Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20180817 :

FOXNEWSW Hannity August 17, 2018

Leaking the content of the dossier to the gullible reporters a it the election at the request of fusion g. P. S. In fall of 2016. Dossier and even steele did not believe him. I thought it was bad if they tried to influence the election. I guess its okay if your name is clinton. Can you say russian collusion . Tonight we will remind everyone on the left that the president of the United States has the constitutional broad and the absolute authority to remove the security clearance of any american. Yesterday after years of misconduct he stripped obama exc. I. A. Chief john brennan from the privileges. The main stream media is apoplectic and outraged claiming that brennans freedom of rights are infringed. We will help them understand the difference between constitutional right and governmental privilege. Plus we will walk you through the deep dive of every highranking former or current official. They all should have the security clearances revoked. We will give you names and the reason why. Stay tune for another shining example of the lets ever increasing trump derangement indrome. We syndrome. And update of Paul Manafort trial of the century as jury deliberation is entering day two. Jury asked the judge, well, they want more of a definition of what is reasonable doubt. They want it defined. Sit tight and buckle up. We begin with tonights breaking news opening monologue. Again tonight, sara carter unearthed one of the most revealing pieces of information in the ongoing saga between bruce ohr and Christopher Steele. For two weeks we have been showing you dozen of communications between ohr who was once the fourth highest ranking person in obama d. O. J. And the exforeign spy Christopher Steele. The new text, email, handwritten notes provide evidence of a seedy, unusual relationship between the two. Including a coordinated effort to push the contents of steeles dirty unverified russian dossier all throughout the d. O. J. And the f. B. I. Just tonight, sara carter uncovered one more handwritten memo from bruce ohr reporting a phone conversation he had with Christopher Steele. In the memo ohr writes that steele is very concerned about the comey hearing and afraid they will be exposed. This is on top of the text that sara revealed here last night saying steele was concerned about whether or not, plural, firewalls will stay intact. Ahead of comeys upcoming hearing. You have Christopher Steele worried about being exposed and for good reason. He worked on Hillary Clinton op Research Team in 2016 and put together the clinton bought and paid for dirty russian dossier full of russian lies, salacious, unverified, uncooperated and everyone steele himself wouldnt stand by it. Under oath in great britain. He said well, it may not be true at all. Its raw intelligence. Its Christopher Steele who used bruce ohr to spread propaganda throughout the highest level of the government and to you, the American People. Thanks to the reporting also tonight from Catherine Herridge we know Christopher Steele who was leaking the contents of his phony dossier to your gullible news media in this country in the fall of 2016. All at the behest and request of fusion g. P. S. By the way who was paid by Hillary Clinton and the d. N. C. We now know fusion g. P. S. , oh, remember the russian lawyer in the Infamous Trump tower meeting . She was paying fusion g. P. S. Dont forget simpson met with the lawyer before and after that meeting at trump tower. Were know Christopher Steele and simpson were pushing the russian lies. They all knew it was total b. S. By the way, that is why steele wanted the firewall. That is why he is scared to death he will get caught. Now in a moment, sara carter and Catherine Herridge will join us for a full report. But first take a deep dive in President Trumps very important security clearance review. And several current and former highranking officials. Yesterday the president stripped top secret access from john brennan and for good reason. We demonstrated last night how brennan violated the c. I. A. Policy. It says, in the case of former c. I. A. Directors, the agency holds that their security clearance and renews it every five years for the rest of their lives. However, that requires former c. I. A. Directors to behave like current c. I. A. Employees. Well, that is not brennan. We also used the security clearance to validate conspiracy theories that he is regularly pushing and getting paid for on msnbc and leaking, of of course, Sensitive Information about the dossier, through harry reid and a letter public to comey. But the main stream media dont care about the truth or any of this. Some are now claiming that John Brennans First Amendment rights are infringed. He is on tv 24 7. What are they talking about . Take a look. This is a dictatorial exercise of power that should frighten and call on all republicans to say, mr. President , you cannot do this. You are trying to inhibit the free speech of people who may be in opposition to you. To you, this kind of punishment is a violation of the First Amendment. I mean this is a striking move toward authoritarianism. This is what the dictators do. They shut down the press and shut down dissent and jail opponents. Or in this case they steal the security clearance. This is an authoritative act from a president who wanted to punish a critic. Nothing more, nothing less. The white house is threatening him right now. He is. It doesnt influence the commentary. They have already taken away