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0 by istanbouli ticket to seattle . netwenty seven presenting partnr usa. >> good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight areld a lot of things going on around the world at the moment but we thought we would begin tonight with a report from oour own country just to give you something a little differentnt fromat what you've been watching every moment of every day for the past three weeksksas on your screen are pictures fromyn brooklyn, new york . these are people waitingth in line at a food bank. the queue stretches for blocks. it's what we used to call a bread line. otst of these people are not homeless or not addicted tohe drugs. some of them have jobs they just can't afford enough food. very few living americans have ever seen anything like this . it's been nearly 100 yearses since the united states experienced widespread food shortages. that's long enough that most of us have forgotten what it means . and here's what it means. if you want to make a society volatile, not just angry and divided, which is where we are now but revolutionary t and explosive, the new threat in the food supplyy more governments have fallen to rising food prices than to any other causee by. by far hungry people are dangerous. the administration doesn't seemg to notice this is happening or acknowledge like all neoliberals, they treat unchanging truths about anything as heresy. they censored them and shuthu them down. they live in an entirely ideological world that they created. they believe realityth conforms to their theories, not the other way around., and why wouldn't they thinkth that if you caney change your just by wishing and so you can probably eliminatete inflation simply by pretending it doesn't exist when you're god there are no weapons. the problem is they're not godgo . they're notd, even very capabley economists. more than a decadeven of reckles fiscal policies have devalued the u.s. dollar to the point that middlehave class people can barely survive in the united states. nowdlss the suffering of regular americans doesn't have the thrilling imminence of, say, war footage from ukraine.ut but it's real and it matters and here's what it looks like in no terms this year. according to do estimate, rising inflation will cost the average american family three thousand five hundred dollars in extra post-tax income. now that might be bearable if you make two hundred and fifty grand a year though, you would notice it. but if you make thirty five thousand a year, that's a disaster. you will radically change the way you live your standardiv of living will plummet and that's exactly what millions of americans are facing right now. it's not a talking point. it's real americans for tax reform found that between november of 2020 and november of 2020be one quote, the bottom 20% of earners spent three hundred nine more on food seven hundred sixty one dollars more in energy for seventy six more on shelter. three hundred ninety more another commodities and two hundred and twenty four dollars more in other services. and those are the numbers from november they've isn't dramatically since then and they're continuing to rise nationally. meat, poultry, fish eggs up 13%, in san francisco a dozen eggs is almost five dollars. orange juice in miami is over four bucks. b sore it's a chicken in boston,n a pound of ground. beef hamburger in l.a. six dollars and thirty four cents a pound of bacon in new york city seven twenty eight in chicago last year green grapes cost two hundred two dollarsos and fifty cents a pound, another fourhi dollars. the price of chicken wingstho in the catskills went from eight dollars to twenty bucks or something else. if you try to drink a pint ofne guinness in california yesterday toss celebrate st. patrick's day, it cost you c eight dollars and fifty five cents for a pint of beer. o prices of everything are risingd far faster than wages are a lot faster and that means itr. in very real terms. >> the most real people are j becoming poorer and not juster people who buy things consumers but also peoples, who sell them retailers. this is a disaster for small business. watch for a cold, hard lesson on inflation. he stepre into the refrigerator where korina gardino wallingham stores the food supplies she just bought for her pop up food stamp business in phenix, arizona. so usually it would be the bonus would be about a dollar a pound. right now it's one eighty four fifty nine dollars. right now it's it's likee fourteen fifty six . and that makes it hard for someone like you to run lbusit your business correct and makes it unbelievably difficult for to predict any pricing. i can'tt even say i'm going to charge you a certain price right now because in three days it's probably bound to change, you know, and it's never for the better. did you get at the end prices changing every three days. it's like vimana or zimbabwe that iss not the picture of a stable economy and it's not just food that's moving fastim in the city of baltimore, the cost of electricity has risen eighteen percent in a single year. that does not happen with utilities, but it just did in philadelphia, the average utility bill rose froma, four hundred and seventy seven six hundrednth to and fifty one dollars a month, according to the national association of home builders. os building material prices increased almost 21% yearum