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Reached the street. A drunk drivers dramatic confession he killed a man while driving. He admits the crime online. So now what happens to the case against him . Showing off a long lost painting by Vincent Van Gogh. Wait until you hear where this art treasure spent years collecting dust. It is all happening now. Jon back to our top story, the people who work for you, return to their jobs on capitol hill and the situation in syria is not the only looming crisis that lawmakers need to address. Good monday morning to you, im jon scott. Jenna they have a full plate. Jo yes they do. Jenna as do we. Jon a crazy one. , everybody, im jenna lee. Good to see you on this monday. The first decision for congress is whether to give the president approval to punish the assad regime for using chemical weapons against its own people. Securing those votes looks like an uphill battle for the administration especially in the house. Despite one of the most intense lobbying efforts by the white house since the push for obamacare but in addition to syria there are other Critical Issues on the agenda for congress. They include passing a temporary spending bill to prevent a government shutdown. Raising the debt ceiling so the United States can pay its bills. Well talk more on that in a moment but immediate priority for congress again, congress and the white house, is syria. Today the senate is expected to begin to consider a resolution passed by the Foreign Relations Committee Last week, that would authorize the use of force. That is where we begin today. Our senior White House Foreign Affairs correspondent Wendell Goler is back from overseas and joins us now. Wendell . Jenna, the president takes personal control of the lobbying effort today with interviews with all five Television Networks before addressing the country in prime time tomorrow, trying to get congress and American People hyped his push to punish syria for using chemical weapons in a way he says will make bashar assad less likely to use them again. Mr. Obamas aides have been showing law makers this video of the aftermath of last months chemical weapons attack and stressing the fact that it killed more than 400 children but its an uphill battle against coalition of warweary liberals and libertarian conservatives who dont think the u. S. Should get involved in another foreign conflict. The videos depict the horrific reaction to chemical weapons but the video doesnt determine whether we should go to war and i talked with my constituents and they are overwhelmingly opposed to war. Ive been to the classified briefings. I know what the evidence is and i think the case is not that strong right now. Reporter meanwhile the white house is trying play up the likely effectiveness of military action in terms of deterring assad from using chemical weapons again, at the same time, played down the chance the it will draw the u. S. Further into the conflict. Let me tell you what this is not. This is not iraq and afghanistan. This is not libya, a sustained military air campaign. This is not boots on the ground. This is a targeted effort to reinforce a prohibition that goes back nearly 100 years, a prohibition that has benefited our troops greatly by the way. Reporter secretary of state kerry says assad could diffuse the crisis in a week by putting his chemical weapons under International Control. Russia says they will try to persuade assad to do that but there doesnt seem much opposition here. Jenna speaking of headlines. There will be some made today. Today our own Chris Wallace will sit down with the president at the white house to talk about the crisis in syria. The interview will air on special report with bret baier at 6 00 p. M. Eastern time. You dont want to miss that also tomorrow, the president will address the nation. He will speak directly to you, 9 00 p. M. Eastern time, right here on the fox news channel. Jon so the debate is raging in washington is what really at stake for our National Security when it comes to syria. Intense lobbying effort underway by the white house but plenty of lawmakers have their doubts. Michael barone, senior political analyst for washington examiner. Also fox news contributor. Pivotal week on capitol hill. On wednesday the senate is expected to vote on a procedural matter that could put this whole syria thing up for a vote. That could happen on wednesday. That could happen later in the week. But there is not even a guaranty that this president will get 60 votes in the senate, is there . There is no guaranty of that right now. The vote counts show him short. They show the president s position very short in the house of representatives where weve seen estimates of people either saying they will vote one way or lean one way, roughly 25 yeses and 225 nos. That is a majority of the house. Of youve talked about the intensive lobbying effort beginning today. In retrospect there should have been an intensive lobbying or consultation effort by the white house and the administration on this issue ever since the president issued his statement at a press conference august 20th, 2012, there was a red line. If syria used chemical weapons, that was going to change his call cue lugs, he said. Calculus. He should have been in consultation with Members Congress because if he had been, he might face a much more favorable outlook on capitol hill this week. Jon i can think of a lost military actions that recent president s have launched, grenada, panama, somalia, without going to congress first. Why is he doing this . Im not clear on why hes doing this i mean that decision was apparently reached on a friday night, the beginning of a threeday Holiday Weekend, a week ago friday. In conversation with his staffer, denis mcdonough, his chief of staff, announced to the nation on saturday, sort of the, least optimal time and circumstances to consult with and lobby members before congress. How do you talk to them when theyre scattered to the four wind after a congressional recess and over a Holiday Weekend . Im quite astonished at the timing of this and were going to, you know, the senate vote, the initial senate vote is supposed to come on wednesday. Thats 20 days after the use of chemical weapons on august 21st, 2013. Jon Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday asked denis mcdonough, his chief of staff, whether the president would order an attack on syria anyway absent approval from congress. Mcdonough didnt have an answer to that question. Does anyone seriously think the president after, you know, declaring the red line and after so much that he has said, about the evils of bashar assad would simply hold back and say, well congress didnt approve it, therefore im not going to do it . I think that is the likely outcome if congress does not approve that. That is what Prime Minister David Cameron did on the house of commons on the night of august 29th voted down the authorization of use of force by 285272 margin. He immediately stated that he was not going to take military action. I would be astonished if the president did so after an adverse vote but, ive been astonished by his decisions throughout. Jon but as commanderinchief does he diminish his authority by going to congress for this kind of i think thing . President s, including president obama and president s of both parties have asserted they have rights to deploy military assets in similar situations and president obama doesnt want to relinquish that theoretical claim. I think politically it would be pretty astonishing if he used force and airstrikes after an adverse vote by one or both houses of congress. Jon well the popular thinking is that he might get the senate, probably would not get the house, so, you know, if he is one for two, that is whole another issue, would he launch an attack . Well, i think when you say authorized, authorized use of military force, weve had votes in 1991 on the gulf war and 2000 two, on iraq, on two thousand one in afghanistan. In none of those cases did the president even think to say, well, if i got a positive vote in one house, that is congress. Article i of the constitution establish as congress that is made up of two houses. Jon it will be a fascinating week to watch. Thanks for taking a look at it, Michael Barone from the washington examiner. Jenna well hear from the syrian president in his own words warning the United States over a potential military strike. The dictator accused of gassing and murdering his own people sat down with charlie rose of cbs news for an interview. Will the attacks against american bases in middle east if theres an airstrike . Should expect everything. Should expect everything. Not necessarily through the government. It is not only the, the governments are not only player in this region. You have different parties. You have different factions. You have different ideology. You have everything in this region now. So, you have to expect that. Except tell me what you mean by expect everything . Expect every action. Including Chemical Warfare . That depend, if the, if the rebels or the terrorists in this region or any other group have it. This could happen, i dont know. We are not a fortune teller. Jenna unsettling words but remember that is probably the intent of that interview. It took place at the president ial palace in damascus and jon, as i say, timing is everything, right . Jon so strange to hear him speak after, you know, the way he has been portrayed in the media. Then you hear this kind of softspoken guy with