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Judge jeanine pier owe and sheriff clark will have reaction. Hannity starts right here, right now. Welcome to hannity. After president elect trumps decisive victory, he has a mandate to act on behalf of you, the American People. Former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani will be here in a minute. He has reaction. But first, my advice to donald trump tonight is move fast and keep all of your promises. Now, earlier today president elect trump met at the white house with president obama to discuss the transition of power, where im sure obama extended an olive branch in a last ditch attempt to preserve his legacy. The president can play nice, but make no mistake about it, democrats want trump to fail. They will do everything they can do to stop him. Remember, it was only a few days ago, theyre playing nicy today, that obama was saying this. Donald trump is temperamentally unfit to be commanderinchief. We cannot elect a president who vilifies minorities, who mocks americans with disabilities, who calls immigrants criminals and racist. If you accept the support of klan sympathizers before youre president , then youll accept their support after youre president. So donald trump is uniquely unqualified to hold this job. Dont forget how president obama really feels about republicans. I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors. I want you to talk to them whether theyre independent or whether they are republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face. I dont want the folks who created the mess, i dont want the folks who created the mess to do a all right of talking. I want them to get out of the way so we can clean up the mess. We got any middle class families up in front . We cant we dont mind the republicans joining us, they can come for the ride, but they got to sit in back. Got to sit in back. So inclusive when he won. Remember, he often said i one, we won. Said it a lot. Keep it in mind. This is not about coming together with democrats, it is about completely dismantling his disastrous agenda. Now, thats going to mean this. Repealing, replacing obamacare, replace it with Free Market Solutions to lower premiums and give you, the American People, real choices about your future healthcare. That also means building that border wall, stopping illegal immigration, so that americans wont be competing for jobs with Illegal Immigrants who are driving down wages. That means he has to follow up on appointing originalists to the Supreme Court like anthonin scalia, clarence thomas, justices who believe in coequal branchs of government, who will follow the constitution the way it was intended to be followed. Trump has laid out and put out a list of potential Supreme Court picks. He should stick to the list. It also means his agenda on Energy Independence, approving the keystone excel pipeline and lifting restrictions on drilling and fracking so we dont have to pretend to be friends with countries that hate our guts, not to mention this will create millions of jobs for americans that desperately need them. It also means draining the swamp, reducing the size of government, eliminating bureaucrat waste, fraud and aburks a abuse and getting exploding debt under control, stop robbing our kids. Lowering taxes, simplifying the tax code, seven brackets to three. It means identifying who americans enemies are and not be afraid to use the term radical islam. It means extreme vetting of refugees so they wont put american lives at risk. It means, of course, no more common core in school. Send education back to the states. It also means remembering the millions of forgotten americans, the people who have been left behind or completely ignored for decades by career politicians, the media, the global elites. I call it the forgotten man election. It is time to make free and fair trade deals, lower the Corporate Tax rate, allow companies to repatriate trillions of dollars from overseas so we can build factories and Manufacturing Centers and create millions of jobs here. Here with reaction former new york city mayor, Rudy Giuliani. Theres a lot of rumors about you these days. Attorney general. A lot of rumors. Ag. The agenda you outlined he is going to do. Hes committed to . Yes, absolutely. Wouldnt it be refreshing. I spent 130 days on the road with him. We talked sometimes we were the only ones up at 1 00 in the morning because the kids would go to sleep. I love that. Both he and i loved it because we were older than both of them. And they were asleep. The thing about donald trump that the American People will get to know, and i think he is going to become more and more p popular, he is exactly what he says he is. Sometimes that got him in trouble, as we know, but everything he promised he believes in. It is not one of these, you know, im for the Keystone Pipeline and then im against the Keystone Pipeline, then im for it, then im against it. Hes in favor of it. Hes going to do it. He is dead set on renegotiating those trade agreements. You didnt mention the iran agreement. Oh. He considers the iran agreement the dumbest, stupidest, most dangerous did you see what the iranians said . He has to keep it. No, he doesnt. The president never, ever submitted it to congress as he should have under article 2, section 2 of the United States constitution. It is a treaty. I invite the people at home to go get out the federalist papers and reed federalist paper 75 where