>> sean: i have an unnamed source that you don't live where you said. >> i have an unnamed source in kenya that says obama is born in kenna. they want the pack trackers because that is how he wins his elections. it's always by default. he takes out an opponent by going into secret, sealed divorce files, medical records in the first race. >> sean: explain this. >> very first race he wanted to take the place of alice palmer. and they persuade her not to run for a seat for illinois state senate. and by raising her breast cancer treatments. she decides to run anyway. they get her disqualified by not having enough signatures then running for senate up against blair hall a multi millionaire investment banker, blair hall was way ahead in polls and what happened? david axel rod's exemployer pushes the story blair hall's ex-wife accused him after bus, this becomes a focus of the campaign, suddenly, blair hall falls behind, obama wins the primary. then, obama against jack ryan, harvard business school, dartmouth catholic, made hundreds of millions of dollars then left it in his 40s to teach in an inner city school in chicago but he did have one problem, he was divorced. so he'd released his tax records, and divorce records. one thing both and he his wife under seal were custody filings. ' accused her of having an affair. she says he took her to sex club that's drove her into arms of another man. so sex club allegations come out which he denied and five days later jack ryan is knocked out whochl does obama end up running against? alan keys, great man, no political april tu tud for running for senate. that is how he became a senator, so mccain, "new york times" have on the front page rumors about an affair they never got substantiation for. you will recall sara palin and todd palin. rumors about their marriage. and there is herman cain that were traced back to people david axelrod knew, making accusations against an american black, this is how obama wins. the secret plan. >> any other unnamed sources you want to quote on the program? >> secret plan is s.for rom nis to divorce before the election. >> this is a question. it's all about a $900 shirt ann romney. not the $6800 jacket michelle obama has been wearing. >> and is there romney -- and the list goes on. >> and this is related to the fact he can't run on record. and does this work? attacks say he was a racist the other day. >> right. >> do these have phone shall of work something. >> not with so many people unemployed. the obama campaign message is that you can vote for the guy who put millions of people out of work, and wrecked american health care or vote for that mean guy whose wife owns a horse. >> true. let me show you latest move and one of the many negative ads out there. let's roll this tape. >> and you might have seen me executing and flying changes. how do i pull off grace and looking good? maybe it's because romneys spend $77,000 a year on my upkeep. after mitt romney repeels health care and ships your job overseas i dare say your life will not be nearly as pampered as mine. after all, you're not one of his horses. >> here is an interesting thick to me. is that ann romney has ms. the reason she got into horses it's therapeutic for a lot of people. >> and move over says he's a rich man and hasn't wrecked the economy and put a million people out of work and and another says i'm with barack obama and i approve this ad. >> and other end of the horse? >> just checking. >> and that is romney should not release these records. is outrageous. there is how they win, obama wins. his signature move. unleash somehow get unsealed, sealed records then make a big deal out of them. they've tried to do it with the first two years of tax filings. and you notice that just disappeared from the news? we found out he paid millions of dollars in taxes and gives a lot to charities. why didn't we get 10 years of tax filings by teresa hines carey? she's the wife, she's the one supporting the candidate. he was a gigolo. his tax returns are no more interesting than seamus the dog's. >> he was a gigilo? >> she was supported him. >> that makes him a gigilo? >> yes. he's always supported by women. i'm stating facts. he was supported by his wife. >> that makes him a gigilo by definition? >> you're getting off the subject here, why didn't we get 10 years? >> more with ann coulter, we're going to have shootouts tonight. latest installment of media bias, make sure you tune in tomorrow night, hannity. the focus? the president's broken promises. the president stone walling a job generator and ending our space shuttle programs. we have canvased the country and found no shortage of american who's are now reeling from the president's failures. these stories and more live audience edition tomorrow night at 9:00. it's something you're born with. and inspires the things you choose to do. you do what you do... because it matters. at hp we don't just believe in the power of technology. we believe in the power of people when technology works for you. to dream. to create. to work. if you're going to do something. make it matter. gives you a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more [ russian accent ] rubles. eh, eheh, eh, eh. 