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Commentary, newsmaker interviews and panel discussions. Commentary, newsmaker interviews and panel discussions. Completely debunked the campaignrelated charges. Lets take a look. The general counsel for the clinton mob family, lanny davis, he had his client pleaded to two counts of criminality that dont exist. These Campaign Finance violations all over tv saying implicates the president directly. Re first, lets back up. It is a guilty plea. It is a plea bargain between ale prosecutor and a criminal. A criminal who doesnt want to spend the rest of his life in prison. That is not precedent. That applies only to that specific case. Nobody cites Plea Bargains for precedent. Thats number one. Number two, just because a Prosecutor Says that somebody violated a campaign law, doesnt make it so. Hes not the judge, hes not the jury. We didnt adjudicate anything. It never went to court. Thats number two. A Campaign Expenditure under our federal Campaign Laws is an expenditure solely for campaign activity. A candidate who spends his own money or even corporate moneyid for an event that occurred not as a result of the campaign, it is not a Campaign Expenditure. Sean in other words, most of the liberal lawyers you see on tv are dopes. They dont know the law. Look at Harvard Law Professor alan dershowitz, also debunking these charges. Guys, watch, listen, learn. It will help you. The law is clear that a president may contribute to his own campaign. If the president had paid 280,000 to these two women, even if he had done so in order to help his campaign, that would be no problem. Thats legal. And if cohen himself made the contribution, that would be unlawful because he has a limit of 5200. So the complicated issue is what if trump told him to do it, as cohen says. Of the campaign and thats big. But its not even a campaign violation. If you look at president obama, he had a Massive Campaign violation, but he had a different Attorney General and they viewed it a lot differently. Sean while the media want you to believe that Michael Cohen, a central player in all things trump, the president had a much different take. Lets listen to him. Michael cohen. Tell me about your relationship with him. He was a lawyer for me forr one of many the lawyer and f then they like to add the fixer. I dont know if he was a fixer. I dont know where that term came from. Didnt do big deals, did small deals. Al not somebody that was with me they make it sound like i didnt live without him. S i understood Michael Cohen very well. It turned out he wasnt a very good lawyer, frankly. But he was somebody that was probably with me for about ten years. Ob and i would see him sometimes. Sean Michael Cohens attorney lanny davis says that his client would not even accept a pardon from the president. He actually said that today. Lanny, ive known you a lot ofct years, who are you representing here . That Michael Cohen wouldnt accept a pardon . Hes facing as many as five years in jail. J lanny, i know you are so embedded into the clintons, you love all things clinton, but you are supposed to represent michael here and if he was ever offered a pardon, it would be pretty stupid not to take it. What a disservice. No person would be better off spending years in prison with a Felony Conviction on their track record or getting a pardon. Basic, simple common sense, lanny. Regardless of what you think about Michael Cohen, Paul Manafort, it is clear they have been targeted. They have been singled out for that one time connection to President Trump and now both men, you can add Michael Flynn and george papadopoulos, they all face time in jail. A horrible example of what we have been exposing on this program. A twotiered justice system. Ha equal justice under the law, equal application of our laws. The great system of our constitutional republic. In 2008, you may recall theth obama campaign, 1. 3 million in illegal contributions. Guess what . Nobody got charged. Nobody got indicted. Nobody went to prison, no one was slapped with a felony. Just a campaign fine. 375 grand. 2017, the clinton campaign, the dnc, they were reported for failing to properly disclose their financial contributions to the dirty dossier. Coie, the law firm that then hired fusion gps, the Opposition Research group that then hired christopher steele, the Foreign National not supposed to impact our election, that then paid for russian life that he doesntt even stand by, then became the basis to lie to the American People before the campaign, then became the basis of four fisa warrants to spy on the Trump Campaign associate. Thats the whole thing. Ca they didnt report that money. Thats a legal expense. It wasnt. Robert mueller, nowhere to be found. And on the tax front, in 2015 according to a report from the thencongressman jason chaffetz, hes in for Laura Ingraham tonight. Federal workers owed A Billion Dollars in unpaid taxes. They worked for your government including many in obamas white house. Of course, no Special Counsel, no investigation, no indictment, nothing against these tax cheats. They are working our federal government a lot. A billion dollars is kind of are lot of money. I read that somewhere. Its now really clear that there is one system of justice for Hillary Clinton, the democrats, deep state bureaucrats. The obama white house, they have one system of justice. Anyone else, you and me, anyone tied to donald trump, a different system of justice. This republic cant survive with a dual justice system, which brings us to our next critical point. I have been shouting this from the rooftops since may. We are about to face what im calling the most important midterm elections in our lifetime. 