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Table. I have here the Government Accountability Office Document that nations fiscal health. May 2023. Issued a couple weeks ago, this was issued to every leader in congress by the Executive Branch. The gao is one of the best of the entities our government has, what do they say. Why do we care. It says balance of current revenue, resolve in debt growing faster than the economy, thi this is unsustainable. The government never writes reports like this or speaks like this. It continues cbo, has stated high and rising federal debt is a fiscal crisis. Underlying conditions driving unsustainable fiscal outlook post, social challenges have not addressed. They are trying to say, the economy could collapse. Could collapse. They go on they are saying were not at war, The Ethe Econo Economics Balancedded 3 Out Of Last 4 years. For example, debt held by public, grew during economic expansion of june 2009 to february 2020, it did not grow during the economic expansion from March Of 1991 to march of 2001. Prior decade. This is pretty shocking stuff from the bureaucracy. Independent an analysis emphasize twice the size of the economy by 2051, get your this report is available to the public. How much how how many news reports refer to this document, none and there is more, s Social Security and medicare, they issued a report, they put out a message to us, right out of internet. It says what are we talking about . The hostile Insurance Trust fund will be able to pay, medicare 100 of total scheduled benefits until 2031. 3 years later than report last year, at that point funds will become depleted. 2031. Funds reserves will be depleted. Old age and survivors insurance. Bulk of Social Security trust fund pay 100 of total scheduled benefits until 2033. 2033. That is frightening. So they feel that both these funds when combined, if you combine their period of time, 20 anot 34, then there is nothing, your government stole all of the money. So, how many people have read this report . This report goes from trustees and e Executive Branch on leaders in congress, it comes out of the Executive Branch as does the gao, it is Executive Branch and biden who are pushing spending in ways that weve never seen before, here is the letter that goes to congress. When you watch the this debate. They dont talk about this st stuff. You say, mark, that is why Kevin Mccarthy cut a bad deal. You then deal that originally voted for it would put us on path to fiscal sanity. I hate to tell you this, nothing that republicans propose will put us on a fact to fiscal sanity, you could take more conservative member. And nothing they proposal fix it. They might slow it, there mate be a respite of a year or two, reasons the House Of Representatives is up for election every two years. Number two, system is broken. Kevin mccarthy i think has been a terrific speaker of the house. He has pushed the investigations, they passed laws involving parental rights and on the border, and they sit there in senate, they have done a great job as far as that, and pulled together his republicans as best we can, we have some that are upset with fiscal situation, i think to myself, what are they going to do about it there was a senator tom from oklahoma, a great man. He got cancer, he retired from senate two years early. He immediately joined convention of states. He said ive been here a long time. Ive been fighting this battle on the budget, nobody did it better, he said this is hopeless. This system is broken. Rather than trashing Kevin Mccarthy, or trashing any of these people, maybe he could have gotten a better deal, maybe not, does not really matter. It d doesnt matter, i read to you where were going, nothing they discuss last were addresses Social Security or medicare. The trajectory keeps going up, it might about like this up and up. I want to read article 5 of u. S. Constitution. The congress the first mode, 2 3 of both houses proposes an amendment, that has been done 27 times, and second method before done. September 15, george mason, one of great founders, really under appreciated, he stands up and says we cannot lleave it to congress to fix congress. They added language, here is what george mason said the government is is op oppressive. They look at record and one observer said nothing, there is nothing to suggest that framers intep intended to be fre process. In fact, James Madison considered father of the constitution wrote about the method of amending the constitution. When nullification was growing, in 1830, states, slave states in particular, well before the civil war, said we can get out here and nullify what federal government does, mad madison said you cant do, that you bounding your yourself to a constitution, your citizens of u. S. Citizens. Check outletter to edward everett, a scholar the opening act if you will, he gave speech the battlefield. In letter he says no, and references nullification, why does this matter . Our Cones Constitution can save us, we have conservatives in house and senate who are upset, not one gets up on floor and talks about article 5. Why . They know, i know, you know, if you didnt before, you do now. Were on a horrendous path, no bill passed by congress will face it. Im all for taking as much conservative principles and applying them as possible. But we have a structural problem. If didnt happen yesterday, it has happened over a hundred years, our constitution gives us a way out. If the state l legislators and senators would understand their power. Under article 5, there are now 20 State Legislators that adopted a resolution for a convention. Not a constitutional convention, a convention of states, that say meeting of state delicates, they used to have before a constitution, you dont have a constit constitutional convention. You still need 34 states to ask for it and 38 states to ratify. It is not easy. But