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To hearings about corruption in the Democrat Party is all four were all for corruption, their offer fbi abuses the Department Of Justice abuse, there offer the Biden Crime Family. They are all for censorship. They go after Robert Kennedy junior. They smear him, smear his name, all for what challenging biden, they will do anything to protect biden they know hes a crook, his family is crooked and is mentally incapacitated but putting their agenda and place, the most radical agenda in history because is put people throughout the government, obama holdovers and so forth, and theyre doing this work in the country and killing it. What weve learned in the last few weeks even longer about the biden family im not quite to complicate this with names and dates, lets make it really simple the Biden Crime Family including the dog at the top is accused of bribery, extortion, wire fraud, tax evasion, Money Laundering through shell corporations, conspiracy to do it all. Theyve received tens of millions of dollars from foreign governments and corporations, where is all that money . , where is your money, where is it . You are still hiding it. That is what is going on. What is the source of this information that i just laid out for you . Hunter bidens laptop, emails, text messages, government records, bank records, suspicious activity reports, sars which the Treasury Department would not turn over to congress they would go to the banks together. Fbi whistleblowers, irs whistleblowers. Material witnesses like Tony Bobulinski and other Business Partners. That is good stuff ladies and gentlemen. Nobody is making this up. What has been the response . Biden controlled Department Of Justice and fbi, obstruction by the fbi and irs. Interviewee with their investigators, preferential treatment, these are the accusations, denial of Search Warrants, slow walking investigations. Tipping off Biden Secret Service in preventing interviews of a material witnesses, blocking electronic Search Warrants to determine if joe biden was really sitting next to his son when his son was shaking down the communist official for 10 million and got at least 5 million within two weeks. Who has the final say on all of this. Attorney general Merrick Garland in his Department Of Justice, the senior officials all obama ites, all radical leftists. Everyone of the whistleblowers has claimed they have been retaliated against. Every single one in violation of federal law they have a whistleblower statute and no Special Counsel is appointed because Attorney General garland is running in obstruction in a coverup operation. Which would be revealed if you appoint a Special Counsel 70 from outside the government. He has the right to go any place in the country in the world to hunt down leads which is exactly what garland does not want. Merrick garland is a mob boss lawyer. Thats what he is. The person hes protecting is not only his self as he is part of it. Because joe biden is running for reelection. I like the way they say trump is running for president so he can pardon himself. Joe biden is running for reelection so he doesnt get indicted the Department Of Justice as you can and die a sitting president. Joe biden knows that if he stops his immunity in this protection is president he would be facing multiple serious legitimate subsidy felonies. And so will his family members. The same time garland appointed a Special Counsel to prosecute and make no mistake. In prison for the rest of his life, donald trump. He is covering up for joe biden. He has to pass going, destroy trump, interfere with the election, try to prevent him or any republican from winning the presidency, hurting other republicans, running for election or reelection in the senate and the house of representatives. That is the goal. Garland shows jack smith for reason. Jack smith is not a real prosecutor, he is a hitman. He is americas barrier he was stalins hitman. Garland chose smith because smith is on ethical, he is dishonest and treacherous. When he ran the Republican Division it was jack smith who signed off on the irs unconstitutional attack on the Tea Party Groups under obama his wiretapped conversation between target and the investigation representative randy pointed out. Hes wired Attorney Client conversations. Smith was brutally admonished by his federal judge in this case. All the socalled evidence was thrown out in the judge said i wish i could do a lot more to you then just kill the evidence, socalled evidence that you acquire. He is constantly piercing attorneyclient privilege as hes done against President Trump with the help of an obama lawyer who served as a judge. He was the same tactic against Virginia Governor Bob Mcdonnell and use them the grand jury and took this information with trump goes to the grand jury, he owns the grand jury, no witness has no right to a lawyer they spoonfeed the stuff to the grand jury, look what his own lawyer said and what he said to his own lawyer all what is supposed to be protected. He violates the fifth and Sixth Amendment routinely, due process and a right to objective jury hes known smith for massive leaks, several sundays ago i showed you this, a package of leaks to cnn, the new york times, the washington post. I limit to those three. Over the past six months there were 40 material leaks that had to come from the government because the information had to come from the government and it was intended to help the government to create the whole atmosphere around these cases. So i showed you the material to the public record. Mcdonald, renzi say exactly the same thing happened to them. Information was leaked, we have a piece