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The hash tag spread and other democrats including senator mccull ski followed suit and posted similar pictures like the one you see there. I repeatedly said this terrorists dont likely read twitter if they did it would have zero impact on them. The only thing they would react to is probably a bullet to the head. That is not the only concern when it comes to ignorance from the left. Despite multiple requests they refused to designate boko haram a terrorist organization while she was secretary of state leaving the u. S. Far less intelligence on the group and the ties to al qaeda. The ignorance of the left is not limited to washington and it continued this week in holed wouldnt. Some spoke out against sharia law only after it encroached on their posh Beverly Hills hotel, they called for a boycott of the hotel after learning that one of its part owners is implemented sharia law to their country. They are late to the game. Because those stars and countless others failed to recognize the rise of radical islam over the years. Guess who did . On this program we have been sounding this alarm about how brutal and inhumane sharia law is especially to women for years. Watch this. Heres what sharia law will represent in other states, saudi arabia we know irans requirement that women obtain permission from their husbands for their daily feedings, beating of disobedient women and girls, execution of people that are gay e. Women cant work or go to school. In iran peoples hands get chopped off. If you get raped as a women you need four eyewitnesss to prove that a rape has happened. A country that sits on the brink of coming under sharia law where women have no rights no protection from the government. I hear one thing from the usually deafening voices of liberal womens groups. Silence. All right. Bringing in our studio audience for reaction. Brook, good to see you. You have been on this program you, richard yefeveryone here w talked about this. What do you think about the Twitter Campaign . Some people argue it is the hash tag diplomacy that has shed the light on islamist war against christians and the brutality that is taking place not just in the middle east but all over the world. But i think it is disingenuous because it is the sheer brutality and the act of terror that have shaped their collective consciousness. We have broken up despite the fact that the state department lobbied against boko haram as a terrorist group. If listening to moveon. Org why would Hillary Clinton and eric holder listen to moveon. Org when we know what the terrorist group is all about. It is beyond my comprehension. I dont understand it. Identify evil for evil. The state department is engaged in a campaign a very Deceptive Campaign that denies the theological motivation behind islamist terrorism even though boko haram has come out and stated we are engaged in Genocidal Campaign against christianity because we read the koran neither christians nor jews as your friend . I dont know. That was an excerpt. For four years Hillary Rodham clinton female secretary of state, millions of miles 200 countries all over the world, she knew exactly about sharia law. Hillary Rodham Clinton diding in for fouryear nothing. Her failure to put the cheese on the cracker when it came to sharia law. Why didnt our female secretary of state do something . Where was Hillary Rick Unger . Before we go to rick unger this is an important point. Women cant drive, they cant be seen in public with men they are not related to. We know women under sharia are stoned to death. Women under in some countries under sharia four male eyewitnesss when they are raped. So the question, why didnt they designate this this may blow your theory that all of us on the left are ignorant, but i, too, have already you can try. Hillary clinton was wrong in not taking advice to listen to the terrorist group. Who was giving her the advice . It was the fgi. They were people she should have take paid tanks to. I dont think you do anybody a flavor when you say moveon. Org is the reason she didnt. Moveon. Org at any given time, i am not a big fan but they have a thousand petitions the petition you are referencing was put up by somebody a couple years ago. 100 people signed it. But you even admitted and acknowledged they didnt listen to the fbi. We have a navy seal in the audience. Dont put if on moveon. Org thats silly. How about the hash tag. How many people think the hash tag campaign is effective . As an entertainment reporter this is what i can say. A lot of people especially the younger generation, my mother, my grandmother they get their news on twitter with your smart phones and your blackberries, too. And a lot of people maybe who didnt know about what was going on nknow about it by seeing the hash tag. A lot are criticizing Michelle Obama and celebrities for tweeting about this saying its not going to do anything the twitter hash tag is silly but maybe a 15, 16yearold or 20yearold that doesnt know about it they will click on it and learn about it. There are 600 million twitter users today. I think it makes america look weak when the first lady of the United States does that. Thats one of the main points that you could bring up. Michelle obama, who is she saying bring back our girls to when her husband one of the most powerful powers in the world is right down the hallway from her. It does