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Commentary, newsmaker interviews and panel discussions. A lot to get into. Stay tuned, its time for our breaking news opening monologue. We are going to start, we are going to go very slow tonight because a lot of new information. Robert mueller and his team of partisan investigators, they want to face off with the president of the United States number but today President Trumps attorneys flatly rejected, rightly so, muellers interview terms. They have countered with a proposal of their own. In a statement, the attorney for President Trump, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani wrote we are restating what we have been saying for months, it is time for the office of the Special Counsel to conclude its inquiry without further delay. The former mayor is not predicting that the investigation could be over by september 1st. He will be right here on the show with more details in just a few moments. Without a doubt, President Trump should be aware. Mueller, his merry band of antitrump deep state sycophants, hillary clinton, obama, democratic donors. Whats happening here, we all pretty much agree on. They are laying a perjury trap for that president of the United States. Mueller should not get what he wants. The president , his attorney should not give in. The president should not sit down for an interview. Tonight we have yet another example of just how corrupt and how flawed muellers witch hunt really is. According to a shocking new report, john solomon, Christopher Steele, remember him . The former foreign spy responsible for the clinton bought and paid for dossier . We now know he was also paid by your fbi, your dollars under jim comey while they were desperately trying to influence the ongoing counsel with the hunt into socalled Russian Collusion and it gets worse. Bruce ohr, the fourth highest Ranking Member of the doj was trying to help Christopher Steele do it. This is months after he was fired for leaking. He got 11 payments from the fbi. On July 16th 2016 before the election, he wrote i spoke to my old colleagues last week. They assured me they would not stand in the way of our reengagement with the bureau. He texted back i will pass along to my colleagues, thanks. On november 18th, after the election trump won, now muellers witch hunt was now underway. Christopher steele writing i am presuming youve heard nothing back from your Special Counsel colleagues on the issues you kindly put to them from me . And then he goes on to say to say this is disappointing would be an understatement. Certain people have been willing to risk everything to engage with them in an effort to help them reach the truth. Just like theres truth in that phony, unverified, uncorroborated, debunked dossier that the Clinton Campaign used to smear then candidate donald trump, the same russian lies that were used before the election as the foundation for the Mueller Witch Hunt and the Opposition Research used to people to sway an election, the bulk of that information that is false, russian lies to get a fisa warrant as top officials, as i said, four separate times like the fisa court judges to spy on an opposition candidate. Then he turns around and tries to peddle his lies through bruce ohr. His wife nellie helped to build allies for fusion gps, the dossier. What did they do with it . They wanted to get it to Mueller Postelection to destroy President Trump after the fact that they lost. They try to influence the election, it didnt work. Then they try to destroy the president. It is a national, disgusting, despicable disgrace. The biggest abuse of power by the top doj and fbi officials in this country, by the way, not rank and file. According to solomons report, we will go back to that. These communications between bruce ohr and Christopher Steele, they were going on until late november 2017. But first we are also currently tracking another investigation into election hacking. According to wikileaks, Senate Intel Committee has now requested an interview with julianna sanchez. Senator burrs office has not confirmed the request but if its true, its about time. After all, wikileaks, they were the ones that actually released those hacked emails and unlike so many other socalled journalist in america, we took the time, we went to england, we sat down and we interviewed him right here on the show and on my radio show and he said to us, no government actor was involved in the hacking. You might remember, take a look. Did russia give you this information or anybody associated with russia . Estates party, so the answer for our interactions is no. You did not get this information about the dnc, John Podestas emails, can you tell the American People 1000 you did not get it from russia or anybody associated with russia . We can say, we have said repeatedly over the last few months that our source is not the russian government and it is not a state party. Sean i would assume he knows where he got it and probably has the proof. So lets let this country see where wikileaks got the information from. We will see you posted when or if the senate intel does in fact interview julian assigned. By the way, the house, they need to do the same thing. If the American People, you deserve the truth. But regardless of what you think about wikileaks, its irrelevant. We know one thing for certain. President trump in no