Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20220920 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20220920

0 and providing a contrast in perspectives you won't hear anywhere else. download the fox news rundown. >> fox news podcasts, .com. doh well, unfortunately, i talk too much, as usual. the ow we don't have time to show you the sound bite of justin trudeau drunkenly singing show tunesing show. intt >> but there's a whole internet out there, and our suggestion is treat yourselth it.f. 's sea >>n it's worth it. we'll see you tomorrow atf eight . here's sean hannity. time glad you ran out of time. i'm not sure i want to see that. but you're right. it's [la on .good good point. poi i'm sure. bohemian rhapsody. great. >>att wait to see that.e all right, tucker, thank you.joi welcome to "hannity". and tonight,de preside joe bide, your president, he thinkslation there's no inflation, no no br crisis and said he is. a woul and again, he said he wouldd sed send us troops to defend taiwanu chinese aggression. and again, his entire team had to correct his record . and as for his mental acuity, as joe stated, quote, the proofh of the pudding is in the eating. watch me, joe . that's the problem. we've been watching more of his disastrous interview coming upc. . also tonight, virginia governor glen youngman will be hereni with his plan to restore parental rights and education. the left are not going to like what he is proposing. we'll tell you all about later. >> we have a major announcement that you don't want toma misjos it's big. and also w be begin tonight with florida governor ronda santos. d wewho will join us in a momenu late last week, the governor sent all of america's, quote,t. deeply combat compassionate liberals s into a fit of hysteria. apparently, the santos had the unmitigated audacity to relocate homeless and hungrye tm migrants, provide them with food and lodging, and then thosd e who volunteered, they ho a choice to go or not go .flew they flew north to martha's vineyard, a community that claims to be welcoming showed and inclusive. now, last week, we showed you the welcoming signs. it's all over the island and itn reads, we stand.d with immigrans and refugees. all are welcome here. well, as it turns out, ref the wealthy democratsalthy on the island and welcoming their non-inclusivdes are and bd on their own definition of racism and xenophobia. cismyeah, they're both on stero. the 50 illegals were kicked outl the next day. hater one night,le they called n the military and had everysland. single one of them removed from the island. >> all patting themselves on the back for serving that one hot meal. and giving them a place to stay for one night. now, according to the good people of martha's vineyard, well, they just don't haveting the resources to care fo tr 50 new guests. this despite a 10 million dollar budget surplus. scores of vacant hotel rooms that we checked online. >> we found rooms available for one hundred and twenty or more . they onl vacany had 50 . and what about the thousands of unused rooms and bedrooms in the island's empty vacation homes? that would be , by the way, including obama's 30 acre, seven thousand square foot estate.s 7,000 square foot how about the obamas offer 15 of the 30 acres to house joe biden's illegal immigrants? that would be fair. ac theg to democrats, immigr the media mob, the blatantly xenophobic racisane met liberal on martha's vineyard arema not the villains here. neither are joe biden.e neither is the border czar, kamala harris, who are leaving thousands and thousands of men and women and children asleep on the streets. >> neither are the many sanctuary cities and states who lure illegal immigrants here. they do nothing to accommodate them. and according to the left, governor ronda santurce, he's the villain and governor abbott's the villain. congresswoman aoc accused the santas of, quote desanti, crimes against humanity. vis dumbestm, america' governor by a long shot who is salivating to be president in his mind. he is going to live in that oval office one day he called ronda santurce morally reprehensible. he demanded that he be investigated. get this for kidnapping. now, i guess newsom forgot about his own bussing programy e as mayor of san francisco. that's when he shipped homelessg people all over the country. now, iram n reality, america's virtuous liberals aren't angry that the santas is relocating illegal immigrants. they're actually mad that he relocated them to their plush exclusive, frankly, discriminatory community. and they're mad that texas gov. abbott is relocating illegal immigrants to major liberal sanctuary hotspots like new york city, chicago, washington, d.c., outside of kamala harris mansion, in washington, dc, and in a now deleted tweet from nbc news, one bleeding heart activists described this way , quote, it's like me taking my trash out and just driving to different areas where i live and just throwing my trash there, mayor eric adams said. new york city, which is home to eight million people, is totally overwhelmed with the influxdams sai of a few thousand migrants. by the way, el paso gets about two thousand a day. mayor and mayor adams is now considering legal action against texas. meanwhile, chicago mayor laurieg lightweight, she is begging the federal government to step in and rescue the windy city from the roughly six hundred and fifty migrants that recently arriveds . beggin but turns out she is now bussing all of the people thatop coming to chicago right out of the city, which frankly, maye ou be a good thing. and that may mean they're actually going to be safer. and washingtons mayor bowser complaining that her sanctuary city cannot be forced to deal with the illegal immigrants because, quote, it's not texas. explain that logic. she then declares a state ofonaa emergency calls in the nationals guard and demands 50 million from joe biden and the federal>> government. >> take a look w. we're not a border town . we don't have an infrastructure to handle this. this type of and a level of immigration to our city. but we a will we'll create a new normal here in our infrastructure and have a humane welcome for people in an efficient, you know, service provision. bu t we don't have the ability or not texas, according to the great mayor, america's capital city population havet one hundred thousand budget of twenty billion . they don't have the resourcemays to handle what a couple off thousand migrants, el paso, two thousand a day.texas, and yet somehow eagle pass ine o texas, home to thirty thousand . they're expected to bear the entire burden of thousandsfu of migrants a how does any of this make any sense now? how is it that compassion?w is how is this in any way compassionate liberal? how does this improve the safety and security of the american people? e amlast week, governor de sants not only expose the heartless hypocrisy from america's virtue, signaling democrats, he also highlighted the seriouspren security crisis that presentedte by a wide open border. look. >> take a look.