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But our friend don trump jr. Don trump jr. How are you sir . Im doing we will great to be with you guys. You know, your speech wasnt too bad either people really, people really enjoy i cant think of a bad speech. During that convention your dads speech was absolute powerful, beautiful, magnificent, speech in the sense that it was patriotic we need patriot esm. We need americanism we need to feel good about our country the Vice President did the same everybody there, common folk up there. Of accomplish so much in our country how do you compare Republican Convention to the Democrat Convention . Well its a nobrainer first and foremost Democrat Convention was a week long i hate america never ending zoom call. It was a disaster. I mean if you like anything about your country, if you respect anything about america you know youre canceled. It was really an embarrassment ive been saying democrats have really lost their flare for production value ever since Harvey Weinstein went to prison they used to be at that like a kindergarten zoom class. Testifies a true people barszment and you compare and contrast that to this message. You know, proamerica whether it is max alvarez and lived American Dream and stories mark that can only happen in america. The rnc it was so positive it was so warm you see the media hated on it instantly theyre laughing and saying theres not enough hollywood celebrity i dont much out of touch selects at my convention and rnc highlighted real americans who have lived their American Dream telling that story and honestly, i think thats what america wants. Mark i think youre absolutely right we get this negativity day in and day out Democrat Party seems to think it is got the coalition of negativity and coalition of losers im going to be perfectly honest about it. And that is, they now are complaining about the rioting after the poll numbers show that the public is really turned off by this particularly in suburbs so all of a sudden joe biden pops out of his he issues a video from his basement and he say rioting has to stop they didnt say a word about that during their convention did they . Not one person at the dnc not one condemn looting, rioting violence thats been going on in again, democrat control states, democrat run cities, it was an embarrassment until i guess it was don lemmon got on cnn said we have to talk about this because it is affecting us necessarily because when they say us they mean the dnc and main Mainstream Media they know that and they are clear leaders for Democrat Party. They are activist for the far left and radical left. Oh finally joe issues, you know, a milk toast statement yeah we shouldnt do that. And then, you know, goes into the usual dnc talking points. But the fact that they have a week to address the violence thats going on, the looting, burning down of buildings. Now it is happening in our suburbs if joust look at, you know, whats going on in wisconsin. You know, this isnt isolated to big inner cities. It is a disgrace they have a week to touch it and not one person even mentioned it. And its a true disgrace. Mark its not easy to put together a book and to get it out in a timely fashion what was your motivation . It was interesting i had no intention of actually writing a book when we went into quarantine we have all of that tile at home and i decided to selfpublish because i wasnt sure i would have been lifted in a month and wouldnt have been able to get it done but i started looking mark. All of this time couldnt go to church were anything so i was at home and i started researching this candidate joe biden that the media is pretending is some blank slate saying wait a minute hes been in washington, d. C. For 50 years. Half a century. Like there must be something there. And when i started finding, whether it is policy, whether its decisions whether it is the family graph that im not talking about hunter biden and is. 5 billions from china. At 83,000 dollars month, for a no show job in the ukraine for an oil company that he knows nothing about. I dont just mean that by moan brother getting multimillion and billion dollar contract in iraq to build housing minor details hes not a home builder never done that and you know what he did have direct access to joe biden im saying all of these things whether it is Health Issues e spents time interviewing Ronny Jackson white house doctor, talking about joe bidens very apparent mental decline. About the enact he had two aneurysm put him in the hospital explosions in your brain, you know these are things they happen to donald trump, this would be world news. It wouldnt go away. They would use it as a disqualifying factor they would say 25th amendment in later stages of alzheimers and dementia if he couldnt remember where he was and this happens to joe bide hundred 50. Of the time and not a Single Person zero have said a thing so i honestly said, its my obligation as a citizen of america to tell the American People to tell independents to tell people the true story. To get into details. I literally have like 50 page of citation through all of the these thing he is health, or his 50 years of voting record and terrible trade decisions pushing for nafta pushing for tpp pushes for china to go into the World Trade Organization which allowed them to grow from an economy that was the