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Left but he says the right things because hes copying what ive done but the differences he cant do it and he knows hes not doing it. Hes raising taxes way too much. Hes raising everybodys taxes. Hes also putting tremendous amounts of regulations back on. Those two things are two primary reasons that i created the greatest economy weve ever had and now we are creating it again, okay . Jason President Trump is referring to bidens socalled buy American Economic plan. It shares the name with a 2017 trump executive order. At this point, plagiarism seems like a way of life for joe biden who just this week in a recent policy proposal, he lifted multiple sections word for word from Bernie Sanders official platform. Several years ago biden got caught plagiarizing Robert Kennedy and even hubert humphrey. Biden was also accused of plagiarism in law school, and lets not forget about one of bidens favorite people to plagiarize, a british politician named neil connect. Watch this. The first one in a thousand generations to be able to get the university. The first woman and her family in 1,000 generations to be able to get to university. Im thinking as im coming over here, why is it that joe biden is the first in his family ever to go to university . Why is it that my wife is sitting out there in the audience, the first and her family to ever go to college. Was it because all of our predecessors, were picked . Recite and write poetry. Is it because our fathers and mothers were not right . Is it because im the first biden in 1,000 generations to get a college undergraduate degree, that i was smarter than the rest . Those same people who read poetry and wrote poetry and taught me how to sing verse. Jason keep in mind joe bidens first president ial campaign ended in disgrace because his plagiarism issues came to light. Joining is now with more is Trump Campaign National Press secretary hogan gidley. Hogan, thank you so much for joining us here tonight. I want to talk about joe bidens plagiarism but i really need to get your reaction to what the president did in commuting roger stones sentence today . Whats your reaction to that. Whats the president s view on that . Its a good move by the president course. So many good people were caught up in this russian hoax. Its perpetrated by overzealous democrats, partisan hacks trying to take on a president. We know that the campaign was spied upon, wiretapped, authorized by the Previous Administration and we wouldnt have known of donald trump hadnt been elected that call me and clapper and brennan were all lying in front of congress and in other ways. We wouldnt know the names lisa page and peter strzok, the two lovers that conspired to take down the president with an insurance policy. We wouldnt know any of that had donald trump not been elected. Now we do and i think the president is doing the right thing by trying to write some of the wrongs of the partisanship of the past. Jason no, i think youre absolutely right. Imagine if Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton had won, the likes of comey and mccabe and peter strzok, they would be running the country at the lawenforcement end of of this o thank goodness that didnt come to fruition. The president is making it very strong accusation accusing anybody of plagiarism but its not new for joe biden. He has been in this boat many, many times throughout his decades of service. Absolutely. We know he plagiarized a couple words from the president s past hes plagiarizing the policies from socialists like Bernie Sanders and aoc and ilhan omar, rashida tlaib, Elizabeth Warren. His policies are going to be so detrimental to this country but lets be clear. We dont have to guess what i biden economy looks like. We just lived through it for the past eight years. 850,000 jobs were lost just from nafta alone. 70,000 manufacturing plants closed. Millions of jobs lost because of his relationship with china, because of his defense of china. We also dont have to guess how our cities and streets would look if joe biden were president. We saw rioters and looters drag innocent americans just trying to defend their businesses out into the streets, beat them within an inch of their lives, left to lie in a pool of their own blood. Joe biden said nothing when churches were burned, when stores were looted, riots across our city streets. He said nothing about that. So you dont have to guess what would happen in this country. Weve already seen it happen. Im jason hogan gidley, thank you so much for joining us tonight. We do appreciate it. Absolutely, jason. If i may say one more thing. Just because of joe bidens record of the past, not defending the American Worker, gutting the american middle class, i have to say i think the only job that joe biden has ever fought for that was an american job was for hunter biden. But that being said, i dont take that technically counts because that was for a Chinese Company so even still with his son, hes helping out china. Jason good point. Hogan gidley, thank you again for joining us. Joining us with more reaction to joe bidens long and storied history of plagiarism is American Conservative Union chairman matt schlapp along with arizona congressman andy biggs. Gentlemen, thank you for joining us here tonight. I want to go to you