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Greg i know i know i would clap, too. Happy tuesday, everyone. Tonight, lets take a trip back in time, all the way back to the summer of 2023. Thats when the mysterious figure known as President Biden established the First Ever Office of Climate Change and Health Equity. A new bureaucracy deep within the department of health and Human Services. Well, at least health and Human Services belong together, but Climate Change and Health Equity . Might as well be the office of brains and joy behar. [laughter] so i bring this up now . The office of Climate Change and Health Equity, or ouchie, rhymes with fauci, wants to scold you. Admiral rachel levine. Take a look. Hello, im admiral rachel levine. This black History Month i am pleased to partner with omh in advancing Better Health through better understanding for black communities. Climate change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and Mental Health of black communities. Black americans are more likely than white americans to live in areas and housing that increase their susceptibility to Climate Related Health issues. In 65 of Black Americans report feeling anxious about Climate Changes impact. Greg why is it when i see here i get hungry for quaker oats . [laughter] anyway, that was like a Saturday Night Live sketch, except i nearly laughed. It makes me wonder, how long do you have to be at sea for admiral levine to start looking good . [laughter] maybe its true that an apple a day might keep the doctor away, but when located in the womans neck, it raises a few flags. But now levine is pushing a Government Program that stirs up racial discord, raising money to fit a crisis that doesnt exist. And you are funding this [bleep] . Seriously, blacks are more affected by climate . To rain clouds follow black people around like in a Charlie Brown cartoon . If a black guy, an asian guy, Aand A Hispanic Guy is out in te rain, it is only one of them get wet . There arent a lot of tsunamis raging through southside chicago or philly, so they could use one to wash away the needles and the blood stains. The minorities in urban areas have bigger worries than the weather. Its not hail unless you mean hail of gunfire. And those bullets arent coming from Climate Deniers or white racists. But im sure if a synonymy did raise to make through chicago, Jussie Smollett would say two white guys still his galoshes. Anxious about Climate Change . Join the club. Dems always cite statistics about americans being scared of their propaganda as if it is scientific proof of that propaganda. Its like how tense joe mackey i gets every time i scream youre fired. But still there you are. When you convince people the weather is going to kill them, some folks believe it. Its the same preventing Trend Surgery among kids. Do that, and you kill kids, says the admiral. How am i supposed to take Health Advice from levine, who claims that restricting Gender Surgery Costs in the lives of young people . Science says no. A new longterm study finds that Gender Dysphoria is not a significant cause of suicide in adolescents. Furthermore, longterm swedish studies found that postop transgender people have a considerably higher risk of suicidal behavior than the general population. In other words, the idea that kids will kill themselves if theyre not allowed to transition is a lie he created to keep us from raising concern. No wonder some hospitals have become jiffy lubes for gender surgery. Thats what science is now. Where junk science is pushed by the socalled experts on our dime, and we are not supposed to say a peep or well be canceled. Then again, we live in a country where the guy in charge rubs gold bond medicated powder on his gums and denture cream on his nuts because he cant remember which is which. [laughter] but heres a clue, according to a stanford study, over the past 20 years, the medical profession has gone from 60 republican to 80 democrat. No wonder our medical system has gone totally woke. Examples are everywhere. Earlier this month, uc San Francisco invited dante king, a professor of medical education whatever that is to lecture students about how white people are psychopaths. When its really just kat timpf. Whites are psychopaths, and their behavior represents an underlying bad biological procly with roots deep in their evolutionary history. Theres a level of lighting that white people do that has started since colonialism. We are just used to it. Greg imagine if a white guy was saying that about bl blacks. Then there was john hopkins, chief diversity officer Sherita Goldin Setting out a mass email blasting her colleagues are being white, ablebodied, heterosexual, male, or englishspeaking. A doctor used to tell you to turn your head and cough. Now she just grabs your stones and squeezes until you say youre sorry. I might ask for that. [laughter] but you got to ask yourself, whos got the privilege these days if all those privileged folks are the ones who sit there and get yelled that . Isnt the person wagging their finger at you the one youre not supposed to talk back to you, or else you are racist . Isnt she the one with the privilege . Last