a bit after lisp, it is very jarring. A chaotic scene outside of a busy courthouse when a robbery suspect take as deputy hostage as he tries to make a break for freedom. The latest on the manhunt there. Plus a terrifying scene during what was supposed to be a weekend of family fun when a childrens ride suddenly malfunctions jenna this is just in to our newsroom. A developing situation and active situation in broward county, florida. What youre seeing there, brand new video of a s. W. A. T. Team going into this home where a man is believed to be barricaded inside and to have weapons. Apparently early this morning, he made some threats against a family member. We dont have anymore specifics on this. That is not livid yo, by the way. The s. W. A. T. Team along with Law Enforcement told helicopters to stay back. This is some new video we have of Law Enforcement trying to get to this gentleman who appears to be armed and alone in this resident. Roads are shut down. This is rock island road in tamarac, in florida. Well keep you posted as we hear more. Jon right now, some new info on crime stories were keeping an eye on. Police in detroit are on the hunt for an escaped prisoner. Officers say the inmate took a deputy hostage and carjack ad driver while breaking out of a courthouse during an appearance. Police in dallas found a car belonging to a missing Neighborhood Watch volunteer wanted in connection with at least one sexual assault. Police say the suspect may be connected to as many as nine recent attacks in south dallas. Officers need your help finding a missing 13yearold girl in washington, d. C. Veronica harris was last seen saturday wearing a pink shirt, gray pants and carrying a blue backpack. Anyone with any information call d. C. Metal tan police at the number on your screen. Jenna what was supposed to be a fun day at the fair ended in a frightening scene in connecticut after a swing ride somehow lost power sending riders crashing into each other. 12 children were injured in this. Laura engel joins us live with more. Jenna . Reporter definitely some heartpounding moments for young riders and their horrified parents on the ground. Police say 12 parents and one adult were taken to hospitals after this terrifying accident. Youve seen this popular ride at the fair before. This one where kids get in a swing in a circle and ride takes them up in the air and spins them around . The rotating swing accident happened at oyster festival in norwalk, connecticut. Watchers say the ride seemed to abruptly shut off. As we looked at it, the chains and swings went completely swinging around and crashing into each other. Everything came to a halt. Kids were falling out of it. People were running in to get kids out. There were two kids on the floor. I heard this crash of all this metal and all these seats clinging together. Then i looked to my left and i saw the swing ride. It collapsed. All these people were there. I actually saw someone fall out of the cart. Reporter amazing descriptions there. Police say a mechanical failure caused the ride to stop. Other rides at the festival were temporarily should down for inspection then resumed later in the day. One 8yearold boy was fans ported to the hospital admitted with nonlifethreatening injuries. Some went to the hospital and were treated and released while some received medical care at the festival. The norwalk sea Food Festival puts on the. Jenna thankfully no one was hurt. Doesnt make it less frightening. Reporter can you imagine watching your child up there. Jon im sure the parents were none too pleas pleased. Reporter im sure we will hear later from them. Jon a horrible prank goes wrong a High School Track star is shot dead by accident. Prosecutors are weighing charges in this tragedy. Our lyle panel weighs in. Plus the centers for Disease Control and prevention. Saving lives by convincing folks to quit smoking. Well talk to the director of the cdc about a hardhitting campaign that took a lot of heat but seems to be having a lot of effect. [ female announcer ] when you asked us to remove High Fructose Corn Syrup from yoplait original and light, we were like, sure. No problem and you were like, thanks, but what about thick creamy and whips and we were like, done and done now its out of everything yoplait makes. And you were all, yum and were like, is it just us, or has this been a really good conversation . And you were like, i would talk, but my mouth is full of yogurt. Yoplait. It is so good jenna this just in, centers for Disease Control and prevention announcing the results of a graphic ad campaign aimed at getting smokers to quit. Youve probably seen some these. Theyre print and tv spots that feature real people who nearly died from smoking and they were controversial. Are controversial because theyre considered disturbing by many people but apparently they were very effective. Joining us with a look at the results, cdc director, dr. Tom friedan. Doctor, how effective were the ads . Bottom line ads like these work and worked really well. We hoped optimistically that 50,000 people quit smoking because of these ads. On a most minimum estimate, at least 100,000. So they did at least twice as well as we ambitiously hoped. The reason for that, it shows the reality what smoking causes, not only death but disability and disfigurement. Jenna 100,000 people. How many smokers are there in the United States . There are about 45 million. The Tobacco Industry spends as much in three days as we spend in a whole year but because we have Actual Stories like this, theyre able to really make a difference. The more we at federal level and state governments run hardhitting ads, the more spokers are going to smokers are going to quit and more lives are being saved. Jenna youre well aware of, and there is lot of talk from people moving to smoking regular cigarettes and to electronic cigarettes. How do you know these ads are really what is causing people to stop smoking . Well woe know these ads work. When you show graphic images, when you show reality, you pull back the curtain, what we as Health Care Professionals see day in, and day out, in terms of disability and disfigurement, have people do quit. If you want to quit, the fda has approved medications which can double or triple your chances of succeeding. And most people who have already, ever smoked in the u. S. Have already quit and you can too. We have heard so many stories from people like alicia hancock, who came forward and said because of seeing terri on tv, they decided to try to quit and succeeded. Terry, what person was character . What character in the ad campaign was teri . These are real people. Jenna certain person in your ad campaign. Go ahead. These are real americans telling their stories. Teri has had cancer of the throat and she has had to have a tracheotomy. She describes what that was like for her, how that changed her life. Jenna i think we have that ad, actually, doctor. Hopefully we run it. Its a commercial. Well not hear all of it. So i want to run it so our viewers have a point of reference. There are some critics of the ad campaign, some that say, 100,000 smoke, stopped smoking but, you know, there are 45 million out there, as you mentioned. What would you say to some of this, says listen, i dont want the ads to running. I dont want my kids to see the ads. I dont smoke and i dont necessarily want to see them when were watching television . Interesting because of these ads, six million americans who dont smoke spoke with a smoketory try to help them quit. These ads are disturbing but whats more disturbing is having to live the life of someone who has that kind of disability and disfigurement. Tobacco remains the number one preventible cause of death in this country. It costs over 100 billion a year in health care costs. And we need to do more to help smokers quit. Most smokers want to quit. Jenna they certainly are effective in that theyre getting a lot of people to talk, doctor. Real quick, since this was one ad campaign and this is what it looked like, im wonder what is next . What should our viewers expect as far as you continuing this campaign . Will it be more of the same, will you take it a step further . What will it look like . Were still designing next years campaign. We want to continue to show the reality of smoking because when people see that it encourages them to quit. Most americans who still smoke want to quit and every smoker can quit. You can do it. Jenna doctor, great to have you today, and we share something in common. The facts do matter, dont they . They sure do. Jenna we have to state and show them. That is always important. Looking forward to having you back. Thank you. Jon the war on terror, 3. 