Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Hannity 20160913

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People. How much will clintons comments hurt her at the polls . All of that plus Laura Ingraham and much more. Hannity starts right here, right now. And welcome to hannity and tonight growing concerns over Hillary Clintons health. Video from the 9 11 memorial shows the candidate collapsing and having to be helped into a van after leaving the event abruptly. Several hours later clintons doctor released a statement revealing she was, quote, overheated and dehydrated after being diagnosed with pneumonia on friday. Clintons campaign, which is under fire for not disclosing her diagnosis immediately after the incident, says it will be releasing additional medical records in the days to come. The campaign also cancelled her planned events today and tomorrow so that the democratic nominee can stay home and rest. As for donald trump he says he hopes Hillary Clinton gets well soon and announced he will be releasing results from a recent physical later this week. With reaction, former speaker of the house, fox contributor, newt gingrich. Nobody wishes anybody ill will, but real questions have emerged. The fbi releasing notes as it relates to their investigation of the email sver. She cited a concussion for not being able to remember what she was kbreebriefed on in terms of security as secretary of state, and security briefings tell her what to do. She used it as an excuse. We have these other incidents. I will run some of the video, her falling, her twitching, her coughing. It all comes together. They waited hours to tell us the pneumonia excuse. What do you think is going on here . Well, it is a little hard to know. I thought it was a great eye ronn irony that the Washington Post which has been ridiculing concerns by a number of people about her health said this morning, okay, now the concerns are real and she will have to deal with them. I think the great concern from her perspective is this is not like running for the u. S. Senator or for governor. The president of the United States is commanderinchief in a very, very dangerous world. She, of course, knew that, which is why she ran the famous 3 00 in the morning phone call when she was campaigning against barak obama in 2008. I think that the effect of yesterday is going to raise a lot of questions, dems, republicans, saying, wait a second. If you want us to think you can be commanderinchief but you cant remember your security briefing and you cant go to the 9 11 event without collapsing, what is it you have to do to convince us that you are capable of being commanderinchief . I think she now has to really think deeply about that. I dont think getting a doctors report is going to count because the doctors, frankly, have not been forthcoming and havent been very open to the press asking questions. Well, but this is her whole thing. You know, the whole idea that they didnt take her to a hospital, the whole idea she is being propped up, the whole idea she fully collapsed. If you had pneumonia, then it raises questions when did you begin your iv your ante bee otheric treatment because she is seen in pictures with children. Pneumonia is contagious. We will talk to experts in a minute. Tom brokaw is suggesting she see a neurologist, coky roberts saying some democrats are whispering about a replacement for her. In light of her lying about everything, i dont know if we can trust her. You know you cant trust her, which is part of what makes this so difficult. I remember way back in 1976 when gerald ford was president , having succeeded nixon, and ford had actually been a National Class athlete when he was younger but he stumbled a couple of times, and chevy chase made his career on saturday night live pretending to be gerald ford and falling all over the place. Part of the risk Hillary Clinton runs is when comediennes decide to go after her on grounds she cant remember this, cant remember that, cant show up for this, cant show up for that. All of a sudden if that begins the definition remember, she ran originally as the very experienced, very knowledgeable insider against this amateur donald trump. Now she has lost the National Security debate decisively in the opinion of most people to donald trump, and that should have been her strength. Now we have, of course, this vivid example that for any normal, reasonable person at least raises legitimate concerns. All right. Lets go to her other comment of the weekend. Apparently a member of a club, we didnt know that until this weekend, but her comments about the basket of deplorables of which we belong to, at least i do. I wont put you in the club unless you want to be in, but in is what she said. You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of trumps supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. Right . The racist, sexist, homophobeic, xenophobic, islamophobic, you name it. The basket of deplorables. You know, is this the same woman that took money, she is going to talk about racist and sexist and homophobes, and she takes money from saudi arabia where they kill gays and lesbians, she takes money from these saudi sharia countries which treat women horribly and she is going to say that . Look, i think to