over year. overall, lumber prices alonebe have added almost nineteen thousand dollars to the price of a home in the past six months. >> that's one of the reasons housing prices are so high. and then of's course there's gasoline in los angeles. it now costs about s one hundred andub eighty to fill a chevy suburban one tank ofs, gas one hundred and eighty bucks. nationally, gas is up nearly 40%. t and here's what that looks like. these prices are eye popping here at the chevron. it's seven dollars and twenty a smallts a gallon for car with a twelve gallon tank, c it would cost you eighty seven dollars to fill it all the way up.m of h course we know this is the top end of the spectrume here m in california. it'sve the most expensive state. the average price for a gallonn here is five and sixty seven cents. but we all know that nationally thesehr prices are through the roof. the average cost nationwide now is for and thirty three cents a gallon. that's up sixty three cents timein just a week's time. and in fact right now the average cost is climbed above four dollars a gallon in a staggering thirty eight statesg. rising gas prices makes people desperate. you wouldn't know that from watching television because most people who bring you the news don't knowau what the price of gas isse and a lot of them don't care because they don't drive themselves. but the rest of the country cares very deeply with the price of gas. and in some places the problem is so bad gas g prices are so expensive that these have taken to drilling holesken in gas tas to steal it with the national average at four dollars and thirty three cents a gallonn . a troubling new trend is, on the rise. gas theft , crimes of opportunity now happening across the country. criminals are targeting unattended vehicles for gas , but they're not going intoin here. instead, they're drilling holes from underneath their car and draining your tank . xe and once the tank is drilled, it can't be fixed. getting a newou one could cost drivers more than a thousand dollars. contrary to what you may have learned from sandy cortez's tiktok feed, the internal combustion engine is not a sin. it's not the basis of a moral crisis. it is a miracle upon which allcl civilization rests. your amazon package arrivesch because a of gasoline so uber eats. you can fly to see your relatives. across the country because off gasoline. so when the price of gasoline rises, everyone is affected no matter who they voted for and no matter whether they notice it directly or not. here's how people the state of texas are reacting too are the rising gas prices. >> gas has reached an all time record high and here in dallas, texas, it'sas h four dollars an9 cents a gallon. let's go talk to texans and see what they think about these l prices. >> they are real high is absurd ,ridiculous. they're spending more money to go to to make money. so>> it's hard but it's outrageous. li you know, it's kind of outrageous. nothing like to they have allowed me to wheel the capitol of ukraine, fall to the russians. we certainly hope not americans care about that . g how high will gas get ? americans care about that evenct more . they care deeply because it l affects their lives so dramatically. and yet the coverage of this is not proportionate. you almost never hear anybodyat asked what do you d think of the price of gas? but if you leave the tv studiosf of new york , los angeles n and washington, you will find people really do care every n product in this countryot with some exceptions but not that many isel delivered thanks to gasoline. and that means with rising gas prices all products become more expensive. the cheapest washing machine you can buy it is a best buy in south carolina right now. four hundred s fifty bucks furniture and bedding across the country. seventeen$450 percentxp more expensive than it was a year ago. twelve months ago,ag a twenty eight cubic foot samsung stainless steel fridge was selling for seventeen hundredri bucks at home depot.dg it's now two thousand and so. for everything and particularly for vehicles, the average price of a used30 car is up more than 30% nationally it's up. 35% in massachusetts and tennessee it's up 38%. 40 in florida and maryland it's% up 40% or more in louisiana, new york , montana and north dakota. that means the average cost of a used car in the state of montana is now more than forty two thousand dollars for a used car . somecar, with high mileage. by comparison, last march the average toyota sold for twenty thousand dollars. the average used toyotaold now goes for twenty eight thousand. these are real numbers with real effects to restate the standard of living of americans who for almostjo one hundred years have enjoyed the world's highest standard of yeliving in any big country is plummeting. so what's the administration doing to fix this ? what are they doing a to help? well,co of course that's depend upon whether or not you're ukrainian. if you are, they can help you if you're not ourar transportation secretary recommends you take the bus. doee a lot of capacity in publg transit and that's something that i hope becomes a means of choice need to make suream that there is lessil pressure on family budgets from transportation. er often the second biggest budget itself. r housing one of the tools that we havee in our toolkit to do that is to make sure there's access to excellent public