0 being invited to his speech, reverend wright completely ignored us, all of us in the mediaened a kicked our cameras out when he he gave his speech for which we found out why the content of the speech. reverend wright waste nod time launching into his incendiary remarks many of which were directed at president obama saying things like we need to tell the truth about our politicians and their policies. he used lines and i quote king said i have a dream. barack said i have a drone. he went on to describe a kill list that president obama looks at every tuesday and decides who he is going to kill. this audience at this event about 200 and 300 folks made up of local teachers and some local pastors here in chicago were treated to a diatribe about a government, their government that reverend wright says is based on militarism -- would. >> why by the teacher's union? what was the purpose of this? was this a paid speech to fire up the teachers? what was the point? that's a good question since we weren't able to ask directly reverend wright. the teacher's union, the largest of its kind in the city has a long standing risk with rahm immanuel. they had hoped that reverend wright would come and preach his message of social justice and that would translate back to these churches, hence, the invitation to the pastors as the teacher's union gears up for a fight in november with mayor rahm immanuel. >> griff, he said pretty incendiary things about president obama making fun of him i have a drone in comparison to martin luther king i have a dream. did he say anything complimentary or anything good about president obama? show any sense of admiration for him done anything good. >> no, there were no complimentary remarks whatsoever. again, greta, we haven't seen reverend wright in a while. he is back and he is just the same as always. fired up, very insend area and president obama was not the only one for which was attracted a lot of criticism. so did abraham lincoln, the constitution, bill cosby and the current secretary of education arne duncan. he wondered how he even got his job. >> anyway, thank y former congressman allen west joins us. good evening sir. >> good evening, greta. >> your thoughts about reverend wright. >> obviously reverend wright wants to make himself relevant once again. you have to come out and say something absolutely outrageous. you invite the media to come in and then you shun the media look, we are talking about him tonight. i'm sure other outlets are going to talk about him. president obama last week had to deal with the excerpts from his former secretary of defense gates' book and no he has to deal with these comments being made by reverend wright. >> these are particularly wicked. i mean, aligning him, making sort of with martin luther king's very famous statement and speech "i have a dream" that inspired so many he says barack, meaning president obama says i have a drone. i have a dream and i have a drone. >> you, of course, have the celebration of dr. martin luther king coming up this month. i'm sure that's what he is trying to do is stir that controversy and draw that separation, that delineation between king and also between barack obama. look at the out-of-wedlock births in the black community 72%. look at what is happening as far as the graduation rates for black males and incarceration rates. that's what he should have been talking about. this is political grandstanding. >> it seems he is still carrying a grudge for the president. he is fired by the teachers he might talk about education and teaching and how to improve things. instead, is he a little fixated on the president. >> he certainly is not going to talk about school choice in the black community in front of the chicago's teacher's union. >> any thoughts about why the teacher's union would pick him? >> you know, just to get headlines. that's the only reason why. bring him in. let him say something outrageous and incendiary draw attention for whatever reason, we just don't know. >> wouldn't you think he would want to use his platform -- he has such a huge platform the fact that we are covering him and send somebody out to chicago. wouldn't you think it's a big powerful platform that he might want to use it for something a little more potent than taking a couple grudge shots back at the president. >> that's a rational person's process. you are dealing with someone who is completely irrational and he is a scorned woman. >> getting back to the reverend wright dispute. your thoughts on whether the president knew he was saying some of those things? >> i don't think he did. i think once again he was caught, you know, ambushed because the president, of course, today was in raleigh, north carolina. >> but, i mean the earlier ones that he said this -- >> -- oh, yeah. i'm sure that he has some semblance of knowing what is happening. look, nothing seems to be very well coming out of chicago these days between rahm immanuel, between louis farrakhan, jeremiah wright, david axelrod, barack obama, solve owe lynn ski. there is something bad in the water. >> david axelrod has been good to me. i will take him out of your list at least i will. there is new over the irs targeting scandal. won't file any charges. they are furious, your reaction? >> this is unconscionable. you have to look at the fact that really this was not a very thorough investigation done whatsoever. it was done in the civil rights division. it was not done in the criminal division and, of course, i forget barbara -- i forget her last name, the lawyer that was brought in was a donor to president barack obama, that's kind of like asking the muslim brotherhood to investigate benghazi so for them the all of a sudden come up and say we were not going to have any charges there was wrongdoing. i saw letters that sent out to these groups. the president said he was going to get to the bottom of this. now, what this is showing is that there is a sense of lawlessness in this administration that, you know, places their ideology, their goals and objectives above of this of protecting the american people. >> the president did say he was going to get to the bottom of it in may. what i didn't quite understand is what happened is that by july i think he called it a phony scandal. >> yes, he did. >> a lot of these people waiting to find out whether to be tax exempt and frankly sort of scary when the irs sends you letters even if it's about your tax exempt status and not your personal is that he called it phony. >> and if the chief executive officer of the united states of america who is the head of the executive branch says this is a phony scandal, then what type of climate is he allowing to permeate down through that agency, the irs. the president says it's a phony scandal, we don't need to put any emphasis or resources behind this. i think kind of indirectly he kind of put out the, you know, the direction: this is not a big deal really. >> the one thing that a lot of people missed on this investigation is that a lot of people didn't get a denial. their tax request exempt went into a black hole. at least if you get denied, there is appellate procedure. >> absolutely. >> if they sit on it forever, you never get an answer. >> there is a lot of intimidating processes in there as well. and that is clear and evident. and, again, just flip the pancake. let's say that this was a republican administration and these were liberal progressive groups that were targeted by the irs. you hear the "new york times," the "the washington post," you hear everyone screaming and yelling, and if a republican president had said this was a phony scandal, they would have run him out of washington, d.c. >> all right. stay with us, congressman. straight ahead, bad news for president obama and former secretary of state hillary clinton. are they going to regret these words? >> with this endless parade of distractions and political posturing and phony scandals, washington has taken its eye off the ball. >> was this because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they would go kill some americans? what difference, at this point, does it make? >> well, a senate panel releasing a blunt bipartisanship report of benghazi today. that latest coming up. plus a new war movie drawing crowds and growing controversy. >> new taliban commander. >> killed 20 marines last week. 20. >> going in. >> why is "lone survivor" under under attack? find out next. eryone's favorite fettuccine alfredo and our classic lasagna. plus uimited soup or salad, and warm breadsticks. signature favorites nojust ten dollars, mondhrough thursday, at olive garden. the #1 selling pain reliever, in one cold medicine. advil congestion relief. it delivers a one-two punch at pain and sinus pressure with the power of advil and a nasal decongestant in a single pill. advil congestion relief.