0, a global year long investigation, revealing new tactics when it comes to fighting extremism and preventing terrorist violence. Well tell you about that. Plus an update to a story we told you about last week. A man makes a stunning in online video confession admitting he killed another man while driving drunk. There is breaking news on this case. The state is taking action. Now you can give yourself a kick in the rear v8 vfusion plus energy. Natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. Need a little kick . Ooh couldve had a v8. In the juice aisle. Jon we told you earlier about this barricade situation in tamarac, florida, in brew ard county. A man is believed to be located in the house there and possibly holding hostages. Were told now this has all been taken care of, that the guy has been apprehended and everything appears to be okay. The suspect had made threats against a family member. However, it is still an active crime scene and motorists are being asked to stay out of that area. If we get more information, well bring it to you live. Its a different story. Theyre going to pay the price if youre not wise in dealing with terrorists. Jenna thats syrias president assad this morning, of any terrorists using possible chemical weapons. That brings us to our guests. Experts are fighting terrorism, on fighting terrorism are revealing results of a global investigation into violent extremism and new tactics to fight the roots of terror. Steve is a career Senior Intelligence officer who did some of this investigation. Its nice to have you, steve. Thank you for inviting me. Jenna i would like to talk to you about what you first saw in your investigation. First you served our country and served in both wars in iraq and theres been so many comparisons made between syria and iraq. How do you see it . Do those comparisons work . In terms of the expertial level, my colleagues and i worked close well academics to introduce that level of objective rigor but it gives us insights, because our war in panama and more recent war in iraq, you talk to people. Thats what we do. We get the better idea of their thoughts. Jenna you were called the most prolific interrogator in the gulf war. Absolutely. What you hear unvarnished you hear directly from their mind and heart as opposed to propaganda. And its a very different world out there. Its a very different world. Jenna your focus on this investigation with the group or working with now is countering violent extremism. Syria is where there is some violent extremism. What is the most effective way to counter it . First you need to understand it. What a narrative does is animates a group, whether its a government or extremist organization. It answers to all of the important why. Why people do what they do, pop grates their values, propagates their strategic goal. Without it no government can exist. Jenna why is it so difficult for us in the United States to develop a narrative that combats ex tritremism in a way that we only understand but our enemies understand as well . I think part of answer is in your question. You need to have consistency, meaning your words and actions have to be consistent because people will see through it. Number two, it has to be meaning in the sense of some of the rationality, how its familiar to them and then the evidence. Do they have proof . If you say that your life is going to be better to follow this path, this vision, at some point they need to have evidence to be able to see that it is different. Jenna i read some thoughts on whats going on in syria and it seems that you are against military strike but are we at risk of looking hypocrite i canal for all the reasons that you just mentioned . This is vi complex. The president of the United States holding the most powerful office in the world cannot do just one thing. Whatever action he take going to have a series of consequences. We need to be prepared for it. My view is this is a political situation that needs to be politically resolved. A strike of any sort, perhaps it will eliminate a military compound of some sort or some capability but its not going to change the reality on the ground for the syrian people. We need to think really unconventionally, even call in iran. Iran is a regional power. Jenna to help us. Lit rally. If you want to make a friend of an enemy, ask for a favor. They want to establish themselves as regional power, this is the supreme opportunity to do so. Jenna you sat across from some tough people working in intelligence. Watching assad and his interview, what do you make of it . How is that playing out for his public and for the rest of the world, especially in the middle east region . You watch him speak. Its his fathers words being repeated. Hes learned pretty much all of his strategies from his fathers regime and its a different world than what his father lived in. Hes trying to really mold the world to his view of it. Jenna lets say theres another attempt at diplomacy. Hes made it clear thats not what hes interested in but lets say theres an opportunity for them. What would work . The key is to understand what really how his world works. Theres economics and theres political viability. And if you get to the point where you have not just the United States, not just the west but hes come out from two other directions, russia and iran and he realizes that his options are limited. If he continues down the road, hell be so isolated that hell be powerless. Jenna lets talk briefly about opportunity. Is syria an opportunity to really form our narrative . Is this a moment in the quote, unquote, war on terror where if we do it right, the effects and the magnitude could be of great benefit to us . Yes. In this way. Our actions and our words have to be consistent. And if we think that we can control a political situation through kinetic energy, i think were fooling ourselves. Well have a mistake that will have consequences that will pay for many generations to come. Jenna its nice to speak to you. Jon a young High School Track star killed in a prank gone terribly wrong. Police say a friend mistook 18yearold law for an intruder and shot her when she jumped out of a closet to scare him. That friend has been charged in connection with the shooting but police are still determining whether to charge him in the actual death of the teen. Lets bring on our legal panel and our criminal defense attorney. Thank you for joining us. Thank you. Jon this took place around 8 00 colorado time this past friday. Law and her 12yearold cousin decided to sneak into a house to scare the 15yearold brother. Her brother was in the house at the time as well as a 21yearold. He is apparently a firearms aficionado. She jumped out of the closet and was shot and killed. This guy has been charged but its not even clear necessarily that he pulled the trigger. Heather, what kind of penalties is he facing . Youre right. The not clear that he pulled the trigger but right now hes charged with child abuse, wreckless endangerment and providing a gun to an underage person. In colorado only a parent can provide a gun to an underage child. Its a class 3 felony. These are major, major charges. Im not 100 sure who pulled the trigger and that may be why we havent seen charges to man slaweder or murder here. Jon there were only four people in the house at the time. It sounds like this fellow probably gave a gun to her 15yearold brother and although the reports dont say so, it is entirely possible that hes the one who pulled the trigger when his sister jumped out of the closet. Right now everything is pretty much confusing when it comes to figuring out what happened with this story but i think the one fact that the Police Investigation did uncover, theyre corroborating the fact she actually jumped out of a closet which is why, right now, this is being treated as an accident and not, say, a murder investigation. But i do think theres an opportunity here, perhaps, to shot perhaps whoever shot her with not murder but manslaughter. If there was a moment to reflect and ascertain it was another occupant of the house who was in the closet at the time but thats as far as it will go as far as charging him with a homicide. Jon does it make any difference that it was her house, that she was intend to go scare them . I think especially if youre talking about the 15yearold kid, you know that the circumstances are similar to the blade runner where you have somebody hiding in the closet or hiding in the bathroom but theres no evidence of any premeditation, of any sort of time to react and if it was the 15yearold kid, and we dont know that but if it was, i think it would be harder to make that stretch. You know, here we definitely have charges against the 21yearold. It sounds like appropriate charges and as the investigation goes on, well know more. Jon it is a very sad story. High school track score and almost a 3. 9 g. P. A. , just an awful story. Lets turn our attention to a story involving this man last week. Listen. My name is matthew cordell. On june 22, 2013, i hit and killed vincent. This video will act as my confession. Jon matthew was indicted today by an ohio grand jury on charges of aggravated vehicular homicide and driving under the influence. Matthew went on the internet in that video that you just saw a snippet of and confessed he was driving drunk when he caused a fatal crash earlier this summer. So will the video make any difference in court . Back to our legal panel. He has confessed. The prosecutor has said, listen. I dont care if he confessed. I dont care how heartfelt that video is. Im going to throw the back at him and that video makes no difference. I may be alone here but i have zero sympathy or empathy for this guy for essentially doing a p. S. A. Selfie because of the timing of this. Im with the prosecutor here. He should have waited. If he really wanted this to be an opportunity to lessen his potential sentence, then wait until you get sentenced. Go through the process. Either get convicted or plead guilty, whatever youre going to do. Get your prison punish. Out and then tell the world how sorry you are so yeah, im not surprised that hes been charged. However, its going to take more than these confessions to actually get a conviction. Jon heather, in the video, one of the things he said is im handing the prosecution everything they need to put me