transportationc . take the bus. yeah, homeless schizophrenics have been doing it forah generations. whyy shouldn't you? you can'tdn afford to drive .'s that's the transportation secretary. so maybe the first question would be what are you going to do about gas prices, pel?t. the roads are falling apart. maybe you could fix that .l no. i one of the tools in our toolkit is you canhe ride the bus with the crazy people and you'll like it. but that's not their only plan to fight inflation. there are other plan blame others now that we live in an america where there's a lotn more concentration i in certain industries, look at the oil industry. lookk at meat industry, look at groceries generally what's happened is thesean companies have said you, will pass along costs. gut while we're at itt and everyone's talking about rising costs, let's just add an extra big dollop of cost increases to expand our t profits. >> youucn: just heard from somee who's sitting united states senator whose total reservoir of knowledge about the world is smaller than this sink in your powder room. this is someone who knows literally nothing about how anything works. the meat industry. what would that be, senator warren? she has no idea what she'slk talking about. she hassh no interest in learnig what the dollar is lesss valuable than it was 10 years ago and she has no interest whatsoever in improving your life. so the question oncen o again io how long can this continue? it'sne one thing to pretend that boys can compete in girls sports and that's totally natural. it's always l. the way it's been that may be offensive to people, but when they can't afford to buy uy groceries for you are really teetering on the edge of something e awful. they should wake up soon. charlie heard is the opinion editor at the washington times . he will soon t be t taking the e with the rest of'r us .ch we're happyar to have him join us . charlie, thanks for coming on . goodll show in all. but let them eat cake responses and we hear them all the time. y take the bus has got to be pretty close top. the top spoken by somebody who has never been to a bus stop in a very long time obviously. but you know, us the most important question, you know, what are their priorities? what are they trying to doriryin about us ? and a simple answer is this just this week our our great leaders in washington agreed to send another billion dollars to ukraine and rightit there that alone right there tells you what their priorities are in termsy who they care about and who they don't care about. they don't you know, we hadadsi a joint session of congress to talk about ukraine. when was the last time we had a joint session of congress to talk about the middle class being crushed by inflation? it hasn't happened. i assure you it will not happen. but here's the other thing. the other a thing aboutve that billion dollars that they just decided to give to ukraine. but u we're always being told this is a global economy and it is. and when you flood the market with another billion dollars, you know what that does to the money that's in your wallet and to allll the suckers who hae saved their money, all those b people who are going to have too go outrr and pay the grocery bill tomorrow that makes every penny in their pocket worth less money because they've just fire hosed another billion dollars. it's something and this and you know, it is so a lot of this stuff is complex. this one thing is so simple. these people in washington who supposedly represent us are 100% responsible for what you are seeing at the gas meter and at the grocery store checkout line. they have createded this mess and it is the most devastating attack attacks there can be on working middle class families. and i would even say, you know, upper middle class families i mean inflation is so high that even if you thought you, were sort of doing well all of y a sudden you're notou you know the saying i see all these people on television literally know nothing about anything saying, you know, energy sansanctions against putin arep going to hurt putin. i think most people would beeo in favor of punishing putin for invading ukraine. i'm in that camp but making the price of oil higher helps putin. of course, it's a petro state but it hurts us . has this not occurred to anyone or is it is kind of the point of it? >>f maybe if the only reason vladimir putin was had the money to invade ukraine is because oil prices went up u and that gave him the wealth to do that . and also you can put yourself on the back and say you're not going to buy russian oil, you're buying russian oil. it's just that you're going to pay a whole lot more money for it. and oh, by the way, a bunch of evil people in syria or iran or wherever you want, whatever horrible place you want to mention, they're allio going to get a a cut of it too. but you're going to still be buying oil from russia. yeah, i just think there should be some kind of baseline pledge. ba every elected official promises not to do anything intentionally tocial raise gas p prices on a middleri class. but if the opposite what they're doing great a bare minimum amount to showel joe biden celebrated st. patrick's day yesterday and delivered a message to the irish community in this country in. here he is on capitol hill must be farther from about to send hi. well, i just want you to knowno i may be irish, but i'm notot stupid. i