way colluded with russia and instead the president has been extremely tough on Vladimir Putins hostile regime and today we have one more example. Tough new u. S. Sanctions levied against russia in response to an Assassination Attempt of a former british spy conducted controversy, the occupy ice movement. Are you familiar with any of that . What you think about it . I think they should be able to protest. I think we need to look seriously at the policies at the moment. You are a [bleep] too. But im nice. It doesnt matter. You just dont like fox news . No because fox news is nothing but a bunch of [bleep] capitalist lies. Sean she found a fan. If you are not going to believe how out of touch with reality some of these people really are. Now lets return to the horrific breaking story out of new mexico. A father of a missing disabled 3yearold son has been arrested at a squalid camp that is linked to islamist extremists. 11 children were found on this compound where it is believed Weapons Training was conducted. With plans of course to use the children in Future School shootings. The individual arrested was the son of a brookland imam who was meanwhile, manaforts attorneys called out what is the questionable Character Of The Star witness rick gates, pointing out that he had up to four Extramarital Affairs on top of, oh, lets see, embezzlement, lying, extortion and could have faced if he didnt get they get out of jail free card from mueller, could have faced 290 years in jail. Wow, 290 years in jail or Say Something about this guy. I think i will take the jail. I dont think so. As always we will continue to update you on this trial conducted by muellers team of witch hunters. It has absolutely zero to do with russia, nothing to do with collusion, nothing to do with the campaign, nothing to do with trump. Of 2005, put the squares to him so he sings or composes. Back to our Breaking News Story tonight. Joining us from the hill, john solomon and fox news investigative contributor, sara carter. John, we will begin with you. Lets talk about the new development. This is massive tonight, a lot of emphasis, go slow, it gets complicated. It is. The bottom line is simple though. Months after Christopher Steele was discredited and terminated by the fbi because he has leaked to the media, a major violation of human Source Intelligence roles, there was an effort underway by him with his buddy bruce ohr, at that time a top deputy to Rod Rosenstein to try to get him back into the fbis good graces and possibly get him working, reengaged is the word used in this emails with Special Counsel mueller. It doesnt appear they ever got to mueller but the mere fact that a Senior Justice Department official was trying to get a discredited Artisan Intelligence source pass on to the case tells you all you need to know about this case. This is not the way counterintelligence is normally done in the fbi. Career people that sources carefully, they manage them carefully. They double and triple check their authenticity and their accuracy. Here we turned a blind eye to their partisanship so their inaccuracy and their documents and we are still trying to get them in the investigation a year later, that is whats wrong with this fbi investigation in this episode is one of the strongest at the fbi is talking to bruce ohr, they know this is going on. Someone has to come clean and the fbi. Sean lets slow it down. Not only did hillary and the dnc pay bruce ohr, 11 payments by the fbi, hes fired. Those payments were not for this case. They were for other work he did. Sean understood. But they are still paying the guy. The money came from him, understood. Chris steele now hates trump like peter strzok and lisa page, correct . He does. Sean he even admits under oath in Great Britain i have no idea if this is true, this is raw intelligence because he was risking perjury. So he tries to get trump, the American People were fed by him, hillary paid for it lies because they wanted to influence the American People with russian lies that she paid for, correct . Yes, theres no doubt. Sean and then after the election they are trying to drag him back in, the fourth highest ranking Justice Department official who is right wife, incidentally, we know she worked for fusion gps but we believe on the phony russian dossier and try to bring him back because after trump won and a dossier lies didnt work they were trying to take out the president with more russian lies, correct . The only reason to bring Christopher Steele back into the investigation that we can see in these documents is to sustain an inaccurate narrative in the Public Domain that they had this extraordinary evidence against President Trump and he was colluding with russia, and as you know, james comey said it wasnt there. No one has presented it since that time of any evidence that the president colluded with russia. It was a political effort, not a counterintelligence effort. Sean sarah, your report is also blockbuster tonight. These documents that we now have Written By Bruce Ohr two weeks after the 2016 election, those documents were designed to defeat trump, it didnt work. Now they are going back, now they are trying to use it postelection. Notes from peter strzok and lisa page have many lawmakers, investigators, fbi had a Back Channel Investigation they never revealed, tell us what you found. They never revealed it