hamilton defines a treaty. This is a treaty. When it is not a treaty, just signed by the president , the next president can repudiate it like that. How many items off the top of your head on day one, you know, executive orders can he wipe out . I havent counted them. I would say easily 50. Right away . Right away. Including executive amnesty . Executive amnesty, all kinds of powers given to epa, the Congress Gives to the epa. Gone. Which is how he revives the Energy Industry. The Energy Industry are being crushed by epa, and crushed by Things Congress wouldnt pass that obama signed into socalled law by executive order. Most of that will be struck down by the courts, but two or three years from now. A President Trump can just sign a paper and get rid of it. Lets go back to september 8th, 1974, thenpresident gerald ford. Let me read, i, gerald ford, president of the United States, pursuant to the pardon power conferred upon me by article 2, section 2, of the u. S. Constitution, have granted and by these present and grant full, free and absolute pardon unto Richard Nixon for all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have taken part in during the period from january 20, 69 through august 9th, 1974. Now, a lot of people have said to me today, well, wait a minute, hillary has not been charged. That doesnt matter. If you become the attorney general, Donald Trumps been very clear that we cant have a twotiered Justice System and the issues about the email server and the foundation will be pursued. Yes. Also the Foundation Investigation is still going on. Do you think obama will pardon her . Does he have the ability to . He does. Is it absolute . In my view, in my reading of the constitution, which dont take as gospel but i know it fairly well, argued before the Supreme Court, i believe the president s pardon power is absolute. Were constitutionallists. Sure. So we would like it not to be maybe, but it is. So theoretically he could pardon her for basically anything she might have done . Right. That has already happened. He cant pardon her obviously for something she does in the future, but anything she has already done. Amazing. Now and also if you were the attorney general this is tough. What about abedin, cooper, mills, pagliano. These guys that took the fifth and apparently committed perjury. Right. Wikileaks, you have the proof of the perjury. Theres a group of them out there that the Justice Department, an honest Justice Department would be pursuing, and i can tell you the fbi is pursuing. There will be some republicans that say you have to focus on the agenda. This will be a distraction, let clinton go. Theres an argument to be made for that, but theres also an argument to be made for equal justice under the law, which is how do you not prosecute some of these and then go ahead and prosecute martha stuaewart for e count of lying to the fbi. Or this guy in jail how do you prosecute the guy in jail for taking pictures of the submarine. Six pictures. Right, he was going to send them to his mom. No, he just had them in his phone. He took them for himself in a submarine, and phones were allowed to be in the submarine, and he is spending a year in jail right now. How do you prosecute him and then you dont prosecute this case, assuming it turns out to be as substantial as some of the fbi agents believe it is . Remember, the investigation and comey was very careful. He came to the conclusion on the emails that she shouldnt be prosecuted. First of all, thats not his decision to make. It is the Justice Department decision to make. So it was not really a definitive decision. Secondly, the clinton Foundation Investigation is an Ongoing Investigation as far as i can tell, being carried out by the new york office of the fbi. Thats going to sit on the desk of the next attorney general. You were on the road, as you said, 130 plus days with donald trump during this campaign. Youve been one of his closest friends and advisers. You went out and campaigned hard for him. Obviously he will want you in his cabinet. Is there any particular position you want . Well, do you want would you like to be thats a discussion that donald and i so hannity is not allowed in that discussion . Youre not allowed in that discussion. My place in the world, right back to being a host. And theres a whole Transition Team and a whole process he will be through in vetting and everything else. Is there any one position you would prefer . Right now im pretty happy where i am. So it would have to be it would have to be something where i believe that only i could do that. If im Hillary Clinton and Rudy Giuliani becomes the ag, no, im serious, i would be scared to death because i do believe donald trump. He said he would pursue it. And if youre the attorney general and im Hillary Clinton, i would be scared to death because i know how good a prosecutor you were. I was here when you were mayor. I remember the old press conferences. Honestly, i was a better prosecutor than mayor. Well, youre a pretty good mayor. The mafia, milkin, a number of you became friends with,lkin, right . We are good friends now. I believe milkin is an excellent candidate for a pardon. Wow. All right. Mr. Mayor, good to see you. And thats based on the good works that hes done after his conviction. This is a case of a guy who learned his lesson and has really helped society. All right. Thanks. He was the junk bond guy. Yeah. Youre right, he does a lot of charity. I know a few others like that. You