size of the netherlands to the bee behemoth today and it is from scranton, pa so if media will advocate their job, if theyre going to just neglect their role to inform the American People to be left wing activist pushing for joe biden, i said someone has to put it all down on paper. If it was donald trump, they would be doing it. Since they refuse i took upon myself. Mark now, i guess joe biden is campaign think theyre going to get away with hanging out in the basement hes been to two places. Hes been to deeing, delaware, scranton and doesnt leave the basement of the second floor of his house very often. I wonder if American People are going to tolerate this in other words youre asking people to vote for you and you wont even go visit them. Your father goes state to state to state, hes on the tarmac. He talks to people. Hes interacting with people hes very vibrant man, and joe biden is the opposite that have. You have a chapter in this book thats really quite compelling called unfit to serve. What do you mean by that . Listen, you know we talked a little bit about some of the Health Issues but when you see it you see the difference. You see how draining this job is on people and joe biden refuses to campaign. Hes not even doing zoom call hes staying in his basement and is it because he cant or because theres nothing to do . I have to do 50 zoom calls day. Representing you, congressman, senators that are running doing fund raisers, you know is it that he cant do it or that hes just not physically able . Again, these are not i dont mean to make light of Health Issues i understand how serious that is and a lot of people that are older the difference is, were not entrusting the average grandparent with the Nuclear Football mark. Were not entrusting them with greatest economy of the world were not entrusting them with 350 million people. Now, you know when you look at the Health Record of joe bide only it is dismal and if donald trump had a fraction of this, it would be a disqualifying factor as far as the media is concerned. They would talk about it nonstop. Every television psychologist would be on tv saying with about that it is over he cant possibly do this when joe biden has stumble and cant remember his wife from his sister you even saw speech he gave a nice job delivering a teleprompted speech thats his thing after 50 years in d. C. You should be able to do that but see his wife almost had to carry him off the stage. You know is is this guy going wake up at 3 00 in the morning to take a phone call and capable of doing that and if were not sure, should someone other than me be asking this question . So again, i went into all of the details of the health, multiple aneurysms things that any medical doctor worth their grain of salt would tell you if you took politics out of it theres almost a zero percent chance that theres not a pretty significant on your ability to perform that doesnt mean you cant be a good guy or cant be a grandparent. It does probably mean we should question it. We should look into it if youre going to be president of the United States. And the media has refused to even touch it. Mark i think your other point which is really this isnt about the president its about the American People. So in other words, the American People have a right to a president who is competent they have the right to president who is substantive they put out 110 page radical manifesto. It is a disaster. Which is why they dont discuss it at least in public. Joe biden should be standing there and required to answer for every page of that manifesto. And yet when hes questioned even by friendly reporter abc, he steps in. If he would shut down the entire United States, the entire country if a scientist told him to do it. What do you make of that . I think it is asinine and joe biden is not the candidate the media want. Hes the vessel to get you Kamala Harris, hes the vessel to get you Bernie Sanders, beto orourke extreme left because media is very smart. Theyre good at marketing they want to be able to go to living rooms in Middle America and say, look, this is moderate joe from scranton guess what guys youre not moderate joe from scranton. You know they dont talk about fact that he left scranton when he was 7 and that he became an elected official in washington d. C. Swamp in his 20s. They dont that because that doesnt work well for lying to American People with. But what theyre trying to do is say hey look at this guy hes so great and dont talk about Kamala Harris as your vp you dont choose her if you have a moderate agenda. Shes the most left voting senator in the United States senate. You dont bring in beto hell ya ill take your ar15 as your guns are, if youre a moderate on the second amendment. You dont put up as you alluded to the Bernie Sanders joint unity platform on your website if youre a moderate. This is the communist manifesto for the new age. Now again the media will tell you no, joe hes a moderate. Joe is not taking a moderate position. Hes taking direction from the radical left. That is on his website, and you the american taxpayer have the privilege of paying for it. You the american taxpayer have the privilege of joe biden taking 4 trillion additional tax dollars out of your pocket. To Fund Health Care for illegals. College tuition for illegals. Now, you dont have the privilege of actually getting that for