of the Washington Times by jeff warnock, mr. Smiths conviction against Robert Mcdonald i republican accused of accepting payments and gifts in violation of federal public laws was overturned by the Supreme Court. Why, what he did to the Bribery Statue was outrageous. He said wait a minute. Anything can be bribery under your interpretation but he does not care, he is a hitman the case against john edwards of north carolina, democrat president ial candidate accused of Illegal Campaign cash to conceal his mistress and love child and with a hung jury in a mistrial and the jury said wait a minute. How is that an Illegal Campaign contribution. It was not. First we have a Supreme Court that stops him then we have a jury that stops smith. He also prosecuted Robert Menendez many remember the case but you dont remember what happened in the case. Hes a democrat and accused of taking bribes it collapsed it was a mistrial, again he took the Bribery Statue and read it so expensively that the jury said wait a minute that cannot be bribery and theres other cases to this effect involving the former new York Assembly speaker Sheldon Silver who died in prison. When he loses cases he brings them again because this is what he knows. If you pile up enough charges against an individual hell find injury somewhere, at least convict him of one. This is diabolical absolutely diabolical extremely dishonest individual. While we are at it, judge cannon just ruled that the trial is going to begin at the Document Case, not in december as mr. Smith wanted but in may. In may, smack in the middle of the election. The whole purpose of what is going on is to interfere with the election and protect biden from scrutiny, Criminal Investigation to protect it and get reelected and thats why they trashed Robert Kennedy junior thats what they want it at the same time the second half would destroy who they believe would be the nominee or potentially donald trump. The Da In Manhattan working on it in the da in atlanta, the Attorney General in new york working on it and the two grand juries in washington, d. C. Looking at january 6. Pile it on, pile it on. All we need is one, hundreds of charges, all we need is one. One to stick in front of a democrat jury. Judge cannon in florida, you let the country down. This trial should be moved to after the election. You just gave your and prematurely, the federal judiciary to the interference of the selection. Furthermore, you have not even looked into a matter in which you have the right to look into without any motion from the Defense Counsel than extortion that took place, what my talking about, stanley woodward, the codefendant in this Document Case set a prosecutor on mr. Smiths team, this is a guy that walked into the judge Cannons Court the other day, the head of the counterintelligence section. He is really the guy the right hand to smith who is pushing this agenda, that guy walked into court this week and argued for certain motions against certain motions from the Defense Unclassified Information when his butt shouldve been thrown out of the courtroom. Stanley and attorney set a prosecutor, that prosecutor i just mentioned on mr. Smiths team trying to secure cooperation from his client. In other words to become a witness for the state said that mr. Woodwards application for a junction in washington would be considered more favorably if he and his client turns against trump. Mr. Woodward has filed a complaint with the chief u. S. Judge in washington alleging prosecutorial judgment. In other words a righthand man to smith, according to this allegation extorted the lawyer for the codefendant to turn State Evidence against donald trump. And you have a federal judge in florida putting Everything Else aside and go forward with the case. Doesnt she want to know what took place in . And were waiting for an obama judge in washington, d. C. Who notoriously antitrump and provided to resolve this is all being done secret for his whole being done in secret, the Mcdonald Case of virginia prosecutors against the former governors wife and promised to drop the charges if she would testify against her husband. Thats mr. Smith, the government promised to pay 25000, the cooperating in the Congressman Menzies Case that was being handled by mr. Smith. The prosecutors invoked his testimony more than 90 times during closing arguments. He said he did not receive a dime for his cooperation hes cooperated with the government promised 25000. Weeks before congressman ramses to air his email to prosecutors, i want my 25000 he said. He said he would like its like winning the lottery. Do you believe this . , the fbi promised the payment and mr. Renzi said he was aware of the deal and never told the defense team. Really. What you see as the most unethical tactics. Violation of law while claiming to be enforcing the law. These people should be losing their law license. What it comes to generally six why did mr. Smith give a Target Letter to President Trumps lawyers on sunday night because hes a sick sop, a hitman. And why were the contents of that letter which were known only by the government and President Trumps two or three lawyers leaked to Rolling Stone within 48 hours because thats what mr. Smith does, january 6 is not a criminal issue as it applies to President Trump, its not a terminal matter that applies to President Trump, congress decides which to count and if to count them at all. If two slates of electors are sent from a state they are allowed to do that. Why, congress sorted out when they all meet. They will have democrat to jump up and down in every legitimate election in 2004 trying to stop george w. Bush from being president. You have them