november the American Psychiatric association published textbook titled gender affirming psychiatric care, which noted, scientific neutrality is a fallacy. The textbook uses the word oppress 60 times, victim, intersectional, and queer. Thats not a textbook, its a antifa rally. Then you have applications for med schools demanding diversity statements, and calls for schools to remove the Admission Tests as a requirement. Why not remove the requirements for surgeons to wash their hands, or remove the Glove Requirement for Prostate Exams . [laughter] you dont have to be smart to sterilize, you just have to follow orders. The madness isnt just here. British Health Officials this is crazy now claim that breast milk produced by trans women, i. E. Dudes, after taking a bunch of drugs and hormones to produce it, is as healthy for babies as milk from a genetic female. And thats if you dont choke on the chest hair. [laughter] anyway, its enough to make anyone lactose intolerant. But what does any of this crap have to do with medicine . It doesnt. Our health is now the next target for identitybased ideology. When the point is, science is what it is, not what activists tell you it is. It is illogical and it puts everyone in danger. If you end up with a woke doctor, the next medical professional you might see is the coroner. [applause] lets welcome tonights guests richard pryor, george carlin, sam kinison, just a few comedians happy they are dead and dont have to hear his act. Writer and comedian, joe machi joe i wrote that. Greg she talks so fast, her tongue has to wear a helmet. Most of the fox true crime podcast, Emily Compagno [applause] he spent 22 months in prison, which is why he feels right at home here. Author of The Wolf Of Wall Street and the new book, the wolf of investing, Jordan Belfort [applause] shes like a thumbtack, sharp and small, but hurts when you sit on her. New york times bestselling author and fox news contributor, kat timpf [applause] joe, ever since your parents signed a Do Not Resuscitate order the day you were born. Youve never trusted the medical establishment. Is that correct . Joe parsley, greg. I do want to be resuscitated, because i am a members only model. So life is worth living. Greg is that a new members only jacket . Joe its the new members only jacket. I look good. If you do fire me, i have something to fall back on. I will say this, greg. There are two big issues i have with this whole thing. Number one, if white people are psychopaths, i wouldnt care at all that he said that, because id be a psychopath. I worry about what people think of me all the time, you know . I worry that women only want me because of my body. [laughter] and the other problem with this is that i have a number of black acquaintances, and, uh. Thats not the reason they go to the doctor, you know . They dont go to the doctor, like, white people are psychopaths. And they go, youre burning up, it must be Climate Change. Lets get you addicted to pills and give you a really confusing bill. Greg [laughs] im glad you have a number of black acquaintances. [applause] emily, we didnt worry too much about the woke stuff because it was selfcontained, in the academic zoo. As long as it stay there, it was fine. But when it leaks into the airline industry, when your life depends on it, or the medical industry, where your life depends on it, its scary, no . Emily its frightening. At the end of the day, when people say they care about levels of equity and what not, its not in that handson approach of who is actually conducting the surgery of your heart. At the end of the day, you want, who is the best at Heart Surgery . Thats all i care about. You dont care about the levels of equity they had to go through. Greg do you know whos the best at Heart Surgery . Psychopaths. Emily great, sign me up, then i have no problem with it. The problem i have is where my tax dollars are going, and where this occupant of the white house is putting our tax dollars. The admiral you cited earlier, living, she said the highest priority of the white house is affirming gender care. Genderaffirming care. What does that look like . What does that mean . What does that affirmation actually come down to . Because what i know is, while this administration is touting the disproportionate attacks on black and brown people, 20 of americans, only 20 , are satisfied with the state of the nation. And that 20 means all americans. It doesnt matter about the skin color, yet the said administration keeps hammering people into boxes. No, no, no, you are black so you have to care about Climate Change per year hispanic so you have to care about this. At the day, every american regardless of skin color thinks this economy and this president sucks, and no amount of them shoving it down our throat and boxchecking will make us care anymore. Greg they are putting us in boxes, i. E. Coffins. Emily can we say one more thing about that . Greg as long as you dont say at the end of the day. Emily i wont, i promise. The chest beating thing, when people talk about drugs causing death imminently, at the end of the article it was like, and it will transit to the baby and itr the baby, but dont