0 children and don't join gangs or sell drugs or spray painto d' things or shoot people? why not try that for once?or they'll never even etc.. reminder, our first interview with tony babinski tomorrow, fo 8:00 pm for the hour. before we go check on our friend trace gallagher.r he begins as main anchor of fox news tonight, midnight here on fox. we'll see you tomorrow. here's sean. all right. and tucker, thank you and welcome to hannity.hort tim and we start with this fox news alert a short time go . japan issued a warning to itsr h citizens to take shelter aftern they detected a missile launch from north korea by littleir rock rocket man. he's back atec itiont that he ff in their direction. thankfullyul it la, it landed ae threat has now passed. and we can now see the wholestil world can see all these hostiled regimes around the globe. sarouh are they emboldened by a weak american president ? we will analyze that. also now here at home, we areenb only five weeks away from these all important midterm elections. thirty six days, democrats all over the country, they are running away frm their extremee policies and horrific track records. they don't want to debate midte and they're not getting anys pressing question from the news media. we'll have full coverages thelh and we'll check in with senatorh john kennedy. also, just breaking moments to go . georgia senate candidate herschel walker, well, he's going to responherschked tn article first by theracial "new york times" questioning his racial identity. and also he will respond tolaimn another article that broke from the daily beast claiming he pa a woman to have anvowing abortion. he is denying it vehemently. he is vowing to sue for defamation. he will tell us his side of the story straight ahead. also tonight, governor rondain santos will join us in a moment. with an important update from his state. things are so bad, some people are now saying, for example,y be sanibel island mayitable, be uninhabitable. s $100 b estimates now as high as 100 billion dollars in storm damage on top of at least 68 lives that have been lost here. now, despite the horrific damage from the hurricane, hurricane ian , an army of recovery workers are on the ground. can staged. ul as you can see. this wasl before like three football fields full ofese all these electric companies to go and make repairs and restored power that was there before% the storm. they have now restoredof over 8% of the state's damaged electrical grid. ery ef and as wfoe speak around the clock, rescue recovery efforts all acrosse the state are continuing, all while democrats in washington, they typicallyyand that play pos and that's what they're doing. on friday, vice president kamala harrisrrican announced the federal government would be doling out takeicane reliefe funds on the basis of race, all in the name of equity. n >> take a look. i know we are all thinking about the families in florida,nd in puerto rico, with fiona in and what we need to do to helpod them in terms of an immediate response and aid. r lowe >>st it is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impactedx by these extreme conditions.tr and impacted by by issues that are not of their own making. wee >> and so, i mean, absolutely. and so we have to address thisin in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality. but we also need t.o fight for equity, understanding not everyone startt s out at the sae place. e help>> everybody a sheed and not factor in race? a short time later, the femaater director rejected harris' harri bizarre race based hurricanes'rr relief plan, reassuredes will the people of florida that all , will bees, in fact supported. over the weekend, the vicen president was not interestedngld answering a single question about how pretty despicable brancsl politics. mea >> watch this.ening you clarify whatwi you meant about equity for hurricane relief. esadly for democrats, everything on earth is viewed through the prism, the lens of identity politics. even hurricane relief. we saw the same thing today during biden's trip to puertom f rico. while the first lady did resist the urge to compare hispanics to breakfast tacos, this time a very confused looking husband claimeonfused that he was raisen delaware by puerto ricans. >> okay, take a look. eadlin my name is joe biden and iread b don't want the headline to read . biden bring storm to puerto rico. rico.so i know i'm going to mae puve to cut this little short. i was sort of raised in the puerto rican community at home politically. new york , not only a congress, one of the congresswoman in the congress, one hundred sixtoy three million million dollars to begin constructio n on a canal to restore can help me to pay martine pinyon the thatosyse entire ecosystem.m.lly do and i usually don't quite talkn' this fast, but it looks like wee madere. >> and where's jackie ? mor joe biden looks worse than ever. interested ia mob is more interested in