make a positive id. and agents say be close to the identification of those passengers, reports are being run to ground tonight but in washington there were no details public. as two u.s. destroyers and surveillance aircraft join the search for the wreckage, fox news learned this was tied against the data base, a broad data base cross-checked, which includes terrorists but so far no known attacks. they have found no evidence of a specific plot but the review is ongoing. >> my understanding is as of now there are no terrorists indicators. one of them would be shadow, which is conversation among terrorists who are believed to be terrorists which would indicate there is an attack planned or had been carried out. >> the former ntsb investigator s say there are five options to pursue, including pilot suicide, mechanical or human error, or a missile strike. they will check whether or not the suspect passengers were sitting over the wing and fuel tanks where an explosion would have the most impact. and while the black box canni b telling, it can also be tested for residue. >> mike, welcome to the program, and also, analyst and terrorism analyst. richard, let me start with you. i look at the possibilities, first of all we have a plane that is missing. not a trace of this plane, lost contact, we had good weather this night. and then of course, you can look at decompression. you can look at a possible terror attack, which katherine herridge just reported it could have been a missile. but if it was a missile wouldn't there be that is a possibility. we've also seen similar things in africa. so suicide is a possibility. and the other thing is we've seen terror strikes like this before, for example, the ana flight out of the philippines, in which the terrorists set off a small bomb inside that plane. this could be a larger operation. >> taking into account, the spatial disorientation, which came up when jfk jr. crashed his plane. you would think it could be looked into, is that something that could have happened and wouldn't have been picked up on radar? in terms of they have been moderate e monitored when they were in the spy. >> they have backups, and so forth, i can tell you the line between sea and sky can be hard to make out. because unless you're talking about in bright sunlight there can be a similar shade of blue. so that is another possibility. the two most likely is some sort of terrorist attack, or pilot suicide, as strange as it sounds. >> i'm in agreement with you, we would like to get some of the wreckage, but there is none available. i know they're out there looking for it. mike, let me get some of your thoughts, this isn't every day that a 77 just disappears in then air like this. >> right, and again you pointed out several times, the early stage of an investigation, so speculation is what we're dealing with right now. like everything else in life you have limited options on the decision tree. you have either the catastrophical, mechanical failure, or the terrorism in the south china sea where they're trying to identify where this went down. we have to remember this is not unprecedented. the last was mid-air 2009, air france, it took them two years to find the wreckage of the flight in the ocean. so this can be enormously frustrating on the effort. but the search, they do have certain things they can run down on the terrorism side. and that is the pass ports that can be discussed. the angela attala8 the oughita t passports, and they're saying how can you not run down every aspect of this situation. >> i think two people got on the plane where they shouldn't have. and you have an iranian connection here and the idea the tickets were purchased for cash, as i understand it? >> that is right, there is a mysterious mr. ali who seems to be connected to iranian intelligence who according to "the daily mail" paid for the tickets. and even if it is a non-state actor, a rogue element, a terrorist organization and so on this really takes this to a new level. if it does turn out the iranians have been involved, let's be fair. the iranians have been involved in terrorism before. initial the plane that blew up over scotland, the iranians were suspected and libyans were identified later as being involved. and iran has a determined motivation here. what motivation they would have in this part of the world is a big question. but the larger issue here was this a direction rehearsal for something bigger? we've seen in the past al-qaeda would test out smaller operations to see what happens, and then go on to bigger operations. >> mike, you're a former cia operative. one of the main reasons these people engage in terrorism is to put fear in people and that means they just like to put fear in people and accept it. and peter king says there has not been a lot of chatter leading up to it, and afterwards. >> we're moving beyond the days when sort of the traditional terrorist groups, hoffer, or jra, any of the others would do that on a regular basis. or even hezbollah or plo. you get elements that are not claimed, throughout the confusion and chaos. who knows what this can be? speculation, of course. but if it was a terrorist organization did it go off as planned? did the explosion actually occur before they meant it to? there is so much here to be gathered. as you pointed out they don't need much. they just need to find the wreckage or track down what they can. they're looking at the indicators of the passports. the fact they were bought the day before the flight, the fact that they were one-way tickets, and as richard pointed out. mr. ali, the iranian connection, those are things they can do right now, while the incredibly difficult process of trying to locate the wreckage is under way. >> and real quick, richard --"x >> for lack of chatter among terrorism, that is not necessarily that important. look at the bali bombing which killed more than 200 people, there was no chatter before that blast. >> i said before or after. often they want fear instilled in people that there may be more coming. we'll be watching guys, thank you very much. and coming up, the former vice president dick cheney is here for a capable exclusive. i'll get his reaction to the mystery. and texas senator red cruz says -- ted cruz says he and rand paul are friends, but he doesn't agree with him. ...for all day relief. 