worry, this was still approved by this organization. Whatever group wants this to happen. It says its fine, dont worry about the baby. Be when youve got to deny the signs to stick to the ideology. Jordan, welcome to the show. Congrats on the book, the wealth of investing. [applause] should we not be doing any investing in the Health Industry for the short term . Jordan ill tell you, when i listen to the guy talking about gender and the color of your skin, do they really believe this [bleep] they are saying . It seems to be there is no way they can possibly believe it in their own hearts. I think americans are pretty good [bleep] detectors. When you hear things like this, it is so patently ridiculous, they defy logic at every single level. To me, its this giant we are nice people, we believe in diversity, equity, and inclusion so we can keep ripping your eyeballs out and raping and pillaging the village while they go about being good people. Greg corporations get into this dei stuff so it can justify what theyre doing in the back room. But they dont want you to pointed out, so they accuse you of being racist, homophobic, if you say this is [bleep]. Thats why people dont say it. Jordan i always say im prejudiced against two groups of people stupid people and lazy people. Everyone else, im equal, i dont care about. Those are my prejudices. Greg you wont like joe machi, then. That was unnecessary, and i almost apologized. Kat, how did you feel about being called psychopathic . Thats probably one of the nicer things youve been called by this professor of medicine. Kat or by you. Greg yes. Kat honestly, im almost impressed he got that gig with that material i looked it up on twitter, i think it was him, he had less than 500 calories. I dont know. The whole thing felt really manifestoy to me. It felt like it as you know it reminded me of . This open mic night i used to go to at a bar in the east village. Toward the end of the night, some of the bombs would start wandering in, and start spouting stuff. I cant even be offended by it, because hes like okay, buddy. Thats what it kind of elicits from me. Its nonsense. Greg ive got to find if they had the whole thing recorded to see what happened in the q a. Like, did any of his students raise their hand and go, hi, im white, whats your proof for me being psychopathic . Kat fox reached out and he cited 1800 Supreme Court cases as, like, fodder for his drivel. Keep in mind, conservative speakers are asked out of uc berkeley and uc davis, but you see San Francisco lets this guy in. Greg its more like uc t henothing. Up next, is it the best idea yer to make colleges share student debt . Ntestinal lining. Serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. Liver problems may occur in crohns disease. Control of crohns means everything to me. Ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. Control is everything to me learn how abbvie could help you save. Sometimes Jonah Wrestles with falling asleep. So he takes zzzquil. The worlds 1 sleep aid brand. And wakes up feeling like himself. Get the rest to be your best with nonhabit forming zzzquil. [applause] greg will the Student Loan Industry get shook if schools are on the hook . A g. O. P. Backed bill called the College Cost Reduction act will soon be on its way to a vote in the house after passing the education committee. After someone helps them sound out some of the longer words. Thank you for that laugh. [laughter] but of course with a title like College Cost Reduction act, itll probably send money to ukraine. The bill aims to make universities at least partially on the hook for those Student Loans that biden wants all of us to pay for. That way they can spend more time at antiisrael rallies. The bills republican sponsor says colleges will be held as py graduates who didnt get enough value from their degree to pay down Student Loans. So there are two things most people never associate with todays College Degrees value and accountability. That would mean the only Women Studies going on in college are when coeds invite me to their dorms. [laughter] so, translation, if you wasted 100,000 on your kids art history major, which makes their earning potential history, the school pushing that nonsense would pay for the unpaid Student Loans. The bill would also direct federal aid to universities with the best track record of increasing graduate earnings. So when schools are on the hook, theyll be incentivized with Bank Involvement to avoid pumping out bad majors and loans. No longer will colleges remain bloated, topheavy, elitist, hellbent on churning out useless, bitter people. There will be more stem degrees. But who could have proposed this novel idea . Lets say joe biden had come up with a plan. That actually split the burden. Lets say you pay 250 a month on your college loan. Right . The recipient for a while pays 100, the government pays 50, the bank pays 50, the school pays 50. How easy is it to share the relief . Greg both brains and beauty. Hold your applause. Even if it does pass the full house, it faces an uphill battle in the democratcontrolled senate, because the bill also bars accrediting agencies from requiring universities