>> w whenhen our middle son brandon left to go to work, he was only 21 years old. and the last words i said to him is , i love you and you twice deported, illegal, rant into them, hit him so hard that he calls, ran his car to flipp and he killed him. >> we were able tod kill go andt the governor, dissenters. het said, i wangot to hearhe si your son's story and to seein the compassion in his eyes. h and i saw that concern. he wanted to mak e sure other lives were protected. h and as a governor, he truly has been upholding the oath that he took, which is to protect floridians. s >> florida governor de santos will join us in a moment. but first here live from martha's vineyard, fox's investigative reporter and contributo's r, her carter,n did they welcome you? >> i don't know if you have fox news mike flag on your microphone. if you did, that might thr be trouble. you might throw you out. you knowow, you know what? out shine, you know it shine.: it's all okay. they did welcome me. i was honest. i said, i'm with fox news and i had there was a variety of opinions. look, all is quiet right now here on main street in martha's vineyard, as you call it.ard? but we had >> a chanc we today to talk to some people who had a difference of opinion thane the ones wonese mainly see. two and these were two long time residents here of martha's vineyard that are angry at are the hypocrisy of some ofry their neighbors and want to speak out. the and they sayy they support d governor ronja santurce. take a listen. >> werwere you surprised at alln governor ryan, scientisttis decided, okay, you know what? guess what? i'm going to send 50 of the migrants who volunteered to come to this, to come to come to boston, to come to martha'spd vineyard w? were you surprised whent. they arrived? no, i wasn't. and i actually i m fo really praised him for doing that because it wasn't a stunt. i know the media's saying time, but, you know, how do you get the attention of of ofratioa the administration? how do you get the attention o f harris, who's supposed to be in charge of this, that? thinkof she's been a good border czar? i know it's really a joke and everyone knows it. i think what he did was a greate a great to for the country, get a great statement for the country to get the conversation out there, tellther the truth. i don't believe anything thautt comes out of the administrationn more . my message would be ymor, how do you think the people in texas feel that are getting thousands of them coming in a day? and we had a little taste of it with fifty sean, whether they agreed with governor rondah santos or whethery they disagreed with governor ronda santos. spoke everybody that i spoke with here today and i spoke tosd quite a few people her thee todr said there is on ae thing that g is certain is that the border a n is a hugeo problem. it needs to be addressed. it needs to be resolved. wit and nobody was happy with with a biden administration is doing sean. r th >> all right, sara , thanks forr that report from martha's vineyard. t we appreciate it.texas >>is all right.ting ron tonight, one liberal county inty texas is also investigatingm ronda santos. they are accusing him of,ving quote, leaving migrants to fend for themselves in martha's vineyard. here to respond, florida governor rhondhere floridaa san you know, the great irony in all of this is if we use less definition of racism and xenophobia there, it they define it based on their actions in martha's vineyard. what they're missing is joe biden has been flying and busing illegal immigrants every day all over the country.c ouand in the dark of night, just in t leaving them in the middle of the street. he streeso why are they only now paying attention to 50 people that said, well, sean, it's really frustrating because, you know, you've been covering this millions of people sincece biden' bids been president illegally coming across the southern border. did they freakming acr out abou? no. you've had migrants die inie the rio grande, get 50, die in texas in a trailer because they were being neglected. was there a freak out about that? no, there wasn't. you've had criminal aliens 5 get across that southern border and victimize americans, killing some , some . was there any type of outrage about that? no. and then, of course, we know fentanyl deaths are at an all time high. where's that fentanyl coming from? over the it's coming over the open southern border. sou ma's only whenth 50 get put into martha's vineyard, which wasn't saying they didn't want this. they said they wanted this. they said they were a sanctuary jurisdiction. these were people who were basically destitute and then put in a situation whereey cou they could have succeeded. but that was all virtue signaling and not only didt welm they not welcome them, they deported them the next day with the nationaepartel guard. give me a break. yeah. and by the way, just for the record, this was voluntary. all migrants were put upwa in hotels given accommodations. they were fed, they were showered, they were offered haircuts. aand any other service they we? needed. >> correct. yesyeah. t >> not only that, they all signed consent forms to go .flor and then the vendor thatid that is doing this for floridap of provided them with a packetyarda that had a map ondf martha's vineyard. it had the numbers for different services on martha's vineyard and then it had numbers for the overall agencies in massachusetts that handle things involving immigration and refugees. so it was clearly voluntaryer and all the other nonsense you're hearing, it's just not true. and whnt to goy wouldn't they w go given where they were? they were in really, reallbay b shape and they got tweo be cleaned up. everything treated well and put in