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Commentary, newsmaker interviews and panel discussions. The smoking gun against donald trump. Watch your Fake News Media and action from earlier today. Child a one from trumps former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort. Hes facing a slew of charges and this is also the first highprofile test of special counsel robert mueller. For for example mr. Mena ford is found guilty, that makes it a real problem for the president of the United States. Paul manafort. Paul manafort. Paul manafort. The campaign is accused of hiding at least 30 million. We will learn the nittygritty details about Paul Manaforts financial situation. Did you see what color type Paul Manafort was wearing . He did not either because he sat with his back to us. There is your Media Obsessing over a 2005 tax case. Up aggressive prosecution from a special counsel who is supposed to be investigating russia, is one more clear example. In the United States of america today, sadly we have a twotiered system of justice in this country. Anyone ever associated with President Trump is now under the legal microscope. But Hillary Clinton, 2016, exoneration before investigatio investigation. They dont interview her until july and we know that she committed crimes. We know the server was hacked by foreign entities. We know she violated the espionage act. Secret intelligence, where is that server, where are those emails . Why did she destroy classified top secret information. We all know that if any of you out there, if you had deleted subpoenaed emails, as that wash application, sally yates signed off about it, and what about peter strzok and lisa page . Thats one against the candidate they love in one against the candidate they hate. We know the fbi director is a liar and he probably should be charged with certain crimes as well. Leaking, and this is the sad truth tonight. We have a post constitutional america. We are starting to demand equal justice under the law and we are going to lose our rights and our freedoms as a Constitutional Republic forever. Thats right, this upcoming midterm election, and weve only just begun to peel back the layers of this deep state. And i can only continue if republicans maintain the minorities house and senate. Earlier tonight, while campaigning, gubernatorial candidate ron desantis had this to say about the Upcoming Elections and so much more. Democrats want to raise your taxes. They want to destroy your jobs. They want to crush our industries with crippling regulations. Republicans want strong borders and no crime. Democrats want open borders which equals massive crime. And on top of that, the democrats, nancy pelosi and the whole group, maxine. They have launched outrageous attacks on our incredible Law Enforcement officers and on i. C. E. At our border control. The new platform, what they want to do, the Democratic Party wants to abolish ice i. C. E. In other words they want ms13 to rule our country and thats not going to happen. In some states democrats are even trying to give Illegal Immigrants the right to vote. They want to give them the right to vote. If you want safety, if you want borders, if you want to have a country then you need to go out and vote republican. Sean so tonight while President Trump slammed rightly democrats, many in the crowd actually called out the abuse by press in the country. In fact many floridians in in e descendants let jim acosta know exactly what they felt about his networks partisan abusive biased coverage. Take a look. At the white house has only held three briefings with the press this month, and there is no other way to describe the white house is doing these days. Top officials including the president were hiding from the press and we will give you a sense of whats happening right now. You can hear there is a chorus of billing and other chants on the strong crowd here in tailback, florida. They are saying things like this, and we will do that with all of our viewers tonight. Sean they are not wrong, its not false. Im actually going to give your network some advice, if you have an open mind and an open heart. The people of this country are screaming at you for a reason. They dont like your unfair, abusively biased treatment of the president of the United States. If you want to earn the respect of all americans, not the coastal leeds, california, San Francisco and new york, maybe try reporting the entire story and getting rid of the bias. Maybe examine why people are saying this to us. In other words, coverage like this from the White House Correspondent at cnn, this is why they are doing it. Take a look. David, go ahead. Is obviously not helpful at times and i know thats plain to see. There were some fears on capitol hill, and that could lead to impeachment proceedings. What is the president s thinking on that and what is your thinking on that . You understand how the law can be different than Border Security . And thats part of the negotiation that we Want Congress to have. They may not be in favor in favor. What we are witnessing right now is just this erosion of our freedoms. Right