Interest for us it would be to be to elect to this radical group of extremists. The bottom line is this. Here we go again. This is witch hunts 2. 0. Ukraine. Okay. But on Human Growth Hormone and steroids. Its a new process again, rampant hypocrisy again, while his greasy there is again and all led by a corrupt and compromise, a coward and congenital liar. His name is adam schiff. He has been hellbent on smearing this president now for three long years and no matter what lie he has to tell, he will tell it. No matter how corrupt, no matter what lacking of due process, hes going to let it all happen. Let not your hearts be troubled, he has lied to this country for three straight years. We know how this is going to play out in the end and that is in three to 58 days, that you, we come of the American People, we ultimately get to decide how this ends and former democratic mayor of San Francisco, he actually sums it up pretty nicely, willie brown, writing, democrats who spent the next few parcels were acting out of her johns cliffhanger into which everyone knows the script and the ending and come next year, trump will have an impeachment victory quite possibly, likely, i would say, solid economy, the democrats will have what . Absolutely nothing. Would look at what senator Lindsey Graham said. Impeachment in the senate will be dead on arrival. Watch this. Its impossible to bring this case forward. Without us knowing that the whistleblower is and having a chance to crossexamine them without any vices they may have. If they dont call the whistleblower in the house, this thing is dead on arrival in the senate. Sean the kin group corrupt, congenital liar, schiff show trial, this is one big huge scam, hypocrisy on a level that is breathtaking. Here is why. There is no due process. They tried to theres no due process whatsoever because every single piece of evidence, every rule, every witness, called in this whole procedure, every question asked, is the description of that guy, that big liar, the congenital liar, which is the exact opposite of what Newt Gingrich gave bill clinton in 1998. Adam schiff, the congenital liar, and he alone, will have the power to deny any request from the president and attorneys and wrecking members of the republicans were on the committee, they have no real power, they have no real say. This is really a corrupt circus. This is beyond a show trial, beyond the kangaroo court. G6 can deny any witness the opportunity to testify. He can prevent any piece of evidence from being presented read remember how he lied about having all of the evidence, all of this time about trump, russia collusion . He lied about Robert Muellers findings, he lied about the president s phone call with ukraine, even fabricating the entire transcript, and then he lied about his involvement with the hearsay come in whistleblower whistleblower and despite schiff denying having any contact with this individual, well, we learned that in fact, his office had been closely advising the whistleblower before even filing the complaint which brings us to our second point and that is that man running the show trial starting tomorrow publicly is totally compromised. He is a material witness in this charade. Casey is now appointed himself judge jury and executioner vetted schiff, radical extreme socialist base, and the mob the media, none of them are impartial actors that really care about truth and justice. Just the opposite. This is and has been for the getgo, a political hit job and we know this because they had been planning this before the president was even sworn in. Take a look at this. If he takes the risk of going to try, he is convicted, that could be seen as an impeachable offense. Maybe with one of his children, there was at least a chance he would be impeached. There are tools that congress has. I dont see how that wouldnt be impeachable. Impeachable offense. Impeachable offense. Grounds for impeachment. Impeachable. Impeachable offense. All that may be impeachable. Impeachable offense. Impeachment. Impeachment. Grounds for impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachable offense. We are going to go in there and we are going to impeachable. If thats on impeachable, i dont know what his prints because the president be removed from office. Impeachable. 100 is impeachable. Guilty of high crime and misdemeanors. Grounds for impeachment. Talk of impeachment paid none of us came to congress to impeach a president but now we have to do our duty. Sean after the russia hoax, Conspiracy Theory lies real in their face, four separate investigations come at the eye, nothing, house intel, nothing, Bipartisan Senate committee, nothing, mueller, nothing, all right, we wont waste three more years, we go to a backup plan involving President Trump and haydens phone call with ukraine. There were eight examples of quid pro quos. Thats a lie too and you know what, it just shows where their mind is set and where its at at this time. While the public involved in this, we got the transcript of the president s call. No quid pro quo, no misconduct whatsoever, just on the other hand, the president doing his job, faithfully executing the laws of this land and the current front of the democratic party, that would be sleepy creepy crazy uncle joe biden, he is on tape, just like the only russian interference was hillarys bought and paid for dossier, the only quid pro quo is joe biden on tape bragging about shaking down the very same country of ukraine with a real billiondollar tax money, we saw it on tape. Hes bragging, the country of ukraine, you have six hours to fire your top prosecutor, well, what he was told was investigating his hero, zero, non, experienced son, who is paid millions, fire the prosecutor at six hours, you get