76 days from today while The Deep State is working around the clock to dig up dirt on anybody, anything associated withdy this president that you elected, thec American People, democrats are now planning to use thisan information to bring articles of impeachment against the president. It doesnt matter that theres no collusion. Mark levin was right last night. Robert mueller will write an impeachment document. It doesnt matter that the president did nothing wrong and broke no law. Mark my words, if democrats, if you stay home on election day, and democrats take back the house of representatives, i promise you, mark my words, they will bring articles of impeachment against the president. I have been warning about this for a long time. If you dont believe it now, i dont know what will make you believe it. 76 days, you will decide if the president and his agenda goes forward, because they will stop that. This november, the future of this continued successful economic boom, continued peace through strength, all of this, a lot of stuff at stake, andnd sadly, thats not all. We know what the democratic agenda is. Its pretty scary actually. W what they called crumbs, your tax cuts, they want their crimes back and as we said, they want to impeach the president. As we told you, they want to preserve obamacare. Lose your doctor, lose your plan, pay more. That seems to work for them. They want to block judge kavanaugh and constitutionalists to the supreme court, originalists. They want open borders, eliminate i. C. E. , they are saying as much. They want to kill off all of these investigations, just drop it right there for their deep state friends and this massive abuse of power that we have been able to expose and as always the mainstream media, the destroytrumpmedia, they are just doing the bidding of the left, the democratic party. They are an extension of the press office and like a broken record, for what seems like the millionth time, the crisis peddlers in the news media in this country, the echo chamber, they are all predicting the same thing because its what they are hoping for, impeachment. This is what they wanted for a long time. This is their shot. Ea take a look. Given the events of today, the likelihood of impeachment, im not saying its high but it certainly went up. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. The president is clearly guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Ar he should resign his office or be impeached. Today the term presidency took a giant step toward impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment implications are now in the air. Impeachment. Impeachment. If it is a crime it certainly is an impeachable or french. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Sean remember stormy, stormy, stormy. Russia, russia, russia. They hyperventilate over whatever the issue is of the day. For over 24 hours, your apocalyptic press has been working overtime in overdrive pushing antitrump Conspiracy Theory after Conspiracy Theory. We have the evidence, take a look. You decide. The man who once said he would take a bullet for donald trump today in Federal Court was essentially calling his old boss and client, now the president of the united states, a crook. So there are a lot of players now who start to potentially construct an enterprise, a Criminal Enterprise that is around, or may even involve, the president. As of now and is not going to change that donald trump is indeed a scumbag. Voters know that. Just i think there is something worse than useful idiots and that would be a useful idiot under legal siege and that is what President Donald Trump is this morning. Sean really want to stay home in 76 days . Did you vote for the president , happy with the economy . Want to stay the course, youhe like the judges appointed, you want borders secured . Do you Want Health Care transformed . Do you want peace through strength . But its this kind of reckless abusive bias, if the very reason the president has rightly criticized the media, including this moment in his interview on fox friends that will air tomorrow morning with ainsley. Take a look. The press. It is the press the enemy of the people . Not at all, but the fake news is and the fake news is f comprised of its a big chunk. Somebody said whats the chunk . I said 80 . Its a lot. Its a lot. If i do something well, its not reported. Other than in the 20 . The New York Times cannot write a good story about me. They are crazed. They are like lunatics. Sean as you can see from tonights monologue, i told you a long time ago, the very beginning, it actually started the day he and