Number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in congress. Thats the United States constitution. Your constitution. And the fact that i just read that will be considered controversial. Controversial in the e radical left wing media and controversial by opinion columns all over this country. Why . Because i dare to reed to you a part of your constitution that was violated on election day at least four states. Pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, and georgia. Im not seeking to relitigate this election im making a point the state legislature in the states need to fix the system. The courts particularly are the Supreme Court need to bring us back to our constitution. Now, the fact that i say that, and the fact that i might link to articles that talk about that, makes me controversial. And because i would talk like this, and length to the constitution and other issues of this sort, facebook began giving me the Scarlet Letter at what i was saying was in question what i was saying was factually inaccurate and after a while i got so sick of it. I voluntarily left facebook. Im not going to put up with. Nothing about this constitution or what i said incites any rational human being to do anything but be concerned about what took place in the states and one to have it fixed. So thats the nature at the free speech. Thats the nature of principle. Thats the nature of debate. Thats what our country is all about. Then i decided voluntarily to leave twitter when they decided to ban the president of the United States. From using their platform, and then we were hearing that other conservatives were being banned. And that thousands of thousands of people all of a sudden for reasons they couldnt understand were being removed. Well im not participating in that kind of economic totalitarianism. I believe in speech. And the channels of communication, american to american or american to foreigner in foreigner in to american are being choked off nows. Especially for those who are not leftist. You dont have to be a conservative or a constitution constitutionalist but a reasonable knowledgeable human being who doesnt agree with the left and you are being punished. Youre being caricatured and we cannot tolerate that as a nation. Further more im not going to have my millions of listener and viewers be monetized by these multibillionaire monopolists. They use your name. They use your data and information, your private information without your knowledge to make money. They sell it. They trade it. God know what is they do with it. Thats not part of the bargain all you want to do is communicate. All you want is free speech. Of course there are people ho go on these sites who are nasty people. Who are diabolical people. There are people like that in our neighborhoods in our communities all over our country. But twitter doesnt really carry about them. They say they do but they dont and im going to prove it to you. From our friends of the daily wire. Lewis account twitter still active. The most famous antisemite routinely comparing jews to termite among other things heads of the notorious nation in islam tweeted im the not antisemite but antitermite twitter removed the verified dplek his account following a tweet about the satanic jew in synagogue of satan account remains active and public as this program. Chinese come in the United States may not know it as they point out in daily wire but chinese come in United States has their own twitter account with 7800 followers account spread propaganda on behalf of president xi jinping they use twitter to defend chinas use of concentration camps other day in part of their ongoing genocide against muslims. The minds of muslim women and emancipated im the quoting and gender equality and Reproductive Health making them no longer baby making machines before saying that vehicles are more confident and independent and tweet since been deleted account has not. New york antifa account, for all of their talk of restricting those promoting violence, twitter still allows antifa accounts full access to the platform despite their by any means necessary slogan and use of violent rhetoric a marxist Violence Organization they cant routinely dock individual deemed quote un, quote, nazi in other words anyone on the right sharing photo and personal information in attempt to intimidate and cohearse them. That page also reports photo and videos of socalled pashist being attacked on street and protest with gleeful caption you know people eating outside peacefully at a restaurant. So their account has not been banned by twitter. Nicholas mokiller of venezuela despite running country in the ground and jailing anyone who stood in his way Nicholas Best known as human rights loving dictator of venezuela enjoys use of his twitter account aye itola other brutal murdering, dictators all over the world have twitter accounts. And tweet and so they ban the president of the United States theyre banning mainstream conservatives. Theyre banning mainstream constitutionalists. In this massive purge effort and so there may be nut jobs, there may be violent people. But theyre painting with a broad brush that painting with a broad brush and taking as many people, thousands, tens of thousands of people off their site and banning them. So where do they go . Where are these people going to go . Well theres a little entrepreneur a Little Company that started up calling parler. Parler when i heard about parler i said you know what, im going to go to parler i dont know who these people are it doesnt matter to me it is entrepreneurship it is free speech an communication with our fellow citizens. Without some oligarch on the west coast looking over my shoulder and shoulder