and i are catholics. Right. We know people can redeem themselves. Absolutely. Some people cant. Some people cant, and you got to know how to distinguish between them. All right, mr. Mayor. Good to see you. Thank you. Up next right here on hannity. Real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing the disaster known as obamacare. Obamacare, a big, fat Government Lie to you, the American People. Donald trump told you he will repeal it, hell replace it. How does he plan to do that . Well check in with dr. Ben carson. Also later tonight, president elect trump promised to drain the swamp. Tonight we speak with lauren ingraham, Reince Priebus and much more. Marie knows that a hearty Turkey Pot Pie gives you a warm way to cozy up on a chilly day. So she seasons and roasts tender turkey breast to perfection. And prepares a golden flaky crust from scratch. Then she fills it with crisp vegetables. And seals in the goodness with perfectlycrimped edges. Because Marie Callender knows that when its cold outside, its good food and good company that keep you warm inside. Marie callenders. Its time to savor. Turn the trips you have to take, into one youll never forget. Expedia plus rewards. 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Another night of protests against president elect trump. Demonstrations in portland, oregon turning violent with some using baseball bats to smash windows of stores and cars like you see there. Portland police say the situation is bad enough theyre calling it a riot. Theyre advising the crowd there are gas and flares being prepared by protesters and people should leave for their own safety. There have been protests in other cities as well but theyve mostly been peaceful. Earlier, president elect trump lashed out via twitter. Saying this, just had a very open and successful president ial election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair. Of course, fox news with more on the developing story. Im jackie ybaniz. Now back to hannity. Real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing the disaster known as obamacare. With obamacare premiums are surlging, insurers are fleeing, doctors are quitting and deductibles are going through the roof. We can repeal and replace obamacare and save healthcare for every family in michigan and throughout the United States of america. We have to do it. All right. That is now president elect trump on the campaign trail earlier this week promising to repeal and replace obamacare. This is an issue that has been weighing on the minds of many of the American People. Now, after it was announced of course that obamacare premiums will once again sky rocket this coming year, many people will be seeing double digit increases. How will president elect when he becomes president repeal and replace it . Joining us former 2016 president ial candidate dr. Benjamin carson. Dr. Carson, i read you have been asked to be a part of this effort to repeal it and replace it. True . Of course, and of course i would be treeextraordinarily ha to help with this. Healthcare is by far the most important thing that a perso you know, this announcement of this big increase, this is just the first. There will be several more. It is going to be completely unaffordable. It doesnt work. I think the people who put it together knew that it wouldnt work and that it would prime the people for acceptance of governmentcontrolled single payer system. Fortunately we stopped that. Were going to repeal it. How do you transition people back to it . How do you create free market, Health Savings accounts with competition, with port ability that allows for preexisting conditions . This is not an easy task, undoing this damage is going to be hard. Are you worried about transitional costs for people . It is not an easy task, but, you know, we have models for how to do it, how to create Health Savings accounts using the same monies that we use to buy, you know, exorbitantly Expensive Health insurance. So thats just a matter of putting the pieces together. Once that is done, you know, all you need then is your catastrophic healthcare which will be much, much cheaper. The models are multiple. They will be worked out. It will be very easy for people to understand, and 80 of your encounters with the Healthcare System are going to be between you and the system, not some third party individual. Yeah. You know, one of the interestings thininterest things, i know a doctor in wichita, kansas, he set up his own cooperative. He buys medicine in bulk. He is available, he and his team, 24 7 for everybody in the cooperative. They all save money, get better care, cheaper medicine. Of course. Do you think you would be able to institutionallize that around the country or something similar . Well, similar things because, of course, if the relationship is between the patient and the Health Care Provider youre going to bring the whole medical system into the free market. Free Market Forces will control costs and quality. It will be much better in both of those instances. Yeah, all right. Will you take a position if asked . Health and Human Services secretary, Surgeon General ral, would you take those positions if asked and have you been asked to take a position . Were discussing these things. You know, i personally feel that you can do a lot from outside, but if that were the only way that it could be done, you know, obviously im going to do what needs to be done to assist. So in other words you have discussed