be academic perhaps for a second, what i was struck with was the audiences reaction. Laughing. It is a perfect example of what Charles Murray wrote about in a Remarkable Book called coming apart where he describes the emergence of a liberal elite out of such for normal life they have contempt for about 90 of the american people, and thats what you were seeing that night. Those people love the idea of their moshl superiority to these normal people. In a very real sense archie bunker went from being a figure in a very famous situationcomedy to now being somebody these people can hold in contempt and can despise. Thats what she was playing against. She was creating a new class warfare of the elite intellectuals against the rest of us, and they were playing into it because they love thinking that theyre morally superior, intellectually superior, theyre certainly economically superior. So who are the rest of us to think that we have a right to try to govern america. But this is in that sense it was a very go ahead, finish. I was going to say i think thats what makes this such a stunningly powerful moment in American History because you have the combination of this whole litany of hostility with the propensity to lie, and it is the two together that i think begin to teach us just how sick modern liberalism has become and how out of touch with reality it is. She cant run, as she says, to continue obamas economic record. She cant run on libya, on north africa, on supporting the iranian deal or syria or iraq or afghanistan or the russian reset. So every election and i have proven this many times on this program this is their old play book, republicans are racist, sexist, homophobeic, theyre xenophobic if you believe in the rule of law, which by the way she once supported building a wall, or isl islamophobic. She cant say radical islam, anyone who can is suffering from islamophobia of some kind. This is their old play book. Will it work this time . It has worked in the past. Obama said bitter people clinging to their guns and religion and bibles with an antipathy toward those not like them. It is the same comment, isnt it, basket of deplorables . I think if trump sticks to his guns and continues to methodically reach out as he did in the detroit church, as he did in milwaukee, if he continues to crisscross the country telling americans the truth and offering positive solutions, i think he has a real chance to break through. I just did an event today at kinnesaw state today in georgia, i had a surprising number of africanamericans there who were asking serious questions about what did the detroit speech mean and how would he change things and what would he really do . A level of interest among africanamericans i have never seen in a republican candidate for president before. I think he is at the point of touching nerves that could be a profound revolution in american politic goes. I keep saying the Biggest Campaign contributor for hillary is the election media. It was 77 degrees, cool and breezy, a nice day yesterday morning by any definition. It was not hot, it was not sweltering, not the type of heat that athletes play in, for example, and this is how the media defends her collapse. Listen to this. Secretary clinton left rather unceremoniously, having become overheated. We should say the weather has been horrific, very hot, extremely humid temperatures. She was adorned in a longsleeved coat, a pant suit. Lets put into context as well the weather today, which speaking from my experience walking into work today and not even wearing as much attire as i am now, i mean shorts and a tee shirt and it was pretty miserable. It was sweltering there this morning. So not overly surprising that someone would become overheated. In speaker, 77, a cool breeze. It was not sweltering by any definition. It was a cool day, but this is how they spin for her. See, now, youre starting to sound like matt lauer. You are just another of those guys who is prejudiced against hillary. You know, it had to have been sweltering. If it wasnt sweltering her collapse would look even worse. I bet it was actually about 120 and about 98 humidity. It had to be that bad, because otherwise our heroic figure like secretary clinton would never have collapsed. If you were a left wing reporter, you have to invent a scenario. This is why we get to such dishonesty. You have to invent a scenario. Remember benghazi . There had to have been an americanmade movie or it would have been, you know, terrorists. So, again and again, every time you turn around theres some other explanation. Let me ask you this, because i want to go back to im bouncing back and forth. Follow the bouncing host ball here if you can for a minute. I know. Ive done the thing im afraid youre going to start singing next. Whats that . No. Last week Chelsea Clinton suggests donald trump is sexist. Bill clinton last week said that making America Great again is well, we know what that means in the south, we know what hes saying make America Great again. We have a tape of bill clinton saying this. Watch. I believe that together we can make America Great again. I want to attack these problems and make America Great again. Paid for by clinton for president. And now you are being called upon, every one of you, to secure