to adhere to diversity, equity, and inclusion crap. And by diversity, equity, and inclusion, i mean the democrats a reason for living. But, like a kilmeade getting closer to an oncoming subway train, its a step in the right direction. [laughter] that is so messed up greg what to think of this plan, emily . Emily does kilmeade listen . Greg hes in bed by like 7 00. I dont wake him when i get home. [laughter] emily i totally love the concept this is based on, of course, that tuition is skyrocketing as a value of college is plummeting. And it took dip[bleep] democrats like gray gave to mike davis in california that essentially made pensions the cost of colleges. So all these tuition hikes that students enjoy now, 80 , for example, a uc College Tuition hikes is to cover pensions, not education, not the books and pencils. Its covering the horrible Financial Decisions made by democrats that run these blue states. So this bill coming in and essentially saying, yeah, shouldnt you share the risk as an industry . If you think the value of college is so vital, you should stand behind your decision and assume that risk, too. I dont see the same stalwart democrat wall being placed on, for example, the labor schools. What do you call the industries we work with your hands . Trade, thank you. Trades. [laughter] greg where you work with your hands. Emily if they would, because thats what this backbone is based on. But again we have a president that only talks about colleges and tries to curry favor. I love it, you just have to get all the states on board. At the moment their obligations are eclipsed by their debt. Greg jordan, you know a lot about finance, you know about work. Are these degrees as important as they used to be . Jordan listen, theres some, if you want to be a doctor or lawyer, a professional that needs a license. Yeah, it matters. But for everything else, no. Its a complete waste of time. The first thing that goes is a career in gender studies. That will be by the wayside. But when i was going to school, way back when you were going to school, in the olden days, you had a couple of Freebie Courses you took to get a couple credits. Now its like 80 of it is that, its worthless. I had one kid that went to college, they needed to go for their degree, and no way, i would never recommend any kid go to college unless you are taking that path where you needed to get some sort of accreditation or Something Like that. Otherwise, complete waste of time, money, and also the social experience. You used to have a great social experience. Now you get brainwashed and you come out complete brainwashed and less than when you came in. Greg exactly. You cant even have a panty raid anymore those Lacrosse Players hated me. How do you feel . Do you think this is a good step or too late . Kat at least this is a step that actually involves somebody who was involved, rather than just having people who did, for example, trades, have to pay off stu Student Loan Debt for those who didnt go that way. Its good we are having a conversation now about whether its worth it or not. Because forever it has been, your education is always worth it. When i decided not to go to grad school because i didnt have money to do it and didnt want to take out an 80,000 loan, people told me i was stupid for doing that. People are saying, you just going to wait tables and do internships . You should go to this ivy league school. With what money . Even opening this conversation is going to be very helpful, because it has to be a cultural shift. People dont think its real money. People think you have to go to college. Not necessarily. That like that can really hold you back in your life. Greg Truck Drivers and cops and firemen shouldnt be paying the debt for art studies majors. Joe, how much student debt did you accrue at male Model College . [laughter] joe actually i got a scholarship, greg. [laughter and applause] greg, i think if you cant pay your Student Loans back whoever does pay for it, you should still have to turn your degree back in. Because if you couldnt pay your Student Loans with your college degree, youre an idiot, and thats a problem with this whole situation. We have separated college from market forces, so now you have colleges charging more than the market can bear, and students pay more than they could ever afford. What idiot would give a 17yearold at 200,000 loan to study womens studies . You wouldnt do that unless they were extorting you over some sort of photo. [laughter] greg that that didnt happen, joe. [laughter] and i left you the money in the Glove Compartment of the rental car. [laughter] up next, a bonehead who thinks biden can win, thanks to kamalas spin. Kamalas spin. [applause]e talking kamalas spin. About cashbackin. Were talking about cashbackin. Were not talking about practice . No. Were talking about cashbackin. Were talking about cashbackin. Were talking about cashbackin. Not a game weve been talking about practice for too long. Word. No practice. Were talking about cashbackin. Were talking about cashbackin. I mean, were not talking about a game cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. How do you cashback . Chase. Make more of whats yours. Before my doctor and i chose breztri for my copd, i had bad days, cough cough flareups that could permanently damage my lungs. With breztri, things changed for me. Breztri gave me better breathing. Starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my Lung Function improved. It helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flareups, including those that could send me to the hospital. So now i look forward to more good days. Breztri wont replace a Rescue Inhaler for sudden breathing problems. It is not for asthma. 