melania came down the escalator. Five forces that have been working against the president are now more active. They sense theres blood in the water. They are literally harmoniously working together and most of them would love the impeachment of the president you voted for and stop the progress, ruin his agenda. Now, this is real and never has care about your vote in 2016, you might want to register and vote, knowing that this hate, this destruction, this havoc that will occur if the democrats take back the house. Its a clear and present danger. Dont tell me, by the way, the morning after the election, that you didnt have sufficient knowledge of what they would do. 76 days from today, you have a massive opportunity to protect your vote in 2016, preserve that vote, repair the system of justice, make this country a better place for every american. Theres a lot riding on this midterm. They want to undo the agenda you voted for. They want to stop the progress we have obviously made that theo will never talk about in the media. Before we wrap up our monologue tonight, lets turn to thishe horrific, sad story out of iowa. 20yearold College Student Mollie Tibbetts senselessly murdered. Y her body recovered in a cornfield and now a Mexican National in this country illegally has now confessed to stalking and murdering Mollie Tibbetts while she was out jogging. The monster likely responsible for this crime is now being held on 5 million bail. Earlier today, the president , he reacted on twitter, take a look. Mollie tibbetts, an incredible young woman, is now permanently separated from her family. A person came in from mexico illegally and killed her. We need the wall, we need our Immigration Laws changed, we need our border laws changed. We need republicans to do it because the democrats arent going to do it. To the family of Mollie Tibbetts, all i can say is god bless you. Sean foxnews. Com has been covering the tragic story for weeks. We will have more coverage on this later in the show. Joining us now with reaction our top story of the night back from her exclusive interview with The Hefriends cohost, ainsley earhardt. Whats going on . Congratulations. Big interview. Theres a lot there. Lets first start to the news from yesterday. He talked a lot about michaelom cohen. We just heard part of it, Paul Manafort. Tell us what you see. When we sat down with him, my questions were Michael Cohens story changed. Originally he said that i paid off women, the president didnt know about it, and then all of a sudden his story changes and then hes also pleading guilty to eight different counts, so do we believe him . That was the question this morning. This is a guy that has lied, tae returns, fraud, and now hes changing his story about the president so when i sat down with the president , i said my number one question i wanted to ask him is, what happened . Did you know, did he pay off these women, did you know about . It . He said, i didnt at first and now i know about it and i said, if it wasnt illegal, because weve had several attorneys that have been on our morning show saying its not illegal to doo this, so if its not illegal, then how did he get a plea bargain . He was facing 65 years behind bars in prison. How did he go from 65 years possibly max to 35 years . If it wasnt illegal, why are they using that . He said, because if there something negative that they can say about me, they will use thau and they will lessen their sentence. That extreme just because they hate me. Keep in mind this is the Mueller Investigation. The Mueller Investigation was looking into manaforts past,as looking into cohens past and that led them to all of these tax fraud. It has nothing to do with russia. Sean is he more mad at michael because of the tape than Paul Manafort . I noticed in his comments yesterday he mentioned manafort but not michael. I he mentioned Pardoning Manafort and you have Michael Cohens attorneys. He said he considered that. He feels, i think i think he feels bad for manafort. Ls they were friends, he didnt work for him for very long. Worked for him for basically 100 days. The president didnt know about all of the tax stuff. De he wouldnt know about that. Sean it was way before their relationship. In mind who worked for reagan and he did say, he said keep in mind who worked for reagan for a long time. Sean he worked for a lot of people. Just because he is associated with me and they hate me so much. Nd sean what im pointing out and i believe and i talked a for a long time is that there are these forces against the president. I talk about five of them. M. I also believe with the democrats agenda, they are telegraphing it. M 76 days from now, theres going to be an election. I believe, and ive been saying on the air that they would want to impeach him. With all the hysteria in the media, did that come up at all . I asked him that question. I said, if the democrats win the midterms, their agenda is going to be to impeach because theres no Russia Collusion at least so far. So whats the next step if they hate you so much . What are they going to do . And he agreed that they are going to try to impeach and he says he basically expects