married dominic to a couple daughter. i may be irish, but i'm not stupid. it's pretty funny actually kind of gets a pass on that. but i guess we should all be offended. we're going to be officially offended by that nancy pelosi then becausethalwa it always ges better in washington decided too insult everybody's intelligence by reading a limerick that she got by text message t from bono, her friend bono. most of us always whether we're in ireland or here, whatever there's a bono has been a very irish partt of oure lives. oh , st. patrick. o he droveut out the snake with hs prayers. but that's not it. that's not all it takes. they struggle for us to be freee from the siko in this human family, ireland. so pain is now the ukrainene patrick's name is now solinsky. well,[ she's lost touch a little bit. i don'tin think that'sk overstatement. but you have to wonder when shew describes bono as irishhe irish. is that the first word that comes to mind when you think bono you really think t likehi the in-house entertainmet of davos, not your average irishman bono in the case reviews of his limerick had been coming and not all of them are good. roger waters, one of the founders of pink floyd and we should say a very good man, moctar bono and pelosind in a tweet he called them t egypt's. i don't know what that means. >> it doesn't soundun complimentary. sod both parties in washingtonto would like your kids to fight russia in the war . youth don't spend a lot of time talking about what that might look like. what would it look like if we go to war with russia now? russian disinformation. it's a question we should discuss before it happens and that's straight ahead. allergies just try to stop us 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[ cheers ] are we actually going? yes!! and once in a lifetime moments. two tickets to nascar! yes! find rewards like these and so many more in the xfinity app. about this . i just heard about this company. true classic piece. go on . this is a fox news alert. i'm jonathan in la. russian troops continuing to pummel ukraine cities with missiles and artillery in kyiv. one person was killed when a missile hit an apartment building. 12 people were rescued from the rubble. meantime, cruise missiles hit an aircraft repair facility here in lviv. a few miles from the city's downtown. there were no reports of deaths ,but the facility was destroyed. russian president putin held a huge rally in moscow where he praised troops fighting in ukraine but no made no mention of the heavier than expected casualties. president biden warned chinese president xi jinping that his country could face stiff consequences for providing military or economic aid to russia. stay with fox news m for the vey latest. i'm jonathan hunt. >> now back to tucker carlson to most americans deeplyos sympathizet with the people ofn' ukraine. they got invaded who wouldn't sympathize with them. ex so our congress and our executive branch have been busy shoveling armaments torn the government of ukraine. ag no one's questioningre anyone's motives here. >> but if you're going to accelerate a conflict in eastern europe, you have toow wonder what the consequences might be. what would it meanou if united states was into a war with russia? well, that's one ofe the questions we asked the other day to congresswoman maria salazarss of florida. she's the one who refused tore rule out imposing a no fly zoneo over ukraine that called for it. >> watch.ukra my position is that we should not take not the no fly zone off the table, butut before that that's too we need to do one and one is to give zelenskyy exactly what he's asking for. no troops on the ground. let'snd give him the mix and the three hundreded what he needs to defend his own air airspace sois he will create his no his own no fly zone. e >> so if you're starting to t get the impression that thehaic people formulating our foreign policy have no freaking clue what they're talking about and haven't thought past say tonight in the implications of what they're recommending, you may be on to something b. there are a lot of deeply ignorant, reckless people, even some of them motivatediv by perfectly noble impulses who are runningly things. so may now may be the time to pause and ask what would it mean to enter into a hot war with russia? brian dean, right, is a formerce cia operations officer. he thoughtug a lot about that . he joins us tonight.s brian, thanks so much forfo i think on . so this is one of those questions. i mean, look, i think ightthe public has a right to determine what it thinks of this and make that decision on the basis of all available facts. so i'd just be interested in asking what you think, how close are we to an openea war with russia and what would that mean for the united states ? great questions gets worse every day. the possibility of a hot war are real and getting more real every day. lookok what i'm asking american to do tonight is put aside their hatred for putin or zolensky for that matter or ukraine or russia. put allru that asidess foria. at . understand that we have in effect declared war against russia. have done three things. one , we have crippled their economy too. we are shoving in all these weapons. this hasn't gotten a lot of press. we are giving tactical intelligence to the ukrainian government to put an xnt on the forehead of a russian soldier and russian equipment. let