With congressional staffers and gave explosive testimony about a russian criminal enterprise operating right inside the united states. This is before the uranium one deal. Sara carter will join us along informants lawyer, victoria toensing. First we get to tonights breaking news opening monologue. Brandnew we have even more test messages from peter strzok and lisa page. A report raising questions about Hillary Clintons potential involvement and Hillary Clintons email investigation. Uranium and exchange about creating talking points for james comey, page rights, potus wants to know everything we want to know. Okay. So what exactly did president obama want to be briefed on . Sources close to strzok and paige are telling the wall street journal that this message they sent doesnt have to do with the clinton email probe, and instead, was talking about possible russian interference in the election. So in light of the new strzok texts, we need to know what investigation did obama want to be briefed on. That is why tonight we have two very simple questions for barack obama and frankly, everyone else involved in this scandal. Take a quick look. What did the president know and when did he know it . Sean that was senator howard baker during the watergate investigation asking very important questions of president barack obama and others now need answers to, they got to answer to everybody. What did we reached out and we do not get a comment. By the way, shocking, also, theres a new o batch of Text Messages that was just released from the trumphating fbi lovers peter strzok and lisa page. It highlights their investigative bias and of course, their continued hatred of donald trump. On august 9th, 2016, lisa page writes, hes not ever going to becomet, president , right . Right . Their hatred for troublemakers from there. On november 3rd, 2016, only days before the election, page wrote, the New York Times probability numbers are dropping every single day. Im scared for our organization. The Senate Report notes this is likely a reference to the New York Times election forecast, which showed trump gaining ground at that point in the election. Then on election day, november 8th, 2016, strzok then says, oh, my god, this is blinking terrifying andzo the nt day, he follows up with oh, my god, i am so depressed. A few days later on november 13th, here is what lisa page texts. Pay close attention. I bought all the president s men, i figured i needed a brush up on watergate. The following day, she writes, god, being here makes me angry. Lots of high polluting National Security talk. Meanwhile, we have our task ahead of us. A okay, what text are they talking about . They also called trump an idiot, loathsome humanlo being, talked about their insurance policy in case he won. Clearlybu they were abusively biased towards nonresident donald trump. Heres what is very important. Peter strzok into an extent lisa page, who was Andrew Mccabes legal counsel, they are at the center of everything and all of this. Strzok was a former top intelligence official at the fbi and sign the documents remember to start the russia investigation. Strzok also played a key role in the clinton investigation, even interviewing hillary and helping james comey write that exoneration months before the investigation. Of course, by overseeing the interviews of not only clinton, but also general flynn. By the way, hes the one guy who helped put the fix in. One of a couple. That allowed Hillary Clinton to remain in this president ial race. Otherwise, very likely if it was a fair investigation, she probably would have been indicted. A new text message proves that on september 20th, 2016, strzok says, got called up to andys earlier, who we think is Andrew Mccabe, hundreds of thousands of emails turned over by Anthony Weiners attorney toto e fdny, includes a ton ofma materl from spouse, huma abedin, sending team up tomorrow to review. This will never end. Here is why this is important. According to reports, whats in the upcoming doj Inspector General report we expected next month is what caused Andrew Mccabe to abruptly resigned at the end of last month. The wall street journal is fff reporting that the fbi officials, top officials, including mccabe, they knew about huma abedins emails that were found on Anthony Weiners laptop in september of 2016 but they waited for at least a month before alerting congress. The text message provides very key proof that is showing that comey, mccabe, others, they literally sat at a crucial moment on huma abedins emails that were discovered in Anthony Weiners laptop. The question is, why . What took them so long to notify congress, which they should have done . The ig report is due in the spring, probably march, and hopefully those questions will be answered. There are other Text Messages from strzok and page thatt are raising a lot of red flags tonight. On may 19th, 2 days after Robert Mueller was named the special counsel, i strzok was talking about joining the investigation with mueller and strzok asked question. An investigation leading to impeachment . Why are they talking about impeachment . Keep in mind, during that same Text Exchange on may 19th, 2 days after Robert Mueller was namedd special counsel, he says, youno and i both know the odds e nothing. If i thought it was likely, id be there no question. I hesitate in part because of my gut sense and concern that there is no big there there. So strzok knew from the start that mueller would be caring out of which on pretty much. There is no revelations