a situation. av areai jobs, there available in martha's vineyard.s there is lodging available in martha's vineyard. had they lived up to there. but they build themselves out bl as a sanctuary jurisdiction. they could have absorbed those people without a problem. but here's the thing. they said they didn't have housing. they said they couldn't accommodate. like, let' rbed thoses just say that'spr true for a minute. well, what does that mea r fo toese poor towns in texas? what does it mean for theses in other places across the country? that are seeing influx? a what does it mean to the small towns that biden has dumped so many people in? and so i think what we've been able to do is show that this border is a disaster. biden has failed on this as much or more than on any other policy. and now people are talkingutions about it. and we wan aict solutionanss.ak as americans. licies we want to make sure that trump's policies have remain in mexico. car remain in be reinstituted sn get control over what's going on down there? there. you know, governor , it's kind of hard to fathom 19 monthss ag ago, you're right, our borders were secure. >> w e had to stay in mexico. we we eliminated catch catch a and release. now we have process releasnd rea give a free phone. you get preferential treatment ,don't get a cold vaccine mandate, and then you have free transportation of the state of your choice. this is madness. we hadma our borders control. we had one point four percentnd inflation, not eight point five percent. we didn't have we're now paying double the amount for a gallon of gasoline. we didn't have that problem. wod we wouldn't have had a disaster in afghanistan. all of this hafghanists happenen nineteen months. what do you see as the answers h beyond 50 days from now when when americans go to the voting booth and you're up for reelection g? and y >>ou well, i think we should arint out they accuse the governors of arizona, texas and me of political stunts inbis terms of dealing with illegal immigration. but the biggess bidet stunt was coming into office and reversing trump's policies ,not because trump's policies weren't working. he reversed them because he sig wanted to you signal to hisna base and he wanted to show that he thought donald trump was bad. and that's why he reversed it. everseand reversed it, knowing t would end up happening. and so he has done he has pulled the biggest political stunt. look, i think people need toto press the case on this in the midterms. we know the inflation, th as you said, is going to be a big issue. crime is going to be a huge issue. but thisr is immigration and border, i think, is nowis i a front burner issue.on and i think this is one where republicans have the advantage, without question. run onso run on it. and then if we do get majorities in the congress, shawn, they need to do something with that power to hold biden accountable. on this issue. >> i think border is i thinkpowe >>ergy.r. i thin sean:k the economy. la i think lower taxes. you're right. law and order, parental rightsde and education. all of thiights is os n the baln 50 days. and i i hope the american peoplr see this for what it is , is a part of me that doesn't really want to ask you this question, s because i don't think gavinus newsom is particularly bright.nm and every time i he deals with , he comes out on the wrong end of it. but i'll ask anyway. i would actually love to see him explain why he shut down g california and they couldn't go outt to, but he went out to v he let his kids have in school education. every other kid that didn't stve a private school education ,they were forced toud study remote. i'd like him. to explain his thirteen and a half percent state income tax to zeroe in percent. co >> and a sanctuary state law breaking to your maintaining. law and order. and i don't know what he meant by the kidnapping, kidnapping, maybe you can tell me what thate meant because i have no clue.. >> well, shawn, we've had an influx of people from california and they're moving because they're dissatisfied with what's going on over a there. i think that the onlrey issue,an you know, any timey you're thee ,you got to worry about all the different things with crime and the homelessness. you also got to worry aboutven e could they even keep the lightsp on for some type of an event? i mean, they seem to have a lot of problems with that as well. so we'reat the happy with what e doing in florida. and i think at the end of the day, shawn, people can politically preen, they can say all this stuff, but look how people behave. . look how people vote with their feet. and since i've been governor ,av it's been unmistakablee.. people look for freedom and we're the first place they look. loand people have come not justn from new york , new jersey, as you know, that's always happened. not fromt just from the midwest, which is always happen evet n from the pacific coast of this country, going all the wayhe across north america to be able to live in flo the state of florida. and now that we've been that symbol for many people, governor , for the first time in california's history, they've had a net decrease in population. how many new peopl hry they e ag to florida on a daily basis? >> do you have the exact number ? >> i don't a know the exact, but we've led the nation in that in migration and on net. we've ha nd over two hundredn im and twenty five thousand in ove the last two years, probably on average. and we've had more wealth moving to florida than has ever moved into m an individual state over a similar period of time in american history. even adjusted for inflation. and oh, by the way, sean, who's losing the most popular nation and the most wealth?? california, new york ,ery illinois. >> what?we very well said. all right. so you're out on the campaign trail. your race is pivotal for rac republicans. so marco rubio's race, how do you feel your races are going? and i know you've also beenrosst doing some campaigning around the countrherey. what are the arguments that you would make? to me, it's very simple. simple. the list we went a list that we just went over. f >> if you run on , are you better off than you were 19 months ago in terms of your energy prices, in terms of border security? are you better offat with a stae that close down for covid? you had kids in school in august. the twenty twenty . what are the arguments you think people