of my followers to determine what we can and cannot say. And what im telling you today im old enough to tell you this. Used to be basic civil liberties. Thats the way it used to be. The left, the right, everybody in between understood speech understood there was hate and rest of it. But fought for speech. But not anymore. Weve got the purging going on not the purging going on on the left. Not the purging going on on marxist anarchist and perch of host on tv and writers who refer to so many of us as neonazis, and although that kind of hate speech and intolerance is apparently okay on twitter. And facebook and all of the rest of them. So theyve all gotten together to try to put parler out of business. And theyre also character assassinating this site by calling it a right wing site a controversial site it is a platform. Theres nothing right wing or controversial about it. Except that they support free speech with apparently which is now right wing and controversial so i asked john mates the parler ceo to come on program so we can start from the beginning. Find out who john is why he started parler and now what parler is facing something thats absolutely unprecedented. John mates how are you sir . Hi, thank you for having me on. Tell the nation a little bit about your background. What have you been doing . What caused you to start parler and so forth . Well, im a Software Engineer so i started by developing iphone apps and i ran a Consulting Company doing that, and worked for various corporations, anything from you know the Defense Industry to actually Amazon Web Services. So you know, a few years ago i saw trend in direction we were head welcome and i thought theres a need for more civil discourse for people to talk to one another. To parlay with iewn another which is where you create parlay can want with two parties might not see eye to eye and might be violent in public but you know what it gives them a place to cool together to have a conversation and get through it together. And resolve their differences, and you know they might leave the conversation at least if they dont agree with each other theyll leave the conversation feeling a little bit better about the place so the whole concept is civil discourse conversation, meanwhile, you know, not having your information sold, traded or shared with corporations for profit. So the idea is free speech and privacy. So we wanted to combine those two things. Mark are you a right winger member of proud boys is your platform intended to create this this all right special cue non sort of environment . I would describe myself as a libertarian so no. I am not right wing no im not cue none none of those things couldnt place me in a bucket anywhere, and if you have followed me on parler for some time, people may have noticed that i argue with people on the right conservatives, i argue with people on the left i argue with basically everybody because thats kind of a hobby of mine. You know civil discourse and stirring things up a bit. Do you prevent liberal groups liberal organizations liberal politicians marxist progressive statist democratic socialist do you prevent them from coming on your site . No, of course, not. Theyre welcome on the site everyone is welcome. Thats the whole point. You know we have to get conversation going again. Mark when did you actually start parler . In 2018 we started it. It took quite a long tile to get it up and running and on stores. But you know, 2018 was the first line of code there was you know, less than five of us. [laughter] mark what city what town did you start it in your basement, bedroom did you start it in your office . Well, you know las vegas is where we started it. Henderson, nevada thats where we started everything and ran with it i had a Consulting Firm we were in a warehouse in a shady part of town, and you know we even ran our servers out of that warehouse so thats where we started so it was all of the employees from my previous Consulting Company that i ran. Mark john mates ceo parler when we return my question to you is this, parler you started it in 2018 now two and a half almost three years ago. Was parler growing . Before twitter and the other, others in california . Targeted you and how quickly was it growing . Well be right back. What are you doing . Art class. Its abstract expressionism. When you start with a better hot dog from oscar mayer, you can do no wrong. Its all for the love of hot dogs. We made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. 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Learn more at factsonhand. Com today. John matze parler, parler starts about two, two and a half years ago and as usual it is pledgeling and so forth yet youre picking up a lot of followers. Tell us how your Business Model was taking off. You know, in 2019 we had, you know, a few hundred thousand accounts i think is by the end of 2019, and by the end of 2020 we had, you know, 15 plus million accounts. You know were growing. You know, january we were, you know, on some of the last days before we were we got the ax from Amazon Web Services. We had almost a million new accounts created on that last day. We were number one on the app store. We were above facebook, we were above tiktok we were above youtube above instagram above every app on the app store in the United States we were number one. Before we got the ax. And the Business Model was proving very, you know, it was working. Our ads were not intrusive we were not using data to, you know, kind of predict people or mine people data we were presenting ads in a very what i like describe is humane way. So that we were you know, doing what i think is best for ads which is respecting peoples privacy making tremendous