Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20180118 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20180118

Fake news network and stunning developments clinton bought and paid for docier and fbi shared information with the creator. This is the the guy that lied to us using russians christopher steel. This is so corrupt and sarah carter bloomenthal was interviewed by the clinton. Hen rery is at the white house and more on the president fake news awards. As you noted theres a lot of interest on the president web site senator jeff flake attacked the president for atagging media. Compared him to stalin. He got strong pub back from the white house. The president went ahead and said here you go heres what theyre calling fake news awards. Number 11 was russian colition and number ten on the list as you go through the top ten. New york times falsely claiming on front page that this white house hidden a Climate Change report. That was not true. Number 9 cnn falsely reporting former fbi director james comey would the claim he was told he was not under investigation and in fact james comey did tell them that. Cnn reported opposite and had to create ceekt in. Number eight news week falsely reporting first lady of poland did not shake the president s hand. There was video proving that that was simply not true. They had taken a screen grab that showed right before the handshake. Number 7, cnn making list again. Falsely reporting about anthony scar muchy meeting with the russian and retrablingting it because of what they called a significant breakdown in the reporting process. And number 6, cnn hit by the president again for falsely editing a video to make it appear as you see there that the president had to finally over fed fish during visit to japan with the prime minister. Prime minister led the way with the the feeding and suggested the president do it that videos was attacked and number five a political rally the president had in florida. Hes attacking the fact a reporter you see him dave wigel suggest today was not a large crowd. Had he was using a photograph taken apparently hours before the event. Number four is interesting. Because it was literally from day one of administration. See bus there of dr. King. Time magazine falsely reported president removed that bus from the oval office after barack obama put in the oaf all office simply not true. Time magazine falsely reported owe otherwise number three cnn makes an appearance the president if his words cnn falsely reported candidate donald trump and his son donald trump junior had gotten special access toss hack documents from wiki leaks before made public cnn had to walk that back number two interesting abc news brian ross remember he got suspended for this report. Hes prepared to testify. Were told by a confidant against President Trump and members of trump family and others in the white house. Hes prepared to testify that President Trump as a candidat candidate, donald trump ordered him and directed him to make russians which contradictions everything of this point. That reported suggested general flynn was going to tell the special Counsel Robert Mueller there was russian collusion dating back to the campaign. That was not true. Abc had to retract it. Problem the stock market had a crash after that news sugges suggesting that there was collusion in the campaign. That was fake. And number one, this is interesting. New york times columnist paul drugman on day of president election victory you see him here paul always ou outing economic credentials said, that the economy would never recover from the trump victory. The president cites that as number one in what he is calling fake nawz wards. Particularly fitting on a day, perhaps, shawn, when you saw the stock market reach another record high and perhaps more importantly, than that barometer, the fact a company like apple saying because of the trump tax cut, theyre going to repate reate billion billions, thats billions with a b, of dollars that they had parked overseas because of the preev quus tax laws that theyre now going to bring back to america and invest here jobs, build a factory in the United States and put a call center in the United States, jobs money pouring back into the United States. Something the president outed earlier on twitter, shawn. All right. You cannot make this stuff up. It dove tails to breaking news opening monolog. So the sick, twisted, meptd alley unstable antitrump media again working itself into a new manufactured frenz frenzy. Now, we have been complaining how the bias press operates in this country for a while. Heres how it works. Rush from one fabricated meltdown to another and in the process these braindead s socalled journalist bounce around and same talking point and little fake news bubble echo chamber. And it becomes a competition to see well, who can say the most out landish and the most offensive and the most false thing about president trupp. Its like theyre hip know advertised lobotamized robots and its sad and predictable and theyre not serving you the American People. Theyre sheep, close minded and convinced themselves this is psychotic part through their own conspiracy theories that President Trump surprise suffering from dementia and has early onset alzheimers and de ranged. Now the newest fake news fixations is all about the president s health. Think he would be happy naturally after the president s doctor told them he was in excellent, i repeat, excellent physical condition. And this shocked them. Could easily serve for two full terms. The media could not believe i it. It goes against everything theyve all been telling themselves. Hour after hour, day after da day. Week after week. Month after