first, matt, because ive got to tell you, Bernie Sanders is the one thats actually saying that joe biden would be perhaps the most progressive president in the history of the united states. We should believe him, shouldnt we . Yeah, when joe bidens mouth is flapping, you know, its actually Bernie Sanders who we are hearing. They very cleverly change the names of some of these policies but its all the socialist marxist policies that Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders pine for. Its basically saying that we are going to get zero emissions on fossil fuels, Carbon Emissions which means fossil fuels will be illegal. No more fracking. Sorry, pennsylvania. Sorry, ohio. No more fracking. They are even talking about not letting the police carry firearms. Its not just defunding the police. Its now d arming the police. They are even talking about reparations. So this is very, very radical stuff and the most radical piece of it is hes talking about buying American Products to a larger extent from the federal government but guess what, those products cant be made in america when all those regulations that trump got rid of come back on the books and he increases corporate taxes by another third. There is no way American Companies will be competitive, so if youre an American Worker and you want to keep that job, joe biden is your worst nightmare. Jason now, congressman, i mean, i kind of giggle when i hear joe biden say that he wants to transform the nation, which scares the living daylights out of me. Hes only been in Political Office since 1972 when i was 5 years old kicking a soccer ball. He is suddenly going to transform the nation and there are issues like immigration and other things i think he wants to take such a radical view and position. But we really dont know who its working for, whos actually writing the stuff other than aoc and Bernie Sanders, as matt was talking about. Thats exactly right, jason. If you want to get a real picture, an indication of what a biden presidency would be like, you couldnt get a Bigger Picture than this. What it is is bidens not going to be the president. Hes going to have that title but somebody else is going to be manufacturing these wacky far left policies. They are so far to the left they are leaving the democrats behind. This is something thats way out there. This is the squad from the congress thats out there and then you have Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who are in there. Theyre having their fondest dreams put into place and joe biden who spent his whole career driving down the middleoftheroad, just trying to move to the next office, is now going to be coopted. Thats whats going to happen if he becomes president of the united states. This is a great indication of that future if biden becomes the president. Jason yeah, if you cant get it done in your first 48 years in office, it probably isnt going to happen. Matt, ive got to tell you. Part of what you hear from the democrats at large and also from joe biden is this cancel culture. Americans are constantly told everything is wrong. How do you think america is actually reacting to this . Look, i have been a victim of this. Ive seen it. A friend of mine, the ceo of goya foods is a victim of this, they are trying to make it a crime, a hate crime, punishable for simply being a republican, being a christian, having freemarket views. How about this one, jason . Having views consistent with those of Abraham Lincoln are Frederick Douglass or how about our founders . They want to make a criminal. Its not just our ripping down statues. Its about destroying the lives of americans with common sense values. This is fascism. This is fascism of the left. Everybody better wake up because they are coming for each and every person that dares stand up to this angry mob and we are all going to have to face it. We better face it now. If we wait until later, will we might not have a country anymore. Jason yeah, i love the left that felt left claims to be the party of tolerance but you say anything they disagree with and they are the least tolerant. Congressman, about 15 seconds. Do you think joe biden is actually going to debate, actually going to speak for himself without the puppeteers . And join donald trump on the debate stage . I cant see him on a debate stage with President Trump. What i see is him finding a way to do it from his home where hes going to have some teleprompters with some people giving him some answers. Thats the only way he can compete. Thats it. He has no original thoughts of his own. Jason joe biden needs to live up to his obligation and his commitment to debate donald trump a match happen for three debates, if not four but at least three. Gentlemen, congressman biggs, matt schlapp, thank you for joining us tonight. We do appreciate it. All right, coming up for violent is skyrocketing in new york city and mayor bill de blasio is banning all large gatherings except for Police Protests and riots. You cant make this stuff up. Americas mayor Rudy Giuliani will react and later, the huxley war on dissenting voices that hit new levels. 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C. Chaos continues to rage and liberal cities across the country. In seattle, home of the shortlived chop zone that saw multiple shootings that resulted in the death of two young man, the city council appears to be prepared to defund the police by 50 . New york city announced that compared to last year, the month of june 2020s saw a 130 increase in shootings. 