it. It is okay, you can share it with me. Yes, there have been discussions. I happen to think it is a good choice myself. You dont have to sell me on you, dr. Carson. Im a fan. All right. This will be a difficult transition but one that is necessary before this thing totally blows up, which it is kind of imploding now of its own weight. Dr. Carson, thanks for being with us. It is not going to be so difficult because it is going to be logical. Thats true. By the way, thats refreshing for washington. Good to see you. Thank you, dr. Carson. Coming up next tonight right here on hannity. I very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. President elect trump met with president obama at the white house. Laura ingraham weighs in next. Plus, the Mainstream Media and liberals are freaking out over president elect trump. Sheriff david clarke and judge jeanine pier o Jeanine Pirro will weigh in later. My friends think doing this at my age is scary. I say not if you protect yourself. What is scary . Pneumococcal pneumonia. Its a serious disease. My doctor said the risk is greater now that im over 50 yeah. Yaha. Just one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from Pneumococcal Pneumonia an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. Prevnar 13® is approved for adults 18 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause Pneumococcal Pneumonia. 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Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. Look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including counsel. Hes explained some of the difficulties, some of the highflying assets and some of the really great things that have been achieved. So, mr. President , it was a great honor being with you, and i look forward to being with you many, many more times in the future. Thank you. President elect trump met with president obama at the white house later today. Now, mr. Trump promised voters he would drain the swamp. Hows he going to do it. Editor in chief life zet, nationally syndicated radio host, she put it all on the line this election. Theres a group of people ready to go after her and yours truly. To me, i think it is simple for mr. Trump but difficult on the other hand. I think he just follows through on his promises, follows up on his agenda, his contract. Drain the swamp is one of them. He laid out that speech in gettysburg. Will that be hard with the Republican Congress . I dont think so. I talked to another you know, probably three or four people today in leadership in the house and in the senate, and there is a palpable difference in tone and attitude. Everyone now is really excited about trump being president , even those who were not all that thrilled, to say the least. So hes completely overnight changed the way the republican isnt that amazing . Isnt it nice of them to come on board . I guess everyone likes a winner, right . They do, sean. It is what was frustrating i think, just to back up a moment, about this race, because i think you were saying this, i was saying this. Just support the ticket and then you can debate about the nuances of policy. But if he doesnt win, all of the things we want to do are never going to happen, so support the nominee through good and bad. Dont abandon him when hes at his most difficult spot, which is what a lot of them did. Now theyre trying, a lot of them, to come crawling back and say, no, no, im very thrilled about this. Im going to work hard for you. It is better later than never, but i think we have to be very careful, as you said. The last ones on the ship will be the first ones off the ship as soon as they get any bumpy waters. Right. And i think thats really important for trump to remember. He laid out some issues. You addressed them already, obamacare, immigration, both the wall and reduction really in illegal immigration, the type of immigration policy weve seen over the last couple of decades, really since the 1960s we changed our immigration policy, and most people are not in favor of that. They want immigration to be controlled and work to the benefit of the American People. Yeah. And thats a big undertaking, but obamacare, immigration, tax reform, these are things that are nonnegotiable. He has to do these now. I think originalists, extreme vetting, i think building the wall, eliminating obamacare, Health Savings account, three tax brackets instead of seven, lowering the Corporate Tax rate, i think Energy Independence and education back to the states. Right. If he does that, he will he will change this country in deep and profound ways even though it sounds easy. I think youre right. It will grow the economy. You throw in trade and limiting the Foreign Workers who can come into the country until wages start going up, all of those things will rebound to the benefit of the economy and as a side benefit but nevertheless very important for the republicans, sean, is that it will build the Republican Party out into a more populous, pragmatic party. When that happens, when trump can go into the inner city and say, see, i did the things that i said i was going to do and look at how peoples lives are getting better, join us. Like continue to grow the movement that he started. Right. You want to know what i would do . Thats when it gets interesting. You know how multinational corporations have trillions parked overseas and he will institute the lowest Corporate Tax rate in the industrialized world, he can give them a further incentive. If