meeen say it a little differently. s our spies and our satellitesin are helping the ukrainians kill russians. so we have declared war so we should be asking shouldng we what's that war going to look like to your point?la and indeed we should start with the first place of well, who's actually putting together our war response? what we know that the folks at the pentagon are the ones who are primarily responsible for that . butorai actually wait a second. they just got us out of a 20 year war , didn't they ? are actually they kept us and l won and we lost itos to goat herders. okay, now we have folks on capitol hill in the white house who were also around for t 20 years and they were the ones who were formulatinghe policies. that also lost that war . so the people who are now formulating our response to a nuclear armed russia are ar the same ones who couldn't figure out how to beat goat herders in afghanistan. that should causese everyonef a very real degree of concern and we should be asking eachlk other about it and we should be talking about it. so t the second question becomes if in fact this gets hot, what happens? we know that it will escalate. and so that means some ofil the first steps will bel called asymmetric. right.metr russia can't sanction ouric, ia economy in the way that we did his . so he's going to do things like a cyber attack. i want people to ask themselves tonight what if in their hometown russia were to shut off the lights or the water? do you think therer t might be riots probably brought forward ideavery horrific and notion tonight in brooklyn. those are placesslace of breadl. i think that get violent. ofof course it could. so how would people's mayors and governors respond to riots we saw a couple of years ago? ha does that give you pause seem that may alsots give you qunol. so we have a whole variety ofes issues about the sacrifice that will go on .t. that's a whole different segment, but it involves young people dying and we should alsos behi talking about that because our people in washington aren't going to be the ones sacrificing, but they are the ones who feel virtuous by doing all of this stuff and the consequences. i see it i see a pattern, a recurring theme here and i'm just grateful for the clarity you provided finding right.ed i hope you'll come back . thank you .t. you bet. soso speaking of the people who are pushing for this with no regard to the consequences, one of them is called julia ioffe. she's one of the silliest leastt informed people in american p media. but that haseo not prevented her from becoming what passes f for a foreign policy authority on twitter. it's a very low bar. so aarp spends most of her timeh demanding that you send your children to war with russiaere and then attacking anyone who doesn't want to do that as a stooge of putin. you've seen this a lot. julia ioffe, in other words, believes passionately in ukrainian nationalism and that would be fine except she doesn't believe in american nationalism, which is weird since she lives here. she thinks american nationalism is immoral. told us that directly tduring the trump campaign in 2016 when she was writing for the new republic nationalism in this country putting america first is meoffensive and wrong, she said. and yet now she believes putting ukraine first is inspiring and great, huh? now we don't mean to single outl julia ioffe virtually everyonee in washington, d.c. agrees with her. nationalism is great over there and a deep threat here. in fact, moral. >> ponder that for a moment. shehe may have noticed the media fawning over a manve who is beating women in swimming races. he's dominating the competition . in fact, other swimmers are finally going public with their frustration and their humiliation. maybe humiliation is the point ofia this exercise that occurred to that story next , everybody thinks will murder the final election on their face. this guy is a sadistic serial killer. he was a natural predator. he was on the hunt all the time. but golf became known as the broomstick snatching taking ducting grabbing women all over this with people beyond anything have to comprehend picked up the convicted murderer who in nineteen sixty six was sentenced to die in a texas electric chair. death penalty. something's wrong. whatever magic that anyone would ever release this man was the corruption was so the whole system tell us how this monster got out of prison. he threw a what can i do if i haven't? 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you're all very disappointed and frustrated with someone who is has capabilitiesy? more than us . women have to be able to compete at this level and takem opportunities away from other women. like i have a teammate who did a not make finals today because she was just bumped out of the finals and it's heartbreaking to see someone who went through puberty as a male and has the body of, a mals be able to absolutely blow away the competition. so there's a dude in the poole' and he's beatings all the women, of course, because he's way bigger because he's a man. h so at any other time in human history, people would say, well, that's in syncple. pulpo there's a men's team for you to swim on . but because everything now is w a lie and we have to go along with those lies as if they're true . the mind bending today's show segment like this just appearedn and nobody said anything. watch