130 . One store owner there is suing Governor Andrew Cuomo after looting damage and says police were told to stand down. But dont worry. New york city mayor bill de blasio has banned all large gatherings in the city except for protests and riots of course. Take a look. What about protests . If people want to march down fifth avenue, are they going to be allowed to do so . This is always an area of real sensitivity. If youre just talking about health, we would say stay home if you can. But we understand in this moment in history, people are talking about the need for historic changes. Today new york city, you know, recognizing the power and the meaning of the message black lives matter which we did in front of trump tower today, this is a historic moment of change. We have to respect that but also say to people the kinds of gatherings we are used to, parades and fairs, we just cant have that while we are focusing on health right now. Jason joining is now is former mayor of new york city, Rudy Giuliani. Mr. Mayor, thank you so much for joining us. When you hear me or do bill de blasio say those things and take that position, h your mind . What runs through my mind is before this, i thought he was the worst mayor in the history of the city, now he will have written that like a headline. Just think of the contradiction. I mean, everybody else cant merge. We have to wear masks. We have to separate ourselves. But if you are protesting, you can stand together. You can spit in each others face, you can hug and squeeze and youre not going to get covid19. And their phony Political Party wants us to believe that this is based on science . Science . Its based on political phoniness. Also black lives matter, black lives matter is an organization run by three marxists and financed by a convicted terrorist who i happen to have convicted who got 58 years in jail and got a corrupt pardon from bill clinton. This is not a benign organization. I cant say yet that we can prove its a terrorist organization. Its certainly a violent organization, and i believe in the course of time it will be shown to be a terrorist organization. One of the primary persons, susan rosenberg, who handles their finances, is a convicted terrorist who was involved with the black panthers who used to Slaughter Police officers. If you read what shes written, shes not terribly far from where she used to be. If you read what those other women have written, that whites are horrible, whites are horrendous, whites shouldnt be allowed to have equal rights, they are a racist organization. They are actually participating in hate speech, and this man, because he went to cuba on his honeymoon and he fought for the sandinistas, i mean, this man, we always thought he was a communist but i think he wants to prove it to us. Jason mr. Mayor, new york city used to be a great place for families, for business. What you did with bernie kerik and others. I worked really hard. Jason yeah. The city is going back to the way it was. We have a democrat mayor. We could say the same thing about chicago or philadelphia, cant we . Chicago is the only city that now has more murders than us. Democrat mayor for 1,000 years, you know. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Jason is a just bill de blasio or what else is going on . Is it just the mayor taking these radical positions . No, hes got a city council that fell off the left cliff. And is totally insane. I mean, they pass bills that are ridiculous. The man released 8,000 people, prisoners. He and cuomo passed a bill that you basically can hold people you arrest in jail. The police are completely demoralized. Today he issued a block by block Crime Reduction program in which he didnt even talk to the Police Department and the Police Departments comments on it was no comment. So weve got a mayor who is alienated from the Police Department, not to mention for other reasons the governor hates him. And then hes putting black lives matter in front of the president s personal residence. The president he wants to go to help bail out new york. Among other things, not only as a communist but is a stupid one. And the man should be removed by the governor. He should have been removed sometime ago and i believe, there is no doubt that his incompetence has caused us many, many lives. His ridiculous decisions, his laziness. He doesnt come to work. Half hour, an hour, an hour and a half late for everything. A lot of suspicions as to why that nobody wants to talk about it. Jason well, mr. Mayor. This man, this man has in about five weeks destroyed 20 years of work of mine and Mike Bloomberg and ray kelly and bernie kerik and howard and bill. I mean, in two years when i was mayor, from the most dangerous city in america to the safest large city in america and we remained that way until this idiot came along. Jason well, mr. Mayor, the proof is in the numbers. June of 2020 represented over june of 2019 a 130 increase in shootings in new york city. And it doesnt need to be this way. Mr. Mayor, i wish i had more time with you. I thank you for joining us tonight on hannity. Up next, cnn was called out by former staffers including an ex producer slamming the network for a lack of selfawareness in the trump era. Joe concha, larry elder, and leo terrell will react. And then the president s call to reopen schools draws pushback from democratic governors. Stay with us. [ engines revving ] its amazing to see them in the wild like th shhh. