Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20190806 :

FOXNEWSW Hannity August 6, 2019

Past weekend. In el paso, texas, in dayton, ohio, we also need to pray for everyone killed this weekend in chicago. In baltimore, in detroit, cities you dont hear a lot about, just seeing again a terrible ongoing wave of brutality, murder, et cetera. People in the media, the mob, theyey are not talking about it because apparently, they cant bludgeon President Trump and blame him. These cities sadly have been run by the most compassionate, so they tell us, liberals, for decades. The most violent cities, theo most poverty in these cities, innocent men, women, and children gunned down in coldblood, every day in every big city all across this country. A and by the way, they are all part of our American Family. Their families, their loved ones, this is our family, our United States. Theylles never be the same, the families, and the disgusting monsters, people, for whatever sick, twisted, ugly, evil agenda they carry out these heinous acts, they deserve to rot in hell. Like many of you, i am disgusted. N we are all americans. When these acts of evil are perpetrated against our families, we have the right to be upset and demand that we fix the problem. The president today reiterated once again that hate has no place in this country. Hes right. Watch. In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in america. Hatred warps the mind, ravages the heart, and devours the soul. We have asked the fbi to identify all further resources they need to investigate and disrupt hate crimes and domestic terrorism. Whatever they need. Sean america tonight is mourning and predictably, within minutes, there are people that race to politicize, exploit, acts of violence, to score cheap intellectually dishonest politicalap points. Bash President Trump again, bludgeon President Trump as, usual, and tonight, they are already some raising money off of this. This is beyond shameful. We will have more of that in a moment but first, joining us with an update on the motives of these derangeded killers, two vy different political agendas, now, we have heard about the one in el paso, texas, we didnt hear about the guy in dayton. Apparently a socialist and an Elizabeth Warren supporter which speaks volumes about the agenda driven media. Trace gallagher. Whats the latest . We know more on both now we know that 21yearold Patrick Crusius drove more than 600om miles from his home in the dallas area to el paso with the intent of killing as many people as possible. He allegedly killed 22 includin sevens mexican citizens. Investigators say he went to the crowded Walmart Shopping Center because he was hungry. Y. He had apparently ate, left, and returned with a gun and 19 minutes before the shooting, a manifesto, possibly linked to the suspect, and was posted online. It relates to the shooting earlier this year in christchurch, new zealand. He said he prepared for this attack and it was a response to the hispanic invasion of f texas. It goes on to blame immigration for everything from a loss of jobs to pollution. The author criticizes both Political Parties and says his hatred predates President Trump but that the fake news mediaia will blame the president. Meanwhile, the motive of the dayton shooter remains unknown and police still arent sure if wnyearold connor betts was targeting his 22yearold sister. Megan betts was among the nine killed. Police also dont know if politics played a part in a rampage but the Associated Press said a twitter account that appears to be from the gunman shows he labeled himself a leftist. Bemoaned the election of President Trump and supported Elizabeth Warren. He also encouraged people to cut theh fences of Immigration Detention Centers and connor betts High School Classmates reportedly say suspended for compiling a hit list and rape list. Sean unbelievable. Its evil in both cases. Not about politics despite thehe way the media is spinning this. Now clearly the shooters they had different ideologies, opposite political beliefs. They were both hatefilled psychopaths and of course, we are still learning new information as the investigations unfold. Should be a time for mourning, prayer, weve got to help these families. This is not the type of political grandstanding and even fundraising, really . Minutes after the attack, minutes, the media mob democrats raced to politicize these acts of violence. Raced to blame President Trump. Of course, but they are silent on the politics of the daytonra shooter. What does that tell you . Does that not speak volumes . Take a look. What we needed to hear from the president s were words that he is incapable of speaking which is, im sorry, i apologize. The president of the United States has to stop igniting the flames of hatred and bigotry. These shootings were clearly at least in part a result of his racist rhetoric, thats clear. For those of you who were funding Donald Trumps reelection campaign, you may want to take note that because you keep writing checks to this president , its on you. It really is. Its all on you because you are funding this white supremacist ycampaign. Our commanderinchief and he is encouraging this. He doesnt just tolerate it, he encourageses it. I want to say with more moral clarity that donald trump is responsible for this. Is it fair to tie the president to this violence . Well, whether or not its fair, he is going to have to answer those questions. Sean the same people, russia, russia, russia, collusion, collusion, collusion, stormy, stormy, stormy, the same people. The same exact people. The dog bites, the bee stings, if youre feeling sad, its all Donald Trumps fault. If donald trump