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A recent oped claims Kamala Harris is the Secret Weapon for success in the 2024 election. Its a weapon so secret, no one has seen signs of any success yet. [laughter] the article from a democrat professor dr. Describes how the veep could be a big asset for her high appeal to nonwhite voters and young people. She also scores high with the deaf, for obvious reasons. That appeal, according to the good doctor, comes from kamalas Outreach Efforts like abortion rights, immigration, and economic concerns among gen z and millennials. But that resume seems weaker than Mitch Mcconnells chins. Suggesting her leadership embodies the partys aspirations for diversity and inclusivity. Not to mention her advantages over President Biden by having a consistent pulse. [laughter] but lets be real here Kamala Harris is less popular than the man shes pretending isnt senile. Shes not democrats Secret Weapon. Those are censorship, ballot harvesting, and arresting donald trump. Saying hes a Secret Weapon for the dems is like saying kidnapping kids is a Secret Weapon to sell more cartons of milk. Thank you, joe, for giggling over that sick joke. All right, jordan. Can you sell us on kamala . Can anybody . Jordan no. I can sell almost anything. I dont want to repeat myself, but does anyone really believe that when they say that . Id listen to her many times. I never understand what shes saying. Im waiting for the punch line. It just doesnt come. Its really odd. I think she is sharper than biden, because anyone is sharper than biden. Greg its a lo bar. Jordan because shes not senile. I dont know. Its not a Secret Weapon except for destruction. Greg what if she has reversed senility . That, as she ages, shes become more coherent . Have we ever thought of that . Jordan Benjamin Button. Greg Benjamin Button for the brain, kat. Do you think shes a Secret Weapon . Or are they trying to distract us from the real Secret Weapons . Kat yeah, i dont. If he is, its a very wellkept secret. [laughs] also the article really annoyed me because it did that thing where the issue is bidens age, which is not. Anyone of any age behaving that way, i would be deeply concerned about. But also, i just i dont think shes very inspirational to listen to you on any issue, really. Its like you through a dictionary into a wood chipper. A bunch of random words, and laughter. Thats exactly what its like. You might as well do that, because its a bunch of words that dont really go together, and then shes like, i did it and she started laughing. So i think shes having a great time, but the rest of us, i dont think so much. Greg i didnt have a question for jail, so he wrote me one. Joe, some say that seduction is your Secret Weapon. Joe its more of a blessing and a curse. But i will say this, if kamala was a secret, she would be in joe bidens garage. [laughter and applause] and if she were a weapon, she would be in ukraine. [laughter and applause] i just dont know what the point of hiding her talents would be. Are we trying to, like, goad russia into thinking we are led by two instead of one . Greg [laughs] it doesnt seem like a good strategy. Hey, lets hope all the foreign adversaries think we are really stupid. Emily, what do you make of this story . Why did this guy right this . It makes no sense. Emily what amused me, too, is the line where he said, at a time where the support of people of color is softer than ever, harris value cannot be overstated. Softer than ever . You mean historical lows of disapproval of this president by hispanic and Black Americans, and then he thinks shes going to somehow elevate it . The last time she was tasked with elevating black support, she talked about not prosecuting for marijuana anymore. Like, nothing is more insulting then telling an entire group of people that their skin color must mean that they equate to whether they are going to be prosecuted for marijuana. Let alone the hypocrisies where she prosecuted 2,000 people through weed when she was the d. A. And this is also a president who says youre not black if you dont vote for me. So by virtue of her skin color, somehow shes going to attract others by the same . Why dont they just make policies that help all americans americans . Secure the border. How about you help inflation, raise the economy. Everythere is no Secret Weapon t it, other than common sense. Keep in mind and this is similar to my warning last week about gavin newsom. If she is elevated, all of her failures will be swept under the rug and she will be the first female president , and she will become historical and perfect and