should be making? republ? ans should be making well, firs mt here in florida, you know, people are fired i mean, our our our voters want to come out.i i think we're goinweg to haveetg a record setting turnout, particularly among republicans. and so g repu we're looking forward to that. as you mentioned, i'm running r senator rubio. we alsunningo of congressional , legislative races, school board. so this is realld schoy, reallyl important. >> and we're working really hard. i think we're to do really. well. but i think you nailed it across the country. prosecute the case againsty, it biden has done things werebefore cheaper before he waswas president . esident.your gas was cheaper. our country was safer before he was president , hit him on the crime. and obviously our bordert was more secured. and yes, i do think you pointed out the parents rights, the education. >> these arer hugs moree issues because i think the left has gone so radicaedl on this. they want to use the schools to indoctrinate our kids. and that's not what the american people want. they think schools.ple thin shoo educate kids, not to indoctrinate them. >> so hold them accountable. ids.on things like critical rac, theory, gender , ideology, noned of that stuff is appropriate in the schools, but almost every single democrat will have toav say that they support that because that's what the far left oto supbecause f their baso see. >> fascinating. no democrat wants to be seen with joe biden either when he goes to campaign. i didn't finish the question. ie last question. you have any interest in debating good old gavin newsom on his record taxes, state income taxes, well, like i saidf ,sean, i don't know if they can reliably keep power on . so you u go all the way up therv and have a debate and then what ends up happening? they can't keep the lights on . and so we're happy with what we're doing. you know , what i do, though, sean? my actions speak louder than my words there. certain people that will preen and do that. g i understand we get things done in florida. my favorite line is whatever you do, don't charge your electric vehicle during these hours. so you have to parr vk it for s amount. of time.favorite that was my favorite. for being thank you with us. we appreciate it. a l right. coming up, biden gave a disaster a 60 minutes interview yesterday. rview. you won't believe what he said. and governor glenn yancoaloungki will join us . he's fightinn g for parentaledut rights and education in virginia. we have that big story th and a really big announcement. stay with us. to fox nation exclusives. first breakfast. we look at modern socialism. socialism seems dead and buried, but now it's back . get the truth behind the idea and how they continue to impact our society. the most ferocious debates center on issues of identity, gender and race. they want to dismantle the organizing principle of society. what they're really after is power. i don't think in the long run they will win because it's essentially an antihuman anti-american agenda. bret baier hosts the unauthorized history of socialism volume two streaming now. plus, larry kudlow leads a live summit as socialist ideas gripped the nation. what the real cost is to our economy, our freedoms and our democracy. the greatest economic minds will join me to discuss how we can get america back to the principles that once made us so prosperous and free streamed the live summit wednesday on fox nation and the unauthorized history of socialism. volume two now exclusively on fox nation. >> boo! see you. after selling out for two years in a row, jabarin jack is back ready to bring halloween to life in your home. jack is a one of a kind jack lantern that comes to life with an animated face that fox sings and tells jokes. >> what's the matter? 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Floridap Of , Correct , Aand , Yesyeah , Wondf , Things , Numbers , Agencies , Services , Nonsense , There , Everything , Av Areai Jobs , To Goy Wouldn T They W Go Given , Martha , Whnt , Situation , Put , Vineyard S , Tweo , Reallbay B Shape , Housing , Bl , Rbed Thoses , Show , Influx , Places , Towns , Theses , Fo Toese Poor Towns , Mea , Policies , Policy , Trump , Disaster , Talkingutions , Aict Solutionanss Ak , Reinstituted Sn , Kind , Catch A , Borders , Release , Process Releasnd Rea , Fathom 19 Monthss Ag , 19 , Estate , Don T , Percentnd Inflation , Treatment , Mandate , Transportation , Vaccine , Phone , Madness , Four , Gasoline , Gallon , Amount , Wod We Wouldn T Have , Hafghanists Happenen , Five , Nineteen , Terms , Governors , Reelection G , Voting Booth , Stunts , Y Ou Well , Office , Policies Weren T Working , Biggess Bidet Stunt , Everseand , Midterms , Donald Giv Trump , Case , Toto , Issue , Crime , Question , Rac Republicans , Thisr , Majorities , Burner Issue , Advantage , Congress , Shawn , Nowis Ia , Run Onso , Something , Law And Order , Economy , Peoplr , Power , Taxes , The American , Ergy R I Thin Sean , Thiights Is Os N , Biden Accountable , And Ii Hope , La , Parental Rightsde , Baln , Part , Doesn T , Kids , Kid , Private School Education , They Couldn T Go Outt To , School Education , Toud Study Remote , Didn T Stve , Thate , Half , State Income Tax , Co And A Sanctuary State Law , Clue , Thirteen , Stimey , Onlrey , Lot , Event , Problems , Homelessness , Aboutven E , Are Doing , Lightsp , Stuff , Freedom , Hav , Feet , Midwest , Loand , Unmistakablee , Time , North America , The State Of Florida , Evet N , Awayhe , Decrease , Symbol , California S History , Pacific Coast , Flo , Nation , Basis , Number , Exact , Population , Cove , Over Two Hundredn Im , They E Ag , Twenty Five Thousand , Wealth , Individual , Average , American History , Races , Race , Campaign Trail , Ery Illinois , List , Arguments , Campaigning , Countrherey , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20220920 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20220920