from john brennan. Doesnt it say to everybody else, shut your mouth . This is all dumb, ignorant and patently absurd as john brennan continues to spew his antitrump hatred all over conspiracy tv msnbc. One other important point. A security clearance for those of you that have never read the constitution and claim you are a journalist, its not a constitutional right. Its a privilege. According to the u. S. Supreme court, navy v. Eagen, the u. S. President has authority to revoke any clearance with or without stated reason. Currently the administration is reviewing the status of nine clearances. Now with the help of our good friend fox news legal analyst Gregg Jarrett, lets break down why each of the people on the screen should be in jeopardy to lose secret access. We start with james clapper. He should be stripped of the security clearance as soon as humanly possible. He like brennan misuses his clearance to validate and also monetize his hatred of President Trump every time he is on tv. Brennan on conspiracy tv msnbc. Clapper doing the same thing on fake news cnn. Take a look. The value standards, the institutions that i and others spent the major part of our professional lives defending and upholding are under assault by our very own president. I really do wonder whether the russians have something on him. I really question his ability to, his fitness to be in this office. And i also am beginning to wonder about his motivation for it. This past weekend is illustrative a great case manager Vladimir Putin is. Sean that is not the only reason that clapper should forfeit the clearance. Before his time at fake news cnn serving as the director of national intelligence, clapper was accused of leaking secret information to cnn, the company that employs him now. Dont forget when clapper lied under oath in front of congress. Take a look. Does the n. S. A. Collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of americans . No, sir. It does not . Not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently perhaps collect but not wittingly. Sean of course we know the exact opposite is true. The n. S. A. Was collecting the data. He knew about it. Next, turn to jimmy comey. His access is already gone but he is still allegeable for future access. As Gregg Jarrett lists multiple reasons comey should be permanently losing his eligibility. Including his Improper Conduct in the clinton investigation. The fact he stole the government property. Remember handwritten memos about the president. Remember he leaked that potentially classified information. The memos to a professor friend to give to the New York Times. And he also likely mislead the fisa court about the steele dossier he was supposed to verify and never did. Then he lied about that in the book tour. Well remind you. You called the dossier unverified, salacious. Why did you use that to the fisa court to ask for surveillance for carter page . Not only use it, but you led with it. A bulk of the fisa application deals with the dossier. Why . That is not my recollection, brett. I dont know that the fisa application has been released. My recollection is it was part of a broader mosaic of facts laid before the fisa judge to obtain a fisa warrant. Sean there there was more than the information in the application . It was cause to believe he was agent of foreign power. The dossier was part of it but not all of it, in my recollection. Sean unreal. We now know the dossier did in fact make up the bulk of the application. Its irrefutable fact at this point. Next up, look at peter strozk. He was also fired for Improper Conduct. The extreme bias and willing ness to act on that alone means he should havent clearance. His mistress lisa page is also complicit with resulting to strozks bias and his attempts to stop it. Meaning to stop trump becoming president. The insurance policy. Then there is andrew mccabe. He was fired for lying. He was also involved signing off on the fake fisa application. That willfully misled fisa court judges. By the way, and the American People. We got sally yates also fired for insubordination. She signed off on one of the fisa applications. Susan rice lied all over the place over and over about benghazi when they knew better. Matter of national security. Really . Knowingly, lying . Get rid of her clearance. Michael hayden. Gregg jarrett calls the case questionable. But hayden is employed by cnn as a talking head. Finally we end on bruce ohr. He was once the fourth highest Ranking Member of the d. O. J. Before being demoted twice. Why . For failing to disclose his wifes employment at fusion g. P. S. Add Christopher Steele to the mix now. Ohr was actively working on an investigation into the trumprussia collusion while his wife was paid by the Clinton Campaign to dig up dirt on trump. Ohr appears to have also filed Financial Disclosure report to prevent the government knowing the true nature of his wifes work. In moment Gregg Jarrett will join us with more in addition. But without a doubt, the Trump Administration was right in the case of brennan and now should revoke all the clearances as soon as possible. Now we turn to the daily roundup of the most deranged trump haters. Tonight we feature this absurd comment. Controversy tv, msnbc. Take a look. I like the idea that you see the example, a bad example of what is the core that would say its okay for trump to dissolve media institutions because they are super unpopular. I want a pollster test. How many people in the Republican Party think its okay for trump to dissolve their grandparents . Im certain if