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Increasingly disinterested in his job. Increasingly angry. Whether its World Leaders calling him on air force one. His vendettas look like he might create longterm problems for his presidency and for his party. All across other Media Outlets every other day there is a complete meltdown and tactically not fuptioning yet it not functioning, yet it continues to go on. Howie what about the coverage of Melania Trump calling for the firing of a Top White House aide. The white house will write new rules regarding the revoking of press credentials. And Monica Lewinsky talks about the affair that led to bill trumps impeachment. I was scared and mortified and afraid of what this was going to do to my family. Howie why the former intern feels very different 20 years later in this era. This is mediabuzz. It took nearly two years. But one of fox anchors finally secured a sitdown with President Trump. Chris no president has liked his press coverage. John kennedy canceled a subscription to the herald tribune. President trump its fake news, its phoney. I dont any bad news if i am wrong. Howie i sat down with him on the set of fox news sunday. Fascinating interview. I dont mind getting bad news if im wrong. What did you make of that since the president rarely admits hes wrong. Chris i was sanction t i wao have that interview because i havent had an interview with him since 2016. I talked about it a lot and have won press awards and given speeches on it. I wanted to confront him with my thoughts, you can criticize the media and some of the coverage has been bias. But dont call us the enemy of the people. When he went to separate it and say im not talking about you, im talking about cnn. I said dont say we are the enemy of the people because we are not. Howie he said fake news is 80 of the media by his opinion. Does he use it as an effective foil . Chris i think he feels hes been the victim of bad reporting and he says so all of our successes get downplayed. Again, there is some truth in that. Even hypochondriacs sometimes get sick. While he does feel in some cases genuinely aggrieved, when he was defending it he talked in terms of my supporters and they get it. I think he sees it as a wedge issue that helps him at the expense of the media and media criticism and the expense of his political opposition. Howie you asked him about a spate of stories about the midterms. Lets take a look. How dark is your mood . President trump its very light. Its disgusting fake news. I wrote a front page on the washington post. Nobody ever calls me. They make it up like its fiction. Howie he says nobody ever calls me and they could get the reporter on the line very quickly. The reporter did quote a senior white house official. Chris i also thought there is a lot of tough stuff i wanted to ask about. I wanted to ask about the Mueller Investigation and jamal khashoggi. And it was interesting to me, and i will say not just in the interview, but the entire time. We spent about an hour with him. He was very upbeat, he seemed comfortable, at ease in his own skin. I have to say, very at ease being the commanderinchief. He is comfortable in the oval office. Hes the president , he knows it. Maybe hes mad to staff, but i was Good Spirited despite tough challenging questions in our interview. Howie maybe some of the stories are overstated. He says the white house is running like a welloiled machine. Thats pushing it a little bit. Chris i wouldnt be lending money at this point to john kelly or kirstjen nielsen. Can you imagine a president saying about a chief of staff ever, there are some things about him i like and some things i dont like. I remember when round ald reagan when Ronald Reagan made a mild statement good done regan and we all knew he was dead. how report judges ruling for cnn in the lawsuit against the revoking of acostas credentials for the white house. You went on the air and talked about how you as a former White House Correspondent felt about acostas behavior. Chris i have never seen anything like it. Most of of the people there are serious reporters asking serious questions. But acosta i think embarrassed himself. Cnn put out a statement saying chris, acosta does the work for state tv. How do you sleep at night. Chris it was a hot story. I notice whoever the person was at cnn who i never heard of didnt fire back. Like a lot of things in life. There can be two things that are to both true. One i think jim acosta i thought embarrassed himself, he misbehaved. We covered the white house with sam donaldson. To end your question by saying i want to challenge you mr. President , to continue asking questions and when you are told to sit down you keep standing up and kind of fight off an intern. But pulling his pass was clearly a bridge too far and it was a mistake. The president in his answer to my question by the and subsequently no big deal. I think they were stunned by the fact they lost and to a certain degree were trying to downplay the defeat. I talked to a couple of white house aids. They said we think it will be 6040 well lose. Howie it put much of the media including fox news of none condoning the behavior. Behavior. What would you say was the most of challenging thing about interviewing donald trump. Chris when you ask him a question hell give you an answer. But sometimes there is a lot of other stuff around it. My first question was how dark is your mood and he proceeds to go into hes fine. But then he talks about the white house, and he went into it. Then you have to edit him not to censor him, but because you are trying to get the answer out of a camouflage, out of the under brush. Howie you said to him quite bluntly, what you call fake news and he bush pushed back. His supporters revel in this. But a lot of the coverage of this president , warranted or not warranted is negative. So its not like he doesnt have a case. Chris this gets back to the acosta question. Why did you call on him in the first place. The president knows if i call acosta hell do something obnoxious and it will fire up my base. I dont think he thought acosta would go as far as he did. It went further than i think either of them wanted. But i think they knew the minute the president called on acosta it would be a pothole and they would be able to play it to their benefit. Howie more on cnn beating the president in court over acosta. President trump unloads on mueller, calling him an obama guy. Here comes the rain. 