Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20221101 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20221101

0 voters. bradbury and martha maccallum, co moderate. the ohio town hall tuesday. that's it for us today. we're out of time. , big big show, though s, tomorrow night, 8:00 p.m. as always, the enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink have th the best night with the ones you love. >> here's sean hannity. al l right. >> and tucker, thank you and welcome to hannity. gol right. here we are, only eight days to go tonight. t herschel walker, herschel walker, dr. oz, senator ron johnson, will all join us straight ahead. these races will likely determine the balance of powera in the u.s. senate, and it absolutely matters to all of you. plus, we will bring you the latest polls analysis has how republicans continue to surge all across the country noacross thew, even washington e is very much in play that senateto race. look at this right here is aghte statistical tie, real clear politics just moved it into the tossup column. but let'e s be clear, the onlyte thing that does matter is what happens on election day. lectioso take nothing for grant. that means everybody has to vote. everybody has to participate. now, still, at this point, democrats, they are looking at increasing desperate and as pers usual and as we predicted, w they are attempting to scare you, the american people, with the same lies and smearsat that we see every singlengle thection year. i said aist the very beginning f this election year, the democrats, they have nothing positive to run on . that is not change. they will run on three things. thsaid one january six , i hate donald trump. that has fizzled.e the dobbs decision. and that in many ways hasbackfie backfired since. so many democrats wantd nce so o restrictions on abortion, meaning that they support abortion up until the moment of birth. that is quite out of touch with most of the american people. number three , you know the drill, according to them, republicans who are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, trans phobic, you want dirty air and water. you want to throw granny and grandpa off a cliff and you want deep cuts. secuwant to eliminate social security and medicare. of course, none of tharindt is true. but after two horrific years under the most incompetentr president and democratic party in history, this is all they have lefte most i. ory. there's nothing in their playbook. so now, as political rightly points out, democrats are turning to the anointed one . he's back and he's trying to hope and pray that he can help drive home their lying, dishonest narrative and save them from a midterm shellacking. take a save look, they want tot social security and medicaresoc and then give some more tax breaks to the wealthy. and the reason the reason i know that's their agenda is , listen, this their answer to everything. ward ear if thereth was an asteroid headd towards earth is going in two weeks, if you win in the republican caucus, he said, what do you want to do?for th well, wee need a tax break forh the wealthy. >> that's going to help.t's goin and if that asteroid is headed r towards earth, you'd blamethu wl donald trump and say he sent ito anyway. nald brougobama's lying.le there's not a singleis plann republican candidate planning to cut medicare or social decurity, not one . sadly, democrats nmoo longer set to value truth and logic unlessc it helps them politically. remember, according to theinflao white house, inflation is only a transitory. wensitory we have zero inflatiot a point when it was a forty one year high. gas prices are down.gas no, they'rpre double what they were. the border is secure. ned as new york governor kathy hochul claims, america'swo violent crime surge has nothing more than a vast right wing conspiracy. it's not true. it's not happening. don't believe you're very eyes tr when you watch the news every night. >> take a lookdon't believe yo.m now, these are masterthey h manipulators. they have thisav conspiracy goig all across america to try and convince people that in democratic states they're not as safe. well, guess what? they'ras safe,s e also not onlyn deniers, they're data deniers. >> okay, here's some data for kathy hochul and for the reverend. for last year, new york city recorded the single highestt mud murder rate iner a decade. r the most shootings in 15 years.c carjackings, governor , they'ree up over two hundred percent. major crime is up 36%. retail theft because you don'tal arrest people that steal less than a thousand dollars. that's surging like never before. it's not just new york either. crime is spiking almostwhere. everywhere. democrats are in charge. 11 a matter of fact, eleven of the fifteen deadliest placesry to live in this country are are totally run by democrats. democrnot by republicans. so make no mistake, the left and their defunded mantle nond bail movement has wreaked havoc on major cities and towns allunr across the country. and that brings us t o on the horrific attack on speaker pelosi's husband, paul . accordinsp .g to reports, he was assaulted with a hammer inside his own home by an intruder, quote, looking for nancy, the assailant we now know to be an illegal immigrant is a hyper paranoid activistctivis who allegedly lives in a storage shed and believes in qanon conspiracies. and attacks like this. by the wayat, they should nevern happen. we believe in law and order as conservatives. and as i'v've said ovee r and on again, every elected official and their families must be protected their . jet what we provide a private