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0 and providing a contrast in perspectives you won't hear anywhere else. download the fox news rundown. >> fox news podcasts, .com. doh well, unfortunately, i talk too much, as usual. the ow we don't have time to show you the sound bite of justin trudeau drunkenly singing show tunesing show. intt >> but there's a whole internet out there, and our suggestion is treat yourselth it.f. 's sea >>n it's worth it. we'll see you tomorrow atf eight . here's sean hannity. time glad you ran out of time. i'm not sure i want to see that. but you're right. it's [la on .good good point. poi i'm sure. bohemian rhapsody. great. >>att wait to see that.e all right, tucker, thank you.joi welcome to "hannity". and tonight,de preside joe bide, your president, he thinkslation there's no inflation, no no br crisis and said he is. a woul and again, he said he wouldd sed send us troops to defend taiwanu chinese aggression. and again, his entire team had to correct his record . and as for his mental acuity, as joe stated, quote, the proofh of the pudding is in the eating. watch me, joe . that's the problem. we've been watching more of his disastrous interview coming upc. . also tonight, virginia governor glen youngman will be hereni with his plan to restore parental rights and education. the left are not going to like what he is proposing. we'll tell you all about later. >> we have a major announcement that you don't want toma misjos it's big. and also w be begin tonight with florida governor ronda santos. d wewho will join us in a momenu late last week, the governor sent all of america's, quote,t. deeply combat compassionate liberals s into a fit of hysteria. apparently, the santos had the unmitigated audacity to relocate homeless and hungrye tm migrants, provide them with food and lodging, and then thosd e who volunteered, they ho a choice to go or not go .flew they flew north to martha's vineyard, a community that claims to be welcoming showed and inclusive. now, last week, we showed you the welcoming signs. it's all over the island and itn reads, we stand.d with immigrans and refugees. all are welcome here. well, as it turns out, ref the wealthy democratsalthy on the island and welcoming their non-inclusivdes are and bd on their own definition of racism and xenophobia. cismyeah, they're both on stero. the 50 illegals were kicked outl the next day. hater one night,le they called n the military and had everysland. single one of them removed from the island. >> all patting themselves on the back for serving that one hot meal. and giving them a place to stay for one night. now, according to the good people of martha's vineyard, well, they just don't haveting the resources to care fo tr 50 new guests. this despite a 10 million dollar budget surplus. scores of vacant hotel rooms that we checked online. >> we found rooms available for one hundred and twenty or more . they onl vacany had 50 . and what about the thousands of unused rooms and bedrooms in the island's empty vacation homes? that would be , by the way, including obama's 30 acre, seven thousand square foot estate.s 7,000 square foot how about the obamas offer 15 of the 30 acres to house joe biden's illegal immigrants? that would be fair. ac theg to democrats, immigr the media mob, the blatantly xenophobic racisane met liberal on martha's vineyard arema not the villains here. neither are joe biden.e neither is the border czar, kamala harris, who are leaving thousands and thousands of men and women and children asleep on the streets. >> neither are the many sanctuary cities and states who lure illegal immigrants here. they do nothing to accommodate them. and according to the left, governor ronda santurce, he's the villain and governor abbott's the villain. congresswoman aoc accused the santas of, quote desanti, crimes against humanity. vis dumbestm, america' governor by a long shot who is salivating to be president in his mind. he is going to live in that oval office one day he called ronda santurce morally reprehensible. he demanded that he be investigated. get this for kidnapping. now, i guess newsom forgot about his own bussing programy e as mayor of san francisco. that's when he shipped homelessg people all over the country. now, iram n reality, america's virtuous liberals aren't angry that the santas is relocating illegal immigrants. they're actually mad that he relocated them to their plush exclusive, frankly, discriminatory community. and they're mad that texas gov. abbott is relocating illegal immigrants to major liberal sanctuary hotspots like new york city, chicago, washington, d.c., outside of kamala harris mansion, in washington, dc, and in a now deleted tweet from nbc news, one bleeding heart activists described this way , quote, it's like me taking my trash out and just driving to different areas where i live and just throwing my trash there, mayor eric adams said. new york city, which is home to eight million people, is totally overwhelmed with the influxdams sai of a few thousand migrants. by the way, el paso gets about two thousand a day. mayor and mayor adams is now considering legal action against texas. meanwhile, chicago mayor laurieg lightweight, she is begging the federal government to step in and rescue the windy city from the roughly six hundred and fifty migrants that recently arriveds . beggin but turns out she is now bussing all of the people thatop coming to chicago right out of the city, which frankly, maye ou be a good thing. and that may mean they're actually going to be safer. and washingtons mayor bowser complaining that her sanctuary city cannot be forced to deal with the illegal immigrants because, quote, it's not texas. explain that logic. she then declares a state ofonaa emergency calls in the nationals guard and demands 50 million from joe biden and the federal>> government. >> take a look w. we're not a border town . we don't have an infrastructure to handle this. this type of and a level of immigration to our city. but we a will we'll create a new normal here in our infrastructure and have a humane welcome for people in an efficient, you know, service provision. bu t we don't have the ability or not texas, according to the great mayor, america's capital city population havet one hundred thousand budget of twenty billion . they don't have the resourcemays to handle what a couple off thousand migrants, el paso, two thousand a day.texas, and yet somehow eagle pass ine o texas, home to thirty thousand . they're expected to bear the entire burden of thousandsfu of migrants a how does any of this make any sense now? how is it that compassion?w is how is this in any way compassionate liberal? how does this improve the safety and security of the american people? e amlast week, governor de sants not only expose the heartless hypocrisy from america's virtue, signaling democrats, he also highlighted the seriouspren security crisis that presentedte by a wide open border. look. >> take a look.