month. The press cannot stand the fact that the president scored a perfect 30 30 on cognitive scam. And my guess most of the people in the media world would robably fail the test if they took it themself. I would love to test them. Before we show you new examples its important to highlight how utterly insane the media was with the president s doctor. Watch this. Do you keep a tally of how much golf the president plays. So. President s prendz told reporters they hi hes a germ owe phone and washes his hands obsessively you do you see any indication of that type of behavior . Sedentaryy lifestyles are a perspective you can go back on sglat any evidence of bone spurs that he said he uvr ised from . Is he limited to yeah twitter doesnt involve me as a doctor. I have no concern on that. Does the president wear den turz. The president has no partial dentures of any kind. You said he doesnt drink or smoke other than diet issue did you address drug addiction. Drug addiction. Yeah. Any other drugs. No he has no drug addictio addiction. This is real reporting. This questioning went on for 49 straight minutes. And the media refused to face the truth, the reality. President trump surprise perfectly healthy. You think they would be healt healthy. Apparently not. It didnt take long for trump held truthers. Think about this they come out in the media and now theyre questioning everything that the doctor said. This is unbelievable. Watch this. The alleged excellent medical scam results of the fellow in the white house was spawned has spawned a new conspiracy is theory known as girther movement. Hes in excellent health. Sanyeha came out with not so the sure about excellent hel sglj when he said 239 pounds whatever. Im not being a girther. Thats 6 3, 239 pounds looks like thats a shock to me. Im not sure if it makes me feel better that this doctor says he has no cognitive issues. It makes me feel worse. And more worried for the country. White House Press Corps seemed stunned that the president , who cannot button the button on his suit coat, is not much heavier. Montreal cognitive assessment is a fairly low level test and unbelievably good at predicting dementia or predementia. It doesnt say hes not morally or mentally unfit to be president. It just says he doesnt have predementia. Well listen to dr. Liberal joe and dr. Micca and cnn took things further with morbid and sad prediction. This is nuts about President Trump. Take a look. This core owe fairy calcium score is one cardiologists use to be predictive and proactiv proactive. And if the the number gets up over 100 is that the concerning to a lot of doctors. Concerning because you can start to say well, if you do nothing different and if things dont change you can start to predict likelihood of having some sort heart event, cardiac event heart attack or Something Like that within a certain number of years. So the president has Heart Disease. Those numbers qualify him for having Heart Disease and clearly needs a plan to prevent some sort of heart problem down the road. Really . Hes never examined the president. We know that fake news cnn i have a new name in a second we know they hate the president. Really . Theyll predict a guy that never examined the president that hes going to have a heart attack . This type of behavior shouldnt be surprising. Especially coming from what were now calling you see it right there, cnn the shhole network or Fake News Network cnn managed to say that word hundreds of time in one week alone. Here are some of the examples i promise i played them all. Heres some well put on the web site tomorrow. What was your reaction when you heard the president call african nations [bleep] holes. Its not clear what he meant by [bleep] hole country. Are you shocked or surprised by this. Im not surprised. In one way im proud im a proud [bleep] holier. No we are not all created equal not if you are born in as the president put it hole country. The word house instead of hole as in house currentyes not hole countries. I guess hes a holier and is there a difference if the president said [bleep] [bleep [bleep]. Do you think these countries are [bleep]. And donald trump turned oval office in a [bleep]. Holiers built this country 110 years ago. Did you see the president hole comments. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] hole [bleep] hole [bleep] hole country. Do you have an example of any [bleep] hole companies. Hole, hole. I work for [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] hole hole, im proud. Im proud to be a holier [bleep] [bleep] i would say hole on television and [bleep] [bleep]. Congratulations cnn you did more than enough to earn your new nickname the [bleep] hole Network Fake News network keep up the good work. You would think cnn after hearing this over and over again for the person people what i am about to play maybe they would listen and say im not doing something right here. Take a look. Are they not listening . Apparently they are so har hardheaded, that nothing sinks in. Also, tonight, we have major breaking news this is important tonight about the phony fake news, Hillary Clinton bought and paid for russian and paid for dossier that long time clinton aid advisor bloomenthal was interviewed in 2015 by fake news dossier and congressional investigators are working to determine whether or not the Obama State Department was involved in gathering and circulating fictitious and totally fake information found that dossier getting deeper every night and according to another report a fbi agent exchanged information about the Bureau Russia investigation with the former spy that was getting the the phony russian information. Christopher steel. He is the guy that put the dossier