cures cancer and gives 5 million to every american, that would be his fault as well. And for the left of strategy, only the latest in the political gamesmanship that they have. One more opportunity for them to push their agenda and also bludgeon the president. Take guns away from lawabiding americans, never think outside of the box how to keep americans safe and the shooter in daytonca was reportedly, lets see, a big fan of Elizabeth Warren. A huge fan of socialism. No one in the media interestingly is going over his political background. Nobodys blaming Elizabeth Warren for the actions of a psychopath and to do so, frankly, would be unfair and despicable. For example, you might remember the lunatic that opened fire on the group of lawmakers that were practicing for a Charity Baseball event in 2017. Remember that guy right there . He wanted to kill as many republicans as possible. Remember congressman Steve Scalise . He nearly died that day. Others were seriously injured. No one on the left blamed Bernie Sanders. That guy loves Bernie Sanders. And by the way, neither did we on this program. This is what i said then. Take a look. Sean remember the Bernie Sanders supporter, the one that targeted republicans of baseball practice . Well, was the media blaming democrats for that . No. And by the way, they shouldnt have and i dont blameor bernie either. Sean was we have done for years on this program, we talk about violence in chicago. Right here on this program, no one will talk about this issue. See those names . We scroll the names of all the people shot and killed that you never heard about in theha windy city. In the hopes that maybe we would help this city, help our fellow americans, stop this violence. The media ignored all of it. The violence continues to this day. Wait till you see the numberss from this weekend alone. We will break those down for you also, without a doubt, there have been hate filled evil monsters on all sides of the political spectrum. Unabomber, great. Anarchist. He loved and had al gores little book. Others, take place in 2016, remember this in texas, five Police Officers murdered two others injured by a man who stated that he wanted to kill white people, especially white Police Officers. Did democrats blamed the group, oh, black lives matter, the group that we have on tape chanting what we want, dead cops . Or pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon. No, i dont remember them blaming them at all. In fact, one of the black lives matters cofounders actually got an invitation, after those words were said, to the obama white house. Now imagine if President Trump had done that. De we could go on but at the end of the day, it really doesnt matter, does it . Every single life, let me pause, is a gift from god, the grace of god, and protected by our military. Thats how we live free. Every living soul is created by the same god. 99 of good people, people with a conscious, a heart, and a soul, know that to be true. And every two years, every four years, republicans are racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic, islamophobic, they want dirty air, water, they want to kill children, they want to feed grandpa and grandma cat food and throw them over a cliff. Thats a lie. Its always been a lie. Its cheap politics at its worst. These acts of violence over the weekend, it should cause every single american heart to be hurting and to be alarmed. We should look for Real Solutions but also respect our constitutional rights. Dont infringe on the rights of hundreds of millions of americans, because all of thosee politicians, most of them and hollywood left, they have their armed guards. Most americans cant afford that. The outrage from the left feels incredibly disingenuous again and frankly, its grotesque. How the things that they now inpoliticize. I remember madonna, i think about an awful lot about blowing up the white house or of johnny depp, oh, whens the last time an actor killed the president . Or, of course, the severed head, kathy griffin. Just the tip of the iceberg. Democrats in the media spending months claiming that the emergency at the border was a manufactured crisis. Thats a lie, too, because look at the statistics from the administration. During a two year period, over 4,000 americans murdered by Illegal Immigrants in the country. Lets see, a hundred thousand violent assaults carried out by Illegal Immigrants against legal citizens. 30,000 violent crimes, yes, Illegal Immigrants against american citizens. Thousands of americans murdered, all in a twoyear period, all these assaults, tens of thousands brutally assaulted, yet, no panic from democrats, no panic, no calls from action from the media mob, no solutions to stop this from happening. Now, if we are going to use the lefts logic, wouldnt thath mean they are against the border wall and these crimes that occurred, that they are responsible . Based on their logic, the answee would be yes, but i can respect that maybe people have honest differences on these issues ando lets not forget tens of thousands of Illegal Immigrants also arrested for smuggling drugs. Each week in this country, i said it many times, heroin is killing 300 americans. About 300 every week. 90 of the heroin in this country comes across that southern border. Add to that, a new drug called fentanyl. Dont all lives matter . Well, the people who dont want to secure the border, are responsible for the heroin deaths, considering 90 of the heroin comes across the border, are they complicit . Do you see a correlation . Lets talk about the lives of our children. American children. In the past two decades, multiple schools have faced these Mass Shootings. I have been