that. Sean there so many key players here and there is such a Double Standard. We know a lot. We know Hillary Paids for Russin Propaganda to influence the American People which is kindd f cheating because it was never verified or corroborated. These were lies that she paid for, funneled money, which is another issue we just pointed out. But then youve got the fisa warrant abuse. Nobodys getting indicted in those cases. A lot of this goes back to jeffo sessions. And did he talk about either jeff or rod or mueller . He did. I cant tell you about what he said about that but i did ask him. Ive got to save it for The Morning Show. I did ask him, i said are you going to fire Jeff Sessions . There are rumors you will fire him, rumors you will Fire Rosenstein and what are you thinking . Ot im not going to tell you. Youve got to watch The Morning Show because i cant give it all the way here but he did say he did say that its such a Double Standard beyond a Double Standard what happened with Hillary Clinton and how she got off. F. Thats going to break news. Sean what he said about sessions and rosenstein and mueller . Absolutely. Sean wow. What else can you tell us . There was so much more. We asked him about Mollie Tibbetts and i. C. E. And how he has doubled down. So many people are saying abolish i. C. E. , abolish i. C. E. But he doubled down. He brings i. C. E. To the white house and honors them. Sean a lot of news here that people want to see in the morning. There was so much Breaking News yesterday and there was so Much Negative news, hats off to him for sitting down with me today. A i think that was very brave because we learned in Journalism School if someone sets a narrative, youve got to defend yourself. Sean thank you for sharing your interview. Tomorrow morning. 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The problem is they forgot to campaign in numerous states. Here with Reaction Author of three weeks and running number one New York Times best seller, the russian hoax. Fox news legal analyst Gregg Jarrett and fox newsin Investigative Reporter contributor sara carter. I was a little intrigued by what ainsley said about in the interview she didnt give us about Rod Rosenstein andbo sessions. It seems at this point we are never going to get they are defying subpoenas, they are not listening. Jeff sessions literally created this mess. Heres a way they should be fired. I talked to a former career guy, a lawyer at the department of justice. He said it is outrageous that Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein would authorize a guilty plea to a noncrime and this is a guy who spent much of his career doing election law and he laughed and he said this is not a crime. Its not a violation of federal election laws for several reasons. First of all, its not a crime to contribute to your own campaign and thats what the president did. Even if he ran it through an llc temporarily, thats nothing more than a loan or advance, that ist not a crime. And second of all, he said it doesnt even count as a campaigi expense, why . Because there is another dual purpose of personal orpa commercial reason for it. So this is outrageous that there was a guilty plea for a noncrime. Sean two of the eight counts we are talking about, not one, two. Professor dershowitz isng right. They didnt care about Michael Cohen. They wanted to give him a Sweetheart Deal so that he would Say Something to implicate the president and he implicated the president in a noncrime. Sean whether or not the media is aware of the issues we pointed out in many of the stories that youve been able to break, sara, there are still legal issues out there. We still have comey and mccabebe and strzok and page and sally yates and this deep state. We do have fisa court judges lied to. We did have a fix in thert investigation with Hillary Clinton and the evidence was overwhelming and incontrovertible. The biggest Obstruction Case weve ever seen. So all of this is Stillom Percolating as the media is getting all giddy here and i know for a fact theres a lot more information coming out probably sooner than later. Absolutely. Let me just go to one point about mueller. Is this is the most important point. As hes targeting everyone in trumps campaign, previous officials, its Attorney General Jeff Sessions that was with him for some point in time. Rod rosenstein wrote the letter that asked President Trump to basically fire comey and he listed out a number of reasons. Lets think about this. Jeff sessions could be a potential witness. That leads me to suspect thatus he may himself resign from the position of Attorney General eventually. If he is called by mueller. Ig he cant serve as the Attorney General and then be a witness and then you have Rod Rosenstein. Isnt he a potential witness . Of course. Al sean hes been conflicted the whole time. Hes been conflicted. So these are two very realal possibilities. Something that can happen. And mark my words, this is something that could drags Jeff Sessions right into the Mueller Investigation, so the irony here is that it may work in the favor of getting rid of Jeff Sessions and Rod Rosenstein. This. Nk about mueller has already interviewed his own boss, Rod Rosenstein. I mean, talk about a conflict of interest. Sean theres a new bookk out. Its not as good as yours but peter schweizer. The guy that brought us uranium one, clinton cash. Do you know that jim comey worked for Lockheed Martin . We will break a lot of this tomorrow. Just giving a little teaser here. Ng in one year, 2009, alone, they say in the book that james comey was paid 6. 