together. You have steel being told by our fbi about their russia investigation at the same time steel is getting paid by Hillary Clinton to dig up phony russian propaganda source dirt on donald trump. You cannot make it up and we also know from fushian gps founder that steel briefed fbi about dossier about the election. This is corruption at the highest level. So much to get to tonight. Join us with reaction Sabastian Gorka and sarah carter and legal analyst greg jerric. On top of the vicious bloomenthal thing, we now have fbi, sarah carter, literally telling, this is new to me, the guy that is paying for russian lies, solacious details on candidate to fix election with phony russian propaganda theyre giving him information . I think thats incredible. You would think the fbi would be close holed about their investigation before sharing that. Obviously with exbritish spy working for fusion gps and paid by dnc and Hillary Clinton campaign is shunned. The fbi usually does not share information with people that theyre interviewing and if steel delivering information to the fbi it should be the fbi questioning steel not steel questioning fbi. I think what it interesting to me is after steel got this information where did steel owe go with it . This is a question that needs to be answered . Did steel approach papadopoulos and how much information did he get on George Papadopoulos and those are questions that still need to be answered. Great chair from the legal side of this do you see any legal issues, you have been pointing out you have four levels deep of hearsay that would never be accepted in any court. You know this just under scores fbi was politically motivated to damage trump. Theyre meeting with steel and trying to connect the dots with papadopoulos and theyre offering to pay money to steel to continue to dig dirt on donald trump. And they became in a way, just a political arm of the Democratic National committee and Trump Campaign after the fbi cleared for political reasons, Hillary Clinton in the email scandal and then launched a political convenient debate to frame trump over russian collusion without cin ty lla of evidenc evidence. So she fixed the primary with bernie sanders. And she had the legal issues so she could stay in the game. She had the fbi director and peter struck who hates the trump and loves hillary fix it so they can keep working. Felonies were committed miss handling classified information, et cetera. And then we literally have that fake dossier used to fix the general election and then its used for a warrant against the the opposing candidate in Election Year and its used to surveillance then a president elect and his tea team. And shawn, im a legal immigrant to this country and proud to be american. Im ashamed and horified by everything we are learning every day from sarah, from colleague john, from you, gre greg, and jeff flake should be concerned with the tactics of Obama Administration, not insulting this president who loved his country. What we are seeing is systematic targeting of political add sayreyes using trump pump intelligence files full of propaganda and using domestic surveillance. We have to use that phrase, shawn. Its domestic surveillance for political purposes against people who are running against them as their political opponents and thats whats communist and author tearian regimes now do. We now know that the doj had to release the documents that the fbi surprised they did it last minute. Rosenstein tried to frev enter and goes to paul ryans office and begs him not to do it were getting insight to what we learn next week. Sarah carter, what are you hearing. Extensive fiza abuse. What sebastian brought up is important. We have to look at what type of sure vaimen was con duged and what evidence testifed to obtain twoornts actually spy on members. But the dossier was used and fbi is collaborating with the guy getting the phony russian propaganda you cannot make up. No you cannot and byron york brought up interesting nakts his column today. The fact that steel could have been doing separate reports, other reports, other than the dossier. En and we suspect he was paid. They suspect he was paid and he had a close relationship with members of the state department. So this is something that is being investigated. You know, when you hire a spy who is trained in lies and deception, who relies on russian spies trained in lies and deceptions you get nothing but lies and deceptions and thats the basis ever the dossier and for the fbi to believe this document, which on its face is fictitious, is abuse of power. And they should have never looked at it they went to a judge to get a warrant to spy. Thats a dproud on a court to use a fake i want to hear from that judge. No judge i know likes belied to. Okay. Last so we have the fake news awards released tonight. Sebastian gorka its not only reports they get wrong its stories they will not cover. These stories and i see nothing but egg all over their face coming. I am so its so magnamous to put russian collusion at the bottom only of the list. Not paul drugman that laughable individual should be at the top of the list. Im glad you have a sense of humor. 50 minutes on what the president s belt size it and whether he has two scoops. Its a paragdy of media shawn its an absolute joke. More with michelle and joe when we come back as hannity when we come back as hannity continues. Coaching means making tough choices. Jim youre in but when you have high Blood Pressure and need Cold Medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. Coricidin hbp is the 1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your Blood Pressure. 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