Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20200226 :

FOXNEWSW Hannity February 26, 2020

Nasty, bareknuckle brawl political my fight. Was another schiff show. And yeah, farmer bloomberg admitting, i bought the house of representatives for pelosi. Great move. Braking mode to go, big news for republicans. Eight elected officials in mississippi have announced they are switching from democrats and independents to theub republican party. The mississippi g. O. P. Expects to have more announcements following soon. Also breaking tonight, more good news, look at this, in the state of kentucky, special election, republican just won a state House District that has been in democratic control since the 1980s. This a preview of coming attractions. Major news, potential barometer for things toma come. Full election analysis is only moments away tonight, but we do start with bolshevik Bernie Sanders, who just cant seem to help himself. Now the democratic frontrunner is doubling down on his effusive praise of communism. Sure, castro murdered tens of thousands of his own citizenss and locked up political dissidents, confiscated private property, outlawed all freedoms and induced widespread starvation and poverty, but according to bolshevik bernie, Fidel Castros Literacy Program made it all wort worth it, whics why hundreds of thousands of cubans, lets see, risked their lives in broken down, rickety, dilapidated boats and shark infested waters and intertubes in the hopes of getting here, thankfully, many did. Take a look. A lot of folks in cuba at that point were illiterate, and he formed a literacy brigade you may read that. They wenthe out and helped peope learn to read and write. You know what . I think teaching people to read and write is a good thing. I have been extremely consistent and critical of all authoritarian regimes all over the world, including cuba, including nicaragua, including saudi arabia, including china, including russia. Sean this is not a second straight day bolshevik bernie has gone out of his way praising castros communistst dictatorsh. My tires off. There we go. Perfect. Anyway, and for what . A propaganda Field Education program masquerading as a literacy flask platform . Either bolshevik bernie is stupid or he thinks we the people are incredibly student. His radical brand of soviet style socialism i is about one thing and one thing only that is government control and takeover of every aspect of our lives. Now, and every socialist hellhole, from venezuela to cuba to the ussr, his honeymoon place, the process of the same edit stretch of the nationalization of major industry and promises, oh, the government is going to give everyone everything for free. We are going to take care of everything for you. Thats what the new green deal is all about. That is on medicare for all is all about. And bolshevik bernie isal literally plotting a government takeover of two of americas largest industries, and make no mistake, this could easily cost over 100 trillion in the next tenn years. But dont worry, bernie has a plan to cover the cost and you are all going to pay for it. Today, he actually rolled out nine, thats right, nine, brandnew tax hikes for all of you to enjoy. And by the way, heres with the Fake News Media will ignore. No to start, anybody that makes 29,000 a year is going to get slapped w with a 4 tax increas. Up next, employers will get hit with an additional 7. 5 payroll tax. By the way, they will pass that on to become of the consumers. High income earners are not going to get taxed a top federal rate of 52 . That is a 15 hike there. Capital gains, that will go through the roof. By the way, the death tax, you pay taxes, and they steal more money with his wealth tax, and when you t die, they are going o 77 , the top rate. Wow, they tax you again, you have to pay to die in america. The Corporate Income tax rate will go up to 35 , a 14point increase. A new cap and itemized Tax Deductions will be imposed. Of the oil and gas industry will be hit with a 3 trillion tax increase. Wonder what theyre going to do with the price of oil and gas . I guess we are going to pay that, too. Last but not least, large corporations of bernies choosing will get hit with a brandnew to trillion dollar tax. Now,l that will be a recipe for economic disaster. Because corporations are not stupid. They are going to lead this country and take their business elsewhere, as will billionaires and millionaires. They are not going to give their wealth over to Bernie Sanders and his bolshevik revolution. By the way, it still doesnt quite account for the trillions in new spending. And laughably, now, bolshevik Bernies Campaign is claiming his insane programs will magically create 20 million you do jobs. He was saying the other night we will lose jobs under his plan. Plan by the way, he is also claiming it will save the government trillions of dollars and that will make the funding. I know he is old so he may not have a calculator yet. Maybe somebody can update his abacus and give poor bernie in new calculator. May be buy him an iphone or something, because his math wont ever add up. Tonight, i do have to hand it to bernie, from his unyielding praise of communism, bragging about oppressive new taxes, we well, slightly more honest than his opponents. Medicare for all, green new deal, lateterm abortions, elimination of the second amendment, open borders, Free Health Care for illegal immigrants. Oh, not only have sanctuary cities what a sanctuary country. They all pretty much want the same thing. All of these democrats, they are all radical, extreme socialists. Bolshevik bernies raw candor about the radical Democratic Partyshe platform is making them a little nervous. Just dont tell everybody this is what we think. They know the American People wont buyth it, so not figuratively, well, they are speaking out