Tonight, infighting and the white house. Anthony scaramucci goes to war against leaking on his first week on the job. Kellyanne conway is here with reaction. But mike emanuel is alive on the battle over obamacare. Mike, arent they usually on vacation by now . Pretty close. A good evening you, sean. We do have some breaking news. Mitch mcconnell has just posted the details of the Republican Health care plan that say a skinny repeal plan, getting rid of the popular parts of the obamacare, four g. O. P. Senators came out late saying that there would be unknow on the socalled skinny repeal plan. John mccain, lindsey graham, ron johnson and bill cassidy wanted a severances from paul ryan that it would go to conference to hammer out a more comprehensive plan. Conference if thats what those senators wanted but he said basically, the senate would have to take up the bill that came out of the conference first. He didnt want his numbers taking all the tough votes and the senator sitting back and watch the house struggle. Assuming they pass something tonight, they will go to conference and try to hammer out a deal and then ryan says the senate will go first. Sean pretty interesting. Mike emanuel will follow this tonight. Theres a war to stop leaking, Anthony Scaramucci has a very colorful phone call with a reporter. Ed henry is outside the white house with all the details. Ed, we see the cover of the New York Post tomorrow. The New York Post would look like survivor around here, from Reince Priebus to steve bannon to Anthony Scaramucci as well. All these advisors around the president , seemingly battling at out. Not just in private but spilling out into the public. Starting last night when scaramucci essentially accused Reince Priebus of leaking
sensitive Financial Information from scaramuccis financial reports. He pulled that back but then spoke to a reporter and scaramucci really let loose on several people here at the white house, saying they will all be fired by me, i fired one guy the other day, i have 34 people i will fire tomorrow. Reince priebus, if you want to wait back leak something, he will be asked to resign. Then he goes on to say about bannon, i am not steve bannon. Im not trying to build my own brand off the. In his defense he has gone on to twitter to say he requests the colorful language. And he says he has made a mistake in trusting a reporter. It wont happen again, sean. Sean i spoke to anthony
scaramucci tonight. He says he believes in every way that he told this reporter it was off the record. We have conflicting reports on that. But its a he said he said. Looked, the new yorker has not been friendly to this president. Thats an open secret. There were only two people in that phone call or that conversation. We dont know for sure. Obviously, if you are the Incoming White House communications director, you have to be careful about communications, particularly with a reporter from an organization that frankly has been hammering the president every which way. High marks in the early hours, lets remember. It has only been barely a week since it was announced. Its so much has happened but he got high marks for being a street fighter, someone who understands the president and will be more forceful and aggressive in getting his message out. The challenge tonight is when you have this kind of colorful language, that might attract not just media interest but some people like Newt Gingrich and other conservatives saying this
is all a distraction. To get back on jobs in health care. The other parts of the agenda and as mike emanuel said, they are being bought out tonight. Sean my commentary on this, more in a moment. Make or break night tonight. Obamacare repeal and replace, g. O. P. Lawmakers not only have themselves to blame, that they are in the situation, thats tonights opening monologue. When we started the program tonight, its really a shame that we are at this point with Senate Republicans having to pull an allnighter. Toilet paper, what i get down and throwing it up against the wall. The see what sticks strategy . To try to pass some kind of health care bill. So they can then go to conference with Health Republicans and eventually come up with a plan to do with a promise to do, repeal and replace obamacare. Senator mcconnell just posted details of the skinny Obamacare Repeal. They beg you, the American People for this opportunity for
its 50 a month for adults, ten dollars a month for children. They have no copays. Unlimited office visits. 24hour Doctor Service available for you. Free procedures. At 95 reductions because they negotiate directly with the Pharmaceutical Companies and you leave with your medicine as soon as you leave the doctors office. The same with lab tests. Why not let other doctors and some 400 already are doing similar things . They didnt even bring these ideas up. They did vote to fund some of the president s border wall but that has to get through the senate. Republican lawmakers and their inability to get things done, heres the truth. Its harming you. At this point, it seems like the only person in the Republican Party who has a vision and is articulating that vision is the president himself in to see the reaction he gets and the crowds that show up when he speaks. Earlier this week on the senate