attacking either donald trump or floridr aimagin governor ronda santos for not magically predicting the hurricane's exact pathhow th weeks ahead of time. qud on sunday, this is how the governor responded to the gotcha question from fake news. cnn that says that they're going back to the middle. >> not really. take a looreally.k. o yo >> why do you stand behind lee county's decision to not have that mandatoryion to n evacuatie the day before the storm? well, did yofo?u wher e is your industry stationed when the storm hit? were you guys in lee hit count?w you were in tampa. so that's they were following the weather track and they had to make decisions basedow on that. but, you know,, 72 72 hours,were they weren't even in the cone, 48 hours they were on the periphery. so you got to makee the decisions the best you can. >> now, the governorery. >> was also he sent a strong message to would-be looters, reminding floi that the free state of floridasr values our second amendment. >> take a look. k abou don't even think about looting.t situt even think about taking advantage of people when this vulnerable situation. and you can have people bring in boats into some of these islands and trying to ransack yu people's homes. i can tellno you in the state of florida, you never know what may be lurking behind somebody's home. and i would not want to chancend that if i were you. >> given that we're a second amd amendment state now, msnbc hostd joy reid was very offendedsinuad by that statement on twitter. she insinuated that ronda santos was racisn desa andt and him to a segregationist, reminding people not tt,o loot, that it is a second amendment state. how does that fit?t fit? agains apparently, according to reid, it's racist to be against looting.away is tha ot the takeaway of this?e again, the lefnst sees everythig through the lens of identity politics except for their own party. democrats alwaysn give themselves a free pass. we'll have more on this. p in part two of my monologue tonight. but first, here with the very latest from his state of florida. the governorrst th, rhonda santi is with us . governor , thank you for being u with us. en't si know you probably havent slept in the last 72 hours or longer, but you've been going around the state. one hundred billion dollars now estimated damage. do you think that's accurate? we lost i think the last count of sixty eight people died in the storm. >> well, john , look, the financial damage, i don't know if it's accurate. i mean, obviously, the lives. lost are much more significant because that's something we can't buil ared back .k. so those losses are tough. parte is property damage. but, you know, i'll tell you,sow there's a spirit out there, particularly the peopla, they'eo southwest florida. they're ready toel bouncp.e bac, they need some help. we're down there doing it.determ but but they have a lot of grito and determined. i'm meeting with and i actually was just in one of the shelters and i'm meeting with women who are 85 ,e 90 years old, who survived being in some of the islands. and they're telling their stories and they're basically, you know, thanking god , but they're so thankfut s for all the outpouring ohefso support of everybody that is helping our state. and so i just think those who've either donated to florida disaster fund, doug , who have come down and volunteered these groups just knoow the people that were impacted by this, who lost everythingy. >> they are truly grateful forp. the outpouring of support. governor there saying that sanibel island may be on uninhabitable there. they're saying, i know for utni myers well, i know naples well. i can't believe the amount of damage that we're talking about. it was it wa s a directit d hit. it decimated some of thesesee ts areas as of now. gowhere do you see this going in the future? do you believe everybody in sanibel, for example, will have to come of i jue island? >> well, we're trying to actually avoid that. so i just announced today that my department of transportation, we just put outi bids for a temporary bridge ton link the island back to theit gt mainland. s there's a causeway that hade done that got severed in a three different places. we think we can have a shortsho- term solution to allow ingress a and egress. we also have the situation becaustion, becae the bridge wao loe local utility has not had anybody looking at any of the power situation. and so what i said is we'ree chn going to provide chinookcopter helicopters from the national guard to bring linemen on to t sanibel island so they cano inspect the substations, seeto what's damage, and then start to repair it. n they star think that you just need to get people on there and theyi need to start doing what needs to be done, clearing roads. and we are working on the roadsical and all that now, clearingso the debris and gettinge the electrical back up. t in so you're going to soon see lineman brought in by helicopter to places