1 million just for working for them and this was on new important spy information. Im not suggesting anything necessarily is nefarious but its never been disclosed and that Robert Mueller was at the fbi and signed off on that 6. 1 in that one year, theres five other years, i dont know how much he got paid. Also got 6 million of a hedge fund. Thats an awful lot of money it seems to me. These guys were leveraging their government positions, according to the book, to enrich themselves and the company and the private sector they were working for. Its very much the same arguments i make in my book of how they were leveraging their relationship with each other for a long period of time, which is why this is a conflict of interest. For mueller to be investigating the president on a case in which his longtime friend, ally, and partner, james comey, is a key witness against the president. Sean i think when people see this and give us a littlehi hint of what you are working on in the next couple of weeks. We have a lot more stories o coming forward. Especially on the Clinton Foundation and members of the fbi and a little bit more on the fisa application. I say stay tuned. Sean i cant wait to talk to those judges where fraud was perpetrated. I wonder how they feel. I was brought up oldfashioned that if you are subpoenaed, you dont delete your emails and acid wash the hard drive and bust up devices and i was also taught to a judge you say, yes, your honor, no, your honor, and you dont purposefully lie to judges to get a warrant to spy on it Opposition Party candidate but i might just be oldfashioned. I am maybe a little i bit out of touch and they know thats not the same as, lets see, taxes going back ten years. You wouldnt fit in in the current doj, fbi. Sean good work, both of you. Michelle malkin, pam bondi reacting to an illegal immigrant charged in Mollie Tibbetts murder. And later Newt Gingrich joins us as well. A lot to get to tonight. Stay with us. Us as well. A lot to get to tonight. Stay with come fly with me, lets fly, lets fly away. Get our special tv offer a 4 week trial plus postage and a digital scale go to stamps. Com save and never go to the post office again sean the president released a video on twitter talking about the murder of Mollie Tibbetts, about the need for border security. We showed you that earlier and joining us now with reaction, the host of crtvs Michelle Malkin investigates, Michelle Malkin. Florida Attorney General pam bondi. By the way, filling out on the five. Congratulations. Thank you. Sean they are a great group of people, everyone is great on the show. Let me start with you. You have a lot of statistics. This election, we hear all these people. Sanctuary cities which basically to me is Aiding And Abetting lawbreaking because we do have laws, we are a nation of laws. The same thing with abolishing i. C. E. And demonizing them for doing their job. Our i. C. E. Agents do soin muh in this country for us and in florida alone, as Attorney General, they are f amazing. First of all, there are so many gangs from out of this country in my state. Listen to this. In 2014 with no border security, 1200 criminal gangs were identified. 1200 separate gangs. 53,000 documented gang members, documented by Law Enforcement sean in florida. In florida. And over 11,000 Gangs In Prison or on Doc Supervision in my state. Thats why we have to build a wall. Sean why were they not sent back if they are in the justice system, its because they are not only doing burglaries, robberies, supporting drug habits, sean we will not be able to bring Mollie Tibbetts back. Michelle, pam is talking about one state. I mentioned it a lot on the air. Weve shown it a lot on the airw down to the border, rio grande to san diego at least a dozen times. Horseback, all terrain vehicle, horseback was embarrassing. Helicopters, boats, ive been there. I sat through a Security Briefing in texas. During a seven year period, 642,000 Crimes Committedev Agait Texas alone. Some of those were murder. Some of them are heinous violent crimes. To me, the fact that we havent secure the border and democrats dont want to secure the border, it probably could be Campaign Issue number one and 76 days,ec michelle. R, well, it should be. And it will be if americans finally rise up and push back against the politicization of this issue. Not by President Trump and republicans and conservatives who are talking about Mollie Tibbetts death today and who talk about criminal activity of illegal aliens pretty much every day, as i have for the last 25 years, i have devoted much of my career to exposing the bawdy consequences of open borders. I wrote two books about it. I, too, have been to the border many times and have many sources i have developed at