a Better Future for your children and grandchildren and to make America Great again economically, educationally and socially. It is time for another comeback, time to make America Great again. I know hillarys the one that can do it. Bad for by Hillary Clinton, candidate for president. Im Hillary Clinton, candidate for president. Im prove this message. If you are a white southerner, you know exactly what that means. We will give you an economy that you had 50 years ago. Do you see timing relative to these attacks . Look, first of all, i want to make two points. One, theyre desperate. The whole thing is falling apart. They spent over 100 million in ads. They cant make a dent. Theyre discovering what the other 16 republicans discovered running against trump. The country is tuned into bigger issues, bigger themes, bigger truths, and theyre beginning to fall apart, almost to a point where this last week i thought hillary was right at the edge of just flipping out because she was so rattled by what is going on. But the second part which im surprised at, sean, you told me earlier today you have done radio for 30 years. Im in my 30th year. Youve been at this a long time. Right, youve been at this a long time. If donald trump says make America Great again, you know it is a racist term. If bill clinton says make America Great again, you know it is an idealistic term. Because bill clinton would never be racist. Im about to start my 28th year at fox, so obviously im so dumb. I am just shocked because i believe it is very obvious. When a liberal says something because theyre pure of heart, it must be true. Yeah. When a conservative says something it must be false. Its got to be. Surely you could get the pattern down right. You dont have to read the New York Times once you learn this. All right, in speaker. It must be obvious to you every morning. Thank you for being with us. Up next tonight here on hannity. I think as she was getting to the vehicle she got a bit dizzy and she was helped into the vehicle, but immediately upon being seated there she was talking to staff and, like i said, making calls. Making calls. She didnt even go to a hospital. She didnt want to wait 16 hours like the rest of us do because of obama care. Hillary clintons press secretary revealing some details about her helg it care, but i dont think he is telling the truth. How concerned should you, the voters be. Later, Laura Ingraham is here to tell us how clintons health could impact the race. That and more on this busy news night on hannity. Can a toothpaste do everything well . This clean was like pow. It felt like i had just gone to the dentist. 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Clinton confirms she was diagnosed with pneumonia friday but didnt disclose it earlier because she didnt, quote, think it was going to be a big deal. Im kellie wright. Welcome back to hannity. The Hillary Clinton spin machine is running full speed after the president ial candidate suffered a, quote, medical episode yesterday. Brian fallon tried to down play the incident earlier today. Take a look. From those that were there, i believe what it was was she was feeling hot, which a lot of the other attendees described also feeling. She left on her own accord. I think as she was getting to the vehicle she got a bit dizzy and she was helped into the vehicle. Immediately upon being seated there she was talking to staff and, like i said, making calls and she was up running around at her daughters apartment, chasing her grand kids around. I just dont believe a thing these people say. You cant trust them. Joining us with reaction from fox news medical a team dr. David samadi and an these yol gist Pain Management dr. Gupta is with us. Let me roll the video in slow motion because this is a collapse. You can see she is walking. She is being held up. Look, she is being held up. She buckles. M now, the guy comes in to help, two People Holding her up. She is making one step, two step, boom. That is a collapse, isnt that a fair description . She was obviously very weak. If nobody was there, shes on her face. Right, thats true. The question is they diagnosed her based on what the doctors mentioned with pneumonia on friday. How many days before that she had the symptoms. I dont even know if i believe that. Why did they wait for hours saying, oh, she had a little spell, she needs to be hydrated . What did they tell that . Why didnt they say it right away . You know, thats something we have to ask the campaign and the doctors, but the bottom line is over the weekend if she had the pneumonia, dehydration, she may have had fever so she is losing a lot of fluid. Is it contagious . Because she was up in peoples grill, you know, a little girl she was, you know. Depends on what kind of pneumonia. If it was a bacterial pneumonia by the way, according to my wifes doctor with bacterial pneumonia she was within 24 hours of death. Im sure her team is taking good care of her. She needs iv fluid, get antibiotics. When do you go to an apartment after you collapse . Dont you go to a doctor . Dont you go to a hospital . If i collapse, what would you tell me . Would you tell me to go to the hospital . I would sab luteally take you to the hospital. I have to wait 16 hours because of obama care. I dont know