all of her at her abdication of duty and growing senility will all be swept under the rug. And thats one of the most terrifying parts. Do you think it . Think . Greg do you think . [laughs] right, i agree with you, emily. Relax, for god sake. Emily it kills me. Greg gee whiz. Up next its from sitting next to joe. Emily [laughs] greg up next, scientists find a biological sex link to how you think. [applause] a story in five words. [applause] greg a story in five words. Mens and womens brains, different. Kat, this is mindblowing. Stanford scientists said theyve finally proven it. Its ever been proven before. Mens and womens brains do work differently, and by using ai, which was 90 accurate, differentiating between sexes based on activities and hot spot regions of the brain, which deal with get this emotion. You know what i mean . Sexual simulation, and memory. Are you buying this . Kat sometimes a study has never been done before because its like, duh. Of course im buying it. And also spatial awareness. For me, i think its more of a disability for me, really, because i never know where i am. Theres a lot of differences between men and women. For example, being married and living with a man, the noises in the morning are not necessary. [laughter] greg what kind of noises are you referring to . Kat dont act like you dont know what im talking about. Its disgusting. Its like Musical Chairs in the house every morning when i wake up. Greg well, i feel your pain. Thank you for your service. [laughter] as an International Sex symbol, joe, this really isnt new for you. In fact, your whole career is understanding the differences between men and women. Am i right . Joe greg, i spent a lot of time with women, so ive gotten to know them quite well over the years. Yes, they are very different. There are some things that men are better than women at, and some things women are better than men at, like men are definitely better at sports. But people say stuff that women arent as good at stuff that takes brainpower. Thats not true. People say women cant be funny. Thats nonsense. Have you ever seen one try to play baseball . [laughter] greg enjoy that sip, joe. Emily, are you surprised . Is kat right, no one needed to study this . We are living in an age heres the irony. We have a media and the Political Class that wants everyone to be identified as different, yet they dont want any differences between men and women. Isnt that strange . Speech you totally. Actually, my takeway was the whole ai portion, how ai detected the difference in gender in the brain and no humans could. So i feel this is a robot takeover story. Also, clearly, to your point obviously i have no shortterm memory. I demonstrated every week on the show. You have a better longterm memory, and we have Better Community and reading comprehension. Greg women have way better longterm. They remember everything. Emily but this thing said women for long term, meant for shortterm memory. But then it went on to say, is that socially reflected in the brain . Is it nurture over nature . Are the differences in our brain truly neurological, or are they also and these were all people who would like, sure, robots, you can scan my brain. Greg started getting emails late at night from a robot. Hey, kat, whats up . You up . What are you watching . Can i come over . Jordan, how long before the media redefines this so they say the exact opposite . Because this is not what modern progressives want to get out there. They spent so much time telling us theres no difference. Jordan at the brain level, maybe, but thats only a very small part. As a guy who has collected exwives, i get the difference between men and women. Greg how many exwives do you have . Jordan i have two formal and one almost. We werent quite married. Greg two an and a half. Jordan but i have an amazing wife now. Shes in the audience. Im very happy. But this is, does a bear leap in the woods, kind of thing. Lets give this person a nobel prize for stating the obvious. Men and women, brains work differently, and its a good thing. They will try to reframe it, that maybe on a molecular level. But with dei, everyones equal, so it doesnt matter. Greg we didnt touch on the Sexual Stimulation because we are a family show. Joe i tried to keep it clean and the answers, greg. Obviously. Women are harder to understand because their brains are. [laughter] how do i they are really, really good and nice. [laughter] and i think that. [laughter] the future is female. And i should probably stop talking. [laughter] kat not the now. The now is not female, the future. Greg i could see in your brain, there were so many paths to take on that freeway, so you decided to stay off the road. Joe lots of landmines, and emily throws elbows. Greg weve got to move on. C. Up next, another film about a superhero is a box office zero. I recommend pronamel repair. With new pronamel Repair Mouthwash you can enhance that repair beyond brushing. They work great together. What is cirkul . Cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. Cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. Cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. Cirkul, available