all levels of government that deal with these problems. Heres the point. The case that we are talking about today underscores a message i have been sending. These examples are arguments for more and vigorous and better enforcement and not less and as a Campaign Issue, you have democrats who are all lockstep that i. C. E. Should be abolished. They are finally openly brazenly, like Keith Ellison is saying, that we should have no borders at all. It is a disgrace. Youve got Elizabeth Warren now lecturing people about which family separations they should be caring about. Mollie tibbetts has beenmi permanently, violently separated from her family. Of course we should care and now you have members of the media who are attacking this channel and people on it for caring about cases likee this that happen every single day. Sean im going to get to the in the next segment. It is sad and its preventable. Thats the thing. You look at the Sanctuary City Laws and, pam, they wont hand over to i. C. E. People that are in the criminal justice system. They literally refused to obey the law. Hillary and her emails, delete, destroy, break up devices. I think i would go to jail if i committed a fraud to fisa judges, i think i would go to jail. These are dumb things to do. I also think that if i was able to release a criminal and hide them and not hand them over to Law Enforcement, why do i think i would go to jail on that too . And how do they all get away with it . Because they are complicit, they are Aiding And Abetting crimes. They certainly are and then you have people like Elizabeth Warren enabling them by her ridiculous statements about this is one girl who died, how sorry she is. But we have to look at whats best for all of these illegal immigrants. One death is too much. Sean but its okay if t you dont pay her taxes and your friends with donald trump or you lie on the Loan Application and youre friends with donald trump. There is our twotier justice system. Michelle. I want to say this, too. Theres no such thing as a free lunch and theres no such thing as cheap, illegal alien labor. Every person in this country has a responsibility to help uphold our Immigration Laws and that includes employers. Everify is only used by 10 of employers in america. That is astonishing. There need to be both real civil and criminal penalties for employers who knowingly and intentionally and deliberately employ illegal aliens inin this country. They have blood on their hands too. T sean michelle, thank you. Congrats on the five all week. You dont want to miss it. When we come back, former Speaker Of The House Newt Gingrich will talk about the election in 76 days,gr Mollie Tibbetts murder, wait until you hear what was saidid n conspiracy tv msnbc. And reaction to manafort and cohen and will we ever get to the truth about lying to fisal judges and fixing and rigging an investigation for hillary . Straight ahead. In yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes. Start them off right, with the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Like these for only 2 or less at office depot officemax. Thethe more you know theme, commute is worth it. Like these for only 2 or less for all the work you pour into this place, you sure get a lot more out of it. You and that john deere tractor. So versatile, you can keep dreaming up projects all the way home. Its a longer drive. But just like a john deere, its worth it. Nothing runs like a deere. Now you can own a 1e subcompact tractor for just 99 dollars a month. Learn more at your john deere dealer. Jushis local miracle ear t at helped andrew hear more of the joy in her voice. Just one hearing test is all it took for him to hear more of her laugh. 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Take a look. They have been so willing to move the goal post every single time with this president , no w matter what he says, no matter what he does. The fact that he was even sworn in as president after the access Hollywood Tape let me know for a fact that the Republican Party is actually not working on behalf of the American People, theyre working on behalf of donald trump and hes been able to bully them into their silence and i dont think that today changes much unfortunately. Im sure well hear about what he has to say about this at his rally. But fox news is talking about A Girl In Iowa and not this, right . Sean the msnbc guest later apologized for the comment and tweeted out yesterday i said something flippant that was unintended. Mollie tibbetts was a promising young woman who lost her life. My hope is that her family will find peace and justice and that her murder is not used to justify a discriminatory immigration policy. Wow. Joining us with more, the author of the best seller, the truth about our nations great comeback, former Speaker Of The House, Fox News Contributor Newt Gingrich. On its actually the opposite of what this person, this girl over it msnbc is saying, and this woman is saying, and that is its really clear that the trump economy, which you point out in the first half of your book, is what is driving so many people to support him. We have record low unemployment, 14 