in 2016 jumping up and down trying not to count electors for President Trump, jamie raskin leading the charge, hes a complete fraud. They did it before, theyve done it in hawaii they sent to set of electors. Parties are allowed to do this because it cannot be 100 sure in very close races of the outcome or maybe they think the outcome is fraudulent. Congress has a right to look into these things. Not a injury not a rogue prosecutor, not a Democrat Party control Executive Branch looking for ways to destroy their opponent and destroy the Republican Party that is when Attorney General michigan who is indicted a dozen or so of the socalled Counter Electors for doing to be Counter Electors. What is that. Its also not a crime to accept orders to peacefully Lobby Congress about the election results. Its also not a crime to ask Secretary Of State in georgia to find votes. It is also not a crime to urge State Legislatures to help you campaign. Its not a crime to follow your lawyers legitimate advice is not a crime to exercise your free speech. Its not a crime to as the Vice President of the United States to follow your interpretation of the constitution whether people like it or not. This is the one individual trump, for 10000 armed, Army Reservist to protect the Capital Building was a Democrat In Mcconnell who turned down. The morning of genuine 20th he left office, there was never any insurrection. That is a complete life, always been a lie. Judges and juries have had to stop this prosecutor and im concerned already with judge cannon perhaps all the threats in the writings and articles trying to intimidate and pressure her to turn her courtroom over to Merrick Garland and jack smith and the other reprobates, we are destroying our Electoral System it is taken place. She needs to step up. She needs to stand up against us. Or itll be abundantly clear that mr. Garland, mr. Smith have jacked the judiciary into the abstraction of an election. In 2024. Be right back. Age is just a number, and mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. 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Byron donalds priddy have a bit in congress that long but i guess you been in there long enough to see whats going on in washington, d. C. You have an administration that is as crooked as anything ive ever seen. You have the Department Of Justice in my view is absolutely corrupt, the Durham Report pointed that out. And you have a prosecutor who is a hitman. On the other side they are all protecting biden you see this in the Oversight Committee and the front corporations and millions of dollars flowing to the corporations from foreign governments. Have weve been able to determine what is happening to all this money. It is good to be with you what we can determine the biden spent all this money. If you look at the testimony from mr. Siegler who is the point person on the investigation who started into Hunter Biden One of his comments to the Oversight Committee when they started looking into his bank records they could see he was living lavishly off of his Corporate Accounts and i asked mr. Ziegler and mr. Shapely in somebodys living off their Corporate Accounts and deducting from the tax returns is that signs of tax evasion to prompt investigation and they both answered yes thats what started this whole investigation back in 2018 and so your broader point but is pretty clear now, hunter biden was a facilitator for jim biden and joe biden. He was the one pulling all this money in. Everybody in the biden family is getting direct payments or their Living Expenses in their luxury asian is being covered by hunter biden or by one of these companies in the last piece, the fbi knew about this they were getting information from the confidential human source, the irs International Tax Fraud Department where mr. Shapely mre investigating this in summer and main justice they were so walking these investigation, Stonewalling The Investigations leading the statute of limitations ran out on these investigations and in my mind that is clearly Obstruction Of Justice from the Department Of Justice. Mark do you think that is one of the reasons and wyatt stated the other day during this hearing the Judiciary Committee with Robert F Kennedy junior through every piece of mother they could at this guy they viciously attacked his family name. You dont have to agree with the guy but the fact that he dares to take on biden and you see the hearing before with the committee that you sitting democrats did the same thing, not a single democrat cares about any of this. Everyone is covering up every single one is covering up for joe biden isnt that what is going on they go after Robert Kennedy and the fbi whistleblowers and they go of ar that was aboard i thought they like them now they defend the fbi when they used to attack the fbi now they defend the irs with 87000 new agents when we had people we had black representatives completed about how the irs has targeted blacks more than whites who voted for 87000 irs agents is it abundantly clear what is going on at the Democrat Party is like a mob operation. I think it is totally clear lets put out one piece of fact mr. Ziegler and mr. Shapely testified they can track 17. 