to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and this is essential because they violated it. They withheld Exculpatory Evidence that the judges should have known about. Also, the documents reveal something very important. These are Law Enforcement sensitive documents. These are memos Written By Bruce Ohr himself and on November 21st he apparently either met with or spoke with lisa page. She is General Counsel for former Deputy Director andrew mccabe. She also with peter strzok, or paramore, lover, and when you look at all of this and joe, an fbi agent, the same one that interviewed general Michael Flynn with peter strzok. This is so important because in that note to himself, basically that memorandum he also mentioned Paul Manafort, that they were moving forward against Paul Manafort and thats essential here, because he couldnt move forward against trump. They could move forward against manafort but he did note i would contact Christopher Steele. He basically noted to himself to contact steele. If so what was he doing with lisa page, peter strzok and joe . What was this doj official doing and why was it not disclose to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court . I think those are the most essential questions that need to be answered. Sean lets explain in your words, then lets give john a chance. Explain in your words what this was all about. In other words, there were the top people at the fbi, we can go to comey, the deputy fbi director who has been fired and may ultimately end up being indicted and then with that peter strzok and lisa page. All of this going on. Now bruce ohr and nelly ohr. They seem to be much more involved than we knew up until this point. Explain how this was all about defeating trump and then destroying trump. That was it. This was about either destroying trump, before he could be the president of the United States, ruining him before there was even an opportunity and if he did become president , which he did, taking down a duly elected president. That is what they were working for, that is what they continue to do and that is what they were semisuccessful at because what they got, the end result, comey got it when they appointed special Counsel Robert Mueller based on this evidence and they also got it with the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Sean he was trying to get to mueller through bruce ohr. Thats absolutely correct. Sean according to both of you, you are both telling me theres still a lot more to come. John, you are shaking your head. Did they get to mueller . It seems like they connected based on these emails we have. I dont want to go that far. I think the fbi was receiving information during the time Special Counsel mueller is in charge of the investigation. It is not clear that peter strzok or the other fbi agents told that to mueller. We know that peter strzok had interviews as late as the summer of 2017 with the fbi with ohr getting the information. It definitely made it into his investigation. Sean out of time. Thank you both. Theres more new information coming. Tick tock. Up next, a hannity exclusive with President Trumps attorney Rudy Giuliani. Also Alan Dershowitz and so much more straight ahead. Are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. Oh up to 12 pounds . vo a twoyear study showed that ozempic® does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events like heart attack, stroke, or death. Oh no increased risk . Ozempic® ozempic® should not be the first medicine for treating diabetes, or for people with Type 1 Diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Do not share needles or pens. Dont reuse needles. 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Theres a great irony here. May be if mueller and his band of whatever they are, democrats, write, or fairminded, maybe they would investigate maybe thats the collusion. Be thats the collusion. Sean did you ever hear the adam schiff tape that we played . Just dying to get Naked Pictures of trump with a russian on tape. There is your evidence. You cant make it up. If it wasnt so seriously not only did they try to lie to the American People with russian lies, now we know after the election they tried to destroy the president with lies and now they are connected to mueller perhaps . Ive never been involved in an investigation on either side thats more illegitimate than this one that is so obviously more illegitimate and i wonder where is the sense of justice on the part of mueller, on the part of the Justice Department. After all, the Justice Department this is a Justice Department investigation. He is working for rosenstein. And at some point youve got to say the irregularities, the unethical conduct, the double standard, the way in which people who hate trump will put into primary positions of power has completely tainted this investigation. Sean the families from Law Enforcement, my mom was a prison guard, my dad, New York City, so many cops in my family. Fbi agents. I cannot believe the rank and file are so good. Heres the thing, you responded today to muellers latest request and you think this could be over by september. Lets start with that. I think of it isnt over by september than we have a very, very serious violation of the Justice Department roles. You shouldnt be conducting one of these investigations in the 60day period. Hes got plenty of time. Either decide we