you take the old factories in detroit, rebuild in wisconsin, ohio or pennsylvania, in other words those areas that have been devastated, i think it would transform the country and get people back to work and out of poverty and off of food stamps. It would do wonders for the economy, wonders for the people of this economy. And think about the Family Dynamics that will be improved. There are so many bread winners not in the workforce, and they want to work, they want to maybe have fewer than three jobs, they would like one job that pays a decent salary. Exactly. Familys lives improve. It has all of these ripple effects that will be much better for the country if we have a growing, strong economy. The thing that you have to really smile about is that china is worried. If china was happy about who got to the presidency the iranians are, too. Yeah, theyre very worried. Oh, you better keep that deal. I dont think the deal is worth the paper it is printed on, im hoping. Yeah. Laura, youve been great. Thank you. Great to see you. Coming up, liberal celebrities, Mainstream Media, theyre losing their mind collectively. Why . Because you elected donald trump. Sheriff david clarke and judge Jeanine Pirro. Wait until you see miley cyruss melting cry down. Oser look at geico. Geico has a long history of great savings and great service. Over seventyfive years. Wait. Seventyfive years . That is great. Speaking of great, check out these hot riffs. You like smash mouth . Uh, yeah i have an early day tomorrow so. Wait. Almost there. Goodnight, bruce. Gotta tune the a. humming take a closer look at geico. Great savings. And a whole lot more. Remember writing letters to santa . 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Every purchase with the citi® aadvantage® platinum select card takes you closer to adventure. Whether its somewhere you can see your breath, or a place that takes it away. Apply today for a limited time offer and earn 50,000 aadvantage® bonus miles after spending 3,000 in purchases within the first 3 months. By using the citi® aadvantage platinum select® card, you can begin to pack more into your adventure. Become a cardmember to enjoy these benefits. Apply today. Visit citi. Com travel, or call 8773597825. This is a fox news alert. Im jackie ybanez in new york. The president ial election of donald trump continues to trigger a wave of protests from coast to coast. In one city widespread violence. Weve witnessed scenes like this in new york, chicago, dallas, los angeles and San Francisco to name a few cities. Thousands of demonstrators, most young, are disrupting traffic as they march across streets carrying protest signs chanting, not my president. The marches have been largely peaceful so far, but there were incidents of smashed store windows and car windows. Donald trump responded via twitter claiming theyre staged by professional protesters incited by the media. Back to hannity for all of the headlines. Log on to foxnews. Com. Youre watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. And welcome back to hannity. So on Election Night as vote totals were rolling in, showing a very good night for president elect trump, the left wing Mainstream Media were having a melt down. Take a look at some of the worse moments, i guess some of the best from an entertainment point of view, of the night. America is crying tonight. Im not sure how much of america, but a very, very significant portion. I mean literally crying. And it is a momen filled with fear. Fear. Filled with fear. I think some of these cultural anger we should correctly identify as being racial amimous. It is significant trump has closed so much of a gap. To the extent donald trump is running a campaign of racist and bigotry, turning out millions of americans for that campaign, suggests were living in a kind of second redemption. Our country is about to face a serious crisis, and buckle up. Your country needs you. Your son is serving as a marine. You wouldnt trust his life under that commanderinchief, and king said, i wouldnt. Thats a pretty extraordinary thing to say. If you have a son in the marine corps and you dont trust the commanderinchief. The people in the military defend the constitution. This was a whitelash. This was a whitelash against a changing country. It was a whitelash against a black president in part. Thats the part where the pain comes. Rightlash, Mainstream Media . They werent the only group lashing out. Whiney, sore losers took to the streets often blocking traffic in several of americas busiest cities. Joining us with reaction, mill caulky county sheriff david clarke, the host of justice judge Jeanine Pirro. Sheriff, this is pretty predictable. Any time conservatives win the left goes into complete meltdown mode. The things we will hear in the next four years, im warning my audience, it shouldnt shock you. Theyre going to lose collectively their minds. Thats my prediction. How should we deal with it . Well, first of all i just thoroughly enjoyed that montage you showed of the left, or you played of the left in their meltdown mode, it is fun to watch. Look, this is a great day for america. I remember back in 2007 when barack obama won his first election, showed up in grant park in chicagos south side and showed a picture of Jesse Jackson with a tear rolling down his cheek. That was me the other night as donald trump took the stage. Fox news i believe was the first to announce that donald trump was the president elect of the United