away for a very long time. The sentence, i believe, is two to eight years. Will he get the full eight . I dont think hell get the full eight. I disa gr a groa grow disags one. Putting this video out there for the public to see, for the rest of his life hell be dealing with the fact he killed this man. The exwife of the victim even says she thinks hes remorseful. Hes going to get the mandatory two years n. Ohio this is a class two felony. Hell get two years in prison. I think more than that, even if he hadnt put on the video, the judge may get him for two years. I think it was a terrible, tragic, horrible mistake. Jon prosecutor said they had all the evidence against him absent the confession, the online confession. So should the confession mitigate anything . You know, should it . You know, again, if he had timed this for after he was convicted, then i could see because it may serve a purpose. Jon wait a minute. Hes saying i did it. Convict me. But hes saying that before they even charged him. If you asked that guy, im sure hes hoping he gets the minimum sentence. Look. Hes going to speak to people who could find themselves drinking and driving, hopefully not. If they come out and do a p. S. A. Selfie, that will save me from going to prison for eight years, thats not the message to send here. Jon he said he wants to be an example for others and thats why he wants to take responsibility. Dont drink and drive if you want to be a good example. Jenna some International Tensions over a possible u. S. Military strike on syria. Weve talked a whole lot about russia. What about china . China is now reportedly sending forces to the region. What this could mean for the crisis and any possible military action taken by washington. Thats our topic coming up next. Jenna returning back to the crisis in syria and growing International Pressure on the president to delay any military action, as we now learn that china is reportedly sending a massive Amphibious Assault ship to the Eastern Mediterranean. What is chinas sudden military involvement mean for all of this . Joining us is a china and north korea analyst, author of the coming collapse of china among other books. We spent the last week talking about russia but what is china up to . One thing that china wants to do is make sure that russia is not the only obstructionist in the middle east. They want to show the middle eastern governments that china is a power to being reckoned with and they need to deal with beijing. So showing the force, which is really what theyre doing with this 680 foot ship, this says china is here. You have to deal with us. Jenna whats the difference in these operations saying that this is just bluster or looking at it and having all of these ships in the region, one false move and then were off to a whole other situation and are we prepare snd in the Eastern Mediterranean right now, you have rival fleets in close proximity to each other. We havent seen this in decades. We have the russians, chiennesc were there, the french and the italians. This is an extremely dangerous situation. One wrong move and its easily possible because this happens all the time, then you could have a conflict of unimaginable proportions. Jenna it might seem counter intuitive to go to beijing to talk about syria. What should we be doing when it comes to chinau. S. Relations and how it may impact the situation in syria . We have one very important interest with china with regard to syria. That is that china has been helping north korea supply chemical weapons to the assad regime. They got north Korean Military officers on the front lines of the civil war directing the use of chemical weapons and its all being done with chinas help. We need to go to the chinese and say, this has to end. Jenna what leverage do we have . We have enormous leverage. Chinese economy right now is very, very fragile. Beijing a week ago asked the United States not to taper the program because they knew it would affect the chinese economy. People would take money out of china and put it in the United States. That gives us leverage. We can see if you want us to do x, y and z, you have to do something for us. Jenna north korea today celebrating an anniversary of the founding of its country. We have some video of north korea. Never likes to be the shrinking violet in any sort of situation and north korea was important in supplying syria their Nuclear Program before the israelis. Now its very much out in public but they took out their nuclear reactor. What about north korea in this as well . They dont like being left out of these type of international situations. Thats a very important point you make because the North Koreans see a white house which is indecisive and they probably believe that the president is weak. And therefore, theyre going to say, look. Lets do something. Lets take advantage of this situation because theyve done that so many times in the past. Also the chinese have done that. As a matter of fact, you look at the russians who are involved in syria. You can draw a Straight Line between that disasterous summit between kennedy and vienna and the soviet adventurism that led to the cuban crisis the following year. Jenna interesting. Old patterns perhaps repeating themselves. Great to have your insights. Thank you very much. Jon a painting by one of the worlds legendary artists finally discovered more than a century after his death. Who found it and where this masterpiece has been all this time. And its been a really quiet hurricane seen thus far but get ready. That could soon change. Maria joins us with a look at what is churning right now in the tropics. What makes your family smile . Backflips and cartwheels. Love, warmth. Here, try this. Backflips and camm, ok s. Ching i like the fact that theres lots of different tastes going on. Mmmm breakfast im very impressed. This is a great cereal honey bunches of oats. I hear you crunching. We run errands. We run to the grocery store. In fact, the average american drives fewer than 29 miles a day. The 100 electric nissan leaf goes twoandahalf times that on a single charge. Its a car. It just doesnt take gas. [ farrar ] so think about where you go in a day. Do you really need gas to get there . [ male announcer ] the 100 electric nissan leaf. Nissan. Innovation that excites. Now get a 2013 nissan leaf for 199 a month. Jon right now, Young Children among those injured in an explosion outside of a school in china. Two people have been killed. It is not yet known if they were students. Police are investigating the blast which may be linked to a motorcycle spotted at the scene. Thai airways doing some damage control after one of the planes skidded off a runway in bangkok. Airline workers rushed to the scene to cover up the logo on the airplanes tail and fuselage. A little spray paint part of an effort to protect the companys image. 14 passengers were hurt. And a long lost painting by Vincent Van Gogh has been identified. The Van Gogh Museum says sunsets at montmajour was believed to be from another artist. Nope. Jenna art history coming out. Jon i know nothing about it and i didnt take french. Jenna a growing storm would break the silence for what is a quiet Hurricane Season in the atlantic so far. Maria has more. Thats right. Hurricane season not over yet and it wont be over until november 30. So we still do have some time to go but its been a little unusual and whats been unusual about it, we have yet to have a named hurricane. Weve not had a named hurricane this season but that could be changing very shortly so thats, again, very unusual. Were well below average in terms of that right now. We could actually be setting a record. Coming up wednesday morning at 8 00 a. M. Eastern time, if we have not had a hurricane form yet this season, well be setting a record. As for the latest, the first hurricane of the season has formed. Thats very significant. But as far as named storm systems, weve had eight named storms form this season so were actually a little above average in terms of that. Weve had a number of tropical storms forming. Were watching several areas across the atlantic and also the storm system came off the coast of africa. Sustained winds at 45 miles an hour and take a look at the forecast coming up wednesday morning. It could be a category one hurricane. It would be the first of the season. It is forecast to remain over open waters so thats good news. Well keep an eye on the storm system the next few days. Jon we like them over open water. New claims of spying. In time the n. S. A. Under fire from everything from spying on World Leaders to allegedly tapping spew one of the worlds most popular websites. Plus congress back in session set to debate military action against syria as assad threatens the United States with possible retaliation if we attack. [ female announcer ] you tweeted, posted and cheered about yoplaits fall favorites. So we brought pumpkin pie and apple crisp back for a limited time. See . You really do call the shots. Yoplait. It is so good. Woman everyone in the nicu all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. Everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. I wouldnt trade him for the world. Who matters most to you says the most about you. At massmutual were owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. If youre caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care Program Offers strategies that can help. Jenna new developments and breaking stories this hour. Jon expect everything. Thats what syrias president