3 million that hunter biden was getting from romania, ukraine and china that is just those and i asked the chairman in the middle of the hearing from those countries how much is oversight in her own investigation in the Oversight Committee with our investigation we are well over 10 million from those countries that weve been able to track down. You have two independent investigations one at the irs and wanted to Oversight Committee under House Republicans both coming up with the same countries in the same companies and tens of millions of dollars but all the democrats want to do is talk about donald trump all they want to do is ignore this story in the bigger thing in the press with the big media and the democrats in committee they were even talking about the elements of facts dealing with the corruption of the biden family. They dont want to talk to Robert Kennedy they just want to smear him but they dont want to deal with the reality that our agencies have been weaponize politically and they have been weaponize against the American People. They have been censoring and covering up for Joe Biden Hunter biden. Mark the Government Media byron donalds, cnn and m msnbc did not cover these because of the explosive information that came forward. I remember as a kid watching Watergate Hearings and i remember as a young adult watching the ironing country hearings, the networks carried it live. It is amazing. Well be right back. One legendary icon. Deserves another. Get in. The future of Chevy Electric Suvs has arrived. See barbie in theatres now. And experience the allnew chevy blazer ev ss. Im christine mahon. Im retired from Public Health nursing and from the army reserve. My Retirement Funds allow me to enjoy what i love to do. As long as you can make an impact, why stop . 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Trelegy contains a medicine that increases risk of hospitalizations and death from asthma problems when used alone. When this medicine is used with an inhaled corticosteroid, like in trelegy, there is not a significant increased risk of these events. Do not take trelegy more than prescribed. Trelegy may increase risk of thrush and infections. Get Emergency Care for serious allergic reactions. See your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse. What a wonderful world. Ask your doctor about oncedaily trelegy for asthma because breathing should be beautiful. Temperatures are expected to highly cool in the south and southest. The extreme dangerous heat is sticking around heading towards the east coast later this week. Also happening this week, hunter biden is expected to plea guilty to two Tax Misdemeanors in Delaware Court a week after Committee Hearing two whistleblowers. They also allege irs investigators recommended charging the president s son with more serious crimes. Hunter is due in court on wednesday. Im marianne. Now back to life, liberty and levin. Welcome back, america, we are here with byron donald, great congressman, wasnt that long when ken starr was independent counsel and they kept throwing to him and he would be conducting the investigations. They would have paparazzi outside of home, morning noon at night and he would be greeted with 20 reporters, he would go greeted with more reporters. R qu they threw questions about him. His bias, his faith, all thest o rest of it. Tell me how many cameras are at jack smiths home. How many questions have been thrown at jack smith . How many reporters havey confronted jack smith . No, the only thing i knowck about that is they followed him to go to subway so he could have a photoop in subway. Thats ridiculous. Number two, the media never questioned the fact that jack smith and his Investigative Team are leaking to the press. They are leak to go set the narrative and tempo in publicet opinion and th te big press, the big media, they are such lap dogs, they just follow hook line and sinker and the reason why is because they are totallyy ar invested in joe biden. A lot of the reporters believe in radical agenda. They think this is a good thing and they are willing to cover ue and allow for the corruption at the Department Of Justice totion occur and not even cover it and i didnt tell the American People, if you dont agree with the story say you dont agreeif but at least tell the peoplet what is happening. Eopl we do know that Information Fros jack smith is being leaked into the press because thats how could they report on these investigations without leaks coming from him . Its distrusting and its wronge and that ists why so Many Americans have serious issues trusting the agencies of our federal government and the thing thats starting to piss me off is democrats trying to lecture us on democracy and institutiono and they s with their media, thy are the ones destroying Ourhe Democracy An Od Destroying Faiti in our institutions . 100 , lets look at the election, byron donalds. Gewe have adam schiff, we know l about him, we wont two there. We know all about him. Both have said if Donald Trumpa is convicted of a single intimel that could be da here, the da there, the Attorney General there, the two grand juries in e washington, and if hes still elected, they are going to move for and having him impeached. We have another Movement Among democrats who are trying tod. Convince secretaries of stateon across Theey Country and attorns general under section 3 in Thei 14th Amendment that donald trum led insurrection and he wins toe even be represented which in part is the reason why this prosecutors is thinking about bringing the january 6th charget and is i targeting trump on thi. So here is my question to you, if they are not going to accept the outcome of an election no matter what, we republicans, wec see alkil of this interference n this election, trials during the election, int indictments, if biden wins, are we supposed to roll over and accept, isnt thit the danger putting the republicanhe party, sir . This has been going on for 3g president ial o elections. Lets go back 2016. The crossfire hurricane investigation, that was a farce, it was a lie. They lie today the fisa courts. They spied on Donald Trumps campaign, all