this .g in addition to watching for her reading those racist hoda, we're also watching for the potential she within striking distance of the long held collegiate records by missy franklin and katie ledecky. so of course we're going to be watching to see if she touches those records during this week too. >> two yeah. she touches those records. you'rere crazy, but they're notn crazy. they're doing it for a reason. chadwick a is contributing editc of spectator usa joinson us . so traffic here's my theory. they don't care about swimming. i don't think they care about trans people. . really don't i think this is all an effortll to troll us to humiliate us , to force us , to acceptt something everybody watching knows is false because when they do that , they do us . >> that's my theory. i mean, i can't wrap my mind around it either. other than maybe after graduation i'm going to see this young man. i'm like tucker carlson today talking about how he pulled offt the greatest practical joke in all of human history.ic i'm not sure if that's going to be the case, but that's the only thing that makes sense. the other thing that ith can'te wrap my mind around is forin this young gentleman what is in it for you?le i mean, you know, you're n a fraud. you know, you're not the best swimmer. what is motivating this ? i don't know this person i'm not going to try to pretend to but anyone t in that situatin ,i just don't do this like, on people eating up who are much more physically inferior to you.u. i don't get what's going on there. >> and ah, finally with that said, if this guy wants to say i'm warming up, you know, i'm not feeling i don't care what that's fine too. do your thing. butbu why is he getting in to a competition where he's guaranteed to win and hura these girls like it's such an active question why are we celebrate someone who would do something likeeng that ? >>- that's exactly how i feel. and nobody said i'm like this feels violent and creepyee and weird. and you see all over that and no one says that and that is what we're all feeling. and these poorth women my god, these athletes you see all over their faces and you know their coaches, the administrators probably said you better not say a wordd s about this toay the media, keep your mouth shut. and they have they've complied. and now finallypl looks likepe they're beginning to perhaps speak up. but it's klownup world. it is ridiculous. none of itns makes sense. i hope it ends up being a troll and i hope you o get the exclusive on that. >> well, it's it's ritually humiliate show the rest of us for there's r no doubt. i thinkk gevisser absolutely. you tonight . thank you . my pleasure. >> thank you . so out of nowhere this week, the new yorkn: times acknowledgw oh sorry i've been lying to you for more than a year actually ,p biden's laptop was not some russian propaganda op. it was real interesting. why are they telling us now?re there's's got to be a reason to think. there's got to be a reason glenn greenwald may know the reason we don't know. the reason we don't know. we're going to ask next . all right. phone calls if you go to your phone. of course.e. yeah, the future is croot. they're going to want to know they're going to want to know the too much already. i canow tell everything. if you want to make history, call yongsan. we go to sleep. we go to the lake, we're going to lake. i love you. j it's almost passover here in israel. in israel. and across the former soviet union. but we'reare finding thousandsf destitute elderly who are alone and in need of basic food . ramseyngid is a holocaust survir and she keeps saying my refrigerator is empty of she's embarrassed to ask for help with their need. as you can see is extremely urgent right now. you can give a gift of life of twenty five dollars week international fellowship of sachristians will bring comfort and food to rosina. thousands of orphans from the suffering. you can save a life just like rumbiak. you're a special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate fpa the y season of passover. mazia servicemaster that the fellowship brought her for passover. isaiah was so excited brings up memories and same family from her childhood. y i'm partnering with the international fellowship of christians and , this trusted ministry is giving christiansps like me a way to tangibly bless jewish people who are in need around the worldwi for life saving. twenty five dollars. it's the volunteer urgently needed survival coupons for nuclearizes for less than one dollar a day. use and say i will bless i will save a life today. what one i know and say i will bless this israel ready to experience new career growth and the joy of helping others as the number one brand in property damage restoration. servpro is dedicated to restoring hope to those who need it most and we need to join our team. we have thousands of jobs available with premium compensation and the opportunity to move into management and even ownership and access to the best training available. no industry experience required. visit servoz .com slash careers to see how we take care of people who take care of people. when you watch and get the latest news business news headlines on sirius xm any time anywhere fox news audio on them . america is listening. the iran deal joe biden is going to unleash a nuclear competit i don't have

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