now, the president is really sensitive to criticism and he lashes out in this fashion. The last three news conferences, all of the questions to the American News media have been handled by conservative press and i think, there is no other way to describe it, but the fix is in. Let me ask you a question. Do you believe jim, do you believe speak out they are not always going to be highly skilled. Jim, i appreciate your speech. I think we saw the president s true colors today and im not sure they were red, white and blue. Jim acosta, thats called opinion. And you were extremely rude. Oh, and a liberal partisan hack, thats why Americans Dont Trust you or fake news cnn. He pretended to be fair, and on and an unbiased journalist but you are not. You are not reporting facts, you are giving an opinion. And its pretty obvious and the people see it. So instead of doubling down on your antitrust breakage, maybe look inward. Maybe find a cure is an income maybe find your inner peace, analyze objectively the overwhelming, nonstop, hysterical coverage against the president. In other words, maybe you will have a better luck getting an interview if you start being a little fair. Maybe, just maybe, it will take my advice. We do have a recent study, fox news. Thats right, not fake news cnn, which is among the most trusted brands in tv news. So while cnn continues to trust the president hour after hour, minute after minute, day after day, other never trumpers are getting worse, literally bottom of the barrel. Lake is one of the single most vulgar terms to describe the first lady of the United States. Imagine the outrage if a republican candidate ever said the same thing about the former first lady, michelle obama. The outrage from these very same people would be nonstop, for the media has largely ignored the story. Some republicans are calling for to get her to ban this deranged trumpet hater from their Social Media Platform and we will not hold our breath. 98 short days until these important terms and each night on this program we will do something that your Mainstream Media will not do. We will actually show you the very worst rhetoric. They will call these republicans racist, sexist, islamophobic, dirty air and dirty water and they want to throw grandma over the cliff and kill children. Theres only one way to counter the deranged left wing in this country. If you care about your rights, if you care about this country, if you care about the president s successful agenda, you better get in and go vote in november because the future of the country does depend on it. Democrats have their Postelection Agenda in place. If they win and 98 days you see on the screen what they will do. Before we get to our guest tonight, i have to wish a good friend of mine, pete constantino, a happy birthday. He is a friend, a gifted brilliant Brain Surgeon who has saved the lives of so many including many in our military. Happy 50th birthday. Joining us now with reaction, Fox News Contributor sara carter author of the number one book in the country. Fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, lets start with the men Paul Manafort chat wow trial. Well rush i get mentioned . No. Trump walt, and the Trump Campaign wont. This is a perfect example of you will be persecuted and prosecuted if you so much as shake hands with donald trump and join however briefly his president ial campaign. If you are friends of hill and bill, you get a Sweetheart Deal and immunity. James comey abused the position of his office as fbi director to clear Hillary Clinton in the face of compelling evidence of criminality, in order to clear her path to the presidency. On the very day he cleared her, he launched the investigation of donald trump, meeting secretly with the author of the antitrumped dossier who is on the payroll of Hillary Clinton and really thats the thesis. Pam watching a 2005 case and they said we dont care about manaforts taxes. So we can prosecute or impeach donald trump. Thats the only reason we are here. And i think every american needs to be worried. Remember, sean, judge ellis himself said he be begrudgingly move forward with the case because Rod Rosenstein get so much latitude to special counsel mueller. And lets not forget that Andrew Weissmann isnt in charge of this case. Andrew weissmann Who By The Way have met with the Associated Press the day before the Associated Press wrote that big expose, this was before he joined the men Manafort Team ad they wrote that big expose on april 12, 2017. And now they are fighting that. You know, wiseman was never removed from this case and should have been investigated because the fbi himself, the people in that meeting with the ap had actually filed a complaint against wiseman. We are seeing a case that in 2014 the government had the opportunity to go after Paul Manafort. I dont know what he did and you dont know everything that he did, but they decided sean i have no idea about the ukrainian deals he did. This same wiseman that was running the case, wasnt he excoriated by two judges for holding exculpatory evidence . Oh sure. It was overturned unanimously by the supreme court. 