because Hillary Clinton was supposed to be the next president and everybody got scared that she might lose. Su and thats really what thipps wo really allt about. Wh they were covering uatp for hert the time and they wanted her to be president so they lied, barack obama was briefed on the fact that she lied and laundered information in the Intelligence Community and Russia Collusionri was them interfering in the 2016 election but they werent successful. The 2020but election, the Covep Of The Form 1023 and the coverup that, yes that was Hunter Bidens laptop and the coverup that bidens millions of dollars from barisma in public Corruption Scandal with joe biden including joe biden and they covered it up. That was interfering in the 2020 election. In 2024. E t intime after indictment all ridiculous issues. Er mark, you said it many time, there are no criminal provisions in the president ial records actn why . Because president s are allowed to have a back and forth Withca Nara Forus a 5year period. It hasnt been 3 years and they are trying to criminalize this. This is the democrats destroying the very fabric of our countryfr because they want power, they want to institutionalize the agenda and to be frank when donald trump became president it was a pause in their ability institutionalize. It favors the chinese and badsi for oullr country no matter the politics. Couldnt have said it better and thats why youre a star in the house of representatives. Thank you very much congressman byron donald, God Bless You my friend. Thank you, mark. We will be right back. T he firsts with her new debit card. Hungry . Uhuh. The designers eyeing sequins. Uh no plaid. While mom is eyeing his spending. Nice. And the engineer . Shes taking control with her own account for college. Three futures, all with chase. Freedom for kids. Control for parents. One bank for both. Chase. Make more of whats yours. So much more now . Other companies are charging you more and more for less and less. 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Welcome back, america, peter who deserves Pulitzer Prize and can figurerize they out of the federal Government Accountability institute, he wrote a book in 2018 and broket the story in this program called secret empires and one of the primary focuses of the book,ry f peter, was the Biden Crime Fame and you suggested in there, we are talking about 30 million that this crime family hasre received for doing absolutely nothing primarily from Communisb China and now you see all of this going on, whats your take . Yeah, enormously rewarding but we always work very hard, mark, on the research. We use public records, financial records, court documents, etor cetera, and what we ardse seeing now 5 years later come to fruition is exactly what weco talked aboutme 5 years ago. In it shouldnt havg e taken this long. The fact of the matter is that the Mainstream Media is took no interest in this story, i had lunch with a new york timesno reporter in new york in the fall of 2018 talking about the bidens in china and he told me, well, if joe biden runs for president , we are absolutelych going toin cover this story whi, of course, they never did. Tely so its really because of Mediar Obstruction and the fact that in washington, d. C. There are a loa of People Democrats and somein republicans that dont wangtt to have a conversation about this that weve now had to wait for this 5 years, but i give a lot of credit to chairman comer, jim jordan and the other Committee Chairman because they are turning over rocks that only they can turn over because they have subpoena power. Ov god blesers them and the whistleblowers are Fantasticalls Service to the country. None of this would be possible in the house but for a 5vote majority and the speaker to have house Kevin Mccarthy who told these guys, you do whatever you have to to to get to theguys bottom of this and compare b mccarthy, if youot will, to mith mcconnell, have we even heardl. From Mitch Mcconnell . Have we heard from any, knifear the Republican Leadership in the Senate Whether its cornyy, barrasso, thune or anybody . A president of the United Stateh who Hae S Corrupt up to his eyeballs, they say nothing. Ive heard nothing. Have you heard anything . No. No. E the only people inpr the senates that arehave talked about this e been senator ron johnson andhi senator grassley. In terms of Mitch Mcconnell, no, as we have talked in this program before, Mitch Mcconnell does not want to have an open conversation about Chinesean Financial Tiest involving american political families because his family is one ofes those. So he doesnt want to have this conversation and i would arguedo that some of thor people that arent talking about it, they may not have chinese ties nowr pebut they aspire to have some kind of financial ties with foreign entities. They see politics and publicwi service as ath moneymaking opportunity and they believe that foreign oligarchs present that opportunity so why muddyt ththe waters, why draw attention to, this lets just keep a focusing ondn the less importani issues but this is a critical turning point, mark, im verysu encouraged. If you look ates i thes Public Opinion polls, opinions are shifting on this and what the bidens are doing and i think this is going to be the end of joopine bidens political careee peter, yo bu write this bookn 2018, we have a new Attorney General who was sworn in 2019. His name would be bill barr, did bill send one of the people to interview about the incredible charges about the charges in the book . Mark, we did have contact, the fb fi contacted us, people from the public corruption section. On by the wayta these are very, vey good fbi agents but it is now becoming clear that investigation was sti stifled io senior level. But it was stifled. Weve had the courageous irse whistleblowers that talk about how they were stifled, they werd muzzled from looking into the tax evasion charges. Yeah. If we assume that happen, the Department Of Justice was run by republicans, Christopher Wray has been director of the fbidepa since 2017. Barr was Attorney General since early 2019, so what the hell happened . It wa19. S halted. It was stopped. Thats the problem. Yeah. We will be right back. The thought of getting screened for colon cancer made me queasy. But now ive found a way thats right for me. Feels more easy. My doc and i agreed. I pick the time. Todays a good day. 