been offering up conservative solutions. 2013, i offered the Conservative Solution Caucus i am constantly encouraging republicans to adopt big ideas, solutions to help the American People, in poverty and on food stamps and out of the labor force that cant buy back the house. I talked about the penny plan for fiscal responsibility, to balance our budget, lowering taxes for all the years ive been on the air, tax reform, repatriation of trillions of corporate american dollars to build factories and Manufacturing Centers and fill jobs in america. I talked at length about energy independence. With Energy Companies to get americans hired, securing the border, charter schools, sending education back to the states. Ive talked about rebuilding our military and ending stifling regulations of government, identify and defeating radical islam. Excuse me, senator, i care about the country and i care about
offering solutions. Ive talked about this every day for 22 years on tv and radio and when you were running, you wanted to be on my show as much as you possibly can. Im sorry, thats an unfair cheap shot and im sorry, republicans, stop pointing the fingers. You sound like hillary clinton. Start producing the results he promised. We want to talk about Anthony Scaramucci, the fox news audience knows him well. We also want to look at the deep state leaking. Look, i know the rest of the Mainstream Media is foaming at the mouth. They love what they view as infighting and the leaking and conflict and everything they think will stop the president and his agenda. Okay, so Anthony Scaramucci made a phone call with a new yorker reporter and guess what . He wasnt clear that it was off the record. Apparently, i talked to him tonight and he is apologizing. This was the cover of the New York Post tomorrow morning. Everyone has a good chuckle at this. Take a look at the cover. Survivor, the white house, the trump white house. If you look at everything a person on that front page, they have had to deal for over six months with the d. C. Swamp, starting with the president. They have had to deal with unprecedented lies, attacks from liberals in the mainstream destroytrumpmedia and much more. Everyone of those people have been fighting to drain the swamp and the sewer that is d. C. And they are trying to get these changes done for the American People. If those people are on the cover, if they lose in their battle, if they are beaten by the deep state by democrats, week republicans, never trumpers, guess what . The American People in this country will lose the opportunity of a generation. Speaking with Anthony Scaramucci as he expressed and adds ed henry reported, he regrets using some of the language he used with the reporter. He thought it was off the record. I dont doubt, theres been
plenty of infighting in leaking. I dont like any of it. But doesnt that happen at everybodys job . Lets be honest with ourselves. If the goal of the deep state is the same, excuse me, they are trying to get the president to never enact his agenda. Thats what the bottom line is here. They want to delegitimize the president. They dont want what you voted for to become the law of this land. And the president , Anthony Scaramucci, Reince Priebus, stephen bannon, the one thing they all have in common in spite of may be disagreeing here and some infighting, they are all tired of the deep state leaks. Anthony scaramucci rightly is trying to put an end to it. I dont know who is leaking in the white house and ive no idea but i hope it ends. Its important that they figure out where these leaks are coming from to the press. The press that wants to destroy the president as well. Look at the deep state. They have one singular focus. They are determined to do much the president with selective leaking. They in and day out and stop his agenda. Which, at the end of the day, that hurts you, the American People toward. Joining us with reaction, Kellyanne Conway, i thought you looked the best on the cover of the the New York Post. I didnt even see it yet. Im looking into a blind camera. Thank you for noting that, though. The loch ness monsters of the swamp will always try to get in the way of this president and his agenda. I dont know what they were expecting. He said i was going to repeal and replace obamacare. If i showed you all the senators and members of congress who ran successfully on repealing and replacing obamacare, there were no asterisks, footnotes, bibliographies, no may be, should of, could have, would have. I can show you in 16 different shots. Pledging to repeal and replace obamacare straight up. The one person keeping that
promise is donald trump. He has been here for six short months. Theyve been talking about this for seven years. While he was busy being a successful businessman in new york and around the globe, they were promising their constituents. I also want to point something out about tonight. Whether they have an allnighter, wherever it goes to conference, i want america to know not a single democrat needs helping. Republicans offered a singlepayer amendment tonight to get a vote on where the democrats say our country is headed and do you know how many votes it got . This is not a okay, this is 0. Four or five democrats voted against it in the rest of the democrats voted present. They might as well have been out to dinner because they are certainly out to lunch. They didnt lift a finger. Rather than