weaken us. It also is a little upsetting when it becomes trendy to do this. There was a super model, a russian super model who just did a topless version of this saying bring back our girls. Might get a little more attention. It gets attention, but hello. Isnt that the point . She wants it for herself is your point. Women under sharia it is not a joke. Why are you complaining . When the tea Party Started they did their Twitter Campaign i may have disagreed with them but they were exercising their right. Just because the first lady joined a Million People, come on, why let me tell you what the difference is. It is a sign of their utter impotence. They are not in power. It is a sign of their utter impotence and inability to defend our freedom. Thats what it is a sign of. What should she be doing . This hash tag is literally what the terrorists want. Boko haram has been trying to make a name for themselves since 2008. They thought they could attack the u. N. Headquarters, no one noticed. This hash tag the given al qaeda affiliate the global attention they p wanted. She made the situation worse. Thats the reason Hillary Clinton did not put them on the list. Haram is an Indigenous Group that gets hundred from al qaeda. The reason it wasnt dez natdzed there wasnt a fight as frequently happens between the Foreign Service officers who say we think we can still talk to and change the course of this group verses the fbi. As they were killing thousands of christians muslims and women. That may have been the wrong decision but lets not turn it into a conspiracy or difference. I think what they have done is force good luck jonathan, the hapless leader of that country to do something serious for the first time to reign in that group. I think its fine Michelle Obama even as you say shawn she may be linked to the party have discovered the importance. I think the first lady of the United States of america, it makes us look weak. I would be willing, and we have a special forces person here. If we really want to do something, right now we are offering reconnaissance. The next step would be the only way we are going to save these girls it wont be a Twitter Campaign it will be a bullet in the head of every one of those guys that took those girls from their mothers and fathers. Why isnt obama cull pupil culpable. Obama he has time and time again sanctioned good luck for his attempt to fight boko haram. He has been ostracized by i think we are missing the major point is how effective is American Foreign policy . If the president continues to put up strong men in syria, russia, crimea or boko haram. We dont want troops on the ground we dont want to fight. We are going to do something down here we are going to have a hash tag campaign. Every administration i have been a part of is conducted in that space in between. If we cannot do this for the nigerians. They have not decided to rescue these girls no matter how much we want to we cant do it and we didnt last yes question. Former navy seal jonathan it will be u. S. Special forces Israeli Special forces the nigerians dont have the capability to pull it of oh. Should the u. S. What should our role be . Should stegs sporesforces be us save the girls . My opinion is absolutely. This is against terror. It is bigger than nigeria. I was in the fbi for 8 years in new york. I keep hearing the fbi being blamed for this. Heres the reality, during the 8 years of clinton era it became unpopular to be a war fighter. They got out of law enforce the people that remained worked their way up and used the connections to get to the top. Now you have in a liberal state department. They are known to be. They are a thorn inside of the fbi. We cannot do it objectively. What you have now with this administration, and i am as a political as you can see. I dont look at it as a liberal or conservative issue. We are not effective in our policy. Does it make us look weak . We have to take a break. I promise i know we will get to everything. Human rights lawyer who just returned from the nigerian border and spoke to a woman who was taking captive by boko haram. He will join us next. He will give a first hand account of whats going on in the country. Should the u. S. , should we send american trained special forces to nigeria. I will ask our audience about that and more as the special edition of hannity continues. Get all your favorites all day, everyday. Olive gardens signature favorites, just 10 including creamy fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. Plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks. Signature favorites, just 10 all week long, at olive garden. Is is mike. His long race day starts with back pain. And a choice. Take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve. For all day relief. Start your engines welcome back to hannity nearly 300 Nigerian School girls being taken brought to light the horrors of they have become increasingly vie loefrnt the years causing bombings assassinations and now abductions in nigeria. My next guest spent three weeks in the camps where they fled to. Hes a human rights attorney. Emanuel, before i get to everything we have seen there you brought back with you a girl she just turned 15 but she witnessed and she spoke earlier this week at the hudson institute. She literally watched boko haram kill her father and torture her brother, right . Yes. I brought her to the states last year. She