a billion. Dont fire the prosecutor, you dont get a billion. Well, son of a they fired him and at the very same time, the very same prosecutor, yeah, we now know he was investigating his son, hunter, zero experienced hunter, along with Hunters Company come in ukrainian and gas giant, burisma holdings. No experience hunter, no experience in oil, gas, energy, or in ukraine, so now, why would somebody with no experience be paid millions and millions of dollars by a company in ukraine when his father is the Vice President in charge of the Obama Administration policies in ukraine . Great question. According to a brandnew report from the New York Times, even bidens old age and concern about hundreds ukrainian business dealings, they were so worried about the objects that they listed state Department Officials to gather facts to determine how to handle the story so lets recap. Youve got a congenital, compromise, back quickness liar, leading this circus so trial against a duly elected president s of the United States that he personally has been trying to get rid of for three years, lying about for three years, hes offering no new process, all while the president s political opponent is on camera bragging about the very thing that we are all supposed to be upset about and the exact same country for which President Trump is wrongfully accused. You cant make this up. Read the transcript. President trump was rightly performing his constitutional sworn duty. Thats right. He is sworn to uphold the laws of this land. By the way, we have an agreement with ukraine in terms of cooperation on criminal matters and election interference because ukraine, we know, have been abated by the way, when did we start going about Foreign Countries interfering in our elections . His name interference detailed by politico, january 11, 2017, detailed how a real dnc operative working with the Ukrainian Embassy trying to dig up dirt to smeared donald trump and his associates, bolstering the Clinton Campaign, actually happened. By the way, that was a Court Decision on ukraine that actually upheld that court story as well. The real delusion, just like the real clinton bought and paid for russian dossier, the really russian interference, and i we see ukraine interference to help hillary. For good measure, President Trump is planning now to release the transcript of another call with ukraine which i think is a great idea and should be a new standard for this time to demand that all is joe bidens transcripts, of all of his phone calls with ukraine, he made public. I think what we are at it, i would like to see president obamas transcripts with the country of russia and Vladimir Putin after he promised to have more flexibility after my election. It was also see the trends goes perhaps from obamas conversations with iranian leaders and the lead up to him giving that hate america iran 150 billion of our cash and other currency. After all, we have to make sure there is no quid pro quos. Its right now its time for republicans to get tough. Senator republicans need to pay attention. We all know schiff is going to beat up pretty much any and all witnesses that will hamper his narrative, his hoax, his witch hunts, in the house. Republicans of the power in the senate, that means you have the power to subpoena people. There are witnesses that need to be subpoenaed immediately and i would start with the nonwhistleblower whistleblower who is complaining totally on hearsay. We know he was close to joe biden. We know hes a democratic activist. We know he had contact with schiffs office before he filed a complaint. Now he needs to answer some important questions. Where did you get your information, did schiffs office help write the complaint, did they advise you to get an attorney, go to the inspector general, what are your ties to john brennan . Your former boss, what was the nature of your relationship with joe biden in this campaign, did you collude with anybody in schiffs office . By the way, we should also bring in adam schiff and his office. He should have to answer questions and by the way, members of his staff, by the way, they dont have privilege paid staff to show up. They can be subpoenaed and they can all be put under oath in the u. S. Senate. They need to answer for their involvement with the sony whistleblower. Its also time to put hunter biden under oath. Did he speak with his father about his ukrainian business deals . Their statements we already know and it pointed out are in conflict with each other. When on the New York Times tipped off joe biden and then his son was being investigated by the prosecutor in ukraine. That would mean joe, well, he come too, should be subpoenaed, like adam schiff and hunter biden should be subpoenaed like the whistleblower should be subpoenaed. By the way, what it hunter say to his father . Question what did he ask for favors gross margin hunter biden know that paris smoke was paying him billions for no experience and was in fact using his name to get the Obama State Department to do favors for schiff holdings . The next president would need to go under oath is former Vice President , yes, joe biden himself. He should be subpoenaed. What did he really know and when he did he know that his son was being investigated, how many people warn his son was being investigated, what was he aware that the ukrainian prosecutor that he got fired was investigating his son and how many times was he told his son was in fact investigated . What role did his son play in u. S. Policy in ukraine, if any . Next, hunters business partner, devin archer, what did he say tt burisma . Also nellie ohr needs to be forced to testify under oath in the u. S. Senate. She worked for fusion gps. Along with christopher steele, her husband, fourth