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>> well, i'm reluctant to draw a judgment based on the little information that is currently available to us. seems to me we know a couple of things. and right now at this point assume what the professionals are doing are looking at all the options, not ruling anything in or out and that is exactly where they should be. >> well, i totally agree, but when a plane disappears and you find out that passports were bought with cash. it certainly raises suspicions. >> it certainly does, they could have been involved in other entities, such as drug smuggling. we can't rule anything out. certainly terrorism has to be a prospect in this situation, they will have to take a hard look at it but we just don't know yet. >> this week, the defense secretary asked about crimea. >> sean, i think this is a very, very big deal. in terms of what putin has just pulled off here. he has violated the agreement that was signed up to back in '94 by the u.s., russia, the u.k. and ukraine in return for giving up their ballistics, they would recognize their borders and respect it. he has just blown that clear out of the water. clearly it is an effort on his part to reassert control over what he sees as the old part of the soviet union. he has re-established his view, i think it is totally misguided. but his view is one of the great disasters of the 20th centuries is when the soviet union went out of business. that is not the case, it is a great success story meaning that people in western europe and the republics of soviet union now live in freedom and a lot of them are under democratic governments. and they're sovereign, independent states and he needs to recognize that and clearly has failed to do that. the consequences are not addressed by those of us who have supported europe and nato in the past and the break-up of the old soviet union. it means big trouble. >> if this is not the end of his territorial ambitions here and you believe it is not over, what do you think -- what options do we have available in your mind? >> well, i think that we clearly do have a wide range of options. the important point from my perspective is that he be made to pay a very high price so that he is not tempted to do this begin. now, that can come in the form of economic sanctions and it can come in the form of destroying demand for his energy product. that is about half of his economy. with our capacity and growing capability to support others we certainly ought to be doing that and making our products available to europe. i think we ought to reverse the decline that obama is imposing on the defense department. part of the problem is i think our allies in that part of the world are very concerned. if you look at the baltics, lithuania. tomorrow, if putin is successful in the crimea, who is to say he won't decide to tell the folks up in litthuania or estonia tha he wants part of their territory because they have russians in it. this is of really major significance, and some of my friends have said let me have mistake. >> and you also talk about destroying their demand by increasing our production of energy. but in the short-term, our european allyinies are impotent because three rely on the 18 pipelines going through ukraine, correct? >> yes, they are dependent in varying degrees, some more than others. but i wouldn't stop there. i think it is important to remember, sean, that sanctions on energy are a two-way street. he is more reliant on energy than others, it is half his economy. they are totally dependent to a large extent in terms of their budget and economy for those exports. and to the extent they interfere with those markets and the consumers go elsewhere, that is a big hit on them. i also would get into the military. it is very important tols7z re-energize nato, some of them, like the baltic states, we have a solid obligation under article 5 to honor the proposition, that the attack upon one is an attack upon all. i would be talking with the ukraines about possible supplies and equipment. i would be doing exercises right up to the russian border. i think it is very, very important we don't underestimate this event, and frankly i'm disturbed when people say it is just the crimea. it is not just the crime ea. it is a significant attempt on his part to regain more since the soviet union fell apart. >> i think those are all good m poland and the czech republic. there is one thing you keep focusing on. that is wouldn't just the threat -- i have interviewed john hof fm eister, his point is that we have more natural gas and shale than the entire east combined. wouldn't the production of the oil at least stop or tie the hands of vladimir putin? wouldn't that put a lot of fear into his heart quickly? >> well, i think it would if he believes it. but he sees a president that wouldn't even authorize the keystone pipeline. the project is there ready to go, doesn't cost a dime of federal money. it will create jobs and significantly increase our supplies of overall energy. everybody agrees it is a great idea except barack obama who has the authority to act. part of the problem is these are good ideas. i'm in support of the missile defense in the czech republic but a big part of the problem is we have an administration whos not viewed as inclined to keep its word or commitments. he simply has not backed up his bold rhetoric. >> the recent gallup poll thought that most americans think that the world perceives him as weak? do you perceive him as weak? there was a lot of criticism when you and bush were in the white house, you were too aggressive. of course you had to respond to 9/11. do you think he is perceived elsewhere in the world as being weak when it comes to national security? >> yes, i do, i hear from those people, i'm still in touch with a lot of the governments that i dealt with over the years. and i know for a fact they don't believe he will keep his commitments or back up his rhetoric. syria was a classic example that turned a lot of people off. >> all right, mr. vice president, thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. we'll have more on the malaysian air disaster coming up in the show. but first, he won the straw poll this weekend. i'll talk to senator rand paul about that this weekend. and also the comments that senator ted cruz made about foreign policy and his positions coming up later. coming up, james carville and i go one-on-one on the possible contenders for 2016. i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. 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