is calling the United States for retaliation of any strike on his country. Our president makes a major push for military action to congress and the American People. A new report on just how far the n. S. A. Spying goes and how vulnerable your smart phone might be if the government should want to keep an eye on you. If someone you know tried to quit smoking but cant kick the habit, the answer might be ecigarettes. Its all happening now. A major push from the top for taking action in syria as the senate gets ready to debate a resolution to authorize military force and new threats and denials from the syrian dictator. Good morning. Jenna welcome to the second hour of happening now. Great to have you. The president hits the air waves today sitting down with our own Chris Wallace and anchors at the other Major Networks all to persuade congress and the American Public that president assad must be punished for using chemical weapons against his own people and limited strikes against syria are the way to do it. This is ahead of the president s address to the nation tomorrow night as polls indicate the white house faces an uphill battle Getting Congress to mike a strike. Not a person ive talked to dozens, not one is rebutting intelligence. He used chemical weapons, assad used chemical weapons against his people. The question now is for congress to resolve this week is are there consequences for a dictator who will have who would have used those weapons to gas to death hundreds of children . I dont think were going to do anything to assad for doing these attacks and i think its more likely that the chemical weapons could go about between the rebels or into al qaedas home and we destabilize assad. Jenna there is someone refuting the evidence. Assad is denying the attack last month and he warned there will be retaliation for any u. S. Military attack on his country. The attacks against american bases in the middle east, if theres an air strike . They should expect everything. They should expect everything. Not necessarily through the government. Its not the government are not the only player in this region. You have different parties, different factions, different ideologies. You have everything now. So you have to expect that. Tell me what you mean by expect everything. Expect every action. Jenna again, unsettling but probably the intention of that interviewer. Our chief Congressional Correspondent is live on capitol hill with more on the lawmakers side of this whole story, mike, which is an important one. How tough of a sell will this be over the next several hours and next few days for members of congress . It sounds like its going to be a very heavy lift for the administration. Theyve reached out to a range of senators offices and ive been told that constituent feedback is overwhelmingly against syria action s. A democrat from north dakota says she has made up her mind and shes a no on military force in syria. Shes calling for an alternative path forward in dealing with the assad regime. A House Republican said why many of his constituents are against opposing force. We have a history in america when bureaucrats and politicians in washington try to tell our military commanders how to execute a tactical operation, weve made some big mistakes in our past and we dont need to repeat those mistakes so i share some of those concerns that my constituents have expressed to me. And congressman johnson says a lot of his constituents are war weary and he hears a fair amount of distrust that the administration will carry this out effectively. Jenna ive heard that from viewers as well and theres questions what happens with this vote . How significant is it . What if it fails in the senate or fails in the house and passes in the senate . What significance is this vote, after all . All indications are that would put the commander in chief in a very tough spot. He reached to congress saying i want you to weigh in. I want your consent for the use of force and one key ally of this Administration Says it would be very tough if Congress Votes no. When he asks for congress consent, he was also asking for the American Peoples consent. And so but the flip side of that is that if you dont get that consent, i think that it would be appropriate not to move forward. Clearly nerves are on edge. This is a huge item for the members of congress to vote on. Arizona senator mccain who is in favor of the use of force tweeted a few minutes ago about john kerry. He says kerry says syria strike would be unbelievably small. That is unbelievably unhelpful. Jenna here we go. A big week. Mike, thank you. Jon there are new polls on the crisis in syria. They highlight the tough struggle the americans face. National poll showing that while eight in 10 americans surveyed believe the assad regime gassed its own people, an overwhelming majority oppose military action in response. More than seven in 10 saying a strike would not achieve significant goals for the u. S. And that its not in our natural interest to get involved. Talk about it all with pete, the c. E. O. Of concerned veterans for america. You have sort of reversed the words of teddy roosevelt. You say our president in this instance is speaking loudly and carrying a small stick. What do you mean by that, pete . Well, as we all know, he set a red line that turned out not to be much of a red line for quite some time and then when actions were taken, rather than acting decisively which he could have done, he punted to congress and now his hands are tied because as youve said in the polls, American People overwhelmingly are not in favor of this action. Thats not a decision he needs to make as commander in chief but every commander in congress has to weigh for their constituency. There arent many people in the middle east or around the world that actually believed this president will follow through now on the declarations we make and the most important one, jon, is iran. Thats why this action in syria is significant and strategically important because the folks in tehran, the centrifuges are spinning for the Nuclear Weapons and they watch us hem and haw and hedge and they believe that they can march slowly and quietly toward a nuclear bomb. Thats why talking about red lines and then not actually being willing to powerfully enforce them is a big problem. Jon what do you think about this tweet from senator mccain directed at john kerry . Mccain says secretary kerry says a strike on syria would be unbelievably small. That is unbelievably unhelpful. It is unbelievably unhelpful. I dont think that senator mccains position of backing rebels is a good opportunity, either. It gets back to the earlier point made before my segment that when congress is legislating a war and dictating terms of how to execute it, that has not worked well in history and doesnt put the full opportunities in front of our commanders who are charged with executing missions the civilian authorities give them. For secretary kerry to say its going to be unbelievably small telegraphs how weak the red line will be and senator mccain is saying we need to do m rebels. Theres a lot of questions about their affiliate and what a world would look like if they took control. Jon president obama that would have us believe that poisonous gas has never been used before. Iraq and iran were lobbing each other with poison gas during their long war and president reagan didnt do anything about that. Yeah. Theres been equivocation from the american side over the years on this particular issue. That said, i think the chemical aspect and its use is probably the most one of the most powerful arguments this president has made, that if were going to declare these types of weapons, chemical weapons can be used without any sort of consequence on the national stage, were setting maybe its not the first time but were continuing a dangerous precedent that becomes more and more difficult to enforce and hes been full throat at the president in calling out the u. N. For making promises on paper and not enforcing them. Theres been questions about how much our interest is at stake. Jon well see if Congress Gives them the go ahead for this unbelievably small strike. Pete, thank you. Thanks, jon. Jon the president is sitting down to talk syria with Chris Wallace. You can see the interview tonight at 6 00 p. M. Eastern on special report. You do not want to miss the questions that chris will have for the president and his responses. Jenna we do not. In the meantime well turn to another big story today, new information right now that the n. S. A. Is apparently tapping into the computers at google, at another network that handles most of the worlds banking transfers as well as brazils staterun oil company is the agency is reportedly able to crack into most smart phones. These latest revelations courtesy of documents leaked by edward snowden. Elizabeth is working the story for us so liz, what devices are we talking about and who is reporting all of this . Good to be with you. Its the german publication seagull and they claim they have been reviewing internal n. S. A. Documents that reportedly show that the n. S. A. Has been able to basically breach and break into iphones, Android Devices meaning the google devices and also blackberries and the last one is kind of striking because blackberry has been known to be one of the most secure networks in the world and the other thing that theyre reporting, too, this is important, that the n. S. A. Is breaking into the devices without the knowledge of the companies