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These are angry people, including the highlyconflicted bob mueller. A total witch hunt like no other in American History. Joining us. Emily jashinsky. Sara fischer and mo elleithee who runs georgetown universitys institute of politics. The media is covering this as an overheated escalation on the president s part. Emily when the president is tweeting in capital letters, its understandable. But at the same time the president has frustrations about the scope of the investigation thats supposed to be collusion. So its sort of like when you are talking about your interview with Chris Wallace, two things can be true. Howie saying mueller worked for obama for 8 years isnt the full story. Sara he was hired under the Bush Administration and is a registered republican. Hes a republican trying to do his job. Even though the media is conflating it. Nobody knows whats going on in muellers head. Howie the president said he probably wont be sitting down with an interview with mueller. He wants to bring it to a head. Could this escalation be a result of the president being immersed in this conversation with his lawyers. Mo he probably got rid of Jeff Sessions he wanted to get rid of because of this investigation. Attorney general took himself out of a position where he could have stopped this investigation. The president s frustration, i guess i get it. It reactions, i dont. It doesnt serve him well politically. If he were to sit back and say fine there will be is nothing there, but i will fully cooperate. I think he would take it away. But thats not how hes wired. Howie in the interview with Chris Wallace, chris asked the president about asking the attorney the acting attorney general matt whitaker, the president said if whitaker took any steps to curtail or rein in the investigation he would leave it up to whitaker and he wouldnt intervene. Chris did you know before you have appointed him he had that record and was so critical of mueller. President trump i did not know that. Howie he gets his own acting attorney general and he had no idea he was a mueller critic . Emily i find that hard to believe as well. He did transition into talking about the investigation. Its not something im going to freak out over. This is part of the speculation on why the president was lashing out. Sara you would expect him to be anxious about whats coming out here. We heard reports that even some thirdlevel players chris talking about jojer stone iing its about roger stone saying its not important. But there was a lot of press speculation. Mo everybody should stop speculating. I want the president to chill out and let this thing happen. So should the press. The press should chill out and let this thing happen. Emily the press created such a circus. Howie reports that donald trump is angry, lashing out after the mid terms. An investigation of facebook by the New York Times. Theres little rest for a single dad, and back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid, plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. If youre waiting patiently for a liver transplant, it could cost you your life. Its time to get out of line with upmc. At upmc, livingdonor transplants put you first. So you dont die waiting. Upmc does more livingdonor liver transplants than any other center in the nation. Find out more and get out of line today. Howie facebook has been telling us for a long time that its going to do better. Mark zuckerberg and his deputy Sheryl Sandberg spent years minimizing its problems then tomorrow reluctantly promised to do better. Personally i think the idea the fake news on facebook which its a very small amount of the content, influenced the election in any way i think is a pretty crazy idea. We didnt take a broad enough view of our responsibility and that was a big mistake and it was my mistake and im sorry. Chris reporting shows facebook was concerned that if they were too tough on russia, they maybe accused of being on the side of democrats. They knew things were going on as early as 2016 but didnt tell their own board or the public what they knew until the fall of 2016. They kept escalating the problem. Maybe its not so bad. I remember at the time saying its like cockroaches. They will come out everywhere. Is it doing more damage to the United States . Howie facebook hired a p. R. Firm to blast google and am for unsavory business practices. And tried to link them to george soros. Zuckerberg and sandberg insist they didnt know about the work of the firm which the company has now fired. And say the allegations in the piece were not true. The question is whether zuckerberg can police facebooks content and whether the global machine he built is beyond repair. A Court Restores acostas press credentials, but is it the victory many think. And ill have thoughts on stan lee. Howie many major news outlets are facing cnns out against the white house for revoking jim acostas press credentials. The federal judge issued a temporary ruling for cnn friday. Not on First Amendment grounds, but because the white house violated acostas due process. President trump thats enough. Thats enough. Pardon me, maam. President trump cnn should be ashamed of themselves having you work for them. You are a rude, terrible person. Howie Chris Wallace asked about the judges ruling. President trump we have to write up rules and regulations. I am not just saying this about acould a. Cnn writes very fake news. I want too thank my colleagues in the press who supported us and i want to thank the judge for the decision. Lets go back to work. Howie the judge said this is not about the First Amendment. Its about due process. Is it something of a win for press freedom . Emily i think its a win for cnn. The president politically, its smart to downplay it. It was about due process. We are going to implement rules for conduct i hope take because they have turned into such big circuses, and acosta is a big part of that. It will implement rules that the reporters know they have to abide by them. This