offered him an opportunity to do a form of questioning. He can say yes or no. We can do it. If he doesnt want to do it, he knows the answers to every question that he wants to ask. Hes going to ask them, did you tell Comey To Go Easy On Flynn . The president will say no i didnt. Hey, bob, you know it. Why do you want to get him under oath . Do you think we are false . Want to trap him into perjury. We are not going to let you do that. Sean theres two separate issues. Collusion and socalled obstruction. Theres a report today that you said no questions on obstruction. Am i assuming here that your response to him was maybe a couple of written answers only . I cant tell you what it is yet. I cant. I cant. My cocounsel is much stricter about this than i am. He will get very angry. I would love to tell you, but the reality is, the reality is he doesnt need to ask a single question on obstruction, he has all the answers. They are not going to change, the president is not going to change his testimony, so stop the nonsense. You are trap him into perjury because they dont have a case. Sean mr. Mayor, the constitution as our good friend mark says, mark levin, is on the president s side. I agree its illegitimate, has been, the double standard is so glaring. We have been pointing it out now every night and with new details every night. My question is, i wouldnt give him a thing. You dont owe him a thing and if he wants a fight, then theres going to be a fight. We dont like to fight. Sean i used to watch your press conferences, i disagree with that. The real story here is not that this case is going to fizzle, its going to blow up on them. The real question is what we talked about before, theres a lot more to what they did that nobody knows about yet. A lot more to the obstruction of justice, to the collusion, to the fake dossier. Trying to bring steel back in after he was completely discredited. Sean and then feed it to mueller. And mueller is going to have a lot to answer for. I said a long time ago the investigation here as to be of the investigator because we cant let that dont make this happen again in american history. We may not have a president as strong as President Trump. A lesser president could have really been cracked by this. Sean mueller, jeanie rae, andrew weissmann. Heres my question, we know the department of justice has absolutely denied congressional subpoenas. As great a lawyer as you are, i dont think you would get me out of trouble if i was ignoring a subpoena. I dont think i could. Sean but the president has the power to go through these documents from fisa and make it unredacted and let the American People see that the bulk of information was what Christopher Steele himself said wasnt verified. That something that as his private lawyers commit that he has to deal with and his government lawyers. Sean would you suggest he should . I cant tell you what i suggest. Its privileged. Sean let me ask you about the fisa lies. The bulk of information in the memo came from the phony dossier that hillary paid for. If that turns out to be alive. The author of it says he cant corroborate it. Heres my question, they used it for separate terms to spy on an american citizen, an Opposition Party candidate Campaign Associate in the lead up to the election after the election. Again, what if i lied to a judge . I wouldnt think of lying to a judge without getting my life in jail afterwards. You would be investigated for perjury, investigated for contempt. Your career would be ruined. Your life would be ruined and i believe that when this plays out over the next year or two its not going to be about President Trump. Its going to be about all the things they did. You know how sometimes the coverup is worse than the crime . In this case the investigation was much worse than the no crime. The president did nothing wrong. Sean my sources are telling me that when the American People get to the bottom of all of this it will shock the heart, the soul, and the mind of any fairminded american. I think its going to lead to some very, very big reforms, just like watergate. A different kind of watergate on the side of the investigator. Corrupt investigations through and through. Sean why would you even consider a counterproposal . When its over with i will explain it to you. Sean im not getting anything out of it tonight. Good to see you, mr. Mayor. Thank you. When we come back, andy mccarthy, Alan Dershowitz. Maybe i will get more out of them. Thats straight ahead. They are much smarter than me. Pressure. Thats just my favorite boat. Boom. laughs make summer go right with ford, americas bestselling brand. And get our best deal of the summer zero percent financing for sixty months on f150. Right now, get this special offer on f150 zero percent financing for 60 months during the Ford Summer Sales event. Uhp. I didnt believe it. Again. Ooh, baby, do you know what thats worth . I want to believe it. [ claps hands ] ooh im not hearing the confidence. Okay, hold the name your price tool. Power of options based on your budget and well make heaven a place on earth yeah oh, my angels ooh, heaven is a place on earth [ sobs quietly ] donald trump, Alan Dershowitz, im glad you got out of marthas vineyard. Im assuming, i dont know, i dont have any information whatsoever but im assuming the response today was what we will with written answers to written questions, there