9nothing. Did he put four maryland executives in jail for a year . Ruin their lives. Then they were released because what he had done was wrong. What why would Someone Hire Somebody with that record that was excoriated by Judges Holding exculpatory evidence . If you want to hire a team of partisans to be unfair and not neutral and to conjure a case out of thin air against him to his innocent, thats what they are doing there. Sean and this is all in your book . It is. Prosecutors tried to smear Paul Manafort simply because hes rich. And the judge stopped them and turned to the jurors and said, its not a crime to have a lot of money. This is how pernicious these prosecutors are and how unprincipled and unscrupulous they are. Sean i look at this track record of the guy thats leaking this case and i think of what the president says, 13 protestant democrats. Isnt one of the hires, not just Andrew Weissmann, but tell me if im wrong. Did she ever worked for the Clinton Foundation as a lawyer . Yes, and this should not be shocking to people right now because what we have seen over and over again is extraordinary targeting of the president and everyone surrounding the president. These people are doing everything they can to go after him and this is one example of that. Sean between you and gregs book and me, i dont think they like any of us. But keep up the good work. Coming up, a warning about muellers justice system. It should scare all of you. Important interviews coming up next. Woman it felt great not having hepatitis c. Its like a load off my shoulders. I was just excited for it to be over. Harvoni is a revolutionary treatment for the most common type of Chronic Hepatitis c. Its been prescribed to more than a quarter Million People and is proven to cure up to 99 of patients who have had no prior treatment with 12 weeks. Certain patients can be cured with just 8 weeks of harvoni. Before starting harvoni your doctor will test to see if youve ever had hepatitis b which may flare up and cause serious Liver Problems during and after harvoni treatment. 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You are lucky, we love you and we all come on to be on your show. I want to bring people inside the justice system. Didnt you know he killed 19 people . He did. If you would testify, i think it was john gotti senior at the time, the teflon dog. They you testify, and, in other words they put the screws to him. If you sing or compose, i dont know what he did because i dont remember the case, we will give you a Sweetheart Deal. As a judge and as an attorney what do people want to say to get me out of jail . The article today is that u. S. Attorneys have a political agenda, and that political agenda will determine whether or not they want to forgive someone who was murdered 19 has murdered 19 people that they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt so they can go after someone else. They are going after mueller, and bernie can talk about this, because they want to squeeze him. Sean why would you want to let someone who killed 19 people make a deal . Wont he say whatever you want him to say . When i was at d. A. I would make deals with drug dealers to get after the guy was about that drug dealer. You do it all the time in Law Enforcement. The credibility is slim. Every one of the people in the article i mentioned, , colin, flynn and manafort are specifically investigative targets specifically because they knew trump. All three, and cohen, who im pretty disappointed with at this stage, Cohen Ironically was his attorney and they targeted him intentionally for this reason. Thats a purpose behind it targeting attorney. And so you talk about what they did with sammy the bowl, they charged Michael Flynn with one false statement. And he they said he didnt think he was lying. He had to sell his home, and he said, well we have to go after your kid. Im assuming that happened. So what father wont dive on the sword to kill themselves for their kids . They do that all the time. Thats what they do to get people to tweet. They go after your house, your mother, your daughter. We want this guy and in order to get him, everyone theyve ever touched. Thats the only way they can prove a crime. And what they are doing in the manafort case, they are bringing in all kinds of evidence to show, he thinks hes above the law. He bought persian rugs and an ostrich jacket. How great was the judge toda today . Fico and, those guys know, and because normally thats not the case. Normally the federal prosecutors run rogue over these cases and when they do so the judges sit back and let them do what they want. If im on the jury, and im listening to the defense asked, did you cut a deal with these guys over here . Did they threaten to put you in jail, did they say you are not going to go to jail if you do this . Im dismissing that person because i dont believe that you cut a deal to get out of jail. You are basically thrived and paid. True or false. You are going to do that, yes. And and bribing the witnesses. They are bribing the witnesses to get them to testify but, a lot of times and thats what Alan Dershowitz