promised to be the most transparent president and a he talks about phony scandals. Well what about phony Campaign Promises . His own. And thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Coming up why with president obamas team meeting with former president billm ] clintons team . Just thats coming up. Morrow. You used to sleep like a champ. Then boom. What happened . Stress, fun, bad habits kids, now what . Lets build a new, smarter bed using the dualair chambers to sense your movement, heartbeat, breathing. Introducing the sleep number bed with sleepiqtm technology. It tracks your sleep and tells you how to adjust for a good, better and an awesome night. The difference . Try adjusting up or down. Youll know cuz sleep iqâ„¢ tells you. Only at a sleep number store, mattresses with sleepiq start at just 999. 98. Know better sleep with sleep number. 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President obama just spoke to mexicos president but, yet again, president obama did not mention u. S. Marine Sergeant Andrew tahmooressi languishing in a mexican prison. And now in other news, we may finally know where casey kasem is. The legendary djs body missing. The body is now in canada. Kasems wife had the body moved. Trying to explain away president obamas monday raising in the middle of several world crises. The white House Communication Team asking for advice today josh ernest hosting former members of president clintons press team for a session. They were the ones that had to deal with the impeachment drama. Thats tonights speed read. Right now go to gretawire. Com and answer. This does it bother that you politicians say there is a humanitarian crises on the border but then they leave town for a five week recess without solving the problem. Republicans and democrats and the president. They say its a humanitarian crisis but they are getting out of here. Out of town. Vote yes or no on the gretawire poll. We have two big interviews going up on gte wire. Congress ryan congressman ryan. Up next the oreilly factor. Make sure you go right to gretawire because we have so much to discuss. We have sergeant tam reissy, the humanitarian crisis on

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