amount of revenue from organic Small Businesses and helping them out. And so weve proved our model we proved our growth, and marketplace. Mark so the marketplace entrepreneurship was just too much for Silicon Valley to handle. So as i read it they colluded. Every avenue of support to your business in order to run it, and in order to reach out to potential customers and so forth, was cut off. In order to choke you off and destroy you. These are companies that have no business that have no problem doing business with communist china. Theyve no problem doing business with all kinds of genocide dictator and so forth little parler was getting a little too big for its britches why do you think they focused on you and targeted you . Well a few reasons. But you know in my opinion it seems our growth was was very high. And question didnt agree with their ideas on censorship. Google apple, and Amazon Web Services all agreed that our terms of service were acceptable. They never said publicly or anywhere as far as im aware that there was any problems with our terms of service and free speech. So instead they they seemed to make it about violence which we dont condone and dont allow. You know we dont allow violence or insurrection these are illegal acts. So it is very, very interesting that they all on the exact same day without previously indicating they never indicated to us that there was any serious or material problem with our app. But on the same day, you know all in the same day, they sending us very threatening notices so we said okay lets call this lets see what what google said they actually never emailed us and, you know, we have no way to contact them. Okay so google is out. Apple lets call a rep we call a rep and they basically shrugged it off made no indication that this was deadly serious. Despite their letter email being very serious. And amazon, you know, as usual basically saying you know, oh, i never saw any material problems theres no issues. You know they played it off very nonchalantly so we had still even you know, on the 8th, 9th no real indication that this was deadly serious. Mark wheres this matter youve sued amazon as i understand it. Whats the status . Well we are trying to get a were trying to get our Services Back up and running so at least we can access our code repositories at least we can access our development and testing environment. You know this is an indication to me that seems really strange if if they believed that the social media itself was a problem you know, why did they shut off Everything Else too . So that you know development, environment they shut off you know our ability to work and our ability to even access our own code and work on that. So you know, what they did mark wait, this is important. This is important. Youre saying that your own proprietary code other information, contact information, data information, you cant even access what actually belongs to you and your company . That theyre preventing you from getting the information that is yours . They gave us a very small window to download it all while we were, you know, experiencing a lot of growth. And so question tried to download what we could but now we dont have anymore access. And what we also need is to be able to spin up our servers so that we can get some information which requires our servers to be running to get. And so yes, theyre preventing us from doing that. At the moment. Mark theyre really not interested in stopping violence, are they . Theyre interested in stopping competition. And theyre using their their socalled strength as a private company to exercise power this way. When, in fact, theyre affecting discourse in the entire country, millions and millions of people and millions and millions of businesses. And if there was ever a time for companies to be broken up into a thousand pieces, because their purpose is dishonest their purpose is power, and money, and destroy any competition that exists. This is just my view. Then the federal trade commission, the antitrust division, every state attorney general they should all be looking at this. They should be investigating these companies. And frankly, they should be breaking them up. And the fact of the matter is that now you have to sue this could take years. To resolve over course of a period of time while they are in marks opinion taken your proprietary information making it impossible for you to get it to even start up and go somewhere else. That is incredible to me. And by the way, apple the irony of am getting involved in this with these iphones many of them built in communist china by god knows who under what conditions wool theyre worried about your platform and free speech. Where they shut down the president of the United States. Considering who they do business with is disgusting. It is absolutely disgusting. John matze ceo at parler let me ask you odd question if people want to get in touch with you where do they go . Right now we have our email up. But i dont know how much longer that is going to last. Amazon and these companies all made very public and very harsh statements claiming that we were, quote, unquote breaching their terms of service for months theyve been trying to notify us. Which i dont think is true at all. Amazon sites they have 100 violation reports they sent to us which was true. But they sent them all to us on the 8th, and all at once even though even a week before they were trying to extend their partnership with us even more by offering us, you know, proprietary services, year Long Development plans, theyre offering Us Development resources. You know this is no indication you know, that there were any material problems with our service. This was all just happening at the