didnt just return with me. Yes, they did come to her home to exterminate her family and they left her alive because she was female. However the terrorists have refuelled and now what they do is abduct the females. They used to have a exception not to harm females they have different tactics. She explains the moment her father stood up for his faith and they killed her father right in front of her. Watch this. They shot him three times in the chest. My brother was in shock. My brother said why did you kill him. They said they are going to shoot him, too. You were there, tell us what you are seeing in these refugee camps . What we are seeing is really very pathetic. The day we went to the camp we saw food being distributed to the refugees. We asked them what the food conditions were like. They said this is the first time in 49 days the United Nations were giving them food. So these people who have run in the arms of the u. N. For refuge are being starved to death in those towns. The really sad thing is that same week while we were there bo boko haram attacked a village killed 300 people and thousands more joined the other folks starving. All right. So you have been there. You have seen the brutality. Thousands have been killed, stories like we just heard. Why didnt the United States designate them a Terror Organization and what do you think of the Twitter Campaign . How would they react to them considering you know how they are . I wrote a 5 page brief to secretary clinton laying it out and the legal reasoning why they qualify to be designated a terrorist organization. When was this . I sent this to her i want to say 2012. I did not so much as get an acknowledgment. You sent a 75 page letter z asking them to designate them as a terrorist group. I wou she didnt respond. I would think with your background and work you would get an acknowledgment. Why do you think they choose not to 1234 to . I thought they were in a state of denial. Even up to today they are claiming boko haram abducted the girls because they want to fund raise not because of islamic terrorism. They said they are going to sell the girls for 12 bucks. How much are they going to raise for selling 300 girls for 12 bucks. Thats 3,600. That doesnt make any sense. Today this is what they said on the hill, the denial doesnt stop doing this and doing this and doing this. You know them. How do you think do you think they are happy that the first lady of the United States is putting up a hash tag on twitter bring back our girls . Do they like that . Does that give them the acknowledgment they crave . This is a terror group that has been talking for years about president bush when he was in power, talked about the queen of england and president obama. This energizes them. Now they feel they be long. 4er bib laud wannabes now they be long to the club. In other words bay being recognized by the first lady of the United States of america thats a seal of approval thats a moment of avooifl her acknowledging it that way. Almost in a very weak way. I think the only response of the United States should be brutal force. We are going to get involved get involved and take them out. Frankly i have to tell you this. The u. S. Has been weak on multiple levels. State department has refused to acknowledge the way americans survived a bombing of boko haram. There was an agency of the u. N. Building when it was bombed. We will get back to this and our audience. Hope you understand this is a difficult moral quandary. They are stretched to the limit in many ways. There is an argument these days where does america get involved we cant be the worlds policemen. Where does that line end . It is very tough. I am of the belief if we can help we should. Should it be u. S. Forces on the ground . I dont know. Emanuel, i have got to run. Keep up the good work and keep us updated. Thank you. Coming up should the u. S. Send special forces to nigeria to help locate these missing school girls . Is we will talk to the military experts. Later shocking story of a woman who lived in a haram in brunn m phone. You know what else i can do on my phone . Phone. Place trades, get free real time quotes and teleport myself to aruba. I wish. Ugh. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. A short word thats a tall order. Up your game. Up the ante. And if you stumble, you get back up. Up isnt easy, and we ought to know. Were in the business of up. Everyday delta flies a quarter of Million People while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. Were raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. We are actively advising include through military personnel the Nigerian Government as it seeks to find to locate and to rescue these girls. At this point we are not actively considering deployment of u. S. Forces to participate in a combined rescue mission. The white house says it is not considering sending u. S. Forces to nigeria to rescue the kidnapped school girls at this time. Not everybody agrees. Senator mccain is pushing to prove if they knew where they were i would send in troops to rescue them. In a new york minute i would without the permission of the host countries. Should we or shouldnt we . Bring back our studio audience. You said . Absolutely not. I would not sacrifice my son in the jungles of nigeria to try to get the girls back. Worse things are happening to nigeria. Look whats going on in north korea where thousands