story is just howie maybe just turn the cameras to show the reporters to deprive him of air time. Whether its condoning jim acostas conduct. Sara all the media backed fox news against the obama administration. When it comes to access to the white house, the White House Press corps tend to stand in solidarity so they can protect themselves. They are subject to the same type of support. But two things can be true. You can disagree with acostas conduct and still think the white house acted in bad faith by taking away a press credential without due process. Howie here is a comment about the significance of the decision. This was not just about cnn or even the white house. This is about government officials in statehouses in city halls, whether they can throw out reports they view as annoyances. Howie a Justice Department lawyer said the president has no obligation to let any reporter on to the white house grounds. That may be true, but it would be politically challenging. Mo i agree with that. Jay wallace said it well in his statement from fox news. Press access should not be auponnized. Not be weaponized. They will couple with some sort of a process. But i worry about a president or White House Press secretary saying i dont like your coverage so i will call you rude or pick a fight with you so i have grounds to throw you out. Thats without outside the realm of possibility where a president calls the press the enemy of the american people. Its worrying. Howie acosta also picks fights in the way he lectures and debates the president. Sarah sanders sent a letter and they are still trying to proceed with revoking his credentials permanently. But the ruling shifted the attention to acostas behavior. Emily President Trump called on jim acosta at the press conference. Hes happy to talk to the people who spread what he calls fake news. They are constantly calling on him. Obviously this white house has a relationship with the New York Times and the Media Outlets. The white house does provide a lot of access and is happy to engage with these outlets. Howie the president takes a lot of questions but he snapped back and said its a stupid question. Mo when a legitimate question comes hell call them fake news, throw them under the bus and revoke their press credential. Howie sometimes. Mo then he launches into the personal attacks. Howie there wouldnt have been any oxygen if acosta had given up the microphone. The government lawyer went before the judge and said, cnn has all these other reporters that come to the white house. Somebody else could cover the president and acosta could come to the white house by watching on tv. Sara you are setting a precedent about how we are interpreting laws for the future. A lot of these questions come up in local jurisdictions, but we have never seen it playing out with a sitting president in the white house. Its insuring the law is upheld to apply to every single person. Howie nobody want the president to be in the position of saying who could cover him or her. They took away acostas oxygen away for a week. But i think it was a strategic misstep. For all the controversy surrounding acosta, hes become a journalistic martyr because other news organizations felt they had to stand for acosta. And now hes back on the job. Monica lewinsky shedding new light on her ordeal in a documentary and why she still thinks bill clinton should apologize. music throughout comfort. What we deliver by delivering. Howie President Trump is being described by major media outlet as angry and disengaged and undergoing days of fury. The l. A. Times and politico. This said to be fueling his push for another white house shakeup. Kirstjen nielsen and chief of staff john kelly. I thought we were going to a sound bite. Emily, the president does seem resentful about the coverage of paris. The potential shakeup. Then he tells Chris Wallace the story about fury is based on fictional sources. Emily they talked about the bitterness. I think there is another thing to say about the president not actually hiding a lot of his frustrations. Hes tweeting out in all caps. Its not like hes trying to say hes not frustrated. Its more about the chaos in the white house. When you have the narratives from Anonymous Sources i can see why he takes issue. Howie the media has this chaos narrative. It would and big deal if trump dumped kelly. Ryan zinke, kirstjen nielsen, it would abnormal turnover after the midterms. Mo you have a white house staff that likes to talk to the press. They like to do it anonymously. They like to leak for different reasons, private agendas sometimes, it makes them feel more selfimportant. You have a white house staff that likes to talk. And you have a white house staff that doesnt necessarily know whats in the president s head. They may be hearing something and interpreting something and putting something out there about a staff changeup. But we have gone through this cycle umpteen times with this president where there is a leak and denial and it did actually happen not long afterwards. Howie t howie in the spring of 2017, there was back biting and sniping and it died down under john kelly. For a while. It might be coming from the homeland security. The first lady publicly called for the firing of john boltons deputy who has since been transferred. The president was asked about that. He said she is not diplomatic but he liked her anyway. Other first layeredies, nancy reagan was the power behind the scenes. Sara its unique for melania. She tend to stay in the background and doesnt speak out. The only time she was speaking out. Its newsworthy we are getting inside melanias head. But does it have any actual weight to it . At this point we cant tell. Howie you talk about the press being wedded to a chaos narrative. But sometimes the white house does have chaos. Emily yes, there is a fair point to be made. To some extent the fact that there are kay otio there ares stories coming out of the white house. That being said, i confirm its over the top. Sara just like the midterm elections. The democrats took the house. But you have this drama unfolding between sessions and whitaker. I think he has a lot of wins to point to. How report president says the white house is a welloiled machine. Mo thats fake news. Donald trump