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Can leave you holding your breath. But Bristol Myers squibb is working to change things. By researching new kinds of medicines that could help you live longer. Including options that are chemofree. Because were committed to bringing new hope into lung cancer care. Im szasz. Because were committed to bringing new hope [norm] and we live in columbia, missouri. We do consulting, but we also write. [szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; its important. We walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. Weve both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. After about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didnt notice before. Its still helping me. I still notice a difference. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Jason welcome back to this special edition of hannity. The left is proving to be more hateful and more divisive than ever before. When cancel culture running rampant throughout american society. For the most part you can avoid cancellation by bending to the liberal mob but if you dare to be a freethinker or worse, conservative, you have a target on your back. If you ask Green New Deal author and socialist sweetheart aoc, she doesnt even think the phenomenon exists. She tweeted yesterday its our youre not actually canceled. Youre just being challenged. Held accountable, or unlike. Yeah, right. Goya foods is certainly not on light. Their products are staples and kitchens across the country. But liberals will soon be throwing their beans out with the bathwater. The goya foods ceo sparked some liberals to call for a boycott after praising President Trump. Heres how he responded on fox friends earlier today. Im not apologizing for saying, especially the quote by the president of the united states. Youre going to say im busy. No thank you. I didnt say that the obamas and i didnt to President Trump. Jason good for him. President trump returned the praise in a tweet aboard air force run writing i love goya foods. It doesnt stop there. Cnns don lemon went so far as to lecture after terry crews on what he thinks the black lives Matter Movement really means. Listen to this. When you look at the city of chicago, there are nine children who died by gun violence, by black on black on violence, from june 20th all the way to today. Youre talking about even with the atlanta child murders, there were 28 kids who died in two years. Youre talking about a month. You have nine black kids. The black lives Matter Movement has said nothing. Speak of the black lives Matter Movement was started because it was talking about police brutal. If you want and all black lives Matter Movement that talks about gun violence in communities, including you know, black communities, then start that movement with that name. But thats not what black lives matter is about. Jason you be the judge on that clip, ladies and gentlemen. Lemons embarrassing showing even prompted a former cnn staffer to admit the network has taken a turn for the worst in the trump era. Joining me now with reaction, media reporter for the hill, joe concha. Salem radio nationally syndicated host larry elder. And civil rights attorney leo terrel. Gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us here. Joe, i want to start with you. You follow, study, right about the media every day. What was your take on that exchange that happened there with don lemon . Well, don lemon is everything that political journalism has mostly become, that is not to be a curious journalist, asking questions and trying to get to the truth. Instead, its using their platform to advance a cause or in this case, to be a fiftysomething president of the High School Debate team in defending black lives matter. So don lemon was actually asked about this in a podcast interview a couple days later, and heres what he had to say, jason. My role as a journalist is to speak for my truth and my lens and from where i come from. Remember, this is an anchor saying this. I dont think those things or biases. Those of the very definition of bias. Whose truth, mr. Lemon . Were we talking about here because your truth is subjective and therefore is something that is in fact based, its something that you are coming from a certain perspective. If you support black lives matter, is clearly don lemon does, then you therefore support defining the police. You look at many poles and most americans dont support that. Its not the truth. Its your opinion, and its an opinion not shared by Many Americans learn watching. Stephen its not supposedly an opinion show. Larry, i want to ask you. The americans i interact with from all sorts of races in all parts of the country, they are absolutely fat up and sickened with the idea that supposedly everything they do, like saying the pledge of allegiance, putting their hand over their heart during the pledge of allegiance when they see a building with a flag on it and the city says hey, take it down. They are kind of fed up with being told that everything they are