Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20161014 :

FOXNEWSW Hannity October 14, 2016

Defended a 41yearold man accused of raping a 12yearold girl. It will be very hard for me not to walk up and smack her. I know that sounds mean. I mean she put me through a lot at 12 years old. Her client she represented got him off and she is seen laughing on two separate occasions. A lie detector test. I had him take a polygraph which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs. She hasnt thought about coming to me and saying im sorry. That would be nice after what she said on tape. What happens if that daughter of yours, if that would have been her . I mean you would have protected her, where you dont know me so im just crap to you. Earlier today i spoke to Kathy Shelton and her attorney, candace jackson. Watch this. Lets go back. Youre 12 years old. You went through a vicious, violent rape. You were in a coma as a result for five days, stitched up. As a result you cant have children . 99 chance that i cant, which is pretty much saying no. And you had you learned that at the time . Yes, the doctor come in and told me before i was released. Walk us through what happened in your case when you were 12 years old. My mom was sending me to church with some friends that was a couple of blocks away, and i wanted to ride by bicycle because it was still light. After it was over she was going to pick me and the bicycle up, but before i made it there i was yanked off the bicycle by two guys, which one was under age so theyre not able to bring him up. I was tooken i was taken on a road. I was trying to get out. First i told them i wasnt going with them and i was going the try to leave and they wouldnt let me, they yanked me off the bicycle, and i was taken on a road somewhere, and by that time pretty much my clothes was ripped off of me and i was screaming and crying and i couldnt get nobodys attention. It was like this road, all i could see was fields, and they they raped me there and they beat me so bad that i think they thought i was dead when they left, but i remember him saying, you like it, dont you [ bleep ], you like it, you want more of it. At 12 years old. You were in a coma for five days after . Yes, sir. I crawled to a porch that i still dont know where it is to this day, and they were coming back to finish me off and this lady turned the porch light on. I was told it was a lady, thats how i know that. I have no idea who it was. You dont remember. And thats what saved me. She got their tag number, and i i fell out at that time and i woke up five days later. And it was so brutal, violent you needed stitches, you were brutally raped. Yes, sir. Yeah. Hillary clinton said she did a favor to for a friend to be the attorney for the accused in this case, and as we just played, i had him take a polygraph test which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs, and then she laughed. She was bragging about getting this guy off. Now, he faced 30 years to life. He ended up getting off with time served. My question to you is when you hear those words and her bragging about that case, a fascinating case as she calls it, what is she communicating there . That she is going to win her first case whatever it takes, if she has to lie, cheat or steal. Doesnt it also imply that she thinks he is guilty . Yes, sir, definitely. Which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs. Oh, yes, she thinks hes guilty or she wouldnt have said that. As part of the Court Filings in this case i dont think she thinks, she knows. She knew . Yes, she knew he was guilty. As part of the court filing she filed an affidavit and she wrote she had been informed, this is talking about you, the victim, was a girl that was emotionally unstable, had a tendency to seek out older men and engage in, quote, fant sizing, i already had been told by an expert in child psychology that and disorganized families such as complaint ants are even more prone to exaggerate behavior. My mom was a very strict mother on me. Fatter of fact, when i was 18 it was almost impossible to do anything then. But at that time after what happened to me i did not want to do anything. Understandable. All of those things that Hillary Clinton put in that affidavit were intended to force kathy to under go further psy e psychiatric evaluation and interrogation, all things intended to portray her as a liar, someone who made up this rape, that if there was a rape that if there was sex it was consensual at her age as a virgin of 12 years old, and all of those tactics are things you would never expect some sort of womens rights advocate to engage in. Blaming the victim. That is blaming the victim. Arent there rape shield laws that prohibit that . Almost every state would prohibit those tactics, and you would expect someone like Hillary Clinton, some sort of selfproclaimed feminist who cares about women and children to not need a rape shield law to zealously defend a client without engaging in tactics of blaming the victim. Kathy, obviously this has impacted you your whole life. What do you want the American People to hear out of this . It is pretty obvious she knew this guy was guilty. Just about every speech ive seen hillary do she says she was for women and children, and if she was for children she would not have put me through what i went through. Last question. This election is in 26 days. She is running isnt it time for her to be for a woman to be president of the United States . Not like that. The world wont last with her in it because she is going to lie, cheat and steal to get what she wants. And also tonight over the course of several decades bill clinton has faced numerous allegations of Sexual Misconduct and Hillary Clinton has been accused of attacking the women who made these accusations about her husband. In 1978 juanita broad drim claimed she was assaulted in a hotel room by the future president. And in 1994 paula jones sued bill clinton for allegedly exposing himself to