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[ male announcer ] it started long ago. the joy of giving something everything you've got. it takes passion. and it's not letting up anytime soon. at unitedhealthcare insurance company, we understand that commitment. and always have. so does aarp, an organization serving the needs of americans 50 and over for generations. so it's no surprise millions have chosen an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they help cover some of the expenses medicare doesn't pay. and save you up to thousands in out-of-pocket costs. to find out more, request your free decision guide. call or go online today. after all, when you're going the distance, it's nice to have the experience and commitment to go along with you. keep dreaming. keep doing. go long. >> after you have done it all and the polls have closed and you have gone home to sit in a comfortable chair and watch tv, you're going to turn on cnn, cbs and nbc and abc and then about 11:30 p.m., just for the fun of it, you are going to turn on fox news. [cheers and applause] and you are going to have the unmitigated joy of having fox news make the announcement that ohio has gone for obama and that he is going to be the next president of the united states of america! let's go for it! [cheers and applause] >> sean: that will be as fun as we are able to announce fox news can now report that in fact, john kasich has defeated the sitting governor strickland and he has brought 100,000 jobs to the great state of ohio. all right. there is a lot of intensity out there. let me play a comment. a lot of this is rooted in class warfare. i want to ask you how much this works. obama's comments in a speech in ojai fro yesterday. >> they are asking you to pay an extra $2,000 not to pay down the deficit, not to invest in our kids' education. mr. romney is asking you to pay more so that people like him get a tax cut. [boos from audience]. >> in order to afford -- now, if we can break it down further -- in order to afford just a tax cut for somebody like mr. romney 125 families like yours would have to pay another $2,000 in taxes each year. and every year. not just one year. every year. now, does that sound like a plan you can afford? [no! from audience]. >> how many people like that plan? >> sean: a total lie. that is not true. he is saying something that is factually, proveably false when he said the tax plan will raise taxes on the mitted class to pay for tax cuts for the rich. >> right, right. no. but they have to keep classes focused on one another so people don't notice what the real battle is between the citizens and the government. i mean, this idea about invests in the public schools -- that's like investing in the horse track. investing in public sector employee who is make more than you do -- a lot more than do you, retire before you do, have bigger pensions than you do. that's the fight -- government employees versus those of us who pay their salaries. they want to keep us focused on being angry and resentful to someone who is making slightly more than you are. it's the government versus the citizens. >> sean: agree with you. two events give me hope. for the all the money, special interests and busting people. scott walker won by a bigger margin than in 2010. second thing happened yesterday. all of these people who showed up at chick-fil-a. we have a segment this later i. i thought you were talking about ted cruz. this is the a great week. >> sean: ted cruz is a third one. it just makes me feel like in spite of the poll, you look at crowds showing up because they are so sick and tired of political correctness. >> right. and bullies! >> sean: okay. they are tired of record deficit spending and wisconsin voted for the republican that is fiscally this election? >> yeah. i mean, i am sure your pollsters can tell you this. the only polls that matter are likely voters and they all show romney ahead. they are lying by citing polls that mean nothing. >> sean: they out sample democrats in large margins. >> let's get the likely voters. romney's doing just fine. >> sean: you have been -- >> which is why he really needs the romneys to get divorced. >> sean: that's know going to happen. you wanted governor christie to jump into the race. you stole -- obama breathalizer, inhaler. who do you want him to pick? who do you think he's going to pick? >> i am very, very bad at making predictions of vice-presidents. i thought, for example,-- i am getting a week and-a-half. >> sean. >> i thought obama was