yourself. You dont have the privilege of getting that for your children you have to pay for that separately and have privilege of paying for illegals. This is an insane concept this is something that would destroy the middle class of america. It is something that would destroy our economy you then take the Green New Deal in another name, and look what the implications would be to the regs rest of america and it is a disaster but the media doesnt want that. Candidate they wanted was Kamala Harris and theyre basically getting that because no one really believes that joe is in charge enough to get it done. That hes the guy. Hes the pup fete for the radical left that they can paint a rosy picture of a moderate as but again if you do a little bit of research, youll realize very quickly that this is the most radical agenda ever put forth. Media is not going to fell you that but it is why i wrote liberal privilege because thats what it is. I get to hear a lot about privilege right . Im the white son of a successful guy. I get it ive been incredibly blessed to be an american, in my family but no one talks about liberal privilege which is ability to lie, to flipflop, to have a terrible record like joe biden. And then to be able to be pushed by media as, though, moderate hes the guy to save america. Honestly mark, if joe biden knew how to fix anything, why hasnt he done it yet . Why hasnt he waited . Half a century to start delivering for American People, i mean, i know people that take a little while to warm up, half a century were to believe it . Its nonsense it is smoke and mirrors put forth by a media that is functioning as a comer leader for dnc. Mark all right the book is, liberal privilege an excellent book joe biden defense here it is get it at don jr. Com. Don jr. Com amazon. Com. Well be right back. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . Line the desert never lies. Isnt that what i said . No you were talking about allstate and insurance. I just. When i. Lets try again. Everybody back to one. Accident forgiveness from allstate. Click or call for a quote today. Monitoring patients in hospitals around the world so that doctors and nurses can make sure you feel safe. 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Of course he coordinates the entire federal bureaucracy, he coordinates private sector activities pharmaceutical companies, assembly lines, and working day in and day out. Hes got a task force with experts headed by the Vice President providing with information. All day, every day, hes on top of this. Hes filled the gaps that governors have failed to fill in their own priorities over years. Especially cuomo and new york murphy and newsom in california, in illinois and so forth, and when you look at the information when you actually look at the charts, and in terms of mortality rates and so forth the United States is doing far better than any other country on the face of the earth one industrial behemoth and trying to exploit this particularly joe biden you write about this. What do you make of this . An entire chapter of this because they neglected former member and shut down at the end of january. He was called a racist and zine phone for doing that mark at any point in history that would be called common sense. If you were in the center of a viral outbreak, you shut down travel so as to stop the spread. You dont get credit for that if youre in the Trump Administration remember stories americans are going to want for ventilator not one person, because he was able to mobilize that ppe. Youll never hear those good stories but more importantly youll also never hear the compare and contrast to similar situations under the biden Obama Administration. Right, joe biden had a similar role to vice pence when h1n1 came out but he didnt do anything. Thousands more were infected before the Obama Biden Administration moved before swine flu. Millions got it. Now luckily, luckily swine flu was not nearly as deadly as the wuhan virus because they were so slow to react. They were slow, slow to do anything that their own spokesperson from Obama Administration guy that worked with joe biden said we got lucky this wasnt viral and no one talks about fact that obama biden never restock ppe over things that were used to deal with h1n1 try to blame trump about this and reality is every doctor will admit now. Stopping travel from china was the number one thing because if you have a virus that, you know, expands exponentially coming into the country if you have more people getting. More people would have given it to others. It would have qhoamed our overwhelmed our hospitals before we have a chance to do pun precedented things that this administration has done so media is just disregard of all of the things for the revisionist history that theyre able to piengt like joe biden i saw karl rogge did a piece that people should check out saying joe biden would have done x, y, z a month after talking about how it was racist and didnt say we should be getting ppe and doing any of these things. He didnt do that. Joe biden doesnt know what myself talking about. Thats exemplified again by their response to h1n1 by any metric thank god a less deadly disease because they were so slow to act it would have been a greater disaster and never hear from a cheerleader cheering about joe biden. Mark youre right about his experience and