starve to death. I say right now we dont be long in this conflict. Bring the american soldier home. What about intelligence . If we use drones or snipers i say yes. I like what Judith Miller is saying i dont understand why we have to be the worlds policemen. Thats not the conservative approach. We cannot help him, sean hannity. Lisa . You know, we have already committed to helping them. We have intelligence researchers on the ground. We should bring back our girls. We should also bring back u. S. Exceptionalism. Can you give her a copy of that. Doesnt mean i dont agree. This means an acknowledgment of what terrorism is. This means hash tags about the children being killed in syria. What is happening to the journalists in iran, this means an acknowledgment of all of it. I hate to do this to you because i follow your work but you are in the media, and your web site covers a lot of media issues. It is interesting to me now they jump on board now 15, 20years later sharia the oppression of women has become annish oo you. Has the media become negligent . It is better late than never but it is absolutely late. We understand social Media Campaigns are pretty much directing foreign policy. Essentially this commitment of material and men would not have happened without a broad social Media Campaign. Probably because about 7 weeks before these women were kidnapped boko haram slit their shoets shot them in the back and burned them alive. It got a blurb in the press. Now we have a campaign to insurge american treasure into the region and maybe blood eventually and we are not to talk about how we got there. It is infuriating. I dont think its enough to confront just those who wakt out ideology. You have to go after the people causing the interpinning. I went to the web site of the assembly of nemuslim journalist of america based in california. What did i find . I found a fatwa it was viable to engage in slavery during a time of jihad. Thats the same justification that boko haram used. You were where last week . I run a think tank called the act of capitalism institute. As a resident of nigeria you do see in the media reporting locally about these issues and the attacks that boko haram is pointi carrying out. The attention is a good thing with respect to holding the government more accountable to bring a harder line. Dont they want to implement sharia law and take ore the government . Isnt that part of what their goal is . The timing of this horrific act is to put increasing pressure on the government because the president is considering reelection. Theres a political element to this. The down side to this is it is changing the nigerian narrative. It is the largest economy in africa attracting a tremendous amount of international advancement. There is a tremendous opportunity there. I feel safe i dont dravl to the northern area. You think this Twitter Campaign empowers boko haram . Absolutely. Did y about but it doesnt mean we shouldnt do whatever we can to get the girls back. The unfortunate side is it is another story that dominates the International Media about africa is a mess. Its not. The cities, the areas outside of that rural isolated area are thriving and functioning very well. When we come back, if we can, these two women lived under sharia. They are going to tell us their compelling stories and we will talk to you has the world been ignoring the plight of women under sharia. We will have more when we come back. I fell into the situation which was supposedly a casting call to work at a nightclub in sij pore. When they called me and offered me the position they told me it was an invitation to be a guest of the prince of brunei and go to his parties every night. Jillian lornes story about her life in a haram. That and much more as this edition of hannity continues. I mean bayer back body. It works great for pain. Bayer back body provides effective relief for your tough pain. Better . Yeah. Thanks for the tip nowchoose one option fromith red lothe woodfire grill,trios one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta. All on one plate. Three delicious choices. All for 15. 99 for a limited time only come sea food differently today woman this place has got really good chocolate shakes. growls man thats a good look for you. woman that was fun. man yeah. man let me help you out with the. woman . 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While tinseltown may have just heard of the horrors of radical islam and sharia we have been sounding the alarm for years punishable by fine, jail, amputation of limbs public flogging or death. Absence to Prayer Services women covered head to toe the use of the word allah by which issichre profession of faith for any nonmuslim. The demand they tried to protest is one of the most flagrant violators of sharia. They enjoy cars, planes, harams that include under aged girls. I spoke with Jillian Lauren who experienced the sex obsessed world of brunei and his family. I was 18 years old. I was a wild child. I had a lot of wander lust i fell into this situation which was supposedly a casting call to work at the nightclub in singapore. When they called me and offered me the position they told me that it was an invitation to be a guest of the prince of brunei and go to his parties every night. He is implementing sharia but he lives a life quite to the contrary, right . I am not an expert on sharia law but i can say they