jet, as my understanding for speaker pelosi to travel to san francisco and back, i wouldback assume, for security reasons, why wouldn't we provide her secret service protection or any speaker of the house afteren the vice president ? it is the speaker of.r the vi te that would be in line to beof president . we wish paul pelosi a full the u and speedy recovery. this is not political .this everyone deserve is noeveryones everyone, unfortunately, manyef on the left,t they want thiswat to be political . they want voters to believeer that the illegalto immigranttacd who attack paul pelosi e ofepresentativ conservatives in america. he's not there, by the way. reen accusing republicans of fomenting violence. that is a lie to now. diffe whre course, they were singing a very different tune. remember when that berniders sua sanders super fan shot un p a baseball field full of republican lawmakers? and you might remember just this year, they all but ignore d the assassination attempt against supreme court justice kavanaugpreme courh. and when senator rand m paul remember, he was violently peloulted, manany on the left, they just mocked it. nancy pelosi's own daughter, dau even praised the attack and thes media mob.ys they thought it was hysterical.a just a quick reminder, new details todayenator r on the incident that left senator rand paul with six broken ribs. this mightanith six ribs. be of my favorite stories, although, of course, we don't want >> clearly, senator paul is still struggling. >> and new york times reporter jonathan martin says some sortsn of, quote, fluoro issue around the properties caused the neighborhood mess hall there, flora. verray serious.cas. they really do the singer saidmt on social media, quote, i'll say it again if i ever meetneigb rand paul's neighboror, i'm goig to hug him and buy him as many drinks as he can consume. trum, many in the media mob have the gall to bash president trump for what, waiting two whole days beforeatk condemning the attack. i thought they didn't want from to hear from mr. nonow they want to hear from mr. trump. well, president trump called the assault a horrible thing mr a terrible thing. also condemned the violent crime wave in san franciscalso chicago and other major cities. now, of course, democrats sa. y didn't quite like that part. remember, they only value the truth if it helps them politically. in other words, if the violenc.o ,they can use it forbout i political purposes. oh, let's talk about it. you mit recall in ther of 2020, we had five hundred and seventy four riots. d we had dozens of deadd bric americans. we had bricks, rocks, bottles,ks molotov cocktails thrownles, mol a police officers, thousands of them were injured. mage we had billions in property damage. and most democrats, we had the silent or lied to us and told us they were mostly peaceful protests. byere were they then? and by the way, paul pelosi was the victim of a deranged individual. it's sad, but it's happening in city after city and town after town . incrit's becoming increasingly lawless in this country for everyone in large part because of democratic policies. when you stof democrp prosecutig crimes, when you let violentns t felons out of jail, when yount prevent the federal government from deporting illegal immigrants , when you excuse the way violent riots like w eet saw in the summer of 2020, when you believe in defund and dismantle police departments, when you demoralize defun police, when e come up with these idiotic no i bail laws, get guess what,p in crime goes up and communitiesnii and towns and citieses and, peon suffer and law abiding americans, they are victimizedge ,except we don't knowget th their names. they don't get the coverage thatcovera paul pelosi got.t ges and anybody that gets hurtse because of these bad policies,h at what point do we blamee the politicians that put these idiotic, imbecilic policies in place? now, this could happencluding anywhere, including the great state of georgia, where staceytt abrams is now threatening to upend the safety and security in her state. during her debate, she even suggested that the police in georgia, a racist, good old goo boys. >> take a lookold .boys men and women in law w enforcement know who is goingg o to be with them, who has hadbe their back and will continue to have their back. and that is me. . ha and that's why we have the endorsement of one hundred and seven sheriffs around the state as i pointed out before, i'm not a member of the good ol boys club.f so, no, i don't haveheriffs one hundred and seven sheriffs who want to be able to tak e black people off the streets, bb who want to be able to gleo without accountability. acstacey abrams, she's not telling the truth. but again, democrats, truth. they don't value the truth. all right. here now with more senior counsel to president trump, kellyanne conway, former arkansas governor mike huckabere ,and fox news contributor ari fleischer. you know, you look atk at the kathy hochul, for example, and then you look at the statisticse,, the murder rate, the crime rate, the arson rate, the burglary rate, and what part of what's happening in her state is she not understanding, kellyanne? >> sure. i think her blunder stage w on the debate stage was akin to terry mcauliffe a year ago when where he said, i'm going te sure parents don't have a say in their child's education. and he losrents educt. this is for kathy hochul to note realize that not only iss reality reality, we see it'sre n occupational hazard. the you use the subway. we see that people are walking down the street being randomly assaulted or worse. but also when