Expose the chaos consuming the administration and discuss Recruiting Cabinet Members to invoke the 25th Amendment so they would remove president trump, your dual elected president from office for, quote, being unfit. This all took place during rosensteins second week on the job after he fired comey based on Rod Rosensteins recommendation. He didnt even have to like james comeys shoes and he could have fired him. Rosenstein thought he might be able to persuade kelly and the white house Chief Of Staff to invoke the 25th Amendment. Rod rosenstein wanted to wear a wire and secretly record a sitting president of the United States in both the 25th Amendment, a silent coup against his boss by him, mccabe, others,
all against a dual elected president. We are experiencing tonight a massive constitutional crisis and, frankly, this is designed to set up the president. Ill explain what this is about in a minute. Tonight, Rod Rosenstein, he is publicly denying this report, calling the story inaccurate, factually inaccurate. He wrote, quote, i never pursued or authorized recording the president. Any suggestion that i have ever advocated for the removal of the president is absolutely false. Given the numerous sources, the New York Times remains adamant in their reporting. Two of their sources, one is Andrew Mccabe and another is lisa page, although, lisa page is not on the 25th Amendment side of this. We know mccabe is a known liar. We have other sources telling fox news that Rod Rosensteins remarks were made sarcastically. The New York Times is standing behind the story and the seriousness of Rod Rosensteins
remarks. Take a look at this. It wasnt a flip want remark. He was very serious. The circumstances are very different than whats being put out by the government. It is important that your listeners understand something, as i was pursuing this story for a very long time people were reluctant to talk about it because of the gravity of the story, that there was concern that if it got out, that rosenstein had wanted to actually wear a wire and suggested to andy mccabe, the Deputy Director at the time wear a wire, that rod might get fired. People were sincerely concerned about this, not because he made a flippant remark, because of the seriousness surrounding the remark. Rod rosenstein, the New York Times is standing by their story. Andrew mccabe is one ofs the sources. He admitted that today and he said rod meant what he said. We are going to have a lot more information from the New York Times report. Before appointing mueller to lead the Special Counsel investigation, rosenstein floated another candidate we find out from the New York Times. His name is james m. Cole, while he was a Deputy Attorney general, he was also the private lawyer to sid vicious blumenthal. Neither Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Mccabe, lisa page, peter strzok, bruce ohr, are friends of the president. This has been corrupt from the beginning, before the election, after the election. They wanted to take down donald trump. Now, if is time tonight for the Attorney General to now do his job. Mr. Sessions, this is your department of justice. Under no circumstances, i have a message for the president tonight, under zero circumstances should the president fire anybody. These actors tonight, and i have multiple sources confirming this, and more information coming, they are hoping and praying that the president does just that, that he gets mad, sick and tired of that and that they can turn this politically into their equivalent of a Friday Night Massacre. The president needs to know it is all a setup. He needs to know that regardless of whether he steps in or not, and i would argue he should definitely not, The Deep State tonight is crumbling from within at this very hour. They are now turning against each other. The president s job and duty of course is to remove all enemies from within. Of course, democratic senator, chuck schumer, is in meltdown mode. You would think they care about the truth and would care about fixing and rigging and attempting to rig elections an lying to the American People and
prop began diesing the American People and misinforming the American People and having real russian information bought and paid for by one party to destroy another candidate and that fisa court judges are all lied to. Chucky doesnt care about that at all. All he cares about is friends in The Deep State. Tonight, he released a state that proves just that. This story must not be used as a pretext but the corrupt purpose of firing the Deputy Attorney general, rosenstein, in order to install an official who will allow the president to interfere with the Special Counsels investigation. Generals kelly, mad disand other white house and cabinet officials have been reported to say critical things of the president without being fired. Hey, chuck, none of them have talked about literally trying to set up a president and taperecord a president and invoke the 25th Amendment, chuck. Of course, we know what would happen if rosenstein and others are fired by Jeff Sessions. Jeff sessions actually has