said earlier. The export thats false. And, what would you say . That guy, he would confess to sinking the titanic because he wants to get out of jail. When the jury looks at him he says, the prosecutor makes the case. And, thats 98 . It 6575 . The feds got you by thats not going to make news. Why did you say that . My point is when the feds squeeze you, they squeeze you tight. Sean by the way, judge shapiros book is number one. And youve been out how many weeks . Jesse and jessica. This will get interesting, next. Ive seen lots of homes helping new customers bundle and save big, but now its time to find my dream abode. Right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. Keep going. Stop. A little bit down. Stop. Back up again. Is this adequate sunlight for a Komodo Dragon . Yeah. Sure, i want that discount on Car Insurance just for owning a home, but im not compromising. Youre taking a shower . Water pressures crucial, scott its like they say location, location, koi pond. They dont say that. So, maybe its time to upgrade. Get more out of your water. Get zerowater. Earlier tonight, in tampa, florida, touting his economic accomplishments. With the midterms, 98 days away, just because friends are working in overdrive to downplay and discredit this record. This is what the hill yesterday voted. Celebrities dive into midterms hoping to thwart trump. Heres his reaction. Cohost of hit show the five and jessica truman. Lets go through really quick, obama, 13 million more on food stamps, 8 million more in poverty and those participation rates since the 70s. Lowest Home Ownership rate in 51 years and mckinley did more debt than any other president combined. Trump, 4 million new jobs created, the best Labor Participation rate that weve ever had. Record low unemployment, 14 states. Hispanic americans, and asianamericans, women in the workplace and more jobs and thats the single greatest economy that we have had in ten years. Tell me, whats wrong with that, why would he want to go back to your friend obamas record and agenda . Because he did better. Oh, god. President obama added over 11 million jobs and got the Unemployment Rate down. 13 million americans who are insured now because of president obama. Dont shake your head to come i didnt shake my head. It im not calling used stupid but the economy is stupi stupid. When obama wasnt charged, it wasnt 1. 6 average gdp growth. And what happens during the city union, you guys clapped and nobody was announced. Nancy pelosi, the most unpopular politician in america, and then you have trump, a stable genius, shes not at 48 . Talk to any pollster, Maxine Waters is not the face of our party and neither is Hillary Clinton. Who is the face . A lot of different people come up depends on where you are. I could tell you the face of the republican party. I cant. And i have more things to say. We have 4. 1 gdp growth, and thats a 789 which is utterly ridiculous. And donald trump already added that up. They are never coming back. I dont know why you are first first migrating someone on two years, and ive read Charlie Kirks tweets where he said that donald trump has accomplished more in two years. It is factually inaccurate. Sean we have 2 minutes left so i already have the winner. Is that you would be fair tonight. Sean you have a lot of ground to cover in 2 minutes. I think im doing a good job. Lets talk about solar and wind energy. It went up 369 and there was a decrease in coal jobs. You know what the future will be . Flex fields. The future of america will be the worlds dominant producer of energy in by the end of the Trump Administration in six years. If you dont think it will be clean coal . Well thats part of the solution, you can make flex fuels out of it. What are you think about the tariff war . You know what i think the good tradewise, trump put America First and so the last. Do you work in the Soybean Field or harleydavidson . Its like when i go to the gym, no pain no gain. I dont go that often but ive heard people say that. The soybean farmers, not big fans. The people who work at cocacola, caterpillars workert a trade war or did we get a better deal . We havent seen the final product there yet. We are moving towards progress. We got a better deal. Could we have gotten the deal with the president didnt negotiate . No obviously. It was literally a concession. You can say thank you to President Trump. And the president also got the European Countries to cover up that cost. Arent you happy that all these Manufacturing Jobs are back . Arent you happy the economy is doing well . You know what the problem is for your party, every bit of good news is news that comes back to take power. And i dont know how Many Democrats are the face of the party or not. The president is that brings celebrities to campaign, and you guys would love it if a celebrity wanted to meet you. Kanye west sends out one tweet in favor of the press and you guys are riding high. Thats a trade that i would definitely you are on a roll. Shes supposed to be amazing. You know what . It was a bad day for you. Its jesses world, he owns it. All right, goodbye. Sean when i come