live an incredibly lavish lifestyle that the prince has the parties every night with drinking and dancing and women, or he did back then anyway. I was ingested bizarre circumstances over there. It certainly makes me feel sad about myself at that age that i didnt take better care of myself. Our relationship didnt stay like that it did progress and i did fall in love with him for whatever i thought was my capability of that at the time. Good to see you. You were born in kicairo . I grew up in sharia i lost my father to the jihad against israel. He was part of the intelligence of cairo and he was killed. Yes. I lived under sharia. We were stoled i stold islam ho. At the same time they told them how to beat women. They say islam loves women but there are women who give themselves to the jihadists, the contradictions we live under. If you walk on the street and you are not covered without a man you can be groped, you can be sexually harassed. It happens in the streets of cairo. Happens a lot. Beatings . Women, yeah, get attacked sexually if you are without a man and you are not covered. They say you are asking for it. Because under islam a womens body is offensive. If a women shows any part of her body, her hand, her face, her neck, it means you are asking for it. You are asking for if a rape happens you provoked it. Its not the mans fault. What because you showed a piece of your skin . Yes. Thats why nobody reports a rape there. We remember logan you think thats the culture . She is walking out a head cover and she is an american, so she is open to be raped. So this was never reported in egyptian media. Nobody knew about what happened to lara logan. You were part of a movie. You were pee toured in the honor kier res. This is a sis dem reported in a lot of it is under sharia shaw where request the system is implemented maybe this is based on hue they dress, fif vorce, you know, education, and it is the same i think it is very imperative to keep in mind that haram is fueled by the same ideology the same ideology that supports the belief system, the mass soing nis tick belief system where they believe in taliban they shot for wanting to get an education. This victimizes the boys and girls. Did you ever see the movie stoning of i guess the thain thing. Fichl nichl in naeshg has been rebeaused to where do you stand on apportion . If president the president has a war on women worldwide, many in the United States have been silent about that. The things brought up as a war on women i think infuriate people that have lived with oppression like this. Slavery, is it fair tore some women . Sexual slavery. Sexual slavery is in the koran. It means your own sexual slave. It is allowed. Thats where the back of har haram they believe this in the koran and they take ittite early. Phyllis go ahead. Bfshg boko hor ram i rar ha haram is coming. The bier kderk kaus have com america since i was held captive years ago. It is here. I have been studying on it and they are happening in america. They are happening in canada. They are certainly aping all over europe. The teaching moment. Everybody is looking at nigeria. I would say we should kick the ass so to speak of the jihad itss by doing our best to rescue symbolically only these girls. There are millions was other girls in similar circumstance. You are saying the only way to prevent that, because one would argue if the live in the United States you are a woman you have a chase dhois in what want to wear . They dont have a choice in muslim countries. The pendulum has shown back to southern saverly. What i call a sensory amp tory body bag what is what they are wearing back to the 70th century. We should take a stand about it. Very good point all of you. Thank you etch so. When we come back we are going to de late this as it relates to the United States. What is a real war on women and why has the left been so subtle . We will get to that. I missed so many workouts, my treadmill started to dress better than i did. The problem was the pain. Hard to believe, but dr. Scholls active series insoles reduce shock by 40 and give you immediate pain relief from three sports injuries. Amazing now, im a believer. Female narrator the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. We challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. Now its posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to 400 off. Serta icomfort and tempurpedic go headtohead with three years interestfree financing. Plus, free sameday delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. When brands compete, you save. Mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. Your ticket to a better nights sleep welcome back to hannity. We bring back our studio mitt romney has blinders. I make the case that modern feminism is where you stand on abortion and whether or not the public should pay pore yofor yoh control. We hear about women and their lives under sharia is that the real war on women and duds that make it less super vel louse and makes it more deafening. We hear more about the about women on fox but not on left media. Any one who is brave enough to speak publically in the support of human rights of muslim woman and children is targeted as an islam phobe. They are stigmatized. Somehow advocating of human rights regardless of race gender nationality that is now anti muslim according to msnbc and council of islamic relations that has lobbied. The