doing is wrong. Just when they are doing things that are patriotic. Consider who don lemon works for. He works were seen whose president and ceo, jeff zucker, is on a project veritas tape conducting is 9 00 meetings literally telling people to ignore news as important and focus on russia collusion, russia collusion, russia collusion. They even got staffers at cnn complaining the jeff zucker tells us what to say to the exclusion of other things they think are important and this is an organization back in 1997, 23 years ago, asked whether grace was a major problem in america. They said yes. 89 of black teams said racism was either no problem or little problem in my daily life. More black teams than white teams had failure to take advantage of available opportunities is a bigger problem than racism. That was a poll in 1997 that they conveniently ignored. Jason leo, ive only spoken with you on television ive got to tell you ive got the greatest respect for you. Do you know why . I disagree with you on a lot of stuff but you call falls instructional you see them. Are you telling name that you think the average american, the person who is patriotic and pays her taxes and goes to work and works hard for the kids and family, can they even relate to what the democrats are talking about with this cancel culture . [laughs] let me tell you this, the answer is no. Let me give you an example. I want to go back to the goya food situation. The democratic playbook is outdated and old. They think people of color and minorities are automatic democrats. What you saw with goya foods in the hispanic community, trump might get 50 to 60 of the hispanic vote. Don lemon and the situation with that happened the other day, his personal opinion, as joe was mentioning, don lemon doesnt have any working knowledge to give an opinion. He basically ignited black lives matter. Its not a civil rights organization. Its not an organization that helps people. Its an organization thats destructive. What the democrats dont realize is people of color are no longer loyal to the democrats. They want the freedom, the independence, the Self Determination which is afforded in the republican party. Thats where the democrats are going to lose in november. Minorities are going to go republican. Jason yeah, you know what, democrats i think of taking them for granted for so long. And conservatives need to speak from their heart. They shouldnt give up at all on the compassion card. Show them what they believe in a talk from their heart. We throw stats of people all the time is republicans. Talk from your heart and asked blaine why you love this country and i think republicans will sweep up come november. Gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us. I wish i had more time with all three of you but thank you for joining us. All right, coming up, the left seems to want schools closed indefinitely. But President Trump is pushing for a fall reopening. Well bring you the very latest straight ahead is this special edition of hannity continues. announcer now more than ever, its important to lose weight, improve your health, and strengthen your immunity. Starvation dieting, processed foods, shakes, and diet gimmicks have made us heavier and sicker. 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We hope that most schools are going to be open and we dont want people to make political statements or do it for political reasons. They think its going to be good for them politically so they keep the schools closed. No way. We are very much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools. To get them open. And its very important. Its very important for our country. Its very important for the wellbeing of the student and the parents, so we are going to be putting a lot of pressure on open your schools in the fall. Jason of course hes already receiving some resistance from liberal governors like ensley and witmer. Today the wall street journal reported a new daily record spike in covid19 cases but there is good news. A German Biotech Firm is working on a vaccine that may be ready for approval by december. And the antiviral drug remdesivir is receiving encouraging results on covid19 patients. And if you look at your screen right now, President Trump is returning to the white house after a trip to washington to washington. Joining us now with reaction is fox news medical contributor dr. Janette nesheiwat. Fox news contributor rachel camposduffy, and former Florida Attorney general pam bondi. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. We look at this picture here, that being marine one. President trump is returning to washington after a trip to florida. A trip to washington. Hes coming back from florida. 