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The reason that one has not been appointed all hell is going to break loose. Lets remember what were talking about in very specific ways lets look at china, based on the laptop and corporate records hunter biden in the biden family received 31 million from four businessmen in china, when you look at the four businessmen theyre not ordinary businessmen, theyre not ordinary members of the Chinese Communist party. Each and every one of them has ties to the highest level of chinese intelligence. Chafing he raised at what he Million Dollar deal for hunter biden the private equity deal his Business Partner at the same time he is setting up hunter biden was the Vice Minister for State Security for china whose job is to recruit foreign nationals to spy for china or look at henry who wires 5 million to hunter biden he wires him the 5 million out of an account of a Company Called harvest that he coowns with the family of the former minister of State Security who runs the entire Spy Apparatus in china or you look at chairman the this eoc Energy Company who sent 6 million to hunter biden and his previous job before he gets appointed to the Energy Position is running an organization that is widely known to be a front for Chinese Military intelligence. This was an intelligence operation by the chinese to extract information to get their claws into the second family now first family of the United States and nobody in washington, d. C. Wants to have that conversation in Merrick Garland is not going to go there even though this is the poster child for an independent counsel because how the investigation is being stifled and who the investigation is actually about. Mark they trash Robert Kennedy junior trying to silence them into set an example to everybody. And challenged by the Democrat Party will ruin it whether youre kennedy or anybody else the fbi whistleblower, irs whistleblowers having their crews destroyed because they have the guts to come forward because there is an active supposed to protect them. They dont care about the Act I Whistleblower that ties to obama and biden in a phony story about ukraine to try and take out donald trump. The Democrat Party does not care about anything that you said they dont care about any of the information thats been presented there circling the wagons around biden because biden is carrying the Radical Marxist Agenda acrosstheboard in this country in anything and everything to protect them. They dont care if he has an iq of an orange juice can, it does not matter to them it matters to them is their agenda. Your final thoughts, joe biden is an empty vessel they get to fill it up and why is the deep state at the d. O. J. And fbi so beholden to joe biden that he was for years the decade a powerful member of the senate Judiciary Committee where so much judicial policy, funding of the d. O. J. And other issues were settled he did big favors for them and now the returning it by covering it up this is the definition of the deep state. I think the republicans in the house need to continue to do what theyre doing in the truth is coming out. Mark Peter Schweizer thank you for opening her eyes long ago to this. What we can see is unbelievable. Well be right age is just a number, and mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv welcome back. Now you know why im loved in washington. I dont care. I hope you will take the time to preorder your copy of the Democrat Party hates america. You see it. You see it every day. What i do is i go into it in a very significant way, the history of the Democrat Party, the ideology of the Democrat Party, how its been a cancer on The Body Politic of this nation, really since its founding since the civil war, slavery, segregation, eugenics, you name it, and today, there are literally destroying the country. They are destroying our voting system. I just fear that nobody is going to trust an election for the rest of time, and that is a horrific problem in a nation that champions honest elections. This is a party thats in the middle of a revolution, and youre their object of it, the Republican Party is the object of it. Anyone who disagrees with them is the object of it. Please go to amazon or any online retailer, get your preordered copy. They are discounted. I will see you next time on life, liberty, and levin im the one candidate in this race who is actually leading us to something, to our vision of what it means to be an american. That is resonating with voters across the country. I began at march at 0. 0 percent in the polls. Look at the National Polling averages now. Im consistently polling at third nationally. And thats ahead of even the first debate, when many people in this country havent yet gotten to know who i am. We should debate. We should debate the most important issues the American People are going to face. We need strong powerful persuasiveea

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