as i sit here listening to you and monitor these thing he is carefully over last half century i cant think of one great profound thing that joe biden has done. And i can think of a dozen screwups. Yeah and youre exactly right on the swine flu 2009 own guy ron klain backed off now but a year ago he said they were hucky it was a disaster. They screwed up every step of the way and just to give a comparison the president because hes in private sector has contracted with companies to manufacture viles to manufacture syringes. Hes contracted with companies to distribute the vaccine once we get the vaccine. Hes already cut all of the red tape at the fda other places to get vaccines on a fast track. To get therapeutics on fast track a guy thats been in government 50 years barely with it and his running mate who is a radical just a radical leftist, what in the hell are they going to be doing when we have another pandemic down the road . Absolutely nothing. Its going to be a disaster. Like i said ive heard of people with a slow start but half a century to get going. Are we really supposed to believe, is anyone in america truly that stupid that they believe that now joe biden is going to do it. Now hes going to deliver for the American People. I cant imagine anyone accepting that maybe in d. C. Maybe in the swamp. Where i come from in the private sector, you know, you dont last 50 days of not doing anything let alone 50 years mark what would Kamala Harris do experience tells us she wouldnt have any idea what to do because shes basically a left wing bomb thrower. She used her position as d. A. To reward her friends and punish her enemies she used her position as attorney general. To climb up the ladder because she wanted to run for the senate and then senate for two years what has she done voted every left wing agenda item as you said at the beginning of the program shes to the left of Bernie Sanders. How is a person like that perch going know where the private sector is or have any executive phone number or be able to coordinate anything no experience, no evidence of this whatsoever. And ill give you the proof don jr. There are 110 page manifesto they dont have any information about how to do this differently or any other better way whatsoever. Not everyone a little bit thats the reality they dont have a plan but theyll pretend theres a plan and never articulated whether it is Kamala Harris whether it is joe biden look at the record. Joe biden is going to be the champion of the middle class. Hes spent half a century shipping jobs onboard and went to nafta tpp all of these things that literally destroyed our American Dream mark. They spent half a century taking our American Dream and exporting. It was our only export for half a century. Because of the failed policies stiewpgd policies, i mean Kamala Harris you look at her record, you look at the voting record and more importantly how about this . Look at california. I mean, other than the weather and beautiful scenery, you know, i dont to california my america. It is become a disaster such a shame what happened to great state because of failed liberal policies. Thats what were going to see everywhere else in america. Thats what is coming to your suburb. Its not just cocoming to inner centers part of the joint unity platform is zoning and suburbs of america they want the big cities that surround the suburbs. To be able to whatever policies those big cities want into those suburbs. It would literally destroy the american suburbs and that way of life as we know it. Again media will not talk about those things because they want this to happen. But they also understand that if the American People knew what was actually in that plan, if they knew what it actually entailed, it would be a disaster for the democrats. So theyre kind of covering up one thing to be able to push the narrative without getting into the disastrous ideas of what are behind these radical left wing policies. Mark book is liberal privilege at don jr. Com and amazon. Com and read before the election and spread the word of this book to your neighbors and your friends and your colleagues and coworkers. It is very, very important were not going able to cover everything in the book, obviously, but a lot of new information on joe biden i didnt know. But don has done his homework. Well be right back. Just over a year ago, i was drowning in credit card debt. Sofi helped me pay off twentythree thousand dollars of credit card debt. They helped me consolidate all of that into one low monthly payment. They make you feel like its an honor for them to help you out. 