i have to ask myself, where are my fellow conservatives in the house and senate . Where are the conservatives running for president , ron desantis, vivek ramaswamy, they have supported this. Perhaps there are others im not aware of, if you want to save the country, fiscally, this is what you have to do. What should we propose . I wrote a book, the liberty amendments, i want to read this to you, spending you have to meet the deadline. Secsection two i propose that needs this be in the constitution. Section 3 period. Second 4 that allows growth in the budget. But it puts a gdp cap on it you are not going above that amount, that was freemans idea, it is brilliant. Section 5 we have a debt, we can pay it it needs to be within the budget amount. Section 6 mark in case we go to war. The bottoms increase during war. And section 7 a. It is out of control now. This amendment shall take affect in fourth fiscal year after the ratification. I have a tax section too. Secsection 1 section 2 you pay your taxes, next day, if you vote in person, you vote. The consequences of Acts Of Congress and president , are known and felt the day you vote. Section 3 when someone dies, leave them alone. Section 4 i was thinking you limited 15 , i dont want them to get around it w with a value added fact or National Sales tax or some there are scheme. And section 5 my question to you america, while they are putting around in congress, mccarthy vehicle done better, maybe, we should have done this or, that they are playing on a field that has almost relevancey to where we are headed, the system is broken, congress broke it the president broke it they broke it under fdr, and ev ever since, we have courts involved and bureaucracy and irs involved. Enough, convention of states article 5. State legislators time to step up, 20 of them have we need 14 more, you want to fix the country that is how you fix it, if you are a conservative in house stalk about it in the senate talk about it. You have no role, you can help us promote it. That is at least in significant part. How we etest effectively try to address this, ill be right back. Age is just a number, and mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. 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Mark welcome back america, one of my buddies, one of my favorite guests, with fiscal matters, charles payne, making money with charles payne, a contributor on fbn, what do you make of brouhaha that has t taken place. Full of fury, signifying not much. Not worth hysteria and talk of implosion, we ended up with sort of a deal, Run Of The Mill deal we end up with. The key issues, concerns a lot of people have, what was striking to me going into this public. General public 80 of republicans say this is right time to cut spending. Twothirds of independents and about half of the democrats, general h public thought this may be a golden opportunity to sword of bend of curve if you will, we got more or less the same, kicked can down the road, unfortunate that we pushed it beyond the next election, 2025, a Lame Duck Section with less accountability to american public. All in all this a disappointing another disappointing moment. Maybe change could have happened. Mark charles, i look at this and the republical proposal that republicans original proposal that republicans had, difficult to wobble together. There are liberals welcome withins republican party. I have to be honest with you, the first proposal, they are great, if you can get them through. But even if biden did sign them. Im saying we have such a structural problem right now, that we do not seem to have the ability under the system to sit down and say, okay. That is not doing it. That will not doe it. We have to put some kind of a cap on when were doing, if you have elections every two year, one congress can blow o off another. We have crossed the rubicon. The idea that you could never go back across it again. At some point the worse case, plays out at some point, we do go off the proverbial cliff, were paying the price for it, 31 trillion, soon to be 35 trillion, the numbers are so mind boggling, atthispoint maybe were numb to them. There are consequences, at some point the consequences that can knock america off its perch. Mark last 3 years have been a disaster, pandemic used as an excuse, mostly by democrats, partly republicans but mostly democrats to go nuts to spend trillions of dollars we dont have into two biden years they billed on top of that and expand government, and they want to destroy our Energy Independents and create Climate Change, and subsidize corporations, money flowing out everywhere out of ev federal government. Happens again. Mitch mcconnell and 18 republicans vote for the omnibus bill that drops to lap of republican majority that was not even sworn in with Kevin Mccarthy and so forth. I said this is not going to work, all of the chest beating, if they only passed by bill. Those guys too. They bill would have have done a hell of a lot, im concerned that unless we have some serious discussion about structural changes, were in deep trouble. Unfortunately, there is a major move structural change. But not the direction you want but in the pop sit, you described it. Modern mop monetary theory, the idea that government can never be too big or print too much money or never you know, always the last solution for everyone to everyone of our problems. If we allow government to get large enough we wont have any problems and that is what were Lea Living Underwrite now. Mark probably problem is iron fist of the police state. They will decide who gets what and how to distribute it, well be right back. Jon welcome to fox news live, im jon scott in new york. Concern overs nations capitol, as f16 fighter jets scramble to intercept an unresponsive aircraft. The jets causing a loud sonic boom this afternoon. Startling millions of people, small Passenger