they are not helping because 83 insurers have fled the market with dozens more promising to do so. They are not helping people to make the call for these premiums. These insurance cards they cant use because their premiums are too high. I want americans to remember who stood up and kept promises and tried to help the people who have been left behind. Not white house, people come once a week. Obamacare victims. Weve met them personally, the president and Vice President , others have met with them personally. Their stories are real. The Mainstream Media doesnt put it they are real. You want to cover intrigue . Go talk to those people and ask what happened to them and their family since they had their hours and wages cut, their Health Care Benefits cut. They have been suffering for years and this president stands ready to repeal and replace and give those people the relief they deserve. Sean i got a note from a friend of mine. He spoke with a prominent
democrat that had a skinny bill . Its a dream come true because it eliminates all the things in obamacare that the americans hated and it leaves the backbone of the aca intact. Its inexplicable that we have a party in the senate that basically become the oh, lets put paper or water toilet paper thrown up against the wall when they could be pushing Health Savings accounts and Health Care Cooperatives and getting rid of the monstrosity and offering competition and choice. Sorry, Kellyanne Conway come as a conservative, those are the things i believe in deeply and thats what the president is tag about. Thats right. The president talked about it just this week in several addresses. Like i said, the skinny repeal, i have never heard that phrase. When members of the house and senate ran successfully on repealing and replacing obamacare. I didnt hear them say swim at the edges. Cut and shave here. I think this is why frankly
congress has such a low Approval Rating. The medias Approval Rating is far below the president s Approval Rating. They just dont cover it as much. And thats because people are looking for relief. Sean all right, kellyanne. It was good to see you. Did you want to cover Anything Else . Sean oh, yeah, anthony and what is going on there . Is there Anything Else to talk about . I said you were the best looking person on the cover tomorrow thanks. Look, i want to say one thing. Anthony said he uses colorful language. Hes passionate about the president. It sometimes gets the best of him but let me know when any of my colleagues in the west wing call half of the country deplorable and irredeemable. Let me know. Let me know when they look america in the eye and say you can keep your plan and keep your doctor. And lie to them. We all have to be together in service to the president s agenda. We went elected to anything. Donald trump and mike pence elected the rest of us to serve the country. Sean sara carter, gregg jarrett, jay sekulow, up next. Growing up, we were german. We danced in a german dance group. I wore lederhosen. When i first got on ancestry i was really surprised that i wasnt finding all of these germans in my tree. I decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. The big surprise was were not german at all. 52 of my dna comes from scotland and ireland. So, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. Ancestry has many paths to discovering your story. Get started for free at ancestry. Com. Thats why new downy protect and refresh conditions fibers to. How your clothes smell can say a lot abut you. Lock out odors. New downy protect and refresh. Ive always had that issue with the seeds getting under my denture. Super poligrip free. It creates a seal of the dentures in my mouth. Just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. Try Super Poligrip free. [man lets go ] man 2 were not coming out man 1 [ sighs ] flo [ amplified ] i got this. Guys, i know being a firsttime homeowner is scary, but you dont have to do this. Man 2 what if a tree falls on our garage . Woman what if a tornado rips off our roof . Flo youre covered. And youve bundled your home and auto insurance, so youre saving a ton. Come on. You dont want to start your new life in a dirty old truck. Man 3 hey. Man 1 whoa, whoa. Flo sorry. Woman oh. Flo youre safe. Youre safe now. Woman i think im gonna pass out. Can you stop using the bullhorn . Flo i dont make the rules. What are all these different topped loaded meals . Its an american favorite on top of an american favorite, alice. Its like Rodeos On Top of rollercoasters. Get your favorites on top of your favorites. Only at applebees. Sean fox news alert, just just income of the senate now expected to vote on the Skinny Repeal Of Obamacare after midnight tonight. We will have updates for you throughout the evening. Also, we have to go explosive breaking news reports. Circa news, sara carter reporting that fbi lawmaker james a baker, a close confidant to the fired fbi director james comey is now under investigation by the justice department. Why . Allegedly leaking National Security information to the mainstream press. The establishment press. Also, other Media Stories we are following tonight, this one comes from john solomon of the hill, according to his report, House Him Del devin nunes is now accusing the Obama Administration of illicitly
unmasking hundreds of american s last year without any proffered test of proper justification. Joining us now, sara carter and jay sekulow. And gregg jarrett. Lets start with your breaking news tonight, sara. Ive spoken to three sources with information who have direct knowledge of this that james a baker, the General Counsel for the fbi is allegedly under investigation for leaking National Security of Classified Information to the media. I have not been able to get verify what that information once. If these allegations prove true, its going to be devastating for the fbi. Whose morale has already been shook