against burning. Take a look. Y youve had six National Elections with democrats since 1992 that have won back the majority. Why would you take that playbook that has succeeded not once, six times, throw it out, and try something not center left, but just left. It makes no sense. Speak of these positions will be caricatured by trump, and i think a lot of democrats are saying is that a Bernie Sanderso nomination puts the house at risk. Ri it sounds pretty crazy. What i listen to on 60 minute 60 minutes, he was right off has there been a communist regime that Bernie Sanders visited that he didnt find something appealing . There is nothing groovy about a dictatorship theres nothing good. Sean now these radical, unapologetic, socialist views are not the only concern inside the Democratic Party. Now we are seeing a tax about his gross, disturbing articles in the case of bolshevik bernie from the 70s. This includes what we showed you last night where bernie openly fantasizing about a gang rape in a piece he wrote for an alternative newspaper. Tonight, we have uncovered another article to show you. Viewer warning, it is just as sick and creepy is what we told you about last night. L this piece, 1969, sanders writingf if children go around naked, well, they are liable to see each others sexual organs and maybe even touch them. A terrible thing. We raise children up like this so we will probably ruin the whole pornography business. His words, not mine. He is an adult man, and he wrote that . Something wrong with this guy. Like a creepy joke or mike bloomberg, who today, by the way, the surprise of fake news cnn, they highlighted bernies bizarre writings. Lets take a look. Bernie has all of this loopy stuff in his background, saying things like women get cancer from having too many orgasms or toddlers should run around naked and touch each others genitals. Why has this not been more surface . He has written about womens rape fantasies. That is the loony side of bernie. Sean does bloomberg care about any of this . Probably not, but they are happy to deflect from what was probably the worst debate performance in american political history. By the way, c he came in with prepared lines and they fell flat tonight. And by the way, i bought congress. I paid and bought congress. Wow, okay. And what about ethics, and what about, lets see, oh, thats not thing to do . Thats okay . Just buy it . Wants to recover from newly uncovered audio from 2016 where the former mayor was more thanl happy to trash barack obama. How is this going to go over and the democratic primary . Especially when you add it to, we only through minority kids up against the wall, you know, you xerox a copy, the same m. O. , minorities 16 to 25, that is ready for all the cops because that is where the crime is, all minority neighborhoods. Listen to the latest one. I wrote an endorsement of obama, hadnt been good at things that i could report, and romney would be a better person doing that, but romney did not stick with the values that he had when he was governor of massachusetts. Sean buckled up. Why . The chaos in the Democratic Party is now descending into what is a nasty, political civil war, the likes of which we may have never seen before. Joining us now, florida senator marco rubio. You know, senator, i look at for example i know there are a lot of cubanamericans. Gotten to know many ofam them. I i will tell you, its an amazg story, i have a very good friend of mine that passed away, his family land was stolen. His neighbors land was stolen when castro came to power. Many of his friends and neighbors were murdered o by castro and his thugs. He barely made it out alive. Hundreds of thousands of people getting broken down, dilapidated, rickety boats, shark infested waters are getting an inner tube with a paddle to get away from cuba. And this guy iss telling us how great castro is . And how great the ussr was . Well, i think he has gottensr away with for years saying he is a socialist. He is actually not a socialist, he is a marxist. This is marxism, and marxism is based on the belief that no person is any value as an individual. That your value is that you are a member of a class. Second, marxism is based on the belief that an employer and an employee, a worker and an owner, cant both help each other and both be better off. The worker gets paid, the employer makes a profit on the capital invested. But his ideas are marxist ideas, and marxism always leads to authoritarianism and dictatorship, eventually. It does everywhere in the world its been tried, and as you point out, and my home state of florida, we have hundreds of thousands of people who have come to this country fleeing some of the very same policies that we are now seeing advocated on a p debate stage in one of or two Major Political parties. Bernie sanders is the likely democratic nominee, and he is a marxist, and these are marxist ideas that need to be called for what they are. Sean okay, 252 days outside of what i think is a defining moment in american politics. Nursing a more radical group of people than these democrats and these ideas and pretty much nationalizing everything. Or you could take the Bloomberg Health care, which is if you are 95, go home. See your family. We are knuckling to pay for your health care. Go home and i. He is on tape saying that. You got is radical group of democrats. Something is happening orpr President Trump, especially the last 10 or 12 polls, africanamericans, hispanicamericans, there is a transformation, doubling, tripling, quadrupling event, the amount of support he got in 2016. Do you see that happening . T and what does that mean if its real . I think part of it, frankly, is just how off the rails the Democratic Party has become. As look, they all will say Bernie Sanders in particular we believe in private industry and they like to