like sanibel and pine islan d, because we don't want to wait for this. >> we want to do as much as we, can now. what is your t reactiohe vicn, governor , to the vice o president ? >> l it's our lowest incomee mot communities, our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions. we have to address way this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity. >> what was your reaction to that? i think she's trying to play identity politics with with a storm and a natural disaster. and i thinwek it's ridiculous. and honestly, we the fema administrator in florida with us and she threw coldminisr water on that. o so that is not going to happen.. it's totally not appropriate. you don't have to politicize every single tragedy in this country. and i think people i tell you, in florida are really sick of the nonsense. they just want people to to be helped. they want everyone to bandt together and they want us tounit get these communitieies back on our feet.do so that's what we're doing in florida. sean, o the impactsincome spanned all demographics, all income levels. sanibel has some very wealthy people. they also have blue collar peoplepeople. you have other communities, different race, different ethnicities,t race who cares? we just want to make sure people have a chance to their get back up their feet and get moving forward again. he you know, americans step up and help foreign countries. we step up when any other state has a situation like this.e florida deserves the exact righi same treatment. s a on you were right in the sense that this is a one and a 500 year storm . >> you know, and i love felt how people took out ofth context . i thought they took ouowt of context your remarks. you know, unfortunately,e alwaye are always bad people thatwoul will try and capitalize on a tragedy and there are people that would go out and involve themselves in things like lootinre saying. and you're saying you betterthis be careful in this state because people in this state hto have their second amendment rights. they will protect their homes you . ontroversial thing t and you would think that that was the most controversial thing to sayif any. and if anything, you're reminding people not to take th. not to take advantage ofe co a situation like this. i thought i thought the comments were perfectly fine. >> what was your reaction to that? well, and also, sean, i toured the thursday after the morning after the storm. i was in gorda gorda and charlos county. they had all their businesses boarded up downtowboar down. a lot of the a lot of the placards i saw, the car, the wood they spray painted, you loot, we shoot. shoot they were sending a message that lawlessness will not be tolerated and in these situations happen and it descends into lawlessness happse it has after some other naturalm disasters. we've seene othe in america ando other countries. the whole kind o thef social fao starts to decay. so we have to draw a very clear line in the sand at the beginning. you are not going to capitalize off people suffering. you are not going to be allowed to ransack people's homes or loot. they have caught some looters, but fortunately, i think because we've been so strong'vee on it, you haven't seen iten lio nau have seen out in the aftermath of other natural disasters. and we are we're proudly a law and order state and we're proudly a state that lets s thdividual floridians defend themselves, their familiesmes. and their hos . >> yeah.t the scw, for people that want to help, we have it at the bottomfd of the screen. florida disaster fund dog. i know you've had a busy week a the last week, governor . our thoughts and prayers with with our our friends in the free state of florida. wu foilr being with us. and i know americans will be f there helping to support our fellow americans. thank you. >> all right. tonight, sadly, democrats areo not operating in goolod faithn h from climate alarmism to off their love affair with equity. brny on the left now turning off voters, especially hispanic americans, with their extreme brand of identity politics. >> take a look at this. voted democrat back then, but now says she's not so sure. i feel like the democraticl th national party looks at my demographics and assumes that i'm going to vote for them. yor them.a democraticu were a de now a republican. >>why? because the fact that the democratic party has changed a lot and i didn't identify more with the republican party, what untry, things? well, we're fagone country family and hard work also used to vote blue to. >> now he's also a republican.. even al sharpton is now sounding the alarm, openly worrying that democrats are no he alarmt connecting v with african-american and hispanic voters. and on friday, late night host abo bill maher had this to say about the current administrationt admi woke love r with identity politics. he's right again. .i hate to say it.go he hates when we do say it, butl it's true. we gote iist