doing the dirty work and sharing the information that they got that would otherwise be gotten illegally in this country with some of our deep state actors, it raises a lot of questions tonight. These documents the president requested monday must be released, must be declassified immediately. This same routine has played out well over a year now, about two years. We have the doj, deep state actors have done everything in their power, including lie that this will impact sources and methods when it doesnt to prevent them from releasing the information that we, the American People, deserve to see. These actors know they will be exposed, their corruption, the serious misconduct, mccabe, strzok, page and james comey, himself, the doj has delayed, delayed, delayed the release of these Important Documents over again and again. They have defied congressional subpoenas, obstructed just sis,
defied the oversight Constitutional Authority of congress. The president cannot let this go on any longer. As we wait, The Deep State is winning. They are trying to set up traps even for the president himself. These documents must be made available to you, the American People. Where is cory booker, spartacus, when we need him . No more delaying, hiding, lying, obstructing. You, we, the people, deserve to know what these top upperlevel people in our government were doing to undermine the peoples pick for president. The damming revelations today surrounding Rod Rosenstein, it is not the only time The Deep State has been caught trying to sabotage president trump. Lets look at the timeline in 2015. The fbi opening a criminal investigation into hillary clinton. We know she violated the law, committed multiple felonies,
mishandling top secret, classified special Access Program information on her private email server in a mom and pop shop bathroom n a very rare move, the fbi director, james comey, he rips the case away from our honorable fbi field agents, the guys we trust. He took it in house, politicized it himself with the help of Andrew Mccabe, peter strzok and others. They couldnt fix it despite overwhelming evidence of guilt. They end up exonerating hillary clinton. They never interviewed her or 17 other key witnesses until july. Remember, it was strzok and comey. They worked on the draft in may before the July Exxon Ner racial. They were changing it from the Gross Negligence legal term to the more innocuous just careless, just like sandy berger, puts documents in his pants, socks and walks out and
says, im just being sloppy. Really . People put private documents in their pants and they are sloppy. The very same time, the Clinton Campaign along with the Dnc Funneling Money through a law firm. It wasnt a legal expense. They hire fusion gps to do op research who hired an exforeign spy. I thought they werent supposed to influence our elections. His name is Christopher Steel and the wife of a highranking doj officials, nellie ohr, to put together a campaign op Research Document against donald trump filled with lies and rumors, never verified nor core roar bore rated. Steel himself said, i dont know if any of this is true. Maybe 50 50. That was spread throughout the highest levels of our federal government. All these deep state actors like nellie ohrs husband, who became
the conduit for Christopher Steel, bruce ohr, the fourth highest ranking official at the doj, that dossier was leaked to the press to lie to you, the American People, and influence an election to help hillary. This is kind of like what she did to bernie. It was used as the basis of the fisa warrants against the Trump Campaign associate, carter page, signed off on by multiple officials, including comey, including mccabe, Including Yates and Rod Rosenstein himself. After the election, the dossier was then used again as the basis, the fundamental basis for what we now know to be muellers witch hunt or even brief mueller deputy, andrew weissman. He made his way right into Special Counsel muellers office, andrew weissman. He got the contents from the dossier from hillary through steel to Robert Muellers office in an effort to take down the president you elected. We have a lot more throughout the show tonight. We have other top Breaking News tonight. For a week, the republicans have tried to accommodate in every way imaginable judge kavanaughs accuser, professor christine ford. Clearly, one of her liberal lawyers, debra katz, and senator Dianne Feinstein are playing politics. This is such a serious accusations. It should be handled in a nonpartisan way, pursued just for the sake of pursuing Truth And Justice and as Susan Collins has said, and she is absolutely right, it is unfair what Dianne Feinstein and others have been doing. I have sources telling me that p professor fords attorney keeps moving the bar. No deal has been struck to testify. Senator grassley has had to extend the deadline. It is now 10 00 p. M. Tonight. Senator grassley released a statement earlier. This is what it reads. Quote, despite the fact that the July 30th Letter remains hidden, my committee has been investigating the allegations and has heard from multiple witnesses since sunday. Miss katz has discussed dr. Fords allegations in numerous