about former attorney general loretta lynch, her involvement in the clinton email cover. In june 2016, bill clinton infamously meets with loretta the tarmac in phoenix for 30 minutes which caused longed to say on july 1st that she is stepping away from the investigation when she would accept the fbis conclusion. Keep in mind, all of this is before Hillary Clinton was ever interviewed by the fbi. After lunch a statement that she was taken aback seat, she would go along with the fbi in james comey, the same guy that she says, dont call it an investigation, college of matter, strzok writes to page, timing look like hell. Page writes thats awful timing, and page later adds, its a real profile encourages since she, loretta lynch, knows no charges will be product. By the way, they hadnt interviewed hillary. Four dayss later, comey told his press conference rightnt after e interviewed clinton, that was strzoks interview, they let clinton off the hook. Page, strzok, lynch, comey all knew that clinton would it be charged in the obamama administration in fact was rigging it and the fix was in. Also tonight, even more evidence that the fbi lied to a fisa court using that clinton bought and paid for apy dossier to on e trump campaign. Last night we explained in depth about the unredacted details in the grassleygraham memo. Here are the highlights if you werent with us. The funny dossier in fact did make up the bulk of that fisa application. In march of 2016,f james comey briefed congress that the fbi used the dossier enough fives application because i thought Christopher Steel was credible. Call me trusted steele. The fbi only vaguely referenced the political origins to the fisa court, so what they were doing was hiding the fact, they did until the fisa court in the application that that dossier that they didnt verify was boughtry and paid for by Hillary Clinton. The centers also accused steele of materially misleading misleading the fbi. Steele was working on a second dossier, we told you last night, and he impart this takes the case was being fed information from the Obama State Department and clinton associates. So they are giving literally clintons friends are giving steele the information hes using in the phony dossier but the rest of the information came from the russian government, remember . He was saying the government was the source for the phony dossier material. Steele was briefing several mainstream mediaat outlets, thee lies and propaganda, in the summeral and fall of 2016, about his first fake news dossier. British court records, steele talk to reporters, lets he come from the New York Times, fix News Washington post, and of coursd of september 2016 about the dossier. We previously uncovered that fusion gps cofounder Glenn Simpson testified to a Congressional Committee that the Clinton Campaign and the dncmp were very aware that his company was contacting media outlets, coordinating in other words, about the dossier. Coordinating their efforts to leak these motion lies. Also, remember, the Senate Report says the dossier, as we told you last night, full of information from the russian government. While mark. There really is a russia collusion story. Hillary, russia collusion. Of course, the Republican HouseIntelligence Committee memo. The highlights from that document, the former deputy fbi director Andrew Mccabe revealed without that dossier, the fisa warrant to survey all would never have been approved. The fisa judge was in this case never notified that the dossier was bought and paid for by the Hillary Clintoned and the dnc, funneled through the same law firm, which of course is a huge problem, and we also know that james comey, Andrew Mccabe, sally yates, and Rod Rosenstein all approved surveilling in this particular case. The fbibi also used the yahoo ns article written by Michael Isikoff about the carter trip to russia. They were using it as separate and independent source to corroborate the phony dossier before thehe fisa judge, except the source for the yahoo story was Christopher Steele. So they never corroborated the information becauseus steele was the source of the dossier and the fake new story by Michael Isikoff. We also know that no one ever verified what was in the dossier. Of course the memo shows that steele was suspended and terminated as an fbi source for leaking to the press, demoted doj official bruce ohr had a close relationship with him. Remember, ohre had an office for doors down from the Deputy Attorney general, rodt rosenstein, who would later appoint Robert Mueller. Ohrs wife, nellie, want to talk about coincidences in life . His wife was employed by fusion gps specifically working on the antitrump opposition research. Bruce ohr said that steele said he was desperate, the author of the dossier, desperate that donald trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president. Finally, the memo finds that during the first fisa application for that warrant, corroboration of the steele dossier was its infancy stage. I he never verified the russian paid for lies by hillary and the dnc. The fbi lied to a fisa court and the user dossier full of russian lies to spy on the trump campaign, just before an important american election, and americas powerful tools of intelligence for weaponized to spy on an Opposition Campaign during an election year. The key people involved need to explain themselves. Here with reaction tonight, we welcome back former u. S. Attorney for the district of columbia, the fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, tom fit