its a trumprelated question you would get 10 like donald trump has the power to do whatever he wants including kill my parents. Sean today President Trump gave his own take on the media trump derangement syndrome. Tweeting, there is nothing i want more for the country than true freedom of the press. The press is free to write and say anything they want but much of what it says is fake news, pushing a political agenda or plain trying to hurt people. Honesty wins maybe that is why you made us number one. We thank you for you. Expect the media rhetoric to get worse and worse as the most important midterms of our lifetime gets closer. We are only 82 days away. This week, congressman Keith Ellison won the democratic primary in his race to be the next attorney general in minnesota but not without serious controversy. Ellisons exgirlfriend, a woman named Karen Monahan is accusing him of serious domestic abuse. A claim backed up by her son who wrote that ellison put his mother through pure hell and he had seen a video of ellison two minutes long assaulting his mother. Including ainen stance where he allegedly dragged her by her feet off the bed, while screaming and cursing at her. These are charges that ellison vehemently denies but the d. N. C. Is investigating the claims. Robbie mook of the Clinton Campaign saying dont campaign with this guy. We will keep you posted as the story develops. Tonight, we have another update in the trial of the century. Paul manaforts 2005 tax case and bank fraud case. Jury wrapped up day one of the deliberations without reaching a verdict. The jury did however submit four questions to judge ellis, including one asking him to define or redefine reasonable doubt. That may be a good sign for manafort but i caution you. Remember, you cant glean too much from a question of a jury. And over 90 of the federal cases result in a guilty verdict. The odds are not in manaforts favor. Keep in mind as the media storm ramps up on this, this case has nothing zero, mr. Mueller to do with russia. Zero, mr. Mueller, to do with any collusion. Zero, mr. Mueller, to do with the 2016 campaign. And zero to do, mr. Mueller, with donald trump. This all comes as the wife of one of muellers targets George Papadopoulos who was just on with tucker is calling for her husband to scrap that plea deal that he made with mueller and sue the government. Well let you know if papadopoulos takes his wife advice. By the way, takes on the aggressive tactics of team mueller. A lot of ground, a lot of news we are breaking. Joining us now, Investigative Reporter Fox News Contributor sara carter, author of the now three weeks in a row number one New York Times best seller. The russian hoax the illicit scheme to clear Hillary Clinton and frame trump. And judge pirro was number one. You knocked her off. She is a friend. I feel badly. Sean you dont feel badly about that. You want to be number one. Stop. You are full of it. You are happy you are number one. That is okay. She made number one, too. All right. Sara. Go back to last night and then lets go to the developments we have today. Steele writing ohr, hey, any news . Were a bit apprehensive given scheduled appearance in congress on monday and hoping the firewalls will hold. Firewalls plural. I have no news. I believe the early information is still accurate. Now we know a new development. Handwritten message after a call with ohr and steele. Ohr writes the message. You pick it up from there. This is what is fascinating even when comey was going to testify in 2017 in march, two days before he talks about the firewall. He hopes the firewall will hold. That is what Christopher Steele tells bruce ohr and then later, months later, he sends a very important text message saying you know, im very concerned about the comey hearing. Ohr, i mean, he talks to ohr on the phone. Christopher steele, im concerned about the comey hearing and im afraid we will be exposed. That is because at the time, the Senate Judiciary committee, Charles Grassley started to ask a lot of questions. Who is this Christopher Steele . How is he involved with the f. B. I. . What information was he sharing . At this point, they knew that all the firewalls that they had built up were about to start crumbling down. Sean okay. Gregg, lets get into this. I hope the firewalls plural hold. Two days before they were testifying before congress. Now a step deeper and they are concerned about the comey hearing. Afraid we will be exposed. Okay. Firewalls. Holding, afraid we are going to be exposed. I thought the whole mueller thing was we were not supposed to have Foreign Nationals trying to influence our elections. Now we have Christopher Steele spreading his lies and propaganda. Visavis, fusion g. P. S. To the gullible media. He knows and he testifies under oath. He doesnt even believe his own dossier, the own b. S. He wrote. But they are peddling this to the American People. He is not even a Foreign National. Hes a foreigner on the f. B. I. s bankroll. And payroll. On Hillary Clintons payroll. And saras reporting is right. He fears the Senate Intelligence committee. He fears comey. He fears senator grassley in particular. That he will be implicated and busted and exposed for his illegal behavior. I have here handwritten notes in the handwriting of bruce ohr march 15. He writes, special counsel right to question in u. K. In other words he doesnt want to be forced to answer questions under oath. On the same day he says he urges bruce ohr must protect sources. In other words,

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