maybe i can go. Hopefully you have good insurance. Now, if i can, dr. Gupta, we know she says to the fbi she had a concussion and couldnt remember ever being briefed on Security Issues related to and protocol related to her email server. She said that. We know she had a fall which led to the concussion. We know she has coughing fit after coughing fit. We know she is on coumadin. I am trying to stick to the facts. She has a total collapse. We wont tell you the truth. But, oh, she was diagnosed with pneumonia on friday. What are your thoughts on this . I cant agree, more than what you were saying, theres a spectrum of symptom also we see. Theres concussion, coughing spells and now a diagnosis of pneumonia. Theres many Different Things going on that could indicate a much bigger, serious medical problem. So if i were her doctor or if i were on her team of doctors i would want to do routine tests to make sure she is okay. If anybody you knew and loved collapsed like that, would you let them go to their daughters house or send them to the hospital . This has so little to do with who it is. If it is your family member, mother, friend, anyone who has a near collapse like she did yesterday, you would want to take them to the hospital. What as alarming immediately . Yes. What they did was wrong. Dr. Samadi . I think we know she was taking some ant antihistamine that can sedate her, she is on multiple medications. She had a deep vein thrombosis, the blood clot, coumadin, collapsing. If you are looking at the outside all of this together, is it a problem sf. Yes. The question is if she had some kind of bronchitis that caused this kind of pneumonia or it was pneumonia that caused the coughing spells and they didnt treat it quickly. Either way, they neat to get a good pulmonary consult. Do you think theyre lying. I can only go with what the facts are. She should have been to hospital yesterday . Yes. I think someone weak as she was, get a monitor set up. She collapsed. If you collapse i would take you to the hospital. Youre very kind. I would use your name to get in faster. Thank you. When we come back Laura Ingraham will be here to react to hillarys health and all of the other controversy of the week. Later tonight. These were among the countless americans that Hillary Clinton called deplorable, irreleva unredeemable and unamerican. I guess thats me. Trump heading back after clinton calls his supporters basket of deplorables. That and more as we continue straight ahead. All you need is love plays my eyelove is making something unexpected. My eyelove is girls night out. My eyelove is the september issue. Eyelove is all the things we love to do with our eyes. But its also having a chat with your eye doctor about dry eyes that interrupt the things you love. Because if youre using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye. Go to myeyelove. Com and feel the love. Welcome back to welcome back to hannity. Joining us with reaction to Hillary Clinton healthcare and of course her basket of deplorables, fox news contributor, nationally syndicated radio host, Laura Ingraham. How are you . Was it a wicker basket we are in or a cloth baskets . By the way were unredeemable, racist, sexist, xenophobic and homophobeic. I am agoraphobic and whatever that thing is when youre afraid of heights. She needs to throw in a few more phobic and then we are set. As i was discussing with newt, this is every election. Bill clinton last week saying we all know in the south 50 years ago, we want to go back 50 years. Meanwhile, he said make America Great. Chelsea clinton saying donald trump is sexist. She is taking money from the saudis, all of these countries which practice sharia which are guilty of these things and she doesnt criticize them. Maybe if i gave her money she wouldnt call us that. Yeah, no. We have to have a blanket and complete protection. It is like the mob gives you protection. You have to pay off the mob and then they wont smash your windows and rob your store. You pay them off and then you dont get maligned by clintons. It works well that way. Sean, the big question is how is the press so uncurious about all of this . I mean this has been a story that theyve wanted to either cover up or theyve wanted to malign those who raise the issue of her health now for i mean more than a few weeks. This has been going on and on. Finally the Washington Post i have been called a conspiracy theorist more times on cnn. They love. That youre going to get your apology. I want an apology. I want it. Also, sean, now theyre blami blaming misogyny for the question. Several were saying that today. It is the damsel in distress, we are supposed to feel sympathy for hillary so we cant be mean to her. I just played a montage of media saying, oh bein, it was s miserably hot. It was 77 degrees and a breeze. I was in manhattan yesterday for 9 11, and it was beautiful. I mean it was mild. It broke, the weather broke yesterday. It was great yesterday. It was great, and in downtown it was great. I dont know, maybe 74 degrees. I was there. Kept saying, sweltering hot. I was like, wait a second, it wasnt sweltering hot at all. Where is this all going to go . I dont trust her. We know she is kind of a pathological liar, i think people get that, i think she is dishonest and