>> w whenhen our middle son brandon left to go to work, he was only 21 years old. and the last words i said to him is , i love you and you twice deported, illegal, rant into them, hit him so hard that he calls, ran his car to flipp and he killed him. >> we were able tod kill go andt the governor, dissenters. het said, i wangot to hearhe si your son's story and to seein the compassion in his eyes. h and i saw that concern. he wanted to mak e sure other lives were protected. h and as a governor, he truly has been upholding the oath that he took, which is to protect floridians. s >> florida governor de santos will join us in a moment. but first here live from martha's vineyard, fox's investigative reporter and contributo's r, her carter,n did they welcome you? >> i don't know if you have fox news mike flag on your microphone. if you did, that might thr be trouble. you might throw you out. you knowow, you know what? out shine, you know it shine.: it's all okay. they did welcome me. i was honest. i said, i'm with fox news and i had there was a variety of opinions. look, all is quiet right now here on main street in martha's vineyard, as you call it.ard? but we had >> a chanc we today to talk to some people who had a difference of opinion thane the ones wonese mainly see. two and these were two long time residents here of martha's vineyard that are angry at are the hypocrisy of some ofry their neighbors and want to speak out. the and they sayy they support d governor ronja santurce. take a listen. >> werwere you surprised at alln governor ryan, scientisttis decided, okay, you know what? guess what? i'm going to send 50 of the migrants who volunteered to come to this, to come to come to boston, to come to martha'spd vineyard w? were you surprised whent. they arrived? no, i wasn't. and i actually i m fo really praised him for doing that because it wasn't a stunt. i know the media's saying time, but, you know, how do you get the attention of of ofratioa the administration? how do you get the attention o f harris, who's supposed to be in charge of this, that? thinkof she's been a good border czar? i know it's really a joke and everyone knows it. i think what he did was a greate a great to for the country, get a great statement for the country to get the conversation out there, tellther the truth. i don't believe anything thautt comes out of the administrationn more . my message would be ymor, how do you think the people in texas feel that are getting thousands of them coming in a day? and we had a little taste of it with fifty sean, whether they agreed with governor rondah santos or whethery they disagreed with governor ronda santos. spoke everybody that i spoke with here today and i spoke tosd quite a few people her thee todr said there is on ae thing that g is certain is that the border a n is a hugeo problem. it needs to be addressed. it needs to be resolved. wit and nobody was happy with with a biden administration is doing sean. r th >> all right, sara , thanks forr that report from martha's vineyard. t we appreciate it.texas >>is all right.ting ron tonight, one liberal county inty texas is also investigatingm ronda santos. they are accusing him of,ving quote, leaving migrants to fend for themselves in martha's vineyard. here to respond, florida governor rhondhere floridaa san you know, the great irony in all of this is if we use less definition of racism and xenophobia there, it they define it based on their actions in martha's vineyard. what they're missing is joe biden has been flying and busing illegal immigrants every day all over the country.c ouand in the dark of night, just in t leaving them in the middle of the street. he streeso why are they only now paying attention to 50 people that said, well, sean, it's really frustrating because, you know, you've been covering this millions of people sincece biden' bids been president illegally coming across the southern border. did they freakming acr out abou? no. you've had migrants die inie the rio grande, get 50, die in texas in a trailer because they were being neglected. was there a freak out about that? no, there wasn't. you've had criminal aliens 5 get across that southern border and victimize americans, killing some , some . was there any type of outrage about that? no. and then, of course, we know fentanyl deaths are at an all time high. where's that fentanyl coming from? over the it's coming over the open southern border. sou ma's only whenth 50 get put into martha's vineyard, which wasn't saying they didn't want this. they said they wanted this. they said they were a sanctuary jurisdiction. these were people who were basically destitute and then put in a situation whereey cou they could have succeeded. but that was all virtue signaling and not only didt welm they not welcome them, they deported them the next day with the nationaepartel guard. give me a break. yeah. and by the way, just for the record, this was voluntary. all migrants were put upwa in hotels given accommodations. they were fed, they were showered, they were offered haircuts. aand any other service they we? needed. >> correct. yesyeah. t >> not only that, they all signed consent forms to go .flor and then the vendor thatid that is doing this for floridap of provided them with a packetyarda that had a map ondf martha's vineyard. it had the numbers for different services on martha's vineyard and then it had numbers for the overall agencies in massachusetts that handle things involving immigration and refugees. so it was clearly voluntaryer and all the other nonsense you're hearing, it's just not true. and whnt to goy wouldn't they w go given where they were? they were in really, reallbay b shape and they got tweo be cleaned up. everything treated well and put in a situation. av areai jobs, there available in martha's vineyard.s there is lodging available in martha's vineyard. had they lived up to there. but they build themselves out bl as a sanctuary jurisdiction. they could have absorbed those people without a problem. but here's the thing. they said they didn't have housing. they said they couldn't accommodate. like, let' rbed thoses just say that'spr true for a minute. well, what does that mea r fo toese poor towns in texas? what does it mean for theses in other places across