at walmart and drinkcirkul. Com. Hey. You seein this . Wait. Wheres the dish . There aint one. Youre tellin me you can get directv The Good Stuff and you dont need a Satellite Dish . Oh, i used to love doin my business on those things youre one sick pigeon. Them dishes kept the rain off our beaks we just have different priorities is all. Satellitefree directv. Never thought id see the day. Well, our lifespans are quite short. Stream directv without a Satellite Dish. Im going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. Heres why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtn engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch. Its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Hes a good musical five more words greg five more words, madame web a huge flat. All about a feminist female superhero no ones heard of, made only 26 million since it open on valentines day, making it one of the lowest grossing marvel movies ever. Why did they keep doing this to us . Emily i dont know the other weird thing about this is ive never heard of it, and i feel like since i walk to times square every day im usually bombarded by billboards of every huge Franchise Hollywood is trying to shove down our throats. I never heard of this. However, one of the reviews says its a travesty, disaster, i enjoyed the hell out of it. So i think the argument is this going to be a cult classic kind of tiny population that becomes obsessed with it. But who cares . You can say that about every movie. Greg every bad movie. Its like they keep Making Movies No One asks for. Like, women do not like Superhero Movies, yet its like they needed the study in the previous block to say men and women are different, do not make Superhero Movies that cater to women, because the men wont go and the women wont go. Jordan i tried to watch, i couldnt watch it. I turned it off after 45 minutes, because it was stupid. It made no sense. By the way, i didnt even hear about madame web. I had no idea it even came out. And i loved marvel. Iron man, i loved it. Its sad what theyve done. Theyve destroyed it in the name of, again, diversity, equity, and inclusion. No one cares about this stuff. Greg era target person. You grew up on it, and theyre going is just like what bud light did to its drinkers. We are tired of those people, lets try this tiny fraction. Joe, you were up for the Love Interest role in the movie, that you turned it down because there was too much skin. Isnt this like making romantic comedies for men . Do you notice nobody does romantic comedies for men . Joe just once id like to see Romantic Comedy where shes like, im flattered, and they dont get together. [laughter] so predictable. But ill tell you what, when i read the script and it said madame web, i thought it was going to be a fun flick about a brothel. You guys missed that one. Dont feel bad. But why would you name a spiderman spinoff madame web . Thats like naming a Mission Impossible spinoff the project we had to do thats really hard. Stop making Superhero Movies. Theres plenty of good scripts out there. I read when the other day about a wacky comedian whose talk show host boss, they go across the country to save an orphanage. Its called odds and quads. Greg [laughs] i like that. Maybe we will do a table read, at my place, tonight. Wear the members only jacket and nothing else. Kat, do any of these femalecentric movies appeal to you as a human being . And i use that term loosely. [laughter] kat A Lot Of Superhero Movies have bombed within the last year. Antman 3 bond, ill command 2 bound. And as far as i know, those guys are dudes. Aquaman is a man. It could have been he said, because its liberal or whatever, i dont know. Maybe its about blm or something. I didnt see it. Did you guys . I didnt think so. I think the stories or maybe just boring, and going to movies is expensive and kind of boring, too. Greg you are right, who wants a superhero thats, like, a spider . Eww. I see one in the shower, and i just run. Emily true. However, i will see every movie that wolverine is in. I level three in. I love deadpool. Greg good for you. Emily im sorry, did i say that out loud . Greg i dont remember asking, but you know what . [laughter] emily sorry, everyone. Ith i apologize. Greg its okay. Dont go away. Well be right back e are places youd rather be. 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Join the hundreds of thousands of americans who are enriching their lives through this exclusive online course from Hillsdale College and gain access to this premium content today. What i hope youll get from studying genesis in this course is a deeper appreciation of the biblical insights with regards to the human person psychology, our predilection towards rivalry, but also reconciliation sign up for the Genesis Story free of charge, at learnfromhillsdale. Org today. Thanks to fox news at my with dreamy Trace Gallagher is next. Im greg gutfeld and i love you america. [cheers and applause] trace good evening, im Trace Gallagher, its 11 00 p. M. On the east coast, 8 00 here in los angeles, and this is americas late news, fox news at night

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