going to pick mark warner and i think he should have. but i have always been wrong. the problem with christie -- maybe i am wrong, but i don't think you want to run two governors. you want somebody with federal experience. i like gorman, i like rubio, i like jon kyl. he has been in washington a long time. i think he has a pleasing mien. and foreign policy experience you? >> are ducking and dodging -- >> what am i dodging? >> sean: who will it be? who should it be? >> i may as well predict the man on the moon. >> sean: predict the man on the moon. i am asking. >> who would i like it to be? i don't know. i like republicans. i like them all. >> sean: all the names and jon kyl. >> yeah. he doesn't want it. but i wouldn't mind condoleezza rice, though she is very bad on illegal immigration. a vice-president doesn't have that must have control over policy. as we have talked about on radio, condoleezza rice is so elegant and lovely and she's a great spokesman. she doesn't want it. i would like any of the ones that have been talked about. >> sean: ann coulter. we missed you. you have been in a bunker, writing a book. >> it's so good! >> sean: coming up, brent bozel is back to unveil the sampling of the obama lovefest. most of the clips from nbc. he blasted chick-fil-a and claimed that a city would keep the chain empty since it doesn't represent, quote, chicago values. why mayor emanuel may be in legal trouble for his remarks. a "hannity" shootout isming♪ check out the bass pro shops fall hunting classic, our biggest hunting event ever. during our bow trade-in sale you can save up to $100 on top of already low sale prices. and check out free seminars by top pro hunters this weekend. >> sean: the people have spoken and they still love chick-fil-a. above all, they love our right to free speech t. seems threats of boycotts and bans from mayors like mayor emanuel backtired. the fast-food giant broke record sales across the country for patron-led chick-fil-a appreciation day. and it seems that the mayor may be in legal trouble for making this comment. >> chick-fil-a's values are not chicago values. they're not respectful of our residents, our neighbors and our family members. and if you are going to be part of the chicago community, you should reflect the chicago values? >> last week, the chicago republican party announced it would file a complaint, claiming that the mayor broke civil rights laws pertaining to religious freedom and the first amendment. joining me, kimberly guilfoyle and talk radio 790, kabc host, leo terrell. leo, you believe in freedom of speech and religion, i assume, correct? >> i absolutely. and there was a perfect example, the owner of chick-fil-a expressed his freedom to express his hate for -- towards gays. what i find amazing-- stop right there -- tell me what he said that was hateful to you? >> let me tell you right now, let me be clear. the bible heeb use booed klan members to hate blacks-- did i ask you about the bible? i said what was hateful? you heard my question, right? >> i answered. it the question is that this man used the bible to express his hatred-- what does did -- what did he say that was hateful -- >> he basically stated -- his opposition to gay marriage. his opposition for two people of the same sex to be in love and have a ring on their finger. that's what he did that was wrong? >> the same position that barack obama had a few weeks ago. >> listen, i don't care about barack obama. that's a false argument. >> sean: i know -- but -- [overlapping dialogue] >> sean: they went after somebody who shuts his store down every sunday because of his religious values. >> if your politics are ones that they support, then okay, say whatever you want. if not, they want socensor you, they are against freedom of speech and religious freedom and the values he believes in -- >> shame on you, kimberly. >> oh, i don't think [overlapping dialogue] >> this is a hypocrital position. >> you used to live in san francisco. should you know better than to take a position like that. >> i respect people's right to express their freedom of speech -- >> the bible has been used to put women in a second-class position. shame on you. >> you hear this? >> that's amazing. >> sean: calm down. >> the bible. >> sean: i am asking a simple question. tell me specifically because -- do you believe that it's acceptable in this country to have a traditional view of marriage and -- and just disagree with you? tell me what's wrong with that? >> that's a cold term for hating gays. i don't like it. i don't like anybody who opposes-- anybody that believes that marriage should be defined between a man and a woman is hateful, according to you? >> i am telling -- when they use the bible to express-- that's religious views -- are you having trouble hearing me -- >> i hear you very loud and clear. >> sean: does everybody that believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman, do you define them as hateful. it is want a hard question. >> the klan used the bible-- i didn't ask but the klan. >> you don't want to touch that question. you don't want to touch that question. >> sean: i am talk about this legal side of this. let me go to kimberly and you can relax, leo. here's the question -- i have for you. if you look at the mayor of boston saying they don't want chick-fil-a -- by the way, we need jobs. chick-fil-a wants to expand to boston and chicago and wants to go to -- >> employs a lot of hard-working americans. there are contractors to be hired. people to work in the restaurants. they are willing to forego the jobs because they disagree with somebody who is espousing a traditional -- >> the hypocrisy. you are the sole arbiter and you can decide -- what you are doing -- >> shame on you. the bible's been use audio. >> sean: all right, let me ask a legal question. the -- legally speaking, kimberly, when a city does this, are they discriminating because of the freedom of speech and religion of the individual? >> no. >> sean: you don't look like kimberly. >> here's ththing. i think they have a case to bring against and file a complaint. he should know better. why is he forcing his viewpoint and his decision of who can have freedom of religion and freedom of speech and prime of expression. it is totally inappropriate for him because it's about politics. he should be more concerned about the rise of violence and and the african-americans that have been killed in chicago because he can't manage it in a law-and-order style. >> there has been no fact that chick-fil-a has been denied any time of franchise or licensing based on those comments? >> let me ask youism the bible has been used to put women down. you used to live in san francisco. be upfront and honest. >> i am up front and honest. i am holding a mature, appropriate position -- [overlapping dialogue] >> you are going to allow the bible to be used to discredit-- let me give you an example. >> the bible stands on its own. >> sean: let me ask you this. you are one of the few americans that are outspoken in defense of your friend, o.j. simpson. okay. >> here we go again. >> sean: no. you were one of the few americans. what if somebody said to you, we don't want leo terrell to start his law business in our city because he doesn't share our values. we don't want leo terrell, attorney at law, to open up an office in new york or boston or chicago -- my question is -- would that be discriminatory? >> hey, listen. if that-- if you supported o.j. >> they don't like leo terrell. i don't have a problem with that. but they use a protective class status, like race, color-- o.j. simpson -- the viewpoint that you had that was -- that was not in the mainstream and they disagreed with. >> don't characterize hatred toward gays as a viewpoint. this is the an attack on gays-- i am asking you, if they told you you couldn't open your business, is that discriminatory? >> it depends on the motivation, mr. hannity and the bible's used to discriminate against women. i don't get t. i don't get you guys. >> what is there to get? what are you talking about -- >> you know what -- >> you of all people should be abhorring discrimination and censorship. >> i don't like any type of discrimination, based on race, religion or sexual orientation. and i hate people using the bible to justify hatred. period, period. >> sean: thank you. >> good night. >> sean: we are done. >> thanks for deciding that. >> sean: i guess we are done. >> that's a wrap, hannity. >> sean: coming up, the media has been out in full force, trying to persuade voters with their liberal bias, especially with how they have covered the overseas trip. we will check back with this week's edition of media mash. up next, tune in tomorrow night, a special live audience edition of "hannity," as we take an in-depth look at obama's broken campaign promises and how it's kate and i have been married for 15 years. that's 3 moves, 5 jobs, 2 newborns. it's no wonder i'm getting gray. but kate still looks like...kate. [ female announcer ] with nice'n easy, all they see is you -- in one step, nice'n easy with colorblend technology, is proven to give more blends of tones. for color that's perfectly te to you. [ rob ] i don't know all her secrets but i do know kate's more beautiful now, than the day i married her. [ female announcer ] with the dimensional color of nice'n easy, all they see is you. >> sean: welcome back to hafnlt time for media mash, all the ways the mainstream mede media tries to put the spin on the news. they have been in everydrive. back to go through all the material this week, none other than the president of the media research center, brent bozel. we have to start with nbc. for some reason, they seem to be an extension of the obama campaign. god love t