calling for a long time, every school, secure the perimeter of those schools. Equip them with retired police and military. They should be on every floor of every school and the solution i offer, also proposes every school hire these people if they donate 15 hours a week to the local school, lets take itf and make it that they pay no income taxes, state, federal, at all, as a thank you for them donating their time. It wont cost us a penny, the security personnel donate the 15 hours, our schools are safer, we could do that with stores, malls, we could do that pretty much anywhere the public areas. Courthouses, we can expand it out everywhere and keep americans safe. All americans. Way, still today, so many of our academic institutions are softti targets. There are gunfree zones, unable to respond to an act of violence until the police are first called and depending where they are, how long its going to take for them to get there. There, when they get its over. We could do better. And dont forget, the citizens of chicago, baltimore, detroit, other cities, wrecked by this violence. This weekend, look at baltimore, reached its 200th homicideol for the year. We are only in august. Chicago, this weekend, seven more murdered, 52 others, this weekend wounded by gunfire in the city of chicago. Anybody in the media mob talking aboutod that . Remember, i showed that we scrolled the names of so many others ignoring the ongoing emergency. We will put the scroll back up your we will show you exactly what was happening, names you would never heard of before. Names that matter. They are all human beings, they are all part of our American Family. H m this network, this show, the only one that i know of that routinely shines a light on the human crisis, the human cost, the human toll in all of this. The left seems to care only that which it fits its narrative. Its all politics. Former chicago mayor, obama chief ofof staff, remember he said once, you never let a serious crisis go to waste and by that i mean that it is an opportunity to do things you could not do before. Now as we speak, they are exploiting the violence over the weekend to push strict gun control while almost totally ignoring issues like Mental Health. A look at whats happening in one a mile from Nancy Pelosis house, drug addicts shooting up, needles all over the place, urinating, defecating, feces smell all over the place, and what has she done . Nothing. What if those people should have drugson and get violent . And in the lead up to 2020, many are using this as one more opportunity. Its a daily wakeup call. Wake up, how can i hate President Trump and bludgeon him today . We are going to blame trump . That means we blame Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, that means we blame every big city that has been run by radical liberals for decades that has this high rate of violence killing our American Family. They are responsible. Every person that dies of a drug overdose, they are responsible. Those politicians that wont build a wall, if we take their logic to its ultimate conclusion. Even though by the way the president has repeatedly once again condemned racism and hatred over and over to the point that if you need any more proof, this is one big shameful political game for democrats, look at your screen. The dnc, wow. Already raising money off this tragedy. Wow. They must need it pretty badly. So, too, is Elizabeth Warren, trying to make money for their campaigns, off the backs of these acts of violence. If thats not sick, disgusting and despicable, dont we need better than that . Here now, fox news contributor, dan bongino. Formative Florida Attorney general, pam bondi. This is our American Family, pam. Its interesting the coverage in el paso, texas, and the coverage in dayton. Two ideological opposites. They seem to be ideologically motivated. But they only talk about one. Why . Why . Because it hurts the president of the United States in their minds. Sean, by the way, thank you for telling all of us to pray. I know the president is praying and we are praying. When a president ial candidate says we dont want your prayers, thats a new low for our country. So yes, these two deranged individuals who committed these shootings are horrible monsters and deserve to be punished and they have Mental Health issues and the president has come up with a plan to help stop it and thats what we are doing in this country. Sean i dont think its because i thought of it but lets stop school shootings. Lets start there. Nk lets stop mall shootings. Lets start there. I like to see the perimeter of every school in america surrounded by retired police,e. Retired secret service, and i want guys to donate 15 hours. I think we could cover every school, every hour, every day, add a metal detector, i think were going to have safer schools, have one armed guard on every floor of every school, the perimeter and inside every hall of every mall. Now that gives us an instant response opportunity that we normally wouldnt have. Would that save lives in your Expert Opinion . I find it interesting that when it comes to protecting the people that matter, the president of the United States obviously regardless of party, the leader of the free world, did you notice when i was in the secret service, when we took president obama back to chicago, a violent city, nobody said, hey, guys, disarm, dont worry, its chicago, they have strict gun laws here. Yeah, its not a joke. I say that because thats the proposal they want to propose for your kids. Sean wait a minute, dan. We protect our politicians with armed guards. En hollywood stars can afford arm secu

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