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Com. Jon welcome back don great new book everything were discussing is actually in the book. You touched on in the last segment this war on the suburbs which is quite significant. The president and the secretary killed obama plan which would basically allow the federal bureaucracy in cities to devour suburbs and make decisions for the suburbs that would benefit the Democrat Party and centralize government. Do you think that people of the suburbs realize that plan that joe biden and harris have for the suburbs . I really dont. You know, this is part of the, you know, cory booker plan to, you know, basically take money of the inner cities put it into suburbs and have an area becoming a melting pot so essentially the suburbs again, would elimination of pig Family Housing were going to put mass projecting into this suburbs. Were going flood what could be good public schools, in those areas, with excess capacity, i mean it is a true disaster and again this is why no one talks about these thengs and not pretending it is going to happen but literally on joe bidens website. The media knows better in their role as a cheerleader to highlight this because they think, you know, that joe biden is going to perform well in the suburbs and do well with suburban women but when they look at these plans, this would end an american way of life. I mean, People Choose to live in the suburbs many of them working class people who commute into big cities so they can have that American Dream. This class egg sort of suburban american lifestyle. This would end all of that it would seed power and independence from the suburbs. Give total control to the inner cities to big cities that they surround, and what would that do . It would destroy all of these things that weve so appreciate about the suburbs, and more importantly it would use your taxpayer dollars to fund fail programs in democrat inner cities thats the big part of it. Is that these cities are running out of money. They have not done a good job budgeting. They are running deficits theyre behold opinion to every teachers union. You know they want to eliminate, obviously, school choice. You cant have that. You have to be able to put your kids into what is, you know, American Public school indoctrine system for left wing policies these are things that would destroy so many of the benefits of the suburbs and again, no one so going to talk about it. Because if people in the suburbs realized what was going on, they would revolt against it because in a few years, they would be nonxyst existent and escape from and fail policies of those cities who have run up budgets who have failed to deliver, who continue to run deficits and will never catch back up, you have the privilege of funding all of that while we destroy your Property Values home values everything about it and your school system. Its a true disaster that no one is talking about. Mark you paint a picture based on what biden and harris and their campaigns have said the information theyve put out. Which is really the destruction of the american system and the American Dream. The war on the suburbs. The war on the police. The war on border security. The war on the taxpayer. Regulating everything that moves and everything that doesnt move. Centralized decision making. Youve taken what theyve put out there, but wont talk about and you put it in your book and you expose it all chapter after chapter and then, the cherry on the cake is and joe biden has embraced this whether he know it is or not. And they are using him to advance this agenda. Now, thats one of the reasons im certain that theyre hiding him in the basement because if he ever talks about these things he starts to reveal them with war on america basically, the war on our Economic System welcome the war on the citizens of the United States with all of these things, and you have the garden media protecting joe biden at the same time. My question to you for the next segment is this, once the American People learn this, and as we get closer and closer to the election, do you think that theyre going to know enough to reject this, in other words the media is such a filter for the Democrat Party that theyre going spin this for instance, you talk about suburbs ive talked about suburbs you know first thing media say is you must be a racist because you dont support diversity no were not racist we support diversity suburbs are most diverse part of our country as a matter of fact. So when we come back my question to you is once American People learn all of this, and youre trying to get them to learn all of this through your book liberal privilege, will they reject it . Well be right back. An army famo is always at the ready. So when they got a little surprise. Two . They didnt panic. They got a bigger car for their soontobebigger family. 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Clean magic eraser sheets. Mark the book is liberal privilege it is an complengt book you can get it at don jr. Com or amazon. Com it is a great book, right before the election to read and share with everybody you know. So don jr. Just to put a point on my question it is a war on all they thinks american. All things American Culture thats what the democrats are proposing. Do you think the American People will catch on to this . I hope so. All you really needed to do was tune into dnc to see that there was not a positive thing about america and, obviously, no opportunity america. This is the greatest country in the world. You saw that highlighted in the rnc. Stories that could never have happened anywhere else. Happened right here in america. People can live in American Dream. And thats what were pushing to propagate thats what were trying to get people to understand. The democrats doom and gloom that they saw in the dnc is only going to be pushed further. I mean this is their idea for america which is to destroy it to push for socialism and for communism. You know, they want to overregulate things. Whats that going to do to middle class whats that going to do to our economy weve seen for year what is fail policies