the country? that are seeing influx? a what does it mean to the small towns that biden has dumped so many people in? and so i think what we've been able to do is show that this border is a disaster. biden has failed on this as much or more than on any other policy. and now people are talkingutions about it. and we wan aict solutionanss.ak as americans. licies we want to make sure that trump's policies have remain in mexico. car remain in be reinstituted sn get control over what's going on down there? there. you know, governor , it's kind of hard to fathom 19 monthss ag ago, you're right, our borders were secure. >> w e had to stay in mexico. we we eliminated catch catch a and release. now we have process releasnd rea give a free phone. you get preferential treatment ,don't get a cold vaccine mandate, and then you have free transportation of the state of your choice. this is madness. we hadma our borders control. we had one point four percentnd inflation, not eight point five percent. we didn't have we're now paying double the amount for a gallon of gasoline. we didn't have that problem. wod we wouldn't have had a disaster in afghanistan. all of this hafghanists happenen nineteen months. what do you see as the answers h beyond 50 days from now when when americans go to the voting booth and you're up for reelection g? and y >>ou well, i think we should arint out they accuse the governors of arizona, texas and me of political stunts inbis terms of dealing with illegal immigration. but the biggess bidet stunt was coming into office and reversing trump's policies ,not because trump's policies weren't working. he reversed them because he sig wanted to you signal to hisna base and he wanted to show that he thought donald trump was bad. and that's why he reversed it. everseand reversed it, knowing t would end up happening. and so he has done he has pulled the biggest political stunt. look, i think people need toto press the case on this in the midterms. we know the inflation, th as you said, is going to be a big issue. crime is going to be a huge issue. but thisr is immigration and border, i think, is nowis i a front burner issue.on and i think this is one where republicans have the advantage, without question. run onso run on it. and then if we do get majorities in the congress, shawn, they need to do something with that power to hold biden accountable. on this issue. >> i think border is i thinkpowe >>ergy.r. i thin sean:k the economy. la i think lower taxes. you're right. law and order, parental rightsde and education. all of thiights is os n the baln 50 days. and i i hope the american peoplr see this for what it is , is a part of me that doesn't really want to ask you this question, s because i don't think gavinus newsom is particularly bright.nm and every time i he deals with , he comes out on the wrong end of it. but i'll ask anyway. i would actually love to see him explain why he shut down g california and they couldn't go outt to, but he went out to v he let his kids have in school education. every other kid that didn't stve a private school education ,they were forced toud study remote. i'd like him. to explain his thirteen and a half percent state income tax to zeroe in percent. co >> and a sanctuary state law breaking to your maintaining. law and order. and i don't know what he meant by the kidnapping, kidnapping, maybe you can tell me what thate meant because i have no clue.. >> well, shawn, we've had an influx of people from california and they're moving because they're dissatisfied with what's going on over a there. i think that the onlrey issue,an you know, any timey you're thee ,you got to worry about all the different things with crime and the homelessness. you also got to worry aboutven e could they even keep the lightsp on for some type of an event? i mean, they seem to have a lot of problems with that as well. so we'reat the happy with what e doing in florida. and i think at the end of the day, shawn, people can politically preen, they can say all this stuff, but look how people behave. . look how people vote with their feet. and since i've been governor ,av it's been unmistakablee.. people look for freedom and we're the first place they look. loand people have come not justn from new york , new jersey, as you know, that's always happened. not fromt just from the midwest, which is always happen evet n from the pacific coast of this country, going all the wayhe across north america to be able to live in flo the state of florida. and now that we've been that symbol for many people, governor , for the first time in california's history, they've had a net decrease in population. how many new peopl hry they e ag to florida on a daily basis? >> do you have the exact number ? >> i don't a know the exact, but we've led the nation in that in migration and on net. we've ha nd over two hundredn im and twenty five thousand in ove the last two years, probably on average. and we've had more wealth moving to florida than has ever moved into m an individual state over a similar period of time in american history. even adjusted for inflation. and oh, by the way, sean, who's losing the most popular nation and the most wealth?? california, new york ,ery illinois. >> what?we very well said. all right. so you're out on the campaign trail. your race is pivotal for rac republicans. so marco rubio's race, how do you feel your races are going? and i know you've also beenrosst doing some campaigning around the countrherey. what are the arguments that you would make? to me, it's very simple. simple. the list we went a list that we just went over. f >> if you run on , are you better off than you were 19 months ago in terms of your energy prices, in terms of border security? are you better offat with a stae that close down for covid? you had kids in school in august. the twenty twenty . what are the arguments you think people should be making? republ? ans should be making well, firs mt here in florida, you know, people are fired i mean, our our our voters want to come out.i i think we're goinweg to haveetg a record setting turnout, particularly among republicans. and so g repu we're looking forward to that. as you mentioned, i'm running r senator rubio. we alsunningo of congressional , legislative races, school board. so this is realld schoy, reallyl important. >> and we're working really hard. i think we're to do really. well. but i think you