themselves. The n. S. A. Is denying any wrong doing here and there is no more information thats given out about what their what other devices they could be accessing. Jenna as far as what they can actually get, if they are indeed accessing these devices, what kind of information is being described . Contact lists, text messages, email messages, were also seeing Location Information and thats something that has raised alarm bells in the offices of senator ron widen. Hes been concerned about that. Also the reports are that 38 different iphone features have been accessed as well and so what were also hearing is that the n. S. A. Is essentially saying that these are limited in scope, that its not a mass phenomenon, that theyre targeting individuals. Its not a drag net surveillance. One thing that i will say is that google has been telling fox business that it has stepped up its encryption effort to thwart snooping from governments, including russia, china, Great Britain as well as israel. What were also hearing, too, is that the problem at the n. S. A. Mostly is with hired contractors, not n. S. A. Workers themselves. Thats where a lot of the breaches come. Thats where a loft issues could come from the n. S. A. Jenna elizabeth, thank you. Sure. Jon game day takes a tragic turn over the weekend when a fan falls to his death from a stadium walkway. Breaking details on that tragedy just ahead. Plus crews battling a new fast moving wildfire out west. Already dozens of families forced out of their homes and this one could get a whole lot bigger. Did you know, your eyes can lose vital nutrients as you age . [ male announcer ] thats why theres ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. Ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. Ocuvite. Help protect your eye health. Ocuvite. For a strong bag that grips the can. Get glad forceflex. Small change, big difference. Okay, who helps you focus on your recovery . Yo, yo, yo. Aflac. Wow. [ under his breath ] that was horrible. Pays you cash when youre sick or hurt . [ japanese accent ] aflac. Love it. [ undehis breath ] hate it. Helps you focus on getting back to normal . [ as a Southern Belle ] aflac. [ as a cowboy ] aflac. [ sassily ] aflac. Uh huh. [ under his breath ] i am so fired. Youre on in 5, ck. [ male announcer ] when youre sick or hurt, aflac pays you cash. Find out more at aflac. Com. Jon crews in california are battling another wildfire right now. Hot conditions fuelling flames in the San Francisco bay area. Already torching more than 1,500 acres. About 100 families have been forced out of their homes since yesterday. State Officials Say about 200 firefighters are battling the flames in very rugged terrain. Four planes and three helicopters also involved. So far its only about 10 contained. Jenna well keep an eye on that. In the meantime, new controversy over diana nyads historic feat with some in the marathon Swimming Community raising questions about her 110 mile swim from cuba to florida. Some Long Distance swimmers are debating on social media and its catching up with the momentum here in general news as well about whether or not she got into or held on to the boat accompanies her, explaining that the 64yearold endurance swimmer could not have picked up as much speed she did from the gulf stream current. She became the first person ever to do it without a shark cage and she says she plans to meet with her peers in the marathon Swimming Community tomorrow. Either way, it sounds like some poor losers out there, jon. Jon cut her a break. She has tried it many times before. She made it. Im going to go with diana on this one. Jenna i am, too. Jon fox news has the 411 now on a tragic start to the nfl season. Falls by fans in two stadiums leave one man dead and two other people injured. Now investigators are searching for answers here. Julie is live here with more. You know, witnesses say the 32yearold man whose name has not been released appeared to be intoxicated before falling off an elevated walkway onto a sidewalk. Police are now investigating and they say that the man was with his brother at the time and was walking on the overpass which leads from the parking area to the stadium during a San Francisco 49ers game at Candlestick Park on sunday. He apparently fell just after kickoff in the San Francisco 3428 win over green bay. He was rushed by ambulance to a nearby hospital and either died there or in route. The 49ers said in a statement they would like to express our deepest condolences to the family during this difficult time, end quote. This wasnt the only incident of a fan getting injured at a game over the weekend. On the same day at the colts game against the raiders in indianapolis, two fans were injured after a railing they were leaning on collapsed. They had been standing by the barrier above the tunnel leading to oaklands locker room. According to witnesses one person was taken away on a stretcher and the other left in a wheelchair and get this, there have been more than two dozen cases of fans falling at stadiums in the u. S. Since 2003. Most recently in atlanta a fan died last month after tumbling over a railing and going 85 . Drinking at these games doesnt make it better. A lot of fans do become quite intoxicated while rooting for the favorite team. Jon so sad the sunday celebrations can turn into Something Like this. Thank you. Jenna fox news taking a close look at the new economy. One major airport is putting the breaks on Ride Sharing Services. Where its happening and what it means for jobs straight ahead. A possible breakthrough in helping smokers kick the habit. Ecigarettes may be succeeding. Thats next. Hey linda what are you guys doing . Having some fiber with new phillips fiber good gummies. Theyre fruity delicious just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber to help support gularity i want some. [ woman ] hop on over [ marge ] fiber the fun way, from phillips. Well, youve found delicious must be the honey it is so honey swagalish so much crunch, can you handle this . The party in the bowl dont stop must be the honey jon smokers trying to kick the habit might be getting real help. A new study finds that ecigarettes are as good as nicotene patches in helping people give up smoking. Is it true or could they lead to more use of the regular tobacco . We have more. Thats the question. Do ecigarettes work . A first of its kind highly scientific randomized study, the kind we like, published today in the prestigious british journal found that many people were able to quit using ecigarettes as using the nicotene patch were familiar with, more commonly used. Founder and president of the National Vapors club thinks that ecigarettes have a big advantage over the patch because you put something in your mouth to simulate smoking. Ecigarettes are not a nicotene replacement therapy. Theyre a smoking replacement therapy. Cigarette smokers dont just need nicotene. They need to feel like theyre smoking and thats why ecigarettes are so effective. You cannot vape or puff or inhale a patch. You cannot inhale a gum. You cannot puff out a nice cloud with the gum or the patch. Your question of whether it can lead to nicotene abuse and ultimately lead to cigarettes smoking themselves has not been answered yet. Dr. Tom frieden believes that ecigarettes are unproven, easily misused and need to be regulated. Study just out from the c. D. C. Shows 10 of High Schoolers using ecigarettes. Thats double from a year ago with 80 of them also smoking tobacco. We dont know in the long run whether ecigarettes will be helpful or harmful overal. What we do know is that its a real risk for kids and its very unfortunate if people are misled to thinking that an ecigarette is proven to help them quit smoking. What is the answer . It is clear from todays news that ecigarettes have a place as an hair owe in the Smoking Cessation quiver but exact what will that place is and who should decide its use, that has yet to be determined. 12 states have laws to prevent minors from purchasing the cigarettes but few teens pay attention. Jon and its scary if they think its more healthy and take it up for that reason z. And then get addicted to nicotene. Jon thank you. Thank, jon. Jenna ride sharing is increasingly popular but San Francisco International Airport has a big problem with it apparently, citing issues including lack of Available Space in the cramped terminal and now theyve ordered the companies off their property. Here is more on this. Claudia . Well, these Ride Sharing Services now available in more than a dozen big cities, users can book their rides online and instead of a per mile fare, riders who take side car or lift, for example, they pay the driver a suggested dough donation and those drivers are using their own cars. Weve taken cars off the road and helped people off set the cost of vehicles. These Companies Say theyre not like traditional taxis and shouldnt need a permit to give someone a lift but officials at the airport say they cannot operate there without a proper permit and they banned the Ride Sharing Services out of safety and fairness concerns. Does theres a lot of different categories. Theres taxis, limos, shared van services and we also have an obligation as a Public Agency to kind of create a level Playing Field for all. D area cabbies recently staged a loud rally calling for a rogue service en fripging on enfringing on their turf. They say the way it is now, anyone with a four door car can go be a taxi. The California Public utilities commission, which