is a precedent in the case of ronald reagan. If i were the president s lawyer, and im not, he has a terrific lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, i would make mueller an offer, to paraphrase the godfather, that he couldnt accept. Sean that he cant refuse. Let me tell you why. Of the president can say i wanted to testify. It was mueller who didnt let me testify. He turns it down. I think its very important that the American Public see who actually made the decision not to testify. Sean that might actually help in an argument if theres a subpoena that ultimately arrives at the supreme court, correct . I think so and the supreme court is likely to divide the issue and say you cant ask the president about his motives, why did he fire comey . You cant ask a senator or congressman or a judge. You cant ask about motive. But this one question they can ask them which would be a very difficult one, they can say did you know about the meeting with your son in the office, the trump tower . The president has artie said he didnt know about it. Cohen has said he did know about it. Sean i think under oath he said Something Different according to the testimony he he originally gave. If the president says no and is truthful that he didnt know about it, mueller would still have enough to charge them because all you need is one person, the perjury trap. The big problem here i think is the burden is on the wrong side. You dont get to just as a Prosecutor Question the president of the United States, you wouldnt get the to question a journalist. You would need to show that there was a serious crime that you had the president implicated in somehow and that he is the source of evidence that you need to make the case that you cant get from any other source. Sean S Of The Constitution is on the president s side. Absolutely. The constitution is on the president s side, the law is on the president s side. You just cant ask the president to explain why he took an action. Politics you can ask him, his opponent can ask him. Sean he has the right to fire anybody. And to pardon anybody and to end any investigation. Sean adam schiff on tape talking to a russian, oh, really, Naked Pictures, putin saw them . Or the russian lies hillary paid for. That collusion, is that conspiracy . I dont want to see anybody. I just dont understand why at this point look, in 99 of investigations investigative secrecy is a very important priority because most cases dont involve the president of the United States, but i think at this. 2 years down the road we are entitled to know if the Special Counsel has a case and he should be he should have to come forward and show what the crime is. Sean are they going to push this to a subpoena . I think they will and im not sure they are going to win. Comey in his book says you never bring in a subject in your investigation and let you know exactly what hes going to say. He basically lays out the perjury trap theory. Sean he is also the one that gives the most Exculpatory Evidence on a couple of points. Somebody in my team wanted russia collusion, youve got to do that. Let me ask you a question, they shouldnt need to say. Sean 2005 tax case. He manafort come up with the screws so you will sing or compose to get an impeachment or prosecution against trump. Heres my question, heres gates, their star witness, facing 290 in jail perhaps. Lets say 100. Im thinking a lot of people would lie and take the bribe of a get out of jail free card and say whatever the prosecution wants. I can give you personal evidence of that. Ive had so many clients who have told me they are prepared to compose to make up a story to get out of jail. Sean did the world trade center. In my office under rudy and going forward, you would not have gotten a Plea Agreement like this. You would have had to plead guilty to everything. Sean why would a juror believe a guy facing 100 years in jail gets a get out of jail free card but he has to testify . It depends on how corroborated he is. Without a corroboration its a bookcase. Sean 95 conviction rate. That is scary. Thats because mostly they go after people where the evidence is overwhelming. But when you start thinking about a manafort case where the judge himself said you are not going after manafort. Theyre going to squeeze in. Sean tommy laren and secretary nielsen next. This is not a screensaver. Game. This is the destruction of a cancer cell by the bodys own immune system, thanks to medicine that didnt exist until now. And today can save your life. You have a real motorcycle . And real insurance, with 24hour customer support. Arcade game wipeout oh well. I retire as champion. Game hog champion. To some protesting, some controversy, a lot surrounding your mayor and the occupy ice movement. Are you familiar with any of that . Yes. What do you think about it . I think they should be able to protest. Do you think that portland has gotten more militant in the last year, two years . I will just say crazy. Crazy . Do you think abolishing ice is a step in the right direction . I think we have to look at our entire immigration policy. Our policy has failed. Do you think that protesting on either side has gotten out of hand . For sure. Do you think its about really standing up for rights or is it about getting attention, what do you is the goal . I think people have a lot of goals, they want to be personal warriors. Social