corrupt, she sold out her office, she cant run on any policy, Foreign Policy or economic policy. So this is where they stand. They continue to lie about other issues as well. Where does this end up in 57 days, Laura Ingraham . I think right now you look at a couple of the major betting houses in london, and theyre moving money over to trump side, which is interesting. It is about a 54 odds right now at two of the major betting houses, which is not insignificant. Thats where people are putting their money who actually could lose money if hillary wins or trump wins. I thought it was significant. Also going to the issue of credibility, sean, she has an allergy to transparency. As youve pointed out, and you have done such a great job on this and you have been vil fied for something done so, whether it is benghazi, whether it is going back to lieu weewinsky, te law firm, the first action is to deny, then criticize the critic and deflect. I dont care how many Health Reports she puts out. On the major issues of controversy or inconvenient facts she will always deny until theres physical evidence to the contrary. Well, if you kol can lapse, if anybody collapsed in front of me including hillary, i would take her to the hospital. I think the fact that they waited, oh, shes fine, then they hit back she had pneumonia. I dont know if i can believe she has pneumonia at this point. No details about her health. Something is going on thats not right here. Has anyone checked that little girl for pneumonia . All of the Little People that she came into contact at the 9 11 ceremony, i mean she was in close proximity to lots of people. Now, we dont have any information about this pneumonia and, how many people did she infect . I think they have it right. They avoided the er to avoid disclosure of her real medical thats right, scrutiny. I have talked to a lot of doctors, and a lot are saying they know what it is and it is not what she is saying. Ive heard a lot from friends here at gw and other hospitals, you know. Ive heard the word seizure. Im not a medical doctor, i have no idea, but people who do know think this pattern wikileaks had the report they were looking up, at least her staff was looking up parkinsons medicines. I hope she doesnt have that. Thank you. Coming up next tonight on hannity. Hillary clinton spoke with hatred and derision for the people who make this country run. Donald trump going after Hillary Clinton for calling his supporters a basket of deplorables, coming up next. Brandnew poll numbers show a very close race in four swing states. Monica crowley and doug schoen here with reactions and more tonight on hannity. K that givs 35,000 fans a cutting edge game experience. Or the network that keeps a leading hotel chains guests connected at work, and at play. Or the it platform that powers millions of ecards every day for one of the largest greeting card companies. Businesses count on communication, and communication counts on centurylink. Is it a professor who never stops being a student . Is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own . Or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions . Your personal success takes a Financial Partner who values it as much as you do. Learn more at tiaa. Org m m m most allergy pill e inflammatory substance. Flonase controls 6. And six is greater than one. Flonase changes everything. Ive bfrom natures bounty to support my heart. Im running, four times a week. Eating better, keeping healthy. So that no matter what happens in the future, my future self will thank me. Thank you youre welcome hey listen. Whatever you do, dont marry dan hey babe, im dan. Hey babe, can i get 14 dollars for. Thank you. 45 years of experience has taught us no matter what the future holds, youre always better off healthy. Natures bounty. I was deeply shocked and alarmed this friday to hear my opponent attack, slander, smear, demean these wonderful, amazing people who are supporting our campaign. We have the support of cops and soldiers, carpenters and welders, the young and the old, and millions of working class families who just want a Better Future. Donald trump earlier today responding to Hillary Clinton calling half of his supporters the basket of deplorables, and thats not all. In response to clintons comment, the Trump Campaign also released this brandnew political ad. Take a look. Speaking to wealthy donors, Hillary Clinton called tens of millions of americans deplorable. You could put half of trumps supporters into what i call the basket of deplorables. Theyre racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, islamophobic, you name it. People like you, you and you, deplorable. You know whats deplorable . Hillary clinton visually demonizing hard working people like you. Here with reactions, nationally syndicated host larry elder, charlie hurt and former adviser to the u. K. David cameron and a political funding and data site, steve hilton is with us. Larry elder, welcome to the club. I guess im part of the deplorable club. What happened to liberal acceptance, we have to accept people for who they are . Sounds pretty judgment, pretty harsh. Even saying irredeemable and unamerican . Remember when Claire Haskell ran in missouri, she said george bush let people die on roof tops in new orleans