0 your editor. >> the analogy that you tried to kill them with anvils, is that something that normal editors do? >> you know the acme ones never work. >> will we see a movie based on movement before we ever get a justice league movie? >> it will never happen, thank god. what was bruce wayne if not a crusading man. having said that the tag line is and i quote, they wrote it and i didn't, money can buy them happiness, and they want to share with you. it doesn't sound like they are really add -- adhering to capitalism. it is boring and i don't think it has any room for the solitude. even though the martian manhunter is stupid. >> which means you are stupid. >> he is martian and a manhunter. >> oh a marcia manhunter? >> i was just checking. >> all right. anyone else have thig to say about the comic books? >> i think it is dumb they are focusing on occupy. the only thing that care about occupy are academics and people who are in the occupy movement. everyone else acknowledges that the movement is dead. >> they camped out from across the office and destroyed the lawn at the 15th street park. >> but they are not doing anything. >> bring back richie risk. you remember richie risk? the little rich kid. >> richy chich. >> you sound like you did three shows already. >> richie rich. they should have occupy wall street kidnap him. >> and do what? >> i don't know. i didn't think it through. >> knowing you probably foul, disgusting things. >> or cool things, awesome things like flying them around the world saying you are an okay guy. >> that's what they stand for. from ows to stress. apparently they are generation fret. they are the most frazzelled americans reporting higher stress levels than their parents and grand parents' generations. more of them said their stress level had risen in the last year and over half said stress kept them up at night. oh shut up. the head of the american psychological association that produced the report noted most of these young people have come out of college or grad school with horrendous student debt and into a job market where there are not many jobs. for more let's go live to red eye's youth and education reporter. that's ambassador meow-ton. >> i thought that was rip taylor. >> that's good. >> is rip taylor still alive? >> i don't know. >> if he is still alive and has not been on "red eye" he is letting america down. >> if he is, rip, rip taylor. >> he is probably alive. tucker, the survey points out what is the obvious reason for the stress is the job market we are in right now coupled with things like they don't believe social security is around for that. yet who did they vote for? >> barack obama. >> they vote for deem centers for disease control. should -- should we feel bad for them? i want to know. >> is it a life of video games and it is a lot tougher than it looks. >> i can vouch. everything you have said i can vouch for. >> i am just saying, they have no one to take care of. maybe that is the problem. when you do have dependence, there is a purpose in life. why am i on earth? i am here to pay tuition. >> to be fair you never did. >> i didn't want to say that. >> is it possible that this gets to something tucker was getting at, they are less equiped to has been -- to handle stress because they have been coddled. you discover you don't get a trophy when it comes to participation as far as life. >> we are a bunch of wooses. i am out of this bracket by one year. i am 34. when we were hit with anxiety people throw xanax at all or some kind of pill. >> they do? >> i want to be young. >> in the schools they do that. >> i want to go back to school. >> anxiety ridden it is take this and take that, never learn how to cope. do i think we are bigger wooses than my grandparents? absolutely, 100%. >> very few of the millenials will host a late night gab fest. what are they stressed about? >> i don't know. but this is the tradeoff, the price tag for being cool. if you are young you are cool, and you should be stressed out. i am less stressed, but i am old and weird and i smell. >> do you have the old guy smell? >> i have issues that basically make me cool. when you are young you are like good looking and picking up chicks or men depending on what you are into or both if you are into other things. >> i just have to point out that you are a ball of stress. you do nothing but stress all day long. >> the reason i stress is because i prepare for everything. therefore i have been fairly successful. but are you right. i am a mess. there is nothing i can do about it, and it is going to get worse. >> to be successful you have to have a disorder. >> woody allen syndrome. >> have i so many physical ailments that are the product of my brain, but there is nothing i can do. >> i bite my nails a lot. i have some stomach problems. every now and then i pull hail out of my head. >> i knew somebody who used to pull their eyelashes out when they were stressed out. >> not good. >> why is that not good? >> i don't know. it sounds not good. >> try it and let us know. >> eventually you run out. >> what about eyebrows? >> and then you move on to your eyes. >> my eyelashes have been compared to butterfly wings, so that makes me sick. they are gorgeous. do a close up. >> that leads to my next question. according to the survey, millenials are the more stressed generation, but according to what i typed on my paper, they are also the sexiest. how do you reconcile those two obviously true things? >> considering what you like on your facebook page, you do like that generation. it is funny i brought up facebook, andrew. i think that is the real problem. it is not the job market. it is not their social circles although one begets the other. they have to be pressured on whether or not they have to like a baby picture even though babies are stupid. or how many followers do i have, or what if everyone says something bad about a picture i post? why did twitter tell me to follow somebody racist? these are the things going around in their head all day. we didn't have to deal with that. all of society's pressures are amplified on the worldwide web. it is a web of evil. >> we are all on the worldwide web. >> not really. >> it is stressful. >> you know what it is? it adds a group of people that can say things to you directly that you actually pay more attention to than the people you know. >> and love. >> and love. >> the other thing i learned about the web is you stress less about whether or not the nay caw selfie will go viral than taking the selfie. i learned that the hard way. >> it is all about tough love for you. >> absolutely, absolutely. here is the thing. isn't it possible that millenials are not more stressed? they grew up in a world -- in their world are you supposed to tell everyone your feelings. the greatest generation was probably stressed as hell, but do you think they would have answered a survey? they would have said get the hell out of here jie. and there are more people taking surveys and researchers that need to justify their pell grants. not just their pell grants, but grants in general. everybody is doing these surveys. you are right. >> obviously watching your friends get machine guns is not as stressful as getting your mather thesis. it does make people stressed out. you are putting off the theftable -- inevitable which is your entry into the workforce. when you are on your master's degree yes you are stressed out. >> and they are all so baby. they are on their parents' health insurance. 26 years old. >> tom will be checking. >> they are still wonderful people. they are gorgeous. >> i said that. >> and they watch "red eye." >> pretty much killed this whole segment. >> the only issue i have with this generation is that not though of them -- not enough of them call me. >> you are now at the edge. you can no longer sleep with these people, bill. >> yes, i can. yes, i can. >> hold, on, hold on, how old are the millenials? >> that's my question. are you saying he can't because they won't sleep with him or because it is weird? >> he starts looking weird. >> weird has never been a barometer for me. it will never be known as one. >> jedediah, please expand on your point. >> when i was 19 my first boyfriend was 33 years old. i think it is perfectly normal. >> hello to you. >> and do you still keep in touch with john gibson? >> during visiting hours. coming up, i fought the law and the law won. it is not a story, just something steve texted me last night when he needed bail money -- again. who is the most popular politician in america? hint, it is not who you think it is unless you guessed right, and then it is. you are watching "red eye" on fnc so stick around.