ranking highest number of the doj, russian misinformation throughout the highest levels of government, what did she get from ukraine . Also we need to bring in former dnc contractor, operative, alexander truly love. Remember politico in january 2017 detailed her efforts to meet with ukrainians in the Ukrainian Embassy. Did she collude on behalf of the dnc and hurley clinton . Did they actually get dirt from ukraine . Did she enlist the efforts of this Foreign Government on Hillary Clintons behalf who awarded her to do it . Also, investor volker must be called to answer questions under oath as well. Did he have any direct evidence of aids ukraine being tied to a Political Campaign . Was the eight actually delivered . Do you think corruption in ukraine is a legitimate concern for a president of the United States . Everything that you witnessed this week is all about the upcoming election. The Senate Republicans have the power to bring in all of these people and they should issue the subpoenas. Theyve got to reject House Democrats that are corrupt, hypocritical, abusing their power, dividing the country, and really they need to get to the truth in the senate. The truth about the fake whistleblower who clearly had a political agenda, the truth about the compromised corrupt adam schiff, the truth about quid pro quo joe, its time to expose this witch hunt for what it is. We will have more of my monologue is just a minute, including an important preview of the upcoming fisa abuse report. We expect that one week from today good for us, joining us now with more on the democratic witch hunt, fox news chief national correspondent, ed henry. Add, what you got . Because it is you. Think about it. You just play that clip of a bunch of democrats calling for impeachment years before the televised hearings start this week. We look back, watergate, those televised hearings for 14 months before the House Judiciary Committee even voted on particles of impeachment. That means there was a thorough investigation, not a russian judgment, where and how you see democrats talking about the public unions, starting this week, and voting on articles of impeachment by perhaps christmas. So weeks, not 14 months, before they move forward on this. As for the question of bipartisanship, one republican devin nunes proposed those witnesses they mention it, i interviewed him over the weekend, hes of the whistleblower, for example, would be material to how this whole investigation started. It was a medially dismissed by democrat adam schiff good hunter biden to come you talked about him, also dismissed by burisma when in fact, the phone call the President Trump with ukrainian counterpart, was all talked about in ukraine. We do not have direct evidence of corruption tied to them but remember, as you noted, joe biden, as Vice President , was overseeing all ukrainian policy while his son was making over 80,000 per month from burisma, that Energy Company you mention, and one of shifts own impeachment witnesses, we will hear from this week in public, career diplomat, george can come already testified under oath that in 2015, he went to the Vice President s office and said this was a big conflict of interest, hunter biden was making all of his money from the accounting company, while his father was overseeing the poli policy. Currently, republican senators Chuck Grassley and ron johnson are demanding documents from the state department that they believe will show burisma was using ties hunter biden to get meetings at the Obama Biden State Department to lobby on marie smiths behalf as you suggested a moment ago so the bottom line is, you are not going to see adam schiff of these impeachment hearings digging into hunter biden and burisma but you have republicans who run the senate talking about starting their own investigations whether its grassley and ron johnson or maybe even Lindsey Graham as chairman of the of the Senate Judiciary committee. Sean its amazing. Its like boomer a number trickle. Amazing how it works out. By the way, nice haircut pretty good to see you. Thank you. If we have been asking for months, we are now told, i told you last week, my patience are pretty much shot and freda but hopefully it will pay off for the long delayed horwitz fisa abuse support we are now hearing could be as early as one week from today where they are telling me, my sources, the in other words, preventative front against the pfizer cord and sculpture evidence purposely withheld, circular reporting deceptively bolstered their warrants and the wise and pfizer, unverified socalled evidence that they put in there, the bulk of evidence they present to the pfizer cord, material showing that james comeys fbi knew that still dirty dossier was never verified and it was unverifiable garbage but they used it anyway and according to a brandnew report from sara carter tonight, criminal referrals, she believes, are likely. Joining is now with the details, fox news contributor, sara carter. We were told we were going to get this back in may from the attorney general good why so long . Its been a long time coming. The main reason is theres been Ongoing Investigation while horwitz was inducting his report and its believe that evidence he stumbled on lead attorney general william barr basically to appoint john durham, the prosecutor from connecticut, to continue the investigation and expand the investigation and now we know its a criminal investigation and that durham conducting his own separate investigation canal panel grand jury. He can subpoena witnesses. This is very important and very significant because of the same time that ig michael horowitz, behind the scenes, was conducting his own investigation since the beginning of the fbi probe into President Trump, now