nailed it across the country. prosecute the case againsty, it biden has done things werebefore cheaper before he waswas president . esident.your gas was cheaper. our country was safer before he was president , hit him on the crime. and obviously our bordert was more secured. and yes, i do think you pointed out the parents rights, the education. >> these arer hugs moree issues because i think the left has gone so radicaedl on this. they want to use the schools to indoctrinate our kids. and that's not what the american people want. they think schools.ple thin shoo educate kids, not to indoctrinate them. >> so hold them accountable. ids.on things like critical rac, theory, gender , ideology, noned of that stuff is appropriate in the schools, but almost every single democrat will have toav say that they support that because that's what the far left oto supbecause f their baso see. >> fascinating. no democrat wants to be seen with joe biden either when he goes to campaign. i didn't finish the question. ie last question. you have any interest in debating good old gavin newsom on his record taxes, state income taxes, well, like i saidf ,sean, i don't know if they can reliably keep power on . so you u go all the way up therv and have a debate and then what ends up happening? they can't keep the lights on . and so we're happy with what we're doing. you know , what i do, though, sean? my actions speak louder than my words there. certain people that will preen and do that. g i understand we get things done in florida. my favorite line is whatever you do, don't charge your electric vehicle during these hours. so you have to parr vk it for s amount. of time.favorite that was my favorite. for being thank you with us. we appreciate it. a l right. coming up, biden gave a disaster a 60 minutes interview yesterday. rview. you won't believe what he said. and governor glenn yancoaloungki will join us . he's fightinn g for parentaledut rights and education in virginia. we have that big story th and a really big announcement. stay with us. to fox nation exclusives. first breakfast. we look at modern socialism. socialism seems dead and buried, but now it's back . get the truth behind the idea and how they continue to impact our society. the most ferocious debates center on issues of identity, gender and race. they want to dismantle the organizing principle of society. what they're really after is power. i don't think in the long run they will win because it's essentially an antihuman anti-american agenda. bret baier hosts the unauthorized history of socialism volume two streaming now. plus, larry kudlow leads a live summit as socialist ideas gripped the nation. what the real cost is to our economy, our freedoms and our democracy. the greatest economic minds will join me to discuss how we can get america back to the principles that once made us so prosperous and free streamed the live summit wednesday on fox nation and the unauthorized history of socialism. volume two now exclusively on fox nation. >> boo! see you. after selling out for two years in a row, jabarin jack is back ready to bring halloween to life in your home. jack is a one of a kind jack lantern that comes to life with an animated face that fox sings and tells jokes. >> what's the matter? 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Agains St , Hannity , Itthat E , Crisis , Woul , Troops , Poi , Joi , Ased , De Preside , Tucker , Bohemian Rhapsody , Thank You , Matt Wait , Problem , Record , Moving Quote , Team , Acuity , Eating , Pudding , Joe Stated , The Proofh , Watch Me , Interview , Education , Left , Rights , Plan , Phereni , Upc , Investigatingm Ronda Santos , Announcement , Liberals , Fit , Momenu , Toma Misjos It S Big , D Wewho , Hungrye Tm Migrants , Thosd E , Food , Santos , Choice , Hysteria , Audacity , Lodging , Wall , Martha S Vineyard , Community , Island , Refugees , We Stand D , Immigrans , Signs , Itn , Definition , Racism , Xenophobia , Ref , Non Inclusivdes , Le They Called N , The Next Day , Wealthy Democratsalthy , Bd , Hater , Illegals , Youtl , Cismyeah , Estero , 50 , One , People , Place , Back , Military , Meal , Patting , Everysland , More , Rooms , Guests , Fo , Hotel Rooms , Scores , Onl Vacany , Don T Haveting The Resources To Care , Dollar Budget Surplus , One Hundred And Twenty , 110 Million Dollar , 10 Million , Way , Thousands , White House , Vacation Homes , Obamas , Obama , Acre , 7000 , Seven Thousand , 30 , 15 , Immigrants , Joe Biden E , Border Czar , Democrats , Villains , Xenophobic Racisane , Immigr The Media Mob , Ac Theg , Ronda Santurce , Children , Villain , Women , States , Men , Streets , Nothing , Sanctuary Cities , Governor , Abbott , Mind , Shot , Santas Of , Quote Desanti , Crimes Against Humanity , Congresswoman Aoc , Vis Dumbestm , Country , Gavinus Newsom , Kidnapping , Mayor , Programy E , Frankly , Santas , Virtuous Liberals Aren T Angry , Iram N Reality , Texas Gov , New York City , Mansion , Washington D C , Liberal Sanctuary Hotspots , Areas , Eric Adams , Trash , Bleeding Heart Activists , Nbc News , Tweet , Migrants , Adams , Action , The Way , Influxdams Sai , Two Thousand , Eight Million , Government , City , Day Texas , Laurieg Lightweight , Arriveds , Beggin , Six Hundred And Fifty , Thing , Sanctuary City , Bowser , Maye Ou 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Larry Kudlow , Jabarin Jack , Row , Summit Wednesday On Fox Nation , Fox Nation , Boo , Geben Jack , Face , Life , Lantern , Haven T , Jack O Lantern , Matter , Jokes , One Of A Kind , Jack , Party , Evening , Personalities , Spooky Jack , Littles , Tone , Smile , Spirits , Don T Eat , Fun Entertainment , 70 , Three , Pumpkin , Jack Lantern , Gloves , Expressions , Dozens , Bright , Technology , Parts , Projector , Play , Meet Jabarin , Movie , Battery Pack , Outlet , House , Usb Cable , Trick Or Treat , Trunk , Crew , The Block , Friends , Tree , Decor , Orange , Cat , Black Or White , Hartleys , Shipping , Money Back Guarantee , Color , Characters , Season , Real Estate Agents , Agent , The Very Best , Zero , Seven , Eight Hundred Three , Agents , Somebody , Results , Great Commission , Ideal Agent , Market , Behalf , Low , Michigan Wolverines , Notch , Strong Saturday On Fox , Visit Idealagent Com , Worry , Attack , Family , Premiere , Big News Saturday On Fox , Merrill , Country 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