oversees cab companies, is allowing some of the services to operate under a temporary permit while it works out new rules but theres still the bigger issue of how to categorize these new Ride Sharing Services which falls somewhere between cabs and carpools. Theyre not going away and many continue to operate at the San Francisco International Airport, even at the risk of being arrested for trespassing. Jenna wow. Thats rolling the dice, really. Jon just for driving your car. Jenna interesting story. Thank you. Jon crisis in syria and the message that secretary of state john kerry has for president assad. Were live in the mideast with that. Also president obama taking the case for a limited syria strike to the American People. What he is doing ahead of his address to the nation tomorrow night. Will it be effective . Well goin depth. Jenna welcome back, everybody. A fox news alert, brand new developments in the crisis in syria. Secretary of state kerry insisting the United States has compelling evidence that the assad regime used chemical weapons against his own people despite what the syrian dictator now claims. He also issued a challenge to assad. He could turn over every single bit of his chemical weapons to the International Community in the next week, turn it over. All of it. Without delay, and allow a full and total accounting for that. But he isnt about to do it. Jenna and was that comment intentional . Its getting a whole lot of attention around the world. This is what the state Department Said clarifying, they say, the statement by secretary kerry saying, quote jenna well, now russia is weighing in. Russia is calling on syria, so far its friend, to put its chemical weapons arsenal under International Control in an effort to avert a mill care strike military strike. Great britain and the u. N. Also now just coming out within the last hour and backing that plan. So how does this change things . Leland vittert is live in jerusalem with more on all of this. So, leland, is there any chance that this is an actual plan, that this could somehow work, achieve the goal of not having a military strike if that is the goal . Reporter well, if theres anyone who can pull it off in this case, its the russians. Whether or not secretary kerry meant to open the door, he certainly did to a diplomatic solution here. Remember, its the russians that have been president assads big supporters and big suppliers of weapons. Today in moscow the syrian foreign min temporary and the russian minister and the Russian Foreign minister sat down for a long conversation. What they talked about behind closed doors, we dont know. But if the russians are able to twist president assads arm enough to make this happen, it would certainly make the case for a u. S. Strike almost disappear. Thats something the russians may want to do in order to solidify their position on the world stage of being a major power broker when it comes to the middle east. Whether or not it will be given enough time to happen and for the negotiations to go back and forth, we dont know. But its certainly now the talk here of how a possible deal could work to avert a u. S. Strike. Jenna leland, what about whats happening in syria right mow . What is the state of the fighting . Reporter well, on the ground things seem to be getting, going from worse to even worse on the ground. Were having more and more killed every day. At last count it was about 165 people dying every day in the fighting. Interestingly enough, a major change in tactics for the rebels, they were able to overtake one of the main Christian Villages in the northern part of the damascus suburbs, that village had been protected by assads troops, now he is trying to retake that village from the rebels. Interestingly enough, president assad during his interview today with charlie rose of cbs news seemed to indicate that he was more than happy to continue the fighting, saying this is syrias problem, an internal problem and one which we will fight. Clearly, president assad is saying he is there to stay and, for that matter, to win at whatever the cost. Jenna . Jenna well continue to watch it, leland, thank you. Jon syrias dictator went on tv denying that his soldiers or his government used chemical weapons. Hes also warning there will be repercussions for u. S. Military action against his country, all this as president obama puts on a full court press for a strike. The commander in chief giving six Network Interviews today ahead of his address to the nation tomorrow night. Joining us now, alan colmes, host of the alan colmes show and author of thank the liberals for saving america, also with us jim pinkerton, contributing editor for the american conservative magazine. Jenna and i were talking about it in this past commercial break, did bashar assad by talking to charlie rose and by saying, no, we didnt use any chemical weapons, did he take the wind out of the sails of those, including president obama, who argue that he should be attacked militarily . Well, i dont think that the actual act of the interview did much to help assads case against america. Youll recall that Saddam Hussein did an interview, speaking of cbs, with dan rather on february 24, 2003, which was three weeks before the war started. Didnt do him any good. I do think, however, that the kind of diplomatic negotiations that leland was talking about do make a difference. I think that senator heitkamp and senator man thin, dem manchin, democrats of north dakota and West Virginia respectively, are scrambling around looking for some diplomatic way out. I think that does matter. I think all this sort of fog, if you will, is clouding up the president s ability to make a clear case either tonight on all the networks or tomorrow night to the American People. Jon so, alan, when he goes on television with charlie roads, and i guess the rose, the full interviews going to run tonight, and hes very soft spoken and says, no, we didnt use any chemical weapons, whats the effect . What do you expect him to say . Hes going to confess to charlie rose that he did or did not use them. Obviously, though, its good to have to him on the record. Not to borrow from greta, but the fact that he is on the record of saying what he said, and its important for us to see the body language, to see what he says. Its a great get for charlie rose, and its terrific that he is now will be around the world making that statement. So we know exactly what his position is. Jon all right. So, jim, weve got president assad on cbs and pbs, you have president obama speaking to cnn, pbs, fox, abc, cbs and nbc. In these battles over, you know, media access who wins . Well, i guess its a sixway tie. I mean, look, its going to be im much more interested in what president obama has to say and how effective he is, because i agree with alan, what was assad going to say other than probably lie about whats happening many syria . I thought maureen dowd had a good column in the New York Times where she said theres law professor obama who sort of, you know, on the other hand this and on this hand that, and then theres war president obama, and it does appear law professor obama who cant quite decide what hes going to do and thinks hes got to study it some more is getting the best of how people see him. They see him as a professor, not as a leader. Jon alan, especially his first year in office he was prone to giving prime time speeches to try to sway the public on issues that he found to be of importance to him. Can he do it this time . I mean, the polling says the American Public is very much against an attack on syria. Hes got a very tough, uphill climb. Hes also got to convince and im sure this is directed, his speech tomorrow night at congress as well. He probably could get the senate, very doubtful in the senate. He could claim ive got the senate with me, im going to go in anyway, but a better solution is if, indeed, there can be an agreement on assads part to some kind of international overseeing of getting rid or accounting for those chemical weapons. Or as you mentioned, john, the Manchin Heitkamp i think it was actually jim who mentioned it, the Manchin Heitkamp 45 days to give kind of a little breathing room to see if there can be a diplomatic solution. That lets the president off the hook and gives him a way off to then have to cow to this idea that there was a redline that he feels he must live up to. Jon and, jim, what about the mixed messages coming out of the administration . When john kerry says an attack on syria would be unbelievably small his words [laughter] what does that say . I mean, tell that to john mccain, who im sure mccain thinks hes going to be voting for something that is, in fact, ultimately a regime change. Look, theres a confusion there that i think this white house has been unable to sort out because, lets face it, they themselves havent sorted it out, and in the glare of the media eye, its very hard to keep a secret. And so if youre confused, the public will be confused as well. Jon all right. Were going to leave it there, and well see what the president has to say in these, well, six interviews with Major Networks. Jim pinkerton, alan colmes, thank you both. Thank you. Thank you. Jenna back to school time is happening around this country, and schools apparently are failing to plan for disasters even after highprofile tragedies at schools across this country. How this is happening and what you can do about it. A very timely segment, jon, as all the kids head back to school in new york and other places