States. Today im still i still have to pinch myself. I always said, i said it several times on your show, sean. I said that donald trump would win, but to be in that moment, now postelection, i moon i dont smile much but im smiling from ear to ear today. Ive seen you smile, sheriff. Ive been at events with you where youre smiling. Judge, your reaction . Well, my reaction to the media is not surprised at all. But look, what weve got are a bunch of wusses who tried to convince america we are a racist country, that donald trump is all of these isms and ists and im not going through it because i think it is defamatory. They are the people who are raisirai racists and anarchist ps and support the wimps, especially on college campuses. The people protesting are anarchists. They dont believe in america. They want to burn flags. They want to not work. They want to get a check. They want illegals. They want open borders. You know what . It is time people recognize that we are a country that works for a living, that works hard to make sure that we can afford food and rent for our families, and that we deserve a president who believes it is all about us, americans, and not a global, you know, country and a global economy. By the way, you know, when they hang donald trump in effigy and they say love trump hate, theyre the hypocrites, the people violating the law. Sheriff, let me give you some examples. Slate has a piece, you know, owhite one. Van jones, this was a whitelash. Cokie roberts, theres great hostility to having a female president. People have to die, some of these antitrump protesters were saying. By the way, if any of the celebrities want to leave, i will help them get out. You know, how to impeach a president. Google shows a 500 increase. Some in california want to leave the union, for crying out loud. Some social media comments, trump should be assassinated, and this is only the beginning of it. You know, saw the video of this guy that was beaten over this whole thing. You know, youve got schools telling kids, oh, if youre so traumatized well offer you counseling the deal with your grief and shock off Donald Trumps victory. I dont know whether to laugh or cry. Well, a little of both. You know, this is nothing more than an attempt to intimidate the Trump Administration to intimidate the trump supporters. It is a slap in the face to the voters. In our democracy the Voters Decide who will lead these institutions of government, and numbers came out in enough to make donald trump the president elect of the United States. It will take them time, but theyll get over it. But in the meantime you put up with them like a petulant two year old, and then at some point take them by the arm and tell them to grow up. My favorite is miley cyrus posting this. I do want to say that ive been very vocal in my support for everyone besides donald trump. Heavily supported bernie, heavily supported hillary. And i still think that in her lifetime she deserves to be the first female president , and thats what makes me so sad. I just wish that she had that opportunity because shes fought for so long. I want to know what shes fought for. Every time i hit the street i say to people, what has she done other than as senator shes got a post office named and a road named. You know, miley cyrus . This is a lesson for you and all of your hollywood elite friends, that you dont have any power, any control. We dont give a what you think or what you say. You know what, get over yourself. You sing well, keep on singing. Thats enough about politics. I think well leave it there. Drama queen. Sheriff. Drama queen. I wasnt exactly happy, you know, in 08 and 2012. Yeah, but we didnt protest. I didnt protest, i didnt cry. Didnt act like a baby. You know, good grief, grow up, you people. You know, if you need counseling over a president ial election, youre a mess to begin with. Dog therapy, theyre bringing in dogs to the campuses. Give them a binkie and a blanket. Little safe spaces, free counseling sessions. What a bunch of wusses. Hug it out. Coming up, president elect trump had a busy monk in d. C. After meeting with the president at the white house. They met with speaker ryan on capitol hill. How can the party come together and fix this economy which is a mess . Well check in with rnc chairman Reince Priebus straight ahead. I. Yeah, so moms got this cold. Hashtag stuffy nose. Hashtag no sleep. I got it. Hashtag mouthbreather. Yep. Weve got a mouthbreather. Well, just put on a breathe right strip and. Pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. So you can breathe. And sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. Breathe right. People will be very, very happy. We have a lot. Strongly at immigration. Were going to look at healthcare and were looking at job. That was president elect trump earlier today on capitol hill detailing his administrations priorities. Mr. Trump with mike pence met with speaker of the house ryan. The voters have spoken and exit polls show 69 of voters said they were dissatisfied or angry with how the federal government was working. What will they do to fix it . Here now rnc chairman Reince Priebus is with us. Good to see you. Congratulations, a lot of people had doubts about a system that you had built since 2012 to get more voters to the polls. Do you feel that it was as successful as you had hoped . Well, the result was pretty good. Let me first say before i talk about that, you have to start with a great candidate. If you