her resulting in an 850,000 settlement. Here are their stories. Sexual harassment is shocking enough without having the president of the United States accused of it. What mr. Clinton did to me was wrong. Then he kissed me on on my mouth, and, uhm, and pulled my closer to him. You begged him to stop . Yes. And then he took my hand and he and he put it on him. I have said that nothing improper happened. Bill clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me. I am mystified and disappointed by this turn of events. I have been telling the truth. Before i testified in the paula jones case a stranger approached me, mentioned my 13yearold cat who had disappeared, my tires which had been vandalized and asked how my children by name were and said, youre just not getting the message. This is about what Hillary Clinton is doing to women like me so that she can attain the presidency. She wants us all to be quiet. The great story here is this vast right wing conspiracy that has been conspireing against my husband since the day he announced for president. And she came over to me, took a hold of my hand and said, ive heard so much about you. She was just holding on to my hand. She didnt because i had started to turn away from her, and she held on to my hand and she said, do you understand everything that you do . I mean cold chills went up my spine. In the end i know i will get my good name and reputation back. Thats the first time i became afraid of that woman. And earlier i spoke with Juanita Broaddrick, paula jones and kathleen willey. Thank you for being here. My pleasure. Glad to be here. You were invited to the second debate, correct . Yes. Uhhuh. And you all came willingly, you wanted to go. Why . I wanted to support donald trump first and foremost, but i think that the thing that we wanted to get over the thing thats most important to me and to us is to tell the women, especially the younger women in this country and the older women and everybody, that everybody in the Mainstream Press is calling all of bill clintons crimes infidelities. Rape, Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment are not infidelities. They are crimes and they are misdemeanors. His wife is covering for him. No champion of women attacks the victims of Sexual Assaults and rapes. Paula . The same thing. I just want to remind, you know, the young people that dont know her stories and maybe have seen it for the first time, and i wanted them to see that we were there and why we were there and that hopefully would have made a statement. Juanita . I think it is really important for the millennials to know, those that werent born when i came forward after bill clinton raped me and those that were too young to understand what we went through, especially the time that it was back in the 70s. It was very hard for someone to come forward. And so, yes, i did go to the trump debate. I thought that we might possibly be able to bring this out and influence people and be able to tell them that hillary is not for all women. Hillary is only for one woman and thats herself. I think you raise a really good point because i think there is this whole generation of people that do not know your stories. Right. Over the years ive had the opportunity to get to know all of you and interview all of you, and really i think the more important thing today is considering this is even in the news today with donald trump, has the Mainstream Media been receptive to asking you three about your stories . Oh, definitely not. No. Nobody . Nobodys asked. Nobody has asked . No, no. The New York Times never called you . No, no. Not until we went into the trump spin room. Well, they were there. Yeah. In other words because this is a really important point because theyre all reporting today donald trump did this or kissed this person or that person. Youre saying that none of these Media Outlets contacted you no. In this Election Campaign . Nothing like cnn. To tell your story . Or abc or nbc or cbs. With 26 days to go and they havent contacted you, does that reek of politics to you . Absolutely. Oh, my goodness, yes. That should tell you something. Let me give you the opportunity for those people that have never heard your story. Juanita well start with you. Back in 1978 when i was working for bill Clintons Campaign for governor i was raped by bill clinton. I was viciously raped. And then three weeks later when i happened to be at a fundraiser for him but i didnt attend the fundraiser, i was just going there to hand in information to tell them i was no longer going to volunteer for the campaign, hillary personally threatened me. Let me go back to the assault. Youre saying you were a nurse at the time, correct . Yes. And you wanted him to be governor . Yes. At the time. Oh, yes. You were working for his campaign. Right. So he invited you for coffee . Yes. It was a long story after he made a Campaign Tour around to my nursing home. I was trying to explain to him, sean, about what the Nursing Homes were going through, the reimbursement method was it was horrible. And he seemed genuinely interested, he wanted to hear what i had to say. So he said, if youre ever in little rock again, he said, call me, lets get together and talk about these things. And as you know, we were supposed to meet in the coffee shop at the hotel where i was staying. When he got to the hotel he called and asked if we could meet in the room instead. This was the attorney general. I didnt fear anything would happen. And you went up to the room . No, i was already in the room. Yeah. I had sent my friend that was with me, one of my employees, norma kelsey, on down to the meeting. I said, when i get through with the meeting i will be right i mean get through at the coffee shop with bill clinton i will be right on to the meeting, and of course i never showed up. And this was a violent sexual attack . Yes. And when it was over there was this moment you told me the first time i interviewed you, that he said to you as hes walking