it comes to crime, perception is reality. if the peopl crimee of new yorkt feel safe and so many of them are telling us they don't feel safe , that's enough for a governor to take action. but lizelle does run a nationall campaign by putting crime front and center and public safety. thd , of course, the democrats cannot walk back , defend the police. those are ofe the three mostpoiu poisonous words said by a political party in quite some time. sean, they can't walk it back .' and let me say this. it's not just new york and it's not just in our major cities which are run by democrats, where the rateth ratess of crime going up. it really is everywhere. epeoplele feel insecur and unsafe f. te this this election is about everydays affordability, but it's also abouveryday t physical securityr security, national security,c health security, economic security. if it's about all of that, the it's aboutn. of course, that's going to help the party that is willing to go out and say no cashless bail. we are here to punishto p criminals, not to punishun the victims and people right now,e victimight now i in new yt released a poll where hopefuls only have one point. both jean lee zeldin are forty six , forty five under 50%. and he's really closing the gap because he has put crime fronta and center. but let's also not forgecentert, unfortunately, the zeldin family knows crime very personally. k crimehe was attacked on the e by a crazy person with a weapon and then his two teenage daughters were home doing their homework and somebody wass on his porch. soer thiy perss is very personal to many folks. 1994, top two issues, crime inin the economy. we had the contractcono th and now those two issues are so much more personal and front and center. atic and you have an entireg the democratic party telling the country, don't believe what you see. believe what i say. >>at's why voters are rejecting ,you know, governor huckabeeyou look at things their economic policies caused the 40 year high of inflation. their decision to produce energy domestically that has caused the price of gasoline its to soar as high as it is .oa and by the wait till people get their heating bills this winterthis, they went with open borders and abandoned the policies of donald trump that are working. they're the ones that want to work education vs. the old fashioned reading, writing, math and history, educatioversu they're the ones that want defund, dismantle and no bail laws. they have made decisionsconseq and the consequences are nowue evident to everybody. t ino eight days, the american et people get to vote on whethe dr they like these policies or don't like these policies. are you better off tha n yous mont are? what? twenty months ago? twenty one months ago.hs i think the answer ago is overwhelmingly no. i don't think they have t anything successful to runo ruof on and i don't see a lot of success for them in this midterm election. >> i think what you just saidt o is exactly right. i think it's interesting that their strategy right now is to bring obama out of mothballs. t but, you know, i'm going to say something that you'll probably disagree with , sean, but it i kind of find it entertaining that obama is back on the stage now. he's blowing smoke out of both restrils, both ears and the bunc of the parts of his and he's telling a bunch of not stuff that isn't true, lik te we're going to kill social security and medicare. , but total nonsense. but i will say this. it was kind of entertaining to watch him because at least he's somewhat funny and he cane put a whole sentence together.ou and if you look across democ the democratras spectrum, they'e got a bunch of candy. >> governor , that's a pretty baat's a pretty high bar. you could actually put a sentence together. that's an amazing accomplishment. hid john, when he's finished with his speech, he doesn's tsnt shake hands with the ghost aro and he doesn't wander aroundune the stage trying to figure out how the heck do i leave here. , if i were a democratve running, i'd bring obama into because it's all they got. well, i don't think that's bad advice, ari fleischer. i'm not sure that that's goinga. to actually resonate. look, americans, i f we're going to break it down, simply i, they vote for peace. they vote for prosperity. i can't think of a single democrats and joe biden have implemented that have benefited the american people. ari fleischer. and to me, it's that simple.ndaa it's that fundamental. >> it'l s that basic. , fundamental,mental simple thing is the firs ct midterm election of a president's time in office is always a course correction. >> but this year, sean, itt looks like it really is a genuine wave. and the way i look at it, if the democrats had a perfect nighrfect night, they could win fifty four seats in the senate. they'd have to knock off the republicans in pennsylvania ,ohio, north carolina i and wisconsin. >> i think republicansthink re all four of those seats.ct now, that's pretty clear . republicans on a perfect wave night could wi sn fifty six seai a week ago. i would have told you i don't56. see it happening. i don't secae fifty six now.n tl you, i can tell you, sean, i tk there's about a twentyance t five percent chance the waveha is big enough. republicans are going to end up with fifty six seats. that's new hampshire. that's georgia. that's nevada. that's arizona. colorado. and washington state. i that's whas t happens in a way. people wake up shocked. they just didn't see it coming. but in 2014, the second midtermp of obama, republicans gained nine seats in the senate and no one saw that coming either. >> that' s the thing