Jet reportedly 4 people onboard, faa took off from an airport in tennessee, headed to long island, it turned around after reaching new york and flew into a no fly zone, the plane crashed into a mountain in central virginia. Norad said that f16s did not shoot the plane down, President Biden of the briefed on it. Im jon scott, now back to life, liberty and levin. Mark welcome back america. Were here with charles payne. You look at private sector, corporations having a lot of say on what goes on in washington, banging on doors of members of coming, they want more subsidies, they want budgets passed. No one likes free money more than corporate america. Lets talk about auto industry. Imagine if your industry is with tens of millions of cars on road, there is a way of legally replacing them all overnight, and selling people new ones in form of Electric Vehicles. Think of the opportunity for companies that have been poorly run for fords of world and general motors, they action like, you know , they sign on the bottom line it say huge amount of money. All of this stuff, In The Name Of Climate Change, i saw a headline in washington post, Climate Change sends insurance rates up, what . Things that happened forever, cyclones and 4 seasons and winter and strispring and fall, everything now is fault of Climate Change, it must be created through government and ending, but on other end of that government spending, there is someone making a lot of money, the corporations that are making a lot of money, you know company that benefited most when barack obama was in office, Florida Power and lights, it is now next era. Are all of those billions of dollars for solar panels and this and that, so, in industry in Account Round Table showed their hand. They changed their out look, before they were efficient bo for the bottom line, that is they stood for. You create a business and profit shar shareholders, then they changed to stake holders, that is the environment, this fuels the bottom line. In a way they get things the way they want, they have to live with more regulations. They do fatten up their bottom line at the expense of thes from prosperity for the average american. It hollowed out the hopes and dreams for a your honoryounger generation, this is dumb, what were doing by forcing people to drive Electric Vehicles when they dont want to, where do you s charging stations, just look at germany one of the most powerful economies in world, they are surpassed right now by china, they are shutting down Nuclear Plants they have no fossil fuels, they think a bunch of windmills will power an industrial economy, they are nuts, were watching it and we cant wait to join them. This unbelievable, do people in this country vote for this. They vote for the utopian version. You know, you v seen scifi movies, things fphenomenal, it is equal, but they fall into a trap door, they see this a phony life. Easy to sell, and big problem there is no counter sell. That is the big problem. Someone needs to counter sell this. You are good, 100 . You are not only good on finance, but culture, you nailed it thank you, charles, keep up the good work God Bless You. You took my friend, thanks a lot. Mark well be right back. At adp, we understand Business Today looks nothing like it did yesterday. While its more unpredictable, its possibilities are endless. From paying your people from anywhere to supporting your talent everywhere, we use data driven insights to design hr solutions and services to help businesses of all size work smarter today. So, they can have more success tomorrow. One thing leads to another mark welcome back america. You know i came across a book. Almost like timing is. The puppeteers, people who control the people who control america. By jase jason chaffetz. He would know something about this. The stthe timing is unbelievable. Tell us about your views about what is going on. Relate it to your book. Well, thank you, mark. I have never been more concerned about the future of our country, i wrote puppeteers over a couple years. It seems that elections we have them, but they dont make a difference. We wonder, we elected someone, then what . If you go and look at it bidens and democrats and obamas and others have done, they put in bureaucrats. The Pe Perpetuity of government continues mo matter what happens in the election, they could lose white house and lose congress, but government continues, we had that debt ceiling fight, we were arguing with less than 10 of the budget. 75 of it is mandatory program. But not just med medicaid and made care and Social Security there are others, we argue over less then 10 . If you dont do a Balance Basketball Amendment that is tied gdp you will never solve the problem, you have to understand who the pupuppeteers ol are, like susan rice who just left government, we talk and argue as republicans about all these different issues, but guess what, they have an apparatus using federal government to get out the vote. There is all these hidden gems, we follow t the money, we name the names, we tell the stories and will scare The Living Daylights out of you. A great book. You can get it on johnny amazon. Com, a brandnew book it relates to what is taking place here today. One of big points you raised this massive administrative state, over 2 million people. Then you have contractors, American People have no idea what is taking place. You have the people there, they are to be objective and partial. A lot are not. Most of the law making takes place in the bureaucracy. Not in congress, is that correct . I tell the story of the bteam, a member of Congress Goes to meet with c cabinet secretary. They are not there it is just staff, senior staff said you are meeting with the bteam, we be here before you and after you and we be the ones that m make the decisions. That is what is happening. Mark the bureaucracy just continues to push the democrat