states. Africanamericans, hispanic americans, asianamericans. Youth unemployment is at an alltime low. Women in the workplace. That is a big part of the story and yes he wants to protect our nation from what is happening with illegal immigration. I think its very telling that Mollie Tibbetts was an american, a young lady with a great future. She was killed. The person who killed her was illegally in the united states. When people say, well, we would like to protect americans but lets not discriminate, look, if discriminating means you are to discriminate against criminals, lets have a debate. Im prodiscrimination against ms13. I am prodiscrimination against violent criminals. I am prodiscrimination in favor of americans having their lives saved. So lets talk about what the left means by discrimination, because in their use of the word in the end, it means open borders. It means abolishing i. C. E. , it means anybody who wants to can come in and it means a total lack of judgment. And i think that Mollie Tibbetts could be a more important person in september and October Thans Paul Manafort ever dreamed of, because while he was convicted of things he did as a private citizen, none of them involving donald trump, she was killed by a person who is exactly what trump has been warning about and i think the left has to bear the burden of being the party that is tolerating americans being killed by people who are here illegally. Sean 76 days away from this election. You are one of the great political strategists in our time. A you took back control of congress for the first time for republicans in 40 years. I was there the night you became speaker. R. 1994. But i want to look at these. For example, general flynn lying to the fbi. Papadopoulos lying to the fbi or lying to investigators. Then youve got tax, bank fraud, cohen, manafort and then Campaign Finance issues, which, again, every smart lawyer knows trump atmpact donald all. And my question to you is, what does this have to do with russia . Ue because im beginning to sense and feel that everybody is so overreached and people are asking, this is it . This is what the russia thing is . That i think its going to create a backlash in 76 days that maybe people arent seeing. We are in the middle of a 2universe fight over the nature of america. The left would like Paul Manafort and all these other legal things to be the deciding issue in december and october. We want lowest Black Unemployment in american history. Lowest latino on employment in american history. Over 4 growth. Wages going up. Americans having judges approved in record numbers. Bad regulations being thrown out in record numbers. We want to have a debate in which our universe is a universe of real accomplishments and their universe is a universe of essentially trying to block everything, and i think if we communicate that correctly, we will win by a huge margin. I did this the other night with you and you were shocked on your radio show because i was so optimistic. Are you really this optimistic and my answer is simple. If the president and his team and the republicans in congressl and their consultants can wage a campaign that insists that this election is about the issues that matter to the American People, we can shock people on Election Night with one of the most astounding off yearon elections in history. Sean thank you for joining us. When we come back, Rush Limbaugh mocking Robert Mueller earlier today. Weve got the video. Thats next. H weve got the video. Thats we know that growing up means passing it down. We know that hunting actually helps our nations wildlife grow stronger. We know that this isnt just what we do, its who we are. We know the great outdoors. We love the great outdoors. Bass pro shops and cabelas bring you the fall hunting classic with huge savings. Like this Cuddeback Black Flash game camera for only 75. And these keen mens waterproof hiking boots for under 90. And sometimes those experts need experts. On it. [ crash ] and sometimes the expert the expert needed Needs Insurance expertise. Its all good. Steve, youre covered for general liability. And, paul, we got your back with workers comp. Wow, its like a party in here. Where are the hors doeuvres, right . [ clanking ] tartlets . We cover commercial vehicles, too. I think theres something wrong with your sink. Rush limbaugh talked about the Special Counsel and the witch hunt, mueller mrl. Add this to the reasons this is a fraud. Robert mueller knows that this lawbreaking went on and hes ignoring it. So does everybody else in this investigation know that everything about this is bogus and fraudulent and it didnt happen. Yet they pursue it while at the same time ignoring the real crimes they participated in themselves. Thats why i say all of this is an ongoing continued coverup. Sean check mate, rush. All true. Thats all the time we have. We will always be fair and balanced. Quick programming note. Dont forget. Set your alarm. Wake up early. Watch the entire interview with President Trump tomorrow morning on fox friends starting at 6 00 a. M. We hope you will tune in. Also tonight at 11 00 p. M. ,

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