Media Interviews and said on tv Monday Morning that dr. Ford wants to share her account with the Senate Judiciary committee. It is friday night. Nothing has been agreed to despite our extensive efforts to make testimony possible. Im extending the deadline for response yet again to 10 00 this evening. Im providing a notice of a vote to occur month in the event that dr. Fords attorney doesnt respond or dr. Ford denies to testify. We can come it a reasonable resolution as i have been seeking all week, then i will postpone the Committee Vote to accommodate her testimony. We can not continue to delay. Her attorney has adopted a strategy. It is called running out the clock. By the way, the republicans see it for what it is, to blame the gop for not making proper accommodations when they have done just opposite. It shouldnt surprise anyone that republicans think this. After all, this lawyer, debra katz, is highly partisan, longtime democratic activist, Tens Of Thousands of dollars in donations, clearly has a political agenda. Her views on Sexual Assault and misconduct allegations have been incos sinconsistent. She said about paula jones, her suit is very weak. She has alleged one incident in a hotel room that lasted 10 or 12 minutes. She suffered no repercussions in the work place. She said of jones accusations, clearly a onetime incident that took place in 1012 minutes. She was not forced to have sex. She left of her own volition. The courts are finding that is not enough to create a sexually hostile work claim. Then, she defended al franken. Context is relevant. De not do this as a member of a senate but in the capacity as someone who was still functioning as an entertainer. Excuse me. Al franken was a senator when this, in fact, occurred. Thats issue one. We are going to talk about what it is bill clinton did to paula jones. He dropped his pants, exposed himself to a woman he didnt know, and said, kiss it. Now, paula jones won a Settlement Agreement of 850,000. But, the point here is that the lawyer for professor ford while clearly she has a political agenda, inconsistent views on this topic. The daily caller today uncovered that back in 2017, this same lawyer vowed to resist president trump. Take a look for yourself. Finally, over the finish line, the new Attorney General this morning grateful to the colleagues who fought for him. I cant express how appreciative i am for those of you who have stood by me during this difficult time. It was a better feud to the very end. We are going to fight back. Thats her resisting. Why does this attorney keep moving the goalpost for an interview . On monday, she said professor ford will be willing to testify and do it publicly and under oath. Then, demands they start to change throughout the week making it almost impossible for professor fords allegation to be heard. She does deserve to be heard. Tonight, things have even gotten worse. Senator feinstein, who has been delaying and obstructing, why
hasnt Senator Feinstein turned over the full letter to republican senators on the judiciary committee, like grassley . Feinstein knew about this allegation back from july. It is september. Senator feinstein never bothered to raise any of these allegations with judge kavanaugh privately or in public hearings. There were numerous opportunities for her to do so. The democrats have turned this into a political circus. We saw it at the hearings. They have rushed to convict judge kavanaugh without even a hearing, not hearing either side of their story. Dianne feinstein took it to the next level tonight after all the accommodations offered by the republicans and Charles Grassley and the president being accommodating on his end, saying he wants her to be heard. Well, it was entitled feinstein on republican bullying of Sexual Assault survivor. Well, obviously, there is no point in her having a hearing. She has already decided who is guilty, who is believable and
who is not. They are offering to speak with her. Listen what democratic senator whitehouse had to say just yesterday. Listen to this. If the democrats win back the house and or the senate, democrats will investigate what happened, the charges that professor ford is laying out, even if that means investigating a Supreme Court justice at this time. I am confident of that. I think we will also be vooithing why the fbi stood down its background investigation. Another senator has made up her mind, senator Kirsten Gillibrand of new york. She says, she believes kavanaughs accuser. Denying dr. Ford an investigation is silencing her. The fbi said it is not in their purview. There is no crime within their jurisdiction, forcing her into a sham hearing. Now, senator gillibrand made up
her mind. She said it is silencing her, to offer a hearing and pushing Brett Kavanaughs confirmation through. If you allow in every single accommodation private, not private, well go to you, you can come to us, moving the days and dates. The person doesnt want to talk. That was the right thing to do by the republicans. Offering a platform to tell your story is not silencing somebody. Unfortunately, tla that is not all. Democrats are convicting judge kav