party, left wing agenda, when you have a republican president , they there are is sabotage the republicans the conservatives, i remember during reagan administration, during the trump administration. Leaking his taxes and everything else, you dont see that when democrats are in was on the. No, it is north of 95 of federal employees that make a donation go to democratic party, some agencies and departments it 100 , they could leverage the department of justice, but security and exchange commission, they use different levers to get after america and do whatever they want. Which is to implement the far left agenda. Do you think that joe biden and Kamala Harris are making these decisions . No. Absolutely not. It is th puppeteers. Mark a great book, we need push back systematically. By using the constitution. A great book, you can get it on amazon. Com. Well be right back with jason chaffetz. Mark welcome back america. You know this is really quite amazing, i talk about books that i really like, by authors i feel you really need to be exposed to. Some you know. This book, so timely, president puppeteers, i encourage you to get it on amazon. Com any major bookstore, if is in plain english, tells about your own government from someone who was there and saw it, jason chaffetz, what can states do . I think the states are the solution, your governor your Attorney General they could get after some things, but state fam Financial Officers are sleepy races, democrats are pouring millions into the races, democrats have an association, we got our hands on a document no one has seen before. It is in the book, it talks about how they will change 50 to 100 Thousand Dollars for a corporation to sit with the state Financial Officer because, the democrats control trillions of dollars, they use that with their proxy voting to go into the corporations and make the changes on dei, and esg and all things we hate, i do are doing it behind scenes, the public is be on l oblivious to. Those of puppeteers that make a difference, combine with r r randi weingarten. And susan rice. And the Executive Order that biden put up you about wont show it to us, talking about how they will manipulate election if their favor with federal employees and federal assets and federal facilities, you get through that and you are shaking your head, were fighting the wrong fight, we have to go win and we have to know how to the democrats are fighting. Mark shouldnt be is using some of their strategies and tactics again them, idea a state treasure, you are so righi so influence who a Board Of Directors does. So many of woke. Pushing this agenda or that. Do you think at least that your book would bring this to attention of enough republicans. I hope so. When donald trump came in, he had larry kudlow, the Economic Council person, and biden comes with brian deetz, he is a climate executive, he worked forever black rock, his objective was to esg and other things. If you are not aware of this you are be o you have to clear out inch everyone and starve the beast, stop feeding them with money, that is how a grow. Mark that is the problem, stop feeding them with money, i have argued, you do a blood beautiful job on the book on this bureaucracy is an apendage of the democrat party. When they lose elections, they still win. When they win elections they claim a mandate and use it to further power the unelected parts of the government this a fantastic book, great cover too. I want to encourage you folks to get a copy. At any major bookstore g chaf chaffetz, thank you my friend. Thanks mark. Mark ill be right back. That usually causes mild symptoms, but can cause more severe infections that may lead to hospitalizations, in adults 60 and older and adults with certain underlying conditions, like copd, asthma, or congestive heart failure. Talk to your doctor and visit cutshortrsv. Com. Im christine mahon. Im retired from Public Health nursing and from the army reserve. My Retirement Funds allow me to enjoy what i love to do. As long as you can make an impact, why stop . Ahhh icy hot pro starts working instantly. With two maxstrength pain relievers, so you can rise from pain like a pro. Icy hot pro. Age is just a number, and mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv our heritage is ingrained in our skin. And even when we metamorphosize into our new evolved form, we carry that spirit with us. I welcome back american charles and jason, perfect guests, for this evening think of very much and one thank you, if you want to learn more about convention of state you can go to convention of zeta, they have a 20 million numbers prayed that im one of them. Some of your probably looking at distancing what the heck is on his lapel, you guys lapel some of the Biker Kernels or something with all of their stuff on. Coming, this is you naked at least to me and a. M. And i always have been a big fan of john pointed one of my favorite actors if not my favorite actor. Simmons became available, to spend, this is from Wayne Enterprises and somebody was a very good employee, we get one of these printed i dont know the rest of the history, anything diamond around it, im a very good employee and with the heck i would put it on my lapel and looking for the perfect american flag, the on this one. I think you so much for watching the program and God Bless You and i will see you next time. Treatment good evening and thank you for joining us and i am trey gowdy and Sunday Night In America and we are grateful that we have the time and we are grateful that you are here with us In Washington Dc was on alert this afternoon, an aircraft that it taken off from a city airport, intimacy, this morning doubled back for unknown reasons, after reaching long island and then flew right over dc. For crushing and George Washington National Forest in southwest virginia the remai

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