in. Joe, its a lot to absorb, n a t of information, but it is so telling and sad that this could happen in united states. Give us your general take away. This is piling on in a very big way. We are headed toward a very sad ending forve the fbi and senior doj officials. Mccabe is gone because Christopher Wray knows whats in the other emails on the other texts. Mccabe was sent packing as a result of Christopher Wray being briefed by a number of people who have access to the investigation that is underway, which is going to lead to criminal charges againstng a number of people. What you are seeing coming out now and the Text Messages is just the minimum of what is available now to doj officials as they watch it sadly sean who is going to get charged . I believe that several several high fbi officials will be charged criminally. It is conceivable that some doj people will also be charged criminally. Sean what about james comey . I cant answer that question because too much of the information about comey is filtered through other people. It is clear, though, that at the time prior to the election, and subsequent to the election, there were a group of people inside the fbi at the senior levels on the seventh floor who decided that they were going to protect Hillary Clinton, they were going to change 302s, and they were going to make sure sean explained that. They were going to change three oh twos interview notes, they were going to exonerate hillary, and they were going to frame donald trump. It is an escape ball no matter what all these people are saying at the New York Timesw and the Washington Post with their silly editorials. They are missing one of the great corruption stories of american Law Enforcement. Its sad to say, it involves the senior levels of the fbi and it is a national disgrace. Sean one oh four the biggest . I i would consider this the largest Law Enforcement scandal in history for this reason. There activities of mccabe and others and bruce ohr and others were designed to subvert the constitution and a nationalio election. The most serious offense under our constitution. Sean gregg jarrett, lets start with the new strzokpage texts we have tonight. We are missing the five crucial months, though they have been recovered. We have a lot more common, 50,000 in total. With each new revelation, it gets worse. People can bicker about the meaning of these Text Messages, but its abundantly clear that there was such extreme political bias on the part of strzok and page and personal animus toward donald trump, the candidate and the president , that these two people shouldho have been nowhee near the investigation. Some people have said, and ive watched them another programs, saying, when mueller found out, he fired strzok. Well, he was on the Hillary Clinton case, the lead investigator, then he jumped to the trumprussiath case, then te mueller case. So for two years, how much damage did he do before he was caught . Sean let me ask you about this. The house until has requested the judge to provide for fisa transcript hearings, i want to talk about the legality of all of this because we do know that Lindsey Graham and senator grassley, they got a chance to look at all four codifies applications. That was a footnote nobody paid attention to you with the unredacted memo they had. As it relates to the intel, i would think if we ever got a hold of the fisa court, considering they are seeing the bulk of information to allow this to go forward was based on the phone he Hillary Clinton paid for russian government dossier, they withheld all this information from a court, i got to believe that court judge has got to be livid and furious tonight. This is the letter that devin nunes has sent today to the presiding judge of the fisa court. Requesting not one, but four different hearings and any transcripts to determine the false misrepresentations of facts that were made, allegedly, by the department of justice and the fbi. If you just look at the grassleygraham letter, it plays out a meticulous case of how the court was misled, deceived, evidence wass concealed, but it may be even worse in those transcripts. Leon panetta was wrong when he said, the Intel Committee didnt even interview the judges. I got news for him, they have ny authority. But they do have authority, as witnessed by this letter, to get their hands on the transcripts of the hearings before those fisa judges. Sean tom, this whole issue of barack obama wanting to be kept abreast of all of this in strzok and page preparing for talking points for obama, wall street journal said it was not about the investigation but earlier comments i saw that you made, you have your doubts about that. You pick. Its either about the emailus investigation or the russian investigation. Either way, you see president obama being intensely involved and wanting to know everything about either the clinton email investigation or russiaia investigation. Pick your poison in terms of president ial involvement in the sensitive criminal investigatio investigation. Ive always wondered why president obama has skatedd really free from any serious inquiries about his involvement in the russia investigation, his knowledge about the dossier, its origins. Hes a politician, too, running the dnc and parked. Did he know about the payments of the dnc and Hillary Clinton and the dossiers use in their rush investigations and those fisa applications. Did he know about the dossiers use i would think to justify unmasking . These are questions that have to be asked of presid