aboutknow i a wave election. you don't t know i t until you're soaked. you're under it. and then the other party is jubilant. that is the possibility. a week from tomorrow, that mayro be a pretty happy guy, a week from tomorrow, if that in fact ,happens. >> kellyanne, what do you see happening? oh, it's going to be a big republican . i mean, the democrats aren't even trying to solve their problems and they're still arguin aboug with the public about what the problems are. but i think the obama question is a really important one . vintage obama waa s abouwas abte and change, but now he's outthe on the recovery and rescue mission. ry andand he seems like he has a boulder on his shoulder, you know, pedalingon h anger and lyg about the republicans. and may i just remind everybody an of obama'sd blicans. record whet on the ballot? he's hardly the mariano rivera . the closer for these mid midters elections on his watch over eight years, the democrats lost m2 governors seats, went fro twenty eight to sixteen . they lost nine senate seats. they lost nine hundrediv and fifty state legislative seats and they losnd t. the h they went fromou two hundred and fifty four to one ninety six in the house. sixty two seats lost in the house. so his batting average, if you will , is not so great when he's not on the ballot. and look, i also think obama'sse message is tone deaf. he did a reall afy good thing si a couple of weeks ago on a a podcast. he said, hey, stop talkingbout about all these other issues. stares, and tht talking about ty . and then he goes out and he b talks about everything bututadyn the econom thiy. i do is ,n' ari, on this?k i actually make another prediction. i don't think a single los republican house or senate incumbent will lose. there are a couple who aree a cp embattle d right now. i think they'll be draggeds across the finish line in 2020, not a singleno house republican incumbent lost. we turn 15 seats from blue to red . every one of those seats was taken by a woman, a veteran or a candidate. of color or some combination thereof. we've recruited sucht we unbelievably diversean par candidates, this time inty they the republican party, and they're there. y is and now they now the party is investing in them. six digit investment in some of these congressional districts. shawn and gentlemen, where bideconge n carry this district points or so, double digits, two short years, the big night . m impressed that youitsed you remembered every single election post obama. and you're right, he did haveou a terrible track record in term terms of people that he goversed over time. governor huckabee, besides hugea victory that were bothbe expecting in the great state ot arkansas and a new governor thera e. tomorrow >> wha nt do you see happening a week from tomorrow night? i think ari has nailed it pretty well. and i want to make sure you understand i didn't say obama was effective. i just said he wasntertain entertaining. there's a big difference. and i hopein h he e continues t out there because he reminds everybody that his policies and the things that he did setee up for

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New York , United States , Georgia , Nevada , New Hampshire , Washington , Colorado , Boulder , Wisconsin , Pennsylvania , Ohio , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , America , American , John Fetterman , Steve Scalise , Jean Lee , Mario Lopez , Hannity Gol , Nancy Pelosi , Terry Mcauliffe , Joe Biden , Jeremiah Wright , Mariano Rivera , Herschel Walker , Louis Farrakhan Warnock , Ron Johnson , Martha Maccallum , Stacey Abrams , Barack Obama , Bret Baier , Kayleigh Mcinerney , Whoopi Goldberg , Sean Hannity , Tim Ryan , Paul Pelosi , Kathy Hochul , Voters , U S , Town Hall , Though S , Big Show , Bradbury , Co Moderate , 8 , 00 , Ones , Lying , Al L , Pomposity , Have Th , Gol Right , Groupthink , Tucker , Eight , U S Senate , Oz , Races , Balance , All Of You , Ypolls Analysis , Powera , Republicans , Country , Race , Aghte , It , Washington E , Real Clear Politics , Senateto , Play , Let E S , Column , Noacross Thew , Everybody , Liberal Democrats , Thing , Nothing , Point , Matter , Papers , Election Day , Grant , Onlyte , Lectioso , People , Election , Lies , Smearsat , Singlengle Thection , Donald Trump , Things , Abortio N , Thsaid One , No Restrictions , Fizzled E , Ways , Dobbs Decision , One , Three , Six , Number , Racist , Most , Birth , Drill , Islamophobic , Xenophobic , Homophobic , Trans Phobic , Diffe , Social Security , Cut Medicare , Granny , Grandpa , None , Secuwant , Water , Hair , Cliff , Deep Cuts , Tharindt , Incompetentr , Two , Plus One , President , History , Points , Playbook , Drive , Narrative , Lefte Most I Ory , Reason , Wealthy , Save Look , Tax Breaks , Tot Social Security , Midterm Shellacking , Everything , Asteroid Headd , Answer , Agenda , Ear , Earth , Caucus , Thereth , Ith , Candidate , Ito , Tax Break , Asteroid , Help T , Singleis Plann , Lying Le There , Wee , Blamethu Wl , Nald Brougobama , Truth , Inflation , Transitory , White House , Logic , Theinflao , Social Decurity , Wensitory , Democrats Nmoo , Zero , Forty One , Claims , Border , Gas Prices , Violent Crime , Double , Wing , They Rpre , Ned , Sure Parents Don T , News , Eyes , Conspiracy , Lookdon T Believe Yo M , Masterthey H Manipulators , Safe , Data Deniers , States , Single , Reverend , Data , Guess What , They Ras Safe , Onlyn Deniers , Highestt Mud Murder Rate Iner , Crime , Retail Theft , Ovee R , They Ree , Shootings , Years C Carjackings , Two Hundred ,

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