dont have the change candidate thats authentic and genuine in a change year, you can have all of the data and turnout you want, it is not going to work. So it starts with donald trump, president elect trump, number one. Number two, you know, weve been working for four years. We added i was looking for this interview. We added 300,000 more republicans on the voter rolls through Party Registration in florida. We also predicted turnout. Try to keep it basic, the most difficult thing you can do mechanically, you know, the data and people on the ground are important, but you have to figure out what your prediction is for turnout so you can actually try to figure out how many votes you need in the box in order to win. Thats where our operation was dead on accurate. So predicting how many voters you needed. For example, in ohio we thought that we would need 2. 745 million voters in ohio. We achieved 2. 771 million votes in ohio. I can go through state after state like that, but having the margins down perfectly is where it all begins, and then the process of either adding voters to the rolls and or targeting or both is where the targeting and adding people in and then putting those people in the box, is the process that we go through. It is a fouryear program. So it is not just showing up three months before an election and saying, lets start knocking on doors. It is a targeting program that started four years ago and culminated with a great candidate who really shocked the world. What do you make of the 69 of voters say theyre dissatisfied, but also go back to the republican primaries and 64 of republicans felt betrayed by the Republican Party. Donald trump was the outsider, was the change agent, and now hes got to work with many of those same republicans. Do you foresee any problems . Any conflict . You know, i dont see a lot of problems because ive gotten to know president elect trump very well. I know how i interacts with people in private, how gracious and personable he is. Look at what happened today. You dont get to where donald trump is, president elect trump, im getting used to that, you do not get there by being a person who doesnt understand the audience, the situation hes in, and acting in a way that affects the best outcome for his agenda. Thats what hes going to do. Let me just say tangentially to that, the voters spoke and they elected republicans in the white house, the senate, the house, and they did it with great fervor. So the agenda of our party, and particularly the agenda of president elect trump, is going to be the agenda that we pursue, because thats what the voters wanted. Not going to water down the agenda. Is that going to be the trump agenda . It is going to be the trump agenda. He has the mandate. And so i just want people to understand that this isnt a matter of watering down our promises and forgetting about the will of the American People. The American People deserve the agenda of the Republican Party because thats what they asked for. All right. Let me ask you this. Have you spoken to donald trump or, youre right, president elect trump, have you spoken with him about a position in his cabinet . Its been rumored youre being considered for chief of staff. Is that something you would be interested in . I know you have gotten close to him over the many months. Would you want to do that . Thats not something im talking about. I think it is something that, you know, a lot of newspapers speculate about. Im happy doing what im doing. I would be honored to do anything. Has he asked you to come on board . I dont think hes doing a lot of that kind of talking. Why are you hedging. He did ask you. Im sure he asked you. Listen, the job right now is to make sure that we have a successful transition, that the teams get in place as quickly as possible. The inauguration is something that gets planned right now. It is not something that people are talking about. All right. Reince priebus. You deserve a big congratulations. I know you did get close with mr. Trump in the course of this process, and it is going to be very interesting in the next well, certainly the first 100, 180 days hes in office. Thanks for being with us. Thats right. Coming up, very important question of the day, and we need your help. Thats next. My business was built with passion. But i keep it growing by making every dollar count. Thats why i have the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on all of my purchasing. And that unlimited 2 cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business. Which adds fuel to my bottom line. Whats in your wallet . With toothpaste or plain water. An their dentures and even though their dentures look clean, in reality theyre not. 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President elect donald trump leaving trump tower for the white house today less than 4 hours after winning historic president ial election. Mr. Trump and his wife, the future first lady melania making the rounds. Hello, everybody, im Martha Maccallum and this is on the record. The president elect hit the ground running today meeting first with president obama in the oval office. Mr. Trump then headed to capitol hill where he met with Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell. After their meeting the president and president elect spoke briefly to reporters. I just had the opportunity to have the an excellent conversation with president elect trump. We

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