9 40 on the east coast. I would love seeing that marine come down, this marine pilot in the way they do business. Rain, snow, whatever it is, they do an amazing job. The president returning back to washington, d. C. We like to see him there and being safe as we watch the president exit here. We are going to talk over these pictures here and get onto the discussion about the students and going back to school. Dr. Come i want to ask you about this because there is obviously a medical concern but theres also so many other factors like the Mental Health of the students and they really are in the lowest category of risk, right . Yeah, youre absolutely right, jason. Due to the severity of covid19 and children, its extremely low. The mortality rate under the age of 10 is less than 1 and when a child is growing and their brain is developing, they require social engagement. They require routine and have it, they require an education. Its incontrovertible. So if you have a plan and a protocol in place, safe plan, then you can open. Little steps that you can take. Ensure that the children have temperatures checks. Space out desks. Maybe start out with class every other day. With a protocol and plan on following cdc guidelines, it can be done. Its puzzling to me to see sort of a cognitive dissonance that exists when it shouldnt when it comes to the best interests of our students, of our children. Really need to put them first and look out for their best interests knowing the fact, knowing the science and the data they are less impacted compared to older populations. Jason so the president is now back in the white house. I want to go to rachel camposduffy. Youve got a wonderful, beautiful family. Ive had the pleasure of interacting with them. He left pictureperfect kids. Its amazing. But they need to go back to school, right . Yeah, they absolutely do. Youre right, the doctor is correct. Children need to get back to school. Children are also part of the family and families cant work right now. Millions of families are being thrust into poverty if they cant get back to work because their kids cant go to school. Somebody has to stay home with them. Thats not just going to affect the child. Its going to affect the family. Its going to affect our economy. You really can devise a better plan to destroy this country, to thwart our economy from growing and coming back from the terrible virus, then keeping kids home from school. As the doctor said, we know its manageable. We know children are low risk. They are not superspreaders, as we once thought at the beginning of this virus. Its manageable if there is an outbreak we are smart people, we can go back. We can say were going to stay home for a couple weeks. But to start doing this, its very clear to me that its not teachers who are good. Its teachers unions filled with activists with a vested interest in seeing joe biden win and i believe they are doing this, they are pushing for closure of schools for political purposes. For those people who might say, jason, hey, teachers unions care about kids. These are the same people who tried to stop, you know, School Choice and poor kids from going to better schools. So spare me that comment. Jason yeah. Pam, i saw something online that made me laugh and giggle for a moment and that is only donald trump could get liberals to insist on homeschooling. These people, no matter what donald trump says, they want to go the opposite direction. But the president passionately wants to do this. A president has to make tough decisions, weighing all the factors from medical to the economy to the family. He doesnt just as the doctor said, he cares about getting our kids back to school safely. So does secretary devos. I spoke to her yesterday. Thats what matters. We have joe biden who wants open borders and closed schools. Then move got these liberal governors that you mention, governor inslee in Washington State who let seattle be overrun by these leftwing liberals. Then youve got Governor Whitmer in michigan who wouldnt even let people go buy gardening tools during the covid crisis. So i wouldnt trust either of them to decide when our kids to go back to school. By the way, joe biden wants to do away with charter schools. President trump believes every child regardless of income, race or zip code, deserves the best education possible. Jason doctor, i guess what i dont understand and ive heard others in my Neighborhood Talk about this. For the most vulnerable, the older population that has other conditions, other extenuating circumstances, why not do everything we can to lock that down and make sure they dont get exposed to the virus. But for these younger generations, why do we have to treat them the same way we treat somebody whos 85 years old in the nursing home . I dont understand that. Yeah, youre exactly right. The phase three openings in the phases, not until phase three that the older population of those with underlying comorbidity should engage in the community. So youre absolutely right. Lets focus on those most vulnerable groups, those who have Heart Disease and Kidney Disease or lung disease or obesity or diabetes. But we still have to ensure that our younger population are adhering to the cdc guidelines of physical distancing, wear a mask if you cant physical distance. Keep your hands washed and clean. Try to avoid large crowds, especially if theres an area of an outbreak. Taking these simple measures, common steps common sense steps to help protect everyone. But youre absolutely right. Lets focus on the most vulnerable population. Jason yeah, be a good neighbor. Be a good citizen. Wear a mask if youre going into public. You can wash her hands and you can socially distance, america. You can do that. Its not overreaching in government shouldnt be forcing you to do that but you can do it. Youre going to help america. Youre going to help your neighbor feel more comfortable and i think help yourself too. Ladies, thank you so much for joining us. Wish i had more time that weve got to keep going because coming up, Big Development in the quest for justice against deep state abuse. 