right. cing >> what i could see is replacing the vice president because she's justrobm not very popular. >> a lot of the problem with biden being old is , oh, if he dies, then, you know, you're going to get this person. okay, so here's the problem e so with the b democratic party. they're so boxed in by identityo politics that yonceiveu cannot conceive of a democratic ticket that doesn't have a womann you' person of color on it.e be and pretty soon you're going to line up behind that latino and you're going to have to have a deaf eskimo. >> now, the democratic party is not liberal anymore. gro instead, they are a far left group of elitists. they want to transform america comm their communal equity based society, that they controle ca cradle to grave to the tomb. but they will rulen with an irn fist from washington, dc, th and their perfect world. there is n o dissent, no individualism, no freedom, no checks and balances. just one party rule in perpetuity forever and never here. now,perpetuity for with reactio fox news contributor is leo 2.0. terrell valchek founder traviste leel. n tovicet your reactio the vice president's comments about the hurricanthe, equity yu and people of color. i'll tell you right now,e of she's playing race politics. she's a racist.rs i mean, yo outu got people of al different colors out there who have suffered from that hurricane and all. she focuses on a race that's's c the best. why she's vice president . she was selected as vice president based on skills. it'swas based on skin color and gender. and that'sse o a game that shepy plays everywhere. it's sickening. it's insulting. it'sand i'll tell you one thing. also, kamala harris doesn't speak for minora people.for she speaks for kamala harris p and for her to insult the other individual, the non minority who have suffere.d a flaw thattt is outright insulting is it's embarrassing thabarrassit she ur color and her gender as a shield from attack. fro but from this civil rightsa attorney , she is the farthest from being who a person who loo. at people without regard to kno, colo lr. clay, let me ask you, clay, because when rhonda santa said we'rell o a second amendment state, what thg is for all of yountalit out there that live in states or have the mentality of defund, dismantle, no bell thati doesn't go over well in thiscur state. we believe id peopn lalew and on and safety and security. and people have a right toopert. defend themselves, i br families, their property . i don't evening deem itsomebo controversial. you shouldn't be breakindy's hor somebody's house and trying to take advantage of a natural disaster. that simple? >> no doubt.nkly and kamala harris, frankly, is a disgrace. i agree with everything youve dn said and what we have e done for generations in this countrys, d is when there are natural disastero yo ws where we go to. the people who need the help the mostt in, the people that ae most in danger, whether they're white, black, asian, g hispanic , straight democrats or republicans, we don't care. and we also don't care hav who the looters are. we can't have them, period. we can't allow them to be bailed out like kamala harris was doing in the summer e of 2020 when all of those protests that we are continuing to reap the consequences of took over in our country, it's not a coincidence that murders are up 40% all over this nation since the summer of 2020. americ it's because democrats like kamala harris decided that america was an awful racist place and the only way they could be in power wasc lies by telling the american public an. , and everybody's waking up now hr thve weeks from this midterm and people like kamala harris, who are still trying to peddleo florfran, are going to, frankly, get their kicked all over this n country, including florida, where let's be honest, shawn, this attack is not about rhonda santurce to discussing the second amendment rights ofei floridians. it's because he's going to win a landslide election in florida. y wotheyn in 2018. they threw everything they had at him during covid. i'm happy to be a homeowner in florida. you've got a place there tog sean rhonda santos. got everything right aboutght a. and they're now trying to usei n the hurricane to attack him. they'rk e going to fail. i think he's going to win by double digits as long as floridian.s at the polls. t l and when that happens, they are an awful lot of democrats aree s going to be curled up int abou the fetal position crying because they hate him. witbecause he's been right abol everything with covid, with schoo, l and he's going to do, i believe, a great job e helping out black, white, asian ,hispanic, everybody who was impacted by this storm , as heed should as any fantastic governor would. all right, clay travis, okayc , thank you. bac lek,o 2.0. wng news thank you. when we come back , we have breaking news at this hour. the daily beast just posted a story they are accusing herschel walker of paying for a