next campaign will be about the war on women. Hillary clinton flew to all of these islamic countries watching female body bags being walked around streets and did nothing. She is going to tell us that if we dont pay 9 a month for Birth Control pills thats the war on women where was she for four years . Was she a deaf mute . This is what the campaign is going to be about. This campaign is really underway. The fact is any one that speaks against it is an islam phobe or racist. I understand there was a white privileged conference they had is section on white islam phobia. We were the focus of it. Honor killings, we had malki and saeed and this is rampant. In canada there was one who didnt have a headstone. My organization Freedom Defense initiative raised money for a headstone and they wouldnt let us put it in. I had a bus campaign and i had to sue to get it up in miami. I am still suing the stiet of detroit. A bankrupt city wont take my money to get women to safe houses. The president has to get more serious about africa. Theres a number of groups not just boko haram that want to hit us at home. Unless we get serious about defense in africa working withn counterterrorism. Three weeks ago they asked for drone rights. You guys up here and you over here will get you all in. More thoughts when we come back with our studio audience. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. My golden years will not just be gold plated. I had 3 different 401 k s. E trade offers rollover options and a Retirement Planning calculator. Now i know when im going to retire. Not if. He was a matted messiley in a small cage. Ng day. So that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. Without angies list, i dont know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. From contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angies list. 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Sharia the left how do they get away with that. I love women. I have a lot of them in my life. Wait a minute. That didnt come out right. Three sisters a daughter and my wife and friends. Oh, boy. Go ahead. It is all part of the Obama White House and hillary is included in that flag. White washing the facts. If there is no terrorism theres no problem. We dont have any enemies we are average we are not the World Leaders we are americans and we love everyone. There is the people of iran the people of saudi arabia. Another social Media Campaign and adversary in this con test to borrow a phrase from spokesman saki failed to show up to the promise of hash tag. It is not defined by a doctrine it is ad hoc and dictated the news. Leading from behind . Correct. The good news is i have never senior average young person being this aware of what is going on in terms of sharia and the use of women in the world. Very encouraging hollywood is getting on board. You were only able to mention three celebrities. If we bring in the Beverly Hills hotel does any one know about the teddy bear situation does any one remember what happened with schoolteacher gibbo gibbons. No celebrity spoke on her behalf. Why was that . Why now . I thought you made some very good points about comparing what women in america view as the one women and considering the rest of the world. Puts it in perspective. It does. It is fair to say that it is. You shouldnt make less out of some of the problems they have here. But completely fair to point out that a lot of people have it worsz. Mitt romney is a resume of women. We have to pay for womens Birth Control or we are we shouldnt get carried away thinking people on the left dont care about these people. On the day that that video was released where the girls are wearing the full veil and rec e reciting they said they have nothing do to do with islam. Had we talk about terrorism where it raises its head thats where you have to fight it. We have to start thinking effectively. You cant just because you turned the lights on think roaches are gone. I think the Twitter Campaign has called attention to a problem many people in this audience had been fighting and concerned with for a long time. I wrote about it in the mid 90s. I love when you and i agree. I think everybody should get involved i dont care whether it is twitter or however you get involved care about this islam. More encouragement for more. You have been there. Get ready and hang on because this is not the end of this. There is a war of radical islam against christianity. You are seeing it in nigeria, western africa, eastern africa. It is happening in afghanistan. There will be open season on americans through out this region. When the syrian war winds down all of those europe poo angie add lists are going to europe and the United States. We are out of time. You are right. Thank you so much for being with us. All of you. Appreciate it. Thats all the time we have left this evening. Thank you for being with us. See you back here soon on hannity. Its wedding season. This year 3 million americans will promise to Stay Together or not. Married only four months and our divorce lasted over 6 and a half years. This is how i put gaps in my rollsroyce. They keep getting married. And they spend lots. It is so pretty and pink. Even before the wedding we are told to spend money on diamond engagement ring. Who is allowed to get there . Marriage is a union between a man and a women

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