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John solomon reports the case only strengthens john durhams probe into fbi misconduct but this comes amid growing frustration over the lack of progress into the probe. Joining us now with their reaction is fox news legal analyst and author of one of the best books on the topic the russian hoax. Gregg jarrett. Attorney Emily Compagno and Fox News Contributor john solomon. Thank you all three of you for joining us. Greg, i want to get right to you. I think was widely anticipated the president would either commute the sentence a roger stone or do something in this case. Whats your reaction now that the president has done this . Commuting means he doesnt absolve roger stone of convictions but he simply eliminates the 40 month prison sentence. He did it for a couple of reasons. Compassionate, 67yearold man not in the best of health. About to go to prison on tuesday. The prison system thats struggling to stop the spread of covid19 virus especially virulent older americans. Most of all i think the president really felt as though this is not a fair trial in the district of columbia. Frankly, good luck if youre a friend of donald trump trying to get a fair trial there where in the last election more than 90 of the people voted in favor of Hillary Clinton. 4 for donald trump. It was underscored by the bias of the jury foreperson which emerged after the trial. She was virulently antitrump, communicating social media posts, accusing trump and his supporters like roger stone of being racist. She had a powerful ability to influence and induce the entire jury to have a conviction against roger stone. The judge should have granted a new trial but said gee, its your lawyers fault they should have discovered the bias. Its an admission that there was bias. Did not get a fair trial. Jason Emily Compagno perspective, do you think the president made the right decision . I think so. Heres why. To echo what gregg said, its not a pardon. Its a commutation. Whats the difference between this and the 8,000 scheduled prisoners to be released in california next week . Whats the difference between this and the 16,000 release within four weeks of the National Declaration of emergency after the covid outbreak . This is a 67yearold man in the facility that he was headed to in georgia just released report of 20 covid positive inmates up from 0. Remember that the doj oppose this stay that his returnees had a question. In terms of a vulnerable inmate, whats the difference between this and the inmates that the left is crying out for being released. Adam schiff said theres a different criminal Justice System clearly for the the president s friends. If you look at it under the eyes of a simple inmate in a commuted sentence maintaining and waiting for his appeal, there is no difference. Final point, the white house articulation of why the president was undergoing this commutation in addition to the point that gregg raised, they also cited as it became clear that the special counsel, that the investigation would not bear fruit, they resorted to measures essentially to give the appearance of criminality lurking below the surface. They resorted to process crimes. Highprofile individuals. Its so important in the narrative that was pushed here. Jason thank you. John, i want to get to you really quickly. Very short amount of time. Give us the latest on whats happening with this dossier, Christopher Steele. Listen, if john durham needs any more evidence that the fbi willfully, knowingly and substantially deceive the fisa court, it came out of london this week. We discovered on first meeting Christopher Steele had with the fbi were handed over his dossier, he took notes and guess what he told them. Hillary clinton was my ultimate client. The fbi never told us. The fisa court. Its a great example of the sort of fraud that went on in this case early on and its amazing it had to come out of london, not out of washington. Jason thanks for being on it and we appreciate it. More hannity after the break. Dont go away. Show more skin. So roll up those sleeves. And help heal your skin from within with dupixent. Dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderatetosevere eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. Dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. Many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. Dont use if youre allergic to dupixent. Serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. If you take asthma medicines, dont change or stop them without talking to your doctor. 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Laura im Laura Ingraham and this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight, or your food, a true hispanicamerican Success Story and one of the most Charitable Companies in the country. But because co stood sidebyside with President Trump yesterday, some vicious and powerful voices on the left are calling for a boycott naturally. Goya Ceo Robert Unanue is here and why he wont back down, but first, the madness of voting against yourself. That is the focus of tonights angle. Some americans may be thinking

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