justice warriors may be . For sure. Fox news, you are if weve too. But im nice. I dont care. My names tommy. I dont care. Very hostile in portland. A fortunately only views that are being projected out here are Extremist Views so you get extremist reactions and thats why you get extremist behavior with people coming up to you and flipping you off. You think a lot of people in portland are miswarned . Theyll think about the corruption, coming in, the drugs. Do you plan to go to any of the occupy ice protest . Depending on what my Work Schedule is like. Sean liberal cities on the west coast, they arent the only places protecting illegal immigrants. Listen to what the governor of new york, andrew cuomo, set about ice. I will do nothing cooperatively with ice. I have sent them letters asking for an investigation. I have said if they do in a criminal acts, which a police force can do, we will take criminal action against ice because i believe they are politically motivated. Sean and you will never be president. Much more reaction. Kirstjen nielsen is with us. By the way, madam secretary, im very sorry. I saw what happened to you in a restaurant and i know theres been other incidents is with you. It shouldnt happen and we have democrats telling people to get in the faces of secretaries, people in the cabinet like yourself. Whats your reaction to that . I think the activism might be slightly misplaced in the sense that what needs to be reformed are our laws. We dont have laws that will let us do what we need to do to protect the country. Thats where we should place our activism, to reform the laws that we can secure the homeland. Sean let me tell the audience about a case that we just found out about and this is out of the city of brotherly love, this is out of philadelphia. Previously deported immigrant from honduras raped a child after philadelphia authorities ignored Ice Detainers and released him. It goes back to this particular man, 45. He faced a couple years in prison and was deported from the u. S. In 2009. Back in the country in march of 2014, taken into custody. Then after local criminal charges against him were dropped, philadelphia officials did not comply with a detainer by the immigration and customs enforcement. He was released after his release he was rearrested and convicted for the rape of a child, and unlawful contact with a minor. Isnt that about phillys decision to disregard Ice Detainers like andrew cuomo just talked about . Couldnt that have been prevented . It could have been prevented and it should have been prevented. We owe the American People better. This is a perfect example of when jurisdictions decide not to cooperate with federal Law Enforcement. We put our communities at risk. The Men And Women Of Dhs Go back into community at their own risk and the risk of the community where the criminal is. To try to reinterdict and detain that person. Sean as one person said he got a free pass from the city of philadelphia and its Department Of Prisons headed straight back into our community, committed a heinous crime. He never would have had the chance to commit had the city of philadelphia complied with the ice detainer. This is happening much more than people know. How many times a year how often is this happening . We have them, we know they are here illegally, we know they violated laws and then cities dont cooperate and they get released and then commit other crimes. It does. The good news is that we continue to increase our prosecution and our removal of criminal aliens, dangerous criminal aliens. But you are absolutely right. The only way this works to protect our country is if we can get back to a place where Law Enforcement works with Law Enforcement. Its crazy that we have pitted blue on blue. They are here to protect the public together. Sean i had a source of mine recently told me that drones are being used by drug cartels out of mexico and the use the drone to find out where our Law Enforcement is positioned so that those that are either involved in Human Smuggling or drug smuggling, that they will know which direction, which route to take that is the most safe for them. And im told even though we know these drones are coming from mexico, we can do nothing to take them out of the sky unless we get a warrant. The problem with that would obviously be if we get the warrant, the drones are back in mexico. Is that true . Its not just that, but lets face it, when we are talking about the technology we have today, these drones can fly up to 100 Miles Per Hour so the concept of using an antiquated law to get a warrant to stop a nefarious drone is ridiculous. Weve been working really hard with congress, there is Bipartisan Legislation that has been introduced in both houses, but congress has got to act. I need the authorities now to protect the homeland. This is not a question of if, its a question of one. Sean thank you for being with us. When we come back, an important video of the day that you dont want to mess, straight ahead. His good when you rent from national. Its kind of like playing your own version of best ball. Because here, you can choose any car in the aisle, even if its a better car class than the one you reserved. So no matter what, youre guaranteed to have a perfect drive. [laughter] vo go national. Go like a pro. See what i did there . 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