have done. Theres a reason that donald trump was able to get the economic numbers to go through the roof theres a reason why under the Trump Administration and certainly prior to covid19 prior to a world pandemic there was not a single economic metric mark where we were not better off than the failed biden Obama Administration because they wanted to overregulate, overtax, spend money you look at the platform of where they want to spend your taxpayer dollars. Its to everyone but for americans. They want to go back to pushing jobs abroad to china to sending your American Dream abroad. They want to overregulate you to death so their friends in washington, d. C. Can make billions of dollars more importantly, they dont even want to get out of the endless wars i think thats such a big component no one is talking about no one in america wants to be in these endless wars. The people in d. C. Are general they cant even articulate why we are still there joe biden pushed them for decades because it is the military Industrial Complex theyre making their friends in the beltway really rich. They cant give us an answer why we are still there but sure as heck know we cant pull out so when donald trump wants to bring back troops from afghanistan longest war, they start leaking false things to the New York Times with gleefully run this is russian interference it is nonsense. But theyre sending our kids, our beautiful men and women to die and far off battle fields fighting for wars they cant tell American Public why they are there. This is d. C. , the swamp what theyve done to america. And this is why this election is so critical so i ask, you know, if youre an independent voter or on the fence do me a favor. Name one single, a single joe biden accomplishment that has been positive for america hes got a lot of failures talk about building up china maybe he should run for president of the china because man hes grown them economically with policies that took our jobs and gave it to them and name a single joe biden positive for america accomplishment. And then maybe vote for him if thats your case you cant do that. Mark, a half a century in d. C. And now hes going fix things . Now hes going to start again, no one is stupid enough to believe that. Mark you make an interesting points on Foreign Policy. Talking about these endless wars at the same time they were slashing Defense Budget so we sending to war cutting legs out from under them. This president has built up United States military for those times when it is really, really necessary. And you know for all of the talk, putin ran circles around biden and obama. Xi ran circles around biden and obama. Iranians ran circles around biden and obama. Where is iran today theyre teetering where is china today they want biden to win and russia today under most, under the toughest, most extensive sanctions by any president and modern history. And democrats try to turn that narrative back to the economy real quick. For the next segment, you know, the Biden Economic policy is similar to the policy that was used at the outbreak of the Great Depression 70, 80 years ago. And it wound up extending that depression for ten years. Ten years. You dont have tight money supply, massive taxation massive regulation when economy contracted because it is going to contract more and government will get bigger and bigger and bigger. Interested in your response to this when we come back because, the biden plan it is laid out there to result in a ten year massive depression for the American People. The book is liberal privilege don jr. Well be right back. E. They need help to stay home. And stay safe. They need us and we need you. Home instead. Apply today. You know limu,ug after all these years home instead. Its the ones that got away that haunt you the most. [ squawks ] cause youre not like everybody else. Thats why Liberty Mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. What . Oh, i said. Uh, this is my floor. Nooo only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Im happy to give you the tour, i lohey jay. It. Jay . Charlotte oh hi. He helped me set up my watch lists. Oh, hes terrific. Excellent tennis player. Byebye. I recognize that voice. Annie . Yeah she helped me find the right bonds for my income strategy. Youre very popular around here. Theres a birthday going on. Karl he took care of my 401k rollover. Wow, you call a lot. Yeah, well its my money were talking about here. Joining us for karaoke later . Ah, id love to, but people get really emotional when i sing. Help from a team that will exceed your expectations. Mark the book is liberal privilege by don jr. A terrific book. I think youve covered everything Foreign Policy domestic policy and exposed joe biden in ways that media are not exposing and certainly in many ways i wasnt even aware of. It is very comprehensive well written, easy to understand book. You can get it at don jr. Com amazon. Com, so the Biden Economic plan would be a disaster wouldnt it, don . It would be terrible. I mean, its everything that has failed over and over again. Whether it is the tenant of social schism not brought much success or wealth or prosperity to any country that has tried it but really it would be regulation taking your taxpayer dollars, bringing to the swamp in d. C. , and watching people who have never run businesses never done anything, run our