because they were poor and black. Before donald trump came on the scene, the chair of the dnc said they want to drag us back to jim crow. Barny frank said, george bush responded sluggishly to Hurricane Katrina because he wanted ethnic cleansing. He said they dont say n word or s word anymore, they say lets cut taxes. All of this well before donald trump came on the scene. Waters wet, grass is green, sky is blue, republicans are racist. They cant run on obamas economy because it is the worst economic recovery since the second world war. They have to attack and call republicans racist because thats what democrats do. I cant argue, thats what they do and it often works. Will it work here . I am afraid it certainly will work, you know, within the confines of her base and in terms of getting them out. I dont know i dont think it worked, think it hurts her in the broader scope, you know, in terms of independents. You know what . Obama got away with the bitter clingers bibles, guns and religion, with an antipathy towards those not like them. It did hurt him. Not enough. Exactly. Here is the thing that is interesting. People say a gaffe in washington is when a politician actually tells the truth what they think. This is not a gaffe. Oh, she believes it, she doubled down on it. More than that, i think she wanted this to be reported. She wanted to be on the record saying that to distract . Exactly. It is a dog whistle signal to her base, yes, you are supporting me or supporting a racist. See, i agree with you. Let me go to larry and well go to david steve in a minute. I think charlie is on to something here. It is a dog whistle and this goes to the republicans are racist, sexist, islam owe phobic, i cant remember all of the phobics we are suffering from. She even ran out of gas going through all of the phobics. I have no idea, i had all of these mental conditions. Apparently im an abnormal american and she wants to slander, smear and bee smirch and meanwhile she is taking money from the saudis, who are antigay, kill lesbians, christians and jews. Theres a bit of hypocrisy, but remember what they did to mitt romney in 2012. Joe biden gives a speech to a predominantly black audience and talks about further regulating wall street. Hillary went to a black church and said the house was run like a plantation, and you know what im talking about. Really talk about con descending, playing the race card. I agree with charlie, they do it because they believe it. They believe if you have a different view about abortion, gun control, religious freedom you are not just wrong. Theres something fundamentally wrong with you. Steve. Hi, sean. Good to be with you. Nice to be with you. When i see this, that glitzy fundraiser, you are right, sean. What you are seeing here is the authentic voice of our arrogant ruling elite. And the really disgusting thing for me is that for years its been their ideas and policies that undermined the Economic Security and the social stability of working people. But instead of apologizing for their failures, they go around insulting the victims of their failures. It reminds me exactly of what we saw a few months ago in the brexit vote where you had the same arrogance of the ruling establishment towards people who have suffered as a result of their policies. Well, i mean do you see the similarities here . In other words would you expect the same outcome in the end . I think that one thing thats really similar is the way that the elite feels completely unthreatened. Theyre so com can place ent, they cant quite believe people would really support Something Like brexit. In the same way i think you see them saying, how could they possibly vote for someone like donald trump. I think that theyll get the same kind of shock. Now, it is much too early to predict the exact outcome, but i think that complacency on the part of the elite is exactly the same. Yeah. All right. Guys. Good to see you all. I wish i had more time. We are running out. Coming up, highlights from Donald Trumps rally from earlier tonight. Plus, brandnew polls out of four key states. Monday picka crowley, doug schoen are next. Hold onto your forks. Endless shrimp is back at red lobster. That means you get to try as much as you want. Next. Irrelevant surance to geico. Theres no shame in saving money. Ride on, ride proud. Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. I am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. A vehicle so versatile it owns anything outdoors. Thirtytwo horsepower, a twelve hundredpound payload and over a thousand different ways to configure yours. Go gator. Welcome back to hannity. So donald trump continues to hit the campaign trail hard. Earlier tonight the candidate held a rally in north carolina. Lets take a look. Wow. Thank you very much, everybody. I love north carolina. Were going to have a big victory in north carolina. In 56 days we are going to win this state and were going to win back the white house. Believe me. Our vision of hope stands in stark contrast to my opponents campaign of hate. Hillary clinton has been running a hatefilled and negative campaign with no policies, no solutions and no new ideas. True. By contrast, ive been going around the country offering very detailed plans for reform and change. All of