his entire life, his entire career thrives on chaos. I dont think it serves the white house and government well. So to deny it is to deny a simple fact. Howie maybe its not kay ross, just conflict, letting the different fax go at it. Thanks so much for joining us. After the break. Monica lewinsky says sheep contemplated suicide. Why her comments resonates now 20 years later. People tell me all the time i have the craziest job, the riskiest job. The consequences underwater can escalate quickly. The next thing i know, she swam off with the camera. Its like, hey, thats mine i want to keep doing what i love. Thats the retirement plan. With my annuity i know theres a guarantee. Annuities can provide protected income for life. Learn more at retireyourrisk. Org annuities can provide protected income for life. [ready forngs ] christmas . No, its way too early to be annoyed by christmas. You just need some holiday spirit thats it this feud just went mobile. With xfinity xfi you get the best wifi experience at home. And with xfinity mobile, you get the best wireless coverage for your phone. Youre about to find out you dont even know where i live. Hello see the grinch in theaters by saying get grinch tickets into your xfinity x1 voice remote. A guy just dropped this off. Hehehehe. I am a techie dad. N. I believe the best technology should feel effortless. Like magic. At comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Howie 20 years after the impeachment of bill clinton, Monica Lewinsky is opening up about being confront and questioned by the fbi. I remember look out the window and thinking the upon way to fix this was to kill myself and jump out the window. And i felt terrible. If i was scared. And i just felt northified and afraid of what this is going to felt mortified and what it was going to do to my family. I was in love with bill at the time. I felt really responsible. Howie joining us, gillian turner, that was hard to watch. Monica lewinsky was denigrated by the media for a very long time. When you watch that interview where she is tearing up. It drives home. Bill clinton should be the one who is ashamed. Gillian for the metoo and the timesup movement, its hard to imagine she would receive the same treatment today. The moment we were actually in the back office for the first time the truth is i think it meant more to me thats somebody other people desired, desired me. However misguide for who i was in that very moment at 22 years old. That was how i felt. Howie you know what they were doing in the back office. She was very candid. She loved bill. She was a 22yearold intern. You went to the white house when you were 23. Did you think about what happened to her . Gillian i did. When i joined the Bush Administration i was 23 years years old. Seeing the oval office for the first time, being in the west wing. Being around people who worked in the clinton administration. It dawned on me how incredible this escapade in American History had been. Understanding exactly how many people would have been aware internally something was up. Trying to understand how an intern which is as low on the totem poll as you can get and managed to have time alone with him. All of these things werent things i thought about as a teenager when the story was break. But it had a lot of impact when i was in my early 20s. Howie Monica Lewinsky says she thinks bill clinton owes her an apology. She writes a piece in vanity fair saying she would like to be fair from her victimhood. But she says its not up to her, its up to the social mob. Gillian she said the reason she was doing this docuseries is because she can. Which is a reference to when president clinton was interviewed by dan rather, he was asked why he was having a relationship with a young intern who wasnt his wife, he said because i could. Its her opportunity to tell the story as her own. To reclaim the story from the media from president clinton. Not to get too pop culture psycho an political. But this. This was and common way to treat this. Howie i wonder if todays climate would have helped her. Still to come, why i feel a personal connection to spiderman and the late stan lee. I have something i have never shown before on national television. Smile dad. I take medication for high Blood Pressure and cholesterol. But they might not be enough to protect my heart. Adding bayer aspirin can further reduce the risk of another heart attack. Because my Second Chance matters. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. I can do more to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. I take trulicity once a week to activate my body to release its own insulin, like its supposed to. Trulicity is not insulin. It works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen. And i may even lose a little weight. 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The choice for me a live an ordinary life is no longer an option. Howie stan lee had a spiderman letter published in 1922. The wise cracking figures like spidey, the xman, and the fantastic four. What i tried to do was take these characters who are obviously bigger than life and fictitious and make them seem real. They have got these powers and do ruffle things. But what are the things that worry them and frustrate them . Howie i learned to write by reading the defenders. They are all in these notebooks. I also liked the credit. In 1960s, age angst ridden heroes, all for 10 cents. China created an anchor powered by artificial intelligence. They dont require sleep or long lunches or big salaries and they dont make mistake. This is my first day and appearance. The development of the Media Industry will continue with innovation. Howie thats not how its done, buddy. That anchor is never going to get any ratings. Thats it for this edition of mediabuzz. You can vub describe at foxnews. Com. Out of time here. Back here next sunday. Well see you then with the latest buzz. Arthel the deadline has arrived for the end of the entire florida election recount process. I make a motion we adjourn the canvassing board. Second. All in favor . A yes. We are in adjournment. Arthel Voting Results are being sent to the capital at tallahassee. And tuesday is the big day when

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