out the door he says, you better get some ice on that, referring to my lip which was bleeding and at least that time, by that time was four times the size that it should be. I was frightened he was going to bite my lip off. And you immediately told your friend what had happened. Yes, she came to the room when i didnt show up for the meeting, and she just came out here approximately two to three weeks ago, shes been frightened to come out and told, you know, to the brightbart people the condition that she found me in. And it is just when i reread what she told from back then, it was painful to even hear it from her again, you know, how she found me. You know, i knew how i was and but it was it was hard. You told her, did you tell other people at the time, too. Yes, about four to five others. And theyve all corroborated your story . Yes. You told them at the time . Yes. But he was the attorney general, you were afraid to speak publicly or report it . Oh, he could close the doors of my business. Yeah. They say, well, why didnt you go to the police . He was the police. He was the main person in arkansas, the attorney general, and then he became the governor. What about this runin you had with hillary, how long after the events, was it three weeks . It was about three weeks. And they were married at the time . Yes. I went up early to the fundraiser. Everybody misquotes and says, why did she go to a fundraiser. I did not go to a fundraiser. I had about three or four checks, a list of people that were going to donate to the campaign, and when i was clearing out everything for the campaign i found these. I knew the lady from little rock was going to be there that night, i could give these to her and be done with it and explain to her i dont want to be in the campaign any longer, Something Like im my business is taking too much of my time, something to that effect. So i did i did give her these things, and then just when we were starting tout 20 minutes before the fundraiser began a gentleman, a pharmacist in the area who was very much for bill clinton but didnt know my story, he didnt know anything, came over to me and was so excited because he said, the topic of the conversation the entire way from the airport was bill and Hillary Clinton asking questions about you. So thats when i turned to my friend and said, lets go. But as he steps away here comes hillary, straight to me. Bee line to you . Bee line. She come straight to me and says to me, big smile, very pleasant voice, says to me, im Hillary Clinton. It is so nice to meet you. I just wanted to thank you for everything that you do for bills campaign, and i was just going to turn and leave. I nodded, was going to leave. And then i feel somebody grabbing my arm and i thought it was somebody behind me, and it was her and she pulls me back close to her, and she pulls me in to her. Forcefully in a way, pulled you . Yeah, oh, yeah. With one hand of hers, shes got my hand with the other hand, shes got my arm and she pulls me in close to her. And of course that very sweet voice fades to a very angry voice, a very low voice, and she pulls me close to her and she said, do you understand everything you do . And that just scared me to death. And you took that to mean she knew . Ive always thought that. People come back to me and say, well, how do you know thats what she meant . You would have had to have been there. You would had to have been standing where i was, and that woman looking straight in my eyes, very angrily saying that to me. I felt like at that moment she knew everything and was saying, you better keep quiet. This is nothing that can change my mind. Wow, you dont recover from Something Like this. No, no. It has been its been hard. Ive had a good life, you know, i have a good family, i have a wonderful church. I have wonderful friends. But this just stays there in the back of your mind. You cant ever get rid of Something Like that. You recently were quoted as saying you were afraid if she becomes president. Oh, definitely. Why . Because you dont know what she is capable of . I dont know what shes capable of. I know what shes done to me in the past, but i dont know what shes capable of. And coming up, part two of my interview with Juanita Broaddrick, paula jones and kathleen willey, plus well get reaction to my interview with judge gentlemen mean per roy, Mercedes Schlapp and doug schoen all coming up on hannity. Upgrade your phone system and learn how you could save at vonage. Com business live from americas news headquarters im patricia stark. Donald trump rallies in cincinnati thursday night but makes no mention of the sexual allegations rocking his campaign. Ohio is a mustwin state for the gop president ial contender. Earlier thursday he traveled to another major battleground state, florida, where he did talk about claims from several women who say he groped them. Trump calls the accusations, quote, a conspiracy against the American People by the political and media establishment. Attempts to by Judicial Watch to dig up new details about Hillary Clintons use of her private email server while secretary of state did not uncover much. Her legal tem filed answers to questions posed by the watchdog group, but most were answers to objections to the inquiries or claims she couldnt recall the specifics of her email set up. Im patricia stark. Back to hannity. Hello. Welcome back to hannity. Here is part two of my interview with three of bill clintons accusers, weigh newta broaddrick, paula jones and kathleen willey. Take a look. Paula, you got a 850,000 settlement as a result of your case. Tell us your story. He was attorney general at the time . No, he was the governor. He was the governor at the time . He was the governor at the time. I apologize. And i was asked to work the governors Quality Management conference with another lady from the office. It was at a hotel called the Excelsior Hotel at the time. The governor was late,

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