these reform plans are available on our website, and theyre extensive, but we have no choice. We have no choice. Well, my opponent slanders you as deplorable and irredeemable, i call you hardworking american patriots who love your country and want a Better Future for all of our people true. Also tonight new polls show the race is tightening in a brandnew nbc news wall street journal poll that includes third party candidates. Trump is now leading clinton 4038. In arizona. Leading clinton by two points in georgia. In nevada it is trump 42 , clinton 41 . And the race in New Hampshire too close to call. Monica crowley, doug schoen. Seems like he is up in florida. He was up in a latest ohio poll. He has one up, one down in north carolina. Virginia tightened quite a bit. I mean, honestly it is about as close poll wise as we have seen in a long time. You are seeing a tightening of polls, which people expect. There are two reasons. Donald trump is more focused and disciplined, he is staying on message. Is tone is pitch perfect, especially when he is talking about mrs. Clinton. More a tone of sorrow rather than anger. By the way, everyone expected trump would Say Something about the health, and he said, i wish you well on fox friends this morning. The other thing is she has two challenges in front of her. One, she has the health issue which she has resisted addressing, she might release some records, maybe not. That undermines her argument she is ready for the job on day one. She has to address that. It looks horrible when a president ial candidate collapses like that. I wish her well, but it looks horrible. Can i say one final point . The campaign lied about her condition. They didnt tell us that she had pneumonia, if thats in fact what is going on here or if theres something more serious. Their post says they did it on purpose because they dont want her real condition getting out. We know the most problematic scandal for any president ial candidate is the one that enforce a preexisting negative notion, that she is a liar and dishonest. She has to address both of those things. By the way, doug, this is your worst nightmare. Donald trump didnt go there. Look, sean, the race is a dead a slight advantage, but it is within the margin of error. But here is what i would do. I would keep her off the campaign trail for two weeks, get her healthy. She has a good debate, you know what . People will forget this. But monica raises questions, real questions about what happened and her underlying health. I dont think it is not helpful, probably potentially harmful. You know what . I think it is deeper than what theyre telling us, and i suspect that based on the history of lying about everything else. But we dont know, sean. And i dont think were going to know, but when we do know there is a debate. If she can win the debate she will be back on even keel. Right now the momentum is with donald trump. Here is the problem. Speculation is running wild. Some people are speculating she may have parkinsons disease. That was because of the wikileak disease because of the pharmaceuticals. There was a search. Other grave illnesses. People are speculating all over the place. The only way to put it to bed is to release her full medical records, and even then people wont believe it. What doctor wont force her to go to the hospital. The reason she didnt go to the, i believe the Washington Post is right. She didnt want anybody to know her condition. It is a political condition. She collapsed, doug. All i can say is the medical protocol in these situations is to go to a hospital for full neurological. If you collapsed, i would drag you to the hospital. I have gone to the hospital, i have had full neurological testing in similar circumstances. Fortunately im okay. We have to understand whether she is, in fact, okay. The only halfway reasonable democrat left in the country. I feel like a rare breed. I want her to win, to be healthy. Im not going to do any good for hannity show or fox show if im extinct. Up next, we need your help with an important question of the day. Straight ahead. I never went to college. scream i dont do blood. But now, thanks to cigna, i can do more than just look the part. Is that a foot . We are the tv doctors of america. And were partnering with cigna to help save lives. By getting you to a real doctor for an annual checkup. 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We will ask him about the group of deplorables, of which i guess im a part of, about hillarys health and much more, the issues of the day. Thank you for being here. We will see you back here tomorrow. Im brit hume and this is on the record. The real clear politics polling average tonight shows Slight Movement in Hillary Clintons favor with a three point lead for her in a twoway race. It shrinks to only a two point race. They were taken before what turned out to be a highly eventful political weekend. Hillary clinton is sick and off the campaign trail tonight after hurried out of a 9 11 memorial event yesterday and nearly collapsing before helped into a van. She was whisked to her daughters manhattan apartment where she remained out of sight for 90 minutes. Her Campaign Said first she was simply overheated, then later

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