back, the president pardoned alice marie johnson. She was going to spend 20 years in prison, but thanks to President Trump, shes here. Our incredible story coming up next. Has this unique combination of probiotics. It helps replenish good bacteria. Get fourinone symptom defense. Gathered here are the worlds finest insurance experts. Rodney mastermind of discounts like safe driver, paperless. The list goes on. How about a discount for long lists . Gold. Mara, you save our customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. Its a gift. And jamie. Present. Together we are unstoppable. So, what are we gonna do . Insurance. Thats kind of what we do here. Greatgrandmother. She served nearly 22 years in prison. One oh fence, a firsttime nonviolent drug offense. Life sentence, its insanity. President trump did rightly commute alices sentence, and im getting goose bumps watching it now. Allison reuniting with her family early last month after nearly 22 years behind bars. By the way, Kim Kardashian is receiving backlash after refusing to malign the president in an interview with mr. Weinstein jr. Jimmy kimmel last night, take a look. More good things are coming out of our conversations. I have nothing bad to say about the president. So i am very focused, but i dont agree with everything either. I had no idea what to expect, and i was just like, im going to be focused. I am so honored that you are here, i am so happy that you are out. Thank you. I dont talk about conversations ive had with the president but when i saw him last we talked about you. That video, it moved his heart. And actually said, i want to do more of this, how do you feel . I feel this does not seem real. My sister is in the studio with me tonight. Sean hi she is one that ran out and brought the roses to me. The reaction that im getting from the public every single place that i go if people recognize who i am, they hugged me and tell me how happy on home and how they followed from the day kim went to the white house. There were prayer vigils going on all over, literally. Sean how hard was that . The weighting had been very painful for me and my family. So many ups and downs, so many false alarms as it was going to happen for years. We have fault and fault and fault. Sean she went to the white house for you, how cool was that . Yes, on my birthday. Did you realize it was on my birthday. I was watching tv that day and i didnt have any idea what she was about to do. To tweet something out, happy birthday alice marie johnson, today is for you. Im so happy that kim is staying focused because there are so many others just like me who had none violent offenders. Sean how did you get a Life Sentence over the worst crime ever . That is insane. This system is broken. The president said hes going to do more of it. I was so happy that his heart had been touched to do more. And Something Else you did that really amazed me, and i talked about that at the time, i loved what you said. I said thank you america, think the president. Thank you for giving me the second chance. I will let you down. I wont let him down. There is no way. This country is a country of second chances, and i believe that as the president see is has taken place with me that he is going to follow up and do some other things for other people. People see my face and thats what they need to see. Im just like you, and my family is here with me tonight. How many are here with you . Ive been here ten years, pro bono. Sean amazing, thank you for what you did it. And there is your sister listen, im so happy and i hope that you see the president and tell him your story so that he can hear that there are other people like you that deserve that chance. Just like me. Sean God Bless You and its an honor to you, so glad you are free. Thank you for your support. Sean when we come back, some of the highlights from the president s rally in florida, straight ahead. Yes start them off right. With the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Save 200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. Save 200 on this dell laptop let your perfect drive come together at the Lincoln Summer Invitation sales event. Get 0 apr on select 2018 lincoln models plus 1,000 bonus cash. But having usaa now thats a privilege. Were the bakers and were usaa members for life. Usaa. Get your insurance quote today. Sean during tonights rally, President Trump talked about north korea and that disaster is a deal. Take a look. Speak it we are doing well in north korea, we have our hostags back, as you know. There has been no nuclear tests. There has been no missiles or rockets flying, beautifully, over japan. I think of our relationship is very good with chairman kim, and well all see how it all works out because theres nothing like talking. The iran nuclear deal. Its a horror show. [boos] i hope it works out well with iran. Having a lot of difficulty right now. I hope it works out well. I have a feeling that well talk pretty soon. And maybe not, and thats okay, too prayed sean by the way, i do hope that Alice Johnson that would be awesome

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