country up and decide what to do with your taxpayer dollars. Thats what is more scary donald trump created tax cuts for American People that in turn created jobs. That drove up wage for the lowest income earners for first time in modern history. I mean, this hasnt happened before. They literally want to take the policies that allow for that kind of growth that allowed for you to have that much more money in your pocket. Take it away from you and give it to a bureaucrat in washington, d. C. Who has no track record decide what to do with your money it is asinine what i love difference between my father and democrats honestly my father and establishment is he doesnt look at this as, though, it is government money. It is taxpayer money, every Government Program is taxpayer funded. Not government funded. Thats your money. We believe you know what to do with your money better just like we know we believe, you know what to do with your children better as it relates to school choice. Were not going to bow to the teachers unions who, you know, now are running on a platform of we support blm Defunding Police what does that have to do with educating our children . Everything about the democrat platform is smoking mirrors for their big money washington, d. C. Bureaucratic nonsense they think they know better than American People and last century they are dead wrong but no one is going to tell you that. Mark you know don whats interesting me is biden and Kamala Harris you have zero private sector experience. Zero experience creating jobs, zero experience creating services, zero experience creating a product. And yet they seem to know everything. Isnt that the problem . That they know nothing. 100 is the problem but youre wrong about one thing they have created jobs joe biden created jobs for hunt per bide whon got to sit on boards who got to bring in millions from china 1. 5 billion from china that i think media qowld have a hard time with it if donald trump jr. Took 1. 5 trillion from china but into his fund for your viewers who dont know about funds a 2 Management Fee in a typical fund thats 30 Million Dollars year to biden family but yeah hes tough on china now. How about joes brother. Who is benefited from getting government contracts to build housing minor detail hes never built a louse in his life. But because he had access to joe biden he gets sweethearts deals. Biden administration would be the swampiest administration in the history of our country. No one talks about t. Things we did would be global news, get nothing and thats why i spend time to research it for liberal privilege that is ultimate form of privilege to do that and then be pushed by the media as though youre this infallible person with incredible record is outright embarrassing and media should be ashamed of themselves. Don jr. Terrific book liberal privilege joe biden and democrat defense of the indefensible at amazon. 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By empowering employees to manage their own tasks, paycom frees you to focus on the business of business. To learn more, visit paycom. Com [ ] mark welcome back, america. In joe bidens america, america isnt the america you and i see. They condemn every aspect of it. They tear down our traditions and customs. They attack our justice system. They attack the nation of opportunity. They attack success. What is it they want . Its not the Democratic Party of old. Its something different. They have given us their guidelines. A 110page manifesto a communist regime could have put in there. There is nothing in there about individual liberty or human rights. Its an iern iron fisted governt document. Whether you live in the city, the suburbs, whether you are a farmer or rancher. How they have intend to destroy our families with the tax code. They want to crash the economy. This isnt the way america works. They apparently dont understand the American People, the american spirit. They dont understand the men who stormed the beaches at normandy. I understand the men who fought or liberty and freedom from all over the world, cariving the American Flag which they demand we kneel. We see the f16s flying in the sky, we are prideful. When we think of American History and world war ii. And all the other wars where it was the yanks who saved freedom. We think our ancestors who came to this country. We thank god. When we look at the number of people who would come into this country if they could by the billions. We know true diversity and charity. The Democratic Party is a dark party. It has a history thats evil from slavery and now marxism. It seeks to devour our soul, devour our spirit. Thats not going to be tolerated. Donald trump stands between us and them. The Democrat Party has gone off the rails. This is about patriotism, faith and family. The choice this election could not be more stark. See you have next line on life, liberty levin. [ ] jesse welcome to watters world. Im jesse watters. The program. Something very mysterious is happening in america. There is a campaign to program you. You are being told not to trust what you see with your own eyes. If you are told something you are telling you didnt hear that. If you feel something, you are shamed into not trusting your instincts. Let me show you why it works. For the entire summer job rrp ignored

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