compare themselves to nordic countries. Number one, nordic countries are not socialist. I used to buy into that. We look at it carefully, its not h true. Their free enterprise. The average Corporate Tax rate in an nordic countries around 21 . They dont have a minimum wage. Sweden, they have Universal School choice for everybody. They have a big welfare state, but and they have high taxes but they are not socialist countries. What theyre talking what is nationalizing health care. Thats 20 over 20 of our economy. Nationalizing energy through the green new deal. Thats another significant percentage. They talk about th controlli you would nationalize 60 of your economy. Sean the u. S. As we know it, which is creating a standard of living and advance the human condition more than any single country under capitalism and the entire world and the creation of man, we would literally default under these plans. But thank you for being with us, senator. Good to see you. Tonight, i want you to listen closely. If you do care about constitutional governments, if you care about the rule of law, equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws, youve got to pay attention. We have a case, extradition case, going on in london as we speak. Wikileaks founder Julian Sanchez facing extradition to the u. S. , indicted on 18 violations of the espionage act for publishing classifiedal material. Lets see, has anyone ever read the pentagon papers, by the way . Might want to read that. By the way, you know that is the case with the Supreme Court ruled journalists have the right to publish leaked, classified material from the vietnam war . Thats a landmark case. Put aside whatever the legal issues are here for a second, and discuss the irony of these charges. Julie and a staunch, what they are now saying they want to bring him to this w country for would be facing the espionage ar publishing otherwise secret may say, russia. He denied it when i interviewed him. But Hillary Clintons secret server, lets see, thats top secret, classified informationie on it, a clear violation of the espionage act. Where are those charges . Now, also, what are they talking about . Clinton faced a zero charges for, lets see, funneling money, through a law firm, to hire an op Research Firm to hire a foreign spy and paying for russian dirt on donald trump. She paid for russian disinformation, or as the New York Times now recognizes, a little late, it was russian disinformation right from the start. And Hillary Clinton literally colluded with a foreign government. Okay. Why isnt she being held accountable . She paid for russian lies. By the way, in my interview with assange in january, put it up on my twitter account if you want to watch the whole interview, january 2017, i asked him six separate times, and he denies ever getting anything from russia. Okay, maybe you agree or disagree. Which, even if he did, at leastk he didnt have to pay for it like Hillary Clinton. That would be on equal justice under the law. If you are going to say, oh, with to bring this guy here, why isnt she arrested for the espionage act . Why isnt she arrested for paying for russian lies . Now is undisputed, it is clear, there is a paper trail. We know the dossier author Christopher Steele on record testifying about that dirty dossier, even saying he has no it is true. Clear evidence that two far left tax pretending to be journalist, david corn, michael isikoff, conspiracy theorist leaked the dossier information. Why . To help the democrats rigged the election with her russian bought and paid for lies. When i interviewed a Julian Assange, ask him over and over again about his sources. He consistently denied working with russia or any other state actor. But we knoww hillary paid for i. Take a look. Did russia give you disinformation or anybody associated with russia . It is not a state party, so the answer for our interactions is no. Wikileaks was working with the russian government to influence the election. Is that true in any way, shape, manner, or form . Absolutely false. Can you tell the American People 1000 you do not get it from russia or anybody associated with russia . We can say, we have said repeatedly, over the last two months, that our source is not the russian government, and it is not state parties. Sean okay. There are some agencies in this country that disagree with Julian Assange. That is separate and apart, by the way, from the fact that Hillary Clinton paid for russian lies to influence the election. How come shes not being arrested . How come shes not having charges brought up on her . This is a lack of equal justice law. The the question remains, okay, Julian Assange is aggressively targeting for publishing material, where are the charges for Hillary Clinton, who paid for russian lies and colluded with russia and paid for the russian lies and used it in the 2016 campaign . This is just one part of our dualal system of justice in this country. You want to talk about more unequal justice . All right, lets look at the sixth amendment. That was the one that guarantees in all criminal prosecutions, the accusedd shall enjoy the right to a trial by an impartial jury. Mean anything to you . Because it apparentlyyo Means Nothing to federal judge amy berman jackson, who presided over the case againstre roger stone r and the manafort case. In a recent decision, the judge went on an antitrunk grant. The obama pointed judge even pushed an unrelated conspiracy theory, roger stone was covering up for President Trump. He wasnt part of the trump campaign. And thats not all. She also claimed that stones jurors served with integrity. Is a big problem with that lie because the jury foreperson outed herself on social media as a compromised antitrump and i roger stone activist, referring to President

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