around this country. We hope youll join us for our segment coming up next. You really love, what would you do . [ woman ] id be a writer. [ man ] id be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] id be an architect. What if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you . When you think about it, isnt that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love . Im here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. [ all gasp ] oj, veggies youre cool. Mayo . Corn dogs . You are so outta here aah cause im reworkin the menu, keeping her healthy and you on your toes. [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. I see you, cupcake uhoh [ bottle ] the number one doctor recommended brand. Ensure®. Nutrition in charge™. Jenna well, happening now, as so may families are heading back to school, there are growing concerns that our children are at serious risk. According to save the children, 68 million children are separated from their parents every single workday, but 28 states and d. C. Fail to require emergency safety plans for schools and Childcare Centers, and this is happening despite a record year of disasters and highprofile school tragedies. We dont need to remind you of so many of them, still so fresh in our mind from the mass shooting in newtown, connecticut, and, of course, Hurricane Sandy and other natural disasters. The Aid Group Says the lack of planning could make it harder for children to be reunited with their families in the event of any sort of disaster. Kathy spangler is Vice President of the program for the International Watchdog nonprofit good timing to talk about this. What did you find specifically in these schools where there didnt seem to be a proper plan . Thanks, jenna. You know, it was a remarkable year last year for children in emergencies and disasters. And yet save the childrens report shows that 28 states and the District Of Columbia failed to meet the standards, the basic standards, that are necessary to protect children. Jenna and what are some of those basic standards that every school should have . Well, as you said, 68 million children are separated from their parents every day. With many parents working 20, 30, 40 miles away. These minimum standards, and they are minimum, would require that Childcare Centers first and foremost have an evacuation and relocation plan. But they also have a reunification plan, and they have a plan in place to meet the special needs for children with disabilities and access and functional needs. And for schools k12, an emergency plan that is prepared to meet a variety of various hazards are important for schools to practice and drill on on a regular basis. Jenna then the question comes to what can we do as families to better prepare not only our children, but ourselves that were going to be able to reach each other in the event that something bad happens . And we have a little bit of a cheat sheet more our viewers with a couple points, kathy, and one in particular i wanted to talk about, make a family emergency plan. What does this plan need to have as part of it, how long should you prepare to be separated, and how do you talk to your children without scaring them . Well, theres no question that in the past year has created a sense of awareness, but we still are a nation not prepared to meet childrens needs. And so were launching the get ready, get Safe Campaign at savethechildren. Org, and their things for parents and grandparents to address these names. Have a kit, crayons and nutritious snacks that, in fact, you would have a plan and that you would actually take the time to drill with your child so that they know what their role is. Children are part of the equation, and they shouldnt be treat they should be treated as little adults. And, of course, you can make sure that youre working with your Childcare Centers and your schools to insure that they have the plans in place, that theyre drilling against them regularly. Because even if were prepared in the midst of a disaster, what we found in the last year where Emergency Management crews did not have good records on where Childcare Centers were, as a parent you need to make sure that that plan is in place and that youre well drilled to respond. Jenna what an interesting tip, to put the crayons, some items that you mentioned where children know these are good items, theyre not just the flashlights and the bandaids and the emergency foods that seem scary, but make it seem more approachable to them. We appreciate your time today, kathy, thank you. Jon great tips there. Well, they got everyones attention, those graphic antismoking ads featuring real smokers. Have they helped people kick the habit . We are live with that story. Plus, new threats of retaliationing from syrias dictator if the u. S. Should launch a strike against his country. Reaction to the latest warning, coming up. This is for you. [ male announcer ] bobs heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Jon well, right now a new report frm the centers for Disease Control on its graphic antismoking ad campaign. The agency says at least 100,000 people have kicked the habit for good, and thats twice what they were expecting. Jonathan serrie is live in atlanta where the cdc is based. So what have they learned from all of this, jonathan . Reporter well, the cdc has learned that when it comes to convincing americans to quit smoking, hardhitting ads work. Watch. Reporter that ad and similar ones which appeared during the spring of 2012 encouraged twice as Many Americans to successfully quit smoking once and for all than cdc officials had originally predicted. Listen. We had Ambitious Goals for the tips campaign. We hoped at least 50,000 people would quit. As a minimal estimate, at least 100,000 americans quit because of this campaign. Reporter and more details on the cdcs findings are published in the lancet medical journal, jon . Jon so what about the cost . Reporter yeah. The cdc spent 50 million on this campaign. It was the first time that the government had funded a nationwide tobacco education ad campaign. Public health Officials Say it was a worthy investment. They say the ads will pay for themselves in a few years when you consider the reduced health care costs. On average, smokers who quit cost 1,000 less to take care of each year than people who still smoke, and people who never smoke cost 2,000 less. And then factor in the increased Life Expectancy of people who quit smoking. Listen. A third of the million to half a million years of extra life have been added for the people that quit at a cost of less than 200 per year. Reporter so as far as cdc officials are concerned, this was a worthwhile investment, this campaign. Jon . Jon so will they continue it or bring it back if it was that successful . Are they talking about that . Reporter they are talking about that. This study was just based on the first wave of ads. You can still go to the cdc web site and watch all of these ads. The campaign is still active. And from what theyve learned, you can expect that they will continue using these very graphic, hardhitting ads at least when it comes to smokers. Jon sounds like it. Jonathan serrie, thanks. Jenna well, happening now, sin city with a new star, and were not talking about britney spears, at least not at this moment, jon, but she could be next. The Worlds Largest ferris wheel takes shape on the vegas strip. What do you think, jon . Jon bigger than the london eye . Is that possible . Jenna were going to tell you about all the biggerthanlife details straight ahead. Is this the bacon and cheese diet . This is the creamy chicken corn chowder. I mean, look at it. So indulgent. Did i tell you i am on the. [ both ] Chicken Pot Pie diet me too [ male announcer ] so indulgent, youll never believe theyre light. 100calorie progresso light soups. Las vegas is getting a brand new land mark as a 50 story high ferris wheels set to make Caesar Palace visible. The worlds tallest ferris wheel will spin above sin city early next year. You will have a chance to jump on that. The worlds tallest roller coaster is designed to tour near the Tropicana Hotel casinno pending review by the fa a. You cant get it in the way of an airport. Good for them. And talk about making an entrance. A hot air balloon crashes a block party in san diego. The panda shaped balloon narrowly missed home. It caused quite a stir. He told us, i landed this on medians between freeways. He told us. We have 5 or 6 different spots to land in and we dont know until we get there. They landed in different parts of the neighborhood. This is fantastic and an evening event and relatively safe. If he said i landed it in the middle of a freeway. Does that instill confidence or nervous about jumping in to the bucket with him . I dont know. I guess the passenger still went up. The same pilot made National Head leans and landed in the median of a busy highway. Hes either that good or work on the navigation. We report and you decide. America lives starts right now. And all right. Thank you, guys. The fox news alert out of washington, one hour from now, congress